How to cut stencils to decorate clothing, signs and other personal items
| Revolution Newspaper |
How to cut your own stencil:
NOTE: We are encouraging people to make stencils to put the name of the film and premiere date on clothing, signs and other personal items.
You are going to want to make your stencil out of strong material. Cardboard is good but not necessary. Could also be “Bristol board” or even poster board.
Print out the image you want to stencil.
You have 2 options:
- transfer your image
- or simply glue your printed page on the board
Opt 1.Transfer
To transfer simply tape “transfer paper” onto the board, then tape the image on top of that. Then trace the image onto your board. Before you remove all the tape make sure you have traced every thing you need.
Opt 2. Tape or Glue to board
You can tape or glue your image to the board to hold it in place. You can use a spray adhesive to cover all of the back of the image. The main thing: you don't want it to move.
To cut:
You will need an exacto knife. Cut along the lines. You may need to pass the blade over your outline more than once. Don't try to do it all in one pass because you may put too much pressure on the blade and end up damaging the board.
To spray:
On a flat surface simply lay the stencil on top of what you want to stencil – a piece of fabric, posterboard etc. Make sure that the stencil is nice and flat. (If you're spraying onto something flimsy, you can use small weights to hold it down.) Then spray evenly over the stencil. Make sure to not over spray or under spray.
TA- DA!!!!
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