Abortion Rights Freedom Ride 2014: Ground Zero Texas

People’s Hearings Every Wednesday

July 28, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us


Tune in every Wednesday from July 30 to August 20 to the national webcasts of the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride’s People’s Hearings. These hearings will bring to light the true state of emergency that exists around women’s right to abortion in Texas and nationwide and will make the case for why massive independent, political resistance against the national war on women is needed. The People’s Hearings will feature powerful testimony and stories that bring to life what actually happens to women when abortion is illegal or inaccessible—testimony from before abortion was legalized, from areas in this country where abortion is so inaccessible that women are now having to resort once again to self-inducing, and from countries where abortion is illegal. There will be testimony from abortion providers, religious and community leaders, and other advocates for women’s right to abortion.

Then each Thursday the findings will be delivered in powerful and dramatic protests outside the offices of key individuals or institutions behind this assault on women’s fundamental rights.

Across the country people can send in their testimony to be part of the hearings and can tune in live to watch. This will all contribute toward building a nationwide Week of Defiance August 25 to September 1.

For more information go to StopPatriarchy.org.


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