JUSTIFICANDO y COLABORANDO CON los ataques genocidas de Israel contra los palestinos en nombre de "la paz y la justicia"
22 de septiembre de 2014 | Periódico Revolución | revcom.us
Como explicó Alan Goodman en una declaración reciente en revcom.us*, eso es lo que se hace en un anuncio en el New York Times (del sábado 13 de septiembre de 2014) bajo el título perverso "Compromiso para con la paz y la justicia". Patrocinado por una supuesta "Comunidad Creativa por la Paz y amigos", este anuncio cuenta con las firmas de un conjunto de personas de Hollywood y otras en las artes, todas las cuales deben tener mejor criterio — y, en algunos casos al menos, es muy probable que efectivamente sí tengan mejor criterio. Bajo un disfraz totalmente endeble de "paz y justicia", comienza con un perverso e hipócrita lamento por la supuesta "pérdida devastadora de la vida sufrida" por los israelíes (¡!) así como por los palestinos, como si ambos casos estuvieran en el mismo nivel, cuando la pérdida de vida de los palestinos era más de 20 veces mayor y era mayoritariamente de civiles, incluidos cientos y cientos de niños, mientras que casi todos los israelíes muertos eran soldados, muertos en el contexto de una invasión a Gaza. De ahí el anuncio rápidamente pasa a su propia versión del mantra repugnante israelí de que "Hamás nos hizo matar los niños palestinos".
Es preciso pedir que aquellos que han firmado este anuncio —cualquiera que fuese su motivación— rindan cuentas por lo que están haciendo.
* “Preguntas para la ‘Comunidad Creativa por la Paz’: ¿QUÉ crimen israelí NO lo justificarían ustedes?”
Dos Anuncios: Uno justo; Otro reaccionario
Un acto valiente e inspirador: Cientos de judíos DENUNCIAN ataques genocidas de Israel sobre Gaza
Judíos sobrevivientes y descendientes de sobrevivientes y víctimas del genocidio nazi inequívocamente condenan la masacre de palestinos en la Gaza
Como sobrevivientes judíos y descendientes de los sobrevivientes del genocidio nazi condenamos inequívocamente la masacre de palestinos en Gaza, la ocupación actual y la colonización de la Palestina histórica. Nosotros y nosotras, además, condenamos a los Estados Unidos por proveer con apoyo financiero a Israel para el ataque, y a los estados occidentales por usar su fuerza diplomática para proteger a Israel de las condenas. El Genocidio comienza con el silencio del mundo.
Estamos alarmados por la deshumanización extrema y racista de los palestinos en la sociedad israelí, que ha alcanzado un punto culminante. En Israel los políticos y los expertos, en “Israel Times” y “The Jerusalem Post”, han pedido abiertamente el genocidio de los palestinos, y los derechistas israelíes están adoptando emblemas neo-nazi.
Además, estamos asqueados e indignados por el abuso de quienes, como Elie Wiesel, utilizan nuestra historia en estas páginas para difundir flagrantes falsedades para justificar lo injustificable: el intento de Israel de destruir Gaza y el asesinato de casi 2.000 palestinos, entre ellos cientos de niños y niñas. Nada puede justificar el bombardeo de refugios de la ONU, casas, hospitales y universidades. Nada puede justificar privar a la gente de electricidad y agua.
Debemos levantar nuestras voces y usar nuestro poder colectivo para poner fin a todas las formas de racismo, incluyendo el actual genocidio del pueblo palestino. Llamamos al fin inmediato del asedio y bloqueo de Gaza. Llamamos a un boicot económico, cultural y académico de Israel. “Nunca más” debe significar ¡NUNCA MAS PARA CUALQUIERA!
- Hajo Meyer, survivor of Auschwitz, The Netherlands.
- Henri Wajnblum, survivor and son of a victim of Auschwitz from Lodz, Poland. Lives in Belgium.
- Renate Bridenthal, child refugee from Hitler, granddaughter of Auschwitz victim, United States.
- Marianka Ehrlich Ross, survivor of Nazi ethnic cleansing in Vienna, Austria. Now lives in United States.
- Irena Klepfisz, child survivor from the Warsaw Ghetto, Poland. Now lives in United States.
- Hedy Epstein, her parents & other family members were deported to Camp de Gurs & subsequently all perished in Auschwitz. Now lives in United States.
- Lillian Rosengarten, survivor of the Nazi Holocaust, United States.
- Suzanne Weiss, survived in hiding in France, and daughter of a mother who was murdered in Auschwitz. Now lives in Canada.
- H. Richard Leuchtag, survivor, United States.
- Ervin Somogyi, survivor and son of survivors, United States.
- Ilse Hadda, survivor on Kindertransport to England. Now lives in United States.
- Jacques Glaser, survivor, France.
- Eva Naylor, surivor, New Zealand.
- Suzanne Ross, child refugee from Nazi occupation in Belgium, two thirds of family perished in the Lodz Ghetto, in Auschwitz, and other Camps, United States.
- Bernard Swierszcz, Polish survivor, lost relatives in Majdanek concentration camp. Now lives in the United States.
- Joseph Klinkov, hidden child in Poland. Lives in the United States.
- Nicole Milner, survivor from Belgium. Now lives in United States.
- Hedi Saraf, child survivor and daughter of survivor of Dachau, United States.
- Michael Rice, child survivor, son and grandson of survivor, aunt and cousin murderd, ALL 14 remaining Jewish children in my Dutch boarding school were murdered in concentration camps, United States.
- Barbara Roose, survivor from Germany, half-sister killed in Auschwitz, United States.
- Sonia Herzbrun, survivor of Nazi genocide, France.
- Ivan Huber, survivor with my parents, but 3 of 4 grandparents murdered, United States.
- Altman Janina, survivor of Janowski concentration camp, Lvov. Lives in Israel.
- Leibu Strul Zalman, survivor from Vaslui Romania. Lives in Jerusalem, Palestine.
- Miriam Almeleh, survivor, United States.
- George Bartenieff, child survivor from Germany and son of survivors, United States.
- Margarete Liebstaedter, survivor, hidden by Christian people in Holland. Lives in Belgium.
- Edith Bell, survivor of Westerbork, Theresienstadt, Auschwitz and Kurzbach. Lives in United States.
- Janine Euvrard, survivor, France.
- Harry Halbreich, survivor, Germany.
- Ruth Kupferschmidt, survivor, spent five years hiding, The Netherlands.
- Annette Herskovits, hidden child and daughter of victims deported to Auschwitz from France. Lives in the United States.
- Felicia Langer, survivor from Germany. Lives in Germany.
- Moshe Langer, survivor from Germany, Moshe survived 5 concentration camps, family members were exterminated. Lives in Germany.
- Adam Policzer, hidden child from Hungary. Now lives in Canada.
- Juliane Biro, survivor via the Kindertransport to England, daughter of survivors, niece of victims, United States.
- Edith Rubinstein, child refugee, granddaughter of 3 victims, many other family members were victims, Belgium.
- Jacques Bude, survivor, mother and father murdered in Auschwitz, Belgium.
- Nicole Kahn, survivor, France.
- Shimon Schwarzschild, survivor from Germany, United States.
Children of survivors:
- Liliana Kaczerginski, daughter of Vilna ghetto resistance fighter and granddaughter of murdered in Ponary woods, Lithuania. Now lives in France.
- Jean-Claude Meyer, son of Marcel, shot as a hostage by the Nazis, whose sister and parents died in Auschwitz. Now lives in France.
- Chava Finkler, daughter of survivor of Starachovice labour camp, Poland. Now lives in Canada.
- Micah Bazant, child of a survivor of the Nazi genocide, United States.
- Sylvia Schwarz, daughter and granddaughter of survivors and granddaughter of victims of the Nazi genocide, United States.
- Margot Goldstein, daughter and granddaughter of survivors of the Nazi genocide, United States.
- Ellen Schwarz Wasfi, daughter of survivors from Vienna, Austria. Now lives in United States.
- Lisa Kosowski, daughter of survivor and granddaughter of Auschwitz victims, United States.
- Daniel Strum, son of a refugee from Vienna, who, with his parents were forced to flee in 1939, his maternal grand-parents were lost, United States.
- Bruce Ballin, son of survivors, some relatives of parents died in camps, one relative beheaded for being in the Baum Resistance Group, United States.
- Rachel Duell, daughter of survivors from Germany and Poland, United States.
- Tom Mayer, son of survivor and grandson of victims, United States.
- Alex Nissen, daughter of survivors who escaped but lost family in the Holocaust, Australia.
- Mark Aleshnick, son of survivor who lost most of her family in Nazi genocide, United States.
- Prof. Haim Bresheeth, son of two survivors of Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen, London.
- Todd Michael Edelman, son and grandson of survivors and great-grandson of victims of the Nazi genocide in Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, United States.
- Tim Naylor, son of survivor, New Zealand.
- Victor Nepomnyashchy, son and grandson of survivors and grandson and relative of many victims, United States.
- Tanya Ury, daughter of parents who fled Nazi Germany, granddaughter, great granddaugher and niece of survivors and those who died in concentration camps, Germany.
- Rachel Giora, daughter of Polish Jews who fled Poland, Israel.
- Jane Hirschmann, daughter of survivors, United States.
- Jenny Heinz, daughter of survivor, United States.
- Miranda Pinch, daughter of Beate Sommer who was a Czeck refugee along with her father Ernst Sommer, UK.
- Elsa Auerbach, daughter of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany, United States.
- Julian Clegg, son and grandson of Austrian refugees, relative of Austrian and Hungarian concentration camp victims, Taiwan.
- David Mizner, son of a survivor, relative of people who died in the Holocaust, United States.
- Jeffrey J. Westcott, son and grandson of Holocaust survivors from Germany, United States.
- Susan K. Jacoby, daughter of parents who were refugees from Nazi Germany, granddaughter of survivor of Buchenwald, United States.
- Audrey Bomse, daughter of a survivor of Nazi ethnic cleansing in Vienna, lives in United States.
- Daniel Gottschalk, son and grandson of refugees from the Holocaust, relative to various family members who died in the Holocaust, United States.
- Barbara Grossman, daughter of survivors, granddaughter of Holocaust victims, United States.
- Abraham Weizfeld PhD, son of survivorswho escaped Warsaw (Jewish Bundist) and Lublin ghettos, Canada.
- David Rohrlich, son of refugees from Vienna, grandson of victim, United States.
- Walter Ballin, son of holocaust survivors, United States.
- Fritzi Ross, daughter of survivor, granddaughter of Dachau survivor Hugo Rosenbaum, great-granddaughter and great-niece of victims, United States.
- Reuben Roth, son of survivors who fled from Poland in 1939, Canada.
- Tony Iltis, father fled from Czechoslovakia and grandmother murdered in Auschwitz, Australia.
- Anne Hudes, daughter and granddaughter of survivors from Vienna, Austria, great-granddaughter of victims who perished in Auschwitz, United States.
- Mateo Nube, son of survivor from Berlin, Germany. Lives in United States.
- John Mifsud, son of survivors from Malta, United States.
- Mike Okrent, son of two holocaust / concentration camp survivors, United States.
- Susan Bailey, daughter of survivor and niece of victims, UK.
- Brenda Lewis, child of Kindertransport survivor, parent’s family died in Auschwitz and Terezin. Lives in Canada.
- Patricia Rincon-Mautner, daughter of survivor and granddaughter of survivor, Colombia.
- Barak Michèle, daughter and grand-daughter of a survivor, many members of family were killed in Auschwitz or Bessarabia. Lives in Germany.
- Jessica Blatt, daughter of child refugee survivor, both grandparents’ entire families killed in Poland. Lives in United States
- Maia Ettinger, daughter & granddaughter of survivors, United States.
- Ammiel Alcalay, child of survivors from then Yugoslavia. Lives in United States.
- Julie Deborah Kosowski, daughter of hidden child survivor, grandparents did not return from Auschwitz, United States.
- Julia Shpirt, daughter of survivor, United States.
- Ruben Rosenberg Colorni, grandson and son of survivors, The Netherlands.
- Victor Ginsburgh, son of survivors, Belgium.
- Arianne Sved, daughter of a survivor and granddaughter of victim, Spain.
- Rolf Verleger, son of survivors, father survived Auschwitz, mother survived deportation from Berlin to Estonia, other family did not survive. Lives in Germany.
- Euvrard Janine, daughter of survivors, France.
- H. Fleishon, daughter of survivors, United States.
- Barbara Meyer, daughter of survivor in Polish concentration camps. Lives in Italy.
- Susan Heuman, child of survivors and granddaughter of two grandparents murdered in a forest in Minsk. Lives in United States.
- Rami Heled, son of survivors, all grandparents and family killed by the Germans in Treblinka, Oswiecim and Russia. Lives in Israel.
- Eitan Altman, son of survivor, France.
- Jorge Sved, son of survivor and grandson of victim, United Kingdom
- Maria Kruczkowska, daughter of Lea Horowicz who survived the holocaust in Poland. Lives in Poland.
- Sarah Lanzman, daughter of survivor of Auschwitz, United States.
- Cheryl W, daughter, granddaughter and nieces of survivors, grandfather was a member of the Dutch Underground (Eindhoven). Lives in Australia.
- Chris Holmquist, son of survivor, UK.
- Beverly Stuart, daughter and granddaughter of survivors from Romania and Poland. Lives in United States.
- Peter Truskier, son and grandson of survivors, United States.
- Karen Bermann, daughter of a child refugee from Vienna. Lives in United States.
- Rebecca Weston, daughter and granddaughter of survivor, Spain.
- Prof. Yosefa Loshitzky, daughter of Holocaust survivors, London, UK.
- Marion Geller, daughter and granddaughter of those who escaped, great-granddaughter and relative of many who died in the camps, UK.
- Susan Slyomovics, daughter and granddaughter of survivors of Auschwitz, Plaszow, Markleeberg and Ghetto Mateszalka, United States.
- Helga Fischer Mankovitz, daughter, niece and cousin of refugees who fled from Austria, niece of victim who perished, Canada.
- Michael Wischnia, son of survivors and relative of many who perished, United States.
- Arthur Graaff, son of decorated Dutch resistance member and nazi victim, The Netherlands.
- Yael Kahn, daughter of survivors who escaped Nazi Germany, many relatives that perished, UK.
- Pierre Stambul, son of French resistance fighters, father deported to Buchenwalk, grandparents disapeared in Bessarabia, France.
- Georges Gumpel, son of a deportee who died at Melk, Austria (subcamp of Mauthausen), France.
- Emma Kronberg, daughter of survivor Buchenwald, United States.
- Hannah Schwarzschild, daughter of a refugee who escaped Nazi Germany after experiencing Kristallnacht, United States.
- Rubin Kantorovich, son of a survivor, Canada.
- Daniele Armaleo, son of German refugee, grandparents perished in Theresienstadt, United States.
- Aminda Stern Baird, daughter of survivor, United States.
- Ana Policzer, daughter of hidden child, granddaughter of victim, niece/grandniece of four victims and two survivors, Canada.
- Sara Castaldo, daughter of survivors, United States.
- Pablo Policzer, son of a survivor, Canada.
- Gail Nestel, daughter of survivors who lost brothers, sisters, parents and cousins, Canada.
- Elizabeth Heineman, daughter and niece of unaccompanied child refugees, granddaughter of survivors, great-granddaughter and grand-niece of victims, United States.
- Lainie Magidsohn, daughter of child survivor and numerous other relatives from Czestochowa, Poland. Lives in Canada.
- Doris Gelbman, daughter and granddaughter of survivors, granddaughter and niece of many who perished, United States.
- Erna Lund, daughter of survivor, Norway.
- Rayah Feldman, daughter of refugees, granddaughter and niece of victims and survivors, UK.
- Hadas Rivera-Weiss, daughter of survivors from Hungary, mother Ruchel Weiss née Abramovich and father Shaya Weiss, United States.
- Pedro Tabensky, son of survivor of the Budapest Ghetto, South Africa.
- Allan Kolski Horwitz, son of a survivor; descendant of many, many victims, South Africa.
- Monique Mojica, child of survivor, relative to many victims murdered in Auschwitz. Canada.
- Mike Brecher, son of a Kindertransport survivor and grandson of two who did not survive. UK.
- Nomi Yah Gardiner, daughter and granddaughter of survivors, relative of victims, United States.
- Marianne van Leeuw Koplewicz, daughter of deported parents, grand-daughter and niece of victims, Belgium.
- Alfred Gluecksmann, son of survivors of Germany, United States.
- Smadar Carmon, daughter of survivor, Canada.
Grandchildren of survivors
- Raphael Cohen, grandson of Jewish survivors of the Nazi genocide, United States.
- Emma Rubin, granddaughter of a survivor of the Nazi genocide, United States.
- Alex Safron, grandson of a survivor of the Nazi genocide, United States.
- Danielle Feris, grandchild of a Polish grandmother whose whole family died in the Nazi Holocaust, United States.
- Jesse Strauss, grandson of Polish survivors of the Nazi genocide, United States.
- Anna Baltzer, granddaughter of survivors whose family members perished in Auschwitz (others were members of the Belgian Resistance), United States.
- Abigail Harms, granddaughter of Holocaust survivor from Austria, Now lives in United States.
- Tessa Strauss, granddaughter of Polish Jewish survivors of the Nazi genocide, United States.
- Caroline Picker, granddaughter of survivors of the Nazi genocide, United States.
- Amalle Dublon, grandchild and great-grandchild of survivors of the Nazi holocaust, United States.
- Antonie Kaufmann Churg, 3rd cousin of Ann Frank and grand-daughter of NON-survivors, United States.
- Aliza Shvarts, granddaughter of survivors, United States.
- Linda Mamoun, granddaughter of survivors, United States.
- Abby Okrent, granddaughter of survivors of the Auschwitz, Dachau, Stuttgart, and the Lodz Ghetto, United States.
- Ted Auerbach, grandson of survivor whose whole family died in the Holocaust, United States.
- Beth Bruch, grandchild of German Jews who fled to US and great-grandchild of Nazi holocaust survivor, United States.
- Bob Wilson, grandson of a survivor, United States.
- Katharine Wallerstein, granddaughter of survivors and relative of many who perished, United States.
- Sylvia Finzi, granddaughter and niece of Holocaust victims murdered in Auschwitz, London.
- Esteban Schmelz, grandson of KZ-Theresienstadt victim, Mexico City.
- Françoise Basch, grand daughter of Victor and Ilona Basch murdered by the Gestapo and the French Milice, France.
- Gabriel Alkon, grandson of Holocaust survivors, Untied States.
- Nirit Ben-Ari, grandchild of Polish grandparents from both sides whose entire family was killed in the Nazi Holocaust, United States.
- Heike Schotten, granddaughter of refugees from Nazi Germany who escaped the genocide, United States.
- Ike af Carlstèn, grandson of survivor, Norway.
- Elias Lazarus, grandson of Holocaust refugees from Dresden, United States and Australia.
- Laura Mandelberg, granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, United States.
- Josh Ruebner, grandson of Nazi Holocaust survivors, United States.
- Shirley Feldman, granddaughter of survivors, United States.
- Nuno Cesar Ferreira, grandson of survivor, Brazil.
- Andrea Land, granddaugher of survivors who fled programs in Poland, all European relatives died in German and Polish concentration camps, United States.
- Sarah Goldman, granddaughter of survivors of the Nazi genocide, United States.
- Baruch Wolski, grandson of survivors, Austria.
- Frank Amahran, grandson of survivor, United States.
- Eve Spangler, granddaughter of Holocaust NON-survivor, United States.
- Gil Medovoy, grandchild of Fela Hornstein who lost her enitre family in Poland during the Nazi genocide, United States.
- Michael Hoffman, grandson of survivors, rest of family killed in Poland during Holocaust, live in El Salvador.
- Sarah Hogarth, granddaughter of a survivor whose entire family was killed at Auschwitz, United States.
- Tibby Brooks, granddaughter, niece, and cousin of victims of Nazis in Ukraine. Lives in United States.
- Dan Berger, grandson of survivor, United States.
- Dani Baurer, granddaughter of Baruch Pollack, survivor of Auschwitz. Lives in United States.
- Talia Baurer, granddaughter of a survivor, United States.
- Evan Cofsky, grandson of survivor, UK.
- Annie Sicherman, granddaughter of survivors, United States.
- Anna Heyman, granddaughter of survivors, UK.
- Maya Ober, granddaughter of survivor and relative of deceased in Teresienstadt and Auschwitz, Tel Aviv.
- Anne Haan, granddaughter of Joseph Slagter, survivor of Auschwitz. Lives in The Netherlands.
- Oliver Ginsberg, grandson of victim, Germany.
- Alexia Zdral, granddaughter of Polish survivors, United States.
- Mitchel Bollag, grandson of Stanislaus Eisner, who was living in Czechoslovakia before being sent to a concentration camp. United States.
- Vivienne Porzsolt, granddaughter of victims of Nazi genocide, Australia.
- Lisa Nessan, granddaughter of survivors, United States.
- Kally Alexandrou, granddaughter of survivors, Australia.
- Laura Ostrow, granddaughter of survivors, United States
- Anette Jacobson, granddaughter of relatives killed, town of Kamen Kashirsk, Poland. Lives in United States.
- Tamar Yaron (Teresa Werner), granddaughter and niece of victims of the Nazi genocide in Poland, Israel.
- Antonio Roman-Alcalá, grandson of survivor, United States.
- Jeremy Luban, grandson of survivor, United States.
- Heather West, granddaughter of survivors and relative of other victims, United States.
- Jeff Ethan Au Green, grandson of survivor who escaped from a Nazi work camp and hid in the Polish-Ukranian forest, United States.
- Johanna Haan, daughter and granddaughter of victims in the Netherlands. Lives in the Netherlands.
- Aron Ben Miriam, son of and nephew of survivors from Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Salzwedel, Lodz ghetto. Lives in United States.
- Noa Shaindlinger, granddaughter of four holocaust survivors, Canada.
- Merilyn Moos, granddaughter, cousin and niece murdered victims, UK.
- Ruth Tenne, granddaughter and relative of those who perished in Warsaw Ghetto, London.
- Craig Berman, grandson of Holocaust survivors, UK.
- Nell Hirschmann-Levy, granddaughter of survivors from Germany. Lives in United States.
- Osha Neumann, grandson of Gertrud Neumann who died in Theresienstadt. Lives in United States.
- Georg Frankl, Grandson of survivor Ernst-Immo Frankl who survived German work camp. Lives in Germany.
- Julian Drix, grandson of two survivors from Poland, including survivor and escapee from liquidated Janowska concentration camp in Lwow, Poland. Lives in United States.
- Katrina Mayer, grandson and relative of victims, UK.
- Avigail Abarbanel, granddaughter of survivors, Scotland.
- Denni Turp, granddaughter of Michael Prooth, survivor, UK.
- Fenya Fischler, granddaughter of survivors, UK.
- Yakira Teitel, granddaughter of German Jewish refugees, great-granddaughter of survivor, United States.
- Susan Koppelman, granddaughter of survivor, United States
- Hana Umeda, granddaughter of survivor, Warsaw.
- Jordan Silverstein, grandson of two survivors, Canada.
- Daniela Petuchowski, granddaughter of survivors, United States.
- Aaron Lerner, grandson of survivors, United States.
- Judith Bernstein, granddaughter of Holocaust victims in Auschwitz, Germany.
- Samantha Wischnia, granddaughter and great niece of survivors from Poland, United States.
- Elizabeth Wischnia, granddaughter and grand niece of three holocaust survivors, great aunt worked for Schindler, United States.
- Daniel Waterman, grandson of survivor, The Netherlands.
- Elana Baurer, granddaughter of survivor, United States.
- Pablo Roman-Alcala, grandson of participant in the kindertransport and survivor, Germany.
- Karine Abdel Malek, grandchild of survivor, Henri Waisman, Morocco.
- Elana Baurer, granddaughter of survivor, United States.
- Lillian Brown, granddaughter of survivor, United States.
- Devin Cahn, grandson of survivors, United States.
- Daniel Lévyne, grandson of a deportee, France.
- Emilie Ferreira, granddaughter of survivors, Switzerland.
- Chaim Neslen, grandchild of many victims and friend of many survivors, UK.
- Ann Jungmann, granddaughter to three victims, UK.
- Ellie Schling, granddaughter of a survivor, UK.
- Danny Katch, grandson of a survivor, United States.
- Karen Pomer, granddaughter of Henri B. van Leeuwen, member of Dutch resistance and survivor of Bergen Belsen, United States.
- Gilda Mitchell Katz, granddaughter of survivors, uncle and aunt killed In Dombrova, Canada.
- Dana Newfield, granddaughter of survivor and relative of many murdered, United States.
- Ilana Guslits, granddaughter of two Polish survivors, Canada.
- Gerald Coles-Kolsky, grandson of victims in Poland and France, United States.
- Lesley Swain, granddaughter and cousin of survivors, UK.
- Myera Waese, granddaughter of survivors of Bergen Belsen, Canada.
- Ronni Seidman, grandchild of survivors. United States.
- Mike Shatzkin, grandchild of survivors, some family members murdered and some who died in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. United States.
- Nance Shatzkin, grandchild of survivors, some family members murdered and some who died in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. United States.
- Karen Shatzkin, grandchild of survivors, some family members murdered and some who died in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. United States.
- Myriam Burger, granddaughter of survivor. United States.
- Andre Burger, grandson of survivor Myriam Cohn, great-grandson of Sylvia Cohn and great-nephew of Esther Lore Cohn, both murdered in Auschwitz, United States.
- Sara Ayech, granddaughter of Gisela and Max Roth, survivors who lost many family members, UK.
- Monika Vykoukal, granddaughter of survivor, France.
- Patricia Reinheimer, grandaugther of survivors, Brazil.
- Nancy Patchell, granddaughter of resistance fighters, grandfather was caught and died in a concentration camp, Canada.
- Jaclyn Pryor, granddaughter of survivors from Czestochowa Ghetto, Poland; great-grandchild, niece, and cousin to many who perished, United States.
- Steven Rosenthal, grandson of survivor, Chile.
- Alfredo Hilt, grandson of victim, Germany.
- Arturo Desimone, grandson of a survivor of the ghetto of Çzestochowa, The Netherlands.
- Lazer Lederhendler, grandson of victims whose seven siblings also perished in the Warsaw Ghetto and Treblinka. Lives in Canada.
Un acto muy feo y despreciable: JUSTIFICANDO y COLABORANDO CON los ataques genocidas de Israel contra los palestinos en nombre de "la paz y la justicia".
Compromiso para con la paz y la justicia
Declaración de la Comunidad Creativa por la Paz y amigos
Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, estamos entristecidos por la pérdida devastadora de la vida sufrida por los israelíes y los palestinos en la Gaza. Nos duele el sufrimiento en ambos lados del conflicto y esperamos una solución que trae la paz a la región.
Mientras nos mantenemos firmes en nuestro compromiso para con la paz y la justicia, también debemos estar firmes contra las ideologías del odio y el genocidio que se reflejan en los estatutos de Hamás, Artículo 7, que se lee: "¡Aquí hay un judío que se esconde detrás de mí, ven y mátalo!” El hijo de un fundador de Hamás también ha comentado acerca de la verdadera naturaleza de Hamás.
No se puede permitir que Hamás llueva cohetes sobre ciudades israelíes, ni se puede permitir que mantenga de rehén a su propio pueblo. Los hospitales son para curar, no para esconder armas. Las escuelas son para aprender, no para el lanzamiento de misiles. Los niños son nuestra esperanza, no nuestros escudos humanos.
Nos unimos en apoyo a los valores democráticos que todos apreciamos y con la esperanza de que el poder curativo y transformador de las artes pueden utilizarse para construir puentes de paz.
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Mayim Bialik
Joshua P Binder
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Scooter Braun
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Naomi Bulochnikov
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Bryan J. Freedman
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Rob Friedman
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