Here’s how you can contribute to distributing and reporting for Revolution on Rise Up October

October 21, 2015 | Revolution Newspaper |


Note from the Editors:

In addition to the reader’s important challenge to get this issue out, here’s how you can contribute to distributing and reporting for Revolution on Rise Up October:

On the busses to and from the march, when you’re hanging out with people, or marching with your contingent do quick interviews. Here’s a few suggested questions:

  1. Why did you come out to protest? What did you hope to accomplish?
  2. Was there anything the speakers said that struck you the most?
  3. What is your impression of who is here today? What was new to you about today?
  4. What do you think it would really take to stop police terror?

Or send us your thoughts and insights. And send photos! Send photos, video clips, audio files, and interview notes to or call reports in to 718-812-7651.



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