Prisoner on Bob Avakian’s THE NEW COMMUNISM: “I recommend it to anyone truly looking to see how this capitalist/imperialist system works”

January 2, 2017 | Revolution Newspaper |


This letter was received by the Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund (PRLF):

I just finished reading: THE NEW COMMUNISM by BA and before I can even begin to comprehend it as a whole, I have to go back and re-read it in sections; not because it is too complicated for me (It’s perfectly written), but because it is so profound, on so many levels, that I need to let each component of these realizations resonate in its own capacity.

This isn’t a book to be read... it is a textbook to be studied! I recommend it to anyone truly looking to learn how this capitalist/imperialist system works. But beware, it’ll expose the learned oppressive tendencies in all of us... but that’s a good thing!



P.S. The Prologue alone kept me up for a week! (The Introduction and Orientation)


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