Revolution Club, Los Angeles and the National Revolution Tour
| revcom.us
People are hurting over the outrageous murder of Nipsey Hussle. One more Black young man full of promise so painfully gunned down by another Black person. We are mourning – we need to mourn – the outrage of this murder. And we also need to ask two hard questions:
1) What Really Killed Nipsey Hussle?
Whoever killed Nipsey was doing what this system has taught him to do; they always encourage the oppressed to lash out against each other. But it is this system – capitalism-imperialism – that put the gun in his hands and the thoughts in his head. It is this system – capitalism-imperialism – that has exploited, oppressed and killed Black people for 400 years, since the first slave was kidnaped and dragged to the shores of North America. White supremacy was created to serve the needs of this system and it is built into it. You can’t get rid of white supremacy without getting rid of the whole system of capitalism-imperialism that birthed it and keeps it going. And the same thing holds true for all the other outrages of this system: the oppression of women and gay (LGBTQ) people; the persecution of the immigrants; the endless wars; and the destruction of the environment.
2) How Can We Get Free Of This Madness?
You can’t beat the game by playing the game. Maybe a few people can get in on the setup, but the masses of people here and worldwide will remain oppressed. We need a revolution to get rid of this system, not a program that tries to get in on it. A revolution that is a real revolution – that defeats and dismantles the enemy’s instruments of violent repression, and brings into being whole new political structures, whole different economic relations and new social values among the people.
Bob Avakian, the leader of the revolution, says there are two choices: either these horrors go on and on; or we make revolution. Which will you choose?
There is a plan to do this; there is leadership to do this, in Bob Avakian; there is a place for you to go to learn more about this revolution, at www.revcom.us and @tuneintorevcom; and there is a way for you to get involved by getting into the Revolution Club. Come Saturday and follow @RevClub_LA
At 12:30pm and 1pm TODAY, there will be live speeches from the Revolution Club on Figueroa between 12th Street and Pico to get into this. Now is the day to learn about and get involved in the real revolution.
SATURDAY, April 13, 3pm
Join the Revolution Club to hear this short speech on
What Really Killed Nipsey Hussle?
And How Can We Get Free of This Madness?
Then, watch the speech from Bob Avakian:
2716 South Vermont, #8 (upstairs)
Revolution Club, Los Angeles • 323.424.6687 • @revclub_la • www.revcom.us
REVCOM.US received this flyer from the Revolution Club, Los Angeles and the National Revolution Tour. Thousands of these flyers have been distributed at the Nipsey Hussle Celebration of Life at the Staples Center in Los Angeles on Thursday, April 11, 2019, and since then.
View and download PDF of this statement HERE.
Bob Avakian Straight-Up
On the Revolution... And the Gangs
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