The National Revolution Tour: Making Revolution Now – A Challenge, The Joy and The Need
$25,018 raised toward the $25,000 Goal – More Funds Needed!
The National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour needs your continued support to reach the $25,000 goal—and beyond! In the November 10 National Livestream, members of the Tour brought alive the vital role that the Revolution Tour is playing in the #OUTNOW movement to drive the Trump/Pence regime from power. There was lively discussion about how the Tour is boldly engaging and struggling with climate activists, students and all kinds of people, challenging people to confront reality and bringing out a scientific understanding of the nature of the capitalist system and why it must be overthrown. And through all this Tour members call on people to step forward and be part of and contribute in all kinds of ways to the movement for an ACTUAL revolution.
There has never been a tour like this—taking revolution out into the world straight up. The Tour members have dropped everything in their lives to go all over the country with the challenge: You Think You’re Woke But You’re Sleepwalking Through a Nightmare—This System Cannot Be Reformed, It Must Be Overthrown!
All of this is made possible solely by contributions from donors and monthly sustainers, providing funds for food, travel and materials—all of what it takes to enable the Tour members to pour their all into the revolution. Listen to a Tour member talk about how much these contributions mean.
Dozens of people around the country donated in ways big and small to bring forward the $9,254 donated during the Livestream and up through November 15—with several groups of people pooling their funds to make matching challenges. A number of people expressed their heartfelt appreciation for what the Tour is doing—see letters below. All of this is a critical part of organizing support for and participation in the revolution.
In the weeks ahead, and heading into the holiday season and the New Year, fundraising efforts need to continue and broaden. The holiday season is a time for giving. Talk to friends and family about why you support the Tour and ask them to join you in donating. Organize a gathering to raise funds for the Tour. Spread the word for people to donate to the Revolution Tour in lieu of a gift. Coming soon to this site, further ideas for holiday fundraising. Suggestions are welcome.
Let’s Fight for a New World!
Some of the statements from donors to Revolution Tour National Livestream
We are living in dangerous times with children being held in cages, climate crisis deniers in power, the dehumanization and oppression of women, immigrants and the LGBTQ community, police brutality and mass incarceration of black and brown people, and the exploitation of people around the globe. We need millions of people to take to the streets and demand that the Trump/Pence regime leave office. But, not everyone is able to do so. I have personal obligations that prevent me from going out into the streets, but there is something that I can do and that I do whenever possible. I donate to the National Revolution Tour and I share their message through social media, personal contacts and any other way that I can. I support the National Revolution Tour because they give me hope for humanity. They play an important role in taking the message of the dangers of this regime and the necessity of revolution to the masses with the goal of making a better world for all people on the planet. The members on the National Revolution Tour are making great personal sacrifices, leaving behind jobs, family and friends as they travel throughout the U.S.A. to engage the masses with a message of #TrumpOutNow and revolution. Anyone who claims to have morals and care about humanity should get involved. This is our only hope of not only overthrowing this system but also replacing it with one that is fair and just for all people. We need to help any way that we can if not for ourselves then for our children and all people of the world.
Just donated because humanity and the planet literally depend on making the Revolution and creating a new society that Bob Avakian has developed with a scientific method and approach.
From one of the donors who contributed to a $880 matching challenge:
I am donating to the National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour because: At this moment, as the whole political system is in turmoil and facing unresolvable contradictions, this Tour is fulfilling a specific, urgent and great need. And that is to wake people up to the necessity and urgency of organizing and getting out in their millions, in a sustained way, to drive out the Trump/Pence regime, as part of the #OUTNOW movement.
This Tour is also bringing the understanding to the people that the system of Capitalism-Imperialism, which is the root cause of all of humanity’s suffering, can not be reformed, but can only be overthrown by an Actual Revolution. In that regard, the Tour is bringing forward the inspiring leadership of Bob Avakian. Bob Avakian, the most advanced leader of revolution of our era, has developed the “New Communism,” which is the most advanced scientific strategy and roadmap of a far better future for humanity. Needless to say, this National Get Organized for An ACTUAL Revolution Tour needs substantial funds to fulfill this important mission.
So I would urge anyone and everyone, who wants this nightmare we are living in to end, and who dreams of a better world, to donate as much as they can to this Tour.
From a group of physicians who put up a $500 matching challenge:
We are several physicians from around the country who support the Tour volunteers fighting for a new world and to remove the Trump/Pence Regime.
Hi, I’m one of the donors with the matching challenge, and here is why: How I wish the brave people around the world, who today are fighting their governments, had a revolutionary Party like we have here! What a difference it would make if people had the clarity of science to fight capitalism/imperialism! So I am on tour too—to support the Revolution Tour. I have taken a job out of state which allows me to donate more money to the Tour than otherwise. I challenge everyone reading this to find ways of supporting this revolutionary movement. This is a crucial and painful time in the world. Help make a ripple effect here and worldwide—SEIZE THE TIME! $700 from a supporter.
Donate to and Sustain the National Get Ready for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour
$25,000 Is Needed
Donate $25, $50, $100, or another amount
You can also make this a monthly donation
To Sustain and Donate by Mail:
Send Checks or Money Orders to:
RCP Publications
Box 3486 Merchandise Mart
Chicago, IL 60654
Make checks payable to
“RCP Publications”
and mark them
“National Revolution Tour”
Click here to learn more about the Tour and follow its progress.
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