Revolution #155, February 8, 2009
Fund-Raising Feast for Revolution Newspaper in New York City
2 pm, Sunday, February 8
St. Mary’s Church, 521 W. 126th Street
(between Broadway and Amsterdam, 1 train to 125th)
Funds are needed to sustain Revolution newspaper’s bold initiative to qualitatively increase its reach and influence to serve the revolutionary movement getting kicked off in New York City.
- For those who dream that the world can be another way…
- For those who want to know how the planet can be truly liberated…
- For those who will not enlist in Obama’s call to serve American empire…
- For those who see real hope in Revolution and want to take up the work of hastening the time by building a movement concretely working for revolution and bringing forward a revolutionary people…
Come get involved with Revolution newspaper.
Meet the Revolution newspaper crew and get involved. A movement of volunteers is needed to help with every aspect of the newspaper. Revolution needs: Correspondents and Reporters, Spanish Translators, Photographers, Artists, Designers and Layout People. Revolution needs people with web design and technical skills to transform the website. And Revolution needs regular sustainers and a network of volunteer fund-raisers.
Revolution invites you to be part of the fun of bringing this revolutionary movement to life. Come and invite your friends. We look forward to seeing you there.
Ticket price: $20 full price/$10 for unemployed and students
Bring your checkbooks! RSVP and to get tickets: 773-318-0197
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