"Meals" at Coney Island
November 4, 2012 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us
These photos were taken Friday, November 2, in Coney Island, at the windy, sand-whirling corner where people were made to stand on line to obtain what was passed off as "meals" delivered in two ambulance-sized Red Cross trucks. The police were on hand, along with burly National Guardsmen, containing what few of the 7500 public housing tenants could venture out from dark, dank multi-story elevator-less (due to water damage and no scheduled repairs) buildings, behind "Do Not Cross" tape. "Meals?!" Airline snack packs and mini bottles of water—one per person—were what people had to accept, lest they have no food and water at all. One woman said these—along with MREs ("Meals Ready to Eat), dehydrated pasta and such in bags accompanied by just enough water to "cook" them—were all she had to feed her five grandchildren.
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