To Those Who Catch the Worst Hell Every Day Under This System:
You Have an Important Role in the Fall 2013 Sustainer Drive

October 19, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |


In Revolution #318 (September 29, 2013), we announced the Fall 2013 Sustainer Drive. To fill the need that only can fill, we urgently need to build a stronger financial base we can count on.

If you think your contribution would be too small to make a difference, you are wrong.

In issue #318 we said: "A great deal rides on how well the website can play its role, enabling humanity to understand and radically change the world. It is really indispensable…. On a visitor can find what this whole revolution is about and find their place in it. And it's the main way people around the world can encounter and engage the new synthesis of communism brought forward by Bob Avakian." Take a serious look around, and think about the urgent need for many more people to be connected with this, right now.

So, to those who catch the worst hell every day under this system: When people from among the most oppressed, who don't have much to give, when they pledge to give money, it does two things:

  1. Many people doing this each month adds up to the much needed funds that make it possible for to function and to grow; and
  2. It puts a challenge to everyone else, including people who have more to give, to contribute even more, which is part of building the movement for revolution.

If you like, sign up now to give a fixed amount, $5, $10 or more each month to make sure it not only maintains but grows. If you not only like it but see that it is important, get your friends, coworkers, family, fellow students to do the same. Make your pledge an amount you'll really be able to do, and make sure there's a plan for how it will get turned in each month. You can also get some friends together who will make sure a fixed amount you collectively decide on will be turned in each month.

Why is no contribution too small? In the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS! Bob Avakian Live, BA says basic masses of people don't know the impact they have. He gives the example of the Occupy movement and the impact it would have had if even a dozen people from among the most oppressed had shown up there with T-shirts saying "I'm with the real revolution" and talked to people about that revolution, about his book BAsics and other things. When things like this happen it has a big effect on everyone. It challenges what "everybody knows" is possible, and challenges people to discard wrong ways of thinking and to think about humanity. It contributes to the chance for a real revolution.

BA also talks about the impact it has when oppressed people stand up in all kinds of ways, things like the hunger striking prisoners calling for peace among prisoners of different races, struggling to overcome the ways the system pits people against each other to keep them down. These things have a very big effect. This kind of thing needs to be felt this Tuesday, October 22, the National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation.

This same thing is true when it comes to raising money for This is especially true if you write a letter that can be published on and/or in Revolution newspaper. It can be a couple of sentences, a paragraph, or a whole page. Record an audio and send that in to Tell about why you are sustaining and call on others to do so.

The two mainstays of the revolution are: the vision, the works, and leadership of Bob Avakian; and newspaper. And to those this system has cast off and cast aside—YOU have a very important role to play, including in the struggle to raise these needed funds.

Pledge today online at (click through to "Sustain"), or go to your local Revolution newspaper distributor, or the Revolution Books store or outlet nearest you. You can also send checks or money orders to: RCP Publications, Box 3486 Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654. Make checks payable to "RCP Publications."

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