3 Points on the Importance of the Conference this Weekend, February 7-8, in Atlanta, on Retaking the Offensive Against Police Murder
February 4, 2015 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us
1) Now is not the time for "digging in for the long haul" or coming up with a "program of reforms." Now is the time to retake the offensive against police murder, against the New Jim Crow and against the whole genocidal program being directed against Black and Brown people, to prepare to go back into the streets in an even more powerful way. The call to action for April 14 by the Stop Mass Incarceration Network is critical to that.
2) It will take struggle, of different kinds, to do this. It will take mass political struggle right up against the enemy, including in the streets. And it will take struggle, in the form of debate and discussion over right and wrong and the way forward, among the people.
3) The conference in Atlanta this weekend is key right now to the whole process. Everyone who wants to prevent this struggle from being stuffed back down should come out to this, and be part of wrangling and planning over how to go forward, how to do this. If, even after coming to grips with how important this moment is to the future, you absolutely cannot come, be ready to get with those who did and take up the plans coming out of this conference right away.
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