Al Gore—Today’s Winner of the Grease Can Award

December 7, 2016 | Revolution Newspaper |


In the Name of Humanity,

We REFUSE To Accept
a Fascist America

Rise Up... Get Into The Streets...
Unite With People Everywhere to Build Up Resistance in Every Way You Can

Don’t Stop: Don’t Conciliate... Don’t Accommodate... Don’t Collaborate

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Al Gore, seen by many as a defender of the environment... the guy who made the movie An Inconvenient Truth...

This past Monday, Al Gore traded on his reputation to help legitimize the fascist regime of Trump. Gore warmly met with Trump to talk about climate change(!). Afterwards, Gore said, “It was a sincere search for areas of common ground.” Mainstream media hailed this as a sign of hope.

Common ground—with fascism?! Seeking “common ground” with fascism is criminal—period!

Just two days after this meeting, Trump named his new head of the Environmental Protection Agency—a man who, as Oklahoma’s attorney general, fought every environmental protection he could.

Al Gore, for attempting to deliver those who look to him for leadership into the hellish embrace of a fascist America, deserves and hereby receives the Grease Can Award for services in attempting to grease the skids for a fascist America.

In the name of humanity, we must stop this.




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