NO! Because...

December 12, 2016 | Revolution Newspaper |


Because alt-right is just a euphemism for Nazi...

Because the immigrants, from the start of his campaign to now...

Because the friend of Mattis’ “exterminate the Muslims” post, extreme vetting, and “waterboarding and worse—if people want it”...

Because he “grabs ’em by the pussy”... brags about it... and then gets anointed president...

Because “law and order” really means lock up Black and Latino youth by the millions and brutalize and kill the ones who are left...

Because nuclear codes in the hands of a bullying fascist...

Because Pence and gay people...

Because stripping citizenship from flag burners...

Because the Electoral College is slavery’s hand reaching up from the grave...

Because revenge through tweets with the power of the state...

Because Pence, Bannon, Sessions, Flynn, DeVos, Pruitt, Mattis, and the rest...

Because “first they came for...”

Because the vicious ugliness of spirit...

Because the good Germans said they never heard the cries from the camps...

Because the planet.

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