December 30, 2016 | Revolution Newspaper |
Press release from
NO! STOP Trump/Pence It Before It Starts! NYC & Nationwide
Dec 31: NYC 8 pm Columbus Circle / LA 6 pm Breitbart HQ
Immediate Release December 31, 2016
Interviews Available
Larry Everest 917-553-8972 /
Demonstrate to STOP the Trump / Pence Regime Before It Starts, New York City and EVERYWHERE!
NYC: meet @ 8:00 pm, Columbus Statue at Columbus Circle
The newly formed has organized New Year's Eve "NO Trump! NO Pence! NO Fascist 2017" rallies and protests across the country, including in New York City, Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, Tucson, Houston, Cleveland, Seattle, Portland (ME), and Ventura (CA). CLICK HERE for list and details.
"This New Year's Eve, be where the world needs you the streets saying #NoFascist2017!," Carl Dix, one of the group's initiators, says. "No 'pussy-grabbing'...No immigrant-bashing...No Muslim registry...No Wall...No White Supremacy...No Neo-Nazis...No gay-bashing...No climate-change-denying...NO TRUMP...NO PENCE...NO FASCIST USA!"
The New Year's protests are part of a "Month of Resistance" to rally millions to prevent a Trump/Pence fascist takeover through massive political protest and resistance. See,'s Call to Action, "In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America."
"Wherever you are New Year's Eve, take a pic with the word 'NO!' and post it @RefuseFascism," Dix said. "If your city doesn't have a protest yet, start your own!"
Video: Refuse Fascism
“Imagine if people, in the tens of millions, filled the streets, powerfully declaring that this regime is illegitimate and demanding that it not be allowed to rule! The whole political landscape would be dramatically transformed, every faction within the established power structure would be forced to respond—and all this could well lead to a situation in which this fascist regime is actually prevented from ruling. This is not some idle dream but something which could be made a reality if all those who hate what is represented by this fascist regime translate their outrage into firm determination and massive mobilization to create the conditions which make this possible.” - from Mission and Plan for a Month of Massive Resistance for
Initiators, Call to Action, Plan to STOP Trump / Pence, Protests and Events
Facebook: RefuseFascism #NoFascist2017
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