Updated January 24, 2017 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us



Where to be:

Washington, DC:

Wednesday 8:30 AM: Rally outside the arraignment of the Sessions hearing defendants demanding all charges be dropped (50-60 people are all being arraigned at the same time) Rally at 8:30am at 500 Indiana Ave NW the Superior Court of DC. See “Carl Dix on Disrupting the Sessions Hearing…


Wednesday the 25th; Thursday, 26th: Assemble at State and Jackson at 4 pm and march!

Los Angeles:

Wednesday, January 25: Converge at LA City Hall (200 N. Spring St.), 12 pm. March! Surround the Federal Building “ICE” (300 N. Los Angeles St.), 2 pm.

New York City:

Wednesday January 25 6:30 – 8:30 pm, Refuse Fascism Organizing Meeting. LGBT Center 208 West 13th Street.

Protest Trump in Philadelphia: Thursday January 26

11:00 am & 4:00 pm, Thomas Paine Plaza, Philadelphia (Trump Speaks 12 noon ). NYers: Leave Union Square 8:00 am; return 5:00 pm. Donate generously, but no charge for round trip bus trip. Buses & vans leaving from locations throughout the region: all boroughs of NYC, NJ, DE, MD, CT. Call 917 407 1286 / Facebook event

The world changed this weekend.

First, Donald Trump made clear in an unprecedented inaugural speech and then an equally unprecedented appearance at the CIA that he is moving very rapidly to a fascist reordering of society.

Second, millions of the people in the U.S. and around the world came out in equally unprecedented demonstrations to make clear their abhorrence for everything Trump stands for.

The world changed, but it must change still more. Time is short. Once such a fascist reordering takes place, resistance and change become immeasurably more difficult.

We must not lose the momentum. Act in Washington, DC and all over.

Our Resistance must call even more people back into the streets. To stop this regime, we must stop business as usual this week. Every faction in the power structure must feel compelled to respond to what we the people do. This could force a political situation in which the Trump-Pence regime is prevented from consolidating, and could be ousted.


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