Letter from a Prisoner:

Digging the “Points of Attention for the Revolution"

May 8, 2017 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us


What’s up? How y’all be? There isn’t much to report from my end of things, I’m still struggling with a straight face. Soon I will be transferring to the transition unit that’s in XXX, so I’m writing to inform y’all of that, plus to let y’all know that I received a copy of From Ike to Mao and Beyond [Bob Avakian’s memoir—ed.] as well as a copy of Revolution (No. 470-478) and the other printed material P.R.L.F. [Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund] has sent to me. As soon as I get the latest issue of Revolution I read it from cover to cover and then pass it along... Joining the Revolution Club is something I would like to do once I’m released from prison which won’t be long from now, especially now that I will be leaving this Super Max unit soon. I will be 39 years old in April and earlier this month I marked my 19th year of being incarcerated (no lunch breaks). So, I’m gonna be readjusting to life beyond prison walls, and I would like the Revolution Club to be a part of my transition. I dig these six principles of action [“Points of Attention for the Revolution”—ed.] and I definitely can get with it. Right now I’m living around a bunch of guys who aspire to be Instagram models, you feel me? Being Bad and Boujer is the thang to be to them, you feel me? And if this set is a microcosm of the bigger picture, then I already know what to look forward to.

Principle #1 is concrete solid to me, and the last sentence of this principle speaks volumes to me, now days everybody are cut throat opportunist, looking to exploit and prostitute whatever they choose to represent and make themselves a part of. BA speaks of this in his book The New Communism and he gave an example when he touched on Chairman Mao’s wave and how similar principles of action were established, setting in stone that the movement was not about pillage, rape, and murder, but revolution. People were in bad shape economically just as we are today, and it was hard to resist those small short term spoils that presented themselves at particular times in the midst of the revolution.

All of these principles are solid! As I said, I will be home soon and I know I will come face to face with a bunch of knotty contradictions, but I will attempt to use the scientific method as a guide to navigate my way through life. Lately I’ve been digging in my copy of BAsics and studying the supplement that begins on page 131, and the section that is on page 139 (“Scientific Knowledge and the Scientific Method”), specifically, principle #5 of the Revolution Club coincides with this supplement of the book, and these are the tools I’m intending to use once I touch down.

Well, I’m about to get on this phone so I gotta go. As I said, I will be transferring out soon so y’all might want to hold fast of sending me any new material although I’m almost positive they will forward my mail to me. I’m not sure what changes have been made at the facility that I’m returning to, but I’m hoping they haven’t placed P.R.L.F. on the ban list. We shall soon see.




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