“10 Nights of No!” in Philadelphia—Projecting NO! to the Trump/Pence Regime

July 12, 2017 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us


The Philadelphia chapter of Refuse Fascism issued a press release announcing “10 Nights of No!”—a series of large-scale digital projections displayed on iconic and heavily trafficked walls around Philadelphia from July 4 to July 14. The press release said: “These projections are part of building support for nationwide demonstrations on July 15th demanding that ‘The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!’ Refuse Fascism organizers state that they ‘will not accept the cruel and brutal future of the Trump/Pence Regime—they must GO!’”

The photographs on this page, originally posted at streetsdept.com, were taken on July 6 at the Federal Detention Center at 7th and Arch streets in Center City, on the third consecutive night of these projections.

Go here to see a Refuse Fascism Projection Tutorial on how to do projections like this in your own city:







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