New Podcast Series for—Volunteer!


| Revolution Newspaper |


From a reader

As part of building and strengthening the presence of newspaper on social media, and getting out to masses of people the science, the strategy, and the leadership for an actual revolution, a new podcast series is being developed, featuring articles from this site read aloud, with a simple intro and outro to direct people to dig deeply into all of this and get organized into the movement. We are calling on readers of to contribute to this effort by offering their voice, expertise, and thoughts on how to make this as influential as it needs to be. This podcast must reach the students and youth on campuses who need to be digging into the questions put forward by and receiving guidance on how to really change the world. It needs to reach people in the most desperate of conditions in the inner cities and the rural areas—people who have been denied the right to a quality education or even the chance to become literate. Everywhere people are agonizing over the state of the world, looking at their own futures or the future of humanity with a sense of dread, people need to get connected to this website and the works of Bob Avakian. This project can be a powerful tool for spreading this revolution.

Volunteer to be part of recording, posting and promoting.  Contact to get connected to the volunteers working on this.


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Volunteers Needed... for and Revolution

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