Rally and Press Conference April 25:
Drop the Charges on Diya “Maya” Cruz
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Immediate Release: (Hold the Date): Drop the Charges on Diya “Maya” Cruz
Event: Press Conference and Rally—present statement signed by U of C students and the U of C community to President Zimmer
When: Thursday, April 25th 3pm
Where: 5801 S Ellis, Levi Hall, Office of University of Chicago President Zimmer
Organizers: Free Maya Defense Committee; Revolution Club Chicago; Refuse Fascism Chicago
Contact: 312-804-9121
Speakers (List in formation):
Revolution Club Chicago
Refuse Fascism Chicago
Bishop Gregg Greer, Freedom First International
Rebecca Ridenour, Actor and Writer
Gregory ‘Joey’ Johnson, defendant in SCOTUS Texas v. Johnson (1989), member of the Revolution Club
Statement from Diya “Maya” Cruz who can’t be present because she is banned from the campus
Diya “Maya” Cruz is a revolutionary who was arrested at University of Chicago on March 1, 2018 and faces 7 years in prison for representing for revolution and participating in a protest of 11 minutes of silence for the 11 million undocumented immigrants under attack by the Trump/Pence regime. UCPD aggressively threatened the peaceful protesters, grabbed Maya, and accused her of battery. Maya was the only one injured.
The University of Chicago claims to champion free speech but their police arrested and charged Maya with a felony for exercising free speech standing up for immigrants. Since this protest, government and extra-legal terror against immigrants has taken a huge leap. This is a travesty of justice and must be stopped.
for the costs of Revolution Club Chicago’s legal defenses and challenges HERE
From Revolution Club Chicago
Judge Slams Down the Rules in “Sacred Space”, Threatens Maya and Her Supporters with Jail
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