On Monday, July 1: Go Out to Courthouses and into the Streets to Support Two Activists Targeted for Protesting the Trump/Pence Fascist Regime
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The following is adapted from a call from RefuseFascism.org:
To all those who are sick of all the complicity and inactivity in the face of outrage after outrage by the government, and who want to support those who took and continue to take a courageous stand against this:
On Friday, June 28, a mistrial was declared in the trial of two members of Refuse Fascism and the Revolution Club for protesting on the 101 Freeway in September and November 2017 to sound the alarm against the Trump/Pence fascist regime. They called on millions to join a movement initiated by RefuseFascism.org to drive this regime from power and are charged with a total of 12 misdemeanors with up to three years in jail and $2,000 in fines.
That the jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict reveals the righteousness of the defense and the actions of standing up against fascism, which is not a crime!
Despite this mistrial, the prosecutor said immediately that they would retry this unjust case.
A hearing on this is set for tomorrow, Monday, July 1, 1:30 pm, LA Metropolitan Courthouse, 1945 South Hill Street, 6th Floor, Department 62. The defendants will hold a press conference and rally at 12:30 pm on the courthouse steps. All who feel the need to act to STOP this fascist regime need to stand in support.
This prosecution needs to be made a much bigger deal around the country. Not only can we not allow them to lock up these courageous protesters who were setting an example of what it means to act in a way commensurate with the danger of fascism, we can't accept this move to criminalize protest and the right to dissent, part of the consolidation of fascism.
People everywhere need to know this is happening! What we do now can set a precedent and have an impact on what is to come as the rest of the defendants in the #Freeway9 and #UCLA5 cases go on trial. (Go here for more background.)
If you’ve had it with the complicity and inactivity as the fascist regime carries out outrage after outrage...if you have the backs of those who dared and continue to dare to step out to oppose this and are being persecuted... Go to a courthouse or a busy downtown transit hub where you are. Carry signs demanding “Drop the Charges! Support the #FreeWay9” Pass out flyers about the case. TAKE PHOTOS and video messages and send to revolution.reports@yahoo.com and info@refusefascism.org. Have people sign a banner or a big sign. Share messages of support with photos/vids on social media under #Freeway9 and #TrumpPenceMustGo to @RefuseFascism.
Let Refuse Fascism know your plans—but mainly, SHARE and POST your actions tomorrow.
Reports from the trial:
Hung Jury Sent Back By Judge to Keep Deliberating in #Freeway9 Case
What you can do:
- Call the LA City Attorney Mike Feuer to demand his office stop the unjust prosecution and demand ALL CHARGES BE DROPPED on the Freeway9 and UCLA5. Call 213.978.8100.
- Pack the Courtroom Monday, July 1, 1:30pm, LA Metropolitan Courthouse, 1945 South Hill Street, 6th Floor, Department 62.
- Post THIS video on social media.
- Donate to the legal defense and to support the defendants.
Supporters have been wearing shirts into the courthouse every day with questions like, “Would you have convicted Rosa Parks?” and “Would you have convicted the people who hid Anne Frank?”
Clips and Q&A available here
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