WHAT: Gregory “Joey” Johnson’s July 4th "Imagine a World Without America" Flag Burning Protest
WHEN: 5pm, July 4
WHERE: Within sight of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
| revcom.us
3 July 2019 For immediate release
Gregory “Joey” Johnson and Noche Diaz available for interviews
Contact: Larry Everest 202-556-3906
At 5pm on July 4th, Gregory “Joey” Johnson, members of the Revolution Club and the Revolution Tour will burn an American flag within sight of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in opposition to Trump, his “Salute to America”, and everything he and America stand for.
Their action is part of a nationwide #JULY4BURNFLAG-Imagine a World without America! A Call to Act! Flag burning protests and ceremonies will also be taking place at the border wall in San Ysidro, California next to the Virginia Avenue Transit Center at 4pm, as well as in Chicago and other cities. Go to revcom.us for more.
As Trump tweets his support for torturing children at the border and orders tanks in the streets of D.C. for his Nuremberg-style rally; Johnson told USA TODAY: “I am going to D.C. on the Fourth of July and I’m going to burn the flag in protest [of Trump’s] whole fascist agenda."
“When I see that flag burn, I’m not only thinking of the children who are starved and bombed by the U.S. in Yemen, or the children who are torn from their parents along the U.S.-Mexico border,” he said to the Washington Post, “This is the workings of a system . . . built on the plunder of literally billions of people around the world.”
At today's press conference Johnson shared his plans: “Tomorrow on the Fourth of July, I am going to be [burning the American flag] right here… in front of the White House… I’m going to be speaking to the people of the world, letting them know that there are people inside the borders of this country who stand with the people of the world."
Noche Diaz of the National Revolution Tour said, "We are organizing people all across this country to not only envision a world without America but to prepare for a revolution to bring into being a world without America and everything it stands for.”
Revcom.us “On July 4, Revolutionaries Will Burn the American Flag at the U.S./Mexico Border”
Washington Examiner, June 24 “’Burn that rag!’ Activists to desecrate the flag at Trump July Fourth rally”
USA Today, July 1 What to expect at the Washington DC 4th of July: Army tanks, a burning flag and Baby Trump
Washington Post “The ‘Baby Trump’ balloon is coming to Washington, but don’t look up to see it,” July 2
New York Times, June 15 Cleveland Is Paying $225,000 to a Man Who Burned the American Flag
Johnson is available for interviews at 202 556 3906 @Joey4Revolution
Joey Johnson is an active member of the Revolution Club and a follower of the revolutionary communist leader Bob Avakian. For more go to revcom.us.
This just happened in front of #WhiteHouse ! @joey4revolution and the National Revolution Tour announcing #July4BurnFlag at 5pm #AmericaWasNEVERGreat pic.twitter.com/RW2MkUV03A
— revcom.us/Revolution (@tuneintorevcom) July 3, 2019
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