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“You Think You’re Woke...
This System Cannot Be Reformed,
Welcome the National REVOLUTION TOUR to NYC
“You Think You’re Woke...
But You’re Sleepwalking Through A Nightmare
This System Cannot Be Reformed,
It Must Be Overthrown!”
Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour
Saturday, September 14, 6 - 9 PM
SOCIAL HALL: St. Paul & St. Andrew United Methodist Church
263 West 86th Street, NYC
Enter from West 86 St. between Broadway & West End Ave. (#1 to 86)
$20 suggested donation
Sponsored by: Revolution Club, NYC (@NYCRevClub, 646-717-7161) & Revolution Books (@RevBooksNYC)
Donate for tour: via Venmo RevClubNYC or http://revcom.us/revolutiontour/donate-en.html
Hear from members of the National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour on why YOU should be at the WELCOME DINNER
An Invitation by Noche Diaz to GET YOUR TICKET to the Welcome Dinner TODAY!
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