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Episode 47 of The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less—Show!
No Future Under This System—
A Call to Get Organized NOW for a REAL REVOLUTION!
Thursday, April 8, 2021
5 pm PDT / 8 pm EDT
These are serious times. Times of tremendous danger, but also real revolutionary possibility.
This episode of The RNL Show will feature an important message from the Revcoms delivered here by members of the Get Organized for an Actual Revolution Tour: A DECLARATION, A CALL TO GET ORGANIZED NOW FOR A REAL REVOLUTION. To everyone who can’t stand this world the way it is ... who is sick and tired of the way that so many people are treated as less than human, this is an urgent invitation and challenge for you to join in getting organized now for a real revolution.
** Host Andy Zee and Revolution Club Spokesperson Noche Diaz discuss and invite you to join in preparing for and attending gatherings on international revolutionary May 1st across the country.
** Segment 4 of Bob Avakian for the Liberation of Black People and the Emancipation of All Humanity.
** Co-host Sunsara Taylor interviews Dr. Kristin Kobes Du Mez, author of Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation, about the rise of militant and militaristic patriarchy among Christian fascists as a major social force in this country.
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