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Episode 68 of The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show
Abortion Ban in Texas, U.S. Drone Strike in Afghanistan: THIS SYSTEM CAN & NEEDS TO BE OVERTHROWN!
Burning in Athens… flooding in Mississippi… abortion banned in Texas... Afghanistan in ruins... fascist COVID pandemic disproportionately killing Black and Brown People... We need a revolution NOT a dystopia and NOT a utopia either. Out of these escalating crises, we must – and can – wrench A REAL REVOLUTION!
* Texas has banned abortion for all women after approximately 6 weeks into pregnancy. Sunsara Taylor speaks to the devastating reality that FORCED MOTHERHOOD IS FEMALE ENSLAVEMENT and points to the urgent need – and basis – for a revolutionary resolution and for massive outpourings of outrage to stop this assault on women's lives. ABORTION ON DEMAND AND WITHOUT APOLOGY! BREAK THE CHAINS! UNLEASH THE FURY OF WOMEN AS A MIGHTY FORCE FOR REVOLUTION! Plus: Footage of Texas high school valedictorian Paxton Smith's brave speech defying this abortion ban. And: footage of Sunsara Taylor down in Texas in 2014 leading civil disobedience against abortion restrictions during the Abortion Rights Freedom Ride.
* People throw around the words "system" and "capitalism," but they mean different things. In his 2003 speech Revolution: Why It's Necessary; Why It's Possible; What It's All About, Bob Avakian brings clarity and science (and humor) to these terms that concentrate so much of the world we are trapped in... and the world we need.
* U.S. drone kills civilians as the U.S. exits Afghanistan after 20 years of terrorizing the people, and now the Taliban becomes the new oppressors. Andy Zee gets into a few key lessons to draw from this, including the fact that the U.S. is NOT the "good guys"... their SYSTEM is not ALL POWERFUL, and it can be defeated. Also, Andy Zee interviews Bo Cogin, Iraq War vet and member of the Revolution Club, Los Angeles.
** PLUS: Bob Avakian poses a challenge to comedian Bill Maher... does a shout out to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar... a remembrance to actor and activist Ed Asner... and calls attention to the extremely important articles from Bob Avakian on Covid and the importance of taking the vaccine
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