Murderous, Heartless Pig Says “Shut the Fuck Up” as He Brutally Beats a Black Dialysis Patient and Is Not Punished...
Sadistic racist oinker clubs motorist 18 times in 24 seconds
A police body camera video—made public after being kept secret for over two years—reveals a Black motorist pinned to the ground being repeatedly beaten on his head and chest with a flashlight by a Louisiana State Trooper.1 The victim, Aaron Larry Bowman, can be heard screaming, “I’m not resisting! I’m not resisting!” between savage blows by the white pig, Jacob Brown. The video shows Brown jump out of his police car and begin bashing Bowman with his flashlight only two seconds after initial contact, hitting him 18 times in 24 seconds. “Give me your fucking hands!” Brown shouts. “I ain’t messing with you,” Bowman says, several times trying to explain that he was a dialysis patient, had done nothing wrong, and wasn’t resisting. Brown responds with: “Shut the fuck up!” Brown later defended his action as “pain compliance.”
Bowman was taken to the hospital with a broken jaw, three broken ribs, a broken wrist, and a gash to his head that took six staples to close. He had been pulled over for an alleged traffic violation, but was charged with resisting a police officer with force or violence, battery of a police officer, flight from an officer and improper lane use. Those charges are still pending.
Nothing was done to Brown for a year. An investigation only started after a civil lawsuit was filed against the State Police and other agencies by attorneys representing Aaron Bowman. The State Police said they found Brown had not only failed to report his use of force but deliberately mislabeled the body-cam footage so it wouldn’t be found. (The other pigs involved in the incident apparently joined Brown in covering up their crime.)
It wasn’t until February of 2021 that pig Brown was finally charged with second-degree battery and malfeasance in office. He is also facing criminal charges in two other excessive force cases. In emails to his police buddies after one of these cases he brags, “He gonna be sore tomorrow for sure. LMAO2... warms my heart knowing we could educate that young man.” It turns out Brown had been involved in 23 “use-of-force incidents” between 2015 and 2019—19 of them targeting Black people.
The vicious attack on Bowman took place on May 30, 2019, less than three weeks after Louisiana State Troopers from the same division—Troop F in Monroe—punched, stunned and dragged Ronald Greene, a 49-year-old Black barber, who died while in police custody. The police video of Greene’s murder was also kept secret until three months ago when it was obtained and released by the AP.3
When Aaron Bowman was finally shown the video of his beating he broke down in tears, saying, “I kept thinking I was going to die that night.... I don’t want nobody to go through that.” Nobody should have to suffer such torture and violent degradation at the hands of the police! Such outrages need to be called out and demands made for the pigs responsible to be punished. But to finally put an end to the tears and anguish of victims and families caused by acts of cruel and criminal violence by the enforcers of this system, we must put an end to that system once and for all.
1. The video was obtained and released by the Associated Press (AP): “‘Pain compliance’: Video shows trooper pummeling Black man,” August 25, 2021. [back]
2. Laughing my ass off. [back]
3. See “After Two Years, Leaked Video Exposes How Louisiana State Pigs Tortured Ronald Greene to Death,”, May 24, 2021. [back]
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