Thoughts, Wranglings, Lessons, and Getting Out into the World with BA Everywhere

February 3, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |


In this issue of are two thought-provoking letters about the BA Everywhere campaign that in different ways grapple with how raising funds to make Bob Avakian and the work he has done known throughout society can make a real difference in how people understand the world and how they can act together to change it.

Integral to the whole process of bringing forward people to be a part of and partisan to the movement for revolution and to building the Party at the core of that movement involves people individually and collectively thinking about and scientifically summing up the experience in doing so, and sharing that on We not only learn how to do better, but more fundamentally the movement as a whole develops its understanding of reality: how and what people are thinking about; and, how through the work we are doing overall and in this campaign, we are influencing and changing the thinking of people to understand the necessity and basis for revolution and the strategy to bring that into being. This is part of a process of "Grasp Revolution/Promote Production."

These two articles contribute to a series of pieces on the BA Everywhere subportal of this website, titled: "Thoughts, Wranglings, Lessons, and Getting Out into the World with BA Everywhere." We may not agree with every formulation or idea presented in these correspondences, but we feel these are all part of a scientific process of probing reality, struggling to understand it more accurately, and to developing plans and approaches to carry forward the BA Everywhere campaign as the leading edge of the strategy for revolution today.

Over the past few weeks we have called for thinking and proposals for how to bring BA Everywhere to people from all parts of society and struggle with them to generously donate to BA Everywhere to make BA and the radical vision and plan for revolution and whole new world known everywhere. Proposals have begun to come in—we look forward to receiving more. Send your ideas to and

BA Everywhere House Party

Some Thoughts About BA Everywhere as “the Leading Edge...”

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