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From the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
To Do This, We Need To Know:
Why we need an actual revolution.
What we need to do now.
How we could defeat them.
Why We Need An Actual Revolution
An actual revolution does not mean trying to make some changes within this system—it means overthrowing this system and bringing into being a radically different and far better system.This system of capitalism-imperialism cannot be reformed. There is no way, under this system, to put an end to the brutality and murder by police, the wars and destruction of people and the environment, the exploitation, oppression and degradation of millions and billions of people, including the half of humanity that is female, here and throughout the world—all of which is rooted in profound contradictions built into the basic functioning, relations, and structures of this system. Only an actual revolution can bring about the fundamental change that is needed.
What We Need To Do Now
To make this revolution, we need to be serious, and scientific. We need to take into account the actual strengths of this system, but more than that its strategic weaknesses, based in its deep and defining contradictions. We need to build this revolution among those who most desperately need a radical change, but among others as well who refuse to live in a world where this system spews forth endless horrors, and this is continually “justified” and even glorified as “greatness.”
We need to be on a mission to spread the word, to let people know that we have the leadership, the science, the strategy and program, and the basis for organizing people for an actual, emancipating revolution. We have Bob Avakian (BA) the leader of this revolution and the architect of a new framework for revolution, the new synthesis of communism. We have the Party led by BA, the Revolutionary Communist Party, with this new synthesis as its scientific basis to build for revolution. We have the Revolution Clubs, where people can take part in and powerfully represent for the revolution in an organized way, as they learn more about the revolution and advance toward joining the Party. We have the website of the Party,, and its newspaper Revolution, which sharply expose the crimes of this system, scientifically analyze why it cannot be reformed, and give guidance and direction for people to work in a unified way for revolution. We have the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, written by BA and adopted by the Party’s Central Committee, which provides a sweeping and concrete vision and “blueprint” for a radically new and emancipating society. People in the inner cities, and in the prisons, students, scholars, artists, lawyers and other professionals, youth in the suburbs and rural areas—people in all parts of society—need to know about this and seriously take it up.
Those who catch the worst hell under this system, and those who are sickened by the endless outrages perpetrated by this system, need to join up with this revolution. Thousands need to get organized into the ranks of the revolution now, while millions are being influenced in favor of this revolution. We have seen the potential for this in the protests that have taken place against police brutality and murder, and other ways in which large numbers of people have gone up against the established authorities and the political “rules of the game.” But this needs to be transformed, through struggle, into revolutionary understanding, determination, and organization. The organized forces and the leadership of this revolution must become the “authority” that growing numbers of people look to and follow—not the lying politicians and media of this oppressive system—not those who front for the oppressors and preach about “reconciliation” with this system—not those who turn people against each other when they need to be uniting for this revolution. While many people will do positive things in opposing the crimes of this system, we need to approach everything—evaluate every political program and every organized force in society, every kind of culture, values and ways of treating people—according to how it relates to the revolution we need, to end all oppression. We should unite with people whenever we can, and struggle with them whenever we need to, to advance the revolution.
While awaiting the necessary conditions to go all-out for revolution, we need to hasten this and actively carry out the “3 Prepares”: Prepare the Ground, Prepare the People, Prepare the Vanguard for Revolution—Get Ready for the Time When Millions Can Be Led to Fight, All-Out, With a Real Chance to Win. We need to Fight the Power, and Transform the People, for Revolution—protest and resist the injustices and atrocities of this system, and win people to defy and repudiate this putrid system and its ways of thinking, and to take up the outlook and values, and the strategy and program of the revolution, build up the forces for this revolution, and defeat the attempts of the ruling powers to crush the revolution and its leadership. With every “jolt” in society—every crisis, every new outrage, where many people question and resist what they normally accept—we need to seize on this to advance the revolution and expand its organized forces. We need to oppose and disrupt the moves of the ruling powers to isolate, “encircle,” brutalize, mass incarcerate and murderously repress the people who have the hardest life under this system and who most need this revolution. We need to “encircle” them—by bringing forth wave upon wave of people rising up in determined opposition to this system.
All this is aiming for something very definite—a revolutionary situation: Where the system and its ruling powers are in a serious crisis, and the violence they use to enforce this system is seen by large parts of society for what it is—murderous and illegitimate. Where the conflicts among the ruling forces become really deep and sharp—and masses of people respond to this not by falling in behind one side or the other of the oppressive rulers, but by taking advantage of this situation to build up the forces for revolution. Where millions and millions of people refuse to be ruled in the old way—and are willing and determined to put everything on the line to bring down this system and bring into being a new society and government that will be based on the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America. That is the time to go all-out to win. That is what we need to be actively working for and preparing for now.
How We Could Defeat Them
“On the Possibility of Revolution” is a very important statement from the Party, which is posted on It sets forth the foundation—the strategic conception and doctrine—for how to fight with a real chance of winning, once a revolutionary people in the millions, and the necessary conditions for revolution, have been brought into being. Now is not yet the time to wage this kind of fight—to try to do so now would only lead to a devastating defeat—but ongoing work is being done to further develop this strategic conception and doctrine with the future in mind, and the following are some of the main things the revolutionary forces would need to do when the conditions to go all-out to make revolution had been brought into being.
- When the revolutionary situation is clearly emerging, rapidly transform backbone forces of the revolution into organized fighting forces in key strategic areas, carry out the necessary training, obtain the necessary equipment and provide for the basic logistical needs of this revolutionary fighting force to start the all-out fight, while preventing the enemy from crushing the revolutionary forces at this crucial juncture. Back up these core fighting forces with millions more organized into powerful “reserves” for the revolution.
Read the entire HOW WE CAN WIN—How We Can Really Make Revolution HERE
Points of Attention for the Revolution
The Revolution Club upholds, lives by and fights for the following principles:
We base ourselves on and strive to represent the highest interests of humanity: revolution and communism. We do not tolerate using the revolution for personal gain.
We fight for a world where ALL the chains are broken. Women, men, and differently gendered people are equals and comrades. We do not tolerate physically or verbally abusing women or treating them as sexual objects, nor do we tolerate insults or “jokes” about people’s gender or sexual orientation.
We fight for a world without borders, and for equality among different peoples, cultures and languages. We do not tolerate insults, “jokes” or derogatory names about a person’s race, nationality, or language.
We stand with the most oppressed and never lose sight of their potential to emancipate humanity–nor of our responsibility to lead them to do that. We work to win people of all backgrounds to take part in the revolution, and do not tolerate revenge among the people.
We search for and fight for the truth no matter how unpopular, even as we listen to and learn from the observations, insights and criticisms of others.
We are going for an actual overthrow of this system and a whole better way beyond the destructive, vicious conflicts of today between the people. Because we are serious, at this stage we do not initiate violence and we oppose all violence against the people and among the people.
America Was NEVER Great!
DIS-respecting Their Flag / Sitting Down for Their Nasty-ful Anthem
Dis-Respecting the U.S. Rag—
And Putting the System on Trial
Joey Johnson and the RNC 16 Put the System on Trial in Cleveland
September 25, 2016
Joey Johnson Interviewed on Al Porter Hip Hop Workshop
Trump vs. Clinton:
Criminal Choices of a Criminal System
We Need to Overthrow, Not Vote for, This System!
Tweet this, including during the debates
My Piece on Nate Parker Was About What’s True and What’s Liberating NOT “Whose Narrative” Will Get “Privileged”
by Sunsara Taylor
October 3, 2016
The Birth of a Nation Can Contribute to Liberation—Re-Prosecuting Nate Parker Does Not
by Sunsara Taylor
August 25, 2016

Announcing: The Launch of a Pathbreaking New Book from Bob Avakian:
The science, the strategy, the leadership for an actual revolution, and a radically new
society on the road to real emancipation
September 5, 2016
A point to add on Bob Avakian's new book
A Letter to the Editors
September 12, 2016
New Excerpt from THE NEW COMMUNISM, by Bob Avakian:
Excerpt 1 from the section: The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America—Solid Core with a Lot of Elasticity on the Basis of the Solid Core
October 3, 2016
The Launch of the Pathbreaking New Book from Bob Avakian
Saturday, October 8, 1:30 pm
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
Featuring: Cornel West/Carl Dix
Moderated by: Andy Zee
Science and Revolution, On the Importance of Science and the Application of Science to Society, the New Synthesis of Communism, and the Leadership of Bob Avakian
An Interview with Ardea Skybreak
A prisoner writes:
“Will someone please tell Ardea Skybreak that I love her and give her a great big bear hug for me. About 3 or 4 days ago I got a copy of Science and Revolution in the mail, and since then, every time I read a few pages I get charged up… Just like Ardea Skybreak said of herself during the interview, I too have developed a habit of constantly pointing out contradictions in everything that I see.”
See "What People Are Saying About Bob Avakian and THE NEW COMMUNISM"
STOP Murder and Terror by Police Now!! We Need Revolution!
Get Organized for Revolution
Get With the Revolution Club
Fight the Power, and Transform the People, for Revolution
September 28:
Chicago Revolution Club and others fill the courtroom to demand: DROP the CHARGES NOW against Iggy and Alfredo!
October 3, 2016
Revolution Club, NYC in Harlem getting into "HOW WE CAN WIN" with people on the street
More on the Revolution Club HERE
Also in this Issue
Revolution Interview: High School Civics Teacher Lee Francis Punished for a Living Lesson in Flag Protest
September 26, 2016
Reality Check
To all those fronting for the system who, when people rise up to defend themselves against the murderous violence of the police, always say “violence isn’t the answer”:
September 22, 2016
Of Continuing Interest
Bob Avakian on the pivotal role of the Black national question, the pivotal relation between national liberation and proletarian revolution, in the U.S.:
» Communism and Jeffersonian Democracy
» "The Oppression of Black People & the Revolutionary Struggle to End All Oppression"
April 25, 2016
On "Principled Compromises," and Other Crimes Against Humanity
November 12, 2015
By Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
The Strategic Approach to Revolution and Its Relation to Basic Questions of Epistemology and Method
By Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
August 4, 2014
“Putting Forward Our Line—In a Bold, Moving, Compelling Way,” by Bob Avakian
Published in two parts in Revolutionary Worker:
» Part 1, #1177, December 1, 2002
» Part 2, #1178, December 8, 2002
The Coming Civil War and Repolarization for Revolution in the Present Era
by Bob Avakian
Published 2004/2005
Interview with a Former Prisoner
"Part 1: Breaking with the Gang Life, Getting with the REAL Revolution,"
"Part 2: Science, Revolutionary Theory, and Getting Into Bob Avakian," and
"Part 3: Don't Risk Your Life Over Stupid Shit—Be Down for Revolution"
Letter from a reader
WORKING ON THE CONTRADICTIONS OF THE REVOLUTION: reflections on bringing forward a revolutionary people and organizing for an actual revolution
April 27, 2015
by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Originally published April 14, 2013
Freedom and Necessity, and Proceeding from a Strategic Standpoint: Some Thoughts on Methods and Leadership
by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Important Publications and Media
Six Resolutions of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Published January 1, 2016
by Bob Avakian,
Chairman, Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, Summer 2015
Updated with links
CONSTITUTION For The New Socialist Republic in North America
Authored by Bob Avakian,
and adopted by the
Central Committee
of the RCP
or Send money orders or checks to:
RCP Publications
PO Box 3486, Merchandise Mart
Chicago, IL 60654
REVOLUTION AND RELIGION: The Fight for Emancipation and the Role of Religion
A Dialogue between CORNEL WEST & BOB AVAKIAN
A film of the Nov. 2014 Dialogue on a question of great importance in today's world between the Revolutionary Christian Dr. Cornel West and the Revolutionary Communist Leader Bob Avakian
Break ALL the Chains! Bob Avakian on the Emancipation of Women and the Communist Revolution

Birds Cannot Give Birth to Crocodiles, But Humanity Can Soar Beyond the Horizon
by Bob Avakian
Order the eBook.
$9.99 retail
Publisher: Insight Press
Read online:
Constitution, Law, and Rights—in capitalist society and in the future socialist society.
Selections from the writings of Bob Avakian and excerpts from the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America
View or download PDF here now
Order book here
A Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic
"Ajith—A Portrait of the Residue of the Past"
WWW.REVCOM.US/REVOLUTION NEWSPAPER brings alive a scientific analysis of major events in society and the world—why they are happening, how different events and developments relate to each other, how all this relates to the system we live under, where people's interests lie in relation to all this, how revolution is in fact the solution to all this and what the goals of that revolution are, how different viewpoints and programs relate, positively or negatively, to the revolution that is needed, and how people can move, and are moving, to build toward that revolution. is the guide, the pivot, the crucial tool in drawing forward, orienting, training, and organizing thousands, and influencing millions—fighting the power, and transforming the people, for revolution—hastening and preparing for the time when we can go for the whole thing, with a real chance to win.
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A Statement from the Revolutionary Communist Party: ON THE STRATEGY FOR REVOLUTION
Watch the Launch of
from Bob Avakian
Featuring: Cornel West/Carl Dix,
Moderated by: Andy Zee

From the Publisher:
...This book is a masterwork and a master class—it is a living laboratory of the new synthesis of communism developed by Bob Avakian. It is also striking in its ability to combine high level revolutionary communist theory and modeling of revolutionary leadership with a visceral, colloquial and passionate style that will resonate with and be accessible to a wide variety of readers.
This thought-provoking book is sure to challenge stereotypes and conventional thinking.
Pre-publication PDF of this major work available here.
Get Into BA HERE
Updated October 5, 2016
How This System Works—And Why It Must Be Overthrown
October 5, 2016
Prisoners on THE NEW COMMUNISM, BA and Ardea Skybreak
October 5, 2016
Message from Carl Dix: "You Need to Be in the House for This Book Launch"
October 3, 2016
Cornel West Invites You to Book Launch of THE NEW COMMUNISM
October 3, 2016
Build the Momentum for the October 8 Book Launch of THE NEW COMMUNISM by Bob Avakian
October 1, 2016
“I’m Going to Hit Him!” “Go For It! Go For It!”
Homicidal PIGS Murder Joseph Mann in Sacramento
October 4, 2016
What People Are Saying About Bob Avakian and THE NEW COMMUNISM
NEW Statement from
• former prisoner and Revolution Club member
September 28
October 8th Book Launch of THE NEW COMMUNISM to be Livestreamed at Special Screenings Around the Country
September 28, 2016
Bob Avakian's THE NEW COMMUNISM is Available Now—
3 Reasons You Should Get the Book and Your Ticket to the October 8th Book Launch Today!

5 Things You Can Do to Spread THE NEW COMMUNISM Everywhere
NEW! Downloadable images and memes from to share on social media
An initial selection is available now. More will be added soon.
Questions and answers on getting organized for an actual revolution
Question: Who can join the Revolutionary Communist Party?
Question: Why do we not initiate violence during this period when we are carrying out the “three prepares”—why do we not just “get it on,” and try to bring down this system, right now?
Question: Aren’t Ferguson and Baltimore examples of the people initiating violence?
Reposted July 10, 2016
Copy these posters and distribute everywhere, especially on the campuses.
Black & White | Color
» Confront the Actual History of the USA
Contribute to the "American Crime" Series
Updated August 25, 2016
» What it means to be a volunteer for has made several transitional changes to this website to make it more accessible to first-time viewers. There are more sweeping design changes coming. This is where you, the reader come in. Web and graphic designers—if you would like to work on the most revolutionary website on the planet, please write us at
Attention readers: Send in reports on protests, including photos and links to videos, to Revolution newspaper at revolution.reports@