Revolution#141, August 24, 2008

Note to Readers: Spread Revolution /Revolución Online!

We encourage readers to post articles from Revolution at web sites and submit them to online publications. And we appreciate hearing about your experiences and learning about sites that are reposting content from Revolution. We have three policies that are intended to enable many people to be involved in this, to get articles from Revolution posted all over, and to do this in a way that maintains the integrity of the content of Revolution.

  1. When you post, syndicate, reprint, and email articles from Revolution, identify yourself as a reader of Revolution (not an official representative).
  2. Anyone can post articles from Revolution online as long as they do not edit them, and they properly credit Revolution.
  3. We encourage links to when articles are reprinted, so that readers can find the source of the articles and submit comments directly to Revolution.

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