Revolution Online Edition, September 14, 2009

Letters from Prisoners

There are today over 180 prisoners on the waiting list for a subscription to REVOLUTION.  These prisoners, each and every one, should be getting this paper and other revolutionary literature—but they are not because there is not sufficient money to send papers to all those who want them. It is hard to sleep knowing that. It is an intolerable, and utterly unacceptable, situation.

The Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund (PRLF) provides an educational opportunity for prisoners to engage with world events and key political, cultural, and philosophical questions of the day from a unique revolutionary perspective, including discussions of morality, religion, science, and the arts. Every week prisoners can delve into the urgent and lively news and debate about unfolding political and social struggles, and can critically think about and dissect the current state of society as well as the search for an alternative.

The PRLF urgently needs your help in providing revolutionary literature to prisoners like those whose letters we are publishing below. To donate, go to the PRLF website

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