Revolution #211, September 12, 2010
This Week:
- September 8-15—Get this issue of the paper, with its powerful exposure of the ugly fascist tea party movement, out in a big way on campuses and to the high schools. This issue digs into big questions that people are debating—they need to get this newspaper and its revolutionary analysis. This will be the first week of a two-week issue.
- September 15-21—Appearing during this week will be a new four-page bilingual spread of the full-length Message/Call, "The Revolution We Need... The Leadership We Have." The powerful sweep of this statement in its full-length form will be a very important way to bring the campaign to as many youth and students as possible—at high schools and universities. Distribute it broadly on campuses and then focus in on some key departments, dorms, or areas of the campus to thoroughly saturate with the statement. BA image cards, posters and T-shirts should be a visible part of the whole mix. Don’t forget the fundraising buckets—raise funds as you go!
- Sit down with all the people who attended the Memorial Day campaign conferences, as well as those who couldn’t come and those who’ve learned about the campaign since. Ask them to read the full-length statement again and discuss the powerful message that comes through and the need for this to get out everywhere. Talk to them about all that we and they have been doing to spread the campaign and to let people know about the leadership we have in Bob Avakian. Get their ideas and thinking and make plans for getting out to the campuses or other ways of distributing the statement and image cards and helping with the campaign. Talk to them about the urgent need for funds to get the Message/Call out everywhere and to support Revolution newspaper. Ask them to donate toward the printing of the new, attractive full-length version and/or to become a monthly sustainer of Revolution newspaper.
- Fundraising needs to be a big part of this whole effort and it’s a great way for people to contribute to the campaign and get involved. Work together with people who have been part of or support the campaign to come up with ideas and plans to raise funds—a yard sale, a bake sale, car wash or picnic—or other kinds of activities.
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