From the Stop Mass Incarceration Network:
If Wilson Walks, America Halts!
No Business As Usual in NYC!
Immediately Go to Union Square and Into the Streets!
Justice for Michael Brown, Eric Garner,
and All Victims of Killer Cops!
November 20, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |
If the grand jury refuses to indict Darren Wilson for the murder of Michael Brown, people need to drop everything and go to Union Square. A "No Indictment" amounts to the system giving its stamp of approval to police wantonly murdering Black youth. A "No Indictment" would be an outrage that we must refuse to accept. If the authorities let this murdering cop walk, America must be brought to a halt. Traffic should be unable to proceed on major streets, highways, bridges and tunnels. Thousands must gather in Union Square. Then, our options are:
- Take our message of outrage into the subway system.
- March to the Brooklyn Bridge.
- March to the Holland Tunnel.
- March to the Lincoln Tunnel.
Wherever we go, we will deliver a message to one and all that THE KILLING OF BLACK YOUTH MUST STOP! People must come together and say this in a loud and united voice. We must mean it, and we must act accordingly immediately when the decision is announced and going forward from there till the murder of our youth by police and racist vigilantes is truly no more.
Students should walk out of school when they hear that another murdering pig has gone free. If the decision is announced at night, the next day should be a day of NO BUSINESS AS USUAL at schools. Buildings on campus should be taken over, classes should become teach-ins on police murder of Black people. All this and more should be done.
What Next?
- Take our message of Justice for Michael Brown to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
- The day after Thanksgiving should become “Black Lives Matter” day instead of a black Friday of getting a jump on Christmas shopping.
- Get ready for the grand jury decision in the murder of Eric Garner.
- Come to the next meeting of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, Monday, December 1, 7:00 PM, The Riverside Church, 120th & Claremont Avenue. #1 to 116 or 125th.
- Follow the latest developments at
Stop Mass Incarceration Network
c/o P.O. Box 941 Knickerbocker Station
New York, NY 10002-0900
Twitter: @StopMassIncNet
347-979-SMIN (7646)
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