The Mueller Report:
Surprise, Mueller Did Not Save You
Wake Up & Get Serious
The Only Way to Stop the Trump/Pence Fascist Regime Is Through Mass Struggle
On Friday night, March 22, it was announced that Special Counsel Robert Mueller, in charge of investigating Donald Trump’s possible cooperation with Russia in the 2016 election, had released his report and indictments were not going to be filed against Trump or anyone else who has not already been indicted.
For nearly two years, many people have been relying on this report as somehow the magic wand that would wave away the Trump/Pence regime. It will not happen.
The most important lesson to draw from this is that people have been diverted, bamboozled, and stupefied into becoming passive spectators, when what is urgently needed is massive, sustained nonviolent resistance to demand the whole regime be ousted. Becoming passive spectators rather than confronting the fact that the Trump/Pence regime is a fascist regime that has been steadily making progress in consolidating fascism, and that absent the people mobilizing, the regime will go on. The Democrats will continue, as they have, making petty amendments to process and steadfastly find every reason to avoid confronting what we actually face in the Trump/Pence regime. And they will consistently work to confine resistance to electing Democrats and maintain the facade of normalcy while accommodating, conciliating, and COLLABORATING with the Trump/Pence regime, aiding and ushering in an even more horrific future.
The top Democrats and their mouthpieces in the media like the New York Times crow that “so far [the report is] a vindication of the rule of law.” WRONG terms. The Times even lauds Trump for allowing it to go forward. Please! For the ruling class—including those who oppose the regime—the specter of people acting outside the normal suffocating confines of politics as usual (which it must be said is the process through which Trump/Pence came to power), is anathema, to be avoided. For them, as Bob Avakian said in the film of his talk THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO! In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America. A Better World IS Possible, order is more important than justice. For all who rule or who are angling within the system to be top dogs in this whole setup, what they fear most—even more than fascism—is the people who have the most interest and desire to stop all that this regime represents getting out of the bounds of politics as usual and acting on the things they are most concerned about.
But, that is not the case for the lives of the people here and around the world.
The Democrats and Piglosi have continually ruled impeachment off the table, claiming it would divide the country—as if the country is not already divided, with the wrong side of the divide having all the initiative and setting all the terms. They willfully lead people to blind themselves, soft-pedaling statements like Michael Cohen saying under oath before a House of Representatives investigation that he believed Trump will violate the rule of law to stay in power if the 2020 elections go against him. And Trump, rather than dial it down in the face of that, stepped it up a few days later by talking about how the military, police and “Bikers for Trump” are “rough” people who would support him in a crisis—with a definite implication that they would use force inside and outside the law to do that.
Further: The alleged ties to Russia are not and never were the reason WHY the Trump/Pence fascist regime had to go. They must go because they are FASCIST.
To be very clear: at this point, we cannot draw conclusions about what the report might say. Even without indictments, it could still contain important connecting-the-dots information that could be, but only will be, useful in the fight to oust the regime in the context of masses acting in the way Refuse Fascism has called for. But that will only be useful if guided by what we have printed now for two years:
The Democrats, along with the New York Times and the Washington Post, etc., are seeking to resolve the crisis with the Trump presidency on the terms of this system, and in the interests of the ruling class of this system, which they represent. We, the masses of people, must go all out, and mobilize ourselves in the millions, to resolve this in our interests, in the interests of humanity, which are fundamentally different from and opposed to those of the ruling class.
This, of course, does not mean that the struggle among the powers that be is irrelevant or unimportant; rather, the way to understand and approach this (and this is a point that must also be repeatedly driven home to people, including through necessary struggle, waged well) is in terms of how it relates to, and what openings it can provide for, “the struggle from below”—for the mobilization of masses of people around the demand that the whole regime must go, because of its fascist nature and actions and what the stakes are for humanity.
From Revolution Club, Los Angeles & National Revolution Tour
The Trump-Pence Regime Is Fascist and More Dangerous Than Ever
The Democrats Are War Criminals And Cannot Be Relied On
We Need To Rely On Ourselves To Drive Out This Regime...
And Most Of All We Need A Revolution!
Reposted from
The Mueller Investigation diverted, bamboozled, and stupefied people into waiting passively...
The Trump/Pence Regime Is More Dangerous Than Ever
Mass Protest Called by
Friday, March 29 5pm, Trump Star, Hollywood & Highland, Los Angeles
The Democrats, along with the New York Times and the Washington Post, etc., are seeking to resolve the crisis with the Trump presidency on the terms of this system, and in the interests of the ruling class of this system, which they represent. We, the masses of people, must go all out, and mobilize ourselves in the millions, to resolve this in our interests, in the interests of humanity, which are fundamentally different from and opposed to those of the ruling class.
This, of course, does not mean that the struggle among the powers that be is irrelevant or unimportant; rather, the way to understand and approach this (and this is a point that must also be repeatedly driven home to people, including through necessary struggle, waged well) is in terms of how it relates to, and what openings it can provide for, “the struggle from below”—for the mobilization of masses of people around the demand that the whole regime must go, because of its fascist nature and actions and what the stakes are for humanity.
“You Think You’re Woke...
But You’re Sleepwalking Through A Nightmare —
This System Cannot Be Reformed, It Must Be Overthrown!”
The Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour
Read about the first week of the Tour »
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