Tuesday, August 20, in Chicago:
Discussion of Bob Avakian on:
Stop Killing Each Other; Get Into the Revolution
This system has no future for the youth,
but the revolution does.
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You Are Invited...
To Grapple with a Serious Problem:
Why are so many of our youth still caught up in joining the gangs and killing each other, instead of joining the revolution?
And what will it take to get them moving with the revolution and becoming a key part of getting ready to bring down the whole system that has got them in this terrible situation and that causes so much hell for people here and all over the world?
This is an extremely serious problem—worldwide, and very much so here in Chicago. The Revolution Club has been trying to go at this, but much, much more needs to be done. And your ideas and your voice are needed.
Last year, Bob Avakian (BA) raised this question to the audience at his talk Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution. He asked for people’s ideas—how they saw the problem, how they saw dealing with it, and other things. An important conversation followed, led by BA, which included a former gang member, people from the community, the grandmother of a police murder victim, and revolutionary- and radical-minded people.
This Tuesday, we’re going to continue that conversation at the Revolution Club center, on 1857 E. 71st St. You’ll get a chance to see how BA approaches these questions and leads people into a scientific inquiry in this video. You’re invited to join a conversation that matters as we get into those questions ourselves.
We’re going to have two sessions—come to both if you can, or come to one.
We’ll start at 3:00 pm and watch a film clip where BA digs into the history of how the system put Black and Brown people into this situation, and discuss this together. Then, we’ll take a break at 5:30 and break bread together (a light dinner will be provided). We’ll get back into things at 6:30, viewing the clip on gangs, and discuss this together till 9 pm. If you can’t make the first part, it’s fine to just come for the second.
This will be a chance to grapple with these questions with people on the National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour. If it’s your first time, you’ll still be able to get into it. It’ll be serious... and it’ll be fun, too.
Tuesday, August 20:
Discussion of Bob Avakian on:
Stop Killing Each Other;
Get Into the Revolution
This system has no future for the youth, but the revolution does.
3:00 pm: Background
6:30 pm: The Question
Chicago Revolution Club Center
1857 E. 71st Street
Chicago, Illinois 60649
(312) 804-9121
If you want to look at the video of the conversation ahead of time, watch here:
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