The Nazification of the American Academy, and Resistance to This Horror:
A Call for Student Volunteers to contribute to special resource page
The Nazification of the American academy, the fascist advances on college campuses, has ratcheted up with the fascist Trump/Pence regime in power: The appearance of white supremacist speakers and manifestos, Nazi organizers and organizations with student chapters, intellectual rationalizations for fascism in the name of seeking to "correct" the absurdities of identity politics and other silliness, and the list goes on.
At the same time, there is some beginning resistance, some defiant and heroic (for example, Berkeley protests against Ann Coulter), though mostly still far from commensurate in scale, scope and passionate intensity.
We will be introducing a special resource page for those seeking to spark the kind of resistance needed. We have compiled some significant research, but it's initial, still very much a work in progress, and we are looking for student volunteers to contribute with this page, to help organize it so it is accessible, and to fill in with new developments and updates. We are also looking for those who can really SPREAD THIS CALL far and wide on social media, so everyone across the country can contribute to and use it.
Hundreds of students link arms creating human chains to block people who were trying to get into Ann Coulter’s speech at UC Berkeley.
Protesting Donald Trump, Jr. at UCLA November 10, 2019. Photo: NoBS Media
Hundreds of students link arms creating human chains to block people who were trying to get into Ann Coulter’s speech at UC Berkeley.
Protesting Donald Trump, Jr. at UCLA November 10, 2019. Photo: NoBS Media
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