From the Revolution Club, Chicago:
Support the Puerto Rican People’s Parade 7!
Updated |
Update: Thank you to everyone who contacted the office of Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx to demand our charges be dropped on Thursday, January 23—our first “Drop the Charges Day.” We held a successful rally/press conference outside her office with three of the defendants. Four TV stations sent cameras but from what we can tell, they did not show footage. The Chicago-Sun Times (one of the city’s two major newspapers) sent a reporter and photographer. The Sun-Times ran a good article.
After the rally we hand delivered a letter to Kim Foxx’s office from the ACLU which makes clear the defendants were exercising their First Amendment rights of free speech, along with other materials about the case.
On Friday January 24, there was status hearing on discovery. Our legal team had submitted an extensive motion for discovery showing how this case was part of a larger pattern of attacks (arrests, near arrests, and harassment) on the Revolution Club and requesting discovery from the Chicago Police Department (CPD) and others. The CPD have claimed they have nothing. At the Friday hearing the judge was told that if this continues our lawyers will issue a Motion to Show Cause, in an effort to stop the CPD’s stubborn refusal to produce the materials requested.
A status hearing date for this was set for Thursday, February 6. Once again we will be making plans for another “Drop the Charges Day” for the day before the hearing on Wednesday, February 5. Stay tuned to hear about our plans and how you can help support us.
The ACLU letter is here.
The Revolution Club, Chicago is stepping up the political battle to demand: Drop the Charges on Noche Diaz and the Puerto Rican People’s Parade 7! Hands Off the Revolution Club! The Puerto Rican People’s Parade 7 are seven members of the Revolution Club, Chicago, including Noche Diaz of the National Get Organized for an ACTUAL Revolution Tour, who are facing trial stemming from an illegitimate mass arrest by the Chicago Police Department at the 2018 Puerto Rican People’s Parade. On that day the Revolution Club members were surrounded and violently arrested for speaking with people, at a public parade, about the crimes of this system and getting organized for revolution. This arrest is part of a pattern of very similar illegal arrests, as well as ongoing harassment, physical interference and attempted intimidation by the Chicago police of the Revolution Club for speaking in public places. Watch this video, or go here to learn about this case and get involved in the fight to get the charges dropped. Promote this video on your social media.
Join with us on “Drop the Charges Day” this Thursday, January 23. This is the day before a status hearing on our motion for discovery. We plan to organize “Drop the Charges Days” the day before each upcoming court hearing. On Thursday, January 23, noon, we will be holding a “Drop the Charges” rally outside the office of Kim Foxx, the Cook County State’s Attorney, 69 W. Washington.
We call on all supporters of this case to call her office this Thursday at 312-603-1880 and demand that the charges be dropped. We also call on people to direct message her on Twitter @kimfoxxforSA and Facebook @SAKimFoxx. Spread the word to everyone you know.
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