NYPD Lays Mass Siege to Terrorize, Arrest Fighter Against Police Terror
Derrick Ingram Livestreams, He & Supporters Stand Strong, Turn Pigs Back
| revcom.us
So this is how the pigs still operate under this system – despite all their talk of “change,” “hearing the protesters,” and wanting “good community relations.”
On August 7 some 50 NYPD, some in tactical gear with shields, and a helicopter surrounded Derrick Ingram’s apartment in Manhattan – blocking off the streets with two dozen police vehicles, bringing pigs and dogs into the hallway outside his apartment, banging on his door – supposedly to arrest him for yelling in a cop’s ear with a bullhorn at a protest in Bayside.
Derrick is a founder of Warriors in the Garden, which has organized many protests against police violence and white supremacy around New York City since forming in June.
The NYPD – whose union recently endorsed Trump! – demanded Derrick open up and let them in or come out. Derrick righteously refused and began livestreaming the whole five-hour siege on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/iamdwreck/ -- / https://www.instagram.com/p/CDo7FOClMXp/ while consulting with lawyers over ZOOM.
“What did I do? What did I do?” he said on a livestream posted on Instagram. “I was born Black, that’s what I did.”
Derrick later said the police hadn’t produced a warrant and had “used threats and intimidation tactics…This was an attempt to silence our movement.”
His courage and quick thinking were decisive, including in rallying supporters. According to the New York Times, the police withdrew – empty handed – “after protesters arrived.”
This very inspiring example of people standing strong and coming together to defend resisters is an important lesson for the people to learn from.
@Warriorsinthegarden wrote on Instagram:
The NYPD forced a stand-off with one of our lead organizers and co-founder, Derrick “Dwreck” Ingram, and held hostage for 5 HOURS in his own home. NYPD arrived to his door stating they had a warrant for his arrest in regards to BAYSIDE and he needed to open the door immediately , he asked for the warrant to be slid under the door then they quickly shifted their words to “We’re working on getting one.” This entire process was very traumatic for Dwreck as they began to bang on his door, have K-9’s scratching at his door, sharpshooters pointing into the window, drones flying to his window, police officers stationed in the building next door and 2 helicopters flying above his head. We are NON-VIOLENT PROTESTORS and the work and dedication we have all put into this movement displayed this type of reaction. We will keep fighting and we will keep being the voice for the people. Dwreck has made the executive decision to turn himself in tomorrow morning and he will explain why! We are asking for all supporters from organizers to NYC citizens to please join us at 42ND STREET BRYANT PARK 8AM SHARP.
#earlybirdgetsthewormOne officer states in the video posted “Why don’t you be the WARRIOR that you state you are and come out and let’s face the system.”
And to that, we say, #TAKEITTOTHESTREETS #ANDFUCKTHEPOLICE #nojusticenopeace
It turns out the NYPD had hunted Derrick down using facial recognition technology and Derrick’s social media posts. The Gothamist reports, “In a video shared online by FreedomNewsTV, an officer can be seen outside Ingram’s apartment holding an ‘Informational Lead Report’ from the NYPD’s Facial Identification Section. The report also shows a photo of Ingram… a spokesperson for the NYPD confirmed that facial recognition software was used during the course of the investigation.”
Afterward, the Manhattan DA’s office claimed they didn’t “condone” the NYPD’s siege tactics, while New York’s Democrat Mayor, Bill DeBlasio staunchly defended the pigs: “This police department is never going to interfere with people's rights to protest,” he said. “It is a fundamental right and in fact, New York City over the years has done a damn good job in protecting that right.”
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