May 10 – 17, A National Week to Raise Funds for the Revolution.
Let’s get down to basics: We need a revolution—nothing less!
Revolution will not happen without financial support from the people themselves – those who catch the most hell under this system, and all those who are sick and tired of living in a world where people are treated as less than human. If you want to get free... if you want humanity to get free... you need to be part of taking responsibility for this. This means contributing funds and raising funds from others for the revolution necessary to bring a whole new world into being.
The Declaration from the revcoms: A Call to Get Organized Now For a Real Revolution says, “This revolution is not just 'a good idea'—it is actually possible... Revolutions are not possible all the time, but are generally possible only in rare times and circumstances, especially in a powerful country like this. This is one of those rare times and circumstances.”
There is the leadership for this in Bob Avakian (BA) – the architect of a whole new framework for the liberation of all oppressed people and the emancipation of all humanity. There is a strategy for making this revolution. BA has even written a Constitution that concretely maps out what to do starting right after the seizure of power, so we can actually work on building up a whole new emancipating society.
But not nearly enough people know about this revolution and are with it. We need to urgently change this, we need to get this revolution, and its leadership, known everywhere. We need to challenge and seriously struggle with people to organize them into this revolution. This will require funds – to print materials, for transportation, advertising, support for the frontline revolutionary fighters who are currently on a National Tour, now focused in LA, to run the website and to produce the weekly YouTube show, The RNL – Revolution, Nothing Less! – Show which are providing national leadership and guidance for this revolution.
There's nothing more important to contribute funds to than supporting your revolutionary vanguard: the revcoms, the leading, disciplined forces taking responsibility for revolution. When people step to the frontlines – including people just stepping into this – everyone needs to have their backs. This means building up the networks of financial and political support for those serious about taking this all the way to real revolution, while learning more deeply about this yourself and struggling with others. Instead of people putting their finances into brands, bling and bullshit that keeps this system going, or band-aid charity and dead-end reforms, people need to put their resources to the struggle to bring into being a radically different world without oppression, exploitation, poverty, and destruction of the environment.
This is necessary, it is possible and you are needed to step into and support this revolution.
All across the country, from May 10 – 17 and going forward from there, we're coming together to raise funds – people like you and people very different from you – all coming together to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Through collective change jars, asking our friends and family, knocking on doors, neighborhood car washes, COVID-safe backyard parties, tamale sales, bake sales and getting with people who can give larger contributions to match the community efforts. What can you give? What are your ideas?
“To come back to basics: We need revolution—a real revolution. We cannot afford to waste these rare times and circumstances that could be ripened into a real chance to make revolution. We cannot afford to squander the rare and precious leadership we have for this revolution. We have to get busy, build the movement and the organized forces for revolution all over the country, and work together tirelessly for this revolution, to actively prepare for the situation where this system can be brought down and something much better brought into being.”
Find the latest updates on raising funds for the revolution here.
Tune in, Sunday May 16, to a fundraising livestream
3 pm PDT | 6 pm EDT |
May Day 2021 — Raising Funds in LA For the Revolution!
"People understand that you can't do something as momentous as this without funding."
— The Revcoms (@therevcoms) April 28, 2021
A challenge from Dr. Phil Rice to all those who want a better world to FUND THE REVOLUTION!
Venmo: RevolutionTour
Cashapp: $RevTour
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