Questions That Come Up... And Answers
On Revolution And The Need For The Scientific Leadership Of Bob Avakian
On Dictatorship, The Need For Revolution, And What Comes Next
- There is no possibility of putting an end to the continuing horrors caused by the system we are now forced to live under, the system of capitalism-imperialism, without a revolution—a real revolution to overthrow this system. Such a revolution is an extremely complicated and difficult process. There is no possibility of making this revolution without leadership. Not just any kind of leadership, but leadership that is based on the most consistently scientific method and approach.
- We have that leadership in Bob Avakian (BA). A Declaration, A Call To Get Organized Now For A Real Revolution emphasizes this crucial truth: “There never has been a leader like this in this country and there is no other leader like this in the world now. We cannot afford not to follow this leadership if we ever want to get free and put an end to this madness.”
- You cannot bring a radically different and emancipating society into being, moving to abolish all oppression and exploitation, without breaking the capitalists’ violent hold over society (the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie) and establishing a radically different socialist form of rule (the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat). And only with this socialist system can you give the most powerful support to the revolutionary struggle throughout the world.
- The strategy for a revolutionary struggle of millions, to overthrow this system, is found in the works of Bob Avakian. A sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for how, beginning with the seizure of power, to transform society—in a radically emancipating way, on an entirely different foundation—is contained in the CONSTITUTION For The New Socialist Republic In North America, authored by BA.
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