An Appeal from Ex-Prisoner
November 26, 2013 | BA Everywhere |
Letter from a reader,
I donated $20 to the BA Everywhere Campaign and I'm calling on you to contribute as much as you can too!
I am talking to all the people that believe we can make a better world, you have to check out BA and what he is really bringing to the people. He is bringing forward Communism to the people in a way that they can understand it. People from professors and regular people feeling the weight of this system every day. If this campaign fails to project BA Everywhere it will mean more intensified oppression by this system on the people. We need to contribute whatever we can to this movement for revolution. If we don't succeed in getting BA Everywhere we cannot succeed anywhere. Look at the Christian Fascist movement gaining more steam and confidence everyday. Mass incarceration, indefinite solitary confinement, snatching voting rights, reinstatement of stop-and-frisk, assault on abortion, assault on gay people, drones, NSA spying, Trayvon Martin. If BA is not krunk out among the masses, all those crimes will heighten and intensify. If we don't succeed in this campaign in my limited analysis we will be doomed. No one is talking about breaking the hold of the people that rule over us. Communism is the only thing that can stop these monsters. Just like BA said in Revolution Nothing Less, Communism is the Rosetta Stone for the oppressed. Without the scientific method and approach reality is very hard to understand. People please donate to this movement these horrors must be stopped.
From an ex-prisoner and reader of Revolution newspaper.