Letter from a donor

Why I Decided to Donate $100

Letter received with a $100 donation to the BA Everywhere campaign from a young Latino:

May 13, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper | revcom.us


Read the English translation here.

Estimados lectores del periodico,

Yo al igual que ustedes me interese a leer el [periodico Revolucion] ya que es una buena forma de saber sobre la situacion actual. Me gustaria compartir mi pensamiento sobre la campana de BA En Todas Partes y lo que significa, reflecionando sobre el actual orden de las cosas y sobre una posible revolucion.

Hoy en el mundo que vivimos la situacion ya no se puede soportar, con las amenasas insesantes de guerra que se promueve y la contaminacion y destruccion global del planeta en el cual vivimos. Ya muestra los sintomas del deteriodo en el que esta. Hay una solucion pero este sistema no la tiene. Para mi no hay otra forma de hacer el cambio ni mas ni menos que con una revolucion. Una revolucion en la cual miles, millones de personas trabajen para que tal revolucion tenga posibilidades. Y si leemos la Constitucion para La Nueva Republica Socialista en America del Norte (proyecto de texto) del Partido Comunista Revolucionario entenderemos que los problemas tienen una solucion.

Como dice Lo BAsico 1:29, "Este sistema y aquellos que gobiernan no son capases de llevar acabo desarollo economico que cumplan con las necesidades de la gente ahora, balanceando con las necesidades de generaciones futuras y de proteger el medio ambiente. No les importa nada de la exquisite diversidad en el medio ambiente y en la tierra y los tesoros que tienen, a menos que puedan convertir esto en ganancias para si mismos… Ellos no son capaces de ser quienes cuidan este planeta." Esta cita es una gran verdad que deve ser cuestionada por todas las capas sociales, para preguntarnos hasta que punto debemos tolerar esto.

Volviendo sobre la importancia de la campana de BA En Todas Partes, por tal motivo me anime a donar $100 y escribir estas lineas ya que no soy muy bueno en la escritura.


[Rough Translation]

Dear newspaper readers,

I, just like you, got interested in reading [Revolution newspaper] because it's a great way to know about the actual situation we're confronting. I wanted to share some thoughts about the BA Everywhere campaign and its significance, reflecting on the actual state of things and on the possibility of revolution. In the world that we live in today the situation is no longer tolerable, with the constant threat of war that gets promoted and the global contamination and destruction of the planet in which we live in. All these are symptoms of deterioration in which it's in. There is a solution but this system does not have one. For me there is no other way to bring change other than with revolution, nothing else and nothing less. A revolution in which thousands, millions of people work on this so that such a revolution can become possible. And if we read the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America (draft proposal) from the Revolutionary Communist Party we'll come to understand that there is a solution to all these problems.

Like BAsics 1:29 says, "This system and those who rule over it are not capable of carrying out economic development to meet the needs of the people now, while balancing that with the needs of future generations and requirements of safeguarding the environment. They care nothing for the rich diversity of the earth and its species, for the treasures this contains, except when and where they can turn this into profit for themselves… These people are not fit to be caretakers of the earth." This quote contains a profound truth that needs to be debated by every section in society, and lead all of us to ask ourselves how long are we going to put up with this.

Returning to the importance of the BA Everywhere campaign, this is the reason why I decided to donate $100 and write a few words even though I'm not very good at it.


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