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Revolution #291 January 13, 2013
January 13, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |
December 16, 2012. Late into the night, a young woman and man—naked, bloody, and barely conscious—are dumped from a bus onto a dusty street in Mahipalpur, a district of south Delhi, India. After an agonizing wait of close to an hour while they lay bleeding in the street, they are finally taken to a hospital.
The woman had moved to the sprawling mega city of Delhi from her impoverished state of Uttar Pradesh. Her family had spent and sold everything they had so she could study medicine. She dreamed of returning to the village where she grew up and opening a hospital.
But the two young people had been lured onto the bus by a gang of drunken men, out to attack women. The men quickly disabled the woman’s companion and beat him. Then they began a savage assault on her that continued as they took turns driving the bus through the crowded streets of Delhi, beating and raping her mercilessly. When she was dumped onto the corner in Mahipalpur, she was suffering massive blood loss and severe damage to several internal organs.
At the hospital doctors discovered that her intestine had been so badly torn apart with a metal rod used to rape and beat her that the organ had to be surgically removed. Several days later she was flown to a hospital in Singapore that specializes in treatment for multi-organ trauma. After undergoing three abdominal operations, she died on December 28.
News of this horrific outrage struck a deep chord among millions of people throughout India and thousands —women and men—poured into the streets in angry protest. They were viciously attacked by police with water cannon, tear gas, and batons. One young woman shouted to the police who were dragging her to jail, “Shame, shame, you beat us while rapists roam free.” At an anti-rape protest in Imphal, in northern India, a journalist was killed when the police fired on demonstrators with live ammunition.
But the protesters persevered. Massive demonstrations have continued in Delhi and other Indian cities into the first week of 2013. A 22-year-old woman who had traveled five hours to be at a Delhi protest told reporters that it was “impossible to imagine that the country will sit back and say chalta hai [all is going to be fine].... We are not a chalta hai generation.”
The fury and duration of the protests have triggered a crisis in Indian society and within the Indian government. In the face of government attacks, thousands, especially young women and men, have continued to take to the streets—expressing their determination to not let this go on, to bring out into the open the horrible crime of rape in society that is usually covered over and tolerated.
In response, the government has now charged five of the six men involved in the savage bus attack with murder, and is threatening to use the death penalty against them. Meanwhile, different political forces are working to find ways to suppress and channel people’s anger into ineffective efforts aimed at reforming the police and the political and legal systems to supposedly “better protect” women.
This brutal rape and the courageous mass protests against it have revealed a seismic fault line that exists not only in India, but throughout the entire world: The oppression of women that concentrates one of the most basic social divisions in a world dominated by the system of capitalism-imperialism.
This oppression takes many different forms. The horrors it inflicts are universal. And it affects every woman and girl. Half of humanity is subjected in some way or another to the threat and reality of assault, degradation, rape, murder, enforced prostitution, and daily, never-ending abuse. All of society is bombarded with a whole culture, social relations, and ideas that constantly demean the worth of half of humanity. As we wrote about the state of women in 2012:
“In today’s world, whether you live in the so-called ‘enlightened democratic’ West... where women are systematically discriminated against and turned into sexual commodities; where prostitution, pornography, and strip clubs are ‘just part of the culture,’ where the patriarchal relations of the family mean women are brutally beaten, even murdered by their husbands and boyfriends. Or whether you live in a country where feudal traditions and backward religious strictures mean women are required to cover themselves head to foot, not even allowed to be seen, where they can be given the death sentence for choosing whom they want to marry or deciding they want to get an education...
“The capitalist system has engulfed the entire world... the system of imperialism turns everything and everyone into a commodity... this system has created a situation where all over the world, half of the population is systematically denied their humanity.” ("Women in 2012: The Horrible Fate of Half of Humanity Under Capitalism-Imperialism" Revolution #290, January 6, 2013)
And every single second, a woman somewhere in the world is raped—brutalized, degraded and denied her humanity in this way. And then, so many times, she is “raped again”—humiliated by the police who interrogate her, implying that “she asked for it”; told it was her fault because she wore the “wrong clothes,” was in “the wrong place”; accused in court of being a “loose woman” and so she deserved what she got.
Much of the fury of the protests in response to the rape in Mahipalpur has been directed at the inaction, indifference, and hostility from the Indian government, beginning with its top officials and extending through the government bureaucracy, the police, and the army. The massive and continuing protests have brought official participation, encouragement, and complicity in crimes against women into the light of day. For example, at least six Indian legislators are currently facing rape charges in different cases; and in the last five years India’s leading political parties have nominated 260 candidates facing charges for crimes against women. In Indian society, rape is used as a weapon of domination by the military, the police, and upper castes against lower castes and classes, and the rapists in such cases usually go unpunished. But it is also true in Indian society—as it is all over the world—that women of all economic and social standings are threatened by and subjected to the brutality of rape, whether it is in a dark alley at night, date rape, or rape within marriage.
All this and much more amounts to a permanent state of war on women and girls, driven by the chaotic dislocation and exploitation of global capitalism-imperialism, and fueled by feudal, patriarchal ideologies and the proliferation of high-tech pornography. The infuriating prevalence of rape is one monstrous expression of the deadly environment in which females exist from before they are even born until their death. It is a crime embedded deep in the nature and workings of the capitalist-imperialist system—including in the ways that this system has incorporated feudal and semi-feudal social relations and traditions. And no amount of reforms, of getting rid of bad police or throwing out rapist politicians is going to “fix” this horrendous problem.
In India, simmering rage at the groping, the leering, the insults, the assaults—the rape that is excused or condoned and determined to be “the woman’s fault”—exploded in righteous fury on the streets of Delhi and other cities, and reverberated throughout the world. A raw nerve had been touched.
Kavita Krishnan of the All India Progressive Women’s Association said on Democracy Now! that “this incident was particularly graphic violence, but there have been other terrible incidents, as well, including incidents in Delhi. But I think it was a cumulative effect and a cumulative feeling of anger and outrage at the impunity enjoyed by perpetrators of sexual violence and at the imposed insecurity, at the restrictions that insecurity imposes on women.
“And it all burst out in this, perhaps because this young woman was doing something so normal: She boarded a bus to go home after watching a film with her friend. And I think that somehow struck such a huge chord.”
“The question of the status—the oppression and the struggle for the liberation—of women is objectively coming to the forefront in today’s world and posing itself ever more profoundly and acutely.”
Bob Avakian,
“Unresolved Contradictions,
Driving Forces for Revolution”
The Revolutionary Communist Party’s A Declaration: For Women’s Liberation and the Emancipation of All Humanity (March 8, 2009) summed up the process through which capitalism both inherits and deepens the oppression of women as part of its fundamental workings:
“‘Modern’ capitalist society—or in reality the global system of capitalism-imperialism—has inherited the oppression of women from past societies out of which capitalism has emerged, and while changing some of the forms in which this oppression takes place, it has not eliminated, and cannot eliminate, this oppression; it has incorporated pre-capitalist forms of this oppression, in various parts of the world, particularly the Third World, into its overall, worldwide system of exploitation and oppression, and it perpetuates all this through the fundamental relations, the ongoing process of accumulation and the overall functioning of this capitalist-imperialist system.” (Emphasis in original)
The “ordinary functioning” of this system has had devastating, horrifically life-draining impact on India and the rest of the world. Capitalism-imperialism has deepened and intensified the great divisions in the world between a handful of people who accumulate obscene wealth off the labor of millions, and a mass of humanity deprived of life’s most basic needs; between nationalities of people who are deeply oppressed and nationalities who benefit from that oppression; between women and men.
Why Are There So Many More Men Than Women In India?
India today is one of several countries whose population shows what scholars Siwan Anderson and Debraj Ray call in their 2012 study a “suspiciously low” ratio of women to men—94 women to 100 men. What does this one stark statistic reveal about the conditions of life and death for women in India today, and the horrific, profound oppression they face?
The ways this goes down, across boundaries of class, caste, culture, and religion, are as varied as they are horrible. Infants killed because they are female and not considered as valuable as males. Women’s “injuries” while giving birth that “appear to be indicators of violence against women.” Ultrasounds to detect female fetuses for abortion are used even in parts of India without access to modern healthcare (let alone among more “middle class” people), due to social and financial pressures to bear sons, not daughters.
Girls from poor families who die of infections, parasites, and other preventable diseases at higher rates than boys because the welfare of boys takes priority over the welfare of girls. Young women harassed, brutalized, and murdered or driven to suicide by husbands and in-laws over dowry demands. (Dowry is money, property, and gifts a bride’s family must give to the man she marries and his family, often causing her own family terrible financial hardship.) Older women prematurely dying of poor health worsened by lifetimes without access to medical care. India is one of many countries where acid attacks are a common form of violence by men against women: acid thrown in a woman’s face—blinding, disfiguring, destroying her life—is a punishment for refusing a man’s overtures, for seeking a divorce, for disobedience.
Self-immolation—suicides by women who are made so desperate by the conditions of their lives that they burn themselves to death. But murder, too: women murdered by their own husbands and in-laws—who douse the woman with gasoline and light the match (often these cruel crimes are then reported as “kitchen accidents”). In 2001 alone, more than 100,000 young Indian women were reported killed by fire, with many of these deaths tied to domestic abuse.
Anderson and Ray note there is “little doubt” that the number of deaths of women and girls is higher than they conclude, “for the simple reason that the under-reporting of deaths for women is higher than for men.”
Their conclusion is a chilling indictment of the world imperialism has created: “Indian women face the risk of excess mortality at every stage of their lives.”
In the sprawling cities of India—a country proclaimed by Western imperialist leaders and by its own leaders to be the “world’s largest democracy”—alongside and intermingled with the islands of high-tech entrepreneurship, glittering shopping malls, and heavily guarded luxury apartments, is the degrading squalor of teeming shantytowns and slums, filled with people caught in a never ending struggle to survive.
Here, in India, there is an extremely sharp coming together of different things. Increasingly, women are entering into the job market, as super-exploited wage laborers or as part of the more middle strata “techno” workforce or with higher-end skills, such as medical technicians or doctors. All this still exists within a largely feudal superstructure—where traditional patriarchal practices and ideas are enforced upon all women, even those who may have attained a high educational and professional status. Women are still subjected to arranged marriages and the patriarchal dictates of the family. Female children are profoundly devalued and there is a common practice of aborting female fetuses. This is one reason there is a disparity in the population in India, where there are 15 million more men than women. And RAPE is a part of all of it—fueled by the underlying patriarchal oppressive relations, the grotesque misogyny, the violence, and the degradation of women.
Look around the world. Any continent, any hemisphere: In Cairo, Egypt, fundamentalists and other reactionary forces have declared open season on women on the streets... in Juárez, Mexico, a state of kidnapping, rape, and murder of women has existed for over a decade with the active complicity of all the established authorities... Amnesty International reports that women who report rape to authorities in Scandanavian countries “have only a small chance of having their cases tried by a court of law. The result is that many perpetrators are never held to account for their crimes.” In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, tens of thousands of women are survivors of rape that is endemic to the reactionary military forces operating in service of different capitalist-imperialist interests... Different cultures, different particulars, but a global horror.
Everywhere on earth where people yearn for and are beginning to lift their heads to fight for liberation, the question is posed: will the fight be to break all the chains of exploitation and oppression? Or to break all the chains but one—the one of women’s oppression and the outlook of patriarchy that justifies and helps perpetuate it? This will be a fundamental determinant of whether or not people will be able to break free of capitalism and begin building a revolutionary new world where humans consciously transform the world and themselves, working through all the challenges and obstacles to lay the basis for a world in which exploitation and oppression no longer exist.
The liberation of women can never come about in a capitalist society. But capitalism-imperialism has created the basis for a revolution—a communist revolution—that can put an end to all exploitation and oppression, can dig up the roots of them so the basis for them coming back in another form is gone. And to do this, this communist revolution takes up as one of its central components the emancipation of women.
A courageous, heroic uprising of women and men following the brutal rape on the bus in Mahipalpur has convulsed India, and sent tremors throughout the entire world. The righteous fury unleashed on the streets of Delhi, and the anger burning in the hearts of millions at the anguish inflicted on the woman who was trying to take a bus ride home, is a harbinger of the future and a concentration of one of the most decisive and fundamental questions of our time.
Will this fury be beaten down and suppressed?
Will it be channeled into ineffective reforms that leave the system of capitalism-imperialism grinding on unscathed, and the outlook of patriarchy and male domination fundamentally unchallenged?
Or—will it be unleashed as part of an epochal battle to liberate all women, and emancipate all humanity?
Revolution #291 January 13, 2013
January 13, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |
The eyes of the world are on India, where thousands of women, and men, have poured into the streets in outrage over the brutal rape and murder of a 23-year-old woman. It is a horror that could have happened anywhere in this world. But this time people are rising up in righteous rage. This is a moment, worldwide, when the usual, everyday workings of the capitalist-imperialist system, the way it destroys women physically and in spirit, is not being accepted as “just the way it is.”
And in fact, this is NOT the way the world needs to be. As the “Call to Action, End Pornography and Patriarchy: The Enslavement and Degradation of Women!” says: “Women are not objects. Women are not things to be used for the sexual pleasure of men NOR are they breeders of children. WOMEN ARE HUMAN BEINGS CAPABLE OF FULL EQUALITY IN EVERY REALM!” (The full Call to Action is available at
This struggle is a critical element in the need, and basis for revolution in today’s world. In the talk Unresolved Contradictions, Driving Forces for Revolution, Bob Avakian says:
The question of the status—the oppression and the struggle for the liberation—of women is objectively coming to the forefront in today’s world and posing itself ever more profoundly and acutely.
The great need, and potential, indicated in this quote from BA poses an urgent challenge to all of us: to build and strengthen righteous protest against rape and oppression of women in every form, and to connect these struggles with BA's new synthesis of communism, and the strategy for revolution. To help readers meet that challenge, there is a special page at dedicated to updated coverage, analysis, correspondence, and providing quick access to critical material to take into the mix wherever people are stirring in outrage and protest. Find it at
Send comments and reports to or to PO Box 3486 Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654. When you send them, let us know whether or not they are for posting and whether they can be edited.
Revolution #291 January 13, 2013
January 13, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |
We are told that “equality for women has been won” and that “there are no limits to what girls can achieve.” BULLSHIT!
Every 15 seconds a woman is beaten. Every day three to four women are killed by their partners. One out of four female college students will be raped or sexually assaulted while in college.
In recent years, pornography has become increasingly violent, cruel, degrading towards women; women are referred to as “cumdumpsters” and “fuckbuckets”; the “money shot” (ejaculation in a woman’s face) is standard; humiliating cruelty—like violent “ass-to-mouth” penetration—is normalized, and racist bigotry is sexualized. Meanwhile, the broader culture has been pornified: pole dancing is taught at gyms, “sexting” is a national phenomenon among teens, and the strip club is the accepted backdrop to “male bonding.” All this is tied in with, and reinforces, the trafficking of millions of women and girls as literal chattel in the international sex industry.
This is NOT society becoming more comfortable with sex. This is society becoming saturated with the sexualized degradation of women. If you can’t imagine sex without porn, you’re fucked.
At the same time, a Christian fundamentalist-driven assault is imperiling abortion, birth control, real sex education and women’s lives. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people who do not conform to traditional patriarchal gender and sexual norms are demonized and threatened. Abortion doctors are killed. Women who seek abortions—or even birth control—are stigmatized. 2011 saw the largest spate of legal restrictions on abortion since Roe v. Wade in 1973.
Fetuses are not babies. Women are not incubators. Abortion is not murder.
Women are not objects. Women are not things to be used for the sexual pleasure of men NOR are they breeders of children. WOMEN ARE HUMAN BEINGS CAPABLE OF FULL EQUALITY IN EVERY REALM!
It is long past time that this new generation stand up, reject, and RESIST this culture of rape and pornography; this culture that labels women “selfish” if they choose not to become mothers; this culture that reduces women and girls to sexualized objects while denying their full multi-dimensional humanity (including their right—as one essential part of this—to explore their sexuality without shame or stigma); this culture that demonizes and bullies LGBT people.
Our purpose is NOT to lobby for new legislation to ban pornography (“decency laws” have always served to further repress homosexuality, boundary-challenging art, and scientific sex education). We oppose the criminalization of women in the sex industry. Our mission is to challenge the new generation in particular to reject this culture of rape and pornography, to resist the shaming of women who have sex and/or abortions, to wage fierce cultural and political resistance to wake others up, and to bring forward a liberating culture that celebrates the full equality and liberation of women.
Contact with your questions, comments, ideas, and interest in getting involved. Get flyers to hand out, bring a speaker to your campus, ask your toughest questions. The future of women depends on YOU!
Revolution #291 January 13, 2013
by Carl Dix | January 7, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |
The judge who handed down the sentences in the Queens’ Stop & Frisk case got personal. I got a $250 fine, 5 days court observation and $120 court costs. Morgan Rhodewalt got the fine, 5 days community service and court costs. Jamel Mims got 5 days community service and court costs. And Bob Parsons got court costs. 1st off, we shoulda gotten off with time served—no fines and no community service. Stop & Frisk is wrong, and we were right to protest it!
In handing down these sentences, the judge said, ‘The jury saw thru Dix’s arrogance, and Rhodewalt’s false statements.’ Of course, the jury hadn’t said any of this. The judge was really spitting his own venom at us, and he followed that up by giving Morgan and me extra punishment.
Why did the judge say I was arrogant? Because he feels it was arrogant of me to decide Stop & Frisk was racist, illegal and illegitimate and to call on people to join a campaign of civil disobedience to stop it! And to come into his court and say that what we did was the right thing to do. He probably thought my statement before sentencing was also “arrogant.” I noted that “Ray Kelly told 3 Black legislators he wanted every Black and Latino youth to be afraid they might be stopped & frisked every morning when they leave their house.” I added, “This was wrong, and we were right to stand up and say NO MORE to this outrage.”
Morgan’s “false statement” was about his complaint to the Civilian Complaint Review Board over the police having tightened his handcuffs so tight he lost use of his thumbs for several weeks. Before the trial, the prosecution argued, unsuccessfully, that this complaint amounted to a confession of guilt in this case. But the jury never saw this statement, so it’s ludicrous to say they saw thru his false statements. (There’s something to learn from this. The complaint to the CCRB didn’t in any way deter cops from making handcuffs too tight on people they arrest, but it did serve to give the government an added way to target the defense in this charged political case.)
There’s another wrinkle to the judge sentencing me to court observation. He said he did this in consideration of my physical condition. Rev. Steven Phelps, the Senior Minister at the Riverside Church had offered that we could do any community service we were sentenced to could be done thru ministries at their church. If the only issue was coming up with community service that fit my physical condition, the Riverside Church’s offer would’ve fit the bill. The judge was essentially saying that he was going to take this arrogant Black man and make him sit in his court room, under his thumb, and maybe teach him some humility.
That won’t happen! Stop & Frisk is still wrong. Mass Incarceration is still racist and illegitimate. It is right to stand up and say NO MORE to this slow genocide strangling inner city Black and Latino communities across the country! Watching this judge operate in court for a week won’t change any of that.
This piece was posted at the Stop Mass Incarceration Trial Blog. Check back at and for continuing coverage of the struggle against mass incarceration and updates about the trials of the freedom fighters who have been arrested putting their bodies on the line in thsi fight
Revolution #291 January 13, 2013
January 13, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |
Life for the vast majority of humans on this earth presents itself as an endless horror. People in this country and all over the world dream of being free of this madness and suffering and they resist in thousands of different ways. But at the same time, they are told, from all directions, and constantly, that the world we live in is the best of all possible worlds and to make revolution will only bring something worse—that the best humans can do is try to make it a little better.
This winter, Revolution will publish a special issue which will boldly project the truth of what was accomplished in the first socialist revolutions, refuting the lies that spew out constantly about communism, and speak to how we can do better in the next stage of communist revolution. Beginning now, volunteer to be a part of making this special Set the Record Straight issue one which is sharp and biting, an issue which speaks to people's real questions and challenges their thinking. Producing this issue will be a collective effort, drawing on the contributions of our readers. There will be substantive articles, including a major article by Raymond Lotta, an advocate of Bob Avakian's new synthesis—but this will be published together with short articles, pictures, artwork and graphics. There is a place for you in this project...let's hear from you about what people think...let's hear from you about your ideas for the issue...join in doing research and writing. And we would especially like to hear from our readers in the prisons with their thoughts on the first stage of communist revolution and ideas for this important special issue.
To volunteer: write to or to RCP Publications, PO Box 3486, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654 ATTN: STRS issue.
But the reality is that the world we live in is not the best of all possible worlds. Another, radically different and far better world is possible. A communist world. The first great steps towards this world were taken in the socialist revolutions in the 1900s—in the Soviet Union from 1917 until the defeat of that revolution in 1956, and in China from 1949 until the defeat of socialism in 1976. Before these revolutions were turned back people began to build societies free of exploitation that would truly provide for the needs of people. They worked to break tradition's chains and overcome centuries of oppression and oppressive divisions among the people, between those who do intellectual work and those who are locked out of that, between women and men, between different nationalities. For instance, did you know that, in the 1920s, when Black people were being lynched in the U.S., in the Soviet Union (formerly known as the "prison house of nations") pathbreaking efforts were being made to overcome inequality among nationalities—economically, politically, and culturally?
While these revolutions held power, they inspired hundreds of millions around the world, including in this country. But once the revolutions were betrayed, it gave the reactionaries a free hand to pour out endless, unchallenged distortions. From a thousand different directions, what actually happened in these societies has been and is under constant attack. Just in the last few months, two new books were published—with great fanfare and promotion—that are full of lies about what happened during the Great Leap Forward of 1958-60 in China. And these books are only the latest in a long line of articles, books, and media commentary vilifying socialism and communism.
We need to understand that while there are increasing crises, upheavals and revolts going on around the world today, people do not see, because of the big lie against communism, that there is a way to get beyond the horror and suffering of the world they live in.
Now is the time to refute the lies and set the record straight about what was achieved in the first stage of communist revolution. Now is the time to challenge the paralyzing common wisdom about communism and raise people's sights to the possibility of a far better future for humanity. Not only can we make revolution again, but because of the work of Bob Avakian in deeply summing up this experience and developing an inspiring vision of a new stage of communism, the emancipation of all humanity, we can do much better. People need to know this.
In April, Raymond Lotta, political economist, writer for Revolution, and advocate for Bob Avakian's new synthesis of communism, will be debating Slavoj Žižek, philosopher and cultural theorist. So now, as the debate approaches, it is an especially important time to crack open the fight for the truth all over the place.
This winter, Revolution will publish a special issue which will boldly project the truth of what was accomplished in these socialist revolutions, call out the lies that have become the "accepted verdict" on communism in today's world, and speak to the real shortcomings of those first heroic revolutions and how we can do better in the next stage of communist revolution. At a time of continuing wars being waged in large parts of the planet, of millions struggling to live under the crushing weight of capitalism-imperialism, and an environmental emergency which threatens the very existence of life itself—and importantly, at a time of stirrings of resistance and questioning, this is a history that people need to know about. Knowing the truth that another world is possible has everything to do with lifting people's sights and with their fighting to bring a better world into being. It is critical to building the movement for revolution.
When this issue hits the streets—and goes up on the web—let's find the ways to sharply and broadly challenge large numbers of people with the truth. And let's especially hit the campuses with this issue, stirring up debate and controversy! Students and other intellectuals, and broad swaths of society, should be struggled with to join the debate over communism—its past and its future—in a whole new way.
"[O]ne of the most important focuses [of the struggle in the realm of ideas] at this time is the struggle to confront and combat the constant attacks of the experience of socialist countries, and in particular the dictatorship of the proletariat, and especially the whole concept of totalitarianism; and at the same time, while doing that, to confront and critically examine the actual experience of socialist countries and the dictatorship of the proletariat, drawing the fullest lessons from this experience—mainly and overwhelmingly the positive lessons, but also facing squarely and digging deeply into the very real shortcomings and errors."
Bob Avakian, from Dictatorship and Democracy, and the Socialist Transition to Communism
Revolution #291 January 13, 2013
By Name | January 13, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |
“Scenes from BA Everywhere” is a feature that gives our readers an ongoing picture of this multi-faceted campaign, and the variety of ways that funds are being raised, and the whole BA vision and framework is being brought into all corners of society. Revolution newspaper is at the hub of the BA Everywhere effort—publishing reports from those taking up the campaign. Revolution plays a pivotal role in building an organized network of people across the country coming together to make BA a household word. We urge all our readers to send us timely correspondence on what you are doing as part of this campaign.
Now Available!
Special Revolution Supplement:
In 2013: BA Everywhere...
IMAGINE the Difference
It Could Make!
A full-color version of the special supplement on BA Everywhere that appeared in Revolution #290 is now available. Order your copies now.
20 copies, including shipping—$5
50 copies, including shipping—$13
For larger orders, contact:
RCP Publications
This year, as horror upon horror pile up all over the world... as the web of life itself comes under increasing and unceasing stress... a different voice, posing a real alternative—a real revolution—can and must ring out.
With new films and interviews and other new work... with bus tours of veteran revolutionaries and brand-new fighters continuing to take this all over the country... from the alienated campuses to the locked-down prisons to the communities of the oppressed... the words and work of the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian can and must hit with an impact like never before.
It is up to you to make it happen.
In the last few weeks of 2012, BA Everywhere holiday fundraising parties, dinners, and other activities were held in cities across the country—raising several thousand dollars and helping to forge a community of people working together in this campaign. Last year saw the birth of the movement to raise big money to get BA’s vision and works everywhere. But as the special pullout on BA Everywhere in the last issue of Revolution (#290) noted, “this was just the beginning”—and the year-end fundraising events and activities were important in moving forward to new breakthroughs in the new year.
The parties and dinners brought together people from different backgrounds, nationalities and generations—people who have been involved in BA Everywhere in various ways over the past year, as well those who were more recently introduced to what BA and this campaign are about. Aside from direct donations, people contributed to the events in various ways. For example, a report from Houston said, “Several people had donated hand-made jewelry, pottery, baked goods and other items which were sold as holiday gifts. One of these items was created by the husband of a woman who supports Revolution newspaper, after she introduced him to the Revolution website. As she donated, she noted, ‘now we have joined the revolution.’”
In Chicago, “Volunteers reached out to store owners for donations for the silent auction, to shops and cafes asking for donations of food or other party essentials, and to friends in the revolution to send dishes to the party.” And the hall where the party was held was donated for the evening by business owners in the heart of the Puerto Rican community.
Poets, rappers, and musicians contributed their talents to the events in some cities, giving life to the BAsics 2:8 quote that speaks to the need for a whole different culture in opposition to the putrid culture dominant in this society. In Cleveland, “Besides world music playing, Art Blakey III played electric guitar and Ronnie B of 10:08 Vision rapped ‘Windows of Pain,’ exposing the horrors of mass incarceration.” One of the performers at the Seattle fundraiser was a young man who runs a poetry magazine that features LGBTQ poets. The participating artists in the Houston “Night of Revolutionary Culture” included a clarinet, guitar and violin trio playing klezmer music—a genre associated with East European Jews and their resistance to the Nazis. In one piece, the trio improvised a chorus in between verses, chanting “BA Everywhere!”
Aside from good food, music, poetry, and much fun, these festivities included discussion, presentations, and videos around the BA Everywhere campaign—what’s been achieved, and the potential to really spread BA’s voice and works with an impact like never before. At the L.A. party, Michael Slate announced the January 11 start of the new five-part interview he did with BA—a 10-foot banner was also unfurled with this announcement.
Holiday Party Favors - Seattle
“It was a very good night,” wrote a reader from Seattle, “that really gave a sense of what we are all about and what BA Everywhere is setting out to do in a living way, while at the same time giving room for people to relate to this in their own way and from their own aspirations and desires.” In Cleveland, a woman new to this movement told everyone, “I didn’t know what communism is—now I see it as a viable solution, and Bob Avakian puts out a scientific way of looking at the solution. I kept looking for answers, and they are here.”
Various other fundraising activities took place during the holiday period, including people getting together to make and sell tamales and baked treats. Members of the Revolution Club in the ’hood in one city decided to take on a special project to raise money for sending BAsics to prisoners. On several weekends in December, people made tamales, churros, and brownies that were taken out (with BAsics palm cards and Revolution) to various places—laundromats, markets, and elsewhere in the ’hood. Although it wasn’t part of the original plan, Revolution Club members in another area of the city decided to take this up, and “soon some college students and others were taking orders and still others were collecting funds.” In one weekend alone, over $330 was raised through the sales and donations in that city.
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