Revolution #356, October 6, 2014
Voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
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Revolution #356 October 6, 2014
We Urge You to Come to Ferguson, Missouri, October 10-13
September 24, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |
A call has been issued by Hands Up United, Organization for Black Struggle, and a coalition of local and national organizations demanding justice for Mike Brown and an end to police violence and racial profiling. This is a very important development, and a very important call. People across the country are being urged to travel to Ferguson on October 10 through October 13 to participate in a series of events and marches to stand with those who’ve been in the streets for the past seven weeks fighting for justice. The main march is scheduled for Saturday, October 11, in downtown St. Louis.
Protest against the police murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, August 30, 2014.
We urge everyone who understands that the murder of Mike Brown and the subsequent military assault on the people are howling outrages, to answer this call and come to Ferguson. Your participation in this struggle to achieve justice will make a huge difference in strengthening the people on the front lines here in Ferguson and in other parts of the country. Send a delegation from your campus or church or neighborhood. Parents and families of loved ones murdered by the police should lend their voices. Organize a car caravan. Jump on a bus or train! If you can’t make it, send a banner to the people of Ferguson signed by all who are standing with the struggle, but could not be there in person.
You are also invited to be part of the "Revolution—Nothing Less" contingent in the march. And, you are also invited to be a part of a “Stop Mass Incarceration” contingent letting everyone know about October 22—the national day of protest against police brutality—and the October Month of Resistance.
This call for people from around the country to come to Ferguson October 10-13 comes at a crucial juncture in this battle. Everyone who wants to see an end to the police murder and brutality that Mike Brown’s murder has brought to light should be part of advancing the struggle in the face of efforts from the highest levels of government to repress and derail it.
The people, especially the defiant ones in Ferguson, have heroically stood up...protesting this police murder, and refusing to back down in the face of tanks, tear gas, police dogs, and rubber bullets. Over 200 people protesting the murder of Mike Brown have been arrested. Just now on September 24, after the memorial to Mike Brown was burned down in the early hours of the morning, the anger boiled over—people not only rebuilt the memorial but took to the streets in outrage.
The system continues to work the way it was designed to work...refusing once again to indict a murdering pig. The approach has been to wear people down, slander Mike Brown over and over again, and employ tactics to confuse, demoralize, and divide the people, and cover up this murder in order to lay the basis to let Darren Wilson, the pig who murdered Mike Brown walk free. The grand jury’s life has been extended until January.
The stakes in this struggle for justice are high. If the system is compelled to back up and concede to the demands of the people, it will have an enormous impact on the struggle against police terror across the country...and it will also objectively strengthen people standing up all over the country during the October Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration, Police Terror, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation. On the other hand, if the system is allowed to get away with murder and triumphs over a struggle that has inspired people around the world...this too will convey a message, that Black lives do not matter.
October Month of Resistance
The national Stop Mass Incarceration Network has fully endorsed the call for protests in Ferguson demanding justice for Mike Brown and an end to police violence and racial profiling, October 10 through October 13.
In addition, the newly formed chapter in Ferguson of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network calls on people to support these actions, and is also calling for these protests:
October 9, 5 pm: Protest at Ferguson Court and Police Station, 222 S. Florissant Rd. Demand authorities drop ALL charges on people arrested during the rebellion after Mike Brown was murdered in August. One of the first hearings for arrested protesters is scheduled for the criminal court at 6 pm.
October 22, 5 pm: Rally/march will gather at Canfield Drive (9300 W. Florissant). March will proceed to Canfield Apartments where Michael Brown was murdered by police and proceed through Ferguson community to the police station at 222 S. Florissant Rd.
For more information, schedule of events and updates go to:
Revolution #356 October 6, 2014
Build Off Momentum Established Taking the Pledge of Resistance on October 1
Mobilize a Month of Resistance That Can Be Beginning of the End for Mass Incarceration!
by Carl Dix | October 6, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |
The October Month of Resistance to Mass Incarceration, Police Terror, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation is off to a strong start. In more than a dozen areas across the country people gathered at schools, in neighborhoods and outside police stations, prisons, and other government offices to take the Pledge of Resistance. ( has coverage of these gatherings.)
It is critical that we go all-out to build off the momentum that has been established. October must be a month of tens of thousands of people engaging in mass determined resistance—demonstrations across the country targeting police brutality on October 22 and calling out the attacks on immigrants, panels on campuses, cultural events and more. Our resistance in October must come together in a way that erects a big STOP SIGN right in the face of U.S. society to the slow genocide of mass incarceration, police terror and all their consequences.
Look at what's going down. Almost two months since the police murder of Michael Brown and still no justice. From July 17, the day Eric Garner was choked to death by police on Staten Island, to August 17, police killed 60 people—almost two every day. Two years ago a hunger strike that involved thousands of prisoners held in long-term solitary confinement forced California authorities to agree to improve the conditions people were held in. Yet on September 26, prisoners held in solitary confinement in Corcoran prison in California went on hunger strike to protest inhumane health conditions there.
And look at the resistance to all these horrors, starting with the defiant response of the youth of Ferguson to the murder of Michael Brown. People in cities across the country have stood in solidarity with the call for Justice for Mike Brown. And there have been other outpourings of resistance to police murder. In Ohio, in response to a grand jury decision not to indict the cops who gunned down John Crawford in a Walmart; in Los Angeles after police beat Ezell Ford to death; in NYC in response to the choking death of Eric Garner, and elsewhere. It is important that this resistance be brought together into a national movement taking on the outrages the criminal "injustice" system is bringing down on people. And this movement of resistance must be taken to a much higher level.
As I write this, religious institutions are beginning a weekend of sermons condemning mass incarceration and police terror and calling on their congregations to join the resistance to these horrors. Reports on these sermons need to be gathered and featured on the Stop Mass Incarceration Network website, and sermons should continue throughout the month. There are already a number of campus events planned for October. More should be planned, and as they happen, reports on them need to be sent in to the website.
The October Month of Resistance has endorsed the Call for Ferguson October and is putting together a delegation of people from different parts of the country to be down there from October 10-13. This is crucial—the righteous resistance of the people in Ferguson has made police murder of Black people something U.S. society has had to focus on. It is important that Ferguson October brings out a strong outpouring of support.
Thirteen areas have posted their plans for taking to the streets on October 22, the National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation. Other areas need to make their plans and send them in to the website.
There is a crying need to raise the funds to make all this happen. An important part of doing this is involving many, many people in the crowdfunding effort that has been launched on We need to spread the link to our page on Indiegogo and drive many more people to it. We need to win people to contribute to this effort, and we need to give the Indiegogo campaign the kind of momentum that can reach our goal. People also need to call on those who have signed the Call for the Month of Resistance to contribute money to this effort and engage in various kinds of fundraising projects.
All this needs to bring together tens of thousands of people to stand up and say: NO MORE to this slow genocide. Our resistance must impact and move millions and thru that serve as the beginning of the end for mass incarceration in this country.
Revolution #356 October 6, 2014
Something Big Is Happening
Resistance... and Getting Free
October 6, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |
If you step back and look at society from the widest angle... something big is happening. People are standing up AGAINST the “New Jim Crow”—against the outrages of police murder after police murder of unarmed Black and Latino youth... against the mass incarceration of those same youth, now going on for several generations...against a whole mentality and interlocking set of institutions that is designed to demonize and criminalize entire peoples.
You can see it in many different ways—in the militant refuse-to-give-in spirit in the streets of Ferguson and the flash mob at the symphony hall in St. Louis... in people blowing whistles on the cops and backing them down, in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York... in forums at universities and religious institutions... in the sermons given in at least dozens of places of worship this weekend... in the works of art that people are producing against this outrage—the poems, the songs, the visual art, etc... in the actions happening on campuses, of all different kinds... in the hundreds of names of many different people on the Call for the Month of Resistance... something is struggling to come into being.
We are trying to capture that on this site. We are trying to give that shape and direction... to show what people are thinking and doing about it... to point to the underlying structures and dynamics of the system that requires this and the way to get rid of that system... to help make this stronger and more powerful.
Doing that is part of changing the whole terms in this society—part of beating back this, yes, genocidal attack on Black and Latino people... and part of preparing the political terrain, preparing the people, and preparing the vanguard to actually make revolution and put an END to the whole system of capitalism, with its pillar of white supremacy, that has generated these horrors and will keep generating new ones so long as it exists.
Popularizing this website can play a big big role in really making this month into as powerful a MONTH OF RESISTANCE it can be... and to making real strides to getting free of this monster for good.
Revolution #356 October 6, 2014
On the Dialogue Between Cornel West and Bob Avakian:
Anyone with an Interest in Human Emancipation Should Be There
September 8, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |
On September 1, we announced the Dialogue between Bob Avakian and Cornel West on “Revolution and Religion: The Fight for Emancipation and the Role of Religion,” taking place in New York City on November 15, at Riverside Church.
Nobody with any interest in human emancipation should miss it.
Bob Avakian has been fighting for the people for 50 years and leading the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA for nearly the last 40 of those. He’s taken the understanding of how to make revolution, and how to keep a revolutionary society on the path to full emancipation, to a new level. BA has come up against repression and suppression, and endured slander and sacrifice in doing so. And through all that time his deep commitment to the people has never wavered and, indeed, has grown stronger.
Cornel West, coming out of the religious prophetic tradition, has been fighting for the people for decades—“speaking truth to power” and defending those on the bottom of society, and lending support and often front-line involvement to key protests and resistance. He plays a unique and invaluable role in the political and moral life of this country. And Cornel West connects very deeply with those who most hunger for liberation—“the least of us.”
Each has done very important theoretical work on the topic of the Dialogue—a topic that sits deep in the heart of millions, including many of those who will be the bedrock of any revolution inside the U.S. This is a Dialogue that will surely break new ground.
That alone marks this as historic and not to be missed. Add to that the whole dimension of the rare chance to see and hear BA live and in person, to hear his message and get a real feel for the person behind the message—well, this truly is something unique.
This is far from an abstract debate—coming in the context of today, at a time when intense struggle has erupted and more is in the offing—it is actually a pressing issue. This Dialogue can powerfully affect what people see as possible, and necessary. It can raise their sights far beyond the limits of today to the possibilities of tomorrow. Not least, it can join their deepest questions about what kind of lives are worth living.
There are those who are already jumping at the chance to hear the Dialogue, and who are supporting it, and there will be many more. There are those who are already attacking it, and this too will intensify. So a Dialogue that speaks to and in many senses grew out of struggle will also involve struggle of different kinds. Through the course of this, the side that wants these two people to be heard, engaged, and defended must grow.
We will be covering this throughout the next 10 weeks. In this issue, we are going to share some of the initial responses from people at the Labor Day picnics where this was announced; we are publishing a piece on building a big audience for this Dialogue within the communities of the most oppressed; and we will run excerpts from the announcement made at the picnic. Watch this site as the week develops for more important news and comment.
Revolution #356 October 6, 2014
Fundraising for the Dialogue: Reaching Out Broadly – With a Sharp Focus
October 6, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |
A couple of us wanted to share the experience of going out to lots of people to raise funds for the Dialogue between Cornel West and Bob Avakian: Revolution and Religion: The Fight for Emancipation and the Role of Religion, on November 15 at Riverside Church in NYC.
In building for the Dialogue we have met many people at all kinds of events from climate change forums and demonstrations, to speak-outs about Ferguson, to cultural events and more. We haven't limited ourselves to “political” events and have gone to things like meet-ups for online crowd-fundraising and we've been out broadly on campuses, at museums and at concerts.
This small team is telling people everywhere about the Dialogue, who both speakers are, why it matters that BA, this outstanding revolutionary communist leader is dialoguing with Cornel West, one of the foremost radical intellectuals and a self-described “revolutionary Christian”, on this topic that weighs so heavily on the lives of the great majority of people in the world today. That this Dialogue is about getting free and emancipation, and what religion has to do with that.
We ask people when we first meet them, to get together and talk about how they can support the Dialogue financially. So far, we have met or have meetings scheduled with professors, young tech entrepreneurs, an executive of a nonprofit working with Black youth and students, a marketing person at an important performing arts center, and other professionals in the arts. Most have known little or nothing about Bob Avakian and his new synthesis of communism and the real strategy and vision for revolution he has developed. Over the course of the conversation about donating, people have been intrigued and challenged by what they begin to learn about how the two speakers approach what religion has to do with the entire way human society is organized AND how it really could be different.
Initial Lessons
First of all, when you ask people (immediately and up front, when you first meet them) to sit down and talk about supporting this Dialogue financially and in other ways, you are right away proceeding from the great need to change everything and how their participation will contribute to this. Tens of thousands of dollars are needed for advertising and projecting this Dialogue society-wide, and to bring young people and others from across the country, including many locked out of the realm of ideas and the kinds of discussions about societal questions that may take place at campuses just a few blocks away but might as well be another planet. Bringing people together across great divides to get into the biggest questions confronting humanity and having that emanate back out into society – this is attractive and something many people want to know more about and be part of.
When we meet, we bring along a packet that includes the postcard for the Dialogue, a nicely produced and labeled CD of Cornel West's 2012 radio interview with Bob Avakian, the current Host Committee list, a copy of the article “Watching Fruitvale Station with Bob Avakian,” the Timeline of Bob Avakian's Political Activism and Revolutionary Leadership and an initial budget (soon to be posted).
We share the materials with people and we tell people the basics about what this Dialogue is and who both speakers are. After hearing and beginning to explore people's thoughts and questions, we ask for a donation in a specific amount or within a specific range. We do this very early in the meeting. We try to learn enough ahead of time about the person and the type of work they do to have a basic idea of what would represent a significant donation from them, in line with contributing to making the great potential of this event real. Asking for a significant donation has helped people understand the seriousness of the need and the fact that we are reaching for major impact in every corner of society. This is providing people with direction and a framework for how they can make a real difference.
After you ask, give the person some time to think about it and answer. Do not keep talking! If you have asked for an amount that represents a significant donation from the person, it is probably taking them out of their comfort zone. Let them consider that. If you just keep talking, you can distract them from the seriousness of the request and communicate that maybe it doesn't matter that much after all.
If the person is making any kind of significant donation, the first thing to say is “Thank you!” Whether they are donating a lot, a little or not at all, ask them what led them to their decision. We will learn a lot from this! If they want more time to think about a donation, we work to draw out further what they are weighing in making the decision. We want to work through with them why their donation will really matter. Arrange to get together again in a few days to hear their decision.
Sometimes people don't respond directly when we ask for a donation. One really critical lesson is to learn more about what people are thinking and let them learn more about what the Dialogue will accomplish and about BA – and then direct people back to their own contribution. The response may not be what you expect! I think one of the biggest obstacles to fundraising for the Dialogue – both asking for meetings and then winning donations in a meeting – is our own preconceptions about what a person may or may not be able to contribute.
We had the experience of meeting with a young professional who told us about their ongoing struggle to launch their own business and pay off huge college loans ... and at the same time was increasingly moved and excited by the prospect of this Dialogue contributing to challenging the down-pressing role of religion which they feel acutely all around them. They started charting out ideas about how to spread it among important sections of people. Honestly, what was going through my head was, “well, this person doesn't have much money, we should proceed with their ideas about spreading this ...” (and these were very good ideas). But my partner jumped in, saying, “We really do want to come back to what you can donate at this time as well as hearing and working more on your ideas for taking this to others...” This led to a commitment that was larger than I expected and to a further and more real conversation about this person's ideas for raising funds among friends, the controversies to anticipate and how we will stay in touch and work together going forward.
The sharp focus in these exchanges on working with people to donate themselves has opened up their thinking about who they can reach out to for funds. It's important to follow through with involving people in putting this great need to others. How can they take this out among their friends? Are there people they will suggest we go to and use their names to introduce ourselves? Are there other ways they can spread the word and contribute to funding the event? Everyone we've met with has had ideas about this.
So this is simple but we think represents important beginning lessons and breakthroughs in fundraising for the Dialogue – as involving people in changing the world! Many, many people right now have deep concerns and aspirations for something truly different and liberating. Most who feel this way have absolutely no idea of what that could be. But they can recognize, appreciate and learn more about this Dialogue, the revolution and its leader, BA – and Cornel West as part of this – as they begin to support it. These fundraising meetings are key to making the Dialogue a success – and they are opening people up to different possibilities that they may never have seriously considered before.
So let's see the mass movement around this event grow, blossom and contend! We should be reaching out to many kinds of people – in the religious community, in the arts, among young professionals of all kinds and all nationalities. Going to many people to raise funds in this way – right now! – is central to making the Dialogue reach the impact it can and must have.
Revolution #356 October 6, 2014
For those this system has cast off:
September 29, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |

To those who rule this system, the people who catch the most hell every day are expendable, dangerous. When it comes to those who catch the most hell digging into ideas, understanding and changing the world, this system has one big “DO NOT ENTER” sign. But BA says: “Those this system has cast off, those it has treated as less than human” are the ones who “can be the backbone and driving force of a fight not only to end their own oppression, but to finally end all oppression, and emancipate all of humanity.” This Dialogue between Cornel West and Bob Avakian on Revolution and Religion is for everyone who gives a damn about the state of humanity and the planet. And yes, that includes YOU! Get with people like yourself who maybe never have had a chance to even get out of their neighborhoods, let alone go to a historic event like this Dialogue. Get with people organizing for this Dialogue. Work out the ways and means to get to Riverside Church in New York City on November 15. DO NOT MISS THIS.
Revolution #356 October 6, 2014
Ticket prices and transportation costs should not be a barrier for you to get to the November 15 Dialogue at Riverside Church in NYC between Cornel West and Bob Avakian--if you need help with these, contact Revolution Books NYC (212-691-3345) or Revolution Books near you (see left). If you thirst for human emancipation, you need to be at this historic Dialogue.
If you can, donate to subsidize ticket and transportation costs for those who need it—and call on others to donate too. Be a part of a movement to raise funds so that everyone who should and wants to be at the Dialogue can be there!
Tickets available for direct purchase in New York and around the country. Click here for vendor information for direct sales.
Group discounts are available—call Revolution Books in NYC: 212-691-3345.
Sliding Scale:
* $25
* $15 Students/Youth/Unemployed/Underemployed
$100 (premium seating)
* $250 (premium seating & gift TBA)
Ticket and Travel Arrangements
Get on the Bus and Get to the Dialogue!
Whether you are in New York or you are in California or anywhere in between: get your ticket, get your transportation, get to the Dialogue on November 15 at Riverside Church between Cornel West and Bob Avakian: REVOLUTION AND RELIGION: The Fight for Emancipation and the Role of Religion.
Transportation is available—whether you are coming from six blocks away or from across the country. Contact organizers near you or contact Revolution Books in NYC (212-691-3345) if you need low-cost housing and financial support.
Dialogue tickets are HERE online or directly from one of the vendors listed below.
To Purchase Tickets in Person and to Arrange Transportation:
Dialogue Tickets available at:
Revolution Books
146 W. 26th St. (between 6th/7th Ave.)
New York, NY
Hours: 12-7 pm every day
Book Culture
536 W 112th St (btwn Broadway & Amsterdam)
#1 to 110th St stop
(212) 865-1588
9:00 AM to 10:00 PM
McNally Jackson Books
located in downtown Manhattan 52 Prince Street
(between Lafayette & Mulberry near Spring St. 6 stop, and N/R Prince St. stop)
Harlem Record Shack
2361 Frederick Douglass Blvd. (between 126th/127th Sts.)
Harlem, New York, NY
Hours: Mon-Sat 10 am-9:30 pm; Sun 11 am-8 pm
Uptown Harlem Flava
445 W. 125th St. (between Amsterdam & Morningside Aves.)
Harlem, New York, NY
Hours: Mon-Sat 11 am-10 pm; Sun. 12-6 pm
Van/bus transportation being arranged from South Bronx and Harlem. Call Revolution Books at 212‑691-3345 to sign up for transportation or to volunteer transportation.
Dialogue tickets available at Revolution Books at 1158 Mass Ave., Cambridge
Hours: Thurs. & Fri. 4-6 pm; Sat. 12-6 pm; Sun 12-4 pm.
Bus leaves from Cambridge on Saturday, November 15 at 9:30 am and returns Saturday night, November 15. Bus tickets to New York: $50.
For more information contact Revolution Books at or call 617‑309‑0767.
Dialogue tickets available at Revolution Books, 1103 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL
Hours: Wed-Fri: 4 pm-7 pm; Sat: noon-7 pm; Sun: 2 pm-5 pm
Buses leave from Chicago Friday evening, November 14 at 7 pm and return Sunday afternoon, November 16.
Bus tickets to New York: $100; Reduced price bus tickets $50 (for students, unemployed etc.)
Bus tickets can be purchased online at, and at Revolution Books Chicago.
For more information on Dialogue tickets and transportation, email or call 312-965-4570 or stop by Revolution Books. Additional information will be posted at:
Bus transportation available for people coming from Ferguson. For more information, email or call 312-965-4570.
Dialogue tickets available from Atlanta Revolution Books Outlet, 770-861-3339.
Vans leave from Atlanta early Fri., Nov. 14 and return late Sun., Nov. 16. For more information on transportation to the Dialogue, contact Atlanta Revolution Books Outlet at or call 770-861-3339 and leave a message.
Dialogue tickets available at Revolution Books Cleveland, 2804 Mayfield Rd. at Coventry Rd., Cleveland Heights, OH. 216-932-2543.
Hours: Wednesday-Saturday, noon-6 pm.
Bus leaves from Cleveland at 4 am Sat., November 15 and returns early Sunday morning, November 16. Cost of the bus ticket is $70. For information on bus tickets and to reserve seats, or to purchase tickets for the Dialogue, contact Revolution Books, 216-932-2543 or at
Dialogue tickets available at Revolution Books, 4152 Woodward, Detroit 48201 or call 313-204-2906.
Current plan for transportation to the Dialogue is to leave from Detroit Revolution Books at 1 am, Saturday, Nov. 15, to Cleveland, and then get on the bus from Cleveland (see the info under Cleveland). For more information, contact 313-204-2906.
For Dialogue tickets and to arrange travel, contact 832-865-0408 or
For Dialogue tickets and to arrange travel, contact Revolution Books, 5726 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028, 323-463-3500,
Hours: Tues.-Sun., 12-7pm
For Dialogue tickets and to arrange travel, contact Revolution Books, 2425 Channing Way near Telegraph Ave., 510-848-1196,
Hours: 11 am–7 pm Mon.–Sat., 1 pm–6 pm Sun.
For Dialogue tickets and to arrange travel, contact Revolution Books at 89 S. Washington St.,
Seattle, WA 98104 (between Alaskan Way S. and 1st Ave. S.), 206-325-7415,
Hours: 11 am—6 pm Wednesday & Friday, 11 am—9 pm Thursday, 11 am—6 pm Saturday, and noon—5 pm Sunday
For Dialogue tickets and to arrange travel, contact Revolution books at 2626 South King Street, Honolulu, HI, 808-944-3106 or
Hours: 12 noon–6 pm every day