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Bob Avakian is completely different than the endless stream of bourgeois politicians who are put forward as “leaders,” whose goal is to maintain one variation or another of this system of capitalism-imperialism that is founded on and perpetuates itself through cruel and literally life-stealing exploitation, murderous oppression, and massive destruction, in all parts of the world. BA is a revolutionary who bases himself on the scientific understanding that this system must finally be overthrown through an organized struggle involving millions of people, and replaced with a system that is oriented to and capable of meeting the most fundamental needs of humanity and enabling humanity to become fit caretakers of the earth.
Bob Avakian is the architect of a whole new framework of human emancipation, the new synthesis of communism, which is popularly referred to as the "new communism."
BA is the author of the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, an inspiring application of the new communism—a sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for a new socialist society, whose fundamental goal is to bring about a world without classes and class distinctions, a world without exploitation and oppression, and without the destructive divisions and antagonisms among people: a communist world.
Ardea Skybreak, a scientist with professional training in ecology and evolutionary biology, and a follower of Bob Avakian, speaks to the importance of what he has brought forward:
Bob Avakian ... on the basis of decades of hard work [has been] developing a whole body of work—theory to advance the science of communism, to advance the science of revolution, to more deeply explain where the problems come from, what the strategy is for getting out of this mess, what the methods and approaches should be to stay on track and actually build a better world, to build a society that most human beings would want to live in. (From Science and Revolution, On the Importance of Science and the Application of Science to Society, the New Synthesis of Communism and the Leadership of Bob Avakian, An Interview with Ardea Skybreak)
BA is a leader who is firmly convinced, on the basis of a consistently scientific method and approach, that the goal must be nothing less than all-out revolution, and who at the same time has emphasized:
the new communism thoroughly repudiates and is determined to root out of the communist movement the poisonous notion, and practice, that “the ends justifies the means.” It is a bedrock principle of the new communism that the “means” of this movement must flow from and be consistent with the fundamental “ends” of abolishing all exploitation and oppression through revolution led on a scientific basis. (From Breakthroughs: The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism, A Basic Summary)
As a revolutionary leader, BA also embodies this rare combination: someone who has been able to develop scientific theory on a world-class level, while at the same time having a deep understanding of and visceral connection with the most oppressed, and a highly developed ability to “break down” complex theory and make it broadly accessible.
A leader like this has never before existed in the history of this country, and this leadership is of tremendous importance for the emancipation of all humanity.
What is urgently needed now is for continually growing numbers of people—in the thousands, and ultimately millions—to become conscious and active followers of BA, building the revolutionary movement, based on the new communism, for which BA provides this unprecedented leadership.
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
You’ve read this article and now you need to be part of making sure is able to make an urgently needed leap and transformation.
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(Short Version—The Simple and Basic Truth)
The coronavirus crisis has brought home very sharply the importance of science—the scientific method and approach to understanding and changing the world. But there is a big problem in how people have been trained and conditioned to think (or not think). While many “liberals” and “progressives” have, for far too long, allowed themselves to become paralyzed by ridiculous notions like “How can you know what is really true, no one can say that their truth is greater than someone else’s truth,” and so on, fascist forces, marked by a truly dark ages mentality, are firmly convinced of the “truth” of all manner of lunatic conspiracy theories promoting fascist “values” and objectives.
Put another way, in terms of major trends in society as a whole: Those who have the most certitude are those most out of touch with reality.
Further complicating the situation and an additional dimension to this problem is the fact that, although they do not share but strongly oppose the “values” and objectives of the fascists, many of the basic masses, who are bitterly oppressed under this system, also are suspicious of and even are inclined to reject science and scientifically-grounded analysis. But this also leaves you vulnerable to all kinds of unfounded “conspiracy theories” and other wrong and harmful ideas, including the notion that nothing people do will make a difference because “it’s all in god’s hands.”
The answer to all this is not giving up on understanding reality, or simply believing what sounds like it makes sense, or what is said by someone you know, or what gives you comfort (at least for a while). The truth of something does not depend on who says it, or how it makes you feel. Because something comes from a source you like does not make it true; and because something comes from a source you do not like does not make it untrue. And truth is not a “popularity contest.” Because a lot of people believe something does not make it true; and because only a few people believe something does not make it untrue.
Truth is objective—which means: Whether something is true or not depends on whether it corresponds to actual reality. (On some levels, the truth of things is obvious—for example, the truth that if it is raining hard and you are exposed to the rain for any length of time, you will get wet. But there are deeper levels to things, and the truth about them is more complex and requires more developed knowledge—for example, what causes rain, why it is raining where you are and not somewhere else, and so on. But in all cases, on all levels, the fact remains: Whether something is true or not depends on whether it corresponds to actual reality.) To sort out what is false from what is true and to stand on solid ground in terms of understanding things, you need the scientific method and approach to reality—and, yes, scientifically-grounded certitude, where such certitude can and must be established.
Ardea Skybreak, a professionally trained scientist and an advocate of the new communism as a further advance in the science of revolution, has made the point that science is not just somebody’s opinion but involves and requires investigating reality and systematizing what is learned through this process. She emphasizes that “Science is an evidence-based process” and
Science is very different than religion or mysticism, or things like that, which try to explain reality by invoking imaginary forces and which provide no actual evidence for any of their analyses. By contrast, science requires proof. It requires evidence.1
If you don’t judge things by whether there is compelling evidence for them—and if you don’t evaluate what people claim by weighing it against what the evidence shows about the actual reality—you can end up believing almost anything! Or, as Skybreak puts it:
Without science you are at the mercy of being manipulated, of having your thinking manipulated and not being able to tell what’s right from what’s wrong, what’s true from what’s false.2
Skybreak emphasizes the point that science is not mysterious, but is something that anyone can learn and apply. She also speaks to the fact that there has been bad science (including bad science used for racist purposes) but that you can and should use good science—the actual methods of science—to understand reality and expose and refute bad science. As she puts it, in simple and basic terms: “Whether you want to cure a disease or make a better society, you need that scientific evidence‑based process.”3
Opposing the scientific method and approach—and denying the possibility of arriving at important truths by applying this method and approach—can only lead to bad, sometimes extremely bad, results, leaving people weighed down by all kinds of ignorance and prejudice, depriving people of the ability to understand and change the world in a fundamentally positive direction. When, for example, Jonas Salk announced that he had finally developed a vaccine to deal with the terrible disease polio, should the response actually have been to be suspicious of this claim and reject it without even looking into it? Should people actually respond in that way if, or when, a vaccine is developed for COVID-19?! Examples of this kind could be cited almost endlessly.
It is worth repeating the very important point emphasized by Ardea Skybreak:
Whether you want to cure a disease or make a better society, you need that scientific evidence‑based process.
And specifically in terms of making a better society—in opposing the fascism of the Trump-Pence regime, and even more fundamentally in making a radical leap beyond this system of capitalism-imperialism (which has given rise to this fascism) and bringing into being a far better world—you need the scientific method and approach of the new communism.
1. SCIENCE AND REVOLUTION, On the Importance of Science and the Application of Science to Society, the New Synthesis of Communism and the Leadership of Bob Avakian, An Interview with Ardea Skybreak, emphasis in the original. Ardea Skybreak is a professionally trained scientist in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology and an advocate of the new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian. Skybreak is also the author of the very important book The Science of Evolution and the Myth of Creationism: Knowing What’s Real and Why It Matters, Insight Press, 2006. The entire interview with Ardea Skybreak (SCIENCE AND REVOLUTION) is available at
In this interview Skybreak goes in some depth into how Bob Avakian, in summing up the historical experience of the communist movement and drawing from a broad range of human experience, has brought forward a new communism that embodies a further leap in the application of a scientific method and approach to the question of how a better society and world, free of exploitation and oppression, can actually be brought into being. This new communism is a continuation of, but also represents a qualitative leap beyond, and in some important ways a break with, communist theory as it had been previously developed and has put communism on an even more consistently scientific basis, providing the strategy and leadership for an actual revolution and a radically new society on the road to real emancipation.
In a number of works, and in particular the book THE NEW COMMUNISM, The science, the strategy, the leadership for an actual revolution, and a radically new society on the road to real emancipation, and Breakthroughs: The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism, A Basic Summary (which is available at, Bob Avakian speaks to what is new in the new communism and its relation to previous communist theory. [back]
Bob Avakian (BA) is the most important political thinker and leader in the world today.
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
You’ve read this article and now you need to be part of making sure is able to make an urgently needed leap and transformation.
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(Longer Version—The Truth Elaborated)
The coronavirus crisis has brought home very sharply the importance of science—the scientific method and approach to understanding and changing the world. But there is a big problem in how people have been trained and conditioned to think (or not think). Even as people in the medical field are proceeding on the basis of a scientific approach and, in the context of this coronavirus crisis, “liberals” are insisting that it is vitally important now to “listen to the scientists,” for far too long many “liberals” and “progressives” have allowed themselves to become paralyzed by relativist agnosticism, lacking—and often even rejecting the very idea of—certitude (with ridiculous notions like “How can you know what is really true, no one can say that their truth is greater than someone else’s truth,” and so on). Meanwhile, fascist forces, marked by a truly dark ages mentality, and firmly convinced of the “truth” of all manner of lunatic conspiracy theories promoting fascist “values” and objectives, are eagerly embracing callous philistinism, willfully rejecting critical thinking, smugly ignoring, defying and denigrating science and the scientific method.
Put another way, in terms of major trends in society as a whole: Those who have the most certitude are those most out of touch with reality.
Further complicating the situation and an additional dimension to this problem is the fact that, although they do not share but strongly oppose the “values” and objectives of the fascists, many of the basic masses, who are bitterly oppressed under this system, also are suspicious of and even are inclined to reject science and scientifically-grounded analysis. But this also leaves you vulnerable to all kinds of unfounded “conspiracy theories” and other wrong and harmful ideas, including the notion that nothing people do will make a difference because “it’s all in god’s hands.”
The answer to all this is not giving up on understanding reality, or simply believing what sounds like it makes sense, or what is said by someone you know, or what gives you comfort (at least for a while). The truth of something does not depend on who says it, or how it makes you feel. Because something comes from a source you like does not make it true; and because something comes from a source you do not like does not make it untrue. And truth is not a “popularity contest.” Because a lot of people believe something does not make it true; and because only a few people believe something does not make it untrue.
Truth is objective—which means: Whether something is true or not depends on whether it corresponds to actual reality. (On some levels, the truth of things is obvious—for example, the truth that if it is raining hard and you are exposed to the rain for any length of time, you will get wet. But there are deeper levels to things, and the truth about them is more complex and requires more developed knowledge—for example, what causes rain, why it is raining where you are and not somewhere else, and so on. But in all cases, on all levels, the fact remains: Whether something is true or not depends on whether it corresponds to actual reality.) To sort out what is false from what is true and to stand on solid ground in terms of understanding things, you need the scientific method and approach to reality—and, yes, scientifically-grounded certitude, where such certitude can and must be established.
Science is not another “dogma”—another untested and unproved “set of beliefs”—it is the opposite of that. Conclusions based on the application of the scientific method are obviously important, but science is not just some “collection of conclusions,” and still less is it a set of “precepts” which are not drawn from reality and are out of keeping with reality, or which once reflected reality but have become frozen and “ossified” and no longer correspond to a changing reality. Science is above all and most essentially a method. In this regard the following, from an interview with Ardea Skybreak, a professionally trained scientist and an advocate of the new communism as a further advance in the science of revolution, is very relevant:
So I think it might be worth starting a little bit by talking about what is science, to demystify it a little bit. I mean, science deals with material reality, and you could say that all of nature and all of human society is the province of science, science can deal with all that. It’s a tool—science—a very powerful tool. It’s a method and approach for being able to tell what’s true, what corresponds to reality as it really is. In that sense, science is very different than religion or mysticism, or things like that, which try to explain reality by invoking imaginary forces and which provide no actual evidence for any of their analyses. By contrast, science requires proof. It requires evidence. It is an evidence‑based process. That’s very important. Science is an evidence‑based process.1
If you don’t judge things by whether there is compelling evidence for them—and if you don’t evaluate what people claim by weighing it against what the evidence shows about the actual reality—you can end up believing almost anything! Or, as Skybreak puts it:
Without science you are at the mercy of being manipulated, of having your thinking manipulated and not being able to tell what’s right from what’s wrong, what’s true from what’s false.2
Whether you’re talking about the material reality of a disease, of a natural ecosystem, or of a social system that human beings live under, science allows you to analyze its components, its history, how it came to be the way it is, what it’s made of, what are its defining characteristics and underlying contradictoriness (and we’ll come back to that) and therefore also what is the basis for it to change, or to be changed, if your intent is to change it. Whether you want to cure a disease or make a better society, you need that scientific evidence‑based process.3
Skybreak emphasizes the point that science is not mysterious, but is something that anyone can learn and apply. She also speaks to the contradiction that sometimes people are turned off to science, partly because they have been given the wrong sense of what science is, and
Another reason people are sometimes turned off by science is because there has been bad science....sometimes in the course of history science has been used to promote the idea that some races are inferior to other races....Well, that’s junk science. In fact you can use rigorous scientific methods to prove that that was all bad science. It’s not just “morally” bad—it is that, but it’s also scientifically bad—it’s completely false and you can use good science to prove that.4
As I have put it, in line with the essential point made by Skybreak:
It is the “good science”—the scientific method and approach of proceeding from the evidence about reality to understand how reality actually is, why it is the way it is, and how it is changing and could be changed further—that we need to consistently apply if we want to transform the world to uproot oppression and exploitation.5
Far too often, and with no small amount of irony, educated middle class “liberals,” “progressives” and the “woke” act as if they are asserting some profound truth when they reject the very notion of “truth” and decry and denounce as dogmatic (or even tyrannical) those who say that they have arrived at certain definite truths. But, once again, opposing the scientific method and approach—and denying the possibility of arriving at important truths by applying this method and approach—can only lead to bad, sometimes extremely bad, results, leaving people weighed down by all kinds of ignorance and prejudice, depriving people of the ability to understand and change the world in a fundamentally positive direction. And is this approach—of denying the possibility or desirability of knowing the truth and denouncing those who say they have brought forward definite important truths—is this really valid and viable, something people can or should stick with? When, for example, Jonas Salk announced that he had finally developed a vaccine to deal with the terrible disease polio, should the response actually have been to be suspicious of this claim and reject it without even looking into it, and to criticize (or even ostracize) Salk for having the nerve to claim that he arrived at an important truth (an understanding of the disease polio and how to combat it)? Should people actually respond in that way if, or when, a vaccine is developed for COVID-19?! Examples of this kind could be cited almost endlessly.
As I have emphasized, speaking to what is a fundamental epistemological principle of the new communism:
The truth is an actual correct reflection of reality, including in its motion and development. And, of course, it is true that nobody can ever have all of the truth. That’s part of understanding reality correctly, part of the scientific method. is true that you can come to definite and definitive determinations about the reality of many particular things, even while you always have to be open to learning more, and to the possibility that some of what you thought to be true may not turn out to be true, or new developments occur which mean that the world has changed in such a way that your understanding has to be modified. That’s all part of the scientific method as well. When we talk about the truth, we’re not talking about THE TRUTH as an absolute and final truth, but we are also not talking about a narrative. We’re talking about a scientific approach to understanding reality and then, on that basis, transforming it. And the scientific approach to that process of analyzing and synthesizing reality can come to important definitive conclusions, even as this is an ongoing process which is never complete because you can never grasp all of reality—including because it’s constantly changing and because there will always be aspects of reality that human beings will not even have penetrated at any given time, let alone come to understand.6
There is a definite connection between the relativism and agnosticism of far too many educated middle class “liberals” and their reluctance, if not stubborn refusal, to recognize the fascist danger posed by the Trump-Pence regime for what it is and what is required in the face of this—which is a determined struggle against this fascism, a struggle that does not rely or depend upon the “mainstream” section of the ruling class (as represented by institutions like the Democratic Party) and the system they serve, which has given rise to this fascism (out of whose basic contradictions this fascism has arisen as an attempt at a resolution of these contradictions within the confines of this system and in the most extreme terms).
Even more fundamentally, there is a definite connection between the relativism and agnosticism of such “liberals” and their resistance or stubborn refusal to apply a consistently scientific evidence-based approach, and on this basis to follow the truth wherever it leads, particularly when it comes to historical, social and political questions—because where it leads is to demolishing cherished illusions and prejudices of “liberals” regarding the actual role of this “great American democracy,” throughout its history and throughout the world; the actual nature of the system we live under, capitalism-imperialism; and the actual experience of revolutionary struggle against this system, and more particularly the experience of the communist movement and the socialist societies it has brought into being.
It is in deeply engaging these questions, and drawing from many different dimensions of human experience, that I have brought forward a new communism, which is a continuation of, but also represents a qualitative leap beyond, and in some important ways a break with, communist theory as it had been previously developed and which has put communism on an even more consistently scientific basis, providing the strategy and leadership for an actual revolution and a radically new society on the road to real emancipation.
In regard to all this, it is worth repeating the very important point emphasized by Ardea Skybreak:
Whether you want to cure a disease or make a better society, you need that scientific evidence‑based process.
And specifically in terms of making a better society—in opposing the fascism of the Trump-Pence regime, and even more fundamentally in making a radical leap beyond this capitalist-imperialist system (which has given rise to this fascism) and bringing into being a far better world—you need the scientific method and approach of the new communism.
1. SCIENCE AND REVOLUTION, On the Importance of Science and the Application of Science to Society, the New Synthesis of Communism and the Leadership of Bob Avakian, An Interview with Ardea Skybreak, emphasis in the original. Ardea Skybreak is a professionally trained scientist in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology and an advocate of the new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian. Skybreak is also the author of the very important book The Science of Evolution and the Myth of Creationism: Knowing What’s Real and Why It Matters, Insight Press, 2006. The entire interview with Ardea Skybreak (SCIENCE AND REVOLUTION) is available at
In this interview Skybreak goes in some depth into how, in summing up the historical experience of the communist movement and drawing from a broad range of human experience, Bob Avakian has brought forward a new communism that embodies a further leap in the application of a scientific method and approach to the question of how a better society and world, free of exploitation and oppression, can actually be brought into being. As this article points out, the new communism “is a continuation of, but also represents a qualitative leap beyond, and in some important ways a break with, communist theory as it had been previously developed and which has put communism on an even more consistently scientific basis, providing the strategy and leadership for an actual revolution and a radically new society on the road to real emancipation.”
In a number of works, and in particular the book THE NEW COMMUNISM, The science, the strategy, the leadership for an actual revolution, and a radically new society on the road to real emancipation (Insight Press, 2016) and Breakthroughs: The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism, A Basic Summary (which is available at Bob Avakian speaks to what is new in the new communism and its relation to previous communist theory. [back]
5. Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution. The text and video of this speech by Bob Avakian are available at [back]
6. Breakthroughs: The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism, A Basic Summary, available at [back]
Bob Avakian (BA) is the most important political thinker and leader in the world today.
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
You’ve read this article and now you need to be part of making sure is able to make an urgently needed leap and transformation.
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In the New York Times recently (Friday, March 6, 2020) a commentary appears (“Political Passion Turned Violent”) authored by Mark Rudd, a former 1960s radical. The motivation of the Times editors, in publishing this piece by Rudd, is not difficult to discern. Rudd emphasizes that significant acts of violence today, and the danger this poses to society, is being perpetrated by what he terms the “far right”; and, more generally, he insists that nonviolence is the only legitimate and effective way to bring about desired (and desirable) social change and that all violence, on the part of any social movement for change, must be renounced. Aside from Rudd’s own motivation in writing this commentary, the fact is that both of these arguments by Rudd are in line with the concerns and objectives of the editors of the Times—and of the section of the ruling class of this system of which they are representatives: They recognize the very real threat to the “norms” of the existing social order in what is being done by Trump and those who are aligned with and rallying behind him (the “far right,” in Rudd’s terms); and, more fundamentally, they are concerned that, especially in these times of intensifying polarization and acute “social stress,” social movements and societal conflicts must remain confined within a framework and limits that will not threaten the existing system. And it is no doubt an added benefit for them to have these arguments made by someone identified as a “1960s radical” who has “come in from the cold” and rejoined the ranks of the “reasonable” who insist there is really no alternative to this system.
Because of this—because Rudd claims, as someone who was involved in the radical upsurge of the 1960s, to be offering crucial lessons and universal principles about how the fight against oppression and injustice must (and must not) be waged—it is important to examine what Rudd argues, and in particular what he renounces that should be renounced, and what should not be renounced but upheld and carried forward, while being given a scientifically founded orientation and direction.
In the late 1960s (and into the early 1970s) Rudd was part of the Weather Underground. As he himself refers to, the people who formed the Weather Underground had been part of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), which by the late 1960s, at the height of the radical upsurge of that time, had become a mass organization of thousands who represented the broadly held revolutionary sentiments of literally millions of youth at that point. As it came to the understanding that things such as the oppression of Black people and the mass slaughter carried out by the U.S. in Vietnam were somehow tied into the very nature of the system itself, SDS had run up against the question of how to bring about some kind of revolutionary change, although there were different ideas about what that actually meant and how to make it happen, and this resulted in the organization splitting into a number of different trends, each committed to a different approach in regard to these very basic questions. The Weather Underground in effect gave expression to the outrage of frustrated educated youth who had lost patience with the idea of carrying out political work to win masses of people to a revolutionary position and instead adopted what amounted to acts of “excitative terror” to substitute for a mass revolutionary movement. In one of his more truthful and insightful observations, Rudd has made the point that the enormity of the crimes being committed by this system, at home and in Vietnam, was more than those who became the Weather Underground could rationally deal with. And so they adopted an orientation and actions that were divorced from any serious, scientific approach to revolution, and in many ways increasingly divorced from reality. As someone who was part of the broad revolutionary movement of that time, who encountered and struggled against this political and ideological degeneration of people righteously outraged at the crimes of this system, and reflecting back on it now, a paraphrase of the opening lines of the powerful Allen Ginsberg poem Howl comes to mind: I saw some of the best people of my generation destroyed (for a time) by madness.
Unfortunately, the “recovery” of someone like Rudd from that madness has involved falling into another kind of political and ideological “insanity”: the notion that the massive crimes of this system can somehow be addressed through a movement for reform, leaving this system intact and in power. What should be renounced from the position of the former Weather Underground is its abandonment of and departure from the process of bringing forward a movement of millions of people aiming for an actual revolutionary overthrow of this criminal system. What should not be renounced is the profound hatred for this whole system and the determination to put an end to its endless crimes, which in reality requires an actual revolution carried out by masses, millions of people.
While Rudd refers to Black revolutionaries who were “ruthlessly targeted by the police and the federal government” during the 1960s upsurge, he has seemingly “forgotten” the profound truth spoken by one of the leading Black revolutionaries of that time, Rap Brown: “Violence is as American as cherry pie.”
Under this system, the police kill a thousand people every year and subject millions more, especially people of color, to continual harassment and brutality. Millions of Black and Latino men, and growing numbers of women, are incarcerated in hell-hole prisons, while millions more are ensnared in the “criminal justice system” in various ways. At the same time, the U.S. continues to carry out mass slaughter (and to support such slaughter by its “allies”) in the Middle East and many other parts of the world.
Rudd recognizes some of this, but then distorts history and once more departs from a rational, logical line of thinking in the service of renouncing and ruling out of order anything other than nonviolent protest within the bounds of this system. And, as should surprise no one who has been paying attention to the conventions of the times, as part of this Rudd bends his metaphorical knee, paying the seemingly obligatory obeisance, to the distortions of “identity politics.” He reminds the readers that the people who made up the Weather Underground were “white, middle-class, college-educated kids.” And then comes this:
All of us were overcome both by grief over this country’s violence and by shame at not being able to stop the war. That shame also emanated from our class and racial privilege. We weren’t the ones being carpet-bombed in Vietnam or confronting racist mobs and sheriffs in Mississippi. (emphasis added)
One is tempted to dismiss this whole line of argument (and especially the part I have italicized above) with a simple “So What?!” But it deserves to be dug into more deeply. First of all, Rudd (who refers to Black revolutionaries being subjected to vicious repression by the police and the government) once again “forgets” those Black revolutionaries and the fact that, in moving from the limitations of the civil rights movement to the more advanced position of demanding Black liberation and linking this with liberation struggles in the Third World, those Black revolutionaries exerted a powerful positive force in influencing the movements of those times, including among educated youth, toward a more revolutionary orientation, even as that orientation was (in the parlance of those times) a “mixed bag,” involving a complex of conflicting tendencies, including the revolutionary communism that was coming from China as well as various revolutionary nationalist and other contradictory trends. Rudd’s arguments here are also in line with those raised at the time by ruling class and right-wing advocates of the Vietnam war, who attacked the students who mobilized against that war by denouncing them as privileged middle class brats who had managed to avoid “serving” in that war. This ignores the fact that among the most oppressed sections of society, those with the least “class and racial privilege”—Black people, Chicanos, and Puerto Ricans, whose youth died disproportionately in that war—opposition to the war was very widespread, and the fact that there was growing opposition to the war among the U.S. soldiers (and veterans) of the war, inspired to a significant degree by the anti-war stand and actions of precisely the student movement. Among other things, this reality itself is a powerful refutation of what Rudd seems to be arguing or implying. The “class and racial privilege” that Rudd raises, with regard to those who made up the Weather Underground, and the fact that they were not the ones being subjected to the horrific violence to which he refers, in no way renders their shame at all this invalid, illegitimate, or inconsequential. On the contrary, the fact that they were not being directly subjected to this but were outraged by it, and determined to do something to stop it, is exactly what was right about their orientation. The problem was that they abandoned and rejected the road of building a mass revolutionary movement determined to put an end not only to the slaughter in Vietnam and the violent oppression and repression “at home,” but to the whole system which, out of its very nature, continually perpetrates such monstrous crimes. Instead, they made what actually constituted a retreat into isolated acts of misdirected violence, and into an overall orientation, objectively in opposition to the building of the necessary revolutionary mass movement.
Reflecting back on the death of members of the Weather Underground, who were killed while building a bomb that, according to Rudd, was intended to be detonated at a dance at the Fort Dix military base (a dance which was attended not only by soldiers but by civilians as well), Rudd is correct that such a bombing, had it been carried out, would have resulted in even more widespread and vicious government repression, not just against the Weather Underground but against the broad mass movements of resistance and genuine revolutionary forces at that time. But he is playing with the truth when he portrays U.S. soldiers, like those then stationed at Fort Dix, as simply “our neighbors and fellow citizens.” No, they were something else—something more and something worse: they were part of the massive machinery of death and destruction that was carrying out the mass slaughter of the Vietnamese people, in their millions, in the service of the imperial interests and aims that the military of this system serves and seeks to enforce. In fact, as alluded to above, this was something that growing numbers of those soldiers themselves were coming to realize, and by the time Rudd is speaking of (early 1970) thousands of them had taken to open rebellion against the crimes they were being ordered to carry out and against those, in the military and beyond, who were organizing, training, deploying and ordering them to carry out these massive war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Certainly, the bombing of the dance at Fort Dix would have been a wrong and very harmful act. But the soldiers of the U.S. military, then and now, do not deserve to be simply embraced as “our neighbors and fellow citizens,” nor still less celebrated as “heroes,” but rather to be condemned for the crimes they have carried out and called upon and struggled with to refuse to continue committing such crimes and to become part of the political resistance to the system that requires and demands such massive atrocity on an ongoing basis—a struggle which, in fact, was carried out by many revolutionary-minded people during the course of the Vietnam war, contributing to the growing opposition among the soldiers themselves and to the broader movement of opposition to that war.1
As part of his repudiation of revolution, Rudd asserts that, in the time since the 1960s upsurge, “the left” has “developed a strong control its violent fringe” but that “Violence is once again threatening our social fabric, this time from the far right.”
First of all, and fundamentally, it is not just “the far right” but the whole system—and those who rule in it, including those on the “left” of this system (in the Democratic Party)—that perpetrate violence. Is the Democratic Party what Rudd means by the “violent fringe” of “the left”?! Has the Democratic Party, and those who seek to be its top leaders—have they renounced violence? NO, they have not—and they cannot. Their system continually perpetrates and depends on violence—it could not exist and perpetuate itself without massive violence.
Rudd poses a false dichotomy: As he portrays things, it’s either violence by a small group isolated from masses of people, or limiting things to reforms that are achieved through the nonviolent action of millions of people. But what about the truly revolutionary struggle of millions of people, aiming not just to win concessions from the existing system, but to actually overthrow it and bring a much better system into being? There is, of course, a definite place, and a definitely positive role, for massive nonviolent struggles whose aim is short of revolution but which oppose real oppression and atrocities of this system. A very important example of this is the call by Refuse Fascism for nonviolent but sustained mass mobilization to drive out the fascist Trump/Pence regime. But limiting things to nonviolence, in all circumstances and as some kind of supposed absolute principle—opposing a revolutionary struggle carried out by millions of people to overthrow this system when the conditions that make that possible have been brought into being—means at least objectively accepting and accommodating to this monstrous system and the very violent institutions (in particular the armed forces and police) that enforce its rule, here and throughout the world, with the most massive and heinous atrocity. Whatever his intention, this is what Rudd is actually doing.
As I have emphasized:
Certain government concessions to the fight against injustice—for example, civil rights legislation; DACA, which granted temporary legal status to some immigrants brought here as children; court decisions establishing the right to abortion and gay marriage—were hard‑fought victories, but the problem is that they are, and can only be, partial victories, dealing with only some aspects of oppression under this system, but not eliminating the oppression as a whole, or the source of this oppression—which is the system itself. And even where such partial victories are won, so long as this system remains in power, there will be powerful forces who will move to attack and undermine, and seek to reverse, even these partial gains.2
Rudd has not only reversed himself on what was essentially right (and righteous) in his stand during the 1960s—his hatred for and opposition to this system itself—as well as what was very wrong in where that hatred led him (embracing, if not himself actually carrying out, infantile acts of violence divorced from the revolutionary struggle of masses of people). He has even gone so far as to trivialize what is represented by “the far right.” Speaking of its inclination to violence, he says this:
Oddly, I get it: Take away the white supremacy and leave the pain, and it’s not that different from my friends and me 50 years ago.
Yes, it is definitely different—there is a profound difference! Without ignoring the very real problems with the orientation and actions of the Weather Underground, there is no similarity, and definitely no equivalence, between the righteous but misguided hatred for the criminal nature and atrocities of this system, which drove the Weather Underground to a kind of madness, and, on the other hand, the violent fanaticism of fascists who are determined to fortify and carry to extreme dimensions every form of vicious oppression and depraved atrocity that is required by this system. Rudd’s comments here fall in with the trend of lending a certain “legitimacy” to what is not just a “far right,” in some vague sense, but a definite fascist force, involving a powerful section of the ruling class, embodied in the Republican Party, and in particular now the Trump/Pence regime, and a significant segment of society which is the hard core “base” of that Party.
White supremacy is not something that is incidental to, but is at the heart of, this fascism—and it cannot simply be discounted (“taken away”) but must be fully recognized for what it is and forcefully struggled against.
Rudd’s expressions of empathy for these fascists include the statement that they “have grievances about the slipping away of what they have always seen as ‘their country.’” But what, really, are those grievances and what is it that they have always seen as “their country” which they want to “make great again”?
As I have pointed out:
There is a direct line from the Confederacy to the fascists of today, and a direct connection between their white supremacy, their open disgust and hatred for LGBT people as well as women, their willful rejection of science and the scientific method, their raw “America First” jingoism and trumpeting of “the superiority of western civilization” and their bellicose wielding of military power, including their expressed willingness and blatant threats to use nuclear weapons, to destroy countries.3
And here it is worth citing important insights from the African-American theologian Hubert Locke, who points particularly to the Christian fundamentalists, who are a driving force in this fascism:
We should make no mistake about what is at stake in this battle with the religious right. It is not happenstance that it is a movement that draws its strength and finds its support principally in the so‑called heartland of the nation and especially in its southern precincts. This is the portion of the United States that has never been comfortable with post‑WWII America. The brief period of normalcy after the war was followed within a decade by a pent‑up and long overdue racial revolution that overturned centuries of culture and tradition, especially in the South. The disillusionment, two decades later, with an unpopular war in southeast Asia shook the foundations of traditional/conventional patriotism in American life; it was followed in the next decade by a sexual revolution that upset deeply entrenched views among this portion of the American populace about the subordinate place of women in society and the non‑place of gay and lesbian persons in American life. These political and social and cultural defeats have now erupted into a pitched battle to turn back the clock on the last half‑century and return America to its pre‑war purity. It is not without significance that teaching creationism in the schools, for example, is such a prominent part of the religious right agenda. That was a battle the right lost in the mid‑1920s but it is not one that the right ever acknowledged losing—just as some die‑hards have never acknowledged losing the Civil War. Consequently, the restoration the religious right seeks is one that would recapture a way of life that disappeared in this nation a half‑century ago.
Were all this only a battle for the hearts and minds of the American people, we could wade into the conflict with a great deal less concern, confident that good sense and human decency would ultimately triumph over ignorance and bigotry. But this is a battle for power—it's about seizing the reins of government, manipulating the courts and judicial decisions, controlling the media, and making incursions into every possible corner of our private lives and relationships, so that what the religious right perceives as the will of God will reign in America.4
Rudd even goes so far as to declare that everyone in this country is “in this together.” Apparently, it is not enough for Rudd that he has “made his peace” with this violently oppressive system; he goes so far as insist that common cause must be found with those—fascists—who want to give the most extreme and grotesque expressions to the crimes that are built into this system.
Speaking to the orientation of himself and the others in the Weather Underground in the late 1960s/early 1970s, Rudd characterizes their outlook as one of “clinging to the delusion that violent revolution was imminent.” Among other things, here Rudd is continuing with his portrayal of false dichotomies: He is “negating” the false assumption of the Weather Underground at that time that a revolution could be set off by a small group engaging in acts of violence divorced from, and objectively posed in opposition to, the struggle of masses of people, by now putting forward the false, and certainly no less harmful, declaration that an actual revolution is neither possible nor really desirable. In reality, the question of whether an actual revolution might have been possible in this country at the height of the mass upsurge of the late 1960s/early 1970s, is a serious and complex matter, and not something that should be treated in the irresponsible way that Rudd does, with this dismissal of this question with the facile and fatuous phrase “the delusion that violent revolution was imminent.”
An actual revolution requires two essential factors: a revolutionary situation, and a revolutionary people in their millions. And these two factors are closely interconnected. A revolutionary situation involves not just a crisis in society in some general sense but a situation where the system and its ruling powers are in a profound and acute crisis and millions and millions of people refuse to be ruled in the old way—and are willing and determined to put everything on the line to bring down this system and bring into being a new society and government. Key components and signs of a revolutionary crisis are that the violence used to enforce this system is seen by large parts of society for what it is—murderous and illegitimate—and that the conflicts among the ruling forces become really deep and sharp, and masses of people respond to this not by falling in behind one side or the other of the oppressive rulers, but by taking advantage of this situation to build up the forces for revolution.5
At the high point of the radical upsurge of the 1960s/early 1970s, there were definite elements of the necessary factors for revolution: there was a very real and deepening political crisis for the ruling class, and there were masses of revolutionary-minded people. This is an undeniable truth:
By 1968 and for several years after, there were large numbers of people in this country, including millions of youth from the middle class as well as masses of poor and oppressed people, who were motivated by a thoroughly justified hatred of this system and aspirations for a radically different and better world—and this reached deeply into the system’s own armed forces—even if the understanding of most was marked by revolutionary sentiment which, while righteous, was lacking in any deep and consistent scientific basis.6
But the situation had not yet developed (and, as things unfolded, it did not develop) into an all-out revolutionary crisis; and the revolutionary forces at that time were not clear on and not united around a strategic approach that could have cohered the widespread revolutionary sentiment into an organized force capable of waging a real revolutionary fight to defeat and dismantle the violent forces of repression of the ruling capitalist-imperialist system. As I have summed up:
the real failure of that time was that there was not yet a revolutionary vanguard with that scientific foundation and method, and the orientation, strategy, and program that could give organized expression to the mass revolutionary sentiment and lead a real attempt at actually making revolution.7
The radical upsurge of the 1960s in this country was in turn part of a broader wave of struggle and transformation that was taking place throughout the world, and was driven and inspired to a large degree by the struggles, throughout the Third World of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, to throw off the yoke of colonial oppression—and beyond that the existence of a revolutionary socialist state in China and the mass revolutionary movement of the Cultural Revolution in that country, involving hundreds of millions in the struggle to defeat attempts to restore capitalism in China and, in opposition to that, to continue and deepen the socialist revolution there and support revolutionary struggles throughout the world. But, as I have analyzed, including in recent works such as Breakthroughs and Hope For Humanity On A Scientific Basis, that upsurge ran into certain limitations as well as powerful opposing forces, and it ebbed, not just in one or another country but as a worldwide phenomenon.8 And since that time there have been profound changes in the world, many of them negative: Capitalism has been restored in China; in the Soviet Union, where capitalism had already been restored in the 1950s but the ruling class there continued for some time to present itself as a bastion of socialism, this deception was finally abandoned as the Soviet Union itself imploded, leading to the open emergence of capitalism throughout the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe; and the forces leading liberation struggles in the Third World have either been defeated or transformed into bourgeois ruling forces acting in concert with and essentially as appendages of international capital and the imperialist system. Within this country itself, in the context of this changing international situation, and through a combination of repression and the building up of middle class strata among the oppressed, along with the heightening parasitism of this system, feeding off the super-exploitation of billions of people, particularly in the Third World, over several decades there has been an increasingly deadening political atmosphere and culture and an orientation on the part of most of the forces seeking social change to restrict themselves to the limits of the existing oppressive and exploitative system and its BEB (Bourgeois Electoral Bullshit), as we have very rightly characterized it. And all this has been accompanied by a relentless ideological assault, by the ruling forces of this system and their media mouthpieces and intellectual accomplices—an assault on communism, and indeed on every positive aspect of the radical 1960s upsurge—an assault to which Mark Rudd is making his own modest contribution.
But the fact is that, with all these changes, the basis and the need for a scientifically led communist revolution has not disappeared, or diminished, but become all the more pronounced and urgently required. And not all of us who were brought forward through that great upsurge of the 1960s have abandoned the goal of radically transforming society toward the goal of a world without exploitation and oppression and the massive violence that enforces it, and the need and possibility for communist revolution as the means for achieving this. Over what I have very rightly referred to as the “terrible decades” of recent times, some of us have persevered through the very real difficulties in working toward the achievement of that revolution and have deepened our scientific understanding of how that revolution must and can be carried out. Particularly through the work I have done over these decades, there is now a new communism, which is a continuation of, but also represents a qualitative leap beyond, and in some important ways a break with, communist theory as it had been previously developed and which has put communism on an even more consistently scientific basis, providing the strategy and leadership for an actual revolution and a radically new society on the road to real emancipation.9
In the course of the 1960s upsurge, those who became convinced of the need for radical change went about seeking that change “like peasants going off to war” taking up whatever weapons were at hand (to invoke a formulation by Lenin, who led the 1917 Russian Revolution and also made invaluable contributions to the development of communist theory). This became true, in a real and more literal sense, of the Weather Underground; but it was true metaphorically for some others of us—in the sense that we took up the existing theory of the communist movement at that time. This led us, correctly, to the understanding that a revolution must involve, and could only be made by, the organized struggle of masses, of millions, of people, and not by a small group isolated from those masses. But it also led us to adopt what was becoming an incorrect, outmoded concept—that, while serious attention and effort must be devoted to the fight against the oppression of Black people and other minority nationalities, and of women, and other major social questions, the main force for revolution was not just the working class in a general sense but more specifically the workers in large-scale industry—who in fact, in this country in particular, had become to a significant degree “bourgeoisified” from the parasitic spoils of imperialist domination and super-exploitation particularly in the Third World. (As a matter of fact, some of the younger workers in this situation responded favorably to the revolutionary work we were carrying out—marred and limited as it was by some misconception of the revolutionary process and by definite tendencies to economism, the attempt to build a movement for socialist revolution by centering it on and unfolding it around the more immediate economic demands of these workers. But the positive response of those younger workers actually had more to do with the influence of the radical youth culture of that time than it did with the approach of combining economism with general appeals to revolution.)
As has been emphasized here, there have been major changes in this country and in the world overall since that time, decades ago now—and the development of the new communism has involved, as one of its most important aspects, continuing to apply a scientific analysis to the decisive questions of the basis, the strategy and the forces for revolution—something that is spoken to in works of mine such as the book The New Communism10 and Breakthroughs, where the point is made that the backbone forces for revolution will come principally from among the tens of millions—particularly those concentrated in the inner cities, but others as well—who are subjected to savage oppression and brutal repression under this system, while it is also stressed that this revolution must involve a broad uniting of diverse social forces, especially youth and students but others as well among the middle strata, and that this must be led by a solid core of thousands and thousands, firmly grounded in the science of communism, as it has been further developed with the new communism. And I am continuing to grapple with the application of a scientific method and approach to the problems of the revolution, in this country but even more fundamentally in terms of the overall struggle toward the achievement of communism throughout the world.
In terms of the basis for revolution, the new communism emphasizes this very important understanding that is spoken to in a concentrated way in Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution.
The basis for revolution lies not in what people are thinking or doing at any given time, but resides in the fundamental relations and contradictions of the system which cause tremendous suffering but which are unresolvable under this system. (From Hope for Humanity On A Scientific Basis: Breaking with Individualism, Parasitism and American Chauvinism)
And “Why We Need...How We Can...” focuses on these important questions:
Why are Black people, Latinos, and Native Americans subjected to genocidal persecution, mass incarceration, police brutality, and murder?
Why is there the patriarchal degradation, dehumanization, and subjugation of all women everywhere, and oppression based on gender or sexual orientation?
Why are there wars of empire, armies of occupation, and crimes against humanity?
Why is there the demonization, criminalization, and deportations of immigrants and the militarization of the border?
Why is the environment of our planet being destroyed?
These are what we call the “5 STOPS”—deep and defining contradictions of this system, with all the suffering and destruction they cause, which must be protested and resisted in a powerful way, with a real determination to stop them, but which can only be finally ended by putting an end to this system itself.
Why, along with all this, do we live in a world where large parts of humanity live in stark poverty, with 2.3 billion people lacking even rudimentary toilets or latrines and huge numbers suffering from preventable diseases, with millions of children dying every year from these diseases and from starvation, while 150 million children in the world are forced to engage in ruthlessly exploited child labor, and the whole world economy rests on a vast network of sweatshops, employing large numbers of women who are regularly subjected to sexual harassment and assault, a world where 65 million refugees have been displaced by war, poverty, persecution, and the effects of global warming?
Why is this the state of humanity?
And it provides this scientifically grounded answer:
There is one fundamental reason: the basic nature of the system of capitalism‑imperialism that we live under and the way, because of its very nature, it continually perpetrates horror after horror. And, in fundamental terms, we have two choices: either, live with all this—and condemn future generations to the same, or worse, if they have a future at all—or, make revolution!
Can Mark Rudd (or anyone else) make the case that all this—putting an end to these “5 STOPS” and to the horrific conditions that the masses of humanity are subjected to under the domination of this system of capitalism-imperialism—can be achieved through reforms within the confines of this system and without the revolutionary overthrow of this system (or is the argument that the best that can be hoped for is that all this will continue, but with—what objectively amounts to—minor mitigation)? No!—the emancipation of humanity from all this is profoundly and ever more urgently necessary, and the possibility of a radically different and far better future demands and requires a real revolution and the advance of humanity beyond this system, with the achievement of communism throughout the world. That this will be difficult to achieve and will require monumental, arduous and self-sacrificing struggle on the part of millions, and ultimately billions, of people, is something that no serious person—and certainly no one basing themself on the scientific method and approach of the new communism—would deny. But a scientific analysis leads to the definite conclusion that this is as necessary as it is difficult—and that it is possible (not certain, and certainly not inevitable—but possible). And all those who refuse to accept the world as it is under the domination of the capitalist-imperialist system, all the unnecessary suffering this imposes on the masses of humanity and the very real existential threat it poses to humanity itself, should dedicate themselves to contributing to this revolution.
In fundamental terms there is a unity between the former infantile, essentially terrorist position that was held by the likes of Mark Rudd at a certain point and the reformist accommodation to this monstrous system which Rudd now promotes. What unifies these two seemingly opposite “political poles” is their common opposition to an actual revolution, carried out through the organized struggle of millions of people determined to overthrow the existing oppressive system and bring a much better system into being. And, in terms of epistemology (the approach to understanding reality), what underlies this unity of errors is the unscientific—or, fundamentally, anti-scientific—method and approach that characterizes both the orientation of something like the Weather Underground and the reformism into which far too many, including Mark Rudd, have allowed themselves to descend.
1. In his memoir, From Ike to Mao and Beyond, My Journey from Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist, Bob Avakian recounts his own approach and efforts, as well as that of others, in struggling with soldiers and veterans of the U.S. military to win them to oppose, and lend their support to the movement of opposition to, the Vietnam war. [back]
2. Bob Avakian, Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution. The text and video of this speech are available at [back]
3. THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO! In The Name of Humanity We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America, A Better World IS Possible. A film of this speech by Bob Avakian is available at [back]
4. “Reflections on Pacific School of Religion's Response to the Religious Right,” by Dr. Hubert Locke, also available at [back]
5. This characterization of a revolutionary situation is drawn from HOW WE CAN WIN, How We Can Really Make Revolution (a statement from the Revolutionary Communist Party), which is cited in Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution, both available at [back]
6. Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution. [back]
7. Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution. [back]
8. Breakthroughs: The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism, A Basic Summary; Hope For Humanity On A Scientific Basis, Breaking with Individualism, Parasitism and American Chauvinism. These works by Bob Avakian are available at [back]
9. The strategy for revolution is spelled out in Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution; and a sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for a radically different society is contained in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by Bob Avakian. The text of the Constitution, and video and the text of Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution, are available at [back]
10. THE NEW COMMUNISM, The science, the strategy, the leadership for an actual revolution, and a radically new society on the road to real emancipation, Insight Press, 2016. [back]
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Even before the coronavirus became a worldwide pandemic, a New York Times columnist wrote about the lure of boredom—arguing that, after the years of Trump madness, having a sleep-inducing president (like Joe Biden) might be just what is needed. The impact of the coronavirus has reinforced and strengthened this tendency toward a “yearning for normalcy,” especially on the part of the section of the ruling class represented by the NYT and that section of society, particularly among the more formally educated middle strata, that for some time has, to a significant degree, identified with what is represented by the NYT.
But, in fundamental terms, this notion of a “return to normalcy” is an illusion that will be exploded by the nature and workings of the system of capitalism-imperialism to which the masses of humanity are subjected.
In the context of this current crisis, the exploitative and oppressive relations built into this system are asserting themselves in a pronounced way, within this country and internationally, just as they have in previous crises. For example, when Hurricane Katrina hit, in New Orleans and surrounding areas in 2005, even as broad sections of people suffered, it was poor Black people who were hit in the most devastating ways, because of the oppression and savage inequalities to which they were already subjected and because of the not-so-benign neglect and often malign actions of those in power. The same has been true with regard to AIDS—it is those who have been discriminated against and denigrated who have suffered the most—and the lop-sided burden of suffering has been especially pronounced on an international scale, with people in sub-Saharan Africa in particular enduring tremendous devastation.
Even as broad swaths of the population will be hit by the coronavirus, this inequality will once again have its effect in this country in relation to the current crisis—as immigrants, prisoners, the homeless, people in poor communities, particularly among the oppressed nationalities, and others who are subordinated, degraded and despised by the “normal workings” of this system and the powers that be, will be subjected to disproportionate suffering.1
And internationally the same dynamics apply in an even greater way. As I have pointed to previously:
we live in a world where large parts of humanity live in stark poverty, with 2.3 billion people lacking even rudimentary toilets or latrines and huge numbers suffering from preventable diseases, with millions of children dying every year from these diseases and from starvation, while 150 million children in the world are forced to engage in ruthlessly exploited child labor, and the whole world economy rests on a vast network of sweatshops, employing large numbers of women who are regularly subjected to sexual harassment and assault, a world where 65 million refugees have been displaced by war, poverty, persecution, and the effects of global warming.2
It is those, worldwide, who are maintained in these conditions who will be hit hardest in this crisis, as they have been in the past.
All this, combined with the continuing and rapidly deepening climate crisis, rooted in the dynamics of this system and increasingly posing an existential threat to all of humanity, will drive masses, millions and ultimately billions, of people to even further desperation, and no one on the planet will be able to avoid the repercussions and effects of all this.
Several years ago, I pointed out:
Today, while the U.S. is, and loudly proclaims itself to be, the world’s number one superpower, it is riddled with sharpening contradictions, and facing growing challenges, within the country and internationally, and this has brought forth a fascist regime that now holds the reins of power, with the finger of a demented bully on the nuclear button—a regime that, without exaggeration, threatens not just greatly heightened suffering for the masses of humanity but the very existence of humanity itself.3
And, in a number of other countries, fascism has continued to gain strength, as a response—a fanatical, lunatic, and violent reaction—to changes being driven fundamentally by the necessities and dynamics of the capitalist-imperialist system and the fact that this system does not have, and cannot have, any positive resolution to all this. Despite what many (especially many “liberals”) would like to believe, the notion that especially in times of crisis like this “we are all in this together” is in conflict with and is refuted by reality and specifically is not adhered to by the fascist forces. For example, gun sales in this country have skyrocketed even higher amidst this crisis, as “Second Amendment types” stock up even further on lethal weapons to “protect themselves” from “criminals” (and, on the part of many, to prepare themselves for the “civil war” they see coming). To refer again to the insights of African-American theologian Hubert Locke, what is involved with the fascist movement in this country is not just some abstract battle for the “hearts and minds” of people but a deadly serious struggle for power, with the aim—on the part particularly of the Christian fundamentalist driving force of this fascism—of “seizing the reins of government, manipulating the courts and judicial decisions, controlling the media, and making incursions into every possible corner of our private lives and relationships, so that what the religious right perceives as the will of God will reign in America.”4
This is why the commonly propagated notion that what has given rise to the sharp polarization in this country, and the madness associated with Trump, is a “departure from civility,” or more specifically that it flows from a failure on the part of educated middle class “liberals” to communicate with and try to understand the views of people in the “heartland”—all this is not only completely erroneous but actually a dangerous delusion. Writing a little more than 20 years ago, in her book Mobilizing Resentment, based on her extensive investigation into the right-wing movement in this country, Jean Hardisty recounts how, even where her efforts to engage in civil and friendly conversation with people of this kind would initially be returned with a certain superficial kindliness, as the conversation progressed she would repeatedly be subjected to the “brutal intolerance” that would come to the fore on the part of these right-wingers. As she graphically puts it: “when I give rightists the benefit of the doubt, out of respect for their right to their own worldview, they reward me every time with a kick in the teeth.” She sums up that what we are dealing with is
a well-financed, well-coordinated, savvy movement that has developed brilliant techniques of manipulation and has captured and molded a hospitable moment in history. The right’s quest for political power has become a frightening reality.5
And things have only gotten worse, and the danger this poses even greater, in the 20 or so years since Hardisty wrote this.
In very immediate terms, the outlook and methods as well as the priorities of the fascists, as concentrated in the Trump/Pence regime—with the appointment of the anti-scientific Pence to head government efforts around COVID-19; Trump’s initial denial of the scope and danger posed by this virus and his continuing lies about this; his gross American chauvinism, pitting this country against the rest of the world; his repeated tendency to recklessly deny medical science and ignore the recommendations of medical experts where it runs counter to his own narrowly conceived and dangerously shortsighted interests and objectives; and more—all this amplifies and fortifies the barriers that the “normal functioning” of the capitalist-imperialist system places in the way of a systematic and coordinated approach to combating the coronavirus. At the same time, there is the question of whether Trump will actually recognize the results of the election in November if (even in the electoral college count, as well as in the popular vote) he is not the winner—or whether there will even be an election, since it is not unthinkable that Trump would “delay” (or even outright cancel) the election, declaring that in the context of the coronavirus crisis it is too dangerous to have an election!
All this must be resisted and overcome to the greatest extent possible, while at the same time recognizing that it will require a radical transformation of society, and ultimately the world as a whole, to remove the powerful restraints that this system places on human beings and their ability to act in common to confront and transform the necessity they face, in an ongoing way and acutely so in times of crisis.
Whatever happens in regard to the elections that are scheduled to be held this November, and however the coronavirus crisis is resolved—or if it is not really resolved but becomes part of “cascading crises,” with one crisis leading to another... and another—there will be no returning to some idealized notion of “normalcy.” And, while there is certainly a legitimate and positive desire on the part of people everywhere to get beyond the scourge of this virus, taking into account what is the actual situation for the masses of humanity under the “normal” domination of this system, no one should desire a return to the “normalcy” dictated by the capitalist-imperialist system.
Underlying the immediate crisis, and the danger posed by the Trump/Pence regime and its fanatical fascist “base,” there is the more fundamental reality of the capitalist-imperialist system and the consequences of allowing this system to continue to dominate the world and determine the conditions of the masses of humanity and indeed the very fate of humanity itself. This crisis with the coronavirus has brought into sharp relief the reality that the capitalist system is not simply out of step with but is in fundamental conflict with, and a direct obstacle to, meeting the needs of the masses of humanity. Even as the capitalists and governments representing their interests have been forced to take certain emergency steps that in some ways run counter to the inherent dynamics of their system (such as massive intervention by the government in the functioning of the economy), the ways in which this system constitutes an obstacle to dealing with this crisis continue to assert themselves—including not only such perverse actions as the hoarding by some of vital medical and other supplies, in order to drive up the price, but also the fact that the creation of wealth under this system proceeds on the basis of ruthless exploitation and the impoverishment of masses of people throughout the world, while even in the “wealthier” countries there is significant poverty and large parts of the population live paycheck-to-paycheck and are only one serious crisis away from disaster; the ongoing rivalry between different capitalists (or associations of capital), with their private ownership of the means of production (land, raw materials, technology, factories and other structures) and private, competitive accumulation of wealth acts as a hindrance to necessary cooperation and the production of things that may be urgently needed but are not productive of private profit—and the whole ideology of advancing one’s interests at the expense of others, the individualism that is fostered by this system and is promoted to an extreme currently in this country, runs counter to and undermines inclinations toward cooperation and, yes, sacrifice for the greater good. Despite the dedicated efforts of many well-meaning people, even if the immediate crisis with the coronavirus is resolved, this will be done on the basis of intensifying the contradictions built into this system and the suffering of the masses of humanity who are already exploited and oppressed under this system.
All of this stands in sharp contrast with what is needed to deal in a truly meaningful way with crises like that occasioned by the coronavirus, and to meet the fundamental needs of humanity on an ongoing basis. It stands in sharp contrast to the socialist system envisioned in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, where there is social, not private, ownership of the means of production, social wealth is produced through cooperation not exploitation and is increasingly distributed in accordance with the needs of the people, not those of competing capitalists, and there is a government that represents and is geared to meeting the fundamental interests of humanity, and promotes that outlook among the people and involves them in the process of governance toward that end—not a government that is an extension of and can only represent the demands and dynamics of capital, with all the anarchy and ruthless exploitation that involves, within particular countries and on an international scale.6
Beyond the borders of any particular country, there is the great importance and potentially very positive role and impact of internationalism, which can only be really and fully realized with the overcoming of the barriers erected to international unity and cooperation by the workings of the capitalist-imperialist system—which is international in its scope of operations (that is, its exploitation) but consists of competing capitalists and rival capitalist states.7
Overcoming all this can be—and can only be—accomplished through the communist revolution and the increasing establishment of socialist countries in the world, proceeding on an internationalist basis and carrying out the economic, social and political transformations, as well as transformations in the ways of thinking and culture of the people, that will enable humanity to leap beyond the constraints and the terrible consequences which are imposed by the “normal” functioning of the capitalist-imperialist system and are greatly intensified in situations of crisis. This unprecedented revolution will make it possible for people to engage reality, and to confront crises, in a truly cooperative way as members of a world community of freely associating human beings, not separated and pitted against each other by divisions of country, class, nationality (or “race”), gender and other oppressive relations.
1. Materials posted at, including communiqués from the revolutionary communists (revcoms) and the interview with Lenny Wolff on the Michael Slate radio show, speak to how this dynamic is already being expressed in this current crisis. [back]
2. Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution. The text and video of this speech by Bob Avakian are available at [back]
3. THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO! In The Name of Humanity We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America, A Better World IS Possible. Video of this speech by Bob Avakian is available at [back]
4. Reflections on Pacific School of Religion's Response to the Religious Right, by Dr. Hubert Locke, also available at [back]
5. Jean Hardisty, Mobilizing Resentment, Conservative Resurgence From The John Birch Society To The Promise Keepers, Beacon Press Books, 1999, pp. 5, 6, 8. [back]
6. The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by Bob Avakian, is available at [back]
7. In the section “Globalization, the Nationality of Capital, and the Imperialist Nation‑State,” in Notes on Political Economy: Our Analysis of the 1980s, Issues of Methodology, and The Current World Situation, published by the Revolutionary Communist Party (available online at, there is an analysis of this major contradiction in the world today:
In the imperialist era, the circuits of capital become internationalized—and accumulation grows ever more global in reach and process. But imperialist capital remains anchored to national markets and national state formations....
In short, the anarchy bound up with global processes of capitalist development creates new problems of "control." The contradiction between internationalized accumulation and the national character of capital, far from being transcended, is intensified.
As “Notes” further states:
At the same time, capital requires an apparatus (the imperialist state) and the military wherewithal (which means a military industry) to secure the international environment within which it can globally thrive. [back]
See also:
by Dr. Hubert Locke
Reposted October 7, 2019. Originally posted January 29, 2006
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
You’ve read this article and now you need to be part of making sure is able to make an urgently needed leap and transformation.
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Penn's Myopia Is Malignant
Editors' Note (August 23, 2021): In light of the recent earthquake in Haiti and its devastating consequences, and the U.S. media coverage following those events, we think it important for our readers to access this article from Bob Avakian (BA), which originally appeared in March 2020.
In a recent appearance on CNN, in discussing the possible role of the U.S. military in the current crisis related to the coronavirus COVID-19, the prominent actor Sean Penn actually said the following: “There is no greater humanitarian force on the planet than the United States military.”
In the aftermath of a devastating earthquake in Haiti in January, 2010, Penn devoted himself for an extended period to relief efforts in that country. That, taken by itself, would be admirable. But, proceeding from his cooperation with the U.S. military in relation to those relief efforts, Penn has completely misrepresented and covered over the overall and essential nature and actions of the U.S. military, and he has gone so far as to glorify this military which, by its very nature and in accordance with the system it serves and seeks to enforce, has been and continues to be guilty of the most horrendous war crimes and crimes against humanity.
To begin with, the following gives a graphic sense of the larger role of the U.S., and in particular its military, in its overall relations with Haiti over the past 100 years and more.
At the time of the 2010 earthquake, speaking of the U.S. role in Haiti, Bill Quigley, legal director at the Center for Constitutional Rights, said: “We have kept the country dependent. We have kept the country militarized. And we kept the country impoverished. We have dumped our excess rice, our excess farm produce and that stuff on the country, thereby undercutting the small farmers who would make up the backbone of the place... We didn’t create the earthquake, but we created some of the circumstances that made the earthquake so devastating....” (Democracy Now!, January 14, 2010)1
In the 20th century, the U.S. asserted itself as the dominant power in its “backyard.” In 1915 it invaded and occupied Haiti. U.S. Marines went straight to the Haitian national bank and removed its gold reserves to Citibank in New York City. The Haitian constitution was rewritten to allow foreign ownership of Haitian property; land was seized from small peasants to create large plantations; the economy was reorganized so that 40% of Haiti’s gross domestic product flowed to U.S. banks.
The Haitian people fiercely resisted the occupation in a series of revolts which the U.S. military ruthlessly crushed, murdering leaders, burning villages to the ground and killing 15‑30,000 Haitians. The occupiers did not leave until 1934, leaving behind the brutal, U.S.‑trained, Haitian National Army to repress the people.
In 1957, François “Papa Doc” Duvalier came to power and set up his own army of thugs—the Tontons Macoutes. The Duvalierist reign of terror—supported and backed by the U.S.—killed roughly 50,000 people.
When Papa Doc died in 1971, U.S. warships were stationed just off the coast of Haiti to oversee a smooth transition of power to Duvalier’s son, Jean‑Claude (“Baby Doc”). Baby Doc was closely associated with the “American Plan,” which explicitly aimed to cut the ground out from under peasant agriculture by large‑scale imports of cheaper U.S. goods, driving hundreds of thousands of peasants into the cities and shantytowns, desperate for work in U.S.‑owned assembly plants being set up by the likes of Disney and Kmart, which paid workers 11 cents an hour to make pajamas and t‑shirts.
In 1985‑86 a powerful uprising swept Haiti, forcing the U.S. to rescue Baby Doc and fly him to the French Riviera, in order to preserve their basic control of the country through the Haitian Army. A series of military governments followed, known to Haitians as “Duvalierism without Duvalier.”2
Racist attitudes toward the Haitian people by U.S. occupation forces were blatant and widespread. Robert Lansing, then U.S. secretary of state, justified the occupation by claiming Haitians had “an inherent tendency toward savagery and a physical inability to live a civilized life,” so were incapable of self‑government. Medill McCormick, a senator from Illinois, wrote in 1920 that the American occupation was necessary “to develop the country, the Government, and above all, the civilization of the people, of whom the overwhelming majority have African blood in their veins.” There were many reports of U.S. Marines sexually assaulting Haitian women. The occupation included segregation and enforced chain gangs to build roads and other construction projects....
Haitian people fiercely resisted the occupation in a series of revolts, which the U.S. military ruthlessly crushed—murdering leaders, burning villages to the ground, and killing thousands of people. Haitian‑American author Edwidge Danticat wrote: “My grandfather was one of the Cacos, or so‑called bandits, whom retired American Marines have always written about in their memoirs. They would be called insurgents now, the thousands who fought against the occupation. One of the stories my grandfather’s oldest son, my uncle Joseph, used to tell was of watching a group of young Marines kicking around a man’s decapitated head in an effort to frighten the rebels in their area.” Danticat also talks about how the Marines murdered one of the occupation’s most famous resistance fighters, Charlemagne Péralte, then pinned his body to a door where it was left to rot in the sun for days.
During the 19 years of the U.S. occupation, at least 15,000 Haitians were killed. In 1918 there was an uprising of some 40,000 people. After the Haitian Gendarmerie was overwhelmed, U.S. Marines helped put down the rebellion, killing 2,000 people. During a December 1929 demonstration in the city of Les Cayes, part of a nationwide strike and ongoing rebellion, U.S. Marines fired on 1,500 people, wounding 23 and killing 12.3
In other words, during the last 16 years that Haiti has been occupied by various combinations of UN and U.S. troops—and not just since the earthquake—most people's lives have gotten much worse.4
What the U.S. has actually done, over the course of more than a century, in Haiti is consistent with and part of a larger pattern that involves repeated atrocity, slaughter and destruction on a mass scale carried out by the U.S. military, as well as the CIA and other “intelligent services” working with—and forcefully backed up by—the U.S. military throughout its history and right up to today.
Without going back through all the atrocities committed by the U.S. military from the beginning of this country, including its genocidal wars against the native peoples and its vicious enforcement of slavery and suppression of uprisings against slavery, the following, drawn from the experience of just the last 75 years, gives a fuller picture of the truly grotesque nature and role of this military:
Dropping atomic bombs on two Japanese cities at the end of World War 2 in 1945, immediately killing hundreds of thousands of civilians and subjecting many others to excruciating suffering and eventual death.
Carrying out numerous invasions and coups, in countries all over the world, through which masses of people were slaughtered and the countries subjected to decades of tyrannical rule (for example: coups in Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, Indonesia, in 1965, and the invasion of the Dominican Republic, next door neighbor to Haiti, killing thousands, in 1965, at the same time as the U.S. was escalating its war in Vietnam).
Killing several million people during the Korean war of 1950-53 and, among other things, virtually flattening the entire country of North Korea.
Slaughtering several million more and poisoning large parts of the countryside during the Vietnam war, from 1964-73, including the use of such grotesque chemical weapons as napalm (flesh-burning jellied gasoline), white phosphorous and Agent Orange.5
And so it has gone over the time since the Vietnam war, with continuing bloody coups and invasions. In more recent times, for example:
Over the course of 18 years, three [U.S.] administrations have deployed nearly 800,000 troops to Afghanistan, and 50 NATO countries and their partners have sent tens of thousands more.
The violence unleashed by the U.S. has been staggering. Between 2004 and 2018, it dropped over 38,000 bombs on Afghanistan. As of March 2020, it had carried out over 12,000 drone strikes.
U.S. forces and their Afghan clients terrorized people with dead‑of‑night house searches. They created a network of prison and detention centers where at least 15,000 Afghans have been detained on little or no evidence, brutally beaten, tortured, and sometimes killed. This week the International Criminal Court stated it had proof that U.S. forces had “committed acts of torture, cruel treatment, outrages upon personal dignity, rape, and sexual violence”—war crimes—in Afghanistan.
By August 2016, some 111,000 people had been killed and over 116,000 injured in the war. And one study found that the “war on terror” had directly or indirectly led to around 220,000 deaths in Afghanistan by 2013. On top of this carnage, nearly five million Afghan people have been forced from their homes by the war.6
This, along with what the U.S. and its military has done through waging war in Iraq, including the 2003 invasion of that country and its aftermath, which constituted an international war crime and (as I have pointed out previously) “unleashed a maelstrom of death and destruction in that part of the world.”7
And then there is the role of the U.S. military within this country in more recent times—backing up the police in suppressing urban rebellions during the 1960s and again in 1992 and killing hundreds of people in the process, many of them unarmed (rebellions which in large part erupted in response to violence—brutality and murder—by police).
Is all this what Sean Penn has in mind—or has he “conveniently” remained ignorant of, or chosen to ignore, all this—when he praises the U.S. military as the greatest humanitarian force in the world?!
That the U.S. military, as part of U.S. efforts to maintain control and “order” in Haiti in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, might have taken actions that facilitated relief efforts in some aspects is not difficult to believe. Heads of criminal enterprises, such as Mafia Godfathers, drug lords and cartel bosses, often engage in charitable acts in the effort to burnish their reputation and win good will, or at least acquiescence, from those they prey upon, even as violent terror is their main way of imposing their influence or dominance. And the partial review presented here of the role of U.S. imperialism and its military, not only in Haiti but throughout the world and throughout its history, amply illustrate the truth of the statement that “These imperialists make the Godfather look like Mary Poppins.”8
Whatever their actions might be in any particular situation, the overall and essential nature and role of the institutions of massive violence of this capitalist-imperialist system (the military, and the police as well) must not be covered over and distorted, and still less should these institutions be extolled and glorified. And especially for those, like Sean Penn, who have a platform to speak to masses of people, there remains the responsibility to go beyond one’s own partial and limited experience and corresponding narrow perspective, to seek an understanding of the overall and essential reality and to speak truthfully and responsibly—and not, as Sean Penn is doing, acting in effect as not only an apologist but an intellectual accomplice of the continuing crimes of this system and its armed enforcers.
1. “Hurricane Matthew: A Horror in Haiti, A Cold‑Blooded Response By the Rulers of the U.S.,” Revolution #460, October 10, 2016, available online at [back]
2. “The U.S. in Haiti: A Century of Domination and Misery,” Revolution #525, January 8, 2017, available online at [back]
3. “American Crime Case #80: 1915-1931: The U.S. Invasion, Occupation and Domination of Haiti,” Revolution #456, September 12, 2016, available online at [back]
4. “Cholera in Haiti: a foreseeable result of a criminal system” (From A World To Win News Service), in Revolution #223, January 23, 2011, available online at [back]
5. For a fuller picture of the horrors visited upon Vietnam and its people by the U.S. during that war, see Bob Avakian, On Bargains With The Devil—Trump Fascism, “Obamanation,” And The System They Serve, available at [back]
6. “America Leaves Afghanistan After Killing Over 100,000 People in Its ‘Good War,’” posted at, March 9, 2020. [back]
7. Bob Avakian, David Brooks—The Not So Great Pretender—And The Profound Differences Between Trump, Sanders And Actual Socialism, available at [back]
8. BAsics 1:7 (BAsics, from the talks and writings of Bob Avakian). [back]
Bob Avakian (BA) is the most important political thinker and leader in the world today.
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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Communiqué #4 from the Revcoms:
Right now, horrifying scenes are happening all over.
In New York, sick people stack up in emergency rooms. Many die because there are no ventilators to help them breathe when their lungs can’t function. Doctors, nurses, and hospital workers get sick and even die because they don’t have the basic protective gear that they need. In the slave-ship prisons and immigrant detention centers, where people are packed like sardines, the virus looms like a hurricane. Millions in America have lost their jobs and children go hungry.
Billions more, around the world, face a choice of starvation or repression, with very little protection against the disease or access to health care if they get it.
The rulers of the world, and of America, fight between themselves, with no real answers – while the masses suffer horribly.
But it does not have to be this way! We are organizing now for an actual revolution – an overthrow of this system, not a facelift. We are fighting for a whole new state power – the New Socialist Republic in North America. And here is what THAT socialist society would do:
One. The revolutionary power would prepare for disasters like this, not leave society defenseless.
The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by Bob Avakian, states the following:
Research and other work will be done to anticipate, as much as possible, and to prevent to the greatest degree possible, outbreaks of disease and epidemics, and to detect and treat such outbreaks and epidemics as quickly and effectively as possible where and when they cannot be prevented.
Just compare that to what the current system did. The government knew for years that a virus like this could easily hit. They even did studies that told them what they would need: extra hospital beds for emergencies. Research to prepare new vaccines. Protective equipment like masks and emergency machines like ventilators. Planning ahead how to tide people over in emergency without millions going hungry or worse. But very little of that was done.
Why? Because the system we live under – capitalism-imperialism – is NOT set up to meet people’s needs. It is a system of cutthroat competition between those who own the means of creating wealth, a system in which nothing happens unless someone can profit off it. Planning for emergencies, stockpiling critical supplies, and producing vaccines that may be needed in the future are just not “profitable” in the short term. And instead of Trump and the Democratic governors competing for resources like we see today, the socialist state would coordinate resources and response nationally—with an economy oriented towards people’s needs, NOT profit.
Two. The new socialist state would draw on the knowledge of scientists and ordinary people all over the world to defeat the epidemic. To again quote the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America:
In keeping with a scientific approach, as well as an internationalist orientation, research and development, and practical developments, in the field of medicine shall be shared, as fully as possible, with people in this (and related) fields in other parts of the world, and cooperation shall be promoted and effected in detecting, combating and preventing outbreaks of disease and epidemics...
But look at what this system we are under now is doing: companies hoarding knowledge to use for profit, imperialist powers fighting to get a new vaccine first and use it against its rivals... and meanwhile people will die for lack of a vaccine.
Three: The masses of people will not only be truthfully informed of the whole situation, their intelligence, creativity and spirit of self-sacrifice will be brought to bear. Again, from the future Constitution:
In the treatment of disease, and in other aspects of medicine, the sensibilities, as well as the experience and knowledge, of patients, and of the people broadly, shall be taken into account and drawn on fully as a basic requirement and a basic resource in the practice of medicine and the development and application of medical science.
Compare that to the system we live under now, where most people are kept ignorant of science and kept passive during a crisis like now.
Last, but hardly least – because social production would be geared to meet people’s needs, and not for the profit of this or that capitalist, necessities could be stockpiled in advance and shared in an equitable way when a disaster like this DID strike. Compare that to this system, when millions don’t have the money for rent, or even groceries, and will either go homeless or hungry.
The world envisioned in this Constitution is possible. But to bring that world into being we need an actual revolution. There is the leadership for that revolution, in Bob Avakian, BA. And there is a strategy he has developed which, through hard struggle, can get us there.
The fact that we have such a leader and the vision and strategy is a huge plus. What is needed, right now more than ever, is YOU!
Learn about, and be part of, this movement. Get into BA. Go to our website at and find out more. Tune into our YouTube program The RNL Show. And follow us on social media.
Los Angeles:
With space for contact info:
See also:
People wait in line to get into Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York, last week. The people who run this system knew in advance that something like the coronavirus pandemic could happen any time. But they did nothing, because of the nature of their system. (Photo: AP)
CONSTITUTION For The New Socialist Republic In North America
Authored by Bob Avakian, and adopted by the Central Committee of the RCP
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
You’ve read this article and now you need to be part of making sure is able to make an urgently needed leap and transformation.
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Updated |
The U.S. incarcerates nearly 2.3 million people in around 7,000 prisons, jails, and detention centers.1 About 60 percent are Black or Latino.
More than 300,000 are accused of nonviolent offenses, but have not been convicted of anything, and are only in jail because they are too poor to afford bail while they await trial. Hundreds of thousands of others are incarcerated for drug possession, or for crimes as petty as trespassing, prostitution, or public urination. Tens of thousands have been railroaded by the U.S. IN-justice system or are serving barbarically long sentences under “mandatory minimum” laws. Yet another 40,000 to 50,000 are immigrants detained for the “crime” of fleeing violence and persecution in their home countries and seeking asylum in the U.S.2.
The U.S. often points to countries like China, Iran, and North Korea as repressive regimes—and they are. But the U.S. imprisons 400,000 more people than China (its closest “competitor”), even though China has nearly four times as many people.3 With about 4 percent of the world’s population, the U.S. holds 22 percent of the world’s prisoners!
Now many thousands of those prisoners may face a de facto death sentence, as the pandemic spreads across the U.S.
The coronavirus is beginning to tear through the prison system, feeding on overcrowding and other barbaric conditions and exacting a deadly toll on a population that is dramatically less healthy and therefore more vulnerable to the virus than the “free” population.4
Elderly people are the fastest growing population of prisoners.5, 6 Prisoners are predominantly poor7 and many are homeless,8 which makes them vulnerable to diseases like diabetes and hypertension. In fact, about 40 percent of all prisoners report having a chronic medical condition.9 Being elderly and/or already ill are the two biggest factors leading to death from COVID-19.
The first serious outbreak is already unfolding at New York’s notorious Rikers Island jail system, where at least 231 prisoners and 223 corrections staff are infected, and all 88 beds of the complex’s sole infectious disease unit—which has no ventilators for prisoners—is full.10 At least two staff members have died11; prisoners report watching “as a guard coughed, her cheeks turned red and she collapsed to the ground.”12, 13
Outbreaks are occurring throughout the U.S.
In California, very initial COVID-19 testing found coronavirus among 22 prison employees and 10 prisoners at 10 different prisons. Hundreds of other prison employees have been found to be running fevers but have not been tested for COVID-19.14 At Cook County jail (Chicago), at least 100 prisoners and two staff have tested positive. In the federal prison system, at least 91 prisoners and 50 staff members have tested positive, and at least seven have died.15 There are also outbreaks in juvenile detention facilities and in immigration detention camps (though we know less about what is happening to immigrants due to the isolated settings of many detention centers and the lack of honest information from ICE).
If these numbers sound small, remember that New York state had its first COVID-19 death about a month ago; today it has more than 122,000 cases, and more than 4,100 people have died!
Jail and prison conditions are horrendous for human beings, but very welcoming to the coronavirus. Social distancing is impossible. Often prisoners sleep in large dormitories. A former Rikers prisoner described “a dorm shared by 50 men,” 18-24 inches apart, “40-50 inmates [using] the same toilet” as well as three phones. Others said that “Feces was on the walls of some holding pens and dorm areas,” and that when prisoners crowded around communal dining tables, “some of the tables are caked with food from previous meals.”16
Overcrowding is a major problem. California’s prisons are currently operating at 134 percent of capacity.17 ABC News received a video from inside an Alabama state prison that starts with a prisoner saying, “It’s fixin’ to be a mass grave site up inside these prisons,” and shows a large dorm packed so tightly with double bunk beds that two men cannot pass each other in the aisles without each turning sideways.
Prisoners around the U.S. report that they can’t get basic cleaning supplies, much less protective gloves or masks, even though they are sharing everything with people who may be infected. Hand sanitizer is often contraband because of its alcohol content. A prisoner may use a sock to hold the phone, or diluted shampoo to try to wash down surfaces. Even hand soap has to be purchased by the prisoners themselves at many institutions. If a prisoner is handcuffed, they can’t even cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze. As one Cook County official put it: “Our jails are petri dishes.” (A petri dish is a small dish used to grow micro-organisms in laboratories.) 18 19 20 21
All of this is setting the stage for a deadly epidemic that could spread quickly and kill thousands. A leader of the federal prison workers union acknowledged that a pandemic could be “very dangerous for our inmate population.” Steven Jones, a 55-year-old federal prison inmate in Littleton, Colorado, put it more bluntly: “If the virus gets in here, and we are all expecting it to, we are doomed.”22 [Emphasis added.]
Starting in mid-February, as the virus began to spread in the U.S., a wide array of forces—lawyers, prison reform activists, prison medical staff, civil liberties groups, and a few liberal politicians—began calling for the prison authorities to take urgent steps to protect the prisoners in their custody.
The most important demand was to release large numbers of prisoners, with the aim of both reducing the dangerous overcrowding in institutions (thus making the virus less able to spread rapidly) and to remove as many people as possible from this dangerous environment. Many people pointed out that even the oppressive leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran had furloughed 85,000 prisoners, about one-third of their total prison population. (Iran has only one-ninth as many prisoners as the U.S. to begin with, and its rate of imprisonment is about 40 percent that of the U.S. 23)
In the U.S., various city, state, and federal authorities made noises like they gave a damn, but so far most have released only a small percentage of their prisoners: New Jersey—1,000 of roughly 15,000 jail inmates;24 Los Angeles County—1,700 out of about 15,000;25 New York—650 out of 7,000.26 California—responding to a lawsuit demanding large-scale releases—agreed to announce the release of a mere 3,500 of its state prisoners, out of a total of 121,000. As of this writing, only Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) has released a substantial percentage—1,000 out of fewer than 2,000 prisoners.27
On the federal level, Attorney General William Barr initially released a mere 522 of the federal system’s 146,000 prisoners to home confinement. But a week later, as the epidemic began to spread through the federal system, he declared an “emergency” and issued a memo acknowledging that “[w]e are experiencing significant levels of infection at several of our facilities,” and saying that the bureau should “where appropriate ... move vulnerable inmates out of these institutions.”28
But this is to be done “on a case by case basis,” meaning that each individual case will have to be separately reviewed. And Politico reports that “the Justice Department has continued to resist efforts by lawyers to involve the courts in making early release decisions.” So this means in effect that at best a slow stream of prisoners will be released, while those “awaiting review” continue to face disease and possible death in prison.
Looking at the total picture, Udi Ofer, director of the Justice Division at the American Civil Liberties Union, said: “We are nowhere close to the rate of release we need to see to stop the spread of COVID-19. Every day that government officials do not act is another day that lives are put at risk.”
As far as conditions inside the prison, far from radically reorganizing things to minimize danger and improve health care, the authorities have mainly taken steps to further repress prisoners. Many prison systems have now banned or severely limited visits, which, besides making life in prison much harsher, means that it is harder for people on the outside to find out what is going on.
Another measure is to put people suspected of being infected with COVID-19 in solitary confinement, which is a form of torture. In fact, prisoners at one immigration detention center told Reuters that other inmates have hidden symptoms of illness to avoid being put in solitary.
Even worse, some prisons are locking down whole cellblocks where some people show symptoms. The Los Angeles Times says of this practice in California state prisons:
That has heightened fears among family members, especially of those inmates who are older or at risk of severe illness from COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
“He feels like he’s in a Nazi Germany death camp. They basically locked them all in the ‘sick’ dorm and are only taking guys out with a high fever,” said the daughter of one such inmate at the state prison in Chino ... “An inmate in his dorm of 150 men just tested positive, so they put his entire dorm on lockdown. He can’t get bandages he needs for open sores from an autoimmune disease. He’s 72 and due out in August,” she said. [Emphasis added.]
Juvenile detention centers in California are doing nothing to encourage social distancing among the youth they control, but protect themselves: “the probation department is standing six feet away from the kids, but the kids are all still clumped together.” Many prisoners also report getting no information about COVID-19 except what they learn on TV, or getting “advice” from authorities like “eat more fruits and vegetables” and sleep head to toe!29
This willful abandonment of millions of mainly Black and Brown people to the ravages of a deadly disease is in line with the whole genocidal direction in which the U.S. rulers have been moving for the last 40 years, and of which the system of mass incarceration itself is one of the main features. It is a crime against humanity in the making, and it must be opposed much more broadly and vigorously.
All prisoners awaiting trial (and therefore presumed innocent) must be immediately released rather than face a potential death sentence without trial.
All prisoners being held on petty charges that no one should be in jail for to begin with must be released.
All elderly and seriously ill patients, and all of any age who have largely finished their sentences, must be released.
For those who remain, health conditions have to be rapidly transformed:
1. Prison Policy Initiative, March 24, 2020: “Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020.” [back]
2. “Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020.” [back]
3. Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020 [back]
4. New York Times, March 31, 2020: “Jails Are Petri Dishes: Inmates Freed as the Virus Spreads Behind Bars.” [back]
5. Marshall Project, March 6, 2020: “When Purell is Contraband, How Do You Contain Coronavirus?” [back]
6. For instance, in California, 10,000 of its 130,000 state prisoners are over 60. Los Angeles Times, March 25, 2020: “Prison lawyers seek emergency order on coronavirus, including release of inmates.” [back]
7. With a median income of under $20,000 before incarceration, Prisons of Poverty: Uncovering the pre-incarceration incomes of the imprisoned. [back]
8. Thirty percent of Los Angeles jail inmates were homeless. See “Jails Are Petri Dishes...” [back]
9. National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, March 4, 2020, News Release. [back]
10., April 1, 2020: “Cuomo’s Bail Reform Reversal Risks Explosive Coronavirus Spread in Jail.” [back]
11. New York Times, March 31, 2020: “‘We’re left for dead’: Fears of Virus Catastrophe at Rikers Island.” [back]
12. Reuters, March 28, 2020: “Spread of coronavirus accelerates in U.S. jails and prisons.” [back]
13., April 2, 2020: “Coronavirus Cases Are Spreading Rapidly on Rikers Island.” [back]
14. Los Angeles Times, March 25, 2020: “Prison lawyers seek emergency order on coronavirus, including release of inmates.” [back]
15. The Independent, April 2, 2020: “Trump says he’ll try to prevent ‘young’ prisoners being released from jail over coronavirus fears.” [back]
16. New York Times: “We’re left for dead...” [back]
17. Prison lawyers seek emergency order on coronavirus, including release of inmates.” [back]
18. Atlantic, April 1, 2020: “Can’t We At Least Give Prisoners Soap?” [back]
19. Marshall Project: “When Purell is Contraband...” [back]
20. New York Times: “We’re left for dead...” [back]
21. New York Times: “Jails Are Petri Dishes...” [back]
22. Reuters: “Spread of coronavirus...” [back]
23. See Iran: World Prison Brief data. [back]
24. See National Institute of Correction: New Jersey, 2015. [back]
25. "See, March 24, 2020: "1,700 inmates released from Los Angeles County in response to coronavirus outbreak." [back]
26. See New York State Jail Population 10 Year Trends: 2010 – 2019 . [back]
27. See Cuyahoga County's jail population dipped below 1,800 earlier this month, the lowest it has been in years, officials report. [back]
28. Politico, April 4, 2020: “Barr to speed releases at federal prisons hit hard by virus.” [back]
29. New York Times: “We’re left for dead...” [back]
Prisoners may face a de facto death sentence, as the coronavirus tears through the prison system. Here, overcrowding at a prison in Montgomery, Alabama. (Photo: Equal Justice Initiative)
Read Communique #4 from the Revcoms
Read Communique #2 from the Revcoms
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Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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While Authorities Release a Few Thousand for Show...
It is an outrageous fact that U.S. city and county jails hold nearly half a million people who have not been convicted of anything. Overwhelmingly, they are in jail because they are too poor to pay bail – even bail as low as $100 – to get released as they await trial. In addition, jails hold about 125,000 prisoners who have been convicted, but of crimes that do not involve violence, ranging from shoplifting or passing bad checks to theft or drug crimes. (34,000 jail inmates have been convicted of crimes of violence).1, 2
Now, on top of the outrage of their imprisonment, these prisoners may find the penalty for their poverty, or for their petty crimes (also often driven by poverty) will be severe illness or death from COVID-19 as outbreaks spread in America’s jails.
In mid-February prison and civil rights activists and public health experts began raising the urgent need to release or furlough large numbers of these prisoners – the elderly, the chronically ill, those who were awaiting trial, those whose convictions were not for crimes of violence, and those who were about to complete their sentences. This was both to protect the lives of prisoners, as well as to prevent these jails from becoming mini-epicenters of disease that will spread in the broader community.
In response, various city, state, and federal authorities made noises like they gave a damn, but immediately faced push-back against releasing significant numbers. Much of this has come from pigs and prosecutors – “the forces of order” – on whom the whole ruling class depends to maintain their control – their dictatorship – over the masses of people, especially the most oppressed.
As the virus spread rapidly through Rikers Island jail and major releases were being discussed, “law enforcement officials” urged “caution” and “the city’s five district attorneys attacked the ‘seemingly haphazard process’ by which people, including some accused of violent crimes, were being released.”3 Responding to moves to release nonviolent, elderly and not-convicted prisoners, the president of the Houston police union denounced “mass releases” and warned of “the danger of letting violent criminals back out on the streets.”4 All of this was bullshit as none of the releases involved people convicted of violent crimes; this was fascist propaganda aimed at whipping up fear, demonizing prisoners... and condemning them to possible death.
And leading the charge? Who else but fascist-in-chief Donald Trump, who was asked about the prisoner releases on April 2 and responded that “Some people are getting out that are very serious criminals in some states, and I don’t like that. I don’t like it,” and warned that “we’re looking to see if I have the right to stop it in some cases.”5
The end result has been that so far only a small percentage of jail prisoners have been released: New Jersey—1,000 of roughly 15,000 jail inmates6; Los Angeles County—1,700 out of about 15,0007; New York—650 out of 7,000.8 (On average about 9%.) As of this writing, only Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) has released a substantial percentage—1,000 out of fewer than 2,000 prisoners.9
And in virtually all instances, the authorities insist that any releases be done “on a case by case basis,” meaning an inherently slow process in which each individual will have to be separately reviewed – while the epidemic rages on at viral speed.
Looking at the total picture, Udi Ofer, director of the Justice Division at the American Civil Liberties Union, said: “We are nowhere close to the rate of release we need to see to stop the spread of COVID-19. Every day that government officials do not act is another day that lives are put at risk.”10
And in New York, current liberal hero Governor Cuomo has gone even further. Right in the midst of New York’s epidemic, he quietly introduced new language into the state budget that, according to, essentially eliminates pre-trial release (with or without bail) entirely for large numbers of offenses, including people facing multiple charges of minor crimes like shoplifting! This is a move likely to further swell New York’s jail population.11
In other words, in spite of many newspaper headlines about “thousands” of prisoners being released, the ruling class has at this point “sorted through” its differences and determined that the best thing is to stage cosmetic releases of a small percentage of prisoners, while leaving the overwhelming majority to await the ravages of COVID-19 locked in crowded and dirty jails with little access to health care.
1. The Prison Policy Initiative, March 19, 2019: “Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2019” [back]
2. Johns Hopkins “Public Health on Call” podcasts, April 2, 2020: “COVID-19 in Prisons, Jails and Detention Centers”[back]
3. New York Times, March 31, 2020: “‘We’re Left for Dead’: Fears of Virus Catastrophe at Rikers Jail” [back]
4. The Marshall Project, March 6, 2020: “When Purell is Contraband, How Do You Contain Coronavirus?” [back]
5. The Independent, April 2, 2020: “Trump says he’ll try to prevent ‘young’ prisoners being released from jail over coronavirus fears” [back]
6. See for total New Jersey jail population as of 2015 – the last year for which the state provided figures. [back]
7. See, March 24, 2020: “1,700 inmates released from Los Angeles County in response to coronavirus outbreak” [back]
8. See for total NYC jail population [back]
9. See for estimated total Cuyahoga jail population. [back]
10. Reuters, March 28, 2020: “Spread of coronavirus accelerates in U.S. jails and prisons” [back]
11., April 1, 2020: “Cuomo’s Bail Reform Reversal Risks Explosive Coronavirus Spread in Jails” [back]
Prisoners in close quarters at Alabama's Easterling Correctional Facility, February 25, 2020. (Alabama Department of Corrections)
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Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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Between 35,000 and 42,000 immigrants are estimated to be held by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) in over 200 jails and detention centers.1 (Another 12,000 children, from infants to 17-year-olds, are held by ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement.)2 These detention sites are scattered around the U.S., especially in the South, and often in remote rural areas, hidden from public view.
And let’s be clear: Overwhelmingly these are people fleeing extremely desperate situations of violence, political persecution and economic collapse who should be welcomed and cared for. That they are imprisoned at all is an outrage and a crime.
Now an important study by Reuters news agency3 has revealed that a large number of these prisoners, who are typically held in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions and are often in poor health, are also “remote” from any possibility of advanced medical care if they contract COVID-19.
According to Reuters, about 5,000 prisoners are housed in facilities with no hospitals within 25 miles, and about a third of detainees are in locations where there are either none or one hospital nearby. And those hospitals that do exist in the rural U.S. are small, understaffed, under funded and barely have the capacity to deal with the local populations even in normal times, much less an influx of seriously ill detainees during an epidemic.
For instance, in one part of Louisiana, there are four detention centers with a total of 3,700 prisoners, all relying on the Winn Parish Medical Center, which has 46 beds total and five ICU (intensive care unit) beds. In another example, the South Louisiana ICE Processing Center and the Pine Prairie Processing Center, with about 1,300 detainees total, both rely on the Savoy Medical Center, with 10 ICU beds and six ventilators.
Carlos Franco-Paredes, an infectious diseases doctor who has worked in detention centers, estimates that an outbreak in a single center with 1,500 prisoners would require between 150 and 175 ICU admissions!4
And the danger of major outbreaks is very real due to the horrendous conditions. Reuters cited a 58-year-old Cuban man who described sharing "a dorm with 100 other men, all sleeping in three-tier bunk beds and sharing four toilets and six showers. He said guards do not wear protective gear and told the detainees to ignore news about the virus.” A 28-year-old Cuban woman said, “This is a ticking time bomb.”
According to the Guardian,5 ICE is packing together large groups who may have been exposed to COVID-19, including people with other serious medical conditions. At the Alexandria staging facility in Louisiana, ICE is “continuing to bring in new detainees from around the country in cramped quarters where they were denied masks and basic supplies to protect themselves.” Then on March 26, the “staff put up a sign outside the pod where they slept, which said the room was under ‘medical observation’ due to the possibility of exposure, saying the risk was ‘high.’” But ICE “gave the detainees no information and declined to tell them whether it was Covid-19.” According to the Guardian report:
“Everybody got panicked,” he [a detainee] said describing a chaotic scene of the detainees yelling for help and information. “We had two elderly people in their 70s, younger people with respiratory problems. One guy is crying, saying, ‘My life is in danger, we have been exposed.’ People were screaming, ‘Give us masks!’... ‘We’re gonna die!’”
At this point, ICE is claiming that there have been few infections among inmates, but it is quite likely that they have failed to test widely or that they are outright lying. There is no reason to think these centers would be immune from the epidemic spreading rapidly across the U.S.
All this leads to what two doctors who work as medical consultants to the Department of Homeland Security warned in a letter to Congress: that there could be a “tinderbox scenario,” in which “local hospital systems become overwhelmed by the patient flow from detention center outbreaks, precious health resources will be less available for people in the community... [and] many people from the detention center and the community die unnecessarily for want of a ventilator.”6
Large-scale release or furloughing of detainees is urgently necessary to prevent this.
1. See Freedom for Immigrants, "Detention by the numbers: Where are people detained in the United States?." [back]
2. See U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Latest UAC Data – FY2019. [back]
3. Reuters, April 3, 2020: “As pandemic rages, U.S. immigrants detained in areas with few hospitals.” [back]
4. “As pandemic rages, U.S. immigrants detained in areas with few hospitals.” [back]
5. The Guardian, April 4, 2020: “'We're gonna die': migrants in US jail beg for deportation due to Covid-19 exposure” [back]
6. CNN, March 20, 2020: “Doctors warn of ‘tinderbox scenario’ if coronavirus spreads in ICE detention.” [back]
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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We greatly appreciate receiving these letters from prisoners and encourage prisoners to keep sending us correspondence. The views expressed by the writers of these letters are, of course, their own; and they are not responsible for the views published elsewhere on our site.
To the Comrades at PRLF & Revcom.
It’s times like these where it’s important to further AMP-UP agitation out there in the streets. From what I hear when I get in contact with the world. This epidemic crisis has caused food shortages, there’s a shortage of toilet paper, can foods and other important necessities. It’s getting difficult for stores to meet demand, they might close their doors soon. Slowly and docilely this crisis is causing industry and production to come to a halt. I don't know comrades, but I think that there’s a wave coming, one we must not miss the opportunity to catch.
Of course, I'm not in no way advocating a pre-mature uprising, we might not have enough people and resources on our side for that at the moment. But I am advocating for a further amp-up in agitation. Cause as this crisis gets worse, this fascist government will be too incompetent to handle the crisis properly. People will begin to question the legitimacy of the government. We must harness that and be ready to lead the people. Best believe the reaction of this fascist government will be wild and erratic. Thus, further fertilizing the ground for Revolution.
On another note, I was watching what the reactionaries on Fox news were saying about the situation, and of course, they were praising the president for his little speech on friday. (You know the one where he is getting himself in position to come out as a “Savior” of the country LOL.) But what got my attention the most was when they began praising the corporations (Walmart, CVS, etc.) for how they have been handling and “helping” in the crisis. Then the reactionary (Hannity) began praising the capitalist-market system for being able to handle this situation properly.
To me, it sounded like they were trying to convince themselves. Because when you actually take a look at what’s really going on out there, NO, things are not being handled right as they should. This system of capitalism-imperialism is limiting a lot of things that could be done, that should be done to properly handle a dire situation like this. OK, so the U.S. government is pledging a couple million dollars to combat this crisis, well doesn’t one cruise missile or predator drone cost a couple million, but they got no problem making a bunch of those, money is nowhere near an issue when it comes to making their instruments of death. Yet there’s a lot of people who will go without water, food, toiletries and other essential items under this crisis, either cause they can't afford it or because stores can't meet demand, leaving the fate of a bunch of people in the hands of capital and corporations. It’s what the system of capitalism has dictated for society.
What I'm trying to get at is. The way the reactionaries were praising the corporations and the capitalist market system lets me know that even they have to try hard to convince you and themselves that everything is OK under this system.
The cracks in the system have always been there for everyone to see, this crisis only further exposes them. I know people have to see it. The question is, how will we communists help in leading the people to realize that things don't have to be like this, that there’s another way and that yes we know how to get there and what it takes to get there.
A Revolution and nothing less!
Just thought I'd share that with y'al .Keep up the good fight comrades!
Take this Coronavirus situation. How is it being handled in a capitalist society? Capitalist/Imperialist society does not take the well-being of human life serious. Its set up to only care about capital and commodity relations. How is it that under such dire emergencies, stores are running out of water, toilet paper, & food. All that surplus and stores can't meet demand? Is it not profitable enough for them? And why is such relation set up like that anyway? Why must society rely on private corporations (Walmart, CVS, etc.) for such necessities. So basically if you have no money to buy emergency goods, you just fucked. And even if you do have money, its useless since store shelves remain empty since they can't “meet demand” and will instead rather close its doors.
Can you not see how a capitalist-run society make such emergencies (like this epidemic) even worse! A lot of people are going to suffer even worse miseries because the necessities of life are privately owned and produce for capital gain. So the response to this emergency will be under the confines and limited to commodity and capital relations. A capitalist-run society does not care if people are dying or if they will go hungry or without basic life necessities.
Does it not make you angry that that’s the way this society is ran. Does it not concern you that you live in a society that’s set-up not to care for the well being of humans. A few “comforting” words from the “President” is not enough. People are dying and will continue to suffer unless we, as the masses of people take to the streets, stomp-down and demand change, a change in President is not enough. We need an overall change in the way society is organized. We need to do away with this system of capitalism that sees no value in human life.
I understand, disasters happen, epidemics happen, it’s the way of the world. Humans have been battling the elements since forever. The problem lies in how we as a people, respond to it. I know for a fact that, had we been living in a true Socialist Society, a real Communist Society, where the means of production are socially owned. Where the necessities of life are produced for the betterment and well being of humankind and not for profiting! The response to such emergencies as the one we face today would be different. There wouldn't be a price tag on dealing with emergencies, vaccines wouldn't be cost an arm and a leg. Hospital visits won't leave you in debt. Relations in society wouldn't consist of commodity and capital relations. Under communism, it would be OVERstood! that humankind comes first!
I would like to share the following thoughts with Revolution on Donald Trump.
A man fell out of a window on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper, who, as he fell past the tenth floor, waved at a friend and said, “Everything is fine under the Trump/Pence regime.” The same answer was given at each floor... except the ground floor.
Many people think that because their present moment of life contains no tragedy from the Trump/Pence regime, that everything will continue in the same happy state under this lunatic government for them. However, during the last three years the Trump/Pence regime has brought about unmerciful vindictive assaults, with catastrophic consequences to immigrants, Latinos, Black people, Muslims, women, and violence toward LBGT people. Who will be the next group to fall under the disapproval of the Trump/Pence regime?
We must stop the Trump/Pence regime before they are reelected. I believe that Donald Trump is the most dangerous world leader today. He is clearly the United States own little Hitler, without the personality.
Thank you for reading my correspondence!
Dear Comrades,
Allow me to open these few select words extending my most sincere condolences to everyone that has been affected—directly and indirectly—by this horrific pandemic that is ravishing the world at this moment. As i write this letter, i am currently trapped inside the oppressive confines of a torturous segregation chamber where i am relatively safe from this rampant virus at the moment—that is, of course, until covid-19 decides to find its way inside the oppressive bowels of this beast and ravish our bodies because as it stands today, we are currently forced to live on recycled air and in very close quarters. However, just because my immediate circumstances may render me safe at the moment, it doesn’t exclude me—or my fellow comrades for that matter—from the extent of destruction and devastating dark times that covid-19—and the oppressive and corrupt ruling class structure—has inflicted upon the entire population of the world.
In reality, we are actually tormented mentally by the effects of this rampant virus more than the average person should be because we are currently rendered physically incapable of insuring that our families are taking the necessary steps of precaution to protect theirselves against covid-19. Even more importantly, from the looks of the major economic failure and the lack of response from government officials to appropriately address the financial hardships that this virus has put on people living in urban communities, it’s a struggle for me to imagine how the lives of my poor and oppressed peoples will look after this pandemic passes. I personally do not operate in fear, because this flawed way of thinking only tends to lead to a life full of stress. However, i am very much worried about the sanity and well-being of my peoples living throughout these government manufactured ghettos across amerikkka.
The totality of this pandemic is getting out of control and although covid-19 has devastating effects, this is a stark reality that amerikkkans so desperately needed. This virus has knocked amerikkka off its "high-horse"—for the lack of a better term—as it has exposed the underlying workings of this system—a system which operates through racism, oppression, and corruption. A particularly astonishing contradiction of this system it likes to propagate is the belief that it is the greatest country in the world. While the U.S. has the largest economy in the world, why is there a major lack of resources—i.e. medical supplies and the whole health care infrastructure—to alleviate the spread of covid-19 throughout the world? Even more importantly, amerikkka likes to consider itself the "leaders of the world," "Big-Brother," so why is there virtually no cooperation between the "Big Brother" and its "subservient siblings"?
This nation has been exposed and the time is ripe for us to declare our revolution against these corrupt leaders. In order for us to achieve our true liberation from this corrupt system, we need an actual revolution which overthrows this system and replaces it with a radically new and far better one that will allow us to live in a society in which production is actually organized to meet the needs of all peoples—black, brown, yellow, red, and white. This revolution needs to happen now while this beast is tormented with the confusion and destruction of covid-19, and i challenge you brothas and sistas to honestly ask yourselves.
We are heading for turbulent times either way it goes, doing something or not, we are still heading "that way," so to speak, because the system dictates it to be "that way." The reactions of the fascist is but a reaction to the already failing system and the consequences the capitalist-imperialist system brings. So it is better to act and do something about our struggle to change things no matter how hard it may be. And if we fail, the coming generations would know that we tried and the remnants of our attempt will still be there and that alone will encourage them to pick up where we left off, you feel me? To pick up the flag from our dying hand, so to speak, and continue the struggle to emancipate humanity, just as we picked it up from our fallen comrades of the past. So win or lose, it is better to get out there and do something than to do nothing and get ran over.
I appreciate you brothas and sistas for your time and for listening to everything that i had to say. Once again, i appeal to all of you comrades to rise up with arms and unite under the same common goal of being free or being ready to die fighting for the emancipation of all oppressed peoples everywhere.
Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win! All Power to the People!
Your comrade in arms, xxx
p.s. you comrades asked how the corona virus is being approached by prisoners, prison officials and prison guards at my location... well first let’s start with these oppressive prison officials. As i stated earlier in this letter, i am currently being held captive inside the oppressive confines of this torturous segregation chamber and as of now, these corrupt prison officials are not considering anyone to be released from these confines because they are claiming to need the bed space in the general population for prisoners who may need to be quarantined in response to covid-19. So in that sense, we are basically being held indefinitely until either the virus passes or until another prisoner comes to the hole in which they'll take our room in exchange for theirs.
In regards to the prison guards, of course they love to play games just like the majority of these convicts do—some of which are inmates, there’s a big difference. These guards tend to act like they have the virus just to render a response from prisoners in hopes of disturbing our sanity. However, our only security of knowing that these reactionary pigs isn’t infected is because—from what the administration officials are telling us—they are taking every officers temperature before allowing them to enter the facility and if it reads 101°F or higher then they're not allowed inside the compound. However, we all know that this method isn’t sufficient enough to insure the prevention of covid-19 amongst prison because people have been testing positive for the virus without showing any symptoms. So at this point, it is basically a matter of time before this virus reaches us.
In regards to the day to day activities of prison life, everything is basically being ran the same with one exception so far that i am aware of. The "Big wigs" have restricted all visitations inside of Michigan prisons but as a substitute to this crisis, they are allowing everyone to receive two free 5 minute phone calls a week which is a rarity considering the capitalist nature of these tyrants. To receive anything for free from these capitalist bastards is unheard of, however, the oppressiveness in which they clearly operate is still very evident as i am a victim to these very corrosive measures that’s carried out against the nature of my being everyday. Finally, my fellow comrades tend to believe that these walls makes them exempt from this rampant virus but in reality they’re just trying to downplay their fears because often times i hear these same individuals expressing their concerns about this pandemic with their closest confidants.
It’s all about an image behind these walls and gates of oppression and that’s exactly what these inmates—notice my use of this word here—tend to try to portray when we're openly discussing the severity and totality of this horrendous pandemic. Just the fact that these capitalist bastards are giving us free phone calls attests to the severity of this situation, nevertheless all of the school closings, deaths, unemployment claims, etc. that the nation is experiencing right now. But since these things/realities doesn’t immediately effect these brothas, the only thing they tend to say is, "Free phone calls? I hope covid-19 never leaves." This isn’t true for all of the prisoners that’s trapped behind these iron curtains, especially not the comrades that’s associated with the nature of my being—however, the overall state of consciousness of my fellow convicts is disheartening. Nevertheless, i try not to give up on them—because you'll never know who can be redeemed from the deteriorating destruction of psychological warfare that these capitalist-imperialist bastards waged against our people, you know? So i hope these truths allowed you brothas and sistas a glimpse into the daily life of prison during this coronavirus pandemic. I really look forward to hearing from you comrades very soon.
On another note, I’ve asked you comrades for a few materials in my previous letters of which I’ve never received. So in regards to this, i am once again requesting to ascertain the following materials respectfully or at least be provided with a response so i can know if i should be looking forward to receiving these materials or not.
The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America
The New Communism
Science and Revolution
The "American Crime" feature as i do not have access to I would like the complete series of this feature - #1-#100 - please.
Thank you comrades once again for your time and for listening to what i had to say.
This photo is NOT of the authors of these letters. Above: Rikers Island, NY, overwhelmingly poor Black and Latino men who couldn't post bail, and many of them older people with serious health problems. What kind of a criminal system puts people like these behind bars in the first place—and then keeps them locked up in such dangerous conditions even as a deadly pandemic like COVID-19 spreads?!
Photo: AP
See also:
PRLF is an educational literature fund that sends Revolution newspaper (, works from Bob Avakian, (Chairman of the RCP) and other revolutionary and scientific literature to hundreds of prisoners across the U.S. PRLF has fought attempts by prison officials to censor these publications. For example, the ACLU of Southern California successfully represented PRLF in a censorship battle focused on Pelican Bay State Prison with statewide ramifications in California.
To donate to the work of the PRLF, go HERE.
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
You’ve read this article and now you need to be part of making sure is able to make an urgently needed leap and transformation.
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On Monday we learned that 101 prisoners at the Cook County Jail had tested positive for the coronavirus. Members of the Revolution Club here (almost all of us “sheltering in place” in different places, and not having physically seen each other for over two weeks) began calling each other to discuss this and figure out what should we do.
The Cook County Jail is the largest single site jail in the country. There are currently 4,600 people imprisoned in this hell hole which is notorious for its brutal conditions. Lawyers, religious leaders and community activists have been pushing to get prisoners released since the first prisoner tested positive last month. Several hundred prisoners have been released, but thousands must be released or this could become a death camp.
We decided to organize a “COVID-19 safe” car caravan to demand the release of prisoners from the jail. Organizing a protest in the midst of the pandemic was challenging. We could not all come together, make posters and plans like in the past. We decided that each of us would make our own signs and posters with whatever materials we had on hand which wasn't much. One member had a great idea. He suggested that we could fly our club shirts from our car windows to let people know who was doing this. The shirts are iconic and widely recognized here, especially by youth on the South Side where we do a lot of our work, many of whom are among those locked up in this jail.
One club member wrote a call which we used as the basis for a press release and sent out in an email.
Here is what she wrote:
101 people. 101 lives that hang in a balance of a completely preventable force. Trump did not create this virus but he sure as hell has made it worse.
Chicago has a special place in the fabric of the United States past and present with the brutal torturing and framing innocent Black men and others. Now they have taken an already deadly natural virus, easily spread, and subjugated those very prisoners to be needlessly and preventably infected by COVID 19. To allow the cramped conditions and unsafe hygienic practices of such a scourge upon these Men and women behind bars is a sentiment that rightly revokes your humanity.
We, the Revolution Club are calling on you to demand that our people behind bars be treated with dignity and respect for their lives. We stand with Refuse Fascism, and anyone whose rocked by this, "[to] demand the Government, ...4. Ensure health and safety from the virus of all those in jail, prison or ICE detention camps; immediate release of everyone not convicted of violent crime, and asylum seekers and families."
To show how much we'd like to make this known, be part of showing out at Cook County Court on 26th and California, Wednesday April 1st at 1PM. We call on all people with a conscience to bring your car, decked out with signage to display protesting that prisoners be released. We are taking this virus seriously thus why we are abiding by the social distancing measures recommended by the CDC. By no means does that mean that what will be doing literally taking the streets is something unachievable; Because we are under such measures to quarantine our action will reverberate even louder. Measures we know are not being and were not taken in the Cook County Jail leading to the infections of 110 inmates and more yet to be tested. What we do and don't do matter.
Let's use this time under quarantine, to call out, struggle with family and friends and put the truly putrid system of Capitalism Imperialism on its most deserved blast. To learn more about how we are tackling that follow us on social media, watch "The RNL Show: The Revolution Nothing less Show" on YouTube and take initiative to report and suggest ideas to have this really reach hundreds and thousands now.
Two TV stations showed up with cameras, and a club member (in mask and gloves) who doesn’t drive came to film us. We couldn’t do a standard press conference. We agreed in advance not to leave our cars and to have only one person per vehicle unless people already sheltered together. We got our message out to the press via our sound system on top of the lead vehicle. (Unfortunately, we are not sure the coverage made it on the news.)
We had three cars from the club committed in advance and were really pleased when five more cars joined us—one another club member, one from Refuse Fascism, one a supporter of the club responding to our text, another a well-known activist who must have gotten the text and finally an unknown car and driver who may simply have bumped into our action and joined for one circle around the jail.
While our visual presence left something to be desired, we got our message out loudly and in a new way. The driver of the lead van positioned the club’s half mile hailer on the roof with the mic inside. A club member also in the van could speak over the mic but also called the drivers of other cars and held his phone to the mic enabling everyone who wanted to have their voice heard. Tio Hardiman of the Violence Interrupters, who was not able to make it to the protest, phoned in and conveyed a message of support over the loudspeaker as we circled the jail.
We felt this was a successful, if beginning, action in the midst of the pandemic.
The Revolution Club, Chicago, protested at Cook County Jail, April 1, 2020
Cook County Jail, April 1, 2020
Cook County Jail, April 1, 2020
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
You’ve read this article and now you need to be part of making sure is able to make an urgently needed leap and transformation.
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Editors’ Note: We are publishing these initial thoughts and reflections, from a member of the National Revolution Tour, about the COVID-19 pandemic. This draws from our coverage, accessible on the Coronavirus Pandemic — A Resource Page, even while it goes further and a lot is rapidly changing both in the knowledge of the virus and the impact of the disease and measures to combat it. We anticipate broader interest for this, even while it is rather detailed in sections, and the goal is to spark further grappling, reader correspondence, and ongoing analysis about what is shaping up to be an unprecedented “jolt” in the world, with far-reaching implications—to better enable the movement for revolution to rise to the challenges of this moment.
As a matter of orientation, at this moment of great flux and uncertainty, it is very difficult, if not impossible, for a comprehensive analysis of the current situation, which is evolving with a range of possibilities, and potentially strategic implications. At the same time, it is necessary to get the process going to more systematically outline the broad contours as they develop, key contradictions as they crystallize, and crises as they further break out and open, with a tenseness to potential pathways for wrenching freedom for strategic objectives, as part of a more strategic approach in achieving key and relatively medium-term objectives under the dramatically new and continually changing and heightening circumstances. This is meant to provoke thinking and ferment on “what IT is” that we confront—the pandemic, the measures being taken, and their implications—with some of the “why,” so that we can grapple further with and start to formulate strategic approaches on “what is to be done,” including and in parallel with learning curves in actually carrying out KEY initiatives.
On the latter, BA and BAsics, Science and Revolution, screams out as what is most needed at these times, the approach of Science, the reality of Revolution, and its synthesis in the New Communism. The ongoing ferment in society may concentrate potential to advance strategic and more proximate goals for the Revolution, but this requires applying ourselves and hard work, experimentation and practice, on our part to figure out the ways to realize this: not only with the digital web presence, with its pillars of the website ( and the YouTube channel (with its signature RNL Show), interlinked with social media, but also applying the dynamic of accumulate-impact-accumulate In Real Life (“IRL”) to the MAXIMAL degree possible (even as fluid, in constrained and changing conditions), all elements of which involve a very sharp learning curve at this moment, both on content and form.
Questions pose themselves: How does “TINA” (There Is No Alternative, dominant ceilings, and blind spots in society on imagining a different world) get shattered with the New Communism when people are “sickened” by the current system? What are overall vanguard responsibilities, what does contending Revolutionary Authority look like, how does it manifest at a moment like this and plant a pole? As “progressive” people are driven to and spontaneously gravitate to figures like New York governor Andrew Cuomo, nostalgically evoke FDR, and yearn for the boring “normalcy” of Joe Biden, how does the reality of what Weimar (liberal bourgeois democracy) represents get out in society, especially and including concentrated in the case made in recent BA model works? One of the hardest challenges is accumulating and organizing forces for revolution at a moment like this, and we—on the Tour—need a LOT more wrangling and experimentation on this dimension, posing this question to and among masses we meet and work with, to solve this vexing contradiction.
As a fundamental matter of orientation and basic materialism, the following from BA’s work, “Making Revolution and Emancipating Humanity,” is critical and decisive:
It is true that, with communism, human beings will be consciously interacting with nature, and with each other, in a qualitatively greater way than at any previous time; but they will still be dealing with constraints and the transformation of constraints. You will always be dealing with the basic principle that Marx enumerated about the foundations and the driving contradictions of human society. No matter how far ahead you go into communist society, you will still be dealing with necessity which presents itself as something “external” to you, which you have to act on and struggle to transform—and, in doing so, bring forward new necessity. The contradictions between the forces and relations of production, and between the base and the superstructure, are still going to be the things defining and driving forward society. And it will be a question of more and more consciously grasping this—but never having anything approaching complete freedom in this regard. [Emphasis, italicized and bolded, mine]
The basic and fundamental materialism of this, and the dynamic dialectic of necessity/freedom are critical overall orientation, and at this moment. Some of this is acutely posed right now, grappling not only with what would be different under socialism—and eventually communism—but also how this particular “external” necessity of the COVID-19 pandemic (which is accidental, even while the broader origins of comparable pandemics may well be rooted in the overall dynamics of system) is interacting with the current level of productive forces and relations of production. This is particularly acute in what IS possible now—for example, with the science and technology of vaccine productions—versus in past epidemics like the Spanish flu, or some other past historical period. What is therefore possible and expected—now—stands in sharp contrast with how this is playing out, and bringing the further needlessness of this outmoded mode of production, with its relations of production, to the fore. The contradiction between the capitalist-imperialist relations of production, as a fetter and constraint, and the forces of production (first and foremost, people, with level of science and technology), is finding a certain conspicuous expression and manifestation—with horrific and needless suffering in tow. BA has put this plainly and pungently in his recent article, “The Deadly Illusion of ‘Normalcy’ and the Revolutionary Way Forward”:
This crisis with the coronavirus has brought into sharp relief the reality that the capitalist system is not simply out of step with but is in fundamental conflict with, and a direct obstacle to, meeting the needs of the masses of humanity.
This crisis with the coronavirus has brought into sharp relief the reality that the capitalist system is not simply out of step with but is in fundamental conflict with, and a direct obstacle to, meeting the needs of the masses of humanity. Here, families in Syria, in desperate need of water, have no ability to perform basic hygiene against coronavirus.
For all the historical analogies of plagues and pandemics being mentioned in mainstream and “left”-discourse, what is expected of rulers and governments is different than what it was in the past, and this overall can inform and bring into being potential questions of legitimacy, even while perhaps manifesting and concentrated around other particular contradictions.
These sources of potential legitimacy crisis—a sense that the bourgeoisie is “not fit to rule”—could include: a medical story/stories that concentrates the whole, as in those from Elmhurst Hospital Center in Queens, NY, or a family or celebrity death, amidst mounting and escalating crises in the hospitals of America, with daily screaming headlines and social media stories; the economy in free fall with people going hungry, sudden shocks of mass unemployment and distress not seen since the Great Depression, as prefigured in recent unemployment filings (10 million in the last two weeks, 20 times the average); genocidal program in prisons, or at immigrant detention camps, with mass infections and the critically ill left to die; repression against protests and rebellions, as pre-emptively anticipated in Attorney General Barr’s DOJ filings to pause court proceedings “whenever the district court is fully or partially closed by virtue of any natural disaster, civil disobedience, or other emergency situation”; fascist/vigilante pogroms of blame against already vulnerable communities; unsustainable disruption and dislocation, with the very real possibility of canceling elections, including in the context of Trump sensing a loss of support and potential electoral loss; U.S. going to war with Iran in the midst of this, etc., etc.
At the same time, “muddling through” this jolt on the part of the bourgeoisie and fascist sections remains very possible (albeit, at social cost in lives, and perhaps even with small eruptions)—given a lot of what represents and dominates in underlying U.S. society, ideologically, and politically—as, for example, analyzed in recent works by BA, including but not only Hope for Humanity on a Scientific Basis, i.e., even as severe a jolt as this is shaping up to be in shattering “normalcy,” can’t “bank on this” spontaneously breaking the underlying ideological and political “sound barrier” on its own—with this system ultimately “dealing” with this pandemic, even if at great cost.
Stepping back from the U.S., there is in this COVID-19 global pandemic, shock and necessity with little precedent in nature and scope, at this specific moment of capitalism-imperialism—affecting the whole world in very short time frames with potential for mass suffering; an uncertainty, unpredictability, and disruptiveness not seen in modern times, with its gulfs of inequality and global supply chains, complex worldwide networks and processes involved in the production and distribution of goods and services, involving people, sweatshops and farms, mines and oil fields, shipping and trucking, design and retail stores, etc. crisscrossing the globe; a heightened role of accident amidst discrete but closely related and interacting contradictions at many different levels, which include but no means completely exhaustible, going from macro/global to U.S./particular, highly concentrated and broad strokes—all opening up further questions, lines of inquiry, etc:
* The dialectical relation between the pandemic and the underlying system of capitalism-imperialism, its mode of production and superstructure that configure and shape society, historically formed with different strata and classes of people:
What is currently setting terms is the actual disease and its progression, the pandemic, with all manner of uncertainty—and its social effects, and HOW it is being responded to is necessarily molded and ultimately determined in line with the workings and dynamics of the underlying system, in conjunction with conscious policies of dominant sections of bourgeois ruling classes in different countries. This means that all class forces must respond to the necessity imposed by this virus and this will be so unless and until a vaccine or cure is developed or the scope/intensity of the pandemic is in some other way qualitatively diminished, or perhaps an even greater crisis emerges. Here, I attempt to examine some of the ways in which that necessity seems to pose itself.
Necessary measures to be taken for the pandemic—“pandemic measures” henceforth—are hindered by and distorted through, while further intensifying, among other things:
The intensifying immiseration – in the form of outright illnesses and deaths, and the devastating impact on already-vulnerable and destitute sections of the people across the world - is being acutely felt and worsening. Here, a restaurant employee in Brooklyn leaves the closed restaurant with her last paycheck, March 19. (Photo: AP/Mark Lennihan)
What is more sharply coming to the fore is the intertwining of this pandemic with capitalism-imperialism, the needlessness across the board of the suffering from this “medical Katrina.” Some particular aspects for further review:
a. Broader and deeper, if not proximate, roots of this pandemic in capitalist-driven ecological devastation, urbanization, and globalization.
It is still far too early and much more needs to be understood about the origins of this virus and pandemic, but the practices and consequences of agro-industry in a broader imperialist-global-social framework set the context as a key contributing factor to these types of outbreaks at this moment, even with the likely role of accident in particular origins. There is an increasingly aggressive agro-economic industry, which devastates ecosystems, deprives wild animals of their habitat, and places them in proximity to humans, pushes intensive livestock breeding, and expands urban suburbs with high population density and poor sanitation. In technical terms, COVID-19 and other viruses are zoonotic diseases—that is, diseases transmitted directly or indirectly from animals to humans.... “Ecological devastation therefore facilitates the interaction between pathogens previously kept at a distance by ecosystems with complex biodiversity, and human communities on the margins of perishable ecosystems. The pathogenic elements emerge from remote or proximate territories, affect urban suburbs and start traveling quickly along the routes forged by globalization.”1 (There is a whole history of zoonotic pandemics linked to capitalist expansion, from the Industrial Revolution onwards.) With the recent history of SARS and MERS (and Ebola), epidemiologists and public health scientists have felt it was a matter of “when, not if,” in relation to a global pandemic of this scale and scope.
b. Preparedness and vulnerability, under this system
We often think about preparedness mainly in regard to supplies of PPE, ventilators, hospital beds, etc., which is necessary, but more fundamentally, it has to do with scenarios and planning for pandemics of this nature. In the U.S., while Trump cut CDC budgets and de-mobilized governmental pandemic task forces, Obama shares the blame,2 which more fundamentally flows from the workings of the system—in pandemic planning and prevention, vaccine research and prep, etc.
For example, talking about preparedness needed, Jason Schwartz, from the Yale School of Public Health said about the de-funding and disbanding of SARS3 vaccine research in the early 2000s, as SARS waned, “‘Had we not set the SARS-vaccine-research program aside, we would have had a lot more of this foundational work that we could apply to this new, closely related virus’ ... [L]ong term government investments matter because creating vaccines, antiviral medications, and other vital tools requires decades of serious investment, even when demand is low. Market-based economies often struggle to develop a product for which there is no immediate demand and to distribute products to the places they’re needed.” [Emphasis added.]4 This is part of why pharmaceutical companies are compelled to move away from certain vaccine and medical research and production—and now, scrambling, the world may be nearly a year away from an effective, safe, and tested vaccine, a real and decisive limiting factor in expediting progression to the tail-end of the epidemic curve, reducing its devastating harm with widespread immunity.
The already vulnerable are even more at risk. While it is still too early to conclusively say what are the co-morbidity factors (i.e., pre-existing conditions that heighten the effect of the COVID-19 virus when it hits), they seem to include respiratory and cardiac (lung and heart) diseases that disproportionately hit those with poorer standards of living, lack of access to needed and timely health care, etc. For hundreds of millions in the congested and desperately poor slums and shanty towns of the Third World, necessary social distancing measures are tough and often simply impossible since basic sanitation such as clean water, soap, and toilets are out of reach, a factor also applying in large part to sections of people in the U.S., like the incarcerated.
In terms of the pandemic itself, the virus and the disease, there is a lot that remains unknown and a mystery, with the virus being a novel virus and new in humans, including its specific functioning and how it variably progresses in different infected individuals, why the disease is severely harmful and deadly in some individuals while being asymptomatic in what is estimated by some to be as high as nearly half of infected cases, what that potentially has to do with initial dosage of viral exposure interacting with the underlying biology of individuals, what the other factors are that worsen the disease, etc.—even while scientists do know some things, and are racing to catch up with research, and with relatively high levels of cooperation so far among the scientific community internationally.
On the science of the virus and the pandemic, what I have below is largely what I have been able to discern and sum up from open-source scientific articles and mainstream coverage of this. There are many known-unknowns, and unknown-unknowns, and this is in constant flux, as medical scientists and others learn more and advance our knowledge. We truly welcome and appreciate correspondence from scientists, readers, and others, to refine, correct, update, and further scientifically understand this phenomenon which is plaguing humanity at multiple levels.
While the main Johns Hopkins chart below (available live on the The Coronavirus Pandemic — A Resource Page of provides updated static snapshots, the main aspect is the dynamic motion and development captured in the accompanying charts, and there remains a lot of uncertainty and variability, even while in pre-peak mode globally, with the second chart showing continued growth globally. The epicenter for the moment, major transmission complex, has shifted to the U.S., even while countries like Italy, Spain, and Iran remain severely affected—and most countries (except for China, South Korea, etc.) are still in pre-peak phase.
This is the interactive Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Chart from the Coronavirus Resource Center, Johns Hopkins University & Medicine.
To get a sense of where we are at in the game, trend-wise, the number of “daily increases” in infections continues to grow globally, VERSUS declining (post-peak); and confirming this growth mode, the log chart below shows that after steep near-exponential growth, followed by a brief relative plateau (of what seems linear growth) from around February 10, the growth rate is rising again, to not-quite-but-relatively-more-exponential again (patience with the math):
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Chart – Daily Increase, from the Coronavirus Resource Center, Johns Hopkins University & Medicine.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Chart – Logarithmic, from the Coronavirus Resource Center, Johns Hopkins University & Medicine.
The variability of the rate of infections, deaths, etc. by country is really stark with factors being initial response, the nature and scope of measures, underlying health infrastructure, etc. For example, China has officially reported around 80,000 cases. Even if only 10 percent of cases were diagnosed in China, and the true case number is closer to 800K, this represents a very low attack/infection rate from a population of almost 1.4 billion people—0.06 percent. This is remarkably lower than what models predicted, or for example, the 60-70 percent figure initially floated out by Chancellor Angela Merkel of potential expected infections in Germany through the course of the pandemic. On the other hand, the majority of people in China reportedly remain uninfected and susceptible to the infection, and an undetected transmission event anywhere in the country could begin a new epidemic chain of transmission. There are also now a growing number of skeptics on whether the Chinese government5 is being open or transparent on new infections since the initial outbreak.
Death rates continue to vary across regions, not mainly due to different strains of the virus, but measures and preparedness of commensurate health care infrastructure, demographics, and co-morbidity factors that are being researched. The global average of case fatality rate (deaths in proportion of confirmed cases) is around 5 percent, skewed VERY disproportionately by Italy and Spain whose rates are about 9-12 percent (contrasted, for example, with Germany, whose case fatality rate is slightly in excess of 1 percent), and which has accounted for nearly half the deaths, thereby skewing the global average. Mutations and strains, high since RNA has relatively low fidelity (or high errors) in replication and COVID-19 has one of the longest RNA sequences among viruses, are in danger of being over-interpreted, according to Science magazine (and COVID-19 seems to be more effective than other viruses in correcting errors in replication). Efforts to find other factors in the genetic predisposition of niche populations in Italy/Spain are also in early stages. While the actual mortality rates of deaths in proportion to infections (not just confirmed cases validated through testing) globally are estimated to be about or less than 1 percent, with some estimates significantly lower, more reliable data by demographics still continue to confirm alarmingly high death rates for older people (over 65/70), especially from data from Europe. In this context, Social Darwinism being advocated by some of these lunatic fascists in the U.S., such as the Texas lieutenant governor has to be taken very seriously.6
The mathematically modeled pandemic scenarios are both extremely sensitive to assumptions and parameters, with varying underlying probability distributions—and most critically, to societal intervention in terms of measures, i.e., the interaction of subjective/objective, the subjective being the extent of non-pharmaceutical measures taken to contain/mitigate, such as social distance, shelter-in-place, lockdown, etc. aiming to “flatten the curve” (see diagram) and slow the progression of the disease, and the objective being the “stage” of a priori play-outs of the disease, in infection and deaths, based on starting reproduction number—average number of people an infected person will pass the infection to, which in the case of COVID-19 is high, recovery and mortality rates, incubation periods, asymptomatic proportions of infected but infectious, etc. This is further complicated with dynamics of geographic spread and restrictions, compliance of the population with those pandemic measures and restrictions, changing and likely growing immunity against the virus, and ranges of mutation and potentially likely attenuation (or weakening) of the virus, etc., all of which also have underlying probability distributions. The “objective” therefore are ranges of “do nothing” scenarios—with underlying probability distributions of less/more likelihoods of different scenarios, including “worst case,” and different durations of peaks and valleys.7
These are widely varying, based on assumptions, historical experience, etc. Because of this being the early stages and the lack of scientific rigor and prevalence of political truth by the governments, there is a lack of empirical data informing these models, with varying estimates of key parameters such as reproduction rate, actual infected numbers, etc. Uncertainty is often part of the scientific process in assessing and understanding new and complex phenomena, such as this pandemic, while proceeding from what is scientifically determined and can be learned from, such as the structure, functioning, and progression of related viruses and diseases, for example, the related SARS coronavirus, measures ascertained to be necessary and successful by epidemiological public health scientists to contain and mitigate the pandemic, etc.
What IS known and is scientific consensus is that, absent and pending effective vaccines, in terms of bringing the pandemic under control, and bringing reproduction rates down to below one8 where the spread declines and eventually “dies out,” there is little non-pharmaceutically that substitutes for social distancing, shelter-in-place, quarantine, and ultimately lockdown, given how contagious and how high the starting base reproduction number (which also may reduce over time with increasing immunity). The chart below is an example of the expected effect of such measures in the UK, based on epidemiological modeling. Despite a delayed start, which did spread this, ruthlessly following this in China reportedly has helped slow its spread to world. So one path is the China model of extended lockdowns in major transmission complexes like the province of Hubei, and forced quarantining on selected travel. The other model is South Korea’s massive “test and trace,” of testing and tracing those whom infected individuals may have been in contact with, which has also reportedly corralled the disease and kept new infection and case-fatality rates low. With social control and surveillance as social cost, consensus of best practices seems to be a hybrid model: “Lock down clusters of the virus. Test like crazy, and isolate/quarantine the traced.”
Lockdowns Keep Infections at Bay, Nature, April 2, 2020.
It is important to note that while there appears to have been some serious short-term mitigation in countries like China, South Korea, and Singapore, given that much is not known about the virus—and in the case of China there are questions about the reliability of reporting—it may be too early to conclude that these are “success stories.” But it is clear that quarantine, social distancing, mass testing, and contact tracing are important elements in containing the spread. Also, these are highly repressive and surveillance-based societies, and the measures implemented are not the only ways possible.
With the pandemic still setting terms, far from contained/mitigated globally but actually exponentially growing, the delayed response across the board, especially in the U.S., questions remain uncertain on “length.” These include time periods of necessary restrictive measures like shelter-in-place and lockdown, with most going into several months depending on how the pandemic develops—absent political/economic considerations, but just what is medically necessary. Vaccine production is going to take nearly a year as per most estimates, as do corresponding estimates of “herd immunity,”9 with cost of illnesses and deaths. Reports of vaccine trials starting are super-optimistic, as the vast majority doesn’t make it either due to harmful side effects or relative ineffectiveness. A few of those now being expedited are based on genomic sequencing of COVID-19, either building directly from instruction or enhancing immune response off the protein spikes of the virus which it uses to enter lung cells—as opposed to traditional methods of weakened or inactivated virus. On the former, to my knowledge, no vaccine like this has been approved so far, mainly due to unintended consequences—and there are no tested protocols and assembly line like annual flu vaccines.
In the U.S., even with Trump having extended his initial Easter deadline to ease and even lift pandemic measures by three weeks, doing so within four to six weeks is not scientifically founded, with risk of “big, short, sharp shock” of infections to potentially follow the easing. Scientists are advising measures in place for at least two-three plus months—wherein, even while the vaccine is being developed, lots more would have been hopefully implemented and learned on accurate testing, what triggers severe symptoms, illness and risks, who is infectious, who is immune, a fuller and more accurate picture of the spreading, etc., but all of this is highly dependent on measures in place being successful, and a significant slowing in the progression of the epidemic. Given that it is already spread across the country, the possibility of outbreaks, sporadic and prolonged, is heightened for the course of the year and beyond, until safe and effective vaccines are in place and widely implemented.
On the delayed response by Trump, it is important to note that in most exponential-growth processes there are inflection points10 beyond which the growth is hard to deal with. Trump’s delay has cost lives—and now public opinion is being prepared and expectations are being set by Trump, the White House, and its task forces, of deaths in the range of 100,000 to 240,000. While very hard to accurately project and predict, the delays potentially can cost a whole, WHOLE lot more lives, as the overall U.S. curve is still sharply ascendant (see picture below, in comparison to other countries even while they, too, fiddled with initial denial and were delayed in response).
This is criminal negligence of the highest order, crimes against humanity warranted by nature and scope! Because things are moving so fast, the overall history and reality is sometimes forgotten, such as Trump’s initial non-response and active denial, and even his initial measures after the turnaround. Remember the Google site? The latter is not in the news headlines anymore, even though the whole thing is an even bigger farce, with Google’s subsidiary Verily restricted to three counties in California, and Google releasing a mere static Corona Resource page, a joke! To further any potential legitimacy crises, along with acting/impacting, we have to keep reminding folks of the full movie and how we got here, to deepen spontaneous sentiments that these people are “not fit to rule,” intensifying the snapshot outrages of the day that may have provoked the legitimacy crises in the first place.
Number of confirmed coronavirus cases, by days since 100th case, as of March 26, 2020 Vox.
* The dialectic between the pandemic and the specific moment, with part of the current context and backdrop being ascendance of fascism globally.
What the long-term effects of this pandemic are on this and other aspects of social and political phenomena, are both uncertain and yet to be determined. But in an immediate sense, how the pandemic is being handled by the different bourgeois governments and fascist regimes will influence, but by no means completely determine, how COVID-19 develops, the nature and scope of potential social ferment/unrest and economic disruption, the continued consolidation or the “slowing/braking” of fascism in some countries, the potential resurgence of reactionary ideologies like Islamic fascism and its likely taking root in newer countries like India, etc.—and potentially give rise to new situations and configurations that shatter the normalcy and normal workings in such a way as to open up radical possibilities, legitimacy crises, and even revolutionary situations—depending on what conscious forces do to come from behind.
Regardless, this is a jolt with long-term effects, likely representing a conjuncture in the spiral.
Taking the fascist spectrum for a moment, there is a wide divergence in response from Modi’s total lockdown to Bolsanaro’s approach of laissez-faire,11 with Trump fascists in the U.S. divided and contending, and Trump himself manifesting a schizophrenic approach rhetorically verging more towards easing restrictions and “opening up the society/economy” but then pulling back practically. Thus, while there is necessity posed from the cold, hard science, giving ear and voice to that section of the ruling class which is broader and includes the likes of Thomas Friedman, New York Times columnist and representative of mainstream liberal-imperialist thinking and others articulating that “the cure is worse than the disease,” referring to pandemic measures that cause economic contraction, a line and approach that has a material basis, spontaneity, and backing among not only sections of the ruling class (like those seriously concerned about recession), but also other sections—those who say, “I’d rather risk getting sick for a week than go without a paycheck for months,” as the cashier at a food store told me last week.
The contradiction between ruling classes and masses internationally is heightened, with suffering, illnesses, and deaths, a lot of which is needless and products of this system, disproportionately targeting the most vulnerable; social control and surveillance measures qualitatively advanced, openly manifested and rationalized as “good,” even normalized in places like India, China, Singapore, South Korea, Israel, etc.;12 economic hardship and social dislocation exacerbated; pandemic measures and long-term effects including the further closure of borders to refugees, migrants, and immigrants (the Schengen Area of the EU has moved to close all borders to non-EU citizens, grabbing freedom out of this necessity).
Factoring in measures in countries like India, and non-measures in countries like Brazil, but taking the whole world into account, including the U.S., it is no exaggeration to say that, under this system of capitalism-imperialism, billions face stark conditions and “choices”—hunger and destitution, infection, and lack of health care.
These nurses with surgical masks in Hyderabad, India, March 6, are among the healthcare workers who have raised concerns about the shortage of supplies such as masks, coveralls, gloves, gear that will protect them from contracting COVID-19. It is no exaggeration to say that, under this system of capitalism-imperialism, billions face stark conditions and "choices"—hunger and destitution, infection, and lack of health care. (Photo: AP)
This is concentrated in “how are people supposed to self-isolate, shelter-in-place, or lock down for 14-21 days, if they live on subsistence levels, gig or daily wage labor, paycheck to paycheck?” On top of what is already horrific, suffering is immense: for example, 90 percent of India is in the informal sector, 1 billion+ people, for whom there is no working “remotely,” no minimum wages, no social security or savings, etc., with migrant laborers walking hundreds of miles to make it back home. This is some of the material basis for the AMLO13/Bolsonaro line, leaving aside the anti-science of both the fascists and the “left populists,” an aspect of “they have NO ANSWER”—except at/with tremendous social cost, needless suffering, and deaths.
Concentrating this reality, BA has said in the recent article “The Deadly Illusion of ‘Normalcy’ and the Revolutionary Way Forward”:
Despite the dedicated efforts of many well-meaning people, even if the immediate crisis with the coronavirus is resolved, this will be done on the basis of intensifying the contradictions built into this system and the suffering of the masses of humanity who are already exploited and oppressed under this system. [Emphasis mine]
Despite the dedicated efforts of many well-meaning people, even if the immediate crisis with the coronavirus is resolved, this will be done on the basis of intensifying the contradictions built into this system and the suffering of the masses of humanity who are already exploited and oppressed under this system. Above, healthcare workers wear trash bags for protection and to make a statement about not having adequate protective gear. (Photo: Criselle Cruz Bermas)
The inter-imperialist rivalry is intensifying with COVID-19, not lessening, especially as concentrated in the rise of China and its threatening dimensions to the U.S.—with Trump and Pompeo’s insistence that the virus is “from China,” lack of any real knowledge-sharing or coordinated response between the U.S. and China (which Trump consciously cut off going into escalated trade wars), the reported news that once China’s manufacturing and supply chain for face masks and other PPE was re-started, they were first exported to the EU and other countries, not the U.S. (though current news indicates this supply chain has restarted), etc. While it is not clear what the long-term effects will be, China’s growth rate, already significantly slowing in recent times, is stunted and it has reportedly been extremely hard for supply chains to restart. Is it sufficient as a medium-term “brake” on China’s ascendance that was immensely concerning to the U.S. bourgeoisie? As some have noted, “The spike which the virus put into the otherwise triumphant China growth story was even greeted with glee in certain circles of the Trump administration.” At the same time, one possibility is that looking back, a year from now, China’s success with its regimented response and the U.S.’s failure at dealing with the pandemic inverts competitive advantage and affects balance of power—especially with China now being seen as having more knowledge and experience in public health.
What will the effects be on the U.S. and world economy from the recent slowdown and potential upcoming recession, the $2 trillion stimulus notwithstanding? The circuits of capital accumulation are now global and highly intertwined, and it is very likely that the spiral of expansion since 2010-2011 is to slow and significantly contract, especially with key sectors of the global economy directly affected by pandemic measures—from the global supply chains to sectors that grew in recent times. International tourism doubled in the last decade, with massive growth of airports and airlines, hotels and restaurants, theme parks and cultural events, etc.—and the same for concerts, cultural festivals, sports, etc.—all of which employ a very large number of “gig” and other workers, directly and indirectly, through other services like Uber/Lyft, etc. In the U.S., particularity of pandemic measures, not only lockdown but social distancing will hit these sectors, and the world economy really hard. Even after pandemic measures ease, in the absence of vaccines or cures, what will be the desire of masses of people to sit in middle seats on crowded airplanes, or attend concerts and sports events?
On other contradictions like Iran and the Middle East, the assessment of necessity/freedom to advance imperialist strategic objectives—as perceived by sections of ruling classes in the U.S. and EU—is also changing while sharply in contention, as evidenced by the New York Times articles on this.14 Iran has been particularly hard hit, exacerbated by U.S.-led sanctions and lack of availability of medical supplies, with potential weakening of the regime and mass opposition. In the U.S., Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien, both Iran hawks, sense openings on beating back Iran and its proxy militia in Iraq, and applying more pressure on the theocratic Iranian regime, while sections of the U.S. military and others in national security have serious qualms: i.e., even while contended, the potential for conflict with Iran may heighten, with sections of the fascist ruling class circling like vultures for regime change.
Iran has been particularly hard hit, exacerbated by U.S.-led sanctions and lack of availability of medical supplies, with potential weakening of the regime and mass opposition. Here, a person who died of COVID-19 in Iran is carried to the cemetery by medical workers. (Photo: AP)
It is still too early to fully comprehend the effects of COVID-19 on the world trajectory as it was shaping up and developing as 2019 drew to a close. There are, however, some key contradictions that are evidently shaping up sharply within these United States, including:
* The necessity the regime—and the bourgeoisie as a whole—faces, or the contradiction between pandemic measures scientists advise as medically necessary and what its consequences are in economic slowdown, recession and depression, and secondarily, potential loss of political support for the fascists. There is real and dire necessity confronted by Trump and the fascists, with constantly shifting approaches and sharp contention, with NO EASY ANSWERS.
What is looking likely with the U.S. becoming the major transmission complex, or epicenter, of the pandemic is that with premature easing of restrictions and measures like shelter-in-place, illnesses and deaths will potentially soar, overwhelming the available medical infrastructure, as the curve escalates and accelerates. The U.S. becoming the leader in confirmed cases, officially projecting deaths in the 100,000-240,000 range itself is the result of both initial Trump denial, of leading Fox fascist stars labeling risks of the pandemic as “hoaxes” similar to the Mueller investigation, impeachment, etc., and policies of “do nothing,” instead of mass testing, quarantines, shelter-in-place where needed to contain, etc.—until Trump reversed himself almost overnight, from one listless address to the nation to a press conference two days later, bringing in scientific heavyweights like Anthony Fauci, the head of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
The latter itself poses new necessity were Trump to effectively completely “dump” them and their scientific opinion and recommendations in the midst of rises in and spread of infections and deaths. There is a very dangerous situation with Trump building up the fascist base and extending reach, the fascist foot soldiers including on the web mobilizing and targeting Fauci with baseless conspiracy theories accusing him of undermining Trump, etc., while people like him and other scientists, seemingly with apparent genuine concern and awareness of the enormity and unpredictability of the pandemic, seem to see themselves as having to work to both maximize influence on this regime and modulate accordingly to “stay in the game.”
Conversely, with measures remaining in place, extending to other areas in the country, the economy goes into further free fall with effective slowing and lack of economic activity (circulation in Marxist sense) in vast sectors including physical retail, services, travel, hospitality, manufacturing, etc. a disproportionate share of the U.S. economy. With COVID-19, “monopolization,” a defining feature of capitalism-imperialism, is likely to heighten in the near term.
We can expect many financially strapped small businesses in different sectors of the economy to go under or get bought up, while certain large firms further extend their reach, like Amazon. But this crisis is also going to hit large firms as well, especially in hard-hit sectors like airlines—especially those that don’t have the capital and cash reserves to weather these storms, with some facing bankruptcy or being bought out (as happened during the 2007-09 financial crisis and recession). In other words, a “shake out” of the economy that can have highly disruptive and dis-locative effects while leading to higher levels of market and wealth concentration—and mass layoffs in the offing.
Overall, with the global supply chains and national state competition—anarchy, domestically, there is an inability of this system to actually treat the interconnectedness of socialized production-distribution systemically.
All this has an effect not only on the relative position of the U.S. in the world capitalist-imperialist system, posing necessity to all sections of the bourgeoisie, therein the stimulus bill, but also more proximately on the legitimacy of the Trump fascist program among sections of their social base. (Trump’s loud trumpeting of the “Trump-bump” in stock market eroding and in downfall, wiping out savings of sections of the middle class and a reservoir of his broader support.)
Current proposals from Trump of threading the needle and navigating between Scylla and Charybdis, like initial Easter deadlines (now postponed to April 30) for America to “get back to work,” “open for business,” etc., classifying counties into different categories, etc., is unlikely to work, manifesting too much of the “whack-a-mole” approach—and has little scientific support, with bourgeois liberals horrified, media asking “how many lives is economic growth worth?” A range of voices from arch-fascist Liz Cheney to bourgeois economists have come out saying that the path to a better economy goes through public health. Part of the uncertainty lies in whether after six to eight weeks of severe “hammer” measures, then easing up in the form of less severe and more limited “dance” measures, is feasible, or will further stricter measures be needed, extending to months and months—and there are cold calculi being made on the part of some in ruling circles that despite up to 60 percent being infected, with one percent mortality, the social costs can be absorbed for the normalcy of life and economy, and not overwhelm hospitals. But this abstract argument can get visceral real soon if implemented.
Differing approaches, with lack of clear directionality atop, are sharply contended within the fascist regime, its social base, and its propaganda organs. This is bound to sharpen until resolution, interacting with an insane anarchic and competing patchwork of state governors and local efforts, as Trump increasingly agitates for ending the (barely begun) major efforts to mitigate the epidemic through dramatic “social distancing” measures, because these measures are hurting the economy—even while “praising” Fauci, et al. in extending periods of restrictions and pandemic measures. Trump’s position on wanting the U.S. “opened up and just raring to go” is shared by significant ruling class forces (the Wall Street Journal, the former head of Goldman Sachs, some of the red-state governors and senators, among others). But virtually the entire scientific and public health community believes that this would just lead to a new and more devastating wave of infection—and despite the uncertainty inherent in the scientific process, there is relative consensus that this would be potentially horrific, playing with people’s lives. For example, Singapore, which was one of the early success stories in containing the epidemic, has now implemented another “circuit breaker” lockdown in the event of new infections. The struggle over which road to take in dealing with the epidemic is playing out in public. Any approach is most likely to come at even more of a tremendous cost, whether of deaths or massive unemployment, and spectrums within.
With all of the uncertainty, absent horrendous waves of mass calamities/deaths, it is likely that most measures will continue, to flatten curves, not nationally but regionally, given U.S. structure, in wave-like and uneven fashion across the country, of intensifying/drawing back as infections and transmission flare up.
In sum, what is stark is the very real, substantive and antagonistic contradiction between economic activity and taking the measures necessary to deal with a health emergency of this magnitude. But it CANNOT be solved in the right way under this system: where the health sector, pharmaceutical development, etc., are organized around and subordinate to profit—in a larger profit-based economy, which is NOT oriented towards the needs of the people. In a genuine socialist economy (see the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by BA), the health needs of the population would be a fundamental priority and obligation of society, and the economy would be serving the needs of humanity. There would not be profit-based hospitals and drug companies. So there would not be this antagonism, this disconnect, between public health and the economy. (See Communiqué #4 from the Revcoms.) And in a crisis like this, any resumption and redirection of economic activity would prioritize the well-being of people, both the population at large and those with tasks in the economy. Total opposite to what we see today!!!
* The sharpening contradiction within, across, and between all sections of the pyramid of power. These include, as major aspects:
Despite some initial rhetoric—and real bourgeois necessity—of “we are all in this together,” and the fact that the pandemic necessarily infects across social and class divides, the effects manifest existing societal topography—the multi-leveled, multi-layered map—in a perverse way in this society.
A key thing to take note of is the sharpening IMPACT ON THE NATIONAL QUESTION in this social formation, concentrated but not restricted to the vast prison and incarcerated population, mainly Black and Latino masses, the immigrants especially with continued ICE raids in the midst of this, etc. With more than 50 percent minority in the prisons, and the potential of these to become a genocidal epicenter of the pandemic within the U.S., because of crowded conditions, lack of basic sanitary facilities and health care, this is an explosive contradiction—and Weimar, including liberal hero Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio in New York, are doing ABSOLUTELY nothing commensurate in response, even with reported infections in the hellhole of Rikers or the upstate prisons. Perversely, in the midst of this, Cuomo is taking legislative bail reform measures that heighten the risk of explosive spread, and Trump is throwing gasoline on the fire with his statements opposing the release of prisoners, hammering nails into coffins, metaphorically if not literally. (See “Local Jails Are Keeping More Than 1/2 Million People in Conditions That Are Spreading Coronavirus – and Most Haven't Even Been Convicted of a Crime!” at
This is heightened by the overall vulnerable status of Blacks, Latinos, and immigrants, including lack of wealth to weather through the economic crisis, lack of health care, and overall being at the bottom of most health/social indicators including other diseases like asthma and respiratory diseases, etc. This is now spreading like wildfire in majority Black cities like Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans, and Greenwood.
But this is also not without contradiction. Spontaneously, the system-fanned Black-immigrant contradiction can potentially worsen, as does broader anti-Chinese racism. There are also those in the social base, those at the bottom of society, feeling like Trump is “on their side” either with proposed loosening of restrictions (especially those believing in or susceptible to conspiracy theories that COVID-19 is a hoax), or susceptible to being bribed with relief checks, even if relatively paltry. The ideological effects on the masses of people is a highly contradictory mix, and we should not be naïve on any linear economist thinking or reification,15 as it is entering into and interacting with terrible epistemology and conspiracy theories, me-first parasitism and individualism, etc.
For example: What is the effect of the lockdown, economic contraction, relief checks, corporate bailouts, etc. in the midst of medically necessary pandemic measures—will it further ferment on questioning the system or close in narrowly to “me first,” will it potentially fuel revenge against scientists advocating extending pandemic measures or even health care workers constrained in providing care? How does a “humanity first” morality and collective ethos find expression in the context of pandemic measures that with social “distancing,” potentially worsen individualism, and deepen what is already widespread societal atomization and alienation? And what is to be DONE about this, critically.
In this midst, the Christian fascists are trying to advance their agenda such as denial of abortion in the red states under pandemic measures of restricting nonessential services. This is also on the docket of the Supreme Court.
Health care workers are a vulnerable population. We need to give more attention to the outrage/condemnation of pitiful preparation response and forms of self-mobilization among sections of the health and medical community, especially at the front-line emergency levels; their health and their role—and straining against the confines of the system in general and fascist lunacy, blindness, and contempt. A rolling, developing, potentially major contradiction that bears on how this crisis will unfold, issues of legitimacy and, looking at things more strategically through a HWCW lens, how to bring forward embryos of “alternate REV authority.” We have to think about ways to reach and influence—and at some point issuing statements and appeals to that community. The Phil Rice interview in the RNL! YouTube show debut shows the potential in this context.
One dimension of health care workers in the spotlight thus far is the modeling of a different morality and the spontaneous pole this has become (including thousands volunteering, coming out of retirement, etc.). The contradiction around contending moralities, one more rooted in cooperation and self-sacrifice for the greater good vs. the dominant me-first-ism taken apart in Hope for Humanity on a Scientific Basis, will itself be an important social fault line, with the need for revolutionaries to boldly model and contend. This will enhance importance of the Points of Attention.
Especially in the South (I learned this recently) another is the nursing home and assisted care industry which warehouses 2.5 million elderly Americans—most of them on Medicare—which has apparently been a national scandal, especially facilities’ neglect of basic infection control procedures and resulting deaths. In the South, it is far cheaper to pay fines for sanitary violations than to hire additional staff and provide them with proper training.
On the fascist advances and rule of law front: What is emerging as a current, albeit not in the news as much, are attempts by Attorney General Barr and others to further their assault, to advance consolidating fascism, through making moves to allow authorities to arrest and detain people indefinitely without trial during “an emergency situation.” Some measures will likely sync with Weimar’s potentially advancing repression in the name of pandemic measures, like suppressing protest in the name of social distancing, etc., especially if unrest erupts.
Specifically: The DOJ requests cover several stages of the legal process, from initial arrest to how cases are processed and investigated. The DOJ is proposing that Congress give the attorney general power to ask the chief judge of any district court to pause court proceedings “whenever the district court is fully or partially closed by virtue of any natural disaster, civil disobedience, or other emergency situation.” Top judges would also have the authority to pause court proceedings during emergencies. This would be applicable to “any statutes or rules of procedure otherwise affecting pre-arrest, post-arrest, pre-trial, trial, and post-trial procedures in criminal and juvenile proceedings and all civil processes and proceedings.” The draft request by the DOJ asks Congress to pause the statute of limitations for criminal investigations and civil proceedings during national emergencies, “and for one year following the end of the national emergency.”
Responses to the pandemic among the fascist social base has largely tracked Trump, with differences generally reflecting shifting differences atop the fascist powers that be and their propaganda organs like Fox and its hosts, which has undue sway, but as conditions worsen—medically, economically, socially—the necessity this poses on Trump changes/increases, and may potentially advance a more ruthlessly, nakedly fascist program in favor of some combination of big backers and heartland social base. While highly unlikely, it is also possible that Trump may lock down for a longer while, and then attempt to jump-start the economy, passing a massive “populist” stimulus bill on the magnitude of the New Deal, even collaborating with Democrats on this, and riding this wave to re-election.
While the differences between the fascists are in flux, and it is not clear yet how this is going to play out in resolution, on the Democratic side, some features are worth noting:
On the national level, major Democratic leaders—Biden, Schumer, Pelosi—have far less of a profile/visibility than Trump. Biden, while trying to seize initiative, has been somewhat relegated to background noise and mainstream liberal concerns that he does not look sufficiently “presidential” and in command. It is not clear regarding Biden’s low profile if it’s his flaws or what the handlers are proposing and thinking. There has been the fight over the stimulus bill, which has been really in the weeds of Washington “wonk-dom,” as is likely with the next stimulus bill being proposed. Pelosi is much more up-front and center, with both open criticism of Trump and calling for national unity. On the other hand, Democratic governors and mayors have been out there in a pretty big way—Inslee in Washington state, Newsom in California, de Blasio in New York City, and especially Cuomo in New York state, the latter “rising to the moment” in the eyes of the liberals and mainstream media, attempting to project that this could be handled better, and a modicum of empathy, drawing a contrast with Trump. At the same time, this often takes on the character of a complicated dance or symbolic theater designed to extract concessions from Trump by a mix of snarls and submission gestures.
While relatively lately muted in criticism of Trump, the progressive—Bernie/social-democratic—wing feels this is their time, and a moment to seize. It is important for us to have some sense of how this section is approaching this moment, and concrete measures they are taking. As the Atlantic suggests,16 they are “eager to use the coronavirus crisis to convince Biden—and millions of other Americans—that major reforms are necessary,” going on to quote non-profit honchos close to this movement, including the head of Sunrise Movement and Working America, saying effectively “Now is our time.” The article states that:
“Sanders, who still hasn’t dropped out of the race for the Democratic nomination, has effectively converted his presidential campaign into a coronavirus-messaging apparatus, and he is holding regular broadcasts with other progressive lawmakers, including Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Pramila Jayapal, to explain how the current crisis demonstrates the need for Medicare for All. ‘As we do everything possible to grapple with this crisis ... it is also appropriate to ask ourselves how we got here and what this says about the financial and economic structure of our country,’ Sanders said in a live-streamed video Wednesday night. ‘People are understanding that there is something wrong that we are the only major country on Earth not to guarantee health care to all as a human right.’
“For its part, the Democratic Socialists of America says it has seen a spike in membership since Super Tuesday, some of which the group attributes to the pandemic. ‘We saw one of the largest ever number of attendees for an online DSA call last week on the topic of COVID-19 organizing,’ a DSA spokesperson told me...”
In a remarkable demonstration and living example of BA’s statement “If you try to make the Democrats be what they are not and never will be, you will end up being more like what the Democrats actually are,” AOC, even while continuing to be part of the Bernie “thing,” is rapidly shifting stances.17 Whoever her current handlers are, and given her original positions (prior to being recruited and groomed by the Justice Democrats), she is moving so quickly to the Obama center that it is dizzying in pace. Starting with firing staff from the Justice Democrats, to cozying up to Pig-losi (“Mama Bear,” as she affectionately called her recently), to refusing to endorse most of the “progressive” primary challengers this season, to labeling Bernie’s tactics too “conflict” oriented, hiring Kamala Harris’ people as chief of staff, etc., etc. Even getting anointed by one of the main gatekeepers, according to Politico, Neera Tanden, president of the liberal think tank Center for American Progress and a longtime Hillary Clinton aide, called Ocasio-Cortez’s shift “a sign of leadership.” Even while this is evolving and disputed, and there is a Charlie Brown/Lucy football situation with illusions and hopes springing eternal, it is worth noting and time to start bringing people’s attention to this—illustrating the larger lessons, BAsics 3:12.18
Without being in a position to make comprehensive analysis or synthesis, it seems that there is shake-up and reconfiguration that is going to impact the political scene, but this is all contended and in motion, as the Democratic convention has been postponed, and Bernie is not dropping out of the presidential race. The Weimar program and reality, the yearnings for return to normalcy, need to be hit really hard per recent BA article on this!
At the same time, while there are sharp divides within the fascists on ways forward in the face of necessity, two points: (a) economic dislocation often spontaneously lends itself in bourgeois society to further moves to the right, especially in this period in which the post-World War 2 liberal ruling consensus has largely disintegrated and come under fierce attack, especially from the fascists; (b) their basic fascist program continues, and there is the possibility of very sharp escalations—including the cancellation of the presidential election, following postponed primaries; more of Democrats collaborating and actively facilitating the fascists in the name of “national unity,” “in this together,” which further lays the basis for fascist advances and consolidation, anti-immigrant measures escalated in the name of anti-pandemic cleansing, etc.
As discussed earlier, this—the battle over epistemology—finds expression at the highest levels among the fascists both in the anti-science of the Christian fascists who dominate the Trump regime and were instrumental in Trump’s delayed response to COVID-19, and therefore crimes against humanity, as it is among the Ayn Rand economic right ideology that constitute another major strand of the Trump regime. Fox fascist hosts like Hannity, Ingraham, and others concentrate and propagate an uber-fascist-instrumentalist epistemology of defining truth in relation to whatever is politically necessary and expedient at any moment.
It—the battle over epistemology—finds expression in Weimar epistemology that in the service of liberal bourgeois democracy papers over the essence and crimes of the U.S. (Sean Penn example of the U.S. military, or Cuomo’s address to National Guard in New York calling them to service on the basis of their great historical role, liberals including government scientists evoking the “resilience” of America, etc.) All of this then finds spontaneous expression lower down the pyramid among different sections, including those in the middle strata of the left side who “yearn for return to normalcy,” striving to come under the wing of this section of the bourgeoisie, with blinders to the reality of what this ACTUALLY means, in the horrors for humanity inflicted by this system.
In another expression—of the battle over epistemology—what is troubling, but expected, given how this system functions and keeps people ignorant and anti-scientific, are the raft of conspiracy theories among the basic masses of people. From this being a weapons lab invention to a hoax perpetrated by the government to a plot to kill off Black people, to leaving this in god’s hands... all manner of theories of anything but science—of a pandemic, which naturally occurs, interacting with this system/society. These are coupled with a generally righteous profound distrust of the U.S. government, the lack of reliable news sources, and susceptibility to conspiracies on social media—and an overall lack of approach to “what is true,” to evidence-based scientific methods.
In context and contrast, as I revise these notes, I want to end by highlighting the following from Ardea Skybreak, in Science and Revolution, referenced and quoted in BA’s recent works, “Conspiracy Theories, Fascist ‘Certitude,’ Liberal Paralysis, OR A Scientific Approach to Changing the World: Short Version: The Simple and Basic Truth; Longer Version—The Truth Elaborated”:
Without science you are at the mercy of being manipulated, of having your thinking manipulated and not being able to tell what’s right from what’s wrong, what’s true from what’s false.
Whether you’re talking about the material reality of a disease, of a natural ecosystem, or of a social system that human beings live under, science allows you to analyze its components, its history, how it came to be the way it is, what it’s made of, what are its defining characteristics and underlying contradictoriness (and we’ll come back to that) and therefore also what is the basis for it to change, or to be changed, if your intent is to change it. Whether you want to cure a disease or make a better society, you need that scientific evidence-based process.
Science and Revolution, On the Importance of Science and the Application of Science to Society, the New Communism and the Leadership of Bob Avakian, Ardea Skybreak
1. Covid-19 as symptom: Notes on the production of a virus, by Fabio Vighi, Monthly Review, March 24, 2020. [back]
2. There are numerous examples of coronavirus vaccine production being defunded and de-prioritized once the SARS epidemic had waned in 2003, caused by an earlier coronavirus similar to the one now sweeping the globe. For example, scientists at Baylor headed by Dr. Hotez, Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine, had developed vaccines to test on humans in 2016, for which they could not secure funding. According to NBC News, “That was a big missed opportunity, according to Hotez and other vaccine scientists, who argue that SARS, and the Middle East respiratory syndrome, or MERS, of 2012, should have triggered major federal and global investments to develop vaccines in anticipation of future epidemics.” Scientists were close to a coronavirus vaccine years ago. Then the money dried up., Mike Hixenbaugh, NBC News, March 5, 2020. [back]
3. From “SARS-CoV, which causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), originated in horseshoe bats, but jumped to humans in South China in 2002, eventually infecting more than 8,000 people and killing almost 800 before it was quelled by lockdowns, quarantines and other measures. SARS-CoV-2, a closely related coronavirus that causes COVID-19, first emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019. Much more infectious than its viral cousin, it has led to a pandemic, causing far more cases of illness and fatalities than SARS.” (from Clues to COVID-19 coronavirus’s vulnerability emerge from an antibody against SARS, ScienceDaily, April 3, 2020) Scientists at Scripps Research have published a study in Science that indicates that an “antibody ... produced in response to an infection of SARS ... cross-reacts with the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2” indicating potential vulnerabilities of the virus and potential pathways to a vaccine or cure.
I found this helpful from the New Yorker: “SARS is closely related to the new virus we currently face. Whereas common-cold coronaviruses tend to infect only the upper respiratory tract (mainly the nose and throat), making them highly contagious, SARS primarily infects the lower respiratory system (the lungs), and therefore causes a much more lethal disease, with a fatality rate of approximately 10 percent. (MERS, which emerged in Saudi Arabia, in 2012, and was transmitted from bats to camels to people, also caused severe disease in the lower respiratory system, with a thirty-seven per cent fatality rate.) SARS-CoV-2 behaves like a monstrous mutant hybrid of all the human coronaviruses that came before it. It can infect and replicate throughout our airways. ‘That’s why it is so bad,’ Stanley Perlman, a professor of microbiology and immunology who has been studying coronaviruses for more than three decades, told me. ‘It has the lower-respiratory severity of SARS and MERS coronaviruses, and the transmissibility of cold coronaviruses.’” [back]
4. Quoted in Coronavirus: a disaster of capitalism’s making, Ben Hillier, Monthly Review, March 4, 2020 [back]
5. China is a capitalist state, despite characterizations to the contrary coming from not only the Chinese government but also mainstream intellectuals, media, and others. For more, see You Don’t Know What You Think You “Know” About...The Communist Revolution and the REAL Path to Emancipation: Its History and Our Future, an interview with Raymond Lotta., April30, 2014. [back]
6. Social-Darwinism is a discredited ideology justifying “the survival of the fittest” based on thoroughly unscientific interpretations of Darwin’s theory of evolution and attempting to apply those to human societies and individuals.
In this context, commenting on the heightened risk to the elderly from COVID-19, and the economic slowdown from the measures to contain the pandemic, Dan Patrick, the Christian fascist lunatic lieutenant governor of Texas, announced on Fox News that “No one reached out to me and said, ‘As a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren?’ And if that’s the exchange, I’m all in” then going on to say that other “grandparents” would also die for the economy, saying “I just think there are lots of grandparents out there in this country like me ... that what we care about and what we love more than anything are those children.” [back]
7. To get a general sense of one example of such modeling, you can read this coverage from Nature: Special report: The simulations driving the world’s response to COVID-19, by David Adam, April 2, with correction on April 3. [back]
8. The basic reproduction number (R0) is an indication of the transmissibility of a virus, representing the average number of new infections generated by an infectious person in a totally naïve population. For R0 > 1, the number infected is likely to increase, and for R0 < 1, transmission is likely to die out. While estimates for the R0 for COVID-19 have varied in different regions and during different phases of the pandemic, currently it is estimated to be between 2 and 3. [back]
9. Herd immunity is an epidemiological concept where “if the virus keeps spreading, eventually so many people will have been infected and (if they survive) become immune that the outbreak will fizzle out on its own as the germ finds it harder and harder to find a susceptible host.” For COVID-19 this is estimated to be about 60-70 percent of the population, but would be disastrous and dangerous as the spike in sick people needing hospital or ICU care will overwhelm hospitals and increase deaths. [back]
10. While it is a precise mathematical concept that refers to changes in the slope of a curve, here the general reference is to a qualitative turning point, marking significant changes. [back]
11. See A Gathering Tsunami of Pain in a World of Savage Inequalities,, March 30, 2020. [back]
12. The much-vaunted negative-right of “privacy” of the individualist-oriented bourgeois era has eroded to long term effect with new technology, and now heightened in leap with fascist-led pandemic-measures. [back]
13. AMLO, or Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is the president of Mexico, a bourgeois “left”-populist who has taken a profoundly anti-scientific approach to this pandemic. See "A Gathering Tsunami of Pain in a World of Savage Inequalities" [back]
14. Pentagon Order to Plan for Escalation in Iraq Meets Warning From Top Commander, Mark Mazzetti and Eric Schmitt, New York Times, March 27, 2020. [back]
15. In this instance referring to their coming to truth and understanding of their highest interests because of their oppressed position.
Reification of the proletariat in general refers to “taking the general phenomenon of the proletariat (and other oppressed groups) and reducing this to how it supposedly resides in individual proletarians or individuals from other oppressed groups, as though, once again, they have (to invoke the parlance of the times) a special purchase on the truth, that there is something inherent in this or that oppressed group that enables people from that group to spontaneously arrive at the truth, or at least a “narrative” that is an acceptable replacement for the truth.” From Breakthroughs, The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism, by Bob Avakian, November 2019. [back]
16. What Do Progressives Do Now?, Elaine Godfrey, Atlantic, March 28, 2020. [back]
17. "AOC breaks with Bernie on how to lead the left," Alex Thompson and Holly Otterbein, Politico, March 2020. [back]
18. “If you try to make the Democrats be what they are not and never will be, you will end up being more like what the Democrats actually are.” Bob Avakian, BAsics 3:12. [back]
CONSTITUTION For The New Socialist Republic In North America
(Draft Proposal)
Authored by Bob Avakian, and adopted by the Central Committee of the RCP
How the Revolution Would Deal with Health Care, Including Epidemics
Excerpt from the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America
The principle "serve the people" guided medical work in revolutionary China, 1949-76.
See also:
A health crisis like COVID-19 in a genuinely socialist society:
See also:
Episode 2 of The RNL Show—Revolution, Nothing Less! is now available on YouTube. Featuring: What Is an Actual Revolution; Covid19 and Immigrants; Bob Avakian on "Why Do People Come Here from All Over the World?"; Special post-script from host Andy Zee.
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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The coronavirus pandemic is a natural disaster—but the way this society is organized and led has everything to do with how such disasters impact people. The “normal” workings of capitalism mean that preparedness for disaster will always be distorted by the demands of capital for ever more profit, and that the savage inequalities of capitalist society will assert themselves with a vengeance (see “The Deadly Illusion of ‘Normalcy’ and the Revolutionary Way Forward,” by Bob Avakian, and Communiqué #4 from the Revcoms). But the Trump/Pence fascist regime has made the death and suffering among the people much worse than they needed to be, “amplifying and fortifying,” as Bob Avakian put it, the “normal” barriers of capitalism.
Here are some of the “crimes on top of crimes” of the regime—and why Trump and his minions have blood on their hands.
1. Ignored previous warnings from within the government itself that a pandemic like the current one was a real possibility that needed to be prepared for.
2. Got rid of a government task force that was supposed to deal with response to pandemics.
3. Repeatedly minimized the danger of the coronavirus pandemic, even as it was already ravaging other countries and clearly beginning to spread to the U.S. itself.
Just a few of countless ignorant statements or outright lies by Trump that fed the unscientific denial of the reality of the pandemic and of the urgent measures needed to combat it, among his base and more broadly:
4. Has continued—and even stepped up—attacks on immigrants, who are among the most vulnerable. This not only does nothing but spread hatred against and suffering among these masses—it also means that immigrants, out of fear of imprisonment and deportation from Trump, will not get treated and suffer disproportionate death and disease, and the disease will spread further than it otherwise would.9
5. Declared that he opposes, and will even try to stop, the release of prisoners due to coronavirus concerns. There are 2.3 million people incarcerated in the U.S., crowded together under precarious health conditions and without any possibility of social distancing and other preventive measures.14 Trump has potentially issued a death sentence for thousands of these prisoners.
6. Was very late in stepping up coronavirus testing, which infectious disease experts widely point to as key in combating the spread of infections, while continually lying about its availability.
7. Has exacerbated (made far worse) the irrational workings of capitalism in which different hospitals and localities each seek out supplies from corporations seeking the most profit.
8. Ignored and even attacked medical/scientific experts when their recommendations went against Trump’s own perceived interests. This promotes the ignorant, anti-scientific thinking so integral to fascism and the Christian fascism of the Trump/Pence regime in particular.
9. Has continued to spew out fascist ultra-chauvinism, white supremacy, and “America First” poison, enflaming international tensions and racism, at a time when global cooperation is a life-and-death need. While the following actions have made the virus worse worldwide, they have also served the fascist agenda of whipping up national chauvinism and hatred of other people.
10. Has not let up attacks on health insurance and safety-net programs. This means that many people who would otherwise get treated or receive help will not—with needless deaths the result!
1. Obama officials walked Trump aides through global pandemic exercise in 2017: report,, 3/17/20. [back]
2. Before Virus Outbreak, a Cascade of Warnings Went Unheeded, New York Times, 3/22/20. [back]
3. Beth Cameron, “I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it,” Washington Post, 3/13/20. [back]
4. Donald Trump seems to know very little about the coronavirus, CNN, 2/25/20 [back]
5. Trump calls coronavirus criticism Democrats' 'new hoax'..., The Guardian, 2/28/20. [back]
6. Before Virus Outbreak, a Cascade of Warnings Went Unheeded, NY Times, 3/19/20. [back]
7. Trump wants ‘packed churches’ and economy open again on Easter..., CNBC, 3/24/20. [back]
8. A Debate Over Masks Uncovers Deep White House Divisions,” New York Times, April 3, 2020. [back]
9. See “Communiqué #3 from the Revcoms: The Coronavirus and the Attacks on Immigrants: We Need a Revolution! [back]
10. Eunice Cho, ACLU Attorney, on the Brutal Detention of Hundreds of Thousands of Immigrants, [back]
11. ICE resists calls to release immigrants as desperation mounts over coronavirus, CBS News, 3/26/20. [back]
12. Trump Seizes on Coronavirus Crisis to Intensify Attacks on Immigrants, [back]
13. Trump Shifts Focus Of WH Coronavirus Briefing To Fighting Drug Cartels,, 4/1/20. [back]
14. 2.3 Million U.S. Prisoners and Detainees Trapped in “Petri Dish” for Coronavirus, [back]
15. “Trump says he’ll try to prevent...,” Independent, April 2, 2020. [back]
16. The “curve” is the rate of infections as shown on a graph. “Flattening the curve” means slowing the spread of the virus through social distancing and other means. See “The Coronavirus Pandemic: Frequently Asked Questions.” [back]
17. The missing six weeks..., The Guardian, 3/28/20. [back]
18. All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus,, 3/24/20. [back]
19. Shortage of medical gear sparks bidding war among states, 3/30/20; Trump’s excuses for not using the Defense Production Act are wrong—and dangerous,, 3/23/20. [back]
20. CDC director downplays claim that coronavirus spread is inevitable, NY Post, 2/27/20. [back]
21. Trump said he wants to keep Grand Princess cruise passengers on the ship,, 3/6/20. [back]
22. Coronavirus: anger in Germany at report Trump seeking exclusive vaccine deal, The Guardian, 3/16/20. [back]
23. Trump, Pompeo walk to brink of blaming Iran... Reuters, 3/20/20. [back]
24. Iran Says U.S. Sanctions Are Taking Lives. U.S. Officials Disagree, NY Times, 4/1/20. [back]
25. 'Coughing while Asian': living in fear as racism feeds off coronavirus panic, The Guardian, 3/24/20. [back]
26. Amid a Pandemic, Trump Moves Forward With Safety Net Cuts, NY Times, 3/13/20. [back]
27. Trump admin will not reopen Obamacare exchanges during coronavirus pandemic NBC News, 4/1/20. [back]
See also:
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Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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The “normal” workings of capitalism mean that preparedness for disaster will always be distorted by the demands of capital for ever more profit, and that the savage inequalities of capitalist society will assert themselves with a vengeance. But the Trump/Pence fascist regime has made the death and suffering among the people much worse than they needed to be, “amplifying and fortifying,” as Bob Avakian put it, the “normal” barriers of capitalism (see “The Deadly Illusion of ‘Normalcy’ and the Revolutionary Way Forward,” available at
Here’s how:
Get the Real Truth: Go to for full documentation of above crimes and for coverage of the coronavirus pandemic.
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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This is the interactive Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Chart from the Coronavirus Resource Center, Johns Hopkins University & Medicine.
COVID-19, the disease caused by a new coronavirus, has spread throughout the world, including the U.S. This pandemic is interacting with the state of the world and the gross inequalities and oppressive social relations of capitalism-imperialism. It is having a huge effect on human society as a whole and in individual countries, and may potentially have even more major impacts beyond even what is happening now. As Bob Avakian has said in “The Deadly Illusion of ‘Normalcy’ and the Revolutionary Way Forward”:
Underlying the immediate crisis, and the danger posed by the Trump/Pence regime and its fanatical fascist “base,” there is the more fundamental reality of the capitalist-imperialist system and the consequences of allowing this system to continue to dominate the world and determine the conditions of the masses of humanity and indeed the very fate of humanity itself. This crisis with the coronavirus has brought into sharp relief the reality that the capitalist system is not simply out of step with but is in fundamental conflict with, and a direct obstacle to, meeting the needs of the masses of humanity. Even as the capitalists and governments representing their interests have been forced to take certain emergency steps that in some ways run counter to the inherent dynamics of their system (such as massive intervention by the government in the functioning of the economy), the ways in which this system constitutes an obstacle to dealing with this crisis continue to assert themselves—including not only such perverse actions as the hoarding by some of vital medical and other supplies, in order to drive up the price, but also the fact that the creation of wealth under this system proceeds on the basis of ruthless exploitation and the impoverishment of masses of people throughout the world, while even in the “wealthier” countries there is significant poverty and large parts of the population live paycheck-to-paycheck and are only one serious crisis away from disaster; the ongoing rivalry between different capitalists (or associations of capital), with their private ownership of the means of production (land, raw materials, technology, factories and other structures) and private, competitive accumulation of wealth acts as a hindrance to necessary cooperation and the production of things that may be urgently needed but are not productive of private profit—and the whole ideology of advancing one’s interests at the expense of others, the individualism that is fostered by this system and is promoted to an extreme currently in this country, runs counter to and undermines inclinations toward cooperation and, yes, sacrifice for the greater good. Despite the dedicated efforts of many well-meaning people, even if the immediate crisis with the coronavirus is resolved, this will be done on the basis of intensifying the contradictions built into this system and the suffering of the masses of humanity who are already exploited and oppressed under this system. [Bolded emphasis added]
This is a time when having accurate scientific information and understanding is a life-and-death question for people here and around the world. Yet there is a lot of confusion about the coronavirus. There is misleading information coming from people in power, especially Trump. So getting to the truth on this is urgent.
What You Will Find on This Page:
• Short Version—The Simple and Basic Truth
• Longer Version—The Truth Elaborated
People wait in long line to get COVID 19 test at a New York City MD Urgent Care Clinic, November 13. (Photo: AP)
by Raymond Lotta
Relatives and friends protest "execution by COVID 19." (Photo: AP)
November 19, Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in the Mission Hills section of Los Angeles. (Photo: AP)
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Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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The following is from Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by Bob Avakian. (The Constitution is available in PDF format online here.)
1. The goal of the New Socialist Republic in North America with regard to health and medicine is to promote the all-around health and well-being of the people and, as one key dimension of this, to provide the people in society as a whole with access to medical care–at low cost and eventually free of cost–and to continually develop and improve this medical care. The government of this Republic also acts to ensure that the food and nutritional needs of the population are met.
Research and other work will be done to anticipate, as much as possible, and to prevent to the greatest degree possible, outbreaks of disease and epidemics, and to detect and treat such outbreaks and epidemics as quickly and effectively as possible where and when they cannot be prevented.
2. In line with this overall orientation, while due attention will be paid to the treatment of disease, including highly specialized treatment, and to medical research (and in this regard the basic principles discussed above with regard to science and scientific endeavor will be applied), the emphasis will be placed on prevention of disease, through the promotion of healthy nutrition and exercise, as well as other means, and on early detection and treatment of disease, to the greatest degree possible.
3. In keeping with a scientific approach, as well as an internationalist orientation, research and development, and practical developments, in the field of medicine shall be shared, as fully as possible, with people in this (and related) fields in other parts of the world, and cooperation shall be promoted and effected in detecting, combatting and preventing outbreaks of disease and epidemics, as well as in the treatment of disease, and the all-around development of medical science and its practical application, throughout the world.
4. The orientation that shall be promoted, and established as the standard, for professionals and others in the field of medicine shall be to serve the people. In the treatment of disease, and in other aspects of medicine, the sensibilities, as well as the experience and knowledge, of patients, and of the people broadly, shall be taken into account and drawn on fully as a basic requirement and a basic resource in the practice of medicine and the development and application of medical science.
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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In a February 3, 2020 article, “Impeachment Protestors Call for ‘Nonviolent Revolution’ To End U.S. ‘Fascism,’” in The Federalist (which may not be officially affiliated with the powerful Federalist Society but clearly shares much of its right-wing reactionary outlook and objectives), Krystina Skurk attacks the diverse grouping of #OUTNOW! demonstrators calling for mass mobilization to demand the removal of the Trump/Pence fascist regime, and she especially targets those among the demonstrators who are advocates of the new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian (BA).
In the latter dimension, it seems clear that Skurk has at least looked over and read parts of the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by BA, and she weaves a supposed “critique” of this Constitution throughout her overall attack on the #OUTNOW! protests. In this regard, it has to be said that it is a commentary on the pathetic state of things politically that someone like Skurk, with a right-wing outlook, in support of the fascism that is concentrated in the Trump/Pence regime, has bothered to somewhat engage this Constitution, while as a general phenomenon those who consider themselves “left,” or “progressive,” or “woke,” including in academia and among the intelligentsia generally (such as it is), have not even bothered to do that, and instead have either simply ignored, dismissed, or engaged in crude distortion and slander of the crucially important work that BA has done, including this Constitution. But let us not give Skurk credit she does not deserve: In accordance with her own reactionary, unscientific outlook and methods, what Skurk has done does not involve a serious and honest engagement with either this Constitution (and the new communism of which it is a concentrated expression) or the #OUTNOW! demonstrators, which include followers of BA but others with a diversity of views as well. Rather, Skurk’s attack involves a combination of glaring ignorance and crude distortion. Coming from the standpoint of the new communism, this response will focus on answering some of the main ways in which this stands out in her attack on BA and the new communism, while also answering some of her more egregious distortions and mischaracterizations in relation to the #OUTNOW! protests.
Skurk writes:
Many of the protestors talked about a communist constitution written by Bob Avakian, leader of the Revolutionist Communist Party. This constitution would form a new nation called The New Socialist Republic in North America. Its legislators would be elected by popular vote, and a majority of votes in the nation’s single legislature could pass laws. Members of this legislature would serve as an executive council. Notice there are no separation of powers, something many of the protestors complained Trump was eviscerating.
But, contrary to Skurk’s assertion, this Constitution definitely does envision and institutionalize separation of powers. While the Legislature chooses the Executive, once chosen the Executive is completely separate from and independent of the Legislature, and the Legislature has a definite “oversight” role in relation to the Executive. Further, there is a whole judiciary, including a Supreme Court, which is separate from and independent of both the Legislature and the Executive and has “oversight” powers in relation to both, including the power to find laws and actions by both the Legislature and Executive unconstitutional. All this is very clearly spelled out in Article I of this Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, and no one who seriously and honestly engages this Constitution could reasonably fail to see this.
Skurk also says:
In this new communist paradise all education would be centrally administered by the state and mandatory. The educational system would be dedicated to teaching “the dialectical materialist understanding that all of reality consists of matter in motion... and nothing else.” The cultural and historical effects of religion may be discussed, but that is it.
Here we see another glaring and egregious example of the dishonest methods of reactionaries like Skurk who cannot refute what is actually put forward by the new communism, as embodied for example in this Constitution authored by the architect of this new communism, Bob Avakian. Instead what we get here from Skurk is what can only be conscious and deliberate distortion. To begin with, the way in which Skurk (mis)quotes this Constitution would lead someone not familiar with it to believe that only “the dialectical materialist understanding” would be allowed to be presented through the educational system of the New Socialist Republic. Here is what the Constitution actually says, in the part on education (in Article I, Section 2) from which Skurk, very “selectively,” quotes:
The dialectical materialist understanding that all of reality consists of matter in motion, of various kinds, and nothing else, and the application of this understanding and approach to all spheres of natural and social science shall be the foundation and “solid core” of education. At the same time, as an application of “elasticity on the basis of a solid core,” there shall be provision for other, opposing viewpoints to be presented, including by ardent advocates of those viewpoints, as a part of the overall curriculum and general education. (emphasis added)
It is very difficult to believe—it strains credulity beyond the breaking point to accept—that Skurk did not see the part emphasized (italicized) here, as it comes immediately after the part which she did choose to quote (in part). Rather, what is obviously going on here is that, in a manner typical of people with her outlook and method, she is proceeding according to a preconceived prejudice that communism equals a totalitarian nightmare that suppresses all creativity, critical thinking and dissent, and she is superimposing this prejudiced notion onto the actual work (in this case, the Constitution) she claims to be examining. In fact, the very section of this Constitution (on education) from which Skurk quotes, in a crudely distorted manner, emphasizes this principle:
The educational system in the New Socialist Republic in North America must enable people to pursue the truth wherever it leads, with a spirit of critical thinking and scientific curiosity, and in this way to continually learn about the world and be better able to contribute to changing it in accordance with the fundamental interests of humanity.
And this same basic principle and approach is applied to all spheres of scientific and intellectual endeavor.
Further, with regard to art and culture and the media, and generally throughout this Constitution, provision is made to not only protect but to provide for the expression of a diversity of views and opinions, including dissent from policies and actions of the government, and “advocacy in favor of abolishing this Republic and replacing it with another kind of society and form of government.” (See Article III, Section 2) This basic orientation and approach is articulated right at the beginning of this Constitution, in the Preamble, and runs throughout it, as a matter of basic principle and method, as concentrated in the formulation “solid core, with a lot of elasticity.”
Along the same lines, Skurk’s combination of ignorance and deliberate distortion is reflected in her statement that, among the demonstrators demanding that the Trump/Pence regime must be #OUTNOW!, those who are followers of Bob Avakian
point to Hong Kong as an example of a political uprising they’d like to emulate, but don’t mention that the people of Hong Kong are fighting against a communist government, the same type of centrally controlled government their hero Avakian wants to implement.
First of all, as the followers of Bob Avakian understand—and as any scientific analysis will reveal—while the party in power in China continues to, misleadingly, employ the label “Communist,” that Party and the society it rules long ago ceased to be “communist” (or, more accurately, on the socialist road toward the goal of communism) and, instead, for more than four decades now, following the death of Mao Zedong, they have taken the road of capitalism; with certain particular institutions and processes that differ from capitalism in the U.S. and similar countries, China itself is an emerging and increasingly powerful capitalist-imperialist country.
Skurk goes on to say of the followers of Bob Avakian: “They decry capitalism because it oppresses the poor, but don’t consider the millions capitalism has lifted out of poverty.” Ironically, as a secondary aspect of things—but something not entirely irrelevant or insignificant, given Skurk’s approach and assertions—the fact is that a large part of those who have been “lifted out of poverty” are in (yes, capitalist) China, whose system Skurk condemns. It is true that, as the rulers of China proclaim, a notable middle class (and, beyond that a smaller group of millionaires and billionaires) has developed with the implementation and functioning of capitalism in that country, but this is part of an overall picture—and a larger truth—that masses of people in China are bitterly exploited under this capitalist system; that hundreds of millions remain mired in poverty; that the health care system in China has gone from being the most egalitarian in the world (as it was when China was actually on the socialist road) to becoming the most unequal; that social ills, such as prostitution and drug addiction, which were largely eliminated in the period of socialism, have now re-emerged and become major social phenomena—and that the development of the Chinese economy is inseparable from exploitation by Chinese capital of poor people in Africa and many other parts of the world.
And there is the fact that, when China was on the socialist road, under the leadership of Mao, the standard of living of the masses of people was greatly improved (for example, life expectancy doubled from around 32 to 65, while the overall population expanded, many devastating diseases were eliminated or their effects significantly reduced, infant mortality significantly declined and in a city like Shanghai was lower than in parts of the U.S., and so on), and this was done through developing the economy and the society overall on the basis of moving to eliminate and uproot exploitation and oppression and supporting revolutionary struggles in other parts of the world.
Of all this Skurk has nothing to say—she is either ignorant of this reality, or is consciously choosing to ignore it, or some combination of both.
And her crediting capitalism for having lifted millions out of poverty is very much akin to those who claim that Black people in the United States should be grateful because—after centuries of brutal, murderous oppression and unspeakable degradation in America—slavery was finally ended in this country (while in fact horrific oppression of Black people has continued since then, in new as well as long-standing forms, including the perpetuation of certain forms of slavery, particularly through the prison system, for a period even after the Civil War). As for poverty and its consequences, the reality is that, while the numbers have decreased over the past several decades, it is still the case, for example, that around six million children in the world die every year from starvation and preventable disease. And this in a world where the productive forces at hand (the land, resources, technology, and people with knowledge and abilities) have long since established the basis for such outrages—and in fact for poverty, deprivation, and degradation overall—to be completely eliminated, everywhere in the world, and the fundamental reason that this has not been achieved is because of the private ownership of the means of production in the hands of competing capitalists, and the consequences of this for the masses of humanity, including the rapidly increasing destruction of the environment, when with the abolition of capitalist ownership of the means of production and exploitation of masses of people, and the institution of common ownership of these means of production, in a socialist society on the road to a communist world, the terrible, unnecessary suffering endured by the masses of humanity could be eliminated and moved beyond.
Skurk claims that those who are advocates of the new communism developed by Bob Avakian “naively turn a blind eye to the horrors communism wrought in Russia, China, and Cambodia, convinced they can do it better.” The fact is that, while much of these “horrors” are inventions and distortions by the likes of Skurk (and, for that matter, “liberal” apologists for capitalism-imperialism), and while the overall experience of socialist societies on the road to communism has been definitely positive and inspiring, secondarily there have been, in this historical experience, real problems and errors, some actually grievous, and in the works of Bob Avakian, over four decades, there is a critical scientific examination of the actual history of the communist movement—its great achievements as well as, secondarily but significantly, its serious errors and severe setbacks—including the experience in the Soviet Union and China (which were on the road of socialism for a number of decades, before capitalism was restored in those countries, in the mid-1950s in the Soviet Union and the mid-1970s in China) and Cambodia, which in reality was never on this road of socialism but represented a departure from it and a distortion of communism. This scientific study, along with serious engagement with and drawing lessons from many other important spheres of human endeavor, has precisely led to the synthesis that is embodied in the new communism. And, yes, this new communism does enable those who take it up, and apply it as the living scientific method it is, to do even better.
As for Skurk’s smirking dismissal of the socialist society envisioned in the new communism, and embodied in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, as “this new communist paradise,” this once again displays the combination of ignorance and deliberate distortion that is typical of people with her outlook. Communists, and in particular the advocates of the new communism, as a consistently scientific method and approach, do not think in terms of a “paradise”—that is the province, and fantasy, of religion, and especially religious fundamentalists. In the very beginning of this Constitution, and throughout, it is made clear that, while it represents a great leap forward toward the emancipation of humanity, socialist society is not, and cannot be, some kind of utopia. Rather, it is a society in transition—from the capitalism it has overthrown to the communist world it is aiming for—and, as this Constitution clearly explains:
As historical experience has demonstrated, socialist society will—for a considerable period of time—contain, and in fact regenerate, elements of exploitation, social inequality and oppression, which have been, unavoidably, inherited from the old society and cannot be uprooted and abolished all at once, or soon after the establishment of the socialist state. Further, there is likely to be a protracted period in which new socialist states come into existence in a situation where they are, to one degree or another, encircled by imperialist and reactionary states, which will continue to exert significant influence and force, and may even occupy a dominant position in the world for some time. These factors will, for a long time, repeatedly give rise to forces within socialist society itself, as well as within the parts of the world still dominated by imperialism and reaction, which will attempt to overthrow any socialist states that exist and restore capitalism there. And historical experience has also demonstrated that, as a result of these contradictions, forces will emerge within the vanguard party itself, including at its top levels, which will fight for lines and policies that will actually lead to the undermining of socialism and the restoration of capitalism. All this underscores the importance of continuing the revolution within socialist society, and of doing so in the overall framework of the revolutionary struggle throughout the world and with the internationalist orientation of giving fundamental priority to the advance of this worldwide struggle toward the achievement of communism, which is only possible on a world scale—and the importance of struggle within the party itself, as well as in society as a whole, to maintain and strengthen the revolutionary character and role of the party, in keeping with its responsibilities to act as the leadership of the continuing revolution toward the final goal of communism, and to defeat attempts to transform the party into its opposite, into a vehicle for the restoration of the old, exploitative and oppressive society. (From the Preamble to this Constitution)
Further, one of the distinguishing features of the new communism is its recognition that, even with the attainment of communism, throughout the world, there will not be some kind of utopia, but rather a situation in which exploitation and oppression and the corresponding social antagonisms will have been eliminated, but there will remain contradictions which people will need to continually confront and transform. People will continue to face necessity in various forms and will need to take up the ongoing challenge of developing the ways—including through non-antagonistic struggle among themselves—to transform necessity into freedom... which in turn will be part of new necessity, which will again need to be transformed into freedom... and on and on. The difference, again, is that exploitation and oppression and the corresponding social antagonisms—and the outlook corresponding to that social situation—will have been overcome and surpassed and will no longer constitute an obstacle to carrying out the process of transforming the world. And, in contrast with previous societies based on exploitation and oppression, there will be a whole new dimension of freedom for humanity—even as, once again, there will be the continuing need to transform necessity into new freedom.
In contrast to one of the headings in Skurk’s piece, no one—or certainly not the advocates of the new communism—assert or believe that “Christianity Is Fascist.” What Skurk is doing here is a “sleight-of-hand” trick typical of those who are, in fact, Christian fascists: attempting to “act the victim” and portray opposition to their attempts to impose fundamentalist theocracy on society as the suppression and persecution of Christians and Christianity. No, it is not Christianity as such but Christian fundamentalism—particularly as it has been politically and ideologically expressed in the U.S. over the past several decades, and as it has striven to in fact achieve a theocratic tyranny in this country—which is fascist. Bob Avakian has made an extensive scientific analysis of this phenomenon in a number of works (which are available through the website as well as the Bob Avakian Institute). In a formulation that captures much of the essence of this, Bob Avakian, speaking of the fascists in the U.S., among which the Christian fundamentalists are a major, hardcore force, makes the following very important observation:
There is a direct line from the Confederacy to the fascists of today, and a direct connection between their white supremacy, their open disgust and hatred for LGBT people as well as women, their willful rejection of science and the scientific method, their raw “America First” jingoism and trumpeting of “the superiority of western civilization” and their bellicose wielding of military power, including their expressed willingness and blatant threats to use nuclear weapons, to destroy countries.
And in this regard, it is worth quoting, at some length, the African-American theologian Hubert Locke:
Because of the cataclysmic devastation that the fascist government of Germany wrought on the world, our attention has tended—and rightly so—to focus on the twelve-year period that it was in power. During that period, James Luther Adams—one of the revered theologians of my generation who taught at Chicago and Harvard—went to Germany as was then the tradition among all newly-minted PhDs where he pursued post-doctoral studies. Adams saw the clash of the church with German fascism first-hand. A quarter-century ago, as he watched the emergence of the religious right in this country as a political force dedicated to "taking back the nation for God," Adams said to his students that they would find themselves having to fight "the Christian fascists" in this nation. He warned that the American fascists would not come wearing swastikas and brown shirts. The American variety, he said, would come carrying crosses and chanting the Pledge of Allegiance.
We should make no mistake about what is at stake in this battle with the religious right. It is not happenstance that it is a movement that draws its strength and finds its support principally in the so-called heartland of the nation and especially in its southern precincts. This is the portion of the United States that has never been comfortable with post-WWII America. The brief period of normalcy after the war was followed within a decade by a pent-up and long overdue racial revolution that overturned centuries of culture and tradition, especially in the South. The disillusionment, two decades later, with an unpopular war in southeast Asia shook the foundations of traditional/conventional patriotism in American life; it was followed in the next decade by a sexual revolution that upset deeply entrenched views among this portion of the American populace about the subordinate place of women in society and the non-place of gay and lesbian persons in American life. These political and social and cultural defeats have now erupted into a pitched battle to turn back the clock on the last half-century and return America to its pre-war purity. It is not without significance that teaching creationism in the schools, for example, is such a prominent part of the religious right agenda. That was a battle the right lost in the mid-1920s but it is not one that the right ever acknowledged losing—just as some die-hards have never acknowledged losing the Civil War. Consequently, the restoration the religious right seeks is one that would recapture a way of life that disappeared in this nation a half-century ago.
Were all this only a battle for the hearts and minds of the American people, we could wade into the conflict with a great deal less concern, confident that good sense and human decency would ultimately triumph over ignorance and bigotry. But this is a battle for power—it's about seizing the reins of government, manipulating the courts and judicial decisions, controlling the media, and making incursions into every possible corner of our private lives and relationships, so that what the religious right perceives as the will of God will reign in America. (“Reflections on Pacific School of Religion's Response to the Religious Right,” by Dr. Hubert Locke, also available at—emphasis added)
Skurk employs the tactic of taunting the #OUTNOW! demonstrators with the strange claim that there is no evidence that this fascism, and in particular its Christian fundamentalist backbone and spearhead, has made any real headway with regard to government and law and society overall. This—possibly out of actual ignorance, but much more probably out of deliberate ignore-ance and distortion—fails (or refuses) to recognize or acknowledge these salient facts, among others:
With the ascendancy of the Trump/Pence regime, Christian fascists themselves boast that they have never had an executive branch so favorable to and supportive of their aims. Pence himself is an unabashed Christian fundamentalist, and similar aggressive Christian fascists are positioned throughout this regime, including those occupying crucial positions in government, such as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Attorney General William Barr, who declares war on secularism, denouncing it as an evil enemy that is responsible for all the country’s social ills.
With this regime in power, the attacks on the right to abortion, and birth control, have greatly escalated, the right to abortion is now hanging by a thread and abortion is practically unavailable in many parts of the country, while this regime has succeeded in appointing great numbers of right-wing judges, on many levels of the judiciary, including the very highest level, who clearly oppose the right to abortion (as enshrined in Roe v. Wade), with some also asserting that the Brown v. Board of Education decision outlawing segregated education was wrong (and, by extension, should also be reversed).
Attorney General Barr makes ominous threats against Black communities that dare to protest police brutality and murder, while the police kill a thousand people every year, a disproportionate number people of color, many of them unarmed, and Trump crudely spews white supremacist poison and encourages violent white supremacist thuggery, by police and others.
The right to asylum is being violated, in fact eviscerated, by this regime, with large numbers of immigrants summarily deported (many to their deaths), thousands held in concentration camps, and many very young children forcibly separated from their parents.
Science is repeatedly under attack by this regime and its fascist followers, particularly with regard to the climate crisis as well as the fundamental understanding that evolution, including the evolution of the human species, is a well-established scientific fact, one of the most well-established theories in all of science, without which science cannot really be carried out and carried forward.
Trump has more than once threatened to use nuclear weapons and to destroy countries.
All this is taking place, and accelerating, along with many other moves to institute fascist rule, not least the flagrant flouting of the rule of law by Trump, as evidenced for example by his refusal to commit himself to respecting the results of an election in which he is not declared the winner, as well as his claim that the Constitution gives him the power to do whatever he wants, and his open contempt for and trampling on Constitutional principles and provisions, as has been revealed through his impeachment, including his blatant obstruction of Congress.
The fact that this regime has not—yet—fully consolidated its fascist rule and fully implemented its fascist program is no cause for relief and political passivity (let alone for the kind of disingenuous ridicule that Skurk expresses for those acting on the demand that this regime be removed before it can carry out that full consolidation and implementation) but, on the contrary, should be a clarion call to all those—the tens of millions—who deeply despise this regime and everything it is aiming to do, to join with the #OUTNOW! demonstrators and their call for masses of people, thousands growing into millions, to carry out non-violent but sustained protest, whose aim is not “to overturn our system of government,” as Skurk falsely claims, but the removal of this fascist regime before it is too late.
Finally, to respond to one other important and illustrative distortion of Skurk’s, it is worth examining the following. She writes:
The Avakian solution to racism in America is two-fold. All discrimination would be outlawed (if only it were that easy). Secondly, African-Americans would be given the opportunity to decide whether to form autonomous territories, something akin to Indian reservations. The same is true for Hispanics in the Southeast. Alternatively, the new government may consider giving Mexico back the land taken by the “Imperialist United States” in the Mexican American war.
This involves, yet once more, a gross oversimplification and distortion of what is embodied in this Constitution in regard to overcoming racist oppression. In the Preamble of this Constitution, as well as the following Articles, where fundamental orientation and concrete policy with regard to the many diverse dimensions of society are discussed, emphasis is given to overcoming “the egregious crimes, oppression and injustice perpetrated by the former ruling class and government of the United States of America against various minority nationalities” (Article II, Section 3). And it is not merely stated that “discrimination against minority nationalities, in every sphere of society, including segregation in housing, education and other areas, shall be outlawed and prohibited,” but that “concrete measures and steps shall be adopted and carried out, by the government at the central and other levels, to overcome the effects of discrimination and segregation, and the whole legacy of oppression, to which these peoples have been subjected.”
This whole Section of Article II, which covers 10 pages of the Constitution, speaks concretely to how this shall be applied in terms of government institutions, functioning and policy; and this is also addressed in Section 4 of the next Article (III).
To speak to another gross distortion in Skurk’s “critique,” the autonomous regions that this Constitution says may be created with regard to minority (and formerly oppressed) nationalities are nothing at all “akin to Indian reservations.” Those reservations, currently existing within the overall framework dominated by the capitalist-imperialist ruling class of this country, were historically established not on the basis of the will of those peoples—as would be the case in the New Socialist Republic in North America—but through the genocidal policy and actions of the United States government and the system it serves, which decimated the native peoples and forced them onto land and into a way of life that was not of their choosing and have acted to maintain the people there in conditions of deprivation and oppression. In direct and fundamental opposition to this, as the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America lays out, the question of establishing autonomy in regions and areas “of significant population concentration of minority nationalities which were oppressed within the borders of the former imperialist USA,” shall be decided through elections involving only the members of the particular nationality.
Specifically with regard to Native Americans, this Constitution (in Article II, Section 3) emphazies that:
wherever autonomous regions of Native Americans may be established, in the general vicinity of the historical homelands of the various native peoples, the central government will also act to ensure that these autonomous regions not only have the necessary territories but also the resources that will enable a real flourishing of these peoples, within the overall framework of the New Socialist Republic in North America. The central government of the New Socialist Republic in North America will provide special assistance and support to any Native American autonomous regions, on the basis of the principles and objectives set forth in this Constitution.
And, in Article III, Section 4, this is also given emphasis:
As evidenced in the historical experience of oppressed nationalities in the imperialist USA (and in experience throughout the world) overcoming inequalities between regions is closely interconnected with uprooting national oppression. Especially for this reason, the government of the New Socialist Republic in North America will devote special attention, efforts, and resources to the development of regions which, owing to the rule of exploiting classes and the dynamics of capitalism, and other factors, have been maintained, under the old system, in a more backward state, and to overcoming disparities between regions, as well as the gaps between urban and rural areas (in this regard see also Article IV).
Finally on this important question, given the continuing experience of horrific oppression of Black people throughout the history of the U.S. and their current situation as an oppressed nation within the U.S., the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America also upholds the right of Black people to self-determination, up to and including the right to secede from the New Socialist Republic and form a separate country—and it provides the process and means through which a vote, on the part of Black people, might be undertaken to determine this.
All this is an expression of the fundamental principle expressed in the Preamble of this Constitution:
The New Socialist Republic in North America is a multi-national and multi-lingual state, which is based on the principle of equality between different nationalities and cultures and has as one of its essential objectives fully overcoming national oppression and inequality, which was such a fundamental part of the imperialist USA throughout its history. Only on the basis of these principles and objectives can divisions among humanity by country and nation be finally overcome and surpassed and a world community of freely associating human beings be brought into being. This orientation is also embodied in the various institutions of the state and in the functioning of the government in the New Socialist Republic in North America.
Much more could be written in response to Skurk’s attack, but from what has been shown it is clear that this is not a principled, fact-based and reasoned critique, of either #OUTNOW! or the new communism but, as stated at the beginning here, represents a typical combination of gross ignorance and deliberate distortion in the service of the kind of fascism concentrated in the Trump/Pence regime, for which Skurk is an apologist and which constitutes a very real, immediate and yes dire threat to the very existence and future of humanity. In opposition to this, what is represented by the #OUTNOW! protesters and what they are calling for—and, in the most fundamental terms, what is embodied in the new communism—represents a real and uplifting hope for humanity and its future.
Watch the complete talk, here
In The Name of Humanity, We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America:
A Better World IS Possible!
A Film of a Talk by Bob Avakian.
See also:
by Dr. Hubert Locke
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Reposted From
5 April 2020 Press Advisory
Contact: 267-603-7150
Facebook, Twitter & Instagram: @RefuseFascism
“The Trump/Pence response to the COVID-19 pandemic – the actions, lies and inaction – is killing people and threatening humanity,” said Samantha Goldman, Refuse Fascism after helping place symbolic body bags at the entrance to the Trump National Golf Club in Pine Hill, New Jersey following a car caravan throughout Philadelphia demanding Trump/Pence Out NOW! “This is an emergency. This fascist regime poses a danger to humanity. Trump has blood on his hands.”
Protesters demanded that the government:
They said, “Most importantly, we demand the immediate removal of Trump & Pence.” calls for non-violent, mass, sustained protest at the soonest possible time, with the demand #TrumpPenceOutNOW. published a Call to Action which reads in part, “The anti-science Trump/Pence regime hid the danger of the COVID-19 virus, now a pandemic, for months, setting the stage for possibly catastrophic impact and placing those who have been targets of their overall program in the most jeopardy – immigrants forced into shadows and concentration camps; millions of Black and brown people languishing in prisons; the people of Iran facing crippling sanctions; the poor, sick, and homeless here and around the world.”
And further, “Enough. We raise our voices here to say: In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America.”
Philadelphia Inquirer coverage April 4, 2020 is a movement of people coming from diverse perspectives, united in our recognition that the Trump/Pence Regime poses a catastrophic danger to humanity and the planet, and that it is our responsibility to drive them from power through non-violent protests that grow every day until our demand is met. This means working and organizing with all our creativity and determination to bring thousands, eventually millions of people into the streets of cities and towns, to demand:
This Nightmare Must End:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! welcomes individuals and organizations from many different points of view who share our determination to refuse to accept a fascist America, to join and/or partner with us in this great cause.
Find out more about Refuse Fascism here.
Today we delivered bodybags to Trump's Golf Course. #Covid19 is deadly but the Trump/Pence regime is making it deadlier. Massive misinformation, a racist response, abdicating responsibility, obstructing states efforts - everyday they remain in power they threaten humanity #OUTNOW
— Trump/Pence Must Go NOW—#OutNow (@RefuseFascism) April 4, 2020
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Refuse Fascism has issued an important new Statement of Conscience to be signed by many thousands and spread throughout all of society.
This statement comes at a time when tens of millions deeply oppose and fear what the Trump/Pence regime is doing, but have proven as yet unwilling to act en masse in ways that are commensurate. Beginning last fall and continuing through the impeachment trial of Donald Trump, fought to bring forward the kind of growing and sustained protests that could compel the removal of the Trump/Pence regime. But while this set an important standard and was correct to attempt, the people did not respond in adequate numbers to set this dynamic in motion. And yet the urgent need for this regime to be driven from power by the masses of people remains.
It has become clear that there must be tremendous ideological and political struggle with those who oppose the Trump/Pence regime for them to see it for what it is—an American fascism advancing—and to act accordingly. This new statement, which poetically captures the danger we face and the responsibility we have to the people of the world, is a tool with which to wage this struggle. As it becomes known and signed by thousands and tens of thousands it can dramatically change the discourse throughout society.
Everyone who refuses to accept a fascist America should sign their name and contribute to gathering thousands more signatories and raising tens of thousands of dollars in the coming weeks, and then many times more after that. This statement should be spread hand-to-hand and online to: students in high schools and colleges everywhere; prominent figures in the arts, sciences, literature, music, and film; communities targeted by this regime—immigrants, Latinos, Black people, Muslims, and others; legal and religious communities; professionals of all kinds; and far beyond. It should be read from pulpits and discussed in classrooms. It should be posted on walls and debated in the media and social media.
Winning people to sign, spread, and donate to this statement will require struggle and this should be welcomed. It is through struggle over the moral standard and the path forward advanced in this statement that a people can be forged who are willing to rise to the historic challenge of our time.
Start by reading it here, signing your name, making a donation, and then spreading it to others.
* * * * * * has updated its 2020 Statement of Conscience/Call to Act, adding the following statement to its powerful indictment of the Trump/Pence regime:
“The anti-science Trump/Pence regime hid the danger of the COVID-19 virus, now a pandemic, for months, setting the stage for possibly catastrophic impact and placing those who have been targets of their overall program in the most jeopardy – immigrants forced into shadows and concentration camps; millions of Black and brown people languishing in prisons; the people of Iran facing crippling sanctions; the poor, sick, and homeless here and around the world.”
The Statement is a living document. As the world continues to change rapidly, the need to drive out the Trump/Pence regime at the soonest possible time grows more urgent and yet more challenging by the day. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are suspending actively organizing for sustained mass protests of millions in the streets at this moment, while recognizing the need to put this forward now as ultimately the only way that this fascist regime can be driven from power. We recognize that a situation could possibly develop where such a response may be necessary in the future, even with an ongoing health crisis caused by the disease, in order to stop the regime from further endangering humanity.
We also recognize that masses of people may feel the urgent need to take to the streets in legitimate protest during this period of social distancing to secure basic needs. We will stand with the people in such situations and advocate that even mass protests try to adhere to the best public health practices.
We also recognize that the Trump/Pence regime with its opposition to science and its fascist program now poses an even greater danger to humanity facing the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe that the RF Statement of Conscience is the best expression of what the people of the world face and what is needed; it remains both timely and true, even as we are not working to implement the call for millions to take to the street right now. We urge everyone with a heart for humanity to read this statement deeply, discuss, debate it, take it out where possible – in good ways – to the ICE detention centers and other places where masses of people need this, and overall develop creative means, especially through social media, so that this statement becomes a pole around which millions stand and act.
The Editorial Board of Refuse Fascism; March 16, 2020
* * * * *
We must say out loud what has been too often spoken in whispers and riddles. An American fascism is here and advancing, wrapped in the flag and Mike Pence’s Bible taken literally—spreading its poison of white supremacy, misogyny, xenophobia, and oppressive, fundamentalist “traditional” values.
Thousands fill stadiums and cheer as Trump spews heinous, bigoted rhetoric. His acolytes threaten civil war and carry out acts of terror.
Trump’s acquittal in a sham impeachment trial has set a legal precedent for him to do whatever he wants—even steal an election—as he barrels ahead with alarming vengeance.
The regime bludgeons the very notion of objective truth; trafficking not merely in lies, but in flagrant campaigns of disinformation.
They purge those who refuse to march in lockstep, then pack the judiciary, the police and the military, the executive and legislative branches, and the state houses with fascists and all manner of reactionary zealots—including theocratic Christian fascists—who see this as their last chance to cement their domination for generations to come.
The world as we have known it is being torn asunder. Fascist regimes are taking root everywhere as tens of millions of people are forced to seek asylum from wars, climate change, and enormous economic dislocation. Scientists have “reset” the Doomsday clock that measures the danger of nuclear war and the destruction of the environment to100 seconds before midnight. The anti-science Trump/Pence regime hid the danger of the COVID-19 virus, now a pandemic, for months, setting the stage for possibly catastrophic impact on all of society and placing those who have been targets of their overall program in the most jeopardy – immigrants forced into shadows and concentration camps; millions of Black and brown people languishing in prisons; the people of Iran facing crippling sanctions; the poor, sick, and homeless here and around the world.
The damage already done cannot be easily reversed, while worse is surely to come. We are on increasingly unsteady ground, and any major crisis, international or domestic, could become the catalyst for this regime to drop the hammer. History has shown that fascism must be stopped before it becomes too late.
Enough. We raise our voices here to say:
In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America.
The hour is late. If we do not intervene now, we cannot ask how the German people accepted the horrors of the Nazi regime. What we allow is not just what we is what we become.
No longer will we stand aside while this regime shreds the rule of law. No more moving the goalpost of what we will tolerate or retreating into our private lives as the regime fills concentration camps at the border, cages immigrant children, bans Muslims, and threatens whole countries with fire and fury. We will not allow LGBTQ people to be slammed back into the closet and women to lose the right to abortion and birth control.
It is long past time we cast aside illusions and self-delusion. For years people have waited—for the Blue Wave, for Mueller, for impeachment. But the normal channels turn into dead ends as the regime shreds norms and changes the rules.
The Democratic Party cannot be relied on to stop this nightmare. Trump has branded them as enemies and “traitors,” rallying crowds to “lock them up.” Yet, the Democrats have repeatedly jumped to work with Trump when he let them, normalizing what should only be opposed. When they finally moved to impeach, it was on the real, compelling but narrow grounds of cheating on elections, but not the full crimes of the Trump/Pence program. They have not called forth the one force that could change the whole political equation—the power of the people in the streets—and they’ve refused to say publicly what many of them know in private, that Trump is a fascist.
Let us not hope against facts that the 2020 election—the same election that Trump was on trial for sabotaging—is enough to resolve this crisis. What will we do if Trump wins, or loses and refuses to step down? What damage will the fascist forces he has unleashed continue to inflict even if he does lose and leaves vengeful? No election, fair or fraudulent, can legitimize what has been normalized over the last three years.
The hour is late, but we can look to the people around the world who have taken to the streets in sustained, non-violent mass protest to drive out hated regimes and win a chance to shape their own destinies. The eyes of the world are on us now. They want to see whose side we are on. Will we capitulate to this regime with our silence and passivity, or resist every injustice of this regime and act decisively to knock it off its collision course with humanity?
There is a way to stop this. We will follow our conscience, sound the alarm, and organize so that it becomes possible for thousands to take to the streets across the country in non-violent sustained mass protest demanding Trump and Pence Out Now, growing to millions, and staying in the streets until our demand is met. This is not the easy road, it requires sacrifice, yet our actions will reflect our love for humanity, in stark contrast to the hate and bigotry of the Trump/Pence fascist regime, and create a serious political crisis for the ruling powers, leading to a situation where this illegitimate regime is removed from power.
WE MUST ACT to make this real. The hour is late, but it is not yet too late.
WE PLEDGE that we will not stand aside while there is still a chance to stop a regime that imperils humanity and the earth itself.
WE COME FROM DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES, but united in our determination,
In the Name of Humanity,
We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America.
This Nightmare Must End:
TRUMP/PENCE #OUTNOW! is a movement of people coming from diverse perspectives, united in our recognition that the Trump/Pence Regime poses a catastrophic danger to humanity and the planet, and that it is our responsibility to drive them from power through non-violent protests that grow every day until our demand is met. This means working and organizing with all our creativity and determination to bring thousands, eventually millions of people into the streets of cities and towns, to demand:
This Nightmare Must End:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! welcomes individuals and organizations from many different points of view who share our determination to refuse to accept a fascist America, to join and/or partner with us in this great cause.
Find out more about Refuse Fascism here.
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In an article in the New York Times, February 21, 2020, “Why Sanders Will Probably Get the Nod,” David Brooks attempts to equate Bernie Sanders with Donald Trump because, according to Brooks, each in his own way is a purveyor of a fraudulent but “successful” myth—a right-wing populist myth in Trump’s case, and a left-wing populist myth with Sanders. This is ridiculous. Such an attempt to make Sanders equivalent to Trump (or the “mirror opposite” or “left-wing doppelganger” of Trump) is refuted by simply looking at the obvious reality.
As will be discussed here, Sanders does, in an ultimate sense, share with Trump the fact that he is actually an advocate of the capitalist system and a representative and defender of the interests of U.S. capitalist imperialism. But that does not negate the very real and sharp differences between Sanders and Trump, within that same ultimate framework. Does Sanders promote racism and bigotry, misogyny (hatred of women) and vile prejudice and violence toward LGBT people, as Trump and those associated with him actively do? Does Sanders, like Trump, defy the science of climate change, denying that there is a serious and accelerating climate crisis in which human activity is a major factor, while encouraging and facilitating the unrestrained ravaging of the environment? Has Sanders acted to undermine the principles of a constitutional capitalist republic and the rule of law, as Trump continues to do, in an escalating way? And, for that matter, does what Brooks characterizes as Sanders’ “myth” really have anything in common with what Trump peddles? Is there really no truth to Sanders’ claim that the super-rich—heads of banks and other financial institutions, tech companies, other large business interests, and so on—wield an undue influence over political affairs and the affairs of society in general? Is that really in the same category as the systematic lies and lunatic conspiracy theories that Trump consistently repeats and promotes, which are filled with racism and bigotry, misogyny, and xenophobia? Brooks, in equating Sanders with Trump, has allowed himself to depart from reality and descend into demagogic “cheap trickery” that would embarrass a clumsy con man.
Brooks is a “conservative” commentator, who opposes Donald Trump, and he fancies himself something of a philosopher who seeks to illuminate the common social good that can unite people beyond “tribal” partisan conflict. But, in fact, Brooks is a promoter of the biggest myth of all—that capitalism is the best possible system whose functioning and effect brings about the greatest good, not just for a small class of capitalists but for the masses of humanity, and that American capitalism is the shining example and model of this. The truth is that capitalism is today a worldwide system of capitalist imperialism that maintains itself through ruthless exploitation and oppression of billions of people throughout the world and perpetual violence—against masses of people, and against the environment. And this is true, above all, for U.S. capitalist imperialism, and its crimes against humanity, for which Brooks has also been an active promoter and apologist.
So, for example, when in 2003 the U.S. invaded Iraq, in blatant violation of international law and on the basis of repeated, systematic lies that the Iraqi government headed by Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction (and was somehow connected with those who carried out the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S.), Brooks was an arrogant, aggressive advocate for that war, which unleashed a maelstrom of death and destruction in that part of the world; and he has continued to fabricate excuses and rationalizations for that war, which fly in the face of the clearly established facts.
As for the “great good” that capitalism represents and is doing in the world, as I have pointed out, in a world dominated by this system of capitalism-imperialism:
large parts of humanity live in stark poverty, with 2.3 billion people lacking even rudimentary toilets or latrines and huge numbers suffering from preventable diseases, with millions of children dying every year from these diseases and from starvation, while 150 million children in the world are forced to engage in ruthlessly exploited child labor, and the whole world economy rests on a vast network of sweatshops, employing large numbers of women who are regularly subjected to sexual harassment and assault, a world where 65 million refugees have been displaced by war, poverty, persecution, and the effects of global warming… (Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution—the text and videos of this speech are available at
Bernie Sanders does not represent, and what he is calling for could not bring about, a real solution to all this, which can only be achieved through a revolution that moves to overthrow and uproot the capitalist system and bring into being radically different, socialist societies, aiming for the final goal of a communist world. Sanders is not a real socialist, and the “revolution” he talks about is not a real revolution. He is what can be more accurately described as a “social democrat,” who is actually advocating changes within the capitalist system, to be achieved by working through the established political process. This is expressed, on the one hand, as a vague promise to bring about economic, social, and racial justice, and to deal with the environmental crisis; and when it is made somewhat more concrete it focuses on things like increased taxation of the super-rich and corporations to finance government programs to pay for universal health care, college tuition, and the creation of renewable energy. This would run up against the reality of how capitalism actually functions, driven by the anarchistic competition and rivalry between competing capitalists—which takes place not just within particular countries but increasingly on an international level—and, more specifically with regard to U.S. capitalist imperialism, the massive military spending it requires to maintain its worldwide empire (with its military the largest institutional consumer of oil in the world), as well as the whole historical development of this country, down to the present, on the basis of slavery and white supremacy, male supremacy, and other oppressive relations.
All this, combined with the realities of the political process in this country—a “democracy” which is dominated by the capitalist class that actually exercises dictatorship (a monopoly of political power, concentrated as a monopoly of “legitimate” violence) to enforce its rule, and which today is marked by deep “partisan” divisions among the political representatives of the capitalist class—would mean that the reforms Sanders is calling for would be very difficult to achieve. And, even if they could somehow be achieved, they would not bring about economic, social, and racial justice, nor would they make possible a rational interaction with the environment or a world without the violent conflicts that are rooted in the very nature of this capitalist-imperialist system. In fact, while he might strike a less bellicose posture, expressing more reluctance to engage in war than more traditional politicians of the Democratic and Republican parties—and while he has not openly threatened to use nuclear weapons and destroy countries, as Trump has—Sanders has made clear that he regards U.S. military might and its military alliances, such as NATO, as crucial and indispensable (and he has praised the U.S. military as the best in the world). The very reforms Sanders is calling for are ultimately predicated on, and would depend on, U.S. capitalism-imperialism continuing to occupy a dominant position in the world, and would require the use and/or the threat of U.S. military force to maintain that position. The truth is that social democrats in an imperialist country must ultimately and fundamentally be pro-imperialism. This is an essential characteristic and requirement of social democracy in a country like this.
In Breakthroughs, The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism, A Basic Summary, I emphasized how Karl Marx, the founder (along with Frederick Engels) of the communist movement, pointed out that
one of the distinguishing features of reformists—including reformist “socialists”—is that, insofar as they identify the economy as the source of inequality and other social maladies, they tend to locate the problem in the sphere of distribution, whereas the fundamental source of the oppression and inequality that characterize an exploitative society, such as capitalism, resides in the sphere of production, and more specifically the relations of production.
This “distinguishing feature” characterizes someone like Sanders, with his familiar denunciations of the “billionaire” class and its grossly disproportionate share of the wealth and unfair domination of the political process (note: criticism of the “billionaire class,” not opposition to the whole capitalist system).
The final goal of an actual socialist revolution is the attainment of communism throughout the world, with the elimination of all relations of exploitation and oppression, and the antagonistic conflicts to which they give rise. This requires changing the whole system—getting rid of the capitalist system and replacing it with a radically different system—not just making some changes within the existing capitalist system.
In this overall process, the transformation of the mode of production is fundamental. The “mode of production” refers to the economic system which embodies certain relations of production, and most essentially the ownership of the means of production—land, raw materials, physical structures such as factories, and technology—which under this system are privately owned and controlled by capitalists, or major associations of capital such as corporations, banks, etc. This is the foundation on which capitalists exploit masses of people—in all parts of the world—who own no means of production and are therefore forced to work for the capitalists who monopolize the means of production. And this is the basis on which capitalists accumulate profit privately, in feverish competition with other capitalists. An actual socialist revolution aims to transform the ownership of the means of production into common ownership by society as a whole, which makes it possible to do what can never be done under capitalism: to carry out production on the basis of an overall plan, proceeding not through exploitation but through the conscious and active involvement of the masses of people, interacting with the rest of nature in a sustainable way while meeting the material as well as the cultural and intellectual needs of the people—not just in one part of the world but ultimately in the world as a whole—and moving to do away completely with poverty, deprivation, and degradation, and all the unnecessary suffering that masses of people throughout the world endure under the domination of this capitalist system.
At the same time, the transformation of the mode of production must be carried out in a dialectical relation (a back-and-forth mutually influencing process) with the transformation of oppressive social relations (such as the relation between men and women) and the ideas and culture that reinforce oppression and exploitation. And, of great importance, all of this depends upon—and is impossible to achieve without—defeating and dismantling the state apparatus (in particular, the armed forces and police, as well as the courts and bureaucracies, and the executive power) enforcing the rule of the exploiters (the capitalist class) and replacing this with a socialist state power whose purpose and function is to serve and promote the radical transformation of society, and the world as a whole, toward the abolition of all exploitation and oppression.1
In a number of my writings, and recently in the following passage in Breakthroughs, I have spoken to the relation between transforming the mode of production and transforming social relations:
Ultimately, the mode of production sets the foundation and the limits of change, in terms of how you address any social problem, such as the oppression of women, or the oppression of Black people or Latinos, or the contradiction between mental work and manual work, or the situation with the environment, or the situation of immigrants, and so on. While all those things have reality and dynamics in their own right, and aren’t reducible to the economic system, they all take place within the framework and within the fundamental dynamics of that economic system; and that economic system, that mode of production, sets the foundation and the ultimate limits of change in regard to all those social questions. So, if you want to get rid of all these different forms of oppression, you have to address them in their own right, but you also have to fundamentally change the economic system to give you the ability to be able to carry through those changes in fundamental terms. To put it another way: You have to have an economic system that doesn’t prevent you from making those changes, and instead not only allows but provides a favorable foundation for making those changes. (The New Communism, Part I, “Method and Approach, Communism as a Science,” p. 77, italics in original, cited in Breakthroughs, which is also available at
As outlined above, what is strikingly dishonest in David Brooks’ portrayal of Bernie Sanders is the way Brooks treats Sanders as essentially the same as Trump. While what is represented by Sanders, as well as Trump, remains within the framework of the capitalist-imperialist system, within that framework there is a very real difference between the social democracy promoted by Sanders and the fascism of the Trump/Pence regime. It is that fascist regime which constitutes a concentrated immediate danger, to society and humanity as a whole, while in fundamental terms it is capitalist rule itself, in any form, and the monstrous system of exploitation and oppression it enforces with murderous and massively destructive violence, that must be swept away and replaced by a radically different society and world.
1. The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by Bob Avakian, contains a sweeping vision, and at the same time a concrete blueprint, for a radically different society—an actual socialist country aiming for the final goal of a communist world. [back]
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As an atheist I am reluctant to invoke religious imagery, but “bargain with the devil” does seem to be a fitting metaphor to characterize important aspects of what has gone on in recent years in the dominant politics of this country. In The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!1 I pointed to the “unholy alliance” between fundamentalist Christian Fascists and Trump, whose personal behavior and “morals” are flagrantly in conflict with the no less despicable but definitely different “values” espoused by these Christian Fascists. It is, however, not just religious fundamentalists who have made a “bargain with the devil”; it is also those who claim that there is much about Trump’s “behavior” that they do not like, and who may even distance themselves from some of Trump’s blatant bigotry, yet nevertheless say that they support him because under Trump the economy is doing well.
Some have pointed to flaws in this position, by noting that much of the “economic progress” that Trump takes credit for began when Obama was president and engineered a “recovery” from the economic crisis of 2007-8; that official unemployment may be low, but actual unemployment is significantly greater; that many jobs are low-paying and insecure; that huge numbers of college graduates are saddled with tremendous debt; that many families, even among those seemingly well off or comfortable economically, are only a major health crisis away from extreme financial pressure or even ruin; that more than 550,000 people are homeless on a typical night; that income inequality has grown to grotesque proportions...and so on. But it has to be bluntly said that arguments of this kind, however valid they might be on their own terms, are not just essentially beside the point in relation to Trump but serve to validate a standard and criterion that should never be applied or accepted—that it would be legitimate to support fascists, such as those of the Trump/Pence regime, if such a regime actually did improve the economy.
With previous fascist regimes it was the case that, for a time, there was significant improvement in the economy. For example, with the rise to power of Mussolini in Italy after World War 1, some chaos in society and the functioning of the economy was eliminated and “order restored” (this was “memorialized” in the saying that Mussolini “made the trains run on time”). Even more dramatically, when Hitler and the Nazis came to power in Germany, after years of massive unemployment and astronomical inflation, there was a dramatic improvement in the economic situation, particularly stimulated by the ramping up of the machinery of war. To support the Trump/Pence regime on the basis of the performance of the economy is no less morally bankrupt and despicable than it would have been to support those previous fascist regimes, under Mussolini and Hitler, on the same basis.
Refuse Fascism, which from the beginning of the Trump/Pence regime has pointed to its fascist nature and called for nonviolent but sustained mass mobilization to demand the removal of this regime, has recently called attention to the fact that, in the wake of the Senate impeachment trial and acquittal of Trump:
Fascism has been unfolding, but it has made a major leap through this sham trial. In recent days, the Muslim Ban has been expanded to include six more countries, signaling that the whole fascist program will go forward with even more vengeance and entitlement. Concentration camps on the border... environmental devastation accelerated... war, even nuclear war, threatened... white supremacist rule... fascist mobs and racist mass murderers... truth and science erased... the right to abortion near gone... the rule of law and democratic and civil rights stripped away...All this and more will be accelerated and further sanctioned by this Senate acquittal.
All this is what is being facilitated and furthered in supporting Trump, no matter what reason, or rationalization, is given for this support. And while Trump may not literally be the “devil”—any more than he is the Messiah that some of his fanatical religious fundamentalist followers apparently believe him to be—a “bargain” that involves supporting Trump is something that no one could ever make without destroying whatever decency and humanity they might still have left.
Support for the fascist enforcement of capitalist rule is, however, not the only form in which moral bankruptcy has been expressed in the political realm. This is also the case with those who have been unable to rid themselves of the affliction, and addiction, of supporting more “enlightened” representatives of this system. A striking example of this is those who allowed themselves the delusional ecstasy of believing that when Barack Obama became president this would somehow mean that long years of horrific oppression and degradation would end and barriers to opportunity and achievement would be removed. In reality, while perhaps more Black faces were found in high places, and while some Black cultural figures were courted by the Obamas, the situation for the masses of Black people—including the hundreds murdered by police each year and the overall police terror directed against Black people and other oppressed people—did not change for the better during the Obama presidency. In fact, in this regard the main effect of Obama’s becoming president was to reinforce and further promote the vicious lie that there are no barriers to anyone “making it” in America, with the unavoidable implication (or outright insistence) that if some people have not “made it,” it is their own fault—a lie that was voiced by Obama himself in his 2012 election victory speech.
And delusion about what Obama represents led many to be blinded, or to turn a blind eye, to the war crimes and other crimes against humanity, and the plunder of the environment, by the U.S. (and its “allies”) while Obama was chief executive and “commander-in-chief.” This included the 2014 slaughter by Israel of more than 2,000 people in Gaza, Palestine—the great majority civilians, including hundreds of children—which Obama fully and forcefully backed. And then there is the meaning and effect of what Obama has said in relation to Vietnam. In a recent article,2 I highlighted the wanton destruction and depraved atrocity perpetrated by the U.S. military in Vietnam, including:
the slaughter of millions of Vietnamese civilians, with incessant bombing and shelling, including of schools, hospitals, dams and other crucial infrastructure, and widespread use of napalm, white phosphorous, Agent Orange, and millions of anti-personnel weapons, burning to death and maiming huge numbers of children and others;
ruining the livelihood of millions of Vietnamese—destroying large parts of the soil and livestock so essential for the people in rural Vietnam;
torture of people held as prisoners—including large numbers of civilians—male, female, old and young, including the very young;
mutilating the bodies and wearing as “trophies” body parts of Vietnamese killed;
mass rape of Vietnamese women and girls.
All this, and more, was the “service” carried out by the U.S. military and its soldiers in Vietnam. Did Barack Obama, as president and “commander-in-chief,” have anything to say about this? Yes, he did. He did so, however, not to condemn this unspeakable atrocity and bury the possibility of its ever being perpetrated again—but, on the contrary, to praise those who carried this out. Look, for example, at the following remarks by Obama as part of the May 28, 2013 Vietnam War Commemoration:
One of the most painful chapters in our history was Vietnam—most particularly, how we treated our troops who served there.... [Y]ou wrote one of the most extraordinary stories of bravery and integrity in the annals of military history.
Here it should be said that the only acts of true bravery and integrity by U.S. soldiers and veterans of the Vietnam war were carried out by those—numbering eventually in the thousands—who turned against that war and played a key part in exposing what the U.S. military was really doing there and in contributing to what became massive opposition to the war. But, in speaking of the “bravery and integrity” of “the troops who served” in Vietnam, Obama is actually endorsing the truly monstrous crimes that were systematically and relentlessly carried out by the U.S. military and its soldiers in Vietnam; and his remarks amount to saying that what was “painful” was not that atrocity, and the horrors it inflicted on the Vietnamese people, but the fact that those who ordered and carried out these unspeakable acts were not given the support and respect Obama believes they deserve! This serves not only to “honor” horrific war crimes and crimes against humanity in the past but to “legitimize” and encourage support for such actions by the U.S. (and its “allies”) in the present and future.
To continue the metaphor, can anyone really continue to worship Obama without “selling their soul to the devil”—not just Obama himself but the greater “devil,” the capitalist-imperialist system whose faithful servant he is?
1. THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO! In The Name of Humanity We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America, A Better World IS Possible–a film of this speech by Bob Avakian is available at [back]
2. The article quoted here, “Bob Avakian, On Impeachment, Crimes Against Humanity, Liberals and Lies, Provocative and Profound Truths,” is available at [back]
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Editors' note, November 22, 2020: This article was originally posted when the coronavirus pandemic first hit Iran in the spring. Today, as Iran—like many other countries—faces a deadly new wave of COVID infections and deaths, the Trump/Pence regime is intensifying the economic sanctions against this country, which are a big part of making the disease even more deadly there.
How would you feel if you saw images of heavily armed U.S. troops protecting U.S. Treasury Department officials who stood outside hospitals, medical clinics, and pharmacies preventing people, including the desperately ill, from buying life-saving supplies, medicines and equipment during today’s global COVID-19 pandemic?
Well that’s essentially what the U.S. is doing to Iran right now with devastating economic and financial sanctions and ominous military threats. Iran, an oppressed or “Third World” country of some 85 million, is one of the global epicenters of the COVID-19 pandemic. As of April 2, 3,160 people had died, over 50,000 are infected, and there is still a high rate of infections. Some officials say Iranians are dying as often as one every 10 minutes. A worst-case study by an Iranian university projected 3.5 million could die.1 These sanctions have made it worse.
In 2017, the U.S.—not Iran—broke the agreement that the two countries and other world powers had signed in 2015 limiting Iran’s nuclear program in return for lifting economic sanctions. The U.S. then re-imposed even more draconian trade and financial restrictions, which have crippled Iran’s economy by blocking it from importing and exporting goods, and punishing other countries who wished to invest in or trade with Iran. It’s estimated that Iran has lost over $200 billion, mostly in oil revenues. Unemployment and inflation have skyrocketed, and Iran has been blocked from making or importing needed medicines and medical equipment. This includes “specialized drugs for children living with and recovering from cancer,” according to one aid worker in Tehran, Iran’s capital.2 Iranians have been suffering and dying since 2017 as a result.
And now the coronavirus pandemic has hit. Has the U.S. eased or lifted sanctions in light of the humanitarian crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic? No! “If anything, the United States has doubled down, imposing fresh sanctions as recently as two weeks ago," the New York Times reports. Many in the Trump/Pence regime see the coronavirus crisis, which is seriously weakening Iran, as an opportunity to bully Iran into submission. In other words, the U.S. imperialists see death by pandemic as a potential opportunity to impose their domination!3
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claims that U.S. sanctions don’t prevent Iran from getting humanitarian aid including medicines, claiming "humanitarian assistance to Iran is wide open, it's not sanctioned."
This is a lie. Companies around the world remain fearful of violating U.S. banking and financial regulations.4 In 2019 the Atlantic Council reported that, “despite the fact that sanctions exempted humanitarian goods, the US Treasury Department had previously prosecuted medical companies for selling small amounts of medical supplies to Iran, which in turn, has had a deterring effect on other companies doing business with Tehran.” Trump allies have also targeted U.S. and European companies to scare them out of selling medical supplies to Iran. According to The American Prospect, “the stealthy name-and-shame operations of such groups has been a major driver of the reluctance on the part of many Western companies to do humanitarian trade with Iran. And this trade is the primary source of medical supplies flowing into the country...”
“The American sanctions have 100 percent and absolutely played a role” in Iran’s shortages of protective equipment, one Iranian physician wrote: “At the moment, we are dealing with a shortage of basic supplies, like masks, because there is an embargo on paper materials that we need to make more. As a result, nurses and physicians are forgoing wearing masks to give theirs to patients.”5
This is also why Iran is struggling to import raw materials needed to manufacture antiviral drugs, and why suppliers in Iran now say they are out of respiratory masks, surgical gowns, and ventilators. Dozens of Iranian doctors, nurses and medical personnel have reportedly taken ill and died because they lacked personnel protective equipment.6
And medicines and equipment aren’t the only nightmares: “One young man in Tehran told me that everyday health problems have been severely exacerbated due to the vast shortages resulting from sanctions. This isn’t just about medicine or over-the-counter supplies, but staples such as vegetables and beef that are essential for basic nutrition.”7
The lack of medical supplies and the spread of the virus have hammered Iran’s already weakened economy with factories shutting down and unemployment spiking, and the government left without the revenue to bail out businesses or establish quarantines and support those who can’t work.
Waves of Afghan migrants, now estimated at three million, have fled Afghanistan for Iran to escape the U.S.-Soviet proxy war of the 1980s, the civil war of the 1990s, and the U.S. invasion and occupation that began in 2001 and hasn’t yet ended. Now they’re fleeing back to Afghanistan—some 115,000 in mid-March alone—because they’ve lost their jobs or to flee from the coronavirus pandemic. Some are no doubt bringing the disease with them.8
Russia, China, the European Union, the United Nations secretary general, and human rights groups, as well as some Democratic Party political figures, including Sanders and Biden, have demanded the U.S. suspend or lift sanctions on Iran during the pandemic, and some including the EU and Japan are sending aid to Iran.9
Officials warn that U.S. actions not only threaten Iran’s 85 million people, but also the whole world by spreading and escalating the global contagion.
The rulers of Iran’s reactionary Islamic Republic also bear responsibility for how ferociously the contagion is ripping through the country. The World Health Organization declared a health emergency in late January, yet the Islamic Republic refused to warn the public for fear of interfering with February’s elections and celebration of the 41st anniversary of the Iranian revolution, and also refused to heed the advice of their own medical experts and quarantine affected areas or enforce social distancing until recently. The anti-scientific, fundamentalist religious fervor which is a core ideological pillar of its rule has also contributed to spreading the pandemic as the government initially refused to restrict visitors at religious shrines, and some religious fanatics—like some Christian fundamentalist fascists in the U.S.—have refused to halt mass prayer services.
Some Iranians report there’s widespread criticism of the authorities for claiming religious shrines could protect pilgrims from the disease. There’s been no food distribution for those who’ve lost jobs. Some large factories are forcing employees to go to work, endangering them in the process.11 And there have been reports of attempted rebellions by political prisoners and strikes by their families demanding they be released from Iran’s dungeons.
As if devastating U.S. sanctions weren’t bad enough, the U.S. is also drawing up plans for possible military attacks against militias in Iraq, which have ties—or are accused of having ties—with Iran.
Since last spring, the Trump/Pence regime has built up the U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf and stepped up its threats against Iran. This took a leap in January with its illegal assassination of Iranian General Soleimani. Since then there have been a number of rocket attacks by Iraqi militias on U.S. bases, and retaliatory strikes by the U.S. This included one on March 12 in which U.S. warplanes struck against five different targets linked with the militias it claims are responsible for an attack that killed two Americans and a British soldier.12
Now, the New York Times is reporting that the Pentagon is secretly drawing up plans for a possible campaign to destroy an Iranian-linked militia group the U.S. claims is threatening more attacks against U.S. troops (5,000 are stationed in Iraq). This would mark a major U.S. military escalation, and the top U.S. commander in Iraq has said it could lead to bloody clashes in Iraq, undermine the U.S. position there, and risk war with Iran. Others in the Trump/Pence regime see an opportunity to try to destroy Iranian-backed militia groups at a time Iran’s government is struggling to control the coronavirus pandemic.13
Ominously, on April 1, Trump claimed he had “very good information” that Iranian-supported militias were planning new attacks on U.S. forces, and warned on Twitter “If this happens, Iran will pay a very heavy price, indeed!”14 After helping make the COVID-19 pandemic even more devastating, such military aggression would be adding a nightmare onto the nightmare the U.S. imperialists have already created for the peoples of Iran, Iraq, and the Middle East—and must be vigorously opposed.
1. “Sanctions are crippling Iran’s fight against coronavirus,” Guardian, April 4; “Trump’s refusal to relax Iran sanctions during the coronavirus threatens everyone,” NBC News, March 26, 2020. [back]
2. “Iran Says U.S. Sanctions Are Taking Lives. U.S. Officials Disagree,” New York Times,” April 1; How U.S. Sanctions Intensify the Spread of the Coronavirus in Iran ,” American Prospect, March 17, 2020. [back]
3. “Iran Says U.S. Sanctions Are Taking Lives. U.S. Officials Disagree,” New York Times,” April 1, 2020 [back]
4. “Trump’s refusal to relax Iran sanctions during the coronavirus threatens everyone,” NBC News, March 26, 2020. [back]
5. “The Coronavirus Is Killing Iranians. So Are Trump’s Brutal Sanctions,” Intercept, March 17, 2020. [back]
6. Dozens of Doctors Die in Iran Hospital From Coronavirus, Iran Focus, March 25, 2020. [back]
7. American Prospect, March 17, 2020. [back]
8. “Fresh From Iran’s Coronavirus Zone, Now Moving Across Afghanistan,” New York Times, March 27, 2020. [back]
9. “The European Union donated $22 million in humanitarian aid to Iran last week, and Japan sent $23.5 million. On Tuesday, the European Union exported medical goods to Iran in its first use of a financial mechanism set up last year to allow European companies to work around American sanctions.” New York Times, April 1 [back]
10. There is reportedly a very sharp struggle now taking place between two factions of the reactionary Islamic Republic: the civilian government under President Rouhani and the Revolutionary Guards, both of which bore responsibility for the savage crackdown against a massive anti-government uprising last November. Rouhani has argued that Iran doesn’t have enough money and resources to support millions of people under quarantine and that basic services could collapse. The Revolutionary Guards are advocating isolating and closing off large sections of the country, limiting movement and closing businesses. Recently, according to the New York Times, “Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s paramount leader, issued a written order last Thursday asking Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri, the commander-in-chief of the Joint Armed Forces—an umbrella for the army, the Revolutionary Guards and security forces—to take charge.” “Power Struggle Hampers Iran’s Coronavirus Response,” New York Times, March 17, 2020. [back]
11. “Iranians Forced to Work Amid Coronavirus Pandemic,” Iran Focus, March 24, 2020. [back]
12. “U.S. Carries Out Retaliatory Strikes on Iranian-Backed Militia in Iraq,” New York Times, March 12, 2020. [back]
13. “As Iran Reels, Trump Aides Clash Over Escalating Military Showdown,” New York Times, March 21, 2020; “Pentagon Order to Plan for Escalation in Iraq Meets Warning From Top Commander,” New York Times, March 27, 2020. [back]
14. “Trump Warns Iran of Heightened Retaliation for Any Attacks on U.S. Troops,” New York Times, April 1 [back]
Devastating U.S. sanctions have contributed to Iran's lack of medical supplies and the spread of Covid-19. One Iranian physician wrote: "At the moment, we are dealing with a shortage of basic supplies, like masks, because there is an embargo on paper materials that we need to make more. ..." Here pharmacists in Tehran, Iran talk with customers, February 25. (Photo: AP)
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Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
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During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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On March 13, Donald Trump declared that the “COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency.” In the context of this very real emergency facing this country and the world, the Department of “Justice” (DOJ)—headed by Trump’s Christian fascist Attorney General William Barr—revealed to a reporter from the website Politico a series of documents relating to possible new leaps in repressive measures in the federal court system.
The core of the DOJ proposals enables federal judges to “pause” court proceedings involving “any statutes or rules of procedure otherwise affecting pre-arrest, post-arrest, pre-trial, trial, and post-trial procedures in criminal and juvenile proceedings and all civil process and proceedings.”
There is also a proposal for holding court hearings by teleconference, and other measures “during an emergency and for one year following the end of the national emergency.” Another directive would empower the chief judge of any federal district court to suspend legal proceedings “whenever the district court is fully or partially closed by virtue of any natural disaster, civil disobedience, or other emergency situation.” [emphasis added] The reasons given for the suspension of these rights are arbitrary and ominous.
These proposals have been met with alarm by various defense lawyers and civil rights attorneys, raising concern that such measures could seriously erode defendants’ rights to a speedy trial. In short, what is involved here is a plan that could be used to imprison people indefinitely, without any legal recourse. These moves raise real concerns that this could result in a de facto suspension of habeas corpus—an important legal principle that has been in effect for hundreds of years and is the basis for rights held in the U.S. Constitution. These rights require that an arrested person be brought before a judge or court in a timely manner. According to the U.S. Constitution, only Congress can suspend habeas corpus. Attorney General Barr is not challenging habeas corpus directly, but the measures the DOJ is proposing do amount to an end-run around these rights.
In a situation like this COVID-19 pandemic, it has been necessary to temporarily postpone and suspend most court proceedings in order to carry out social distancing. But there is the real danger that this can give license to such measures being more permanently enshrined in law, threatening the basic principle that denies the government the authority to arbitrarily incarcerate people and deprive them of their rights.
In short, this is a plan that could allow the government to imprison people indefinitely, without any legal recourse.
The shocks of the crisis triggered by the coronavirus are just beginning to be felt across U.S. society. But already, millions of people have lost their jobs. Tens of millions are looking at the possibility of eviction. The virus is spreading to overcrowded prisons, jails, and detention centers. Thousands are dying, more and more hospital and medical staff are ill with the virus, and hospitals in New York and other cities are already incapable of keeping up with the medical emergency. The U.S.-Mexico border teems with overcrowded detention centers on one side and refugee camps on the other. Protests have begun to ripple—in defense of incarcerated immigrants, demanding protection for people still working in fast food and other businesses, by health care workers against the lack of protective equipment, and against the fascist Trump/Pence regime.
There is a history of the U.S. government seizing on crises to impose repressive and fascist measures, such as the Patriot Act which was quickly enacted in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and which authorized spying against and detention of Muslims and Arab Americans and other highly repressive measures.
In the weeks and months ahead, as the societal crisis deepens with the real possibility of social unrest developing, these proposed measures could set up a legal framework where, at the whim of the federal courts, authorities in federal jurisdictions, such as Washington, DC, could arrest and hold without due process anyone and everyone they came across during a protest, or after a curfew. It would allow people who are not convicted of anything to be held indefinitely in federal jails.
The DOJ proposals would have to pass Congress to become official. It is important to note that while objections have been raised by a handful of Congress people there has been no clear denunciation of this by the top Democratic Party leadership. And if they are passed by Congress as an emergency measure they can easily be upheld in courts across the land. Trump has appointed a record number of federal judges, selected on the basis of being in tune with his fascist program, and most of them would not question this enhancement of this fascist regime’s power.
While the U.S. Constitution provides certain rights, these rights have always been confined within the bounds of the underlying property relations of this system—in short, the dominance of the capitalists. So the enslavement of Black people, and the outright armed theft of the lands and wholesale murder of the native American Indian peoples were at one time legal. Further, as Bob Avakian has pointed out, “Even fundamental Constitutional rights can be—and especially in times of ‘stress’ or actual crisis in the system often are—sacrificed to the needs of the ruling class.” [from Birds Cannot Give Birth to Crocodiles, But Humanity Can Soar Beyond the Horizon. 2010] And the law has also been interpreted according to how the capitalist-imperialists see their interests at different times.
Now this country, and the world, have entered a period of great turbulence. A fascist regime rules the U.S., but has been unable to effect a full consolidation of its powers. With Barr as attorney general, Trump has found the aggressive, unapologetic fascist enforcer he has always wanted in that position. People need to know about and challenge these dangerous moves by top officials in the Trump/Pence regime.
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
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During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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Translated from the blog Aurora Roja, voice of the Revolutionary Communist Organization, Mexico, dated March 28, 2020.
Which is worth more, lives or money? For the Mexican government now, money is worth more.
Facing the world coronavirus pandemic, while the World Health Organization (WHO) has insisted over and over that the key is “testing, testing, testing,” the Mexican government has declared that massive application of testing is not necessary. Why?
A specialist from the Salvador Zubirán National Institute of Medical and Nutrition Sciences explains to us that this is not necessary because “we have an efficient system of epidemiological detection and surveillance,” “it does not make much sense to identify 85 percent of the population who, if infected, will come down with little more than a flu, because we would have an enormous expenditure of resources.” (La Jornada, “Unnecessary, massive application of detection testing: specialist,” March 27, 2020)
When he speaks of an “efficient system of epidemiological detection and surveillance,” he means they are mainly relying on detecting symptoms to detect the virus. However, it has already been determined by the broad application of tests in various countries that a significant part of virus carriers don’t have symptoms. So, by not applying the test in a massive way, many of the virus carriers will not be identified or isolated, which will lead to its much broader propagation and more deaths, with those infected having a mortality rate now of as much as 4% on a world level.
This is the lesson from South Korea, where massive testing contributed greatly to reducing the virus propagation and the number of deaths. And it is the negative lesson of Italy, where the lack of the application of testing and other measures has lead to a horrific situation in which, in a much smaller population, the number of deaths has surpassed China, where the virus originated. Italian medical personnel are facing the terrible decision of who will and will not receive a ventilator, of who to help to survive and who they will not, with the medical system completely overcome, leaving people dead in their homes with nobody to pick them up.
It is true that the Mexican government has taken some sound measures, such as the Secretary of Education’s suspension of classes and the suspension of non-essential government activities. The hope is that these measures will reduce the speed of the spread of the virus, but, as the same government spokespersons tell us, with this the pandemic will be prolonged, it will not be stopped.
The quoted specialist explains to us that the reason for not carrying out massive testing is “because we would have an enormous expenditure of resources.” That is, it is better to save resources even if that would mean greater spread of the virus and a larger number of deaths. To say it straight up, for the Mexican government now, money is more important than the lives of human beings.
Why? So as to have funds available to boost their deadly capitalist projects and attract more imperialist investments. Projects such as the Mayan Train, which, if successful, will destroy even more of the environment and will dispossess even more of the indigenous peoples of Mexico’s southeast. Projects like the Dos Bocas oil refinery, which would increase Mexico’s emission of the gases that cause global warming by 20%. (And it should be mentioned that various experts point out that global warming caused by the use of fossil fuels by the current world capitalist-imperialist system has created more favorable conditions for the emergence of new microbes, such as the coronavirus, along with threatening life on the planet in many other ways.)
Though this involves sacrificing lives, this is the way this government has decided to handle the pandemic at this time in the face of the unavoidable need for business investments by the current capitalist system (not simply the government), which is governed by competition between big capitalists for maximum profits. In the real socialist system that we supporters of the new communism are fighting for, the lives and the needs of the people will be put before profits.
To makes matters worse, Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador [AMLO] has used the context of the pandemic to promote more superstition and religious obscurantism, publicly boasting that he is “protected” by the “Jesus Sacred Heart Badge,” a talisman used (among other purposes) by the reactionary theocratic Cristero movement for supposed protection from the bullets of their rivals. Obviously it protects nobody from anything, but it is part of AMLO’s campaign, in spite of identifying himself as a follower of Benito Juárez [Mexican icon of the separation of Church and State], to undermine the secular state, open up means and resources for the evangelical churches, and preach a reactionary patriarchal religion with his “Guide to Morality” and his constant religious and patriarchal references from the presidential office.
Yes, we already know that by saying this, the followers who follow him uncritically label us, following AMLO’s example, as “conservatives,” “PRIAN” [PRI and PAN political parties] and less elegant things. Likewise they have labeled feminists, ecologists, Zapatistas, indigenous peoples, democratic teachers, and various other fighters and journalists who clearly have nothing to do with the PAN, PRI and others who are now competing with Morena [AMLO’s party]. (And this fight among the electoral parties, on both sides, is essentially contention to see who will remain in or get into the government to represent the indefensible interests of the capitalist system.)
We only have one question: Is money more important to you, or the lives of the people?
Healthcare workers in Mexico protest lack of protective gear against COVID-19. Photo: Aurora Rojas.blogspot
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Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
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During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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A health crisis like COVID-19 in a genuinely socialist society:
Letter from a reader:
The coronavirus pandemic is a natural (biological) phenomenon, a highly transmissible and deadly virus. But how this virus is being dealt with is shaped and governed by the system we live under and that rules the world right now: capitalism-imperialism. It is organized around profit, not the well-being of humanity. And it has been an abysmal and horrific failure...
No real prior preparedness. Chronic inability to coordinate a rapid-emergency response. You see it in the lines outside hospitals... in shortages of protective masks... in press conferences with Trump... official pronouncements that fly in the face of evidence-based science. Utterly unnecessary suffering, dislocation, and misdirection. BUT IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!
I was reflecting on the experience of a previous socialist revolution... and at how a society based on the new communism developed by Bob Avakian could and would address an emergency like coronavirus. Here are some initial thoughts, and I encourage people to read both about the previous socialist experience and the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, a concrete and sweeping vision of a genuinely socialist society authored by Bob Avakian.
China in the years 1949-76 was a genuine socialist society (not the capitalist system it is today). In 1949, a revolution of hundreds of millions of people led by Mao Zedong overthrew the old, oppressive order. A society in which an estimated four million people died each year of infectious and preventable diseases, where 1 in 5 children died by age one.
The socialist revolution made public health a priority. Hospitals, clinics, and other facilities were quickly constructed—and health personnel trained. The principle “serve the people” guided medical work. The work of health professionals was combined with educating, involving, and mobilizing people at the grass roots. Communities throughout society had responsibility in health and disease-prevention campaigns, emergencies, and coping with natural disasters.
In just 15 years, between 1950 and 1965, revolutionary China wiped out most infectious diseases like cholera, smallpox, and major nutrition-related illnesses: an accomplishment unprecedented in scale and rapidity in the history of the world.
The Cultural Revolution of 1966-76 forged the most egalitarian, needs-based health care system in the world. A “barefoot doctor” movement trained some one million young educated peasants and urban students to provide basic medical services and education in rural villages. Medical and scientific knowledge was spread—no longer the property of the few. Life expectancy in China rose from 32 years in 1949 to 65 years in 1976.
In order to bring this new socialist republic into being, it would be necessary—through an actual revolution involving millions and millions of people when the time is right—to "thoroughly defeat, dismantle and abolish the capitalist-imperialist state of the USA," bringing into being a thoroughly different state power, economy, and society. The preparedness, response and overall approach to a crisis like COVID-19 would be radically different in socialist society, and would include, among other dimensions:
1) Health and Disaster Preparation
A socialist economy and society would have a much more conscious and planned approach, including in its interaction with the environment. How we live on an endangered planet would be part of long-term planning—for instance, potentially scaling back the density of cities. There would be planning for climate-related catastrophes, as well as health emergencies: ongoing research into these dangers, potential outcomes, vaccines, and cures; factories fitted for multipurpose use that can be re-oriented to manufacture critically needed supplies in the case of emergency; public education, especially and including in science and a scientific method; and reserves earmarked for anticipated problems and crises—like ventilators, medicines, and antibiotics, and food and material supplies.
But unexpected things will happen and resources are limited. So there needs to be ongoing societal discussion and education—with views of experts, and planning priorities, broadly discussed and debated in society, not just dictated by the needs of capital or the conscious policies of oppressive ruling classes, as happens in this system.
2) An Economy That Serves the Needs of Humanity, a Society That Unleashes People and Their Creativity, a State That Gives This Backing
A socialist economy is not constrained by profit accumulation and the barriers of private ownership. The socialist state would develop and utilize economic resources and technology for the needs and betterment of humanity. It would be geared toward overcoming the great divisions of society and the world; protecting the environment; and promoting revolution around the world.
In a crisis like the one we’re facing, society would be working to meet the food-nutritional and safe-shelter needs of people, with priority to those most in need. Health care professionals would be mobilized; new medical facilities quickly built; and resources allocated and cooperative, coordinated crash efforts organized to develop necessary treatments and vaccines, where needed.
The most vital resource—people and their creativity—would be unleashed. You need to solve pressing problems: checking up on people’s well-being (especially the most vulnerable); communicating information and developing emergency distribution systems (safely); figuring out how to conduct essential production and other activities without endangering health.
All of this potential of people from different walks of life, with different skills and knowledge and experience —who could be contributing and problem-solving and learning from each other in all kinds of ways—is constrained and ultimately squandered in this society. What sometimes happens spontaneously in crises—people putting aside individual concerns to help each other—would be promoted and amplified in a society based on cooperation.
The socialist state power would give this “backing” or support, as part of facilitating and leading the nationwide coordinated and planned response to such an epidemic—a far cry and contrast with what we witness today with the fascist Trump-Pence regime
3) The whole world comes first
The new socialist society would aim to collaborate with medical and research institutions, health agencies, and others throughout the world: to share knowledge and data; to strive to make emergency breakthroughs in treatment and vaccination. It would not be operating with privatized patents and commercial rights. It would be ready to send medical and fact-finding teams to where they are most needed. As a general and overall principle, it would welcome immigrants and refugees seeking to be part of and contribute to the new society—instead of locking immigrants up in disease-infested hellholes.
4) Emergencies, dissent, and the new communism
In a pandemic like this, the socialist state will issue emergency decrees and directives to coordinate emergency mobilizations. This is a good and necessary thing. There will be ideological struggle over putting the public first (not hoarding supplies, etc.). It will be necessary to assign doctors, construction workers, and others to go to areas and take up work where needed—with calls put out for volunteers to step forward. People can work and “pull together” in ways unimaginable today, in this society and system.
But differences and disagreements will emerge, including, potentially, protests. Short-term necessity will require massive adjustments. Some people will be agonizing over policy and the direction of society. And as Bob Avakian emphasizes in his writings and talks, ferment and dissent are essential to the fabric of the new socialist society, including in dire circumstances—to the process of both getting to the truth, and to advancing toward a world free of exploitation, oppression, and antagonistic social divides.
The means to deal with these emergencies must be consistent with the goal of a society and world in which there is no oppression and exploitation, in which people are ever-more consciously and voluntarily changing society and themselves. As Bob Avakian himself has emphasized:
the new communism thoroughly repudiates and is determined to root out of the communist movement the poisonous notion, and practice, that “the ends justifies the means.” It is a bedrock principle of the new communism that the “means” of this movement must flow from and be consistent with the fundamental “ends” of abolishing all exploitation and oppression through revolution led on a scientific basis. (From Breakthroughs: The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism, A Basic Summary)
The principle “serve the people” guided medical work in revolutionary China, 1949-76. A “barefoot doctor” movement trained young educated peasants and urban students to provide basic medical services and education, as seen here: barefoot doctors in Inner Mongolia.
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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“America was not built to be shut down.”—Donald Trump, March 23, calling for people to “pack the churches” on Easter
Then what was America “built to” do?
If you looked at the history and the present-day reality of America, you would have to think that it was built to exterminate 90 percent of the Native American Indians who lived here and dispossess and oppress those who somehow survived.
If you looked at the history and present-day reality of America, you would have to think it was built to kidnap millions of people, enslave them in unspeakable conditions for generations, and then continue to suck their blood and hold them down in new ways when the slavery ended.
You would have to think it was built to invade and plunder other countries, to murder people by the tens of millions in wars, invasions, and occupations, and to suck the blood and steal the resources of those who remained.
You would have to think it was built to enable a relative handful of capitalist-imperialists to exploit billions all over the world and right here, turning their labor into profit and then throwing them aside when they were no longer useful.
You would have to think that it was built to subjugate women, to invent new forms of humiliation and degradation, and to demonize all those who did not “fit in” to the sexual roles it decreed.
You would have to think that it was built to plunder and destroy the web of nature in an insane drive for profit, profit, and ever more profit.
“America first”? Screw you, you vicious, dangerous moron. We need a world beyond America and everything it stands for, a world of freely cooperating human beings.
We need revolution and communism.
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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The Language of Genocide
On March 20, Donald Trump announced that the U.S. will now turn back all migrants approaching the U.S.-Mexico border. No more pretending that “due process” applies; no more asylum claims allowed. Trump’s order will remain in place for at least one year, or until the “Department of Health and Human Services” determines it is no longer needed.
Last week, U.S. officials said this policy wouldn’t apply to minors. Instead, this week, there were news reports that the U.S. has begun sending unaccompanied immigrant children back to Mexico and Central America.
These children have made a treacherous journey of up to 1,000 miles to flee from violence, rape, persecution, hunger, and the threat of death. Now they are being put on a bus, taken to the “nearest point of entry,” and dropped off to survive (or not) in squalid refugee camps in one of the most violent regions in the world.
Trump sneered that immigrants “place a vast burden on our healthcare system, but during a global pandemic, they threaten to create a perfect storm that would spread the infection to our border agents, migrants, and to the public at large.”
There is in fact no evidence whatsoever that masses of immigrants are, or aren’t, carrying the COVID-19 virus. And if many of them are—shouldn’t people in such desperate straits be tested for the virus, given medical treatment if they were found positive, placed in conditions that minimize the potential for viral spread, and receive proper care? Instead, the American response is to use its armed enforcers to turn people away and to throw them into conditions and situations where COVID-19 and other diseases are almost sure to proliferate.
Trump’s words reinforce the language of genocide. His actions are founded on the ugly lie that American lives are more important than other people’s lives. He is using this lie to institute a regimen of extreme repression, fan racist flames of fear and hate, and tear apart longstanding principles of law under the pretext of confronting the spread of COVID-19.
“American Lives Are Not More Important than Other People’s Lives.”—Bob Avakian, BAsics 5:7
For tens of millions of people all over the world who have been forced out of where they live, every day is a life-and-death battle. They cross deserts, mountains, and oceans; flee armed soldiers and police; are preyed upon by violent gangs; find themselves unable to return to their homelands. Many are forced to crowd together in refugee camps without adequate sanitation, water, food, medical care, schooling—and now are facing the looming threat of COVID-19.
Huge inequalities of wealth and poverty, of luxury and misery, exist in the world in which the relentless exploitation of billions of people worldwide enriches a relative handful who live in splendor. The capitalist-imperialist system—dominated by its biggest power, the U.S.—crushes the lives of countless people. It poisons the environment they live in. Then this system persecutes them for trying to escape the living hell it has created.
One example: Agriculture in Honduras and Guatemala has been decimated by the influx of American produce imposed by unequal trade agreements and the growth of large plantations and ranches for export production. The remaining farmland has been ruined by rising temperatures, extreme weather, and crop diseases spread by one-crop farming. And if people fleeing these conditions make it as far as the U.S.-Mexico border, they are greeted by triple-deep razor wire and heavily armed border patrols.1
We face historic challenges—the coronavirus pandemic must not keep us from standing with these immigrants to STOP the outrages being committed against them.
The Demonization, Criminalization and Deportations of Immigrants and the Militarization of the Border!
1. Due to threats by the U.S. and the fascist Trump/Pence regime, the Mexican government, led by the “progressive” Andrés Obrador (AMLO), has taken on the role of America’s border security and guards, stopping Central Americans on their southern border, often at gunpoint and with violence, and taking on the U.S.-dictated role of having asylum seekers stay in horrific conditions in Mexico while applying for U.S. asylum instead of being allowed into the U.S. For more, see “AMLO Regime in Mexico: The Phony Socialist Who Does Trump’s Dirty Work.” [back]
Immigrants from Mexico seeking asylum are turned back at the U.S.-Mexico border. Photo: AP
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Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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Editors’ Note: Following are research notes on the situation with medical and health care workers in the U.S., at the frontlines of combating this pandemic. These have been compiled by readers and supporters of, and we encourage correspondence from readers on this and related issues. As has been widely reported, there is a real shortage of PPEs (or personal protective equipment) putting health care providers at risk of infection, along with critical supplies of available hospital and ICU beds, ventilators, etc. for those infected and with severe life-threatening symptoms. The crying contradiction between the devastating effects of this pandemic and the response as shaped by this system’s functioning and rulers is finding a concentrated expression, almost a metaphorical choke hold, in the situation with health care providers, facilities and infrastructure to deal with this pandemic.
Friday, March 27, 2020
In the last few days there’ve been a raft of articles about and reports by health workers about the “apocalyptic” conditions in emergency rooms (ERs) in New York City right now. They talk of a health care system and city “on the brink of disaster” and a surge of sick people, most all with corona, with not enough hospital beds, not enough life-saving equipment, and not nearly enough protective gear. You get the sense that at the moment medical workers are battling mightily and barely able to manage the situation—even with seriously compromised means of care, and people are already needlessly dying as a result.
Given that the full force of the pandemic is just beginning to hit and efforts to speed up help nowhere near commensurate, this points to the certainty of massive, unnecessary suffering and probably death as well as the potential—even likelihood—of a major meltdown and social catastrophe unlike we’ve ever witnessed at least in our lifetimes, with the hospitals and health workers a key fault line/flashpoint. This could in turn accelerate the spread of the pandemic and the possible breakdown of the health care system overall—with all this being gravely and criminally intensified by the words, actions, and inactions of the Trump/Pence regime.
Here’s Craig Spencer’s description (he’s director of global health in emergency medicine at New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center):
Walk in for your 8 a.m. shift: Struck by how the calm of the early morning city streets is immediately transformed. The bright fluorescent lights of the ER reflect off everyone’s protective goggles. There is a cacophony of coughing. You stop. Mask up. Walk in. You take sign-out from the previous team, but nearly every patient is the same, young and old: cough, shortness of breath, fever. The staff is really worried about one patient. Very short of breath, on the maximum amount of oxygen we can give, but still breathing fast.
You immediately assess this patient. It’s clear what this is and what needs to happen. You have a long and honest discussion with the patient, and with her family over the phone. It’s best to put her on life support now, before things get much worse. You’re getting set up for that when you’re notified of another really sick patient coming in. You rush over. He’s also extremely sick, vomiting. He needs to be put on life support as well. You bring them back. Two patients, in rooms right next to each other, both getting a breathing tube. It’s not even 10 a.m.
For the rest of your 12-hour shift, nearly every hour, you get paged: Stat notification: Very sick patient, short of breath, fever. Oxygen 88 percent. Stat notification: Low blood pressure, short of breath, low oxygen. Stat notification: Low oxygen, can’t breathe. Fever. All day....” (“What it’s like being a New York ER doctor during this pandemic,” Washington Post, March 24)
The crisis for hospitals and health care workers is rapidly accelerating as COVID-19 infections are increasing geometrically, especially in the NY Metro area, the epicenter of the pandemic in the U.S. (and some say globally) with 60 percent of all the new coronavirus cases in the U.S., and half the cases nationwide. Governor Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday hospitalizations are expected to peak in the next 40 days—even as hospitals are already facing shortages of equipment needed to protect medical workers (PPE - personal protective equipment) and to keep patients alive.
Democracy Now! reported, “The virus continued its exponential growth Thursday, surging to over 85,000 U.S. cases—though the true number is certain to be far higher. Over 1,300 people across the U.S. have died from the virus, and the death rate is predicted to accelerate in the days ahead.... Here in New York City, the largest hot spot of the U.S. crisis, 84 COVID-19 patients died on Thursday, as wave after wave of critically ill people flooded intensive care units and threatened to overwhelm the health care system. Columbia and NYU medical schools said they will allow medical students to graduate early to join the fight against COVID-19, as hospitalizations surged by 40% Thursday.”
There are different layers at work here—(beyond the scope of this note)—including the necessities driving the system overall; the nature of medical care under capitalism-imperialism; the leading edge, right wing attacks on the safety/health net described by Bob Avakian in “The Truth About Right-Wing Conspiracy... And Why Clinton and the Democrats Are No Answer,” which have continued since then and taken a leap under Trump; transformations and long-term cuts in medical care, hospital facilities, and public health.
This is all being heightened by the Trump/Pence regime’s criminal—perhaps genocidal—actions and inactions: downplaying of the severity of the crisis and refusing to adopt the dire warnings, testing, and social distancing needed to slow the pandemic down—then refusing to deliver aid or enact federally-mandated production of equipment and gear, refusing to give blue states like New York and California enough equipment in government stockpiles and requisite financial aid.
This system has not and is not prepared for disasters. (Even though as of 2019 the U.S. was ranked first by Global Health Security Index.) There’s Trump ignoring—or rather refusing to act—on the basis of the warnings by his own administration. “The Growing Chaos Inside New York’s Hospitals,” by Lizzie Widdicombe, paints the picture that the U.S. health care system is woefully unprepared in terms of dealing with an onslaught of sick patients and of medical personnel not knowing anything about this virus. “It’s challenging,” one doctor said. “Nobody has any experience with this at all, because there’s been nothing like this since 1918. We can all read the Wikipedia page on the Spanish flu, but that doesn’t show what it was like or describe the experience of people who had actual responsibility.” “The vibe at work is this feeling of impending doom.” One person sums up, “Since the first week of March, when the virus arrived in the city, there had been “confusion and chaos” around safety protocols.
Hospital Bed Shortages: There aren’t enough beds to deal with the surge of patients; New York now has 53,000 beds, and Cuomo says it needs 140,000—nearly triple the current number. (“I would call Governor Cuomo probably the single most important person in terms of the drive to close down hospital beds in this state over the last 20 years,” a nurse told Democracy Now! “In New York state, we’ve gone from 73,000 beds to 53,000 beds from the year 2000 to the present time.” These were part of “Medicaid Redesign” and other “reforms.” People have talked about “just in time” production of medical supplies and cutting the number of beds when empty beds are unprofitable.)
Equipment Shortages: Cuomo said: “FEMA says ‘we’re sending 400 ventilators.’ Really? What am I going to do with 400 ventilators when I need 30,000? You pick the 26,000 who are going to die because you only sent 400 ventilators.” Several days ago Mayor Bill de Blasio warned that New York City was just 10 days away from massive shortages of critical supplies.
Trump’s promises are so far empty—health workers haven’t seen any surge in equipment and the 500 million masks the federal government ordered this week, for example, may not be delivered for 18 months... Democracy Now! reports, “Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer said Monday a recent shipping of personal protective equipment, or PPE, from the national stockpile was barely enough to cover one shift at a hospital.”
Lisa Baum of NYSNA—New York State Nurses Association—told WNYC’s Brian Lehrer there’s a lot of double-talk from the Federal government on shipments of equipment—have they been shipped or not? Have they been shipped but not distributed? Nurses and medical personnel aren’t seeing any of it—a large amount of smoke and bullshit to make it seem like the Trump/Pence regime is taking bold action. Pence claims construction masks are perfectly acceptable to protect health care workers, but the nurses haven’t seen any delivered.
As of Thursday afternoon, hundreds of thousands of health care workers had signed an online petition demanding the government do more to ensure an adequate supply of masks and other protective equipment. New York State Nurses Association (@nysna) is tweeting #GetMePPE and the Nurses Association has a petition with demands here. The group has a more extensive bulletin on what’s needed.
Meanwhile, on Thursday, Trump told Fox News, “I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You know, you go into major hospitals, sometimes they’ll have two ventilators. And now, all of a sudden, they’re saying, ‘Can we order 30,000 ventilators?’”
Life-threatening shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE): Health care workers are suffering from a dire lack of PPE—masks, especially N95 masks (“the only proven prevention in terms of masks for health care workers”), face shields, gowns, potentially even gloves (the factory in Malaysia that makes them is cutting back production (“Key medical glove factories cut staff 50% during outbreak,” PBS, March 24). These are all criminally simple, cheap items to make!!
Health care workers are being forced to dangerously reuse protective equipment rather than throw it away, potentially spreading the disease; others are trying to improvise protective equipment. Meanwhile the regime is gutting well established medical standards for worker and patient safety and health by weakening regulations protecting health care workers, lying about the delivery of supplies, and refusing to force the capitalists to mass produce what’s needed.
A few of many, many examples, from Politico and other publications:
Guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Monday that bluntly acknowledged the [equipment] shortages ... health care workers tell POLITICO they consider [the guidance] dangerous, includes reusing respirator masks between different patient visits, using masks that have passed their expiration date, and even constructing “homemade” masks out of a bandanna or scarf. (Some are told to use N95 masks for a week when they’re supposed to replace after every high-risk patient.)
With medical workers already getting sick and dying from the disease in Washington state and other coronavirus hot spots, health care workers tell POLITICO they’re terrified for themselves and their patients.
“It’s the scariest thing about going to work every day,” said Sean Petty, a pediatric ER nurse and member of the New York State Nurses Association. Petty told POLITICO that his public sector hospital in the Bronx implemented what he described as “extreme rationing” of masks this week. (Politico, March 19; “Medical staff describe shortages and rationing of masks as White House assures they’re available ‘now’”)
Health workers are foraging for equipment, and people are forced to turn to unproven, unsafe attempts at makeshift cleaning of respirators. There are stories of people making “masks” of coffee filters and vacuum cleaner bags or attempting to “sterilize” them by freezing, all non-scientific means. “Hospital Workers in Washington state Produce DIY Masks as Medical Supplies Dwindle,” was one headline on Democracy Now! In wealthy Marin County [California], they don’t have enough gear, so one school district scoured its science classes for goggles and donated them to a nearby and newer Kaiser medical center—that day they were texted the goggles were in use. One doctor in another area reported getting goggles, face masks, and shields at Home Depot. Others are buying supplies on the black market. There are shortages of gowns, doctors re-using masks, keeping them in paper bags.
Health care workers report they often can’t even get tested themselves unless they are very ill, and/or are being told to work as long as they’re asymptomatic. Lisa Baum, occupational health and safety representative for the New York State Nurses Association, said on Monday’s Brian Lehrer Show that previously health care workers exposed to COVID-19 who didn’t have full PPE had to quarantine 14 days, but the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) "turned on a dime" and now if medical workers don’t have symptoms they can continue working—putting them back in the hospital to infect co-workers and patients.
- There’s potential for health workers to turn into disease vectors—both by being gone from work if ill, or those at work spreading the disease.
- There aren’t enough healthcare workers (they’re trying to bring people out of retirement, graduate medical students earlier to join the battle, and other measures)
- Cleaning staff as well as home health workers who care for some of the most at risk and elderly people are also at grave risk ABC reports in Pennsylvania.
Endangering health workers is unnecessary! Atul Gawande has done a New Yorker piece on how health workers can be protected, as aggressive measures are taken to halt the spread of the virus, drawing from very specific lessons he sees from Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea. (Interview with him on PBS, March 23). On Democracy Now! nurse Sean Petty cites the example of China: “They imported 42,000 healthcare workers to help with the crisis, they outfitted them with N95 masks and full protective equipment, personal protective equipment... And they achieved an unbelievable zero out of 42,000 infection-noninfection rate.” So this CAN be done, even before a vaccine is created, etc.
As the disease surges these problems are going to become far more acute and self-reinforcing. There’s a terrible dialectic between the situation of healthcare workers and the vast shortages of things like test kits, ventilators, even collection swabs, viral transport vessels, because the lack of kits means health workers can’t get tested and quarantined—and now the CDC is changing the criteria for sending them home—and the lack of enough ventilators means more people will be sicker and die, putting health workers at risk and forcing them to attempt other, less safe, measures.
Warning signs from Europe: The New York Times, “Virus Knocks Thousands of Health Workers Out of Action in Europe”:
The thinning ranks of doctors and nurses, particularly in Spain, are hampering the ability to fight the epidemic, straining hospitals and raising fears that health workers are spreading the coronavirus.... Out of Spain’s 40,000 confirmed coronavirus cases, 5,400—nearly 14 percent—are medical professionals, the health ministry said on Tuesday. No other country has reported health care staff accounting for a double-digit percentage of total infections.... But the problem is widespread throughout Europe. In Italy, France, and Spain, more than 30 health care professionals have died of the coronavirus, and thousands of others have had to self-isolate.... As doctors, nurses and other practitioners fall sick, the burdens increase on health care systems already groaning under the strain of an expanding epidemic. And infected workers and their hospitals are increasingly being recognized as vectors for the spread of the virus.... Spain also did not shore up its stock of medical equipment early on. Doctors and nurses have had to work with a dangerous shortage of masks, gloves and other essential gear that has proved disastrous for them.
Meanwhile Trump has ignored and continues to ignore these and other danger signals while he cheerfully—even buoyantly—talks of what a great job he and his regime are doing as infections soar to #1 in the world and people die in emergency rooms.
The Atlantic, in “What Happens If Health-Care Workers Stop Showing Up?,” warns that unless the country does dramatically more to provide health workers with the equipment they need to do their job safely, many may fear to come to work.
Other Sources:
“What doctors are seeing in emergency departments across the country,” PBS, March 23
“Hope Is Not a Strategy”: Emergency Doctor Asks, Where Are COVID-19 Tests? Where Is Protective Gear?” Democracy Now!, March 23, 2020
Nurse in Seattle: “Seattle Nurses Scrounge For Masks To Stay Safe On Pandemic’s Front Lines” (Kaiser Health News, March 23, 2020)
New York Post article by a nurse in Manhattan: “NYC nurse reveals what it’s like on front lines of coronavirus fight” (March 23, 2020)
Article on nurses, doctors in Baton Rouge area: “Louisiana doctors, nurses grow desperate for protective gear, fear they’re infecting patients” (Advocate, March 19, 2020)
This article is not about coronavirus per se, but does indicate some of what health professionals face in particularly backward areas: “A Call to Arms: Under Attack, Pro-Vaccine Doctors Fight Back” (New York Times, March 10, 2020)
The situation facing many rural hospitals: “Rural Texas hospitals should be staffing up to face coronavirus. Many can’t afford to.” (Texas Tribune, March 24, 2020)
Brief stories from several nurses: “10+ Nurses Share Their Experiences/Stories About Coronavirus (COVID-19)” (Thought Catalog, March 24, 2020)
Nurse in Los Angeles denied testing by her own hospital after she was exposed: “An ER nurse told us she was exposed to the coronavirus and has symptoms but still can't get tested, and it highlights both America's crippling inequality and its broken healthcare system” (Business Insider, March 20, 2020)
With shortage of protective gear, nurses at Elmhurst Hospital wear trash bags for protection. (Photo: NYPost video screengrab)
At Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York, medical personnel examine and treat patients in make-shift tents because of the surge of people ill with COVID-19. Photo: AP
People wait in line to get into Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York, last week. The people who run this system knew in advance that something like the coronavirus pandemic could happen anytime. But they did nothing, because of the nature of their system. Photo: AP
Communique #4 from the Revcoms
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Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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You are supporting someone (Joe Biden) who started his campaign for president by bragging about his history of finding common ground with white supremacist southern segregationists and saying this was proof he could “bring the country together!”
White supremacy and white supremacist violence has become more blatant with Trump, but this has always been part of this system—and in fact it is built into this system. That is why, as I have pointed out, despite the false hopes people had with Barack Obama as “the first Black president” (and Joe Biden as vice president):
In reality, while perhaps more Black faces were found in high places, and while some Black cultural figures were courted by the Obamas, the situation for the masses of Black people—including the hundreds murdered by police each year and the overall police terror directed against Black people and other oppressed people—did not change for the better during the Obama presidency.*
So it is with this system, and so it will be as long as this system remains in power and in effect. Putting an end to this can never be done by getting behind someone like Joe Biden, who for a long time has been a big-time representative and functionary of this criminal system and now wants to become the criminal-in-chief.
* “Bargains With the Devil—Trump Fascism, ‘Obamanation,’ and the System They Serve.” This article is available at [back]
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I see that the House of Representatives has passed a bill making lynching a federal hate crime (although it remains to be seen whether the Senate will go along with this and Trump will sign it into law). When thousands of Black people were lynched during the long years of Jim Crow segregation after the Civil War, the government of this “great democracy” repeatedly refused to pass a bill like this (and heroes of the “liberals” and “progressives” like former president Franklin Delano Roosevelt refused to push for such a bill when lynching was at its height in the 1930s). But now—oh, yes now, when lynching has been replaced by police brutality and murder as the main way Black youth, and all Black people, are subjected to continual terror—now, the House passes a bill against... lynching! The fact is that, since the 1960s, more Black people have been killed by police than all those who were lynched during the whole time of Jim Crow segregation and Ku Klux Klan terror. And almost never are the police held accountable for this: almost never are they even indicted and tried; and when they are put on trial, very rarely are they convicted and sentenced in accordance with the severity of the crime—murder—they have actually committed.
As I pointed out in the 2003 “Revolution” talk,1 it is a bitter truth—and a damning testament to the actual nature of the system in this country—that every Black male growing up in the South during Jim Crow had a reasonable fear of being lynched; and today, with hundreds of Black people (and other oppressed people) murdered by police every year, and Black people as a whole subjected to systematic terror through things like “stop and frisk,” it is equally true that all young Black males (and this is increasingly true of females as well) are forced to go through life in this country with the constant fear of being subjected to harassment, brutality and even outright murder by the police. But don’t waste time waiting for the government to pass a bill making police brutality and murder a hate crime!
All this brutality and terror is built into this system in this country, and this system could not exist without it. As long as this system is in power and in effect, all this will go on... and on... and on.
But we can very well exist without this system. In fact, we can live in a radically different and much better world once this system has been swept away through the mass revolutionary action of the masses of people who are constantly subjected to, and all those who refuse to accept, the very real horrors continually perpetrated by this system, here and all over the world.
As I have said before:
in fundamental terms, we have two choices: either, live with all this—and condemn future generations to the same, or worse, if they have a future at all—or, make revolution!
One last thing. For those—whether outright racists or people who have allowed themselves to take up the thinking of racists—who try to dismiss outrage about police murder of Black people by talking about how more Black people are killed by other Black people than by anyone else (including police): As I have emphasized in a number of talks and writings,2 this, too, is caused by this system—it is the system “working on” people, confining masses of Black people in conditions of deprivation, degradation and hopelessness, and continually pumping at them the “dog eat dog” mentality that fuels this cut-throat system of exploitation and oppression, from top to bottom. All of this leads so many to deadly dead-ends, the madness of prison life, an early death—all for no good reason. But all this too can be radically transformed through a revolution whose aim is nothing less than abolishing and uprooting this foul system and bringing a much better system into being.
And for those who say this can never happen, the fact is that we have a developed strategy for how this revolution can actually be made, and a sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for a radically different society whose goal and purpose is to put an end to all the ways in which this system we now live under causes people to suffer so terribly and so unnecessarily.3
1. Revolution: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About, a film of a talk by Bob Avakian (2003). This film—which includes the very relevant and powerful sections “They’re Selling Postcards of the Hanging” and “Emmett Till and Jim Crow: Black People Lived Under a Death Sentence”—is available at [back]
2. This includes the very important article “More on Choices...And Radical Changes,” also available at, which consists of comments by Bob Avakian that were part of a discussion with people that went deeply into the questions of why people oppressed under this system often get caught up in things like crime, who and what is fundamentally to blame for this, and what is the way forward out of this situation. [back]
3. This strategy is spelled out in Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution, a speech by Bob Avakian; and the vision and blueprint for a radically different society is contained in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by Bob Avakian. The text of the Constitution and video and the text of this speech are available at [back]
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Excerpt from SCIENCE AND REVOLUTION, On the Importance of Science and the Application of Science to Society, the New Synthesis of Communism and the Leadership of Bob Avakian, An Interview with Ardea Skybreak
In the early part of 2015, over a number of days, Revolution conducted a wide-ranging interview with Ardea Skybreak. A scientist with professional training in ecology and evolutionary biology, and an advocate of the new synthesis of communism brought forward by Bob Avakian, Skybreak is the author of, among other works, The Science of Evolution and the Myth of Creationism: Knowing What’s Real and Why It Matters, and Of Primeval Steps and Future Leaps: An Essay on the Emergence of Human Beings, the Source of Women’s Oppression, and the Road to Emancipation. This interview was first published online at
This excerpt from the interview discusses what a scientific method and approach to society and changing the world is, and what it means to have a scientific outlook. This discussion draws from key elements of the new synthesis brought forward by Bob Avakian. (The topic of “What is New in the New Synthesis?” is discussed in another excerpt from this interview with Ardea Skybreak, posted November 16, 2015.)
Question: I thought we would start by briefly asking some questions about science and the scientific method. So I actually wanted to start with kind of a provocative question: What does science have to do with understanding and changing the world? And, just quickly for some background on that, I think most people, including most natural scientists, don’t think that you can, that you need to, or that you should take a scientific approach to analyzing society, or analyzing the “social world,” much less changing it. So I wanted to ask you: Why is that notion wrong, what does science and the scientific method have to do with understanding and changing society and the world?
Ardea Skybreak: Well, I think that’s a very important question because, as you say, even many people who are scientists in the natural sciences and who apply very rigorous scientific methods when trying to deal with the natural world (biology, astronomy, physics, and so on), when you talk to them about society–the problems of society, the way societies are organized–all of a sudden it seems like their grasp of scientific method goes completely out the window! Many natural scientists actually start to revert then to a kind of crass populism, to just kind of talking vaguely about the “will of the people,” or about elections, or some other things that really have little or nothing to do with analyzing in a scientific way the main features of a given society–how it’s set up, how it functions–or with analyzing in a scientific way what’s wrong in a society, or how societal problems could be solved in a scientific way. Not everyone is like that, but it’s striking–the degree to which many advanced thinkers in the natural sciences seem to forget or drop everything they know about scientific methods whenever they try to think about the problems of society!
I think it’s very, very important to understand that science as a method has not been around in the history of humanity for all that long. So people generally are simply not accustomed to trying to understand and transform reality in a scientific way. For most of the history of human beings on this planet, the understanding of both the natural and social world was derived more from a sort of basic trial-and-error approach, trying to figure things out catch-as-catch-can, and trying to solve problems that way–often making up all sorts of mystical and supernatural explanations to fill in the gaps in people’s understanding. So, you know, people used to think lightning was the anger of the gods, or something like that, because for a long time they didn’t have a scientific understanding of what actually caused lightning.
So I think it might be worth starting a little bit by talking about what is science, to demystify it a little bit. I mean, science deals with material reality, and you could say that all of nature and all of human society is the province of science, science can deal with all that. It’s a tool–science–a very powerful tool. It’s a method and approach for being able to tell what’s true, what corresponds to reality as it really is. In that sense, science is very different than religion or mysticism, or things like that, which try to explain reality by invoking imaginary forces and which provide no actual evidence for any of their analyses. By contrast, science requires proof. It requires evidence. It is an evidence-based process. That’s very important. Science is an evidence-based process. So whether you’re just trying to understand something in the world, or trying to figure out how to change reality–for instance, you might be trying to cure a disease, or you might be trying to understand the dynamics of a rain forest or a coral reef ecosystem, or you might be trying to make a revolution to emancipate humanity, you know, the full range of material experience–science allows you to figure out what’s really going on and how it can change.
I read somewhere that Neil deGrasse Tyson, in popularizing the importance of science, said something like‑I’m paraphrasing here, but he said something like: Science allows you to confront and identify problems, to recognize problems and figure out how to solve them, rather than run away from them. And I think that’s an important point, too. Science is what allows you to actually deal with material reality the way it really is. Whether you’re talking about the material reality of a disease, of a natural ecosystem, or of a social system that human beings live under, science allows you to analyze its components, its history, how it came to be the way it is, what it’s made of, what are its defining characteristics and underlying contradictoriness (and we’ll come back to that) and therefore also what is the basis for it to change, or to be changed, if your intent is to change it. Whether you want to cure a disease or make a better society, you need that scientific evidence-based process.
One thing about science is that it asks a lot of questions about how things came to be the way they are, and about how things have changed over time. I’ve always been very interested in what’s called the historical sciences–for instance, biological evolution, but there are also other historical sciences, including the science of human society–which deal with how things change over time. And then, of course, if you’re studying how things change over time, you can study how things can change some more, including in directions that human beings might be inclined to have it go. All of reality has evolved, has changed over time, and it’s still changing all of the time, whether you’re talking about the natural world or the social world. If you want to change life, if you want to change the way a society is organized, if you want to change the world, if you want to change anything in nature or society, you need a scientific method, because that’s the only way to deeply and systematically uncover how reality really is, on the basis of systematic observations and interactions, manipulations, and transformations of reality. That’s how you learn how things really are, how they got to be that way, and how they can be changed. Again, it’s an evidence-based process, it’s not just “what you think” or “what I think.” We need evidence, accumulated over time. This is what reveals what reality is made up of, how it came to be a certain way, how it may be changing right now, or how it may be possible for human beings to further change it.
Here’s an important point: Without science, you can only say what you as an individual think reality is, or maybe you can say what a whole bunch of people think reality is, or maybe you can say what a government, or religious authority, or some other authority might tell you reality is like, but that doesn’t make any of it true. Without science you are at the mercy of being manipulated, of having your thinking manipulated and not being able to tell what’s right from what’s wrong, what’s true from what’s false. If you really want to know what’s what, what’s true, and what to do, you need science–not fantasies or wishful thinking, but concrete evidence and a systematic process, a systematic method of analysis and synthesis. The analysis breaks down experience and knowledge over time; synthesis brings it back together in a higher way, in a more systematic way, getting the bigger lessons, the core lessons out of the accumulated experience.
So this is one of the reasons why you need scientific revolutionary theory if you really want to change a society at its roots. You know, we talk about radical change in society. Well, the word “radical” comes from the Latin meaning “root”; it means get to the root of the problem. Don’t just stay on the surface of what the problem appears to be, on a superficial level or at just one moment in time. Get underneath it, get deeper, the way a good scientist does, to understand what are the deeper rules of the system, what are the deeper ways the contradictions inside a system make it work certain ways that cause problems, or that can bring forth possibilities.
Question: Well, if I could interject just for a second, this strikes me as really important and critical in terms of what is science and what’s involved in a scientific approach to reality; what you’re saying about the importance of science being evidence-based and the different points you were making about that, I think are very important there. One thing I wanted to interject is to kind of zero in on this question: I think a lot of people would recognize, including a lot of natural scientists–and obviously you, yourself, were trained as a natural scientist, and so maybe you would have some particular insights on this–but a lot of even natural scientists would probably look at what you were saying and respond, OK, I see how that process can be applied to the natural world, to the natural sciences–patterns, looking for evidence, synthesis–but then they would kind of recoil at the idea that you could actually apply that to human beings and human society. Or maybe another way to go at it is that some people would say, Well, OK, but human beings and human societies, that’s just too complicated to be scientific about or to apply science. So maybe we could zero in a little bit on what does it mean specifically to take a scientific approach to human beings and human society and their development, and why is that correct?
AS: Well, look, for one thing, in any system, whether it’s in the natural world or human society, there’s both complexity and simplicity. The idea that human beings or human societies are just too complex to analyze with science is ridiculous. It’s the exact opposite. How could you possibly deal with the complexity of human social organizations and interactions over various historical periods and up to today, and all the contradictions within that, all the complicated patterns and things, and the different forces, and so on, and different objectives of different peoples and different periods of history–how could you deal with all that without science? How could you even begin to make sense of it and understand it? And it’s not true that natural systems are somehow simpler, you know. If you want to understand the dynamics of complex ecosystems–like, for instance, a rain forest, which has many different layers of trees and shrubs in the undergrowth and so on, and which is characterized by very complex dynamics in terms of the many different kinds and levels of interactions among and between the incredibly diverse plant and animal species–I mean, you could spend a lifetime, and many people do, just trying to get a beginning understanding of a lot of these complex dynamics. Or, if you wanted to better understand coral reef ecosystems, or desert ecosystems, or the differences between different ecosystems and which ones might be more vulnerable to being disrupted and which ones might be relatively more stable, or assess relative species diversity or how to preserve many questions worth exploring further... Look, I’m not trying to get into all that right now because I know you want to talk mainly about human social systems, but what I am saying is that in both the natural and social world, material reality is very complex, and that while we as human beings always have some shortcomings in our understanding (things that at any given time we don’t quite get yet) we also have tremendous abilities and a lot of accumulated knowledge. Our brains are capable of actually investigating and exploring all sorts of questions, from many different angles, and we’re actually capable of summing things up over a period of time, accumulating historical experience and knowledge that way. This is one of the things that’s very particular to human beings: our great ability to accumulate understanding over generations, over centuries, over millennia, and to understand some of the patterns of organization of societies or of natural systems or whatever we turn our minds to.
And we humans are also capable of doing some very important projections into the future, not just the future tomorrow, or of a month from now, but also trying to understand what could be happening to this planet, for instance–the entire planet–from an environmental standpoint, looking ahead generations, not just tomorrow. Similarly with social systems, we actually have the ability to analyze different patterns of social organization throughout past human history and up through today, and we can also project ahead to the way things could be in the future. We can therefore also make some conscious decisions about what we want to work on now–in which direction do we want to try to push things, because we do have conscious initiative to do that. So, for instance, when you talk about a human society, about human social organization, you can see that a society is basically a way that human beings come together–work together, or oppose each other or whatever–but come together to essentially work on meeting the requirements of life of people in a given time. It might be done well, or it might be done poorly, but this is what a human society is, it’s a form of organization. Right? And, you know, we’ve all lived in this capitalist-imperialist world for so long, those of us who are alive today, that sometimes it’s hard to remember or to think about the fact that human societies haven’t always been organized this way, and they don’t have to be organized this way. Capitalism-imperialism is not the only way to organize a human society, and I would argue strenuously that it’s certainly not the best way. But in any case it’s not the only way, and that is worth understanding and thinking about. The fact is we can apply science to try to understand some of those earlier social systems. For instance, many societies in the history of human beings were organized on the basis of slavery, the exploitation of slaves, the domination of slaves who were literally the property of the slavemasters, and the slavemasters made them build the economy that way. And I won’t get into all the details of it, but that’s a very different kind of society than the ones that mainly prevail today, on a large scale at least. There’s still slavery in the world, by the way, including sexual slavery, which is a very big problem. But the fundamental and dominant forms of organization of societies in the world today are mainly not organized on the basis of slavery. But for a long time in the history of human beings, that was a dominant form of social organization.
Another significant form of social organization was the system of feudalism, and there are certainly still remnants of feudalism in many parts of the world today, we see it everywhere. But in feudal systems you had lords and masters, you had nobilities, you had aristocracies, and you had oppressed and dominated people like serfs and peasants, who would typically be growing the crops and having to turn much of it over to the lords of a region or whatever, and they had to pay terrible taxes and tributes to the lords, and they were just barely one notch above being outright slaves. It was even very common for a serf to have to turn over his daughter to the local lord of the region, to basically have sex with and do with whatever he will and there was nothing serfs could do about any of that under the existing rules of the feudal system. Feudalism in turn is a very different system than what’s called bourgeois democracy, the kind of more typical capitalist-imperialist system of social organization that dominates the world today. I’m not going to try to get into any of this in detail right now, but I will say that it is worth thinking about the fact that scientific methods can be–and have been–applied to analyzing the patterns of social organization of all those different past social systems; and if we can do it for the past, we can also do it for the future.
Some people will say, well, OK, systems such as slavery, the feudal system, and maybe even the capitalist system, are not good ways to organize society, but what we should really do is just go back to an early communal system. Such people argue that we just need to organize on a small scale in our local areas, so that people can work together in small groups, and make all the decisions together, and can create “genuine democracy” and make collective decisions about how to meet the needs of the people, and promote local agriculture, local production, and so on. The problem with such views is that they are simply not rooted in the actual reality of the world today! Look, I would agree that there’s a lot we could still learn from hunter-gatherer societies that prevailed for most of the history of humanity, that there’s a lot we could still learn from some remnants of those societies in the world today, and that there’s a lot we can learn from people today who have all sorts of ideas about how better to organize things, in a more rational way, on a relatively small and local scale, in terms of such things as agricultural production, waste reduction, promoting use of local products, and so on. So yes, there are things that we can learn from some of the social experiments that people are doing, trying to figure out how to get away from some of the problems of modern society that cause natural and social dislocations, pollution, the destruction of soils, and so on and so forth. But let’s get real, OK? We need to talk about the scope and scale of the human species spread out throughout this entire planet. Billions and billions of people. You’re not gonna resolve the problems of society by going backwards to some kind of idealized, romanticized primitive communalism! So if that’s not going to cut it, if that’s not going to be able to meet the key and critical problems of today, and certainly not with sufficient scope and scale, then what? Look, a slave-based system, a feudal system, a capitalist-imperialist system, these are all just material ways of organizing human societies and they can all be analyzed by science and critically evaluated. But you can also apply the same scientific methods to figuring out how to build completely new and different societies that would not only be better, but also be able to encompass the whole planet. Because I’m really not interested in talking about philosophies and methods that cannot, ultimately, encompass and benefit all of humanity.
One of the things you get from Bob Avakian [BA] which I really appreciate is that he’s promoted this concept that we need “emancipators of humanity” and that we need to move in the direction of making this world, this entire planet, a good place to live in and function for all of humanity, where we can get away from the idea that some groups of people, and some categories of people, or some whole countries, are lording it over others, and exploiting and dominating and oppressing others. That’s the whole idea of this revolutionary communism, and one of the things you really get from BA is the need to always think and proceed back from the need to emancipate all of humanity. Otherwise, you can easily fall into things that go off track. BA has talked about how the goal is not for the last to be first and the first to be last, it can’t be about revenge, about the oppressed taking revenge on people. I agree that’s not the kind of world we should be striving for. And my point here is that without science you’re going to be lost, because without a scientific method to analyze the patterns, to really understand why things are the way they are and how they could be different, and on what basis could they be different, you’re going to go off track all the time.
You know, one of the hallmarks of good science–because there is bad science, too–but one of the hallmarks of good science is really having a critical spirit and promoting critical thinking–which, by the way, is another hallmark of BA’s work. He’s really stressing the need for everyone to get into this–it doesn’t matter what your level of education is...I would like to talk about this. Science is not something that should only be done by an elite, or by people who have gone to graduate school or gotten Ph.D. degrees or something like that. I firmly believe–and I can provide evidence of this–that people who are not even trained in basic literacy can actually function as scientists. You know, you can train people in scientific methods, in even just a weekend you can start to do that. If you want to get people doing science in the natural world, you can spend a weekend doing some good science in a rain forest or in a desert, and I guarantee you it will be real scientific work, real scientific investigation. And I don’t care if you don’t even have a sixth-grade education. If you are a healthy human being, you can take up and apply scientific methods, whether to the problems of nature or of human society. And one of the things I’m very concerned about is that we promote scientific understanding and scientific methods very, very broadly, so that everyone can learn to use these methods, and it’s not just the province of a few or a province of the elites.
Updated pre-publication PDF of this major work available HERE
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In the recent impeachment trial of Donald Trump, the Democratic Party prosecutors (“House Managers”) made a very compelling—indeed irrefutable—case, on the terms on which they were seeking to remove Trump. And the Republican Senators who ignored the facts and the truth, and the principles of the Constitution they had sworn to uphold, and refused to convict Trump in this impeachment trial, have been roundly, and rightly, condemned, particularly by “liberals” (and some others as well). But let’s look at how the Democrats, and “liberals” who have followed in their wake, have not only ignored profound truths but have spread monstrous lies.
Adam Schiff, the most eloquent of the “House Managers,” positively invoked Ronald Reagan, speaking of the USA as “a shining city on the hill,” when in reality this is a country founded on slavery and genocide, which has continued to viciously exploit and oppress people—and to carry out murderous invasions and coups, while ravaging the environment—with terrible consequences for the masses of people, in every part of the world. And, throughout the impeachment hearings in the House and then the Senate trial, Schiff and other Democrats made a point of praising witnesses who have been part of the U.S. military, repeatedly referring to William Taylor as a “hero” for his “service” in the U.S. army in Vietnam. There was, and there is, nothing “heroic” about the U.S. military. On the contrary, it is—without the slightest exaggeration—a machinery of massive, and unspeakable, war crimes and crimes against humanity, and its actions in Vietnam constitute a systematic concentration of this, with a level of destructiveness and depravity that is almost unfathomable:
the slaughter of millions of Vietnamese civilians, with incessant bombing and shelling, including of schools, hospitals, dams and other crucial infrastructure, and widespread use of napalm, white phosphorous, Agent Orange, and millions of anti-personnel weapons, burning to death and maiming huge numbers of children and others;
ruining the livelihood of millions of Vietnamese—destroying large parts of the soil and livestock so essential for the people in rural Vietnam;
torture of people held as prisoners—including large numbers of civilians—male, female, old and young, including the very young;
mutilating the bodies and wearing as “trophies” body parts of Vietnamese killed;
mass rape of Vietnamese women and girls.
All this, and more, by the U.S. military and its “heroic” soldiers.
Previously, I have challenged “liberals” in particular to seriously engage the “American Crime” series on, which chronicles and outlines many of the most horrific crimes of the U.S. ruling class, going back to the beginning of this country and right up to the present, carried out under Republican and Democratic administrations. Included within that series is the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, in which U.S. soldiers wantonly murdered over 500 civilians, almost all of them old people, non-combatant women and children. And it is a well-documented fact that this massacre was not some kind of exception, or aberration, but represented the essential approach and means of the American war machine in Vietnam, fueled ideologically by a perverse, poisonous combination of ignorant, irrational anti-communism, American chauvinism, and grotesque racism and misogyny which regarded and treated the Vietnamese people as subhuman “gooks” and “slopes,” and females the lowest of all.
Nothing good will ever come from denying or ignoring these essential truths about this country and its role in the world, or by limiting oneself to condemning the blatant lies of Trump and his fellow fascists in the Republican Party while excusing, or even taking up, the profound lies of Democratic Party defenders and apologists of this monstrous system of capitalism-imperialism.
Here is another provocative but simple and basic truth:
It is very common to hear communism denounced as “totalitarian,” but the fact is that there is no such thing as totalitarianism. And there has never been a society—in Russia, China, or anywhere else—that corresponds to what is asserted by Hannah Arendt in The Origins of Totalitarianism, the seminal work and “Bible” of “anti-totalitarians.”
As I have extensively analyzed, “totalitarianism” is a thoroughly unscientific— or, really, anti-scientific—“theory” which has been concocted and promoted by intellectual apologists of this system of perpetual atrocity (this system of capitalism-imperialism) and which serves to distract from and rationalize this system’s ongoing massive crimes against humanity and to foster irrational opposition to revolution and especially communist revolution.* That anyone could take this “theory” seriously—and that this “theory” is widely treated as some kind of “sacred wisdom”—is a bitter testament to the willful desire on the part of far too many, including far too many self-professed “liberals,” to accommodate themselves to this capitalist-imperialist system, which rests on the ruthless exploitation of billions of people around the world, including hundreds of millions of children, enforced through brutal repression and massive destructive violence.
What is required in regard to the historical experience of communism, and its relation to human emancipation, is a scientific method and approach. As pointed out in the article “Fascist Distortion And The Response Of The New Communism” (recently posted on
while the overall experience of socialist societies on the road to communism has been definitely positive and inspiring, secondarily there have been, in this historical experience, real problems and errors, some actually grievous, and in the works of Bob Avakian, over four decades, there is a critical scientific examination of the actual history of the communist movement— its great achievements as well as, secondarily but significantly, its serious errors and severe setbacks....This scientific study, along with serious engagement with and drawing lessons from many other important spheres of human endeavor, has precisely led to the synthesis that is embodied in the new communism. And, yes, this new communism does enable those who take it up, and apply it as the living scientific method it is, to do even better.
* In the book Democracy: Can’t We Do Better Than That?, Bob Avakian has thoroughly refuted and exposed the anti-scientific character of the “theory” of “totalitarianism” and demonstrated that its primary use has been precisely to promote irrational anti-communism. [back]
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Bob Avakian grew up in Berkeley, California in the 1950s at a time when segregation was being challenged in the courts and in the streets, and the issues of inequality and racial discrimination were being debated throughout society. His father was a lawyer and later a Superior Court judge, and Bob Avakian was raised in a family where discussions of legal cases, constitutional rights, and the judicial process were a staple of dinner time conversation. Not only did this upbringing shape his early political awareness and passion for social justice, but this informal legal training gave him a keen appreciation for legal principles. This developed into a lifelong interest in the law and in jurisprudence (the science and philosophy of law).
Bob Avakian came alive as a revolutionary in the 1960s—taking part in the great movements of those days. As he came to the recognition that oppression and exploitation were woven into the fabric of the current capitalist-imperialist system and could only be abolished through communist revolution, he also came to see that social justice could never be achieved within the confines of the existing legal system that serves capitalism-imperialism. At the same time, he has maintained his passion for fighting against social injustice, and for the rights of the people targeted by the state and its repressive apparatus, within the confines of the current capitalist system, while linking this to the more fundamental struggle to abolish this system and bring into being a system whose aim is to eliminate and uproot social injustice and all oppression and exploitation.
Bob Avakian has spent decades summing up the positive and negative experience of the communist revolution so far and drawing on a broad range of human experience to develop a new synthesis of communism—popularly known as the “new communism”—a consistently scientific method and a vision and strategy for a new and much better society and world. In his talks and writings on this subject of law and rights, Bob Avakian brings a sweeping sense of history and the development of human society to his analysis of the economic, philosophical, and political underpinnings of the legal system in today’s capitalist society and the role that this legal system plays in reinforcing oppressive and exploitative relations.
In comparing and contrasting the concepts of Constitution, law, and rights under both capitalism and socialism, Bob Avakian highlights the profound differences in social content and role. His vision of the legal system and fundamental rights under socialism draws from, but also represents in significant dimensions a radical rupture with, the past historical experience of socialist states in the legal sphere and reflects his re-envisioning of the character of the future socialist society as one qualitatively more lively and vibrant than ever before. A living sense of this is contained in Constitution, Law, and Rights—in capitalist society and the future socialist society, a selection from the writings of Bob Avakian, and it is spelled out fully in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by Bob Avakian. In this regard, the following sections of this Constitution are of particular interest: “Justice and the Rights of the People” (Article I, Section 2, D); Article III, “Rights of the People and the Struggle to Uproot All Exploitation and Oppression,” in particular Section 2, “Legal and Civil Rights and Liberties”; as well as Article I, Section 3, “The Judiciary and Legal Adjudication.”
Bob Avakian is also the author of the following provocative statements with regard to the law.
The denial of bail, including for the most serious accusations (or charges), is in contradistinction to—is fundamentally in conflict with and hostile to—the presumption of innocence.
There is—or there should be—no such thing as “victims’ rights,” particularly as applied to criminal proceedings.
The criminal legal process is not—or should not be—a contest between individuals but a confrontation between the state and people whom the state seeks to deprive of freedom on the basis that they have violated societal norms that are embodied in criminal statutes. The whole point of a legal system is, or should be, to remove disputes or perceived wrongs from the sphere of individual grievance—and the corresponding attempts to settle such grievance through individual acts of revenge or reciprocal wrongdoing—by providing a framework in which society, through established institutions and statutes, which are to be applied and work equally in regard to all, can adjudicate such disputes or claims of wrongdoing. The concept of “victims’ rights,” particularly as applied to criminal proceedings, is not merely in opposition to what should be the purpose and effect of the law—and is not merely a sham—but is an undeserved tool strengthening the prosecution, an illegitimate weapon in the hands of the state, adding unjustly to the already existing imbalance of power it possesses, as the state, in its confrontation with those individuals it seeks, rightly or wrong, to deprive of freedom. The essence of legal rights, particularly with regard to criminal proceedings, is—or should be—the provision for a fair process for people who are accused by and are forced to confront the state in situations where the state is seeking to deprive them of their freedom.
The practice with regard to trying juveniles as adults is completely upside down and contrary to elementary logic. This is also the case with the way the statute of limitations is applied.
The whole point with regard to juveniles and the law, and specifically what is—or should be—the treatment of juveniles in regard to alleged violation of that law that is different from how this is approached with regard to adults, is that juveniles do not have the same developed capacity as adults to make judgments, including those regarding the effect and consequences of acts which may be against the law. This basic principle should be applied apart from the question of how serious the alleged crime is, which should in no way negatively influence the basic logic and justness of trying juveniles differently than adults and punishing them differently if convicted. Or, in fact, if the seriousness of the crime should be considered at all, it should be according to the principle that the more serious the crime, and correspondingly the greater the consequences of conviction, as an adult, the greater the argument against trying juveniles as adults.
The point of the statute of limitations is not to set a time limit after which people can “get away with having committed a crime.” Rather, it is that, after a certain period of time, it becomes increasingly difficult, if not practically impossible, to have a fair trial, since evidence (including but not limited to the memory of possible witnesses), becomes irreparably tainted and/or much more difficult, if not impossible, to refute. And, since the more serious the crime, the greater the punishment, greater concern and care should be taken not to have a trial in which the accused could face conviction, and a greater punishment, on the basis of a process (a trial) vitiated by the passage of time. Hence, all crimes should have a statute of limitations—and the more serious the crime, the shorter, not the longer, should be the statute of limitations.
Both of these upside-down and backward practices—with regard to trying juveniles as adults and making the statute of limitations longer (or eliminating it entirely) for more serious crimes—are once again undeserved tools strengthening the prosecution, illegitimate weapons in the hands of the state, adding unjustly to the already existing imbalance of power it possesses, as the state, in its confrontation with those individuals it seeks, rightly or wrongly, to deprive of freedom.
Even with the profound differences between socialism and capitalism—with regard not only to the law but the fundamental relations, aims, institutions, and functioning of society—these basic principles of jurisprudence apply (or should be applied) not only under the current system of capitalist rule but in socialist society as well.
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Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
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During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
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Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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Updated |
Revcom is sharing with our readers excerpts from this new work by Bob Avakian:
Lack of real hope for a better life in this world is a heavy chain weighing down, suffocating, and deeply scarring the masses of humanity, including the youth who are concentrated in the ghettos and barrios of this country as well as its overflowing torture chamber prisons. And the extreme individualism promoted throughout this society, the obsessive focus on “the self,” has reinforced the heavy lid on the sights of people, obscuring their ability to recognize the possibility of a radically different and better world, beyond the narrow and confining limits of this system, with all its very real horrors.
The following from Part 2 of Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution* remains extremely relevant and important:
The relation between the struggle against this fascist regime and building the revolution is not a “straight road” or a “one-way street”: It must not be approached, by those who understand the need for revolution, as if “first we must build a mass movement to drive out this regime, and then we can turn our attention to working directly for revolution.” No. It is crucial to unite and mobilize people, from different perspectives, very broadly, around the demand that this regime must go, but it will be much more difficult to do this on the scale and with the determination that is required to meet this objective if there are not, at the same time, greater and greater numbers of people who have been brought forward around the understanding that it is necessary to put an end not only to this regime but to the system out of whose deep and defining contradictions this regime has arisen, a system which by its very nature has imposed, and will continue to impose, horrific and completely unnecessary suffering on the masses of humanity, until this system itself is abolished. And the more that people are brought forward to be consciously, actively working for revolution, the growing strength and “moral authority” of this revolutionary force will in turn strengthen the resolve of growing numbers of people to drive out this fascist regime now in power, even as many will not be (and some will perhaps never be) won to revolution.
* Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution is an important speech by Bob Avakian, given in the summer of 2018. The film and the written text of this speech are available at
I want to speak to the accusation that “You are going to get people killed!” This is an accusation that has not infrequently been raised especially when we put forward, as we should, not only the need for revolution, but what this means—that it means the overthrow of the existing system through the defeat of its armed enforcers when the conditions for that have been brought into being: the existence of a revolutionary people in the millions and millions and an acute revolutionary crisis throughout society. What is our response to this accusation?
People, masses of people all over the world, are already being killed, and are suffering in horrendous ways while they are alive, because of this system—and one of the most painful expressions of this is the way in which huge numbers of people who are already terribly oppressed under this system, and the youth in particular, are being misled into killing each other, either in gang conflicts or in wars in the service of imperialists and other reactionary oppressors! Our goal is clear:
No more generations of our youth, here and all around the world, whose life is over, whose fate has been sealed, who have been condemned to an early death or a life of misery and brutality, whom the system has destined for oppression and oblivion even before they are born. I say no more of that. [BAsics 1:13]
Our goal is to finally put an end to all this!
As called for in “HOW WE CAN WIN, How We Can Really Make Revolution,” we need to be serious and scientific in how we build this revolution—and our strategy and plan for revolution is exactly based on a serious and scientific method and approach. That is why, among other things, in the Points of Attention for the Revolution, the 6th point makes clear:
We are going for an actual overthrow of this system and a whole better way beyond the destructive, vicious conflicts of today between the people. Because we are serious, at this stage we do not initiate violence and we oppose all violence against the people and among the people.
It is this same method and approach that leads to this clear-cut, scientifically-based conclusion:
In fundamental terms, we have two choices: either, live with all this—and condemn future generations to the same, or worse, if they have a future at all—or, make revolution!
This is the understanding and the orientation that has to be brought forward, and vigorously fought for, among masses of people, and especially the youth, for whom this system really has no decent future—if, again, they have a future at all.
Individualism is a significant factor and "unifying element" in much of the negative trends that play a major role in keeping people from recognizing the reality and depth of the horrors continually brought about by this system—and recognizing the urgent need to act, together with others, to abolish and uproot all this, at its very source. This highlights and heightens the fact that individualism, which is encouraged and expressed in extreme forms in this particular society at this time, is a profound problem that must be confronted and transformed.
Virulent Individualism and Oblivious Individualism
These are two broad categories of individualism, which have some different particular characteristics but also have in common the basic focus on and preoccupation with the self. Virulent individualism is an extremely poisonous variation of this. It’s basically the view that “I’m out to get everything I can for myself and fuck everybody else. And if I have to trample on everybody else to get what I want, that’s just the way it is and I’m gonna do it the best I can, so I can get everything I want—I want it all and I want it now.”
Oblivious individualism is individualism that may not have those particular aggressive characteristics and may not even have a consciously hostile attitude toward other people in general, but involves going along pursuing one’s particular interests, aspirations, or “dreams,” without paying attention to the larger things that are going on in the world and the effect of this on masses of people throughout the world and indeed on the future of humanity.
As I pointed out in the Dialogue with Cornel West in 2014, the “selfie” is a perfect iconic representation of this whole outlook and this whole culture. It’s not that every “selfie” is in and of itself bad, of course. But there is a whole culture around it, even to the point where people go to a beautiful place in nature and what are they preoccupied with? Taking a “selfie” of themself instead of taking in (and yes, taking photographs of) the vast beauty that’s stretched out before them. The important thing, with this outlook, is: “Here I am, look at me.” It’s the “look at me, look at me, look at me” ethos that is so predominant in both these forms of individualism, even in the one that’s not consciously virulent but is nevertheless strikingly oblivious.
I’m not necessarily opposed to people watching some videos or YouTubes of cats playing the violin (and similar things on the internet), but if that kind of thing is your preoccupation—let alone if snark and tearing down other people on the internet is your preoccupation—then, obviously, this is something any decent person should be very concerned about and strongly oppose and struggle sharply against.
Everywhere you turn you hear: “Oh, this is really gonna be good for developing her ‘brand’”; “Oh, they really have been very creative in how they’ve pumped up their ‘brand.’” You can’t turn around anywhere without hearing the word “brand” used in this kind of way. And this goes along, of course, with the glorification of entre-manure-ialism—which objectively amounts to the attempt to get in on the exploitation of people, becoming part of the overall process resting to a large degree on super-exploitation of masses of people, including children, in the Third World.
Oblivious individualism may seem more benign (or, in simple terms, less “nasty”) but it is nonetheless marked by being inexcusably ignorant of, or consciously choosing to ignore, what is happening in the larger world, beyond the self (and the narrow circle around oneself), and the consequences of this for the masses of people in the world, and ultimately for all of humanity—or paying attention to this only as it affects oneself in immediate and narrow terms.
If something makes people uncomfortable—and still more, if it holds out the prospect of sacrifice, necessary sacrifice, on their part—far too many people turn away from it. As I’ve pointed out before, there’s this whole attitude of approaching reality as if it’s a “buffet,” or approaching it like a consumer: “Well, that makes me uncomfortable. I’ll just leave that to the side. I don’t want to look at that because that makes me uncomfortable.”
As I pointed out in The New Communism, some people went on one of the college campuses a couple of years ago with a poster of Stolen Lives, people who’d been killed by police (not all of them, by any means, but dozens), and someone came up and starting whining: “I don’t like that poster, it makes me feel unsafe.” As I commented at the time: Oh, boo-hoo! Let’s get out of this boo-hoo shit and start talking about and engaging seriously what’s happening to masses of people, one significant part of which is represented by what’s on that poster.
One of the most common and problematical forms of this repeated and stubborn insistence on chasing after the illusion of “painless progress,” particularly among people who consider themselves somewhat enlightened (or progressive, or “woke,” or however they want to put it), is what we very rightly term BEB—Bourgeois Electoral Bullshit—and the phenomenon that people continually confine themselves to the narrow limits of what is presented to them by one section of the ruling class, as embodied in the Democratic Party: “These are the limits of what I’ll consider in terms of possibly bringing about change”—because this is the well-worn rut of what is, at least up to this point, relatively safe in terms of political engagement.
The people who voted for Trump are the kind of people who would have been pro-slavery, had they been around at the time of slavery in the United States. And those who find it acceptable to have the overt white supremacist Trump in the White House are the kind of people who would have ignored or would have openly accepted and justified or rationalized slavery when it existed.
It has to be bluntly said: For the millions, and tens of millions, who say they hate everything Trump stands for and what he is doing but who, after all this time, have still not taken to the streets in sustained mobilization demanding that the Trump/Pence regime must go, this makes them collaborators with this fascist regime and themselves guilty of the egregious crime of tolerating this regime when they still could have the possibility of achieving the demand that it must go, through such mass mobilization!
To paraphrase Paul Simon: They are squandering their resistance for a pocketful of mumbles—and worse—from the Democratic Party.
It is long past time—and there is still time, but not much time—for this to change, for masses of people to finally take to the streets, and stay in the streets, with the firm resolve that this fascist regime must go!
In the opening section of the book The New Communism (“Introduction and Orientation”) I spoke to the bitter reality that the masses of oppressed people are afraid to hope:
Afraid to hope that maybe the world doesn’t have to be this way, that maybe there is a way out of this. Afraid to hope, because their hopes have been dashed so many times.
This is a significant factor in why so many turn to religion—because there does not seem to be any hope for an end, in this world, to the terrible suffering and degradation to which they are continually subjected, which is imposed on them by the functioning of this system but which is also obscured and covered over by the very way this system operates and the role of its institutions, functionaries and enforcers, which systematically act to mislead people as to why the world is the way it is and whether and how it could really be changed, whether and in what way it is possible to put an end to all this unnecessary suffering.
Here stands out again the great importance of the scientific method and approach of communism, as this has been further developed through the new communism, and the reality and possibility of radical, emancipating change, in this world.
Confronting reality as it actually is—and as it is changing and developing—and understanding the underlying and driving forces in this, is crucial in order to play a decisive and leading role in bringing about this revolution and ushering in a whole new era in human history, which will shatter and remove forever not only the material chains—the economic, social and political shackles of exploitation and oppression—that enslave people in today’s world but also the mental chains, the ways of thinking and the culture, that correspond to and reinforce those material chains.
Religion is always presented as a source of “hope” or of consolation. But is it really a source of hope—or is it, in essence and in its defining aspect, a paralyzing illusion? Religion holds out the concept of consolation for suffering, and looking to another world and otherworldly forces to get some sort of consolation for all the suffering that people are subjected to, and in order to make it through the day. But the question is: Is what people need consolation for the suffering that they’re put through under this system, or do they need to rise up and abolish the system which embodies and enforces this suffering, and in so doing eliminate the need for consolation for suffering that they’re no longer being put through, the unnecessary suffering they’re being put through?
The Christian fundamentalists (including the current Vice President Mike Pence and others in powerful positions in government, the media, and other major institutions) are a driving force for theocratic fascism (tyrannical rule by Dark Ages religious authority). They adhere to and aggressively propagate unthinking allegiance to and application of religious dogma which, when taken literally (as these Christian fascists insist upon), promotes and will lead to all kinds of atrocities and horrors (as can be seen in both the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible—something I analyzed in Away With All Gods!).
There are many religious people whose religious views and sentiments do inspire and drive them to take stands against and to even sacrifice in the struggle against oppression. And this, of course, should be respected and united with. But, at the same time, that does not eliminate the need for sharp struggle in the ideological realm against the outlook that religion purveys and the role that religion plays as a mental shackle on masses of people, in fact working against their acquiring and systematically and consistently applying a scientific approach to understanding reality, and in particular what it is that’s causing the suffering that the masses of humanity are being subjected to and what is the solution to that.
Yes, ultimately the struggle has to be carried out in the realm of practice; it has to be carried out in the actual struggle to go up against and ultimately overthrow the system which embodies and enforces all this horrific oppression. But there’s a tremendous importance to people, even before they become highly developed theoretically, to get a basic understanding that there is no necessity, there is no permanent necessity, to the existing conditions, and why that is so. This is the source of hope, not on the basis of illusions such as those propagated and perpetuated by religion, but on a scientific basis.
While people do exist as individuals, the terrible suffering of the masses of humanity and the urgent challenges facing humanity as a whole as a result of the escalating destruction of the environment by this system of capitalism-imperialism as well as the possibility of nuclear conflagration that continues to loom as an existential threat over humanity—all this cannot be seriously addressed, let alone actually solved, by each person pursuing their particular individual interests, and in fact people acting in this way constitutes a major obstacle to bringing about the necessary solution.
Another aspect of what is involved here is “world-weary cynicism”.... This world-weary pseudo cynicism (or real cynicism, but pseudo world-awareness) is another manifestation of parasitic individualism—excusing your refusal or your failure to do anything about the crimes being committed in your name, and all the horrific things going on in the world, on the basis of: “Yes, I know, but this is just the way it is. And after all, there’s nothing really that can be done about it. Anybody who comes forward and claims they’re gonna do something about it is just as corrupt as the people who are perpetrating this stuff already, so there’s not really anything that can be done.” As it has been put, very insightfully, this is a sentiment that could be translated as: “Oh, I’m so glad that it’s turned out that the right thing to do is to do nothing at all about these outrages and horrors in the world.”
One of the biggest obstacles standing in the way, and weighing people down, is American chauvinism—the disgusting notion that America and Americans are better and more important than everybody else.
With regard to the middle class in this country, although today significant sections of this class are not doing as well as in the past—and some are actually struggling—economically, as the social divide and the income disparities continue to widen to obscene proportions, there is still among them, or among many in the middle class, a persistent and widespread sense of “entitlement” as Americans and an identification of their own interests with what is in fact a system of massive war crimes and crimes against humanity: American capitalist imperialism. And, as noted in THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO!, this poison of American chauvinism also exerts some influence among the most bitterly oppressed, even as this is in sharp conflict with the systematic oppression to which they are subjected in this country under this system.
With the invasions and ongoing wars, the coups, the slaughter of civilians in the hundreds of thousands, the wrecking of countries and the reducing of millions to desperation and starvation at the hands of the imperialists of the USA and their “allies” and craven puppets: Where is the mass outrage and active and determined opposition from people in the USA, in whose name these monstrous crimes are continually committed—including where is it from those who call themselves “progressive” or proclaim themselves “woke”?!
There is a great need for people broadly to break with this American chauvinism. As I have emphasized previously, there are 3 Things that have to happen in order for there to be real and lasting change for the better:
1) People have to fully confront the actual history of this country and its role in the world up to today, and the terrible consequences of this.
2) People have to dig seriously and scientifically into how this system of capitalism-imperialism actually works, and what this actually causes in the world.
3) People have to look deeply into the solution to all this.
While it is right and necessary to unite with people broadly in opposing the injustices and outrages committed by those who rule this country, and while this has taken on heightened importance with the coming to power of the Trump/Pence fascist regime, it is a basic truth that without breaking with American chauvinism—without confronting the very real horror of what this country has been, and what it has done, here and all over the world, from its founding to the present—and without coming to deeply hate this, it is not possible, in the final analysis, to retain one’s own humanity and act in the highest interests of all humanity.
In direct opposition to the poisonous outlook of American chauvinism, the orientation that must be firmly upheld and fiercely fought for is the basic principle and simple, but profound, truth that “American Lives Are Not More Important Than Other People’s Lives” and “Internationalism—The Whole World Comes First,” which is contained in BAsics 5:7 and 5:8.
And, as gone into more fully in BAsics:
The interests, objectives, and grand designs of the imperialists are not our interests—they are not the interests of the great majority of people in the U.S. nor of the overwhelming majority of people in the world as a whole. And the difficulties the imperialists have gotten themselves into in pursuit of these interests must be seen, and responded to, not from the point of view of the imperialists and their interests, but from the point of view of the great majority of humanity and the basic and urgent need of humanity for a different and better world, for another way. (BAsics 3:8)
Winning continually greater numbers of people to this fundamental orientation is critical in terms of achieving any positive change, and will be decisive in bringing about the revolution to finally put an end to this monstrous system of capitalism-imperialism.
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The following is taken from a recent talk given by Bob Avakian
Note Added by the Author, Fall 2019
This work is the edited text of a talk given in the spring of 2019, and the following section (“Individualism, BEB and the Illusion of ‘Painless Progress’”) has been published (posted at beginning in the summer of this year. In late September 2019, Nancy Pelosi (and the Democratic Party leadership of which she is a prominent representative), after a prolonged stubborn insistence on refusing to impeach Donald Trump, reversed course and announced that an “impeachment inquiry” of Trump would be undertaken. This reversal was hinged upon—and Pelosi and Company have made an attempt to focus this “impeachment inquiry” overwhelmingly, if not solely, on—the revelation (stemming from a report by a government “whistleblower”) that Trump has been involved in an effort to pressure the government of Ukraine to do Trump the “favor” of digging up (or “cooking up”) dirt on Joe Biden, former Vice President (under Obama) and a leading contender for the Democratic Party nomination for the presidential election in 2020. Pelosi and the Democrats have identified this as an abuse of presidential power, in pursuit of Trump’s personal interests (particularly looking ahead to the 2020 election) and have given emphasis to their insistence that, in making this “favor” the basis (and the price) for the continuation of the U.S. military aid to Ukraine, in its confrontation with pro-Russian forces, Trump “undermined U.S. national security,” particularly in relation to its major adversary Russia. In other words, while, from their bourgeois perspective, their concern is very real in regard to the imperialist “national interests” of the U.S., the “norms” of how this system’s rule has been imposed and maintained, the importance to them of a “peaceful transition” from one administration to another through elections—and the danger posed to this by Trump’s trampling on these “norms”—Pelosi and Company, in focusing this “impeachment inquiry” on this narrow basis, have underlined the fact that they are acting in accordance with their sense of the interests of U.S. capitalist imperialism and its drive to remain the dominant imperialist power in the world, and that they continue to refuse to demand Trump’s ouster on the basis of his many outrageous statements and acts directed against masses of people, not only in the U.S. but internationally: his overt racism and promotion of white supremacy and white supremacist violence; his gross misogyny and attacks on the rights of women, including very prominently the right to abortion, and on LGBT rights; his repeated calls for and backing of intensified brutal repression and suppression of dissent; his discrimination against Muslims and his cruel targeting of immigrants, involving confinement in concentration camp-like conditions, including for those fleeing from persecution and the very real threat of death in their “home countries” and seeking asylum on that basis, and the separation of even very young children from their parents; his assault on science and the scientific pursuit of the truth, including denial of the science of climate change and continuing moves to undermine and reverse even minor and completely ineffective protections of the environment; his threats to destroy countries, including through the use of nuclear weapons—in short, his all-around drive to fully consolidate fascist rule and implement a horrific, fascist agenda, with terrible consequences for the masses of humanity.
While, as of this writing, it is not clear what this “impeachment inquiry” will lead to—whether Trump will actually be impeached in the House of Representatives, and what will happen then in the Senate to determine whether he should be convicted and removed from office—it is already clear that the way in which the Democrats are seeking to narrowly focus the move to oust Trump emphasizes yet again the importance of these basic points of orientation:
The Democrats, along with the New York Times and the Washington Post, etc., are seeking to resolve the crisis with the Trump presidency on the terms of this system, and in the interests of the ruling class of this system, which they represent. We, the masses of people, must go all out, and mobilize ourselves in the millions, to resolve this in our interests, in the interests of humanity, which are fundamentally different from and opposed to those of the ruling class.
This, of course, does not mean that the struggle among the powers that be is irrelevant or unimportant; rather, the way to understand and approach this (and this is a point that must also be repeatedly driven home to people, including through necessary struggle, waged well) is in terms of how it relates to, and what openings it can provide for, “the struggle from below”—for the mobilization of masses of people around the demand that the whole regime must go, because of its fascist nature and actions and what the stakes are for humanity.
Clearly, the removal of not just Trump, but also the Christian Fascist Vice President Mike Pence, and indeed this whole fascist regime, is of urgent importance. But this will only serve the fundamental interests of the masses of people—not just in this country but in the world as a whole—if this is achieved, not on the basis of confining things within the terms of and through the furthering of the “national interests” of the monstrously oppressive U.S. empire, but on the basis of the mobilization of mass opposition to the fascism of this Trump/Pence regime, which has been produced by and risen to power through the “normal functioning” of this system, of which it is an extreme but not somehow an “alien” expression.
All this—even the seemingly more “benign,” or oblivious, individualism—links up with the repeated and stubborn insistence on chasing after the illusion of painless progress. If something makes people uncomfortable—and still more, if it holds out the prospect of sacrifice, necessary sacrifice, on their part—far too many people turn away from it. As I’ve pointed out before, there’s this whole attitude of approaching reality as if it’s a “buffet,” or approaching it like a consumer: “Well, that makes me uncomfortable. I’ll just leave that to the side. I don’t want to look at that because that makes me uncomfortable.”
I am going to talk later about some of the more ridiculous and outrageous forms of this. But just to give a little preview, as I pointed out in The New Communism, some people went on one of the college campuses a couple of years ago with a poster of Stolen Lives, people who’d been killed by police (not all of them, by any means, but dozens), and someone came up and started whining: “I don’t like that poster, it makes me feel unsafe.” As I commented at the time: Oh, boo-hoo! Let’s get out of this boo-hoo shit and start talking about and engaging seriously what’s happening to masses of people, one significant part of which is represented by what’s on that poster.
One of the most common and problematical forms of this repeated and stubborn insistence on chasing after the illusion of “painless progress,” particularly among people who consider themselves somewhat enlightened (or progressive, or “woke,” or however they want to put it), is what we very rightly term BEB—Bourgeois Electoral Bullshit—and the phenomenon that people continually confine themselves to the narrow limits of what is presented to them by one section of the ruling class, as embodied in the Democratic Party: “These are the limits of what I’ll consider in terms of possibly bringing about change”—because this is the well-worn rut of what is, at least up to this point, relatively safe in terms of political engagement. It may even become not-so-safe in the future, depending on how things go with these fascists who are working to consolidate their power right now through the ruling regime of Trump and Pence. But for now it seems relatively painless. It is also completely ineffectual and doesn’t bring about any kind of change that’s needed, but it’s a way to feel that you’re doing something while avoiding any sacrifice, and even any real discomfort.
One of the ways this gets expressed, along with the BEB, is people, in their masses, not confronting the reality of Trump/Pence fascism, and therefore not acting in a way commensurate with the danger and the potentially even greater horrors this represents.
Just to step back, and to speak to a very important element of this that I’ve touched on before, Trump’s election—through the electoral college, not the popular vote—is, in a real sense, an extension of slavery: the people who voted for Trump are the kind of people who would have been pro-slavery, had they been around at the time of slavery in the United States. And those who find it acceptable to have the overt white supremacist Trump in the White House are the kind of people who would have ignored or would have openly accepted and justified or rationalized slavery when it existed. And here I have to invoke what I thought was a very insightful comment by Ron Reagan (yes, Ronald Reagan’s maverick son, who is also, to his great credit, an unabashed atheist): Trump’s much-analyzed, over-analyzed, “base” will continue supporting him, no matter what he does, Ron Reagan has pointed out (and this is very insightful), because Trump hates all the same people they hate.
As opposed to all the obfuscation about the economic difficulties people are going through, blah, blah, blah, that is often used to rationalize why people voted for and continue to support Trump, what Ron Reagan has sharply pointed to is the essence of Trump’s “base.” And, by the way, notice how all the mainstream media, CNN and so on, continually use this term: Trump’s “base.” This is a neutral term, “base.” These are a bunch of fascists, okay? And by using these euphemisms, or these neutral terms, like “base,” you’re obscuring and keeping people from seeing what is actually represented by Trump and those who support him, and the depth of the real danger this poses. Ron Reagan’s comment is very much to the point. He went on to elaborate: They hate LGBT people, they hate women (independent women, and really all women), they hate Black people, they hate immigrants, they hate Muslims, and so on. And Trump hates all the same people they hate.
That is why they’ll never desert him, whatever he does. That is why he could very rightly make the comment: “I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue in New York City and these people wouldn’t turn against me.”
At the same time, it has to be bluntly said: For the millions, and tens of millions, who say they hate everything Trump stands for and what he is doing but who, after all this time, have still not taken to the streets in sustained mobilization demanding that the Trump/Pence regime must go, this makes them collaborators with this fascist regime and themselves guilty of the egregious crime of tolerating this regime when they still could have the possibility of achieving the demand that it must go, through such mass mobilization!
To paraphrase Paul Simon: They are squandering their resistance for a pocketful of mumbles—and worse—from the Democratic Party.
It is long past time—and there is still time, but not much time—for this to change, for masses of people to finally take to the streets, and stay in the streets, with the firm resolve that this fascist regime must go!
And here are some very relevant questions for the millions and tens of millions who hate everything Trump stands for but have failed or refused to mobilize, in their masses, in non-violent but sustained action around the demand that the Trump/Pence regime be removed from power, as has been called for by Refuse Fascism: If you will not take to the streets now to demand that the Trump/Pence regime must go, what will you do if Trump is re-elected (perhaps through the electoral college, even if he again loses the popular vote)? And what will you do if Trump loses the election (even by the electoral college count) but then refuses to recognize the results and insists he is still President?!
At the same time, it is necessary to point to the very serious problems with the dangerous naiveté and “left” posturing of certain “progressive” intellectuals. For example, someone like Glenn Greenwald, who has done some good things in exposing the violations of people’s rights under this system—human rights, civil rights and civil liberties—but who, whenever anything’s brought out about the terrible crimes and horrors that are represented by the Trump/Pence regime, insists upon immediately saying things like, “Yes, but what about Hillary Clinton, and what about the Democrats, and the terrible things they have done?” All of which is true. As we have pointed out: The Democratic Party is a machine of massive war crimes and crimes against humanity. And this does need to be brought out. At the same time, it is necessary to recognize that the Republican Party is fascist, and if you don’t understand that this has real meaning and real importance—and every time someone speaks to the outrages and horrors perpetrated by these fascists, you insist on immediately raising, “Yes, but what about the Democrats?”—you’re leading people, or pointing people, away from an understanding of the real dynamics going on here and the real dangers.
And then there is Slavoj Žižek. As is very bluntly, and very accurately, put in the article by Raymond Lotta, “Slavoj Žižek Is a Puffed-Up Idiot Who Does Great Damage”:
Slavoj Žižek, an influential fool-of-a-philosopher who often poses as a “communist,” declared his support for Donald Trump on British TV. A victory for Trump, according to Žižek, will help the Republicans and Democrats “rethink themselves”—and could bring about “a kind of big awakening.” And speaking from his “what-me-worry” perch [Lotta goes on], Žižek pronounced that Trump “will not introduce fascism.”
As Lotta then succinctly states: “This is wrong, this is poison.” And it is similar to the kind of wrong and dangerous thinking that people like Glenn Greenwald fall into and propagate. Similarly to Glenn Greenwald, it involves playing down the actual reality and danger of what’s represented by fascism, even as, once again, the Democratic Party is an instrument of bourgeois dictatorship, and a machine of massive war crimes and crimes against humanity.
This kind of wrong thinking is also exemplified by someone like Julian Assange, who actually, from all appearances, and it does seem to be the case, contributed to the machinations that went on around the Trump campaign, involving, it does seem, the Russians in this, and who did so with the same kind of rationalization that Žižek put forward, as cited by Raymond Lotta—that Clinton and the Democratic Party represent the old establishment, the old ways of doing things, and if they’re defeated and somebody who’s outside the establishment gets in, it will shake things up. I have heard Assange saying (his own words, not just others characterizing what his position is): “Maybe this will lead to a negative change, or maybe it will lead to a positive change, but at least it will lead to change, or it will hold open the possibility of change.”
Well, what kind of change is it actually leading to? There’s no room for agnosticism or ignorance about what kind of change it is leading to. Yes, bourgeois dictatorship in any form is very bad for the masses of people, very oppressive and repressive of the masses of people, and needs to be overthrown. But an overt fascist dictatorship that tramples on any pretense of upholding rights for people is not something that should be put in the category of “maybe it’ll be a positive change, or maybe it’ll be a negative change.”
Now, at the same time as making this sharp critique, particularly with regard to Julian Assange, it is very important to emphasize the need to oppose the persecution of Assange by the U.S. imperialists, whose persecution of him is in response to and revenge for his part—not in something to do with the Russians, but overwhelmingly in exposing just some of the monstrous crimes of this system. In this regard, there was an interesting article called “Julian Assange and the Woeful State of Whistle-Blowers” by Edward Wasserman, who’s a professor of journalism and the Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. (This article appeared in the New York Times on Saturday, April 27 of this year, 2019.) Wasserman points out that, with whatever his failings are, political and personal, Julian Assange, through WikiLeaks, “enabled spectacular disclosure of official secrets,” including, as Wasserman himself puts it, “war crimes, torture and atrocities on civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan” by the U.S. And this is why he’s being attacked in the legal arena and politically by the U.S. ruling class. This dimension is where people need to rally to Assange’s defense, even with his limitations and failings. And the need and importance of defending Assange, particularly from political/legal persecution by the U.S. government, has been greatly heightened by the fact that this government (headed by the Trump/Pence fascist regime) has now piled on very serious charges of espionage in this process of persecution, with dire implications not just for Assange but for any and all who would dare to uncover and expose the war crimes and crimes against humanity continually carried out by U.S. imperialism and its institutions of violence and repression.
Yet, without in any way failing to give due importance and emphasis to opposing these repressive moves by the U.S. government, it remains necessary and there is also great importance to criticizing this outlook and approach embodied in the thinking of people like Assange and Glenn Greenwald, as well as Žižek. The idea that these bourgeois (or “establishment”) politicians are just “all the same,” without any analysis of the nuances, or even the blatant differences, between them and the consequences of this for the masses of people, the masses of humanity—this is very harmful.
Here it is worth looking at the criticism that was raised of the German communists in the period of the rise to power of Hitler and the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s. The slogan was attributed to the German communists: “Nach Hitler, Uns,” (meaning: “After Hitler, Us”). In other words, the same kind of thinking—that Hitler actually heading up the government would shake up things and would cause such a crisis in society that, then, the communists would have a chance to come to power. This represented a very serious underestimation of what was represented by Hitler and the Nazis, and the terrible consequences of this for humanity. Yes, the communists there should have been consistently and firmly opposing the whole system on a revolutionary basis, but it was also very important and necessary to recognize that Hitler and the Nazis were a particularly perverse and extreme representation of all the horrors of this system, and would carry them out in very extreme forms.
So, in relation to all this, there is a need for a scientific approach to building opposition to the fascism embodied in the Trump/Pence regime in the U.S. today, in a way that is based on and proceeds from the understanding that’s captured in works of mine like “The Fascists and the Destruction of the ‘Weimar Republic’... And What Will Replace It” and “Not Being Jerry Rubin, or Even Dimitrov, but Actually Being Revolutionary Communists: THE CHALLENGE OF DEFENDING FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS—FROM A COMMUNIST PERSPECTIVE, AND NO OTHER.” (These articles are available at They are part of the Collected Works of Bob Avakian.)
As I have stressed several times, and as concentrated in the slogan we have brought forward: “The Republican Party is Fascist, The Democratic Party is Also a Machine of Massive War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.” This emphasizes the importance of both aspects of things: recognizing the particularity of what’s represented by the fascism of the Trump/Pence regime and the Republican Party as a whole, and confronting the nature and massive crimes of the whole system, and all those who are functionaries and enforcers of this system, definitely including the Democratic Party.
In an article in the New York Times (Tuesday, July 16, 2019), “Racism Comes Out of the Closet,” Paul Krugman makes the point that not just Donald Trump but the Republican Party as a whole has gone from “dog whistling” racism to overtly and crudely expressing it. Krugman concludes this article this way, referring to the Republican Party’s dropping of even any pretense of opposing racism:
It’s tempting to say that Republican claims to support racial equality were always hypocritical; it’s even tempting to welcome the move from dog whistles to open racism. But if hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue, what we’re seeing now is a party that no longer feels the need to pay that tribute. And that’s deeply frightening.
Krugman does have a point—an important and relevant point—here, as far as it goes. The problem is that it doesn’t go far enough, and in particular does not break out of the constricting terms of contradictions and conflicts among ruling class parties (the Republicans and the Democrats). The stance of hypocritically pretending opposition to such outrages as racist oppression, while in fact acting as the representatives, functionaries and enforcers of a system that has this oppression built into it and could not exist without this oppression—this does not just apply to the Republican Party in the past (if it ever applied to that party at all over the past 50 years and more) but also applies to the Democratic Party. What is concentrated in this situation is the need to recognize, and correctly handle, a very real and acute contradiction: the fact that, on the one hand, the Democratic Party, as much as the Republican Party, is a party of a system that continually commits, and cannot help committing, massive crimes against the masses of humanity and embodies an existential threat to the very future of humanity; and, on the other hand, the fact that (to paraphrase what is cited above from Krugman’s article) there is a very real difference and very direct danger embodied in the fact that one of these ruling class parties (the Republicans) openly abandons much of the pretense of being anything other than a rapacious, and yes racist, plunderer of human beings and of the environment. This requires the correct synthesis of, in fundamental terms, opposing the whole system, of which both of these parties are instruments, and actively working, in an ongoing way, toward the strategic goal of abolishing this whole system, while also, with the same fundamental strategic perspective, recognizing the acute immediate danger posed by the fascist Trump/Pence regime and working urgently to bring forward masses of people in non-violent but sustained mobilization around the demand that this regime must go!
Failing to really recognize and act on this understanding, in its different aspects and its full dimension, is very much related to individualism—particularly in the form of seeking the illusion of painless progress, rather than being willing to confront inconvenient and uncomfortable truths and to act accordingly, even with the sacrifices that might be required.
With all the nuances and particularities of contradictions that do have to be recognized, this crucial truth can be put in this basic and concentrated way:
The Democratic Party Is Part of the Problem, Not the Solution.
Here a challenge needs to be issued to all those who insist on the position that “the Democrats are the only realistic alternative”: On the website, there is the “American Crime” series, which chronicles and outlines many of the most horrific crimes of the U.S. ruling class, going back to the beginning of this country and right up to the present, carried out under Republican and Democratic administrations. Here is the challenge: Go read that “American Crime” series and then come back and try to explain why it’s a decent thing to do to be caught up in supporting the Democrats.
Along with its other crimes, and its particular role in maintaining and enforcing this system, in the current circumstances the Democratic Party is also an active facilitator of fascism because of its refusal, even on the terms of the system it represents, to do anything meaningful to oppose the fascism of the Trump/Pence regime. This is concentrated in the insistence by Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi (or Piglosi, as she should be called) that impeachment is, once again, off the table. Some people may not remember (or may have chosen to forget), and others may not even know, but there was a massive sentiment to impeach George W. Bush back around 2005-2006, in particular because of the way he took the country to war, attacking and invading Iraq, causing massive destruction and death in that country, on the basis of systematic lies that were very consciously perpetrated by his whole regime, including Colin Powell, Cheney and Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice and the rest, who deliberately and systematically lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction and supposedly threatening the U.S. (and “allies” of the U.S.) with those weapons. These lies were the rationalization for perpetrating the U.S. war of aggression against Iraq—which, in fact, was an international war crime. There was a mass sentiment toward impeachment of George W. Bush largely on that basis. Well, when the Democrats, in the 2006 election, won control of both houses of Congress, immediately Nancy Piglosi said impeachment is off the table. And now she’s doing the same thing again—and she’s doing this not just as an individual, but as representative of the leadership of the Democratic Party. To borrow a term from the gang scene, the “shot-callers” of the Democratic Party are saying: “We shouldn’t impeach Trump because that will just serve him; he’s trying to goad us into impeaching him.” As though it would not be a good thing for Trump to be impeached. Piglosi insists: “We’re not gonna fall for that, we’re gonna hold Trump accountable.” Oh yeah? How? How are you going to hold him accountable when you refuse to use one of the most powerful instruments you have, impeachment, to actually do something meaningful to oppose what he’s doing?
I saw a commentator on one of the networks the other day who made an observation which (along with and despite a bunch of nonsense that she was also spouting) was actually somewhat insightful and important. She said: “Laws don’t enforce themselves. If you can do something and get away with it, the law is meaningless.” Well, Piglosi, your “accountability” (holding Trump “accountable”) is meaningless because you are refusing to exercise the most effective means you might have to “hold him accountable.”
Now, some people say that this is just being done by Piglosi and the rest because they have the 2020 election in mind, and they don’t want to feed the Republican Party ammunition for their insistence that “this is a witch hunt” against Trump and the Republican Party. That may be a secondary consideration on the part of the Democrats, but if you listen to Piglosi she’s telling us what the deal actually is. She’s saying it would further divide the country to impeach Trump—as if the “country” is not already very deeply and very intensely divided, at this point, which is precisely why someone like Trump could get elected in the first place.
But there are really three reasons, or we could call them “three fears,” that Piglosi and the rest have. They’re afraid of Trump and the Republicans, so they’re allowing Trump and the Republicans to set the terms of what they can do. Their “logic” goes like this: “Since Trump would lash back if we tried to impeach him, therefore we shouldn’t try to impeach him.” This is the logic of what they’re saying, even if they don’t directly and explicitly articulate it like that. So they’re letting the Republicans set the terms—which, of course, only causes the Republicans to be even more aggressive in pursuit of their agenda and in defying and trampling on the “norms” of this system. Even according to their own bourgeois “principles,” the Democrats should be acting on the basis of what’s in their Constitution, not according to what the Republicans will allow them to do.
Secondly, along with being afraid of Trump and the Republican Party, they are afraid of the reality that laws don’t enforce themselves. They’re afraid that if they impeach Trump—and if, somehow, they even succeeded not only in impeaching him, but actually getting him convicted in the Senate—that Trump might well declare: “Fuck you, I’m the President, I don’t recognize this impeachment.” Then, what and whom can they turn to? This brings up the other dimension of this second point: They’re afraid of Trump’s “base.” They’re afraid of these fascist forces out there who are being encouraged and goaded by Trump to increasingly act in a violent manner and who (as I’ll speak to shortly) do have a lot of weapons and are demonstrating not only their willingness, but their eagerness, to use them. So Piglosi and the rest are afraid of that.
But at least as much—and here is the “third fear”—they are afraid of the people on the other side of the divide in the country, the people who tend to vote for the Democrats, especially the basic masses of oppressed people. They are afraid of the very people, basic masses and others, whom the Democratic Party is responsible for “corralling” into the BEB and “domesticating” their dissent. They’re afraid of the people who are angry about what’s represented by Trump and Pence. They don’t want those people out in the street, unless it is contained within the narrow confines of what the Democratic Party, and the system it serves, can allow. And they don’t want the confrontation between those people and the fascists who have rallied behind Trump. You think they want to see masses of Black people, immigrants, and others, including masses of people from different strata who are furious over Trump—you think they want to see them in the streets in direct and determined opposition to what is represented by Trump and Pence? That’s one of the worst nightmares of Piglosi and Company, not only because of the potential for militant confrontation with the fascists, but because people could then get completely out of the control of the Democratic Party, and the whole system of which the Democrats are representatives, functionaries, and enforcers. A big part of what they are representing and enforcing would be seriously jeopardized.
So this is what’s really going on with Piglosi and the rest in stubbornly resisting a move toward impeachment.
And then we come to one of the main aggressively fascist functionaries in the Republican Party, the Congressman from Iowa, Steve King. Recently, along with all of his other outrageous postings and overtly racist, misogynist, and crudely derogatory statements about Muslims and immigrants, and so on, King recently posted a meme, with this comment, on his official campaign page:
Folks keep talking about another civil war. One side has about 8 trillion bullets, while the other side doesn’t know which bathroom to use.
Now, it has to be said that there is a “demented insight” in this comment. Obviously, this is a vicious attack on trans people, as well as those supportive of their rights. So, on the one hand, this is an outrageous statement, a thoroughly reactionary and vicious statement. But it does express a certain demented insight, or a demented representation of some truth, because while people are rightly supporting the rights of trans people, gay people, women and others, there are real limitations and problems with the spontaneous outlook prevailing among those on the correct side of the divide. There is a narrowness along lines of “identity,” and an ignoring of, or a not paying sufficient attention to, the larger dynamics that are shaping up in the society (and the world) as a whole, and the implications of this, as represented, once again, by the fact that, while people are fighting around or raising some resistance around this or that particular instance of oppression, discrimination and prejudice, they are not rallying to take on the whole massive assault that’s embodied in the Trump/Pence regime, let alone the whole system that has produced this regime. There is the serious problem that, as a whole, people who consider themselves “progressive” or “woke” have, to put it mildly, not made any real rupture with American chauvinism (about which I will have more to say shortly). And, related to this, there is the fundamental problem of attempting to resolve the conflict with what is represented by the Trump/Pence regime and its fascist “base,” with its “8 trillion bullets,” through relying on (or seeking a return to) what have been the “norms” of the bourgeois order in this country (and, on the part of some, this involves a call for “restoring civility”) while the fascists are determined to trample on and tear up these “norms” and are perfectly happy to have those who oppose them adopt the stance of “civility” (accommodation) toward their unrelenting fascist offensive. Although this does not apply absolutely, it is far too much the case that the words of the poet William Butler Yeats describe this very serious situation: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst/Are full of passionate intensity.” And so, while things could be heading toward a civil war, and it could come down to that even in the not-too-distant future, the present lineup is very unfavorable for anybody who represents anything decent in the world.
All this is, in a demented kind of way, represented in King’s statement that one side has about 8 trillion bullets while the other side doesn’t know which bathroom to use. Again, it’s not that the question of bathroom use and the larger questions it encapsulates is unimportant. It is important. But there’s a larger picture here of this developing trend or motion toward a civil war which right now is very one-sided in a very bad way, and if things continue on this trajectory the outcome could truly be disastrous.
So that should be serious food for thought—and not only that, but also a serious spur to action for people who do care about all the various ways in which people are being brought under attack and oppression is being intensified all across the board against large sections of the people who need to be brought together to fight against the offensive from these fascist forces—and, in more fundamental terms, need to be brought forward on the basis of recognizing that it’s the whole system, out of which this fascist phenomenon has arisen, and which embodies such terrible oppression of people not just here but all around the world, that needs to be swept away.
Now, another element of this that we can’t overlook is that, while a lot of what King describes applies in a certain demented way, particularly to progressive or so-called “woke” middle class people, there is another kind of problem with regard to more basic oppressed people, and in particular the youth—a big problem that their guns are now aimed at each other. And without going more fully into this right now, this is something that needs to be radically transformed in building a movement for an actual revolution.
So here we come to the question of the relation between building for an actual revolution and the still very urgent question of driving out this fascist regime. The following from Part 2 of Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution remains extremely relevant and important:
The relation between the struggle against this fascist regime and building the revolution is not a “straight road” or a “one-way street”: It must not be approached, by those who understand the need for revolution, as if “first we must build a mass movement to drive out this regime, and then we can turn our attention to working directly for revolution.” No. It is crucial to unite and mobilize people, from different perspectives, very broadly, around the demand that this regime must go, but it will be much more difficult to do this on the scale and with the determination that is required to meet this objective if there are not, at the same time, greater and greater numbers of people who have been brought forward around the understanding that it is necessary to put an end not only to this regime but to the system out of whose deep and defining contradictions this regime has arisen, a system which by its very nature has imposed, and will continue to impose, horrific and completely unnecessary suffering on the masses of humanity, until this system itself is abolished. And the more that people are brought forward to be consciously, actively working for revolution, the growing strength and “moral authority” of this revolutionary force will in turn strengthen the resolve of growing numbers of people to drive out this fascist regime now in power, even as many will not be (and some will perhaps never be) won to revolution.
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The science, the strategy, the leadership for an actual revolution, and a radically new society on the road to real emancipation, by Bob Avakian
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Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
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During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
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Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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Fascists stand for and are determined to intensify, to grotesque and hideous dimensions, every dimension of oppression and exploitation and all the horrors perpetrated by the system of capitalism-imperialism. Communists, and in particular the advocates of the new communism, are determined to put an end to all these horrors, and potentially even worse horrors, through the overthrow of the system of capitalism-imperialism and the abolition of all relations of exploitation and oppression, throughout the world.
Look at the 5 STOPS—fascists and communists, and in particular the advocates of the new communism, are on diametrically opposed sides of these crucial dividing lines: The fascists are determined to fortify and extend to even more monstrous proportions, and with potentially catastrophic consequences for humanity, all the horrors embodied in those 5 STOPS, while the communists, and in particular the advocates of the new communism, stand for and fight for precisely a STOP to all this.
Fascists base themselves on and actively promote blind adherence to hateful prejudice, willful ignorance and aggressive paranoia, in opposition to rational thinking and discourse, science and the scientific method. Communists, and in particular the advocates of the new communism, base themselves on and seek to apply the most consistent scientific method, including the importance of learning from and critically assimilating the insights, criticisms, etc. of others who disagree with or even ardently oppose them.
As pointed out in Communism and Jeffersonian Democracy, it is not that people calling themselves communists have never acted in opposition to the basic principles of communism, and it is not that there have been no shortcomings and errors, even some grievous errors, in the history of the communist movement and socialist society; but a scientific approach and analysis shows that this has not been the main trend and character of the communist movement and socialist society led by communists; and the notion of communism as representing a “totalitarian nightmare” is fundamentally in conflict with reality and is on the contrary the invention and distortion of functionaries, enforcers and intellectual camp followers of the exploitative and oppressive system of capitalism and imperialism, which the communist revolution aims to overthrow and advance human society beyond, through the abolition of all exploitation and oppression. (If anyone is sincerely interested in actually understanding what is represented by the “theory” of “totalitarianism,” and in particular the use of this “theory” to distort and slander what is represented by communism, in Democracy: Can’t We Do Better Than That? they can find a systematic discussion, dissection and refutation of the basic thesis and methods in The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt, whose work is the most celebrated embodiment of this “theory” of “totalitarianism” and its use to distort and slander what is represented by communism.)
And, once again, there is the further, qualitative development of communism with the new communism which I have brought forward—which involves a scientific analysis and synthesis of the historical experience, positive and negative, of the communist movement and the first great wave of communist-led revolution and socialist society, and the significance of which is highlighted and concentrated in particular in the first of the Six Resolutions of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA.
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Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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Editors’ note: Besides the two-paragraph statement “What IS Fascism”* that regularly appears on, and along with the article by Bob Avakian (BA) that contrasts fascists and communists, and in particular the advocates of the new communism (“Fascists and Communists: Completely Opposed and Worlds Apart”), the following excerpts from recent works by BA are relevant and helpful in getting a basic sense of what fascism is and what are some of its main features, in general and specifically as embodied in the Trump/Pence regime. Also, although its outlook differs in some significant aspects from that of the new communism, the 2005 speech by African-American theologian Hubert Locke (“Reflections on Pacific School of Religion’s Response to the Religious Right”), which was originally posted on on January 29, 2006, and reposted on October 7, 2019, contains some very valuable and insightful analysis of fascism, and in particular Christian Fascism.
We are confronted by—we are now being ruled by—a fascist regime: relentlessly assaulting civil rights and liberties and openly promoting bigotry and inequality; acting with callous disregard or cold-blooded malice toward those they consider inferior and a drain or stain on the country; on a mission to deny health care to millions who will suffer and many who will die without it; crudely degrading women, as objects of plunder, breeders of children without the right to abortion or birth control, subordinate to husbands and men in general; defying the science of climate change, attacking the science of evolution, and repudiating the scientific method overall; a regime brandishing an arsenal of mass destruction and threatening nuclear war; intensifying state terror against Muslims, immigrants, and people in the inner cities; unleashing and giving encouragement and support to brutal thugs spewing vile “America First,” white supremacist, male-supremacist, and anti-LGBT venom—a regime that boasts of all this and declares its intention to do even worse.
In The Name of Humanity, We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America,
A Better World IS Possible.
The film of this talk by BA, given in October 2017,
is available at
And then there are the ruling class “news media.” There are media, like Fox (I can hardly say it) “News,” that represent the fascist section of the ruling class—which aims to impose undisguised capitalist dictatorship without the rule of law, with open hostility toward other sections of the ruling class itself, that these fascists regard as enemies, and vicious repression against immigrants, Black people, Muslims, women, and LGBT people—all those whose degradation and criminalization is essential for the fascist program of “making America great again.” Lying, systematically distorting reality, is a function and mission of these media.
Why We Need An Actual Revolution
And How We Can Really Make Revolution.
The film and the text of this speech by BA,
given in the summer of 2018,
are available at
Yes, bourgeois dictatorship in any form is very bad for the masses of people, very oppressive and repressive of the masses of people, and needs to be overthrown. But an overt fascist dictatorship that tramples on any pretense of upholding rights for people is not something that should be put in the category of “maybe it’ll be a positive change, or maybe it’ll be a negative change.”
Hope For Humanity On A Scientific Basis—
Breaking with Individualism, Parasitism and American Chauvinism.
A prepublication copy of this talk by BA is available at
In an article in the New York Times, “Racism Comes Out of the Closet,” Paul Krugman makes the point that not just Donald Trump but the Republican Party as a whole has gone from “dog whistling” racism to overtly and crudely expressing it. Krugman concludes this article this way, referring to the Republican Party’s dropping of even any pretense of opposing racism:
It’s tempting to say that Republican claims to support racial equality were always hypocritical; it’s even tempting to welcome the move from dog whistles to open racism. But if hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue, what we’re seeing now is a party that no longer feels the need to pay that tribute. And that’s deeply frightening.
Krugman does have a point—an important and relevant point—here, as far as it goes. The problem is that it doesn’t go far enough, and in particular does not break out of the constricting terms of contradictions and conflicts among ruling class parties (the Republicans and the Democrats). The stance of hypocritically pretending opposition to such outrages as racist oppression, while in fact acting as the representatives, functionaries and enforcers of a system that has this oppression built into it and could not exist without this oppression—this does not just apply to the Republican Party in the past (if it ever applied to that party at all over the past 50 years and more) but also applies to the Democratic Party. What is concentrated in this situation is the need to recognize, and correctly handle, a very real and acute contradiction: the fact that, on the one hand, the Democratic Party, as much as the Republican Party, is a party of a system that continually commits, and cannot help committing, massive crimes against the masses of humanity and embodies an existential threat to the very future of humanity; and, on the other hand, the fact that (to paraphrase what is cited above from Krugman’s article) there is a very real difference and very direct danger embodied in the fact that one of these ruling class parties (the Republicans) openly abandons much of the pretense of being anything other than a rapacious, and yes racist, plunderer of human beings and of the environment. This requires the correct synthesis of, in fundamental terms, opposing the whole system, of which both of these parties are instruments, and actively working, in an ongoing way, toward the strategic goal of abolishing this whole system, while also, with the same fundamental strategic perspective, recognizing the acute immediate danger posed by the fascist Trump/Pence regime and working urgently to bring forward masses of people in non-violent but sustained mobilization around the demand that this regime must go!
Hope For Humanity On A Scientific Basis—
Breaking with Individualism, Parasitism and American Chauvinism.
A prepublication copy of this talk by BA is available at
Stewart† further summarizes Lang’s views this way: “Modern fundamentalism, like fascism in earlier times, he says, involves a strong feeling of persecution, typically at the hands of godless liberals or a religious ‘other’; the belief that one belongs to a pure race or national group that is responsible for past greatness, suffers unjust oppression in the present, and is the rightful ruler of the world; the impulse to submit unquestioningly to absolute authority; and the relentless drive for power and control. It is, he says, a kind of supremacist movement, with religion rather than race at its core.”
And there is this chilling statement by Lang:
People have no idea it’s going on....
What does it mean that the conservative church that’s growing in America is an end-times church? What does it mean that we are raising a generation of children to believe that they are the last generation? What is going to happen if we keep on telling them, “Don’t care about the environment, and bring on the war, because we’re going to be lifted out of here, and you can forget about loving your neighbors, because they’re just going to get blown away?”
So, that is the insight of someone very familiar with these Christian fascists. And the fact is that in this country, with its whole history of genocide, slavery and racism, any form of fascism, including one basing itself on “Christian supremacy”—any urge to “restore past greatness”—cannot help but be bound together with white supremacy.
† Stewart refers to Katherine Stewart, author of The Good News Club, The Christian Right's Stealth Assault on America's Children [back]
There is a direct line from the Confederacy to the fascists of today, and a direct connection between their white supremacy, their open disgust and hatred for LGBT people as well as women, their willful rejection of science and the scientific method, their raw “America First” jingoism and trumpeting of “the superiority of western civilization” and their bellicose wielding of military power, including their expressed willingness and blatant threats to use nuclear weapons, to destroy countries.
Fascism is the exercise of blatant dictatorship by the bourgeois (capitalist-imperialist) class, ruling through reliance on open terror and violence, trampling on what are supposed to be civil and legal rights, wielding the power of the state, and mobilizing organized groups of fanatical thugs, to commit atrocities against masses of people, particularly groups of people identified as “enemies,” “undesirables,” or “dangers to society.”
At the same time—and this can be seen through studying the examples of Nazi Germany and Italy under Mussolini—while it will likely move quickly to enforce certain repressive measures in consolidating its rule, a fascist regime is also likely to implement its program overall through a series of stages and even attempt at different points to reassure the people, or certain groups among the people, that they will escape the horrors—if they quietly go along and do not protest or resist while others are being terrorized and targeted for repression, deportation, “conversion,” prison, or execution. [back]
See also:
by Dr. Hubert Locke
Reposted July 3, 2017. Originally posted January 29, 2006
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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The following is a summation of some group study and discussion of the new communism and the leadership of Bob Avakian (BA).
First of all, I want to say that it has been truly great, deeply meaningful, critically important—and a lot of fun!—digging into the work, leadership and method of BA together. I have been thinking recently about some key themes and lessons that occur to me regarding our study and discussions and their purpose and importance. There is obviously so much that I could highlight—in terms of the key points we have gotten into in these sessions and the significance of these sessions—and trying to cover it all would be well beyond the scope of what I have written here (which ended up being longer than I envisioned when I started). However, I wanted to frame our work together with two overall themes.
The first of these themes is drawn from the beginning of a quote from BA: “Let’s get down to basics: We need a revolution. Anything else, in the final analysis, is bullshit.” (from BAsics 3:1)
The second theme is the critical role of revolutionary theory.
Let me briefly get further into each of these themes—in general, as it relates to the role and importance of BA and his leadership in the world, and also as it relates to our study and discussions.
Given how much there is to say on each of these two themes, I can only really scratch the surface here. But let’s start with the first one:
“Let’s get down to basics: We need a revolution. Anything else, in the final analysis, is bullshit.”
The understanding captured in this quote not only speaks to the state of the world and of humanity—and to what is urgently needed in light of this—but also, relatedly, illuminates WHY we have been engaging in this study and discussion together and WHY this is so important.
We have often talked—and very correctly so, to be clear—about having “cool” discussions. But it’s important to understand that this is NOT fundamentally about having “cool,” “interesting,” “fun” or “mentally stimulating” discussions, even though these discussions definitely ARE all of these things!
Rather, our work together has a specific purpose: to deepen our understanding of the world not just for the sake of knowledge in some academic sense, but in order to radically CHANGE the world. And, more specifically, to deepen our understanding and application of the science of revolution and communism, as this science has been qualitatively advanced in groundbreaking ways through the new communism brought forward by BA—deepening our grasp and application of this science as a key part of contributing to the process of making revolution on the basis of this new communism.
Just look at the world! We have talked about the “5 STOPS,” which speak to five key, defining contradictions of this capitalist-imperialist system. These 5 STOPS are: “STOP Genocidal Persecution, Mass Incarceration, Police Brutality and Murder of Black and Brown People!”... “STOP the Patriarchal Degradation, Dehumanization, and Subjugation of All Women Everywhere, and All Oppression Based on Gender or Sexual Orientation!... Stop Wars of Empire, Armies of Occupation, and Crimes Against Humanity!... Stop the Demonization, Criminalization and Deportations of Immigrants and the Militarization of the Border!... Stop Capitalism-Imperialism from Destroying Our Planet!”
A quick glance at the news from the past few weeks alone will reveal that the contradictions spoken to in these 5 STOPS—and the staggering level of suffering and misery caused by these contradictions—are only intensifying.
This is on top of the countless other forms of tremendous poverty, deprivation, misery, exploitation, oppression and suffering spawned by this system and heaped upon literally billions of human beings and humanity as a whole every single day that this capitalist-imperialist system continues.
A key point to understand, which BA’s work illuminates so sharply and powerfully, is that NONE of these outrages are accidental, isolated or disconnected from each other. They have a common source—this SYSTEM of capitalism-imperialism. These outrages and horrors for humanity are woven into this system’s rules, its operation, its “DNA,” its roots, its historical and ongoing functioning. For this reason, the system CANNOT be reformed—it must be overthrown through revolution.
This point about the NEED for an actual revolution—as opposed to attempts to “fix” or “heal” or “reform” a system that in fact CANNOT be fixed, healed or reformed—in order to put an end to the countless ways that humanity suffers needlessly is, I believe, one vital takeaway from our study and discussions of BA’s work; it is one critical point on which our collective understanding should be significantly deepened.
Another one of these vital points that I think has been a theme of our study and discussions—especially recently, as we have watched the most recent film from BA (Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution) and listened to the Q & A from this film—is what an actual revolution IS, what it involves and what it requires.
An actual revolution does NOT just mean “a big change”—in one form or another—which is how many people think of it or try to define it. Rather, an actual revolution means overthrowing the capitalist-imperialist system, meeting and defeating its repressive force, dismantling its institutions and setting up a new, socialist system and state power and society—and, accordingly, new institutions—on the road to communism. Right now is NOT the time for an actual revolution, because the necessary conditions for this revolution do not yet exist. But right now IS the time to be working for, hastening (i.e., working to accelerate the emergence of) and preparing for an actual revolution.
This point leads us to the question of what we ALREADY do have, and what we DON’T yet have and therefore need to urgently work on bringing into being, in terms of the necessary factors and conditions for revolution.
In terms of what we DO have: By far the biggest positive factor we have is BA. Through decades of work, BA has forged the new communism, which is the framework—and, most fundamentally, the scientific understanding and method—that humanity needs to make revolution and continue that revolution all the way to communism. Think about this: Just as the first round of communist revolutions would never have happened without the initial scientific breakthroughs and framework forged by Marx, so the next round of communist revolutions will not happen without millions of people taking up the further scientific breakthroughs and framework forged by BA.
The framework of the new communism includes: a comprehensive and further developed scientific understanding of the nature of the problem, that is, the nature of capitalism-imperialism, how it specifically operates, historically and in the world today, why and how it is responsible for the many different forms of suffering that humanity faces and why this system cannot be reformed and must be swept away through revolution; a viable strategy for revolution—for working now to hasten while awaiting a revolutionary situation and then winning in that future situation; and a concrete, vivid and thoroughly developed vision and “blueprint” for a radically different socialist society on the road to communism, as put forward in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by BA.
Most fundamentally and importantly—and this is a thread running through and underlying the understanding, strategy and vision—is the scientific METHOD of the new communism.
The new communism forged by BA builds upon—but also goes far beyond, and in some key ways breaks with—the past experience in theory and practice of the communist movement.
Speaking in depth to the totality and specific dimensions of the new communism is also beyond the scope of what I am writing here, but to quickly highlight some key points of this.
In terms of the totality of what is represented by the new communism, I want to quote the first of the Six Resolutions of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, which we have previously discussed. This first resolution makes the point that the new communism
represents and embodies a qualitative resolution of a critical contradiction that has existed within communism in its development up to this point, between its fundamentally scientific method and approach, and aspects of communism which have run counter to this.
This point is important enough that I think it bears repeating in order to help facilitate ongoing further reflection: The new communism “represents and embodies a qualitative resolution of a critical contradiction that has existed within communism in its development up to this point, between its fundamentally scientific method and approach, and aspects of communism which have run counter to this.”
While—as this quote from the first resolution points out—communism’s method and approach has been FUNDAMENTALLY scientific, there have been important ways in which past socialist societies along with the communist movement, past and present, have taken up unscientific and even ANTI-scientific ways of thinking, methods and approaches to understanding and transforming reality, with very harmful effects.
The new communism brought forward by BA qualitatively resolves this contradiction, putting communism on a more firmly scientific footing and therefore carving out the method and framework that makes it possible—not inevitable, but possible—to confront and transform the many contradictions involved in making revolution and continuing that revolution all the way to communism.
Needless to say, this is a big deal in terms of the possibilities this new communism opens up for humanity!
While, once again, it is not possible to review in depth the various specific dimensions of the new communism, I want to highlight here three examples of this.
*First, the new communism breaks new ground—and breaks with unscientific approaches within the communist movement—in terms of its approach to the TRUTH, the process by which the truth should be pursued, understood and arrived at, and the importance of going for the truth not just in a general sense but specifically in terms of the goal of getting to communism.
The new communism’s approach to this breaks with the unscientific and harmful ideas—which have far too often and to far too great a degree infected the past and present of the communist movement at different points—that a particular section of society, such as communists, or the most oppressed and exploited, have a monopoly on truth; the idea that whether or not a statement is true should be evaluated based on the class (or social) position of the person making the statement; the idea that different classes have their own versions of the truth, i.e., that the proletariat has its truth and the bourgeoisie has its truth; the notion of “populist epistemology”—that whether or not something is true should be evaluated based on the numbers of people who believe it at a given time; the notion of “political truth”—the idea that whether or not something is true should be evaluated based on whether or not it is viewed as convenient at a given time.
Once again, all of those wrong ways of thinking are not just prevalent in society more broadly but have been significant problems in the past and present of the communist movement.
In opposition to all of this is the understanding encompassed in BA’s new communism that truth is... TRUTH! That it does NOT have a class character, nor is it determined by whether it is viewed as politically convenient in the short term, nor is it determined by the number of the masses who recognize it as truth at a given time. That truth is determined by whether or not something corresponds to objective reality, and it must be fully confronted in all of its dimensions—including those that might be unfortunate or inconvenient in the short run—as an essential part of actually getting to communism.
These points are encompassed in this very important quote from BA that speaks to a key breakthrough in understanding concentrated in the new communism:
Everything that is actually true is good for the proletariat, all truths can help us get to communism. (BAsics 4:5)
Once again, as BA has pointed out, the new communism’s breakthroughs in regard to the truth are not just a matter of recognizing that going for the truth is essential in general—though this understanding is encompassed, too—but that going for the truth is essential IN ORDER TO GET TO COMMUNISM.
*A second example of a specific key dimension of the new communism is its breakthrough in regard to internationalism—the understanding that “the whole world comes first.” This is not just a moral stand—although it is ALSO that—but represents a more fully scientific understanding of internationalism and its importance in the process of making and continuing revolution, and a rupture with and departure from unscientific understandings of internationalism in the past and present of the communist movement. This breakthrough developed with BA’s new communism includes the understanding that the world situation is principal—in other words, that it is the most important factor setting the terms—in regard to the process of making revolution in any particular country; that there can sometimes be a sharp contradiction between the needs of a particular socialist state and the need to advance the world revolution, and that advancing the world revolution must come first; and that in past revolutions there were sometimes important errors made by failing to recognize this and putting the needs of particular socialist countries above the world revolution. Here again, this is not just a matter of an abstract idea of internationalism, but principles based on the work BA has done to deeply engage and synthesize the correct understanding of and approach to the actual contradictions involved in consistently applying internationalism, with all the complexity and difficulty involved in this. (In this regard, the discussion of internationalism in BA’s book THE NEW COMMUNISM is very important.)
*A third example of specific dimensions in which the new communism has broken new ground is in terms of the method of “solid core with a lot of elasticity on the basis of the solid core,” which is a scientific understanding which in fact ruptures with the past understanding and approach of the communist movement in important ways, including in the application of this method to the process of making revolution and leading the future socialist society.
In terms of epistemology (theory of knowledge) and method, “solid core with a lot of elasticity on the basis of the solid core” intertwines with some of the key points made earlier in regard to truth and comprehends that while the communist method and approach is the most systematic, comprehensive and effective means of getting to the truth, this does not mean that communists have a monopoly on the truth and are always correct or that those NOT applying the communist method and approach are always incorrect; rather, those coming from other outlooks, methods and approaches can discover important truths and shed important light on elements of reality. Therefore, the METHOD of solid core with a lot of elasticity on the basis of the solid core involves applying the communist outlook, method and approach to reality with a specific goal, making revolution and getting to communism, while also understanding the need—ON THE BASIS OF APPLYING THAT METHOD—to learn from, sift through and sort out what is brought forward through many diverse streams of human activity and by people coming from a broad range of perspectives, including those that are not communist and even opposed to communism in some cases.
Applying this understanding of solid core with a lot of elasticity on the basis of the solid core to the process of making revolution and then continuing that revolution in the future socialist society on the road to communism, BA’s new communism recognizes—on a level far beyond and in some cases in opposition to the way this was understood prior to the new communism—the complexity and diversity of human activity and thought that must be involved in the process of making revolution and leading a socialist society to communism. This includes recognizing in a whole new way and on a whole other level the importance of dissent, debate, experimentation, ferment and individuality—not individualism but individuality—in socialist society.
To contrast this with one example from the first wave of socialist societies: In socialist China—which, again, overall represented an enormous leap for humanity in so many different spheres and overall—Marxism was in essence viewed as an “official ideology” that people in socialist society should profess, while the new communism, and in particular the approach of “solid core with a lot of elasticity on the basis of the solid core,” embodies the understanding that the leading element in socialist society needs to be communism, but this should not be enshrined and institutionalized as, in effect, an “official ideology” but put forward and struggled for as something people need to be won to and to consciously and voluntarily take up, while at the same time recognizing the importance of giving space to and engaging, and learning what can and should be learned from, the insights of others who have not, yet, been won to communism.
As positive as the overall experience of socialism in China was, BA’s new communism represents a very different vision of socialist society that involves a radical leap forward from even the best of the past.
So, these three examples—related to the approach towards truth, internationalism and solid core with a lot of elasticity on the basis of the solid core—are just that: three of many examples and points that could be offered to illustrate just how profoundly new BA’s new communism is, and the ways in which this new communism (to go back to the quote from the first of the six resolutions):
represents and embodies a qualitative resolution of a critical contradiction that has existed within communism in its development up to this point, between its fundamentally scientific method and approach, and aspects of communism which have run counter to this.
The works that we have read, watched and listened to from BA have been an application and illustration of the new communism—and this has immersed us in this new communism, in an overall way, as captured by the quote from the first resolution as well as in various specific dimensions, including the three highlighted in this letter.
Accordingly, our study and discussion of this work should have deepened our understanding and application of the new communism and its scientific method. Many of our discussions, in fact, have involved studying BA’s scientific method and seeking to take up and apply this method ourselves, to the best of our ability, even while not being able to do this on anywhere near the same level that BA himself does. This focus on method has been extremely important and instructive, manifested, for instance, in the way that we have studied and sought to emulate the way that BA boldly confronts, plainly presents and systematically unpacks the key contradictions and questions of the revolution, involving and inviting others to join him on that journey.
So, once again to return to the question of what we HAVE in regard to the factors and conditions needed to make revolution, the biggest positive factor we have by far is BA, the scientific framework, breakthrough and understanding that he has forged with the new communism, and the ongoing leadership he is providing. This leadership, as highlighted in the second of those six resolutions, involves an extremely rare combination: the ability “to develop scientific theory on a world-class level, while at the same time having a deep understanding of and visceral connection with the most oppressed, and a highly developed ability to ‘break down’ complex theory and make it accessible to the masses of people.” Our viewing, listening, reading and related study/discussion has also driven home this rare combination point repeatedly and powerfully.
In terms of what we don’t yet have, and therefore urgently NEED to work on bringing into being in order to make an actual revolution: We don’t yet have masses of people, first in the thousands and then in the millions, who are won to this revolution and its leadership and developed as an organized force for this revolution; we don’t yet have a situation where the party that is needed to lead the revolution has grown and been expanded and strengthened to the point where it has the necessary ties and influence in society to actually lead a revolution; and we don’t yet have a revolutionary crisis in which the system is unable to rule in the traditional way.
So, the urgent task before us—not just us, but certainly ALSO us—is to take the critical things we DO have and go to work on bringing into being what we DON’T yet have.
This theme—of what we do have, what we don’t have, and what we therefore need to get busy doing—has been another theme both directly spoken to and objectively posed by the works of BA that we have dug into and by our discussions of these works.
Bringing into being the conditions that we don’t yet have is urgently necessary, absolutely possible and in line with reality and how it can be changed, and there is a strategy for going to work on this, as we have discussed recently. But this will not be easy—it will take lots of STRUGGLE, repeatedly and fundamentally on a societal level.
This understanding, too, is another theme that jumps out in reflecting on our study and discussion.
We should understand that we are not operating on an “empty playing field.” There can be a tendency, especially when people are young and still relatively inexperienced politically, to think that everyone with a decent heart will immediately rally to the correct understanding of reality as soon as they are exposed to this understanding. And without question, there is a tremendous basis to win MILLIONS of people to this revolution and its leadership because it DOES, in fact, correspond to reality and to what humanity needs, and no other program and line does.
However, the understanding of BA and the new communism is, to put it simply, contending with all kinds of wrong ways of thinking, on all kinds of questions, that are spontaneously called forth and actively and repeatedly promoted by this system, and it is contending with all kinds of wrong LINES—i.e., wrong outlooks and methods applied to reality—that keep people trapped within this system. This includes, but is not limited to, people in society who call themselves “socialists” or “communists” but are actually about nothing that has anything to do with actual socialism and communism and really just want to reform capitalism and perhaps slightly redistribute the wealth generated by the capitalist system of exploitation. These reformists have nothing to do with an actual revolution and bringing into being a radically different world—and in some cases they will even admit as much. In any case, these fake socialists and communists are often some of those who most viciously attack BA and the GENUINE communism represented by BA, the new communism, precisely because BA and the new communism ACTUALLY represent what they may PRETEND to be about but in reality fundamentally oppose: real revolution and communism.
Few things are as threatening to a poseur as someone who actually IS what they PRETEND to be.
Returning to society more broadly: sharp ideological struggle must be waged—not just on an individual level or in small numbers, but among MASSES OF PEOPLE, and on a SOCIETAL SCALE—to rupture people out of all the wrong ways of thinking and wrong lines that they are caught up in and into the framework of BA’s new communism.
Once again, there is every basis and every urgency to do this, exactly because BA and the new communism correspond to reality and how it can and must be changed, while these other lines and ways of thinking do NOT. But this will take determined, sharp struggle—of the sort emphasized and modeled by BA in the works that we have studied together.
This brings me to the point with which I want to briefly conclude, which is the second of the two themes I have emphasized.
Another tendency that people can have when they are young and relatively inexperienced is the tendency to view “doing stuff” as the most important political task at hand. “Doing stuff” can be defined in a number of different ways, including things such as attending programs, events or protests or doing “on the ground” political outreach and work.
Well, first of all, the question of “doing WHAT stuff” is immediately posed. In other words, what KIND of political work and outreach are people doing, and what KIND of programs and protests—around what line—are people seeking to be involved in? This is obviously a key question.
It’s not the case, as people often think and sometimes say, that “it’s all good”—in other words, “liberal”/“progressive”/“socialist”/“communist”—“sure, sure we all basically want the same things and are on the same page.”
NO. While there are certainly some important areas in which genuine communists can find unity with broad ranks of progressives, there are different lines out there and these different lines are in contention and lead to fundamentally different understandings of the problem and solution in the world.
So, that’s the first question: doing “WHAT” stuff and with WHAT goal?
That said, “doing stuff” in the right sense—i.e., doing “practical work” on the ground and in the broader society to promote this revolution and its leadership, to organize people into the revolution, working to hasten and prepare for an actual revolution, to Fight the Power, and Transform the People, for Revolution, including through different forms of political outreach, programs and discussions, demonstrations and protests, etc.—is extremely critical and important, and in fact urgently necessary.
But it is important to understand that in a movement for revolution—like any good team—everyone has different roles, and it is important for people to understand and embrace their roles in order to make the greatest possible contribution to the team and, in this case, to humanity.
However, even beyond this question of each person’s individual roles, there is the question of the decisiveness of revolutionary theory.
Once again, “doing stuff” in the right sense—i.e., practical revolutionary work—is critically important. If millions of people had the right theoretical understanding but didn’t act on that understanding in practice, nothing would change.
However—and this goes up against the ways people are trained to think in this society, and against the spontaneity of how people often see things when they are young (or new to things), but is nonetheless true and important—what is even more fundamental than “doing stuff” is the question of what people, individually and in their masses, UNDERSTAND. Whether and how people act—and the effect this has in the world—ultimately comes down to what people UNDERSTAND.
From that standpoint, it is crucial that people find the ways to do what we have been doing: immersing ourselves in, taking up and applying the most advanced revolutionary theory in the world, BA’s new communism, as part of the overall process of making revolution.
One final point: It is important not to look narrowly at what it means to TAKE UP and APPLY the new communism. This doesn’t just mean direct political work and outreach, which, once again, is very important. Taking up and applying this work means—in a BROADER sense—applying the understanding represented by BA and the new communism to understanding and changing reality. Very importantly, this includes sharing observations/ideas/questions and thoughts—about what you are learning and the material you are studying; about developments, changes and trends in society (and the world overall); about ways and openings to promote this revolution and its leadership; about how people (those you know and people more broadly) are viewing and discussing different things going on in society/the world, what this reveals about openings for revolution and jolts in society but also the need to transform people’s thinking; about major events and developments in music and the arts... just to give a few examples.
These are all VERY IMPORTANT contributions to the revolutionary process, and it would be wrong to think otherwise.
So, let me end this where I began: This process we have embarked on has been—and will continue to be—deeply meaningful, really exciting, and a lot of fun. And this is a crucial part of actually participating in and contributing to the process of building for the revolution that is so urgently needed.
The science, the strategy, the leadership for an actual revolution, and a radically new society on the road to real emancipation, by Bob Avakian
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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August 22, 2014 | Revolution Newspaper |
This article was originally published in 2014.
For those who don’t know, Fruitvale Station is a very powerful, moving, and excruciating film that depicts the last day in the life of Oscar Grant. Oscar was a 22-year-old, unarmed Black man murdered by Bay Area Rapid Transit police on New Year’s Day, 2009. He was returning home from celebrating on New Year’s Eve, when police stopped Oscar and the friends he was with, harassed and brutalized them, straddled Oscar as he lay face down on a subway platform, and fatally shot him in the back.
Not too long ago, I watched Fruitvale Station with Bob Avakian (BA), chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party. Towards the very end of the film, agonizing, heartbreaking and infuriating scenes are shown: The cop shooting Oscar in the back; Oscar’s girlfriend frantically rushing to the scene, trying to find out what happened; Oscar’s loved ones gathering together and waiting desperately to find out if he would make it, only to find out he was gone forever.
As these scenes unfolded, I looked over at BA. He was sobbing. Not just misty-eyed. Sobbing. And he continued to cry tears of heartbreak and rage for several minutes, as the closing credits rolled.
This made a very big impression on me. BA did not know Oscar Grant personally. But he felt the sting of his murder in an extremely raw and visceral way. And I think his reaction speaks volumes about who Bob Avakian is, what he represents, and what he is all about.
BA has literally been fighting against this system for 50 years. He has been a revolutionary communist for about 45 years. He has been shouldering the responsibility of leading the Revolutionary Communist Party for almost 40 years. And over the course of the last several decades, he has forged the theory and deepened the science for the revolution humanity needs to get free, while also providing practical leadership to the party and movement working for that revolution. And all of this has involved not only tremendous work, but also tremendous risk and sacrifice on BA’s part as anyone with a sense of U.S. history, and/or BA’s personal history—specifically, what this reveals about the way the U.S. government viciously goes after revolutionary leaders—should well understand. And over all these decades, and through everything described above, BA has never lost an ounce of his love and feeling for the masses of people, his sense of outrage and hatred for all the ways in which the masses suffer needlessly, and his fire for revolution to emancipate the masses all over the world. Not one bone in his body has become numb.
There is a great deal more that could be said about the experience of watching Fruitvale Station with BA. But I want to highlight two points.
First, I think that in BA’s reaction to this movie, there is a lot for revolutionary communists, and anyone with concern for humanity and hatred for oppression and injustice, to reflect on and learn from. Even with all the work BA has done and continues to do in the realm of theory, in order to forge a deeper understanding of why police murders like the execution of Oscar Grant and countless other outrages keep happening, the larger picture they are connected to, and how these outrages can be ended through revolution; even though BA has been at this for decades; and even with all of the horrors that pile up every single second that this system remains in place, there is absolutely no sense on BA’s part of world-weary detachment or defeatism when something like the murder of Oscar Grant goes down. His reaction is decidedly not: “Oh, well of course, this happens all the time, what do you expect?” Rather, he cries tears of rage and anguish, both because he feels acutely the pain of Oscar’s life being stolen and because he knows that outrages like this are completely unnecessary and that humanity does not have to live this way.
This brings me to the second point I want to make here—and it is one I want to give even greater emphasis to, even while the first point above is very important and very related. The point I want to close this letter with is: We had better fully recognize and appreciate what we have in BA, and act accordingly.
I’ll say it again: We had better fully recognize and appreciate what we have in BA, and act accordingly.
And when I say “we had better,” that “we” is addressed to many different people and audiences. Yes, I am most definitely speaking to revolutionaries and communists and to all those who are already deeply familiar with and supportive of BA. But in saying “we,” I am also speaking to those who are just now—or just recently—learning about and getting introduced to this revolutionary leader—including, to quote BA, “Those this system has cast off, those it has treated as less than human” who “can be the backbone and driving force of a fight not only to end their own oppression, but to finally end all oppression, and emancipate all of humanity.”
To all the masses of people, here and around the world, who suffer brutal oppression minute after minute, day after day... and to all those who may not directly suffer this oppression but ache for a world where this oppression is no more, I want to say this: If you do not know about Bob Avakian, or just recently learned about him, that is not your fault. But you, and millions of other people, need to understand how incredibly rare and precious it is for the people of the planet that we have this revolutionary leader and act in accordance with that reality.
BA is not only the leader of the revolution, he is also a best friend to the masses of people. He is a leader who has done decades of work in the realm of theory to bring forward the scientific method, strategy and vision needed to make revolution and bring into being a radically new world where all the horrors that humanity suffers unnecessarily would be no more. He is continuing to develop the advanced scientific method that he has forged, and apply that method to all of the big questions and obstacles confronting the revolution. He is able to break all of this down for people, without even slightly watering it down, in a way that everyone can understand, take up, and be inspired by. He has taken on the daily responsibility of leading a party and a movement to make revolution right here in the most powerful imperialist country in the world. He has dedicated his life to the emancipation of humanity. And, through all of this, he maintains a deep, visceral connection to and feeling for the masses of people who most desperately need this revolution.
A leader like this comes along very, very rarely. And when this does happen, the absolute worst thing we could do is fail to recognize this, fail to act in accordance with this, fail to take this seriously, or take this for granted. Instead, all of us—whether we have known about BA for decades, are just learning about him and what he represents, or anywhere in between, and whether you agree with BA about everything or not—must fully recognize and embrace what BA means for the people of the world. We must study, and learn all we can from his incredible body of work on the biggest questions of revolution and human emancipation, as well as the lessons of who he is and what he stands for as a revolutionary leader. We must realize that it is not just us who need to know about BA, his work and vision, and the leadership he is providing to this party and movement for revolution: millions of people must know about all of this, and this must impact all of society.
Furthermore, and very crucially, we must fully confront the reality of what it would mean for the people of the world to lose this leader, and take extremely seriously that there are people and forces—those officially part of the powers-that-be, as well as those willing to do the work of the powers-that-be—who hate what BA represents and would like nothing more than to tear him down, silence him, and take him from the masses of people. And we must be absolutely determined not to let that happen.
This means taking very seriously the need to do everything we can to protect and defend BA. This means denouncing and not giving a millimeter of space to those who slander and personally attack BA, because these attacks and slanders are part of creating the poisonous atmosphere and conditions that would make it easier for the powers-that-be, or those doing their bidding, to take BA from the people of the world. Protecting and defending BA, and building a wall around him, also means boldly and sharply challenging those who may not be part of the camp of the enemy, but who are wallowing in, or at least being influenced by, arrogance, cynicism and snark, and who seek to dismiss without seriously engaging what BA has brought forward; this arrogance, snark, cynicism, and dismissal, regardless of the intent of those who fall into it, stands in the way of BA and all that he has brought forward having the reach and societal influence that this urgently needs to have. And this, too, creates easier conditions for those who would try to silence and isolate BA and take him from the masses.
Few things in life are more tragic than a critical lesson learned too late. And it would truly be a tragedy if BA were taken from the people, and then people said: “Wow, I wish I had realized sooner what we had here.”
But the good news is: It is not too late. We, and the masses of the planet, have BA right now. We had better realize, and let everyone know, what that means.
Prisoners Speak Out on Pandemic:
We greatly appreciate receiving these letters from prisoners and encourage prisoners to keep sending us correspondence. The views expressed by the writers of these letters are, of course, their own; and they are not responsible for the views published elsewhere on our site.
VA, March 25th, 2020
The vulnerability of prisoners amidst a global health crisis.
With the rapid outbreak of coronavirus, (covid-19) pandemic, life as people know it has been altered. Nations placed on lockdowns, sports events canceled, school closures, ban on mass gatherings and nonessential travels etcetera. This outbreak is deemed to be greater than the 1918 so called “Spanish flu”, SARS epidemic, bird flu, and swine flu. In mere months covid-19 managed to reach every corner of the world. To illustrate how quickly it spread, March 8, 2020 there were 500 confirmed cases in U.S. That number skyrocketed to over 3,000 in just a week and currently stands at 32,600 with over 400 fatalities.
Hospitals in U.S. have been overwhelmed as the result of the shortage of preventative masks and ventilators and certainly exacerbates what's already a global health crisis. At the time of this writing there are 219 confirmed cases of covid-19 and 2 deaths in the state of Virginia. At the rate this virus is spreading it will inevitably affect a large percentage of the population in society...and prisons.
Virginia, like other states, declared a state of emergency after cases of covid-19 were first discovered. Virginia department of corrections (VDOC) suspended all visits from prisoner's families, friends and and/or attorneys until further notice in an attempt to prevent covid-19 from its prisons. Given that this virus spreads mainly from close contacts and respiratory droplets when someone coughs, suspending visitation came as no surprise.
A memorandum was subsequently distributed explaining what the virus is and issued precautionary methods on the beginning war to avoid contracting this virus such as: frequent hand wash, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. It was also suggested to practice “social distancing” staying 6 feet away from others. These were guidelines established by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC) and adopted by VDOC.
This notion of “social distancing” in a prison setting is utterly impossible for a number of reasons. Many of those in general population have roommates, walk to chowhall with others, they are close to each other, attend gym, religious services, outside and in-pod recreations together etc. Whereas, those in solitary confinement, it requires they be escorted by 2 guides anytime they step out of the cell for any reason. Close contact is inevitable. Despite VDOC efforts to prevent this virus from entering its prisons, judging by the trend on how rapid it spreads, it seems bound to make its way into prisons.
Indeed, this is a peculiar situation and since there is no foolproof way to prevent it from coming in, it’s easy to predict how fast it will spread due to those aforementioned reasons, the close proximity prisoners live under, and taking into account other relevant factors such as: we use the same phones, Jpay kiosk, recreation equipment, guards using the same restraints on prisoners, etc. The conditions are ripe for a massive outbreak
In an unprecedented case of transparency VDOC issued a memorandum on updates of the covid-19 virus, which in summary stated that March 18,2020 a dozen inmates at Coffeewood corrections had fever and 2 tested positive for the flu, all of them were housed in the same unit. The Virginia dept of health was notified and they were quarantined awaiting the testing of covid-19.
The testing of this deadly virus has been a major issue for those in society, so much so, that [the] government keeps reiterating that the tests kits are in short supply and adopted a “priority list" of who should get tested. Suffice to say, it is not exactly inconceivable to assume prisoners aren't on this “priority list”.
One of the many things I've learned about how prisons function, is that oftentimes prison officials have the propensity to be reactive rather than proactive, meaning they wait for something to happen, then implement a policy around it. Despite how deadly this virus has proven to be, prisoners haven't been offered preventative masks and presumably will not, not until the numbers of confirmed covid-19 cases, even death, spikes. Only then will they take action.
The only thing we prisoners can do is adhere to the CDC guidelines by washing hands often, cover mouths when coughing, avoid touching eyes and nose. This is our way of doing our part in looking out, not only for ourselves but each other.The politicians don't give a damn about us. Prison officials will go on with business as usual so long as their paychecks aren't affected and we certainly are excluded from this so called “priority list.”
An example of my point can easily be verified by watching the news. This virus has undoubtedly dominated mainstream news media but not once have they reported on conditions inside prisons and any preventative measures that could be taken to save lives. New York has the most cases of confirmed covid-19, yet not a single news report about the overcrowded Rikers and its prisons. California, the same case applies. Mississippi, don't get me started.
This virus has overwhelmed hospitals, many of them lacking necessary medical equipment to combat this virus such as: not enough ventilators, masks, gowns, etc. Needless to say, prison medical units certainly aren't prepared, let alone equipped to an outbreak.
The irony of this unpreparedness is that this is a nation stockpiled with a cornucopia of weapons ready to initiate war for its own interest, yet was completely unprepared to respond to a health crisis which they saw coming. Lacking preventative masks or life-saving equipment such as ventilators is unfathomable.
Prisoners are in a uniquely vulnerable situation and it’s essential we wash hands often, cover your coughs, avoid touching eyes, nose and keep ourselves and our peers safe.
All Power to the People!
Panther Love!
NC, 3-29-20
In light of the corona virus, I hope this letter reaches all of my comrades in good health and virus free. It upsets me greatly to tell you that the prison I am at is taking almost zero precautionary measures. And the sad part is that N.C. DPS is lying to the public about the so-called preventive measures being taken. For example, not one staff member has been checked for temperature. The DPS press release says they have stopped all facility transfers (2 weeks ago) unless in an emergency. This is a blatant lie. The transfer buses been running on a regular schedule. It has also been said that they have stopped outside facility work. This is a lie. I work outside the facility. My boss hasn’t ever been screened, and when I refused to work last week, I was threatened with disciplinary action! About 5 days [ago], they quarantined a inmate here and they did take my entire block’s temperature. But the public is being told that no inmates are symptomatic or being quarantined. Both of these are lies. They are not taking enuff preventive measures. A sgt here, she left 4 days ago with cough and a fever, and she is back today! No 15 day Quarantine or nothing. I am in a constant fear for my health, but no one is willing to address mine or anyone elses concerns. It’s only a matter of time before Corona virus runs rampant in N.C. prison system. My Biggest concern is the fact that some of us are still being exploited for $1.00 a day of inmate labor, to be pushed outside the gate and forced to work around staff that is not being screened or anything!
There was a rumor that the governor was gonna sign a proposal to release 1000 inmates that were non-violent and close to release. Me, myself, I am a non-violent offender and my release date is just about 78 days away (June 20). But the case managers and corrections staff will never confirm or deny what the truth is about this proposition. N.C. is so last minute with EVERYTHING. I just hope that I make it out of prison before COVID19 runs its course, because once it begins, it will spread faster than a California wild fire. Please, let the public know, N.C. inmates, we are not being kept safe as they are telling the public. And yes, there has been inmates quarantined, and they are not telling the public about this. And if you can find any information about what the supposed governor is proposing as far as setting any inmates free, please, please let me know. I hope that all of you come thru this pandemic well and in good health. PLEASE, be my voice, and let the public know the truth about what going on in here.
Thank you
MO, 3/30/2020
“Thank you for sending the Revolution every month. It has been helping me out a lot with keeping up with all that is going on in the world. I been boxed in this hole now for 9 months with no A/C & no heat, and now with this pandemic going on, I feel that this is what they want…
…As far as I know, at this camp it’s 2 people in ICU with this virus. The COs & others don’t have masks on. And the way it looks, they not gonna have them on no time soon. They not letting anyone go to medical to get medical care due to the inmates that’s up there. More COs are coming coughing & sneezing, and these people feel that it’s not anything wrong with what they are doing. At this camp there’s no care for the inmates. I really don’t know what to do because as I read your newsletter I see that this is just the beginning of something big. And when it hits these camps its gonna be a lot of people dead. I just want to let you guys know what is going on.”
This photo is NOT of the authors. Prisoners packed in tight at Alabama's Easterling Correctional Facility, Feb. 25. (Photo: Alabama Department of Corrections)
PRLF is an educational literature fund that sends Revolution newspaper (, works from Bob Avakian, (Chairman of the RCP) and other revolutionary and scientific literature to hundreds of prisoners across the U.S. PRLF has fought attempts by prison officials to censor these publications. For example, the ACLU of Southern California successfully represented PRLF in a censorship battle focused on Pelican Bay State Prison with statewide ramifications in California.
To donate to the work of the PRLF, go HERE.
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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“The coronavirus puts everyone in danger. Yet the way this disease comes down echoes the howling inequalities and intense forms of oppression that run through the heart of U.S. society… death, disability and hardship will still hit some sections of people far harder.”
–From Communique #2 from the Revcoms
New data from Chicago and Milwaukee indicate that the coronavirus is erupting in Black communities at a higher rate and with higher death rates than in the overall population.1
On April 5, the state of Illinois announced alarming news: 70% of people dying from the coronavirus COVID-19 disease in Chicago were Black—61 of the 86 recorded deaths. Black people are only 29% of the population of this city of about 2.7 million. In Cook County, which includes Chicago, 107 of the 183 deaths from COVID-19 were of Black people, 58% of the deaths in a county where they are only 23% of the population of about 5 million people.2
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is one of the few cities that is publishing coronavirus data by race, and the data is alarming.3 The first cases of coronavirus started in mid-March and in one week went from one case to 40; 70% of the patients were African American, most of them middle-aged men. For comparison, the county is only 27% Black, and the city is 39% Black. By the second week, there were over 350 cases, 50% Black. By April 1 there were 945 cases in the county. By April 2, 19 people had died of illness related to the coronavirus, and 15 of them were Black. At least 11 of the 19 had diabetes, 8 had hypertension, and 15 had a mixture of chronic conditions, including heart and lung diseases. The number of deaths is a more accurate indicator of the severity of the crisis, given that the actual number of people infected is unknown because many people who had symptoms were sent home without tests and it is still taking up to two weeks to get the test results.
This is just at the beginning of what is expected to be the exponential climb to the peak of cases.
Centuries of white supremacist oppression, from slavery through Jim Crow until today, have deeply affected the health of Black people. Study after study has brought to light the stark inequality and disparities in access to health care, treatment, outcomes of treatment, and life expectancy between Black and white people.
A June 2019 study4 illustrates the huge gap in life expectancy between Blacks and whites in Chicago. Chicago had the largest life expectancy gap in the country between Black and white neighborhoods. In Englewood, a Black neighborhood on the South Side that has been left to rot, residents only live to an average age of 60 years, while 9 miles away in Streeterville, an upscale neighborhood near downtown, residents live to an average of 90 years – a 30-year gap!
Dr David Ansell, author of The Death Gap: How Inequality Kills, who has studied this question for 30 years, said, “Social conditions themselves create these terrible gaps in disease and premature mortality… What seems to be driving the large gaps in life expectancy… are actually differences in social conditions under which people live, play and work.” Decades of segregation and abandonment have left the overwhelmingly Black neighborhoods of the South Side and large parts of the West Side with few jobs, inadequate or absent social services, dilapidated housing, and homelessness. Access to quality healthcare facilities or any health care at all is minimal. Many of the neighborhoods are food deserts, with no decent grocery stores for fresh produce or healthy foods. The main nearby sources of food are fast food restaurants and corner stores that sell mainly candy, chips, pop, alcohol and cigarettes.
Studies have also shown that the day-in day-out stress of dealing with structural racism and all its manifestations has a direct effect on people’s health, putting them at higher risk for chronic conditions that leave their lungs weak and their immune systems vulnerable to the coronavirus. For example, in Illinois the rate of high blood pressure for Black residents is about 48%. Chronic conditions like kidney disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma, lung disease and HIV are all rampant (40% of people living with HIV in the U.S. are Black).
Conditions of life for many Black people also leave them more likely to be exposed to the coronavirus. Many work in “essential” service jobs with constant exposure to the general public and/or sick patients. Many must use public transportation, often making it difficult to keep a distance from other people. Often multiple people of all ages are living together, with little ability to practice physical distancing if one develops coronavirus symptoms. This does not even count how the disproportionate incarceration of Black and Brown people leaves prisoners trapped in jails and prisons that are mass incubators for the coronavirus.5
So put together this terrible “status quo” of millions of Black people with the coronavirus, which infects and kills people with these kinds of preexisting health conditions and living conditions, and you get deadly results. One author said, “Being Black is a preexisting condition for coronavirus.”
There is not an even playing field in the fight against this deadly virus. And inequality, neglect, and bias cannot be fought if they are hidden.6 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not carried out their normal procedure of publishing data on race and COVID-19, nor has it required such data to be collected from the states. By ignoring or covering up the racial disparities, by not reporting data, the fascist government in power is risking more lives of a whole section of people who are already at a great health disadvantage because of the white supremacist system. Data on race and zip code of people with COVID-19 must immediately be collected and released by all health departments, rapid testing must be available to everyone, and emergency responses must be aimed at the hardest-hit communities.
1. The number of positive cases and deaths in majority Black cities like Detroit, Newark and New Orleans also have leapt up in the last few days. In Michigan, where the state population is 14% Black, African Americans made up 40% of deaths as of April 3. Detroit, a majority Black city, is now a hotspot of coronavirus. (See also Charles Blow’s “The Racial Time Bomb in the Covid-19 Crisis,” New York Times, April 1, 2020, which delves into potential implications for the South.) [back]
2. “In Chicago, 70% of COVID-19 Deaths Are Black,” April 5, 2020, WBEZ Chicago. [back]
3. “Early Data Shows African Americans Have Contracted and Died of Coronavirus at an Alarming Rate,” Akilah Johnson and Tailia Buford, ProPublica, April 3, 2020. [back]
4. The NYU School of Medicine analyzed data from the CDC from the 500 biggest U.S. cities from 2010-2015. Cited in “Chicago Has the Largest Life Expectancy Gap in the Country. Why?” Kristen Thometz, June 6, 2019, [back]
5., updated April 6. “2.3 Million US Prisoners and Detainees Trapped in ‘Petri Dish’ for Coronavirus” [back]
6. The immediate problem with data on coronavirus spread and outcomes among Black people is that there is very little data. In order to identify the impact of the coronavirus—who it is spreading among, who is being hospitalized and is dying from it, how to tamp down the contagion—data must be collected and analyzed. Age, sex, and preexisting conditions have been identified as key factors and are included in local, state and federal reports. But race is a critical factor that the CDC and most state and local governments are NOT publishing, and it is not clear whether it is even being collected.
To be clear, race is not a biological concept, and there is no such thing as distinct biological races of human beings—to the coronavirus, all human beings are the same. But the concept of race has important social meaning in terms of how groupings of people are treated in society, with a long history of racism and oppression, and that very much comes into play in a medical situation like this pandemic. See “What Does the Science of Evolution Tell Us About Human ‘Races’?” pp 166-169, from The Science of Evolution and the Myth of Creationism by Ardea Skybreak, Insight Press, 2006. [back]
There is not an even playing field in the fight against this deadly virus. Conditions of life for many Black people leave them more likely to be exposed to the coronavirus. And just when health services are most critical, Provident Hospital on Chicago's Southside closed. Here, nurses protest this action on April 6. Photo: AP
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Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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Communiqué #5 from the Revcoms:
We could be about to witness the death penalty being given to thousands of people in America’s prisons. The 2.3 million people locked down in America’s prisons (about 60 percent Black or Latino) are being forced to face the deadly coronavirus without consistent access to soap and water, without masks, with no ability to do “social distancing.” Many whose crimes were as petty as drug use or stealing a bicycle, and many who haven’t been convicted but just can’t pay bail. And all of whom are human beings now facing mass death if things continue as they are.
The authorities made a big show of releasing a few (far less than other countries), but the vast majority continue to be held. All while pig governors (yes, including Democrats in CA and NY) argue things like “prisoners have no rights to social distancing” or even worse, and the outright fascist Trump himself threatens to stop what little is being done. The way all these rulers are handling this virus in the prisons could speed up “slow genocide” of mass incarceration into a fast one!
This mass incarceration, and the whole way Black and other oppressed people are treated, didn’t come out of nowhere. Bob Avakian (BA), the most important political thinker and leader in the world today, has pointed out:
In the days of slavery, and then Jim Crow segregation after the Civil War, the oppressors viciously exploited and terrorized Black people, brutally murdering those they saw as posing a threat, or “not staying in their place,” but they did not kill off or incarcerate a huge part of the Black population, because their labor was needed as a backbone and crucial source of profit for the cotton plantations and the overall economy in the South (and the country as a whole). Today, with great numbers of Black people concentrated in the inner cities, and with many factories and other capitalist enterprises having moved away from the urban cores, the police have killed thousands of Black people in the last few decades, and they play a key part in forcibly maintaining masses of Black people in a situation where, especially youth robbed of any decent future under this system, are killing each other in the thousands, and millions are either incarcerated or in some other way under the control of the so-called “justice system.”
—Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution
This must end! We need an actual revolution to emancipate all humanity and the Revolution Club is organizing for that. And right now there is an urgent need to come together to figure out what we do about preventing this mass death sentence from going down. If you care about humanity, we need to talk about how.
Connect with the Revolution Club (the RevComs), to find out how to work together toward these goals. Visit and find out more about Bob Avakian and the revolution we need. Meanwhile: spread this communiqué and subscribe to the YouTube channel TheRevComs, as part of getting organized. As you do, write to us about what you are learning.
Los Angeles:
With space for contact info:
See also:
Follow: @TheRevcoms
Reaching this goal is a real achievement and a victory for the people of the world, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the dedicated efforts of many people working creatively and collectively to meet this pressing need: those who donated whether large or small contributions, who fundraised, who spread the campaign, who sent statements, who raised comments, questions, criticisms or suggestions – and of course those who worked so hard on modernizing and upgrading our web technology and presence. It all made a difference!
The Ongoing Need for Sustainers
During this four month fund drive, continued to incur thousands of dollars of costs each month for our office, maintaining our existing site and other expenses. But thanks to our existing monthly sustainers we were able to meet these expenses and use all the funds raised in the drive to transform the website.
So we encourage all our donors and those who’ve not yet donated to become monthly sustainers at whatever level you can afford.
Remember, humanity’s fate truly hinges on millions taking up the revolutionary science, strategy, and new communism brought forward by Bob Avakian which they can find at
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Recently a middle class professional, who was sent an article of mine (my response to an opinion piece in the New York Times by the former “1960s radical” Mark Rudd),1 replied that despite the fact that he was very busy
I took the time today... to read Bob Avakian’s entire response to Mark Rudd’s NYT piece and I was very disappointed. Despite Rudd’s focus on the issue of violence as a tool for revolutionary change, Avakian hemmed and hawed, trying to have it both ways. He condemned the “madness” of the Weather Underground and called the intended bombing “wrong” but then vaguely criticized the strategy of “non-violence” as being too “limiting.” What????
Apparently, the New Communism would endorse violence once an “actual” massive revolution was underway. If that assumption is true, then why doesn’t Avakian say so instead of being so coy about it in his response to Rudd. Apparently the Weather Underground was only tactically “wrong” in prematurely planning a violent attack.
Very confusing and garbled.
This deserves a response—not by way of singling out this particular person, but precisely because his comments are typical of a whole section of middle class “liberals,” whose basic problem is that, despite inclinations to oppose certain forms of injustice and oppression, they are so wedded to this system that they strongly resist engaging, or even outright refuse to engage, the decisive question of what is really necessary to end oppression and exploitation—the decisive question of reform vs. revolution—and in particular they have a strong aversion to engaging a substantial presentation of why reforming this system of capitalism-imperialism in a way that would be in the fundamental interests of humanity is impossible, and this system must be overthrown, through an actual revolution, and replaced with a radically different and far better system.
The essential and pivotal question that is addressed in the article to which this person is responding is not violence or no violence, it is reform or revolution. And, flowing from that decisive question—or, more precisely, from the scientific determination that revolution is necessary—is the question of what then is necessary to carry out such a revolution, as well as what is the content of that revolution. Instead of speaking to these questions, this response indulges in what is unfortunately an all-too-common glib liberal dismissiveness, offering only a superficial, false and misleading critique: that my article (my response to Rudd) is “hemming and hawing” on (not speaking clearly to) the question of violence. Whether it is a matter, on this person’s part, that he cannot or that he will not see what is obvious, the following sections of my response to Rudd make abundantly clear what my position is on this question:
Rudd poses a false dichotomy: As he portrays things, it’s either violence by a small group isolated from masses of people, or limiting things to reforms that are achieved through the nonviolent action of millions of people. But what about the truly revolutionary struggle of millions of people, aiming not just to win concessions from the existing system, but to actually overthrow it and bring a much better system into being?2
There is, of course, a definite place, and a definitely positive role, for massive nonviolent struggles whose aim is short of revolution but which oppose real oppression and atrocities of this system. A very important example of this is the call by Refuse Fascism for nonviolent but sustained mass mobilization to drive out the fascist Trump/Pence regime. But limiting things to nonviolence, in all circumstances and as some kind of supposed absolute principle—opposing a revolutionary struggle carried out by millions of people to overthrow this system when the conditions that make that possible have been brought into being—means at least objectively accepting and accommodating to this monstrous system and the very violent institutions (in particular the armed forces and police) that enforce its rule, here and throughout the world, with the most massive and heinous atrocity. Whatever his intention, this is what Rudd is actually doing.3
There is only one possible—or logical and reasonable—conclusion that can be drawn from the way this article poses things here (as well as elsewhere), and that conclusion is definitely not that the article is “hemming and hawing” about what kind of struggle of millions of people is necessary to do away with this system and bring into being a much better system. If this person were genuinely confused about this, he could have turned to the speech of mine, Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution, which is quoted (and footnoted) in this response to Rudd, where the question of how the revolution to do away with this system must and can be carried out is spoken to in some depth and detail, and at the same time with a great deal of precision, leaving no room for honest misunderstanding about what is (and is not) being said.4 (Given that, as this person indicated, he was very busy at the time he wrote this critique, if somehow he were genuinely unclear about what was being said about the matter of overthrowing this system, the principled thing to do would have been to simply state that unclarity and indicate that, given how important a question this objectively is, he was planning to pursue a further understanding of what that position actually is by reading “Why We Need...How We Can...” when he had the time to seriously engage that. In the meantime, I am sure that, if he gave it some thought, this person has the capacity, and the experience, to understand why, if one is serious about an actual revolution, certain things need to be said not “coyly” but carefully and responsibly, with an eye to not making it easier for this to be misconstrued and for the powerful repressive apparatus of this system to act on the basis of a misrepresentation of what is being said.)
Anyway, “apparently” this person does get the point of what is being said about violence and nonviolence—even if the way he puts this is not the precise way this should be formulated. This is revealed in his statement that “Apparently, the New Communism would endorse violence once an ‘actual’ massive revolution was underway.” But his next “apparently” once again misses the mark: It is not that “the Weather Underground was only tactically ‘wrong’ in prematurely planning a violent attack.” It is that they attempted to substitute acts of “excitative terror” for an actual revolution involving millions of people, and that such acts were wrong and harmful, were different not just in “timing” but in nature from an actual revolutionary struggle for power that would be waged according to the principle that the revolutionary fighting forces must, “Always conduct operations and act in ways that are in line with the emancipating outlook and goals of the revolution”—which includes drawing a distinction between the armed forces fighting to preserve and enforce the existing system of exploitation and oppression, and on the other hand ordinary civilians.5
But, again, all this alleged uncertainty amounts to a “dodge,” a diversion, to avoid what is in fact the decisive question in reality and in what is being centrally addressed in the article responding to Mark Rudd: Can this system be reformed, through a struggle relying solely and as an absolute principle on nonviolence—or, in fact, is a revolutionary struggle of millions, to overthrow this system, necessary in order to open the way to eliminating the exploitation, oppression, inequality and injustice that is built into this system?
My response to Rudd speaks to profound contradictions that characterize this system, as formulated in the “5 STOPS” (which involve the oppression of Black people and other people of color, the oppression of women and other oppression based on gender, the targeting of immigrants, unjust wars and crimes against humanity, and the intensifying destruction of the environment) and the tremendous, truly horrific suffering this system imposes on the masses of humanity and the very real existential threat it poses to the future of humanity. It states very clearly that, “in fundamental terms, we have two choices: either, live with all this—and condemn future generations to the same, or worse, if they have a future at all—or, make revolution!”6 It then poses this challenge:
Can Mark Rudd (or anyone else) make the case that all this—putting an end to these “5 STOPS” and to the horrific conditions that the masses of humanity are subjected to under the domination of this system of capitalism‑imperialism—can be achieved through reforms within the confines of this system and without the revolutionary overthrow of this system (or is the argument that the best that can be hoped for is that all this will continue, but with—what objectively amounts to—minor mitigation)?7
It would be very good if, instead of evading things with the spurious claim that my response to Rudd is “hemming and hawing,” the person who wrote this “critique”—and, beyond that, all like-minded “liberals”—would answer this challenge and speak directly and honestly to this question. That could help to further and contribute to what is a much needed mass, society-wide debate about the decisive question of reform vs. revolution, and everything of profound importance bound up with that.
1. Bob Avakian Responds To Mark Rudd On The Lessons Of The 1960s And The Need For An Actual Revolution. This article is available at [back]
2. Bob Avakian Responds To Mark Rudd,emphasis in the original. [back]
3. Bob Avakian Responds To Mark Rudd, italics in the original, boldface added. [back]
4. Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution. The text and video of this speech by Bob Avakian are available at [back]
5. Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution. [back]
6. Bob Avakian Responds To Mark Rudd, emphasis in the original. (Here the response to Mark Rudd is quoting Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution.) [back]
7. Bob Avakian Responds To Mark Rudd. [back]
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