"If you don't read Revolution every week you
just won't know.
And if you don't know, you can't make a
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The articles on revcom.us are taken from recent issues of Revolution newspaper. Only about half of Revolution's articles are posted on the
Subscribe to Revolution to get
its full weekly coverage -- to make sure you don't
miss a single hidden story, secret upsurge,
censored exposure, special feature or interview. To
keep in touch with the mood and actions of the
basic people and all those taking on the
This revolutionary newspaper
is unique:
Hidden stories -- If
you were already reading Revolution you would know
about the CIA creation of the crack epidemic, and
the story of the frame-up of Mumia Abu-Jamal. News
from the hotspots and frontlines of struggle.
Information about the revolutionary movements
throughout the world, and from the Revolutionary
Internationalist Movement which links together
Maoist organizations and parties on every
Voices of the Oppressed
--Every week, the voices of the oppressed
people speak through the pages of Revolution. These are
the people who refuse to be slavish--people on the
bottom who have revolutionary hopes.
Information as Weaponry
-- From the war on drugs, to the poisoning of
the environment and cruel politics of budget cuts
and prison building. The real workings of this
system are laid bare.
Revolutionary lines of
communication -- Revolution is a way to link up
those who are fighting on many fronts. Through the
pages of Revolution, youth fighting racist police in
the ghettoes communicate with women demanding the
right to abortion. Prisoners, GIs and Gulf War vets
relate to anti-war activists and environmentalists.
Immigrant workers and the homeless speak to
students and artists. Striking miners compare
viewpoints with Native people fighting for their
A vision of a liberated
future -- Revolution is the newspaper of the
Revolutionary Communist Party, USA -- it is the
only bilingual weekly in the U.S. with editions in
English and Spanish. At a time when the rulers of
this country like to claim that "communism is dead"
-- this newspaper offers the most radical vision of
a whole new future. Not some utopian scheme--but a
possible dream. A future where the basic people run
all aspects of society and consciously work to
eliminate every form of oppression. This newspaper
tells the truth of how capitalism was restored in
the Soviet Union and China -- and it explains why
Mao Tsetung and the Cultural Revolution in China
are most relevant to making revolution today.
Anyone who dreams of a better world needs to
seriously consider this Maoist revolutionary vision
and program.
Build the conspiracy!
-- The Revolution conspiracy must reach and influence
many sections of people throughout society. In the
ghettos and barrios across this country, the
schools, factories and housing projects. On college
campuses, in the anti-war movement, in the women's
movement, among progressive church people and
radical artists. Where every people are sick of
this system -- and its heartless attacks -- there
must be networks of Revolution distribution spread by the
creativity of the people.
"Wherever the people sing and
dance liberation,
Revolution is
* * * * *
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