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Featured and Timely from Bob Avakian

What follows is not comprehensive, but aimed at highlighting key and timely works from Bob Avakian.
For a more extensive listing of BA's works, go here.

Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America

On The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, by Bob Avakian

It is a fact that, nowhere else, in any actual or proposed founding or guiding document of any government, is there anything like not only the protection but the provision for dissent and intellectual and cultural ferment that is embodied in this Constitution, while this has, as its solid core, a grounding in the socialist transformation of the economy, with the goal of abolishing all exploitation, and the corresponding transformation of the social relations and political institutions, to uproot all oppression, and the promotion, through the educational system and in society as a whole, of an approach that will “enable people to pursue the truth wherever it leads, with a spirit of critical thinking and scientific curiosity, and in this way to continually learn about the world and be better able to contribute to changing it in accordance with the fundamental interests of humanity.”

“Internationalism—The Whole World Comes First.” —BAsics 5:8

“If you can conceive of a world without America—without everything America stands for and everything it does in the world—then you’ve already taken great strides and begun to get at least a glimpse of a whole new world. If you can envision a world without any imperialism, exploitation, oppression—and the whole philosophy that rationalizes it—a world without division into classes or even different nations, and all the narrow-minded, selfish, outmoded ideas that uphold this; if you can envision all this, then you have the basis for proletarian internationalism. And once you have raised your sights to all this, how could you not feel compelled to take an active part in the world historic struggle to realize it; why would you want to lower your sights to anything less?”
—Bob Avakian, BAsics 1:31

Bob Avakian on Imperialism and Internationalism... The Whole World Comes First—NOT America First

Would Mexico and Central America still be the U.S. backyard after the revolution? Q&A with Bob Avakian

On Palestine, Israel, Imperialism: War, The Danger of Even Greater War—And Revolution

To put it in basic terms, Israel is a colonial-settler state which was imposed on the region of the Middle East, at the cost of great suffering for the Palestinian people (and the people of the region more broadly), Israel could not have come into being without the backing of imperialism, and it acts not only in its own interests but as an armed garrison and instrument of enforcement for U.S. imperialism.

On the Oppression of Women and the Revolutionary Struggle to Emancipate ALL Humanity

You cannot break all the chains, except one. You cannot say you want to be free of exploitation and oppression, except you want to keep the oppression of women by men. You can’t say you want to liberate humanity yet keep one half of the people enslaved to the other half. The oppression of women is completely bound up with the division of society into masters and slaves, exploiters and exploited, and the ending of all such conditions is impossible without the complete liberation of women. All this is why women have a tremendous role to play not only in making revolution but in making sure there is all-the-way revolution. The fury of women can and must be fully unleashed as a mighty force for proletarian revolution.
Bob Avakian, BAsics 3:22

On the Oppression of Black People and the Revolutionary Struggle to End All Oppression

Through February, Black History Month, we are highlighting selections from Bob Avakian (BA), revolutionary leader and author of the new communism, speaking to the oppression of Black people, how that oppression is rooted in the history of this country and the nature of the system of capitalism-imperialism, and the potential for Black people to play a crucial role in putting an end to that system through revolution. These insights and analyses from BA take on even more significance and urgency with this year’s Black History Month taking place as Trump moves to hammer into place a brutal fascist dictatorship, including blatant, aggressive racism and white supremacy. In an incredibly hypocritical move, Trump issued a proclamation to “recognize” this February as “National Black History Month”—even as his regime aims to take the U.S. back to the days of undisguised and violent suppression of people based on “race,” as well as nationality and gender. Trump and the MAGA fascists want to shut down any discussion of the history and present-day reality of the oppression of Black people, and other oppressed groups, in this country—in schools, government institution, and throughout society. Facing this situation, it is important that people broadly have a scientific understanding of this oppression, which can be found in these selections from BA.