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Articles in this issue (scroll down or click to read article below):

  • VIDEO:

    The Bob Avakian Interviews 2025, Part 1: On Fascism, Capitalism, & the Way Out of the Madness
  • This is Bob Avakian, with an important message.

    2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And a Profoundly Positive Way Forward in the Face of Very Real Horror.
  • From the National Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere

    Donate to Cut Through the Noise with Bob Avakian's Revolutionary Leadership, Vision and Clarity
  • Thousands of People in Dozens of Cities Protest Against Trump/MAGA Fascism
  • Call from Refuse Fascism:

    Monday, FEBRUARY 17 “Presidents Day...”Take To The StreetsNO! In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America!Now Is the Time To: Stand Up, Resist, Protest to STOP Trump’s MAGA Fascism
  • 4 weeks of fascist consolidation, and society at the crossroads:THE TIME TO FIGHT IS NOW!
  • Elections, Resistance, and Revolution

    The Pyramid of PowerAnd the Struggle to Turn This Whole Thing Upside Down
  • The Trump/MAGA Fascists Begin a Genocidal Offensive Against Black People—and Don’t Say “It Can’t Happen Here”!
  • An Excerpt from BREAKTHROUGHS, by Bob Avakian

    The Myth of a Color-Blind Society, Martin Luther King's Dream and the Racist Reality of America 
  • Gaza Ceasefire Holds for Now…But Trump Threats Continue … Escalation of U.S.-Israel Genocide Looms
  • “Don’t Talk”—A Fundamental Principle for Resisting Repression and Defending the Rights of the People 
  • Drop the Charges on Noche Diaz and Leo Pargo!

    As Trump targets Chicago for mass deportations, CPD outrageously arrest Revcoms for leading a crowd to chant “In the name of humanity, we refuse a fascist America!”

  • An Urgent Call for Funds for
  • Voices of Resistance
  • What Is Legal and Constitutional for Fascists Should Be Legal and Constitutional for Everyone Else
  • From the International Emergency Campaign to Free Iran’s Political Prisoners Now (IEC) 

    “Silence in the face of oppression is betrayal” 

    United and Determined Protests Against the Execution Republic’s Bloodlust
  • Announcement: Mexico City, February 21-March 2

    Revolutionary Literature in the International Book Fair—Palacio de Minería, 2025

    Take the Offensive to Defeat the Whole Trump/MAGA Fascist Onslaught

  • National Leaflet:


    This call to action is initiated by the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity

  • VIDEO, The RNL — Revolution, Nothing Less! — Show:

    Fascism, Capitalism, & the Way Out of the Madness: The Bob Avakian Interviews, 2025

    Interviewed by Sunsara Taylor 
    Part 1 of a 2-Part Interview



    The Bob Avakian Interviews 2025, Part 1: On Fascism, Capitalism, & the Way Out of the Madness


    This is Bob Avakian, with an important message.

    2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And a Profoundly Positive Way Forward in the Face of Very Real Horror.

    POINT ONE: Trump 2025 is not just another administration coming into office. This is fascism: the undisguised dictatorship of this system of capitalism-imperialism in the world’s most powerful capitalist-imperialist country—openly and aggressively oppressive and repressive—a fascism fueled by anti-scientific and Christian fundamentalist lunacy, moving to forcibly impose its racist, immigrant-persecuting, woman- and LGBT-hating MAGA madness, determined to unleash unbridled capitalist plunder and naked imperialist expansionism, prepared to violently crush any opposition or resistance.

    Contrary to what we are constantly told, it was not “the American people” who chose this fascism. There is not one undivided “American people”—there are “two countries” within this country. And:

    The “two countries” within this country, in a real sense, is an extension of a fundamental division that has existed since the beginning of the so-called “United States” of America, with its foundation in slavery and genocide—a division which has never really been resolved throughout the history of this country—not through the Civil War in the 1860s, and not through changes that were brought about through the 1960s and in the years following.

    As I have said before, there is a direct line from the pro-slavery Confederacy, at the time of the Civil War, to the fascism of today, with its determination to make America once again openly, aggressively white supremacist, male supremacist, and anti-LGBT people.

    All this is why, as I emphasized in my social media message #111, this is “not a time for accepting this Trump/MAGA fascism as ‘legitimate,’ and staying within the confines of ‘how things work’ under this system, as Democratic Party heads and other ‘mainstream’ ruling class representatives are urging people to do. It is not a time for turning inward and attempting to ‘take care of self’ as the juggernaut of Trump/MAGA fascism gains momentum and crushes masses of people. This is a time for reaching out to all the others who feel the same outrage at Trump/MAGA fascism—a time for collective action and self-sacrificing struggle for the greater good: the greater good of defeating this fascism.”

    This is a time for uniting all who can be united in determined struggle against this fascism, beginning now, before this fascist rule is fully consolidated, and in order to prevent it from being fully consolidated—a movement aiming to become so massive and powerful that it creates a profound political crisis, such that Trump cannot govern the country and implement his fascist program.

    POINT TWO: This fascism was spawned by this system of capitalism-imperialism—a system which, by its very nature, perpetrates continuing horrors, on a level far beyond what even most “informed people” have been led to believe.

    At, the “American Crime” series examines one hundred of the massive unspeakable atrocities committed by the dominant forces in this country, from the very beginning and down to today. And, through my social media messages, as well as and the YouTube RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show, there is continuing scientific analysis of the basic nature and dynamics of the system of capitalism-imperialism that rules in this country and dominates in the world as a whole... why this system cannot be reformed but must be thoroughly abolished through an actual revolution... why this is a “rare time” when this revolution is not only urgently necessary but is more possible... how this revolution can lead to a fundamentally different and much better system... and how to go about seizing the time to actively work for this revolution, in the face of all the real and continually increasing horrors.

    The Trump/MAGA fascism that is now moving to take power, having arisen out of the soil of this whole system (and the whole history of this country), will unleash all this horror more fully and in more blatant ways, while at the same time the basic nature and dynamics of this system as a whole are subjecting the masses of humanity to terrible suffering, destroying the environment at an accelerating rate and heightening the danger of all-out war between the U.S. and its rivals in Russia and China—all nuclear-armed imperialist powers.

    What I have sharply stated before stands out all the more urgently now:

    We can no longer afford to allow these imperialists to dominate the world and to determine the destiny of humanity. They need to be overthrown as quickly as possible.

    POINT THREE: There is a whole new way to live—with a fundamentally different system.

    There is no good reason why the world has to be the way it is, with all its very real horrors.

    There is no good reason why, beyond the massive death and destruction of World War 2, in the time since that war ended (in 1945) more than 500 million children have needlessly died from starvation and preventable disease, fundamentally because of the way the world, and in particular the poorer countries in the world, have been dominated by capitalism-imperialism, with the USA the “number one” imperialist predator.

    There is no good reason why anyone, anywhere in the world, should go hungry, or be without decent housing, health care, and other basic necessities—or live in constant fear of going without these necessities.

    No good reason for the endless wars and accelerating destruction of the environment, for which this system is fundamentally responsible.

    No good reason why the dominant culture and ways of thinking should serve to reinforce murderously oppressive relations, while drilling into people’s heads the ridiculous notion that there is no positive alternative to all this.

    No good reason why the long night continues in which human society has been divided into masters and slaves, and the masses of humanity have been lashed, beaten, raped, slaughtered, shackled and shrouded in ignorance and misery.

    There is no good reason for all thisbut there is one basic reason: the fact that the world and the masses of humanity are still forced to exist under the domination of this system of capitalism-imperialism.

    This system is completely absurd—criminally, monstrously absurd—and completely outmoded: long past its expiration date, past the time when it can lead to anything positive for humanity—and, on the contrary, it stands as the direct barrier to the emancipation of humanity from all this madness, atrocity, and unnecessary suffering. The rise of fascism, in many other countries as well as in the U.S. itself, is a glaring sign of the thoroughly outmoded nature of this system and the heightened danger it poses to humanity as a whole.

    We are now at the point where it is more and more urgently necessary to move beyond this whole monstrous system—beyond a situation where people are forced to struggle just for individual survival, with everyone compelled to be in competition and conflict with others, and the masses of people everywhere are chained down by outmoded oppressive relations, while the future, and the very existence, of humanity is increasingly endangered.

    And it is possible now to move beyond all this.

    A whole different way of living is possible: a whole different way to organize society, with a radically different economic foundation and political system, emancipating relations among people and an uplifting culture—all of this oriented to meeting the basic needs and fulfilling the highest interests of the masses of people. This is set forth, in both a sweeping and concrete way, in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, which I have written. Summaries of basic points in this Constitution—shining a light on the truly emancipating way we could be living—are laid out in the Declaration WE NEED AND WE DEMAND: A WHOLE NEW WAY TO LIVE, A FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT SYSTEM. (This Declaration, as well as the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, is available at

    Becoming part of the organized ranks of revolutionaries taking up the challenge of making this real—joining with THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity, working actively and urgently for this revolution—putting our lives on the line not for ourselves alone, or for a narrow circle or clique, but for the emancipation of humanity: that is something truly worth living for and dedicating your life to.

    POINT FOUR—THE FINAL CRUCIAL POINT: Breaking beyond the confines of this system—breaking the stranglehold of its murderous enforcers—revolution is not only urgently needed, it is possible.

    The fact that this system, in this country, has taken the extreme expression of bringing a fascist regime to power: this is a manifestation of the thoroughly rotten and illegitimate nature of this system as a whole—and the fact that the ruling class in this country can no longer rule in the way it has for generations, as a unified ruling class. Of course, the Democratic Party will try to work with—and get everyone to accept—Trump/MAGA fascism, in order to maintain the stability of the rule of this monstrous system, which has given rise to this fascism, along with all its other atrocities. But the reality is that contradictions and conflicts, within this country and in the world overall, will continue to cause major disruptions and eruptions, striking at the stability of this system; and—amidst the increasingly intense situation—a growing, conscious, dedicated and determined revolutionary force of thousands can become tempered and steeled, on a scientific basis—enabled to forge the means to work through all the difficult challenges to prepare the basis, and lead masses in the millions, for the emancipating revolution that is necessary in order to put an end to this madness and bring something much better into being.

    This is a rare time when revolution has become more possible. And:

    This rare time must not be squandered—wasted and thrown away. It must be actively and urgently seized on—to bring about a truly emancipating revolution....

    The outcome of this rare time can’t be left to the brutal enforcers of this system, in one camp or another—or to any force which cannot, or will not, look beyond and lead people beyond the confines of an oppressive system, in one form or another. There must be—and there can be—an organized force of thousands, in a position to lead millions, to take this where it needs to go—to an actual, emancipating revolution.

    With such an organized revolutionary force, it is possible to have a growing impact on all of society, changing the terms of how masses of people see things, and how every institution has to respond.

    With thousands organized into the ranks of the revolution, millions can be won to revolution; and with millions won to revolution, there could be a real possibility for this revolution to win.

    The basic approach to working for this revolution is set forth in important documents at, including Revolution—Building Up The Basis To Go For The Whole Thing, With A Real Chance To Win: Strategic Orientation And Practical ApproachPeople in all parts of the country, in continually and rapidly growing numbers, need to join the organized revolutionary forces working consistently to carry out this basic strategic approach to bringing about this revolution.

    In concluding, in light of the urgent need, and real possibility, for this revolution, I am going to speak to something that has been raised when the prospect of this revolution is brought forward: the claim that, in calling for and working to get people involved in this revolution, we are “going to get people killed.”

    First of all, within this country itself, to take one terrible dimension of things, along with the millions of lives wasted and wounded through mass incarceration, thousands of Black people and others have been killed by police in the last number of decades—and this killing by police continues day after day. At the same time, a reasonable estimate is that tens of thousands have died as a result of gang conflicts in the inner cities. And for all of this, once again, this system is ultimately responsible, because of the conditions in which it has confined masses of people and the rotten values and putrid culture it has promoted, which poison people’s minds and pervert their morality.

    Huge numbers of people are dying right now, all over the world, because of the wars, destruction, and deprivation caused by this system of capitalism-imperialism.

    And human civilization as a whole faces the growing danger of outright extinction, through nuclear war as well as environmental devastation.

    This terrible reality—and the fact that all this is completely unnecessary—is why we urgently need revolution. But, as opposed to how this system devalues, demeans, recklessly ruins and massively destroys the lives of people, we revcoms (revolutionary communists, based on the new communism I have developed) proceed in accordance with the fundamental orientation that, of all things in the world, people are most precious—and we are approaching the profoundly and urgently necessary revolution in the most serious and scientifically grounded way.

    At the same time, there is no getting around the fact that, because of the nature of the system we are up against, revolution requires real sacrifice. But, once again, people’s lives are being sacrificed in massive numbers now, in so many meaningless and truly terrible ways—and we face the very real danger of massive destruction of human life, on a far greater scale—because of the dictates and as a consequence of the rule of this system we are now forced to live under. We revcoms are working tirelessly toward the goal of finally putting an end to such monstrous and completely unnecessary ruin and destruction of so many people, here and all over the world. In the interests of humanity as a whole, we are willing and prepared to make the necessary sacrifices—and to call on others to make the necessary sacrifices—to carry out the revolution that can bring about a liberating leap forward on the road to finally putting an end to all this madness and needless suffering and to bringing about a world where human beings can, at long last, move beyond the mere struggle for individual survival, as well as the heavy weight of thousands of years of oppressive relations, and can truly thrive as a world community of human beings, proceeding according to fundamental principles of cooperation, and capable of being fit caretakers of the earth.




    From the National Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere

    Donate to Cut Through the Noise with Bob Avakian's Revolutionary Leadership, Vision and Clarity

    2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And a Profoundly Positive Way Forward in the Face of Very Real Horror.


    In a time of great danger and challenges, donate to changing what people understand, which will change what they do. Donate to shaking people awake and raising their sights. Donate to impacting society with what the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian calls "the profoundly positive way forward in the face of real horrors." Donate to the National Campaign to get Bob Avakian's voice reaching millions. 

    We are announcing, at the bottom of this message, a new fund drive with a bold initiative that can reach many millions. But first, some basics:

    We are in the midst of a fascist onslaught with the Trump/MAGA fascist regime moving to lock down society—gutting the rule of law, terrorizing whole sections of people, including immigrants, trans people... and anyone who stands up for them, threatening the future of our planet and celebrating cruelty, anti-scientific ignorance and ugliness. This has deadly direction and momentum, and must be defeated

    This fascism did not come out of nowhere. It grew out of the system of capitalism-imperialism—a system which always enforces the most vicious exploitation and oppression. Now it threatens the very existence of humanity and the planet. At a time of intensifying climate catastrophe and threats of global nuclear devastation, deadly attacks on people’s lives and rights are being launched by Trump/MAGA fascism.

    Humanity Does Not Have to Live This Way. @BobAvakianOfficial


    Speaking to the urgency of what we face, Bob Avakian, the revolutionary leader who has brought forward the new communism, said:

    We can no longer afford to allow these imperialists to dominate the world and to determine the destiny of humanity. They need to be overthrown as quickly as possible. And it is a scientific fact that humanity does not have to live this way.

    But you may be asking: Why is this, and what do we need to do now? Is a better world really possible—beyond the killing confines of this system? And what is the role of someone like me? These are literally life-and-death questions, and Bob Avakian (BA) goes at them deeply and from many different angles, in the new interview that was just released on The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show and on BA's social media platforms.

    There are answers in BA's social media and in his New Year's Message: 2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And a Profoundly Positive Way Forward in the Face of Very Real Horror.

    Donate to Cutting Through the Noise and Misdirection

    The Bob Avakian Interviews, 2025, Part 1, On: Fascism, Capitalism, and the Way Out of the Madness


    Cutting through the noise and misdirection of the well-funded politicians and media mouthpieces of this system, Bob Avakian is breaking down the truths that the powers that be don't want you to know. He's bringing alive the stakes of this fascist regime, the truth about this capitalist system, why it can't be reformed but must be overthrown, and that we do not have to live this way. And he's breaking down a scientific method that you can take up to apply to the complex problems we face in defeating this fascism, and working to make revolution to overthrow the system that's given rise to this fascism. BA is providing timely and necessary leadership in this intense, and continually intensifying, situation.

    This is what millions of people need to hear, engage, debate, take up and spread. Reaching those millions will require creativity, determination and funding.

    We have been in the midst of raising many thousands of dollars for the National Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere. We just exceeded our last two-week goal of $10,000 to spread Bob Avakian's New Year's message. And want to thank everyone who was part of donating and raising funds. These efforts got this message in front of millions with thousands of people seriously watching this.

    Two Bold Initiatives

    The next leg of this campaign will be a six-week push to raise $30,000. This will pay for the production of these Interviews (with Part 2 coming out soon), along with targeted online advertising, and a much more expansive on-the-ground grassroots push—to pay for posters, stickers, and flyers to get @BobAvakianOfficial reaching people up from the underground, including those in the streets who are furious but need clarity and direction. 

    We don't know what these next weeks will bring, and our plans and goals may shift.  But whatever happens, funds are needed for BA's voice to be known and reaching millions.

    What it could look like with huge BobAvakianOfficial posters on the street.


    This is what it could look like when we achieve our goals.

    In addition to this $30,000 by March 31, we also want to raise $25,000 to hire a national guerrilla marketing company to reach into big cities and small towns with creative, in-your-face posters. You've seen the big posters advertising movies or upcoming concerts. Imagine this kind of attention-getting posters but with a revolutionary message—reverberating with online and on-the-ground reach, forcing people to sit up and take notice.

    Bob Avakian's Timely and Necessary Leadership

    Bob Avakian has been sounding the alarm about the rise of Trump/MAGA fascism for nearly 10 years, digging into the roots and trajectory of this fascism... why the Democrats cannot fight this fascism in the way it needs to be fought... with a concrete strategy and plan for how to unite all who can be united to actually defeat this fascism. And he's been bringing alive the growing danger of fascism in the U.S. for nearly 30 years. He digs into the roots of this fascism in the system of capitalism-imperialism, which is responsible for this and many other atrocities. He breaks down why revolution to overthrow this system is necessary, and how it's possible. He has developed a comprehensive and visionary framework for human emancipation: the new communism.

    You cannot understand why we're in this situation, and what we need to do about it, if you aren't digging into what Bob Avakian is saying. And you cannot fight this, if you don't understand what we're fighting.

    This is why you should be regularly listening to Bob Avakian's social media, digging into this incredible and wide-ranging interview, discussing it with others... and raising funds for this to be spread widely. 

    Reaching Widely, Raising Funds

    Donating and raising funds is an essential part of getting organized—of reaching out to, and involving, people. Struggling with them to put something on the line—whether it be donating $5, becoming a monthly sustainer, or donating $500. Donating and raising funds is an important way to build a community of people coming together to be part of something that's bigger than themselves. Baking pies, making tamales or crafts to raise funds. 

    Whether you are brand new to this, or have been involved for some time—there is a role for you. 

    Now is the time to reach very, very widely in this. There is almost no one untouched by the moves of the Trump/MAGA regime and millions and millions of people are agonized about what is happening and what to do. Bringing them Bob Avakian's work—these interviews, this New Year's message and his social media—brings clarity and direction. It changes the debate and discussion and raises people's sights to the need and possibility of a different way to live, and a fundamentally different system. 

    The whole future is on the line—and a whole different future is possible. Donate, and be part of raising funds, so this reaches people everywhere—with the urgency the situation demands.

    Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere



    Thousands of People in Dozens of Cities Protest Against Trump/MAGA Fascism


    Thousands of people across the country turned out on Monday, February 17 to demonstrate against the Trump/MAGA fascist regime. People marched and rallied in Washington, D.C., and other major cities from New York to Chicago and Los Angeles. And there were protests in state capitals—2,000 in Olympia, Washington… 1,000 in Boston in heavy snow… and others—as well as in numerous other cities large and small coast to coast. From 3,000 in Denver to a few hundred in Athens, Georgia, or Greenville, North Carolina, to 70 in a bitterly cold Detroit—people came out in many, many places, sometimes organizing themselves from postings on Reddit and other ways. The signs people carried—many hand-made—reflected a range of views, from directly calling out Trump and his regime as fascist to “Not my Presidents Day” to “Elon Musk has got to go”… and many others. The protests were called by 50501, Refuse Fascism!, and other groups, as well as a lot of ordinary people joining the protests or pulling together protests on their own. It’s important to emphasize these took place in dozens of cities, in all parts of the country, and involved a range of organizations. What we saw on this day revealed a real potential for the struggle against this fascist regime to go to another level. 

    Often, the different demonstrations in a city merged into one, making these into even more powerful displays of unity and anger against the outrages being carried out by the regime. In Chicago, for example, in a day of extreme arctic freeze, 150 protestors at the Refuse Fascism rally grew to 300 as they marched to Trump Tower where they met up with the 50501 rally, forming a crowd 600-800 strong. A correspondent wrote, “This was, for many, an uplifting and unexpected show of force for this many to come out in the bitter cold, and many commented of feeling empowered and feeling their potential strength. Most of the people who came were relatively new to political life, and very curious.” Noche Diaz, national spokesperson for the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity, gave a powerful speech saying, “We say that this whole system that spawned Trump MAGA fascism is rotten and illegitimate, and we need and we demand a whole new way to live, and a fundamentally different system,” and calling on people to check out revolutionary leader Bob Avakian, “someone who stands totally outside of this system and tells the goddamn truth about it.” 

    In New York City, a gathering of a thousand people at Union Square marched to Washington Square where Refuse Fascism was leading a rally. At one point, hundreds of people at the combined protest powerfully took up the chant led from the stage: “The Trump Fascist Regime Must Go!” Andy Zee, member of the Editorial Board of Refuse Fascism and spokesperson for Revolution Books, spoke sharply to the urgency of the situation: “The question has been posed, and I want your answer: ‘Could it happen here?’ Well it is happening here!... And it’s already pretty far along… If we don’t stop this NOW, the ability to hold rallies like this may be no more.”

    In Oakland, California, the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity led a protest in the Fruitvale district with the theme of “In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America”—including a reading of a statement from an immigrant who had been deported (read by his daughter) saying, in part, “We must pull together as one! All Humanity against Trump, against the fascism and against the Hatred that seeks to tear us apart!” This protest then joined a protest of thousands led by Indivisible at Lake Merritt, and hundreds took to the streets. 

    In Los Angeles, Refuse Fascism led a rally of 500 people at City Hall that was part of the day of 50501 protests. A correspondent reported that the rally included a range of speakers, from a new member of Refuse Fascism who recounted how “she had such pride at being a German American until she was 12 and learned of the Holocaust and then highlighted all the parallels to today”… a farmworker from the Central Valley who “said  that we cannot be fighting these battles one by one and be divided – we have to be uniting to defeat fascism”… a student from East LA College who “laid out the fears of the youth for the future as a whole and the vicious assault against education and called on her professors to stand with them as they walk out and rise up”… Reverend Oliver Buie who emphasized the importance of unity in the struggle against Trump… and Sunsara Taylor, an initiator of Refuse Fascism and co-host of The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show.

    In Houston, 600 people rallied as part of the “Not My Presidents” day protests—according to a correspondent, the crowd included “significant numbers of scientists, medical researchers, healthcare workers, and teachers.” The revcoms got out word about revolutionary leader Bob Avakian, and at one point led the crowd in chanting, “Fascists Say America First, We Say Humanity First."

    Go to the social media feeds of Refuse Fascism and of the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity for videos of the actions.

    Be sure to watch this week’s episode of The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show, 5pm PT | 7pm CT | 8pm ET, which will cover this day of protest. 

    For more on Refuse Fascism:

    For more on THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity:

    Below are a few of the initial reports on sights and sounds for (Not Our) Presidents Day and Refuse Fascism protests.

    Sam Goldman of Refuse Fascism, at rally of hundreds in Washington Square Park, New York City

    Noche Diaz, national spokesperson for the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity, speaks at the Chicago protest

    Denver, protest fascism, February 17, 2025.


    Denver, protest fascism, February 17, 2025.    Photo: AP

    Washington, DC: Protest fascist trump in front of Capitol, February 17, 2025.


    Washington, DC, February 17, 2025.    Photo: AP

    New York City, Union Square, February 17, 2025, protest merged with Washington Square protest.


    New York City, Union Square, February 17, 2025.    Photo: AP

    New York City, Washington Square protest fascism, February 17, 2025.


    New York City, Washington Square, February 17, 2025, as march from Union Square merges in.    Photo: AP

    Los Angeles march

    Fruitvale Station to Lake Merritt, Oakland, California

    Austin, Texas, February 17, 2025


    Austin, TX    Photo: @txrevcoms

    Detroit, February 17, 2025


    Detroit, Michigan    Photo: Special to

    Woman with sign Stop Fascism, Ypsilanti, Michigan, February 17, 2025.


    Ypsilanti, Michigan, February 17, 2025.    Photo: AP

    Lansing, Michigan, February 17, 2025, protest, guy chanting.


    Lansing, Michigan, February 17, 2025.    Photo: AP

    Athens, Georgia, February 17, 2025


    Athens, Georgia    Photo: Special to

    Atlanta, Georgia, February 17, 2025


    Atlanta, Georgia    Photo: Special to

    Atlanta, Georgia, February 17, 2025


    Atlanta, Georgia    Photo: Special to

    Boston crowd protest fascism, February 17, 2025.


    Boston, February 17, 2025    Photo: AP

    Seattle, protest fascist Trump, February 17, 2025.


    Seattle, February 17, 2025.    Photo: Special to

    Chicago protesters hold sign Federal Workers Against Fascism, February 17, 2025.


    Chicago, February 17, 2025    Photo: Special to

    Olympia, Washington, 2,000 protest February 17, 2025.


    Olympia, Washington, 2,000 protest Trump, February 17, 2025.    Photo: @shutterfan

    To understand what we're facing with this fascist regime and how to defeat it... the system it grew out of... and what kind of radically dIfferent system is possible, get into Bob Avakian.  Watch his New Year's Message, "2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And a Profoundly Positive Way Forward in the Face of Very Real Horror," and these recent interviews with him: "The Bob Avakian Interviews, 2025, On Fascism, Capitalism, and the Way Out of the Madness."

    The Bob Avakian Interviews 2025, Part 1: 
    On Fascism, Capitalism, & the Way Out of the Madness

    2025: A New Year—
    Profound New Challenges—
    And A Profoundly Positive Way Forward 
    In the Face of Very Real Horror.

    Call from Refuse Fascism:

    Monday, FEBRUARY 17 “Presidents Day...”

    Take To The Streets
    NO! In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America!

    Now Is the Time To: Stand Up, Resist, Protest to STOP Trump’s MAGA Fascism editors’ note: We are reposting this call issued by Refuse Fascism

    Refuse Fascism's graphic to call for President's Day Protest.


    What we face is FASCISM consolidating its rule in the most powerful country in the world. It echoes the Confederacy, Jim Crow, and Nazi Germany, but there is no historical precedent for fascism dominating the world with the climate at a tipping point and nuclear-armed powers at each other’s throats. The Trump Regime threatens the very future of humanity and life on the planet. It must be STOPPED!

    Defeating Trump and MAGA fascism will require a huge and relentless resistance waged by millions of people standing up in the streets and throughout society to create such a profound political crisis that Trump cannot govern the country and carry out his fascist program. This will require sacrifice. It will require courage and heroism in the streets and by people in government, in hospitals, in schools, and really by all who Trump tries to order and intimidate into following his dictates.

    There is not a moment to lose. History has shown that fascism must be stopped before it becomes too late. If we act now, there is a future to win.

    The breakneck speed and cruelty of the regime’s actions shock the conscience. Immigrants demonized and rounded up. Blatant racism and anti-women, anti-LGBTQ+ hate spews forth. Civil rights and even speaking of equality are banned. Whole countries are threatened. Anti-science lunatics are empowered to destroy health care. Media muzzled. Theocracy and Christian fundamentalist supremacy being hammered into place. Rapid Climate destruction is Trump’s program.

    Fascism changes the way the country is ruled. Fascism eliminates basic civil and democratic rights. Openly oppressive and repressive, fascism rules by decree, backed up by brute force and violent thugs. Fascism has direction and momentum. Dissent is criminalized. The truth is bludgeoned. Group after group is targeted along a trajectory that leads to horror. It is necessary, but not enough, to fight each attack as it comes. We must take the offensive against the whole Trump/MAGA program and direction.

    The Democratic Party will not stop this nightmare. Even after some Democratic Party leaders correctly called Trump a fascist before the election, now they tell you to accept his fascism in the name of “democracy.” NO! There can be no reconciliation with fascism except on the terms of the fascists.

    This Presidents Day, Monday February 17, Refuse Fascism calls on every person and group who refuses to be complicit in a fascist America to take to the streets wherever you are. Start your own protest (no experience necessary), or join diverse protests already called, but come together, uniting all who can be united to spread resistance throughout cities and towns, raising the slogan and declaring to the world:

    “NO! In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!”

    Bring your signs, your heart, your courage and righteous fury. We must act now, continuing to grow in numbers, not for ourselves but for all of humanity.


    4 weeks of fascist consolidation, and society at the crossroads:


    In what follows, we lay out the ways in which Trump has, since his inauguration just four weeks ago, gone on an all-out offensive to hammer firmly into place a fascist America.  

    The revolutionary leader Bob Avakian opened his New Year's Message with this sharp and concise definition:

    Trump 2025 is not just another administration coming into office. This is fascism: the undisguised dictatorship of this system of capitalism-imperialism in the world’s most powerful capitalist-imperialist country—openly and aggressively oppressive and repressive—a fascism fueled by anti-scientific and Christian fundamentalist lunacy, moving to forcibly impose its racist, immigrant-persecuting, woman- and LGBT-hating MAGA madness, determined to unleash unbridled capitalist plunder and naked imperialist expansionism, prepared to violently crush any opposition or resistance.

    The article below shows how this is happening all across the board, and in society as a whole.

    Poster: No matter how it comes to power, Fascism is always illegitimate.




    No matter how it comes to power (including if it comes to power through elections), fascism is always illegitimate. And here it has to be asked, for those who feel that Trump’s electoral victory somehow validates him:

    Would anyone, other than blatant Nazis, argue that Hitler’s rule was legitimate, even though it rose to power through the “normal processes” of Weimar Germany? Would any decent person not agree that Hitler should have been driven from power, by mass mobilization, before his fascist rule was fully consolidated, with all the unspeakable horrors that followed?! 

    As one critical part of his breakneck-speed efforts to hammer down this fascism, Trump is breaking all the norms, and in particular the rule of law and Constitutional principles, of this system. 

    In the Declaration We Need and We Demand: A Whole New Way to Live, A Fundamentally Different System, the revcoms make clear: 

    So long as we are still living under the rule of this system of capitalism-imperialism, we will defend people against attacks on their lives and on the rights that are supposed to be guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. 

    This defense is important in its own right and it is a critical part of defeating fascism. It is extremely urgent that all people—including those who right now fervently believe in this system’s Constitution and form of government—be united with to carry that fight forward. Those who have pointed to the shredding of the rule of law (go here and here, which are part of our page on Voices of Resistance) and called on people to resist are making important contributions—this must be built on and taken further.

    At the same time, We Need and We Demand also says: 

    [W]e need a whole different system, with a whole different Constitution—the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America—which will provide much greater rights for the people, including the basic right to have the fundamentally determining role in a new society and government whose purpose and goal is to eliminate all exploitation and oppression, everywhere.

    It is both because this struggle is so important in its own right and as part of getting to that “whole different system” that we sound the alarm. The horrific attacks being mounted now will almost certainly take a leap to a “higher”—and significantly worse and much more difficult-to-turn-back—level if there is not a fight mounted against this whole illegitimate regime aimed at defeating this whole MAGA fascist program.

    For all those reasons, we revcoms whole-heartedly support the call from Refuse Fascism to take to the streets on Presidents’ Day around the slogan:


    What follows is a view of the overall shape and dimensions of Trump’s attacks of the past four weeks and some of the key ways in which this has gone and is going down.

    Poster: Trump compared to Nazi Hitler should be driven from power



    Trump/MAGA fascism sees Trump himself—and insists that others see him—as being above the law. 

    On February 15, Trump put out a social media post stating that "He who saves his Country does not violate any Law," and then later pinned this to the top of his page. Trump once bragged that he could murder someone on Fifth Avenue in New York City in broad daylight and his supporters would still love him. This statement treats this as a matter of fact: that whatever Donald Trump does, so long as he does it in the name of “saving his country,” is legal. 

    This theme began in his inauguration speech, when Trump announced that “My life was saved for a reason,” referring to his attempted assassination. “I was saved by God to make America great again.”

    Trump treats the power of the office as a way to both unleash the MAGA vigilantes who worship him and to turn law enforcement into his private strike force.  

    On his first day in office, Trump pardoned or commuted the sentences of nearly every person who violently stormed the capitol on January 6, 2021 to prevent the counting of electoral votes (which Trump decisively lost) and to install Trump as president. The vast majority will be even more fanatically devoted to him as a result. Moreover, this action gives a green light to these thugs to attack as they wish without fear of punishment.

    Trump has been waging war on those members of the FBI who had anything to do with the investigation of January 6, forcing resignations, firing some and making loyalty to Trump personally the chief criterion. His new FBI chief published an enemies list in a 2023 book, presumably of those he will be using the FBI to hound and persecute.

    Trump also used the Department of Justice (DOJ) as a political tool to advance his own interests: this is highlighted in the recent case of New York City Mayor Eric Adams, indicted for bribery by the federal government before Trump assumed office. Trump’s DOJ ordered attorneys to file a motion dropping the indictment; the motion stated that part of the reason for this would be so that Adams could carry out policies in NYC against immigrants that Trump favored. The lead attorney for the New York District, as well as six other attorneys who were asked to do it, refused… and resigned in protest, knowing that they would be fired. In doing so, several of them sounded the alarm about the blatant violation of the basic rule of law.

    Trump has also withdrawn Secret Service protection from former government officials who have come under physical threat but whom he now regards as his enemies; this includes former general and head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley (who opposed Trump’s attempted use of the army against protestors around the murder of George Floyd in 2020); Anthony Fauci, who is hated by Trump’s base for taking what were overall correct measures to stop the spread of COVID-19; and even former members of his administration who have fallen out of favor with him.

    Trump/MAGA fascism is waging war on immigrants.

    Also on his first day, Trump moved to end birthright citizenship, which is blatantly unconstitutional—a violation of the 14th Amendment which established the constitutional right of citizenship for anyone born on U.S. soil. Trump also set in motion the massive persecution of millions of immigrants by giving a free hand to the immigration police to raid churches, schools, hospitals, and elsewhere. As part of this, he also moved to cancel the legal protected status of more than 500,000 refugees, which could make them subject to expulsion from the U.S. To handle all this, Trump opened up the torture dungeons at the U.S. military prison camp in Guantanamo, Cuba—where immigrants, who are already filling this hellhole—will be out of the reach of any legal assistance. At the same time, Trump offered instant political asylum to white South African farmers in South Africa. (See The Trump/MAGA Fascists Begin a Genocidal Offensive Against Black People—and Don’t Say “It Can’t Happen Here”!)

    Trump is waging war against Black people.

    We devote an entire article to this here this week. And as for Trump’s bullshit that he wants a “color-blind” America, we refer to Bob Avakian’s excellent analysis of the lie behind this constant fascist assertion here.

    Trump has continued his misogynist woman-hating policies.

    On February 13 Trump’s “secretary of health, education, and welfare,” Robert Kennedy, Jr., announced that “President Trump has asked me to study the safety of mifepristone.” Mifepristone is a drug that enables women to induce abortion at home. Since being approved 25 years ago, mifepristone has been used safely by around 6 million Americans, according to the FDA. Used widely for abortion and miscarriage care, it is over 95% effective and safer than Tylenol. However, Kennedy said, “I agree with him [Trump] that we cannot be a moral nation if we have 1.2 million abortions a year,” adding, “I serve at the pleasure of the president, I’m going to implement his policies.”  

    Protesters at NYU Langone demand gender-affirming care for transgender youth, February 3, 2025.


    Protesters at NYU Langone demand gender-affirming care for transgender youth, February 3, 2025.    Photo: AP

    Trump is viciously attacking trans people.

    Trump built his campaign around hatred, fear-mongering and agitation directed against two groups—immigrants and trans people. He and his campaign relentlessly mocked and dehumanized them, lying about them and stirring up baseless fears. Trump carried his heartless, ignorant and extremely dangerous bullying into his inaugural speech, in which he declared that there are only two genders, which are determined "at conception,” which basically said that trans people do not exist and therefore merit no rights or recognition—and immediately tried to force as many as 1,500 trans women into men's prisons. While that attack was overturned, Trump has ordered an end to all payments, grants, etc. for transition medical care and related services for trans people under the age of 19 related to their transition—and he is working to ban transition care entirely; and has implemented measures to deny trans people federally financed health care and this has succeeded in making some hospitals shamefully withdraw treatment from trans youth. 

    Meanwhile, they have gone so far as to remove the T, standing for Trans, in the National Monument at Stonewall Park, commemorating the fight for LGBT rights.

    Trump has, from his inaugural speech on, made threat after threat against other countries and other peoples.

    This has included threats to take over Greenland, threats against Panama to seize the Panama Canal, threats against Canada to annex it and, most outrageously of all, his continued insistence on his lunatic and genocidal “proposal” to force all two million Palestinians in Gaza out of their homeland and into permanent exile so that he can take it over and turn it into a luxury resort.

    Trump has assaulted science and evidence-based thinking from the start, promoting ignorance (in the guise of “common sense”) and a militaristic and intolerant brand of religion aiming to dominate public life.

    To begin with, Trump appointed Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to head up the nation’s health. Kennedy has no background in medical science but has made a career of attacking life-saving vaccination and even the proven and essential scientific understanding that germs and viruses transmit disease. Trump has already begun to put the power of the federal government behind this lunacy; on February 14, he ordered federal funding withheld from schools and universities that require students to be vaccinated against COVID-19. 

    But in some ways even more pernicious and deadly, Trump has promoted the idea that evidence-based thinking is not as important as what he calls “common sense.” “Common sense” told people that the earth was flat and that demons caused disease for centuries (and some Trumpites still believe that—but most people who have had the opportunity to learn to think about the big wide world do NOT). Nevertheless, “common sense” is used by these fascists as the justification for almost every measure. This enshrinement of “common sense” took on a gruesome and heartless dimension when Trump immediately said that the tragic airplane-helicopter collision on January 29, which caused 67 deaths, was caused by “DEI.” When the press asked him for evidence, he said “common sense”—in other words, Trump did not need evidence but could rely on his own racist and sexist prejudices instilled by his upbringing. 

    Going along with this all-round promotion of ignorance, Trump has continued to build up the Christian fascists at the core of his “base.” In a pair of recent speeches to prayer breakfasts, he declared his mission to “defend the rights of Christians and religious believers” and “bring God back into our lives.” An executive order titled “Expanding Educational Freedom and Opportunity for Families” aims to divert potentially billions of dollars each year of public money to private, predominantly religious schools, with his Congressional allies expected to push for the first ever, nationwide, federally funded private school voucher program in the coming months. 

    Trump has launched the multi-billionaire Elon Musk into an extremely powerful role, accountable only to Trump, to shut down or slash governmental agencies—especially those involved in any kind of assistance to masses of people.

    Musk has bragged about putting a government agency—in this case USAID, a mechanism through which the U.S. carries out social programs in foreign countries as part of cementing its alliances—“through the wood-chipper.” He has either done, or announced the intent to do, similar things to other agencies—like the Department of Education, the Consumer Protection Bureau and at least a dozen others. The idea, as the newly anointed head of the Office of Management and Budget said, is to make people who work in these agencies “not want to go to work in the morning, because they are increasingly viewed as the villains.”

    Musk’s vicious antics have caused checks to be frozen, important programs that deeply impact people’s lives to crash to a sudden halt, and thrown thousands of people who have devoted their lives to service out of work overnight. When Musk’s minions have been called out for racism—one of them literally posted, among other things, “I was a racist before it became popular”—after a brief flurry, Musk has kept them on and continued the rampage. They have stuck their nose into the payment systems of government agencies like Social Security and in general recognized no authority other than Trump, who appointed Musk and did not bother with any kind of legislation or confirmation process to do so. Elon Musk is not the heart of the problem—but with this viciousness, his utter lack of concern for the damage he is doing, and lawlessness, he does concentrate it.

    One final point: Trump’s domination of the media has made everyday life a firehose of lies, threats, hate-filled agitation, insults and lunacy. But there is method to the madness. The purpose is to intimidate, confuse and demoralize the tens of millions of decent people who can’t stand this fascism. It's aimed at shock-and-awe silencing of those who don't want to just fight this, but who want to stop it.

    Bob Avakian, again from his New Year's Message, said:

    Contrary to what we are constantly told, it was not “the American people” who chose this fascism. There is not one undivided “American people”—there are "two countries" within this country.

    Avakian goes into the roots of the “two countries” in the Civil War, and the “direct line from the pro-slavery Confederacy, at the time of the Civil War, to the fascism of today, with its determination to make America once again openly, aggressively white supremacist, male supremacist and anti-LGBT people.” He concludes:

    It is not a time for turning inward and attempting to “take care of self” as the juggernaut of Trump/MAGA fascism gains momentum and crushes masses of people. This is a time for reaching out to all the others who feel the same outrage at Trump/MAGA fascism—a time for collective action and self-sacrificing struggle for the greater good: the greater good of defeating this fascism.

    WE DECLARE AND DEMAND: The Existing Capitalist-Imperialist System And Institutions Of Government In This Country Must Be Abolished And Dismantled—And Replaced By A New, Socialist System Based On The CONSTITUTION FOR THE NEW SOCIALIST REPUBLIC IN NORTH AMERICA.



    Elections, Resistance, and Revolution

    The Pyramid of Power
    And the Struggle to Turn This Whole Thing Upside Down


    EDITORS' NOTE: This is part of a series of excerpts on various subjects drawn from conversations and discussions, as well as more formal talks, by Bob Avakian—from the period of the George W. Bush presidency, in which the threat of fascism took a leap... a leap which Trump MAGA fascism is taking further. The series, “The Coming Civil War and Repolarization for Revolution in the Present Era,” is available online at and in pamphlet form from RCP Publications. This article has been edited for publication and footnotes have been added.

    Question: Part of your earlier talk was about our involvement with Iraq, the slaughter of the poor Iraqis, and what do you think the odds are [that] for election purposes this current administration will commit another slaughter against another country, one of the "axis of evil" most likely I guess?

    Answer by Bob Avakian: Well, I think it's possible that they would do that. On one level, they are madmen. But on another level, they aren't simply madmen; they do try to think strategically and they do have people smarter than Bush, I guess—which isn't saying very much—who actually try to think things out strategically and think over the longer term. A lot of people thought, "Well as soon as they get through with Iraq, they're going to attack Iran and North Korea." But they're actually proceeding in a little bit more measured way right now because they don't want to get over-extended and they don't want to get in over their heads.

    North Korea is a real problem for them because, whether or not it has nuclear weapons, it has massed artillery on the border with South Korea; and if they attack it, it can unleash a massive barrage which will kill probably thousands of American soldiers and probably hundreds of thousands of South Koreans. So they have to figure out how to deal with that contradiction. They just can't jump in with both feet without thinking. And similarly with Iran—to go after Iran is not just a light matter, it's even more complex and more difficult than going after Iraq, which they weakened through a previous war and then through ten years or more of sanctions. So I think there's a possibility of another war relatively soon, but they are trying to think strategically, even past the elections.

    I actually think one of the main ways in which they are trying to position themselves for the 2004 election, interestingly enough, has to do with the state of California right now. Not that I am a fan of Gray Davis or want to argue for keeping him in office. On one level, who gives a fuck. But, on the other hand, we do have to look beyond the surface of things to see the larger picture. And I do think this recall is very likely part of a whole thing where these people grouped around Bush are positioning themselves well beyond this immediate situation in California, trying to get control of the state of California as part of going for the 2004 election, and looking beyond that. Bush has gone off and raised—what, 200 million dollars already for the 2004 election? I mean it's really incredible. And I think one of the things that is very serious to consider, is that these people grouped around Bush—he's just sort of a figurehead for this group of people who have been at this for quite a while now—they actually consider any other group of people being the government of this society as being completely illegitimate. That's the way they looked at and treated Clinton—again, he's no hero of the people by any means, but that's the way that they looked at him even when he was president. And that's the way they look at anybody other than themselves as being at the core of power in this society. Whether they go and attack another country, which I wouldn't rule out, there are some very serious things that are going on in this society now that we have to look at. We can't be simple minded if we're going to actually do what needs to be done, especially if we are going to make the kind of revolution we need to make. You have to look at what's been building in this society for quite a while now.

    It's helpful to look at it kind of like a pyramid. At the top of this pyramid are the people that rule this society and in particular you've got those that are represented by the Democratic Party on the one hand and the Republican Party on the other hand. And there is struggle between them. This is very obvious, right. Think back to the 2000 election: that was the most boring election in recent memory, and all of a sudden it turned into an extremely intense and interesting thing, not because of what they said and did while they were campaigning, but because of the way the election came out (or didn't come out). So then you could see that there is very sharp struggle among them. And if you look at this kind of pyramid thing, on the top of this pyramid is the ruling class and its different political representatives, which (even though it may be a bit oversimplified) we can look at as the Democrats on one side and the Republicans on the other. And for decades now these people who are grouped around Bush and the kind of people that they represent have been working and preparing a whole thing in society—a whole infrastructure you might call it— a whole structure within the society itself that could move this society in a whole different way towards a fascistic kind of thing when things come to that.

    Look at this whole religious fundamentalist thing they've got. This is an effort to deliberatively build up a base of people, millions and millions and millions of people, who are frightened by the idea of thinking—I'm serious—people who cannot deal with all the "complicatedness," all the complexity of modern society, who want simple absolute answers to the complexities of this society. This whole religious fundamentalist thing is based on mindless absolutism—like that bumper sticker: "god said it, I believe it, and that settles it." And of course, as I spoke to earlier, what "god said" is what these reactionary human authorities tell them god said—not simply what's in the Bible, which after all was written by people, but also what these people alive today say the Bible means. And, as a matter of fact, these "authorities" themselves ignore parts of the Bible that are inconvenient for them to talk about now. For example, they don't really want to go out with a program saying all children who strike their parents, or simply are disrespectful to and rebellious against their parents, should be executed. Because that would expose them for the crazy maniacs that they are. But if you literally believe what's in the Bible, you should uphold that.

    Now here's another example of how they get these people to be unthinking stormtroopers. The conscious political operatives, representatives of the ruling class, that have been organizing and "cultivating" these Christian fundamentalist forces, had a real problem because for years and years and years the people in these fundamentalist movements have all been trained with the idea that "the Jews are the killers of Christ." That's how they have been identified—"the Christ killers." This is what you learn if you learn Christian fundamentalist religion: the Jews are the ones who crucified Christ. So, naturally this makes them kind of crazy haters of the Jews. But there is a problem. You see, the people who are on top of this—not the people who are unthinking foot soldiers of this, but the commanders on the top, the Falwells and the Pat Robertsons and all those people, with their connections right to the highest levels of society and government—their problem is that they are strategic operatives for this imperialist system and for a particular section of the ruling class within it. And for this ruling class and for that section, the state of Israel is tremendously important, strategically, for everything they're trying to do in the world.

    So here you have a big contradiction for the Christian fascists: The state of Israel is a Jewish state and they proclaim the Jews to be "Christ killers," and yet you've got to get people in these Christian fundamentalist movements to be unthinkingly supportive of the state of Israel. How do you do that? Well, here is what you do. You tell people that, according to the Book of "Revelation" in the Bible, the creation and existence of the state of Israel is a crucial step in the process leading to the "second coming." So therefore, if Israel is destroyed it will set back the forces of Christ and advance the forces of Satan (or the anti-Christ) in terms of the "second coming." Therefore, the state of Israel has to be defended at all costs, get it? So this is the way they get these people.

    Now, again, they've been working on this base of people for decades. They've been organizing and not only creating this whole broad movement, they've also been organizing what you could call cadre formations—political structures and political operatives in things like the "Promise Keepers." The "Promise Keepers" is a fascistic fundamentalist religious organization which not only calls on men to make their wives subordinate to them, and wives to submit to their husbands (lovingly, of course) but it also sets out to organize an actual structure of people who will carry this message and this program into every part of life: into their job, into their kids' little league baseball teams, and all the rest of this. They've been building this up for decades now. So they've got a sort of a fascistic mass movement and an organized cadre they're building within this society, an organized structure of political operatives.

    And, while this is very important for them, they've got something even more important. They've got a heavy influence in the command structure of the American military. There is a book, for example, called Making the Corps .It's written about the Marine Corps—it covers the basic training of people in the Marine Corps. And one of the things that comes out in that book is how the command structure of the U.S. armed forces is becoming "politicized" (in bourgeois reactionary terms). One of the big principles of the U.S. military has always been that it's not a political army, it's not a politicized force. It doesn't take part in politics, it upholds the chain of command through the Constitution, and it doesn't get involved in politics, and it doesn't have a specific ideological stand. But then, over the last few decades, there's been an increasing influence of the Christian right-wing fundamentalists among the officer corps of the military. So now it's a highly ideological military officer corps that identifies politically with this extreme right-wing fascistic kind of program and movement in this society.*

    So, let's look at this whole picture and look at what they've been putting in place and then think about this: what do the Democrats—from their own position within the ruling class—what do they have to counter this with?

    Here's the pyramid, and here are the Republicans over here (on the right) with their shit going down to this right-wing social base of religious maniacs and fundamentalist fools. OK, remember the aftermath of the 2000 election, when they were dealing with all the "hanging chads" and "pregnant chads" and all the rest of that in Florida. There was one point where in one precinct in Florida they were counting the ballots, and this group of operatives—Republican congressional aides—came down there and banged on the doors of the precinct where they were doing this, and actually intimidated them out of counting the ballots. Now, that was significant in itself but it was also symbolic of something much bigger than that particular incident. What it's symbolic of is that these forces are quite willing to call into motion this fascistic kind of force that they've built up when they feel that they need it, and they're willing to bring it all the way into motion and turn this into a whole other kind of religious, fundamentalist, fascistic society if they feel that's where they need to go.

    On the other hand, here are the Democrats at the top of this pyramid (on the so-called "left"). Who are the people that they try to appeal to—not that the Democrats represent their interests, but who are the people that the Democrats try to appeal to at the base, on the other side of this pyramid, so to speak? All the people who stand for progressive kinds of things, all the people who are oppressed in this society. For the Democrats, a big part of their role is to keep all those people confined within the bourgeois, the mainstream, electoral process...and to get them back into it when they have drifted away from—or broken out of—that framework. Because those people at the base are always alienated and angry at what happens with the elections, for the reason I was talking about earlier: they are always betrayed by the Democratic Party, which talks about "the little man" and poor people and the people who are discriminated against, and so on. And at times they'll even use the word oppression. But then they just sell out these people every time —because they don't represent their interests. They represent the interests of the system and of its ruling class. But they have a certain role of always trying to get people who are oppressed, alienated and angry back into the elections. You know: "Come on in, come on in- -it's not as bad as you think, you can vote, it's OK." This is one of the main roles they play. But the thing about them is that they are very afraid of calling into the streets this base of people that they appeal to, to vote for them. The last thing in the world they want to do is to call these masses of people into the streets to protest or to battle against this right-wing force that's being built up.

    So, this gives a sense of the real danger that exists now in this country—of the whole direction toward a qualitatively much more repressive and, yes, even a fascistic form of bourgeois rule.

    But it's a very sharply contradictory and two-sided thing. We should understand that. On the one hand, things get moved farther and farther to the right, and all the Democrats do is raise a few whiny objections and then find their position at "the left wing" of the juggernaut that's moving farther and farther to the right.

    The Democrats always present themselves as the "reasonable center" and as the ones upholding the Constitution and orderly Constitutional rule in society, as it moves further and further in this fascistic kind of direction. But the other side of that, as things are sharpening up in society, is that there are tens of millions of people who hate the direction that things are going in. We've seen this in the aftermath of the election, and we saw it around the Iraq war. And it's not just the Iraq war, although it very definitely is that.

    Millions and millions and millions of people have a deep, visceral gut hatred for everything that's represented by Bush and the whole direction that group is taking things. And one of the interesting things that's happened is that, because of the role the Democrats are playing, they're paralyzed to a significant degree from offering any alternative for those very alienated and angry people.

    Part of the reason why the demonstrations against the Iraq war were as massive as they were is because people felt they had no choice. The Democrats refused to offer them an alternative. If you think back to the elections in 2002, the congressional elections, it was a perfect time, if a party like the Democrats actually wanted to oppose what the Bush group was doing in its whole move towards war, they could have gotten a massive turnout of people voting for them. People were almost begging the Democrats to take a stand against it, but for all the reasons I've been pointing to, they look at the situation and they say, "Well look, we might not like some of the Bush program either, but if the shit comes down, if everything goes down, and it's a struggle between us and them, they can call all their crazy people out into the street and they can get big sections of the military to go with them. Who's going to go with us—who that we aren't afraid to call out?!"

    So, to a significant degree, they're paralyzed, and this is one reason why there was tremendous mass mobilization, particularly against the Iraq war, even before it began, because people felt the need for something to be done. They were looking for people like the Democratic Party leaders to do something, and they didn't do it, and people felt strongly enough and they said that we have to move on our own, anyway.

    This is significant in itself but it also demonstrates a positive potential in terms of revolution. I'm not saying that we are on the threshold of revolution right now, but just looking down the road, and looking at the potential, one of the things that leads to a revolutionary situation is that millions and millions of people feel that something is intolerable. They want certain leaders at the top of society to lead them in doing something about it, but those leaders are not in the position to and don't want to lead them in doing it—so whom do they turn to? The people who are willing and determined to lead them to do it and to take it somewhere. So this is a situation that's full of great danger; but the same situation—or the other side of the contradiction—is that it holds much positive potential for struggle now and for revolution as things unfold.

    Think about it—how they run this game with elections. You've got this whole traveling circus out here now of Democratic Party candidates going on this speaking tour around the country. And interestingly enough, there was this thing in Time magazine talking about Al Sharpton, and it said that Sharpton is, in essence, an illegitimate candidate—that he has no chance of being president and he has this whole funny past, the Tawana Brawley** case and all this stuff.

    But isn't it strange, they said, that when they have these Democratic Party candidate meetings, Sharpton's the one who gets the best response from people, other than this guy Howard Dean, because those are the only ones even pretending to talk about anything that people feel deeply in their guts these days. Whatever the intent of Sharpton, the objective role of people like that—and even more of Howard Dean—has been to get all those people who are alienated and angry, and feel the Democrats have betrayed them, back into the arena: "Come on back because the primaries are coming up—vote for your candidate, there is a place for you." And, then what happens? Your candidate doesn't win, he doesn't get the nomination—but then they have the next step for you. Now they got you leaning that way and they say, "but, do you want Bush again?" OK, so your candidate didn't get in there, so we got Dickhead Gephardt as the candidate,*** but, still, it's better than Bush, isn't it?"

    Then you are paralyzed because you've been brought back into their arena where you can't do anything effective. This is going to be a tremendous tug and pull on this huge body of people— literally, already, tens of millions of people—who feel this deep gut hatred for what's going on. Are they going to get brought back into the fold, or are they going to get increasingly brought into resistance?

    Now that doesn't mean that the dividing line should be drawn, or can be drawn, over whether you vote or not in the next election. That would be foolish. Many, many, many people are going to vote for the Democrats—people who are also going to know that the Democrats aren't going to do shit—and we have to get out and do something to move these people in a better direction: we have to unite with them in that part of it, in their opposition and deep hatred for the whole direction of things, and bring them forward, because it's going to be proven again and again that these Democrats don't represent any way to stand up and fight against all this. So we have to develop a certain sophistication, a certain maturity, a certain flexibility, a certain all-aroundedness about how we approach these things. A certain dialectics—of recognizing the contradictions and how they are moving and developing—in order to actually build the kind of movement which can have a major impact now and can actually lead toward revolution.


    In a world marked by profound class divisions and social inequalities, to talk about "democracy"—without talking about the class nature of that democracy and which class it serves—is meaningless, and worse. So long as society is divided into classes, there can be no "democracy for all": one class or another will rule, and it will uphold and promote that kind of democracy which serves its interests and goals. The question is: which class will rule and whether its rule, and its system of democracy, will serve the continuation , or the eventual abolition , of class divisions and the corresponding relations of exploitation, oppression and inequality.

    Order the DVD Online of REVOLUTION: Why It’s Necessary * Why It’s Possible * What It’s All About; A Film of a Talk by Bob Avakian


    The Coming Civil War 360 white



    This article is in

    The Coming Civil War and Repolarization for Revolution in the Present Era
    by Bob Avakian

    From a series of questions and answers that followed a talk given by Bob Avakian in 2004.


    Available as a pamphlet.
    Download here (PDF)



    *  Another important part of this overall picture is the fact that, increasingly over the past several decades, the Supreme Court has also come to be dominated by people who "identify politically with this extreme right-wing fascistic kind of program."—Bob Avakian [back]

    **In November 1987, 15-year-old Tawana Brawley was found in upstate New York, semi-conscious and wrapped in a plastic garbage bag. She had been missing for four days. Her blouse was full of burn holes, and the crotch of her pants was burned away. Dog feces was smeared on her, and chunks of her hair were cut off. Racist epithets were scrawled on her stomach. She later said that she was abducted and raped by a group of white men that included law enforcement officials. The Brawley case touched off widespread outrage. But the authorities immediately pointed the finger at Tawana, her advisors, and her supporters. Instead of helping the traumatized young woman, the system persecuted her and attacked those who rallied around her. More than 10 years later, a court ruled against Tawana Brawley's advisors, including Sharpton, in a civil suit brought by a former district attorney—one of the men whom Tawana had accused of assaulting her. [back]

    ***Dennis Kucinich also fits into the category of a candidate who was "even pretending to talk about anything that people feel deeply in their guts these days," although from the beginning it was clear that Kucinich, as well as Sharpton, had no chance to win the nomination. And, while Dick Gephardt, cited here as an example of what type would be the eventual Democratic Party candidate, actually fared so poorly in the early going that he had to drop out of the race, the basic point being made here applies: That the Democratic Party nominee will be someone who from the beginning was well within the "acceptable" narrow (and continually moving to the right) framework of mainstream bourgeois politics—or someone who, in any case, had situated himself well within that framework by the time of the general election—and that this is a repeated and well-established pattern and device for drawing in, and then frustrating and betraying, millions of alienated and angry people who are constantly bombarded with the notion that, if you want to change things, there is no real alternative to the Democratic Party.—Bob Avakian [back]


    The Trump/MAGA Fascists Begin a Genocidal Offensive Against Black People—and Don’t Say “It Can’t Happen Here”!

    Angola prison labor leased out by states to plantations, mines, and railroads, August 8, 2011.


    Angola, Louisiana, prison labor, mainly Black men, leased out to work at plantations, mines, and railroads, August 8, 2011.    Photo: AP

    If there were a contest for the main theme of the first month of the Trump Administration, “Down With DEI” would definitely be in the running: Down with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion! 

    Translation: Down with anything that even begins to address and redress the deeply baked-in system of oppression, discrimination, and daily humiliation that has been, and still is, the lot of Black people as a people in America. Down with programs that attempted to even let Black people know about job openings or scholarships or places for rent or sale that whites routinely know about through informal social networks and “connections.” Down with programs that offer medical care to people who had been routinely deprived of such care, forced to live in areas without doctors or with the most run-down hospitals, where diabetes, infant mortality and maternal deaths in childbirth are disproportionate between Blacks and whites. Down with programs that attempt to even slightly rein in the criminal justice system that routinely warehouses Black people in prison with discrimination in arrests, bail, charging, and sentencing that has been shown time and again to be off the charts. Down with even the mildest efforts to do anything to address the deep-seated, systemic oppression of Black people, poured into the foundation of the capitalist-imperialist system since Day One in America, over 400 years ago. And down with any programs in the schools—or anywhere else, for that matter—that dare to recall and teach even a slice of the real history of Black people in America as described above.

    That is the program of MAGA.

    On his first day in office, Trump revoked a 60-year-old executive order that barred federal contractors from discriminating against job applicants on the basis of race, gender or religion. But that’s not all he did. Trump signed multiple orders to “terminate” all “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion” (DEI) programs, or anything that even looked like it might have the objective of combatting racism and discrimination in hiring, or education, or medical care or research, or really any sphere of society. He began firing anyone in the federal government whose job was in any way connected with these efforts, even if they had simply attended an anti-bias seminar or other DEI-related event. He is also threatening private corporations and “NGOs” (nongovernmental organizations) to get rid of these programs… or face retaliation such as getting cut out of contracts or (for NGOs) losing their tax-free status. Government functionaries are doing massive word searches of National Science Foundation research grants to take away research grants that mention words like “discrimination,” “diverse,” “race,” “women” (!), etc.

    Where Did These Concessions Now Under Attack Come From?

    Elizabeth Eckford was one of nine Black children who were hounded by racist white mobs when they integrated the Little Rock Central High School, September 1957.


    Elizabeth Eckford was one of nine Black children who were hounded by racist white mobs when they integrated the Little Rock Central High School, September 1957.    Photo: Wikicommons

    These concessions now being ripped away did not come from sudden generosity of this white supremacist system. The oppression described at the beginning of this article ultimately gave rise to a storm of struggle from the late 1950s to the early ’70s; first the Civil Rights Movement, and then the Black liberation movement, which interacted with and helped spur other radical and revolutionary movements of that time. In response to this, and other international pressures, the U.S. rulers were forced to make a number of concessions to Black people and other oppressed people. In addition to laws banning segregation and some forms of open discrimination, there were various programs in the public and private sector aimed at overcoming the deep inequalities. 

    For example, there was attention paid to treating debilitating or deadly diseases like sickle cell anemia, which mainly affects Black people and thus had been completely ignored in medical research and treatment. There were programs to help kids who went to substandard schools and who couldn’t afford tutors or SAT prep classes to be able to get into colleges. There were programs to help some Black people start small businesses. And in the last five years, there have also been attempts to address racist and sexist attitudes and behaviors in the workplace.1 But that is not WHY the fascists are on this rampage or what they are mainly rampaging against.

    All of this did make an important difference in certain ways. Black enrollment in colleges increased, often doubling or even tripling at top-rated schools. The Black middle class grew substantially. And along with this there was a real change in the social status of Black people and the overall atmosphere—for instance, open racism was no longer acceptable in the public arena. 

    At the same time, with changes in the economy and the continued dominance of white supremacy—a fundamental pillar of capitalism-imperialism as it has developed in the U.S.—millions of Black people were pushed out of the middle class and out of the stable sections of the working class, into an “underclass” struggling to survive on low-paying service jobs, the “gig economy,” or the “underground economy.” Police terror has been ramped up. Mass incarceration accompanied these changes—culminating in literally millions of Black people being imprisoned.

    And all along, a substantial section of the U.S.—from a section of the ruling class down through all classes—chafed at even these secondary advances for Black people. “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) refers to “the good old days” when Black people were openly treated as inferior and denied any opportunities for advancement. And that is the essence of what MAGA hates about so-called “DEI.”

    What does it signify that even the mildest efforts to rein in blatant and murderous discrimination and poisonous racist ideas are seen as a violation of white people’s rights? Their right to do what? Clearly, it is the “right” to discriminate against, insult and oppress people of color, and to do so openly, as was the case until the late 1960s.

    But let’s let the MAGA fascists speak for themselves. Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth has stated that “the single dumbest phrase in military history is our diversity is our strength.” In that “spirit,” he wants to rename many major U.S. military bases after Confederate generals who fought a war to preserve slavery,2 and has banned race- or gender-based clubs at U.S. military academies—groups like the National Black Engineers and the Native American Heritage Forum. Hegseth also banned commemorations of Black History Month. 

    Then there’s former Trump speechwriter Darren Beattie. In 2023 Beattie said: “Competent white men must be in charge if you want things to work. Unfortunately, our entire national ideology is predicated on coddling the feelings of women and minorities and demoralizing competent white men.” Beattie also insisted that Black lawmakers and policy leaders (including Black fascists like Senator Tim Scott) must “learn their place” and “take a knee to MAGA.”

    After these remarks became public, Trump appointed Beattie to be the top public diplomacy official at the U.S. State Department!

    Slashing the Federal Workforce

    Under Trump’s direction, Elon Musk and his DOGE squad have begun mass firings of the federal workforce, with the stated aim of eliminating 25 percent of workers. Trump claims that he wants a workforce selected for “merit” and “practical skill,” not through “illegal discrimination under the guise of ‘equity.’”

    Federal civil service jobs have a disproportionate number of Black people—almost 20 percent Black, vs. the private work force, which is about 13 percent Black. 

    Is this because of “illegal discrimination” against white people? No, it’s because hiring for civil service jobs largely depends on how you do on the civil service exam, which tests every applicant on whether they have the skills needed for the job they are seeking. This exam weeds out many of the discriminatory factors that keep Black people from getting good jobs in the private sector. Civil service is one of the most “merit-based” and least “discriminatory” employment opportunities in the U.S.

    Because of this, and because these jobs are fairly stable and have decent pay and benefits, civil service has been a key way for Black people to break out of very exploitative and often degrading service jobs, and a bulwark in the emergence of the Black middle class. Trump’s attacks on the civil service—while they are aimed at advancing his fascist agenda in many ways—are another major attack on Black people which will drive down the economic conditions and social status not just of individuals but of Black people as a whole.

    All this is just the beginning of what this regime intends—along with the further vicious unleashing of police terror, open white supremacy and racism accepted, and even rewarded, throughout society.



    In 2020 the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian (BA) put out a 10-part series entitled “Donald Trump—GENOCIDAL RACIST” and in this series made this powerful statement:  

    Donald Trump hates Black people and everybody who is not a “white, English-speaking, Christian American.” If he could, he would kill off a whole lot of them, and put many of the rest in jail for life, or drive them out of the country.

    And BA concluded that series with this:

    This is not hype or exaggeration in any way—it is the cold hard fact we are faced with—and it demands that, in the name of and for the future of humanity, we act on the basis of fully confronting this reality and moving, in our millions and millions, to change this reality, before it really is too late.



    1. While some of this was more focused on “word-changing” than world-changing, the fascists are not mainly going after woke excess. In fact, as Bob Avakian has pointed out, “woke” and the fascists share some basic similarities in their method of thinking—even as the fascists have been far the greater danger.  [back]

    2. Dozens of U.S. installations were named after Confederate soldiers. After the 2020 uprising, these names were changed, an act which Hegseth referred to as “garbage.” Just last week, Hegseth re-renamed Ft. Liberty (previously Ft. Bragg, named after Confederate general Braxton Bragg) back to “Ft. Bragg”—though now he claims it’s named after Army private Roland Bragg who got a medal fighting during World War 2. Yeah, right. [back]


    An Excerpt from BREAKTHROUGHS, by Bob Avakian

    The Myth of a Color-Blind Society, Martin Luther King's Dream and the Racist Reality of America 

    Editors’ note: The following excerpt is reprinted from BREAKTHROUGHS: The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism, A Basic Summary, by Bob Avakian. As the Preface says, Breakthroughs is “a distilled discussion of the theory, strategic orientation and objectives of the communist movement as this was developed from the time of Marx and with its further development and synthesis with the new communism.” This excerpt is part of a larger section dealing with the relationship between the production relations of society and the social relations between different groups of people in society. This particular section is very timely in exposing the lie being put forward by the Trump/MAGA fascism of a “color-blind” society in which measures to combat the particular forms of oppression faced by Black people and other oppressed nationalities are supposedly “no longer needed.” (And of course, the same logic is extended to the oppression of women and LGBT people—that there is no real oppression of these groups… and indeed, the idea is now put forward that it is white men who are being oppressed.)

    As I alluded to, the production relations in society, as important and as fundamental as they are, are of course not the only important relations in society, and it would be wrong to reduce everything to those production relations. There are also very definite and significant social relations, which are also objective and not just arbitrary categories or things in the minds of people. For example, there is the social relation—an unequal relation of oppression—between men and women. There is the relation between oppressor and oppressed peoples or nations within this society (as well as on a world scale). For example, if you’re white, you’re in one position in this society, objectively; and if you’re not white, if you’re part of what is popularly referred to as “people of color”—Black people, Latinos and others—you are in a different position, you are objectively maintained in an inferior and oppressed position. It is not that you are inferior as a human being, of course, but you are part of a category of people that exists objectively in terms of the social relations in the society, and is treated and maintained in an inferior position, even though you are in no way inferior as a human being. And there is an ideology developed to rationalize this which says that you are part of a group of people that is inferior. Such oppressive social relations correspond to the exploitative production relations.

    It is very interesting: when these dark ages reactionaries started directing their attacks in the realm of education recently in Arizona, for example, one of the things they did was to move to get rid of Chicano studies. And I heard one of the people in the state education institution responsible for this decision declaring: We can’t have education that tells people that they’re part of a group in society that’s oppressed; we have to have education that tells people that they’re all just individuals.

    Now, life would be much simpler if you could actually eliminate social oppression by refusing to talk about it. But, in the real world, these categories of people—these social relations, to put it a better way—exist objectively. They are part of the historically evolved relations in this society. You can’t just wish them away, and you can’t eliminate them by refusing to allow anyone to talk about them. (Of course, the purpose, and certainly the effect, in refusing to allow people to talk about these things is not actually to eliminate them but, on the contrary, to perpetuate and reinforce them.)

    Understanding scientifically the character of society and the need for revolution obviously involves an understanding of the limitations of someone like Martin Luther King, but it’s very interesting to see how right-wingers, and even some liberals, treat his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. To paraphrase, Martin Luther King said, I have a dream where one day the descendants of slaves and the descendants of slave owners will all be able to get together and treat each other just as individuals and they will be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Remember now, Martin Luther King says, “I have a dream”—it’s a dream, or a hope, or a goal—that one day this will be the reality. And then these right-wingers and some liberals come along and say: “Martin Luther King said this is a society where everybody is judged not according to the color of their skin, but according to the content of their character, so quit complaining about being oppressed as Black people.”

    Well, this is another attempt, in line with what was declared by that fascist Arizona education official, to obliterate relations of oppression (or, rather, to obliterate recognition of these oppressive relations) by not allowing people to talk about them, or to distort what they say when they do talk about them. The aim is obviously to maintain that oppression and intensify it. So, this is very important, the question of social relations. Obviously, these social relations are interconnected with the fundamental production relations in society, but they also have a life of their own, and have tremendous consequences. And, once again, the important point here is that these relations are historically evolved and exist objectively. You couldn’t have a United States of America without white supremacy. That is another simple and basic fact.

    To go back to what I said earlier, look at how they put together the country, the “great founding fathers”—and, yes, they were fathers. They put the country together on the basis of a “principled compromise”—a “principled compromise” to institutionalize slavery. That is built into this society, and it has a real consequence. Slavery is not just an abstraction. Slavery is a real thing that affects real people. It’s a mode of life: it’s a way of producing things; it has its own dynamics, it interacts with production and exchange in other parts of the society and on a world level—it’s a real thing. And then, when they had the Civil War, and the North defeated the South, as a necessary part of defeating the South, the North had to abolish slavery, first in the Confederate states, and then overall—that’s what they were forced to do, Lincoln and the rest.

    But then, how did they put the country back together? They weren’t willing to have half a country. That’s why Lincoln went to war in the first place. He said: We can’t allow half the country to secede, you can’t have a country if half of it can walk away. So they weren’t willing to have half of the country and have all these European powers making alliances with the other half of the country that broke loose, seceded. So they had to put the country back together as a whole country, and the only way they could do that, given the prevailing production relations and social relations, was to make all kinds of “principled compromises,” once again, with the Southern aristocracy, the large landowners, who were, to a very large degree, former slaveowners. So this is why Reconstruction was reversed, before very long after the Civil War, and the masses of Black people were betrayed again.

    What all this reflects and illustrates is that these are historically evolved relations. If they had attempted, let’s say, to completely suppress the former slaveowners who led the Confederate revolt—who had tried to secede and waged a war in the attempt to do so—if they had come down fully on them, they could not have put the country together again as a capitalist country. It would have torn the whole country apart, and they would probably have been unable to maintain little, if any, of it in the end. So these social relations and their interconnection with the prevailing production relations have real meaning and real effect.


    Gaza Ceasefire Holds for Now…

    But Trump Threats Continue … Escalation of U.S.-Israel Genocide Looms

    Displaced Palestinians journey from central Gaza to their homes in the northern Gaza Strip, February 11, 2025.


    Displaced Palestinians journey from central Gaza to their homes in the northern Gaza Strip, February 11, 2025.    Photo: AP

    The ceasefire agreement between Hamas and Israel has held for the moment. On Saturday, February 15, as scheduled, Hamas released three Israelis hostages taken on October 7, 2023, and Israel released 369 Palestinians held in its dungeon-like prisons, some for many years.

    Trump is continuing to stoke the flames of genocide in Gaza and beyond, even as this ceasefire hangs by a thread. 

    For the last two weeks, Trump has repeatedly put forward his blatantly illegal plan to take over and “own” Gaza. He’s said that all 2.1 million Palestinians living there would have to leave, and could never return. He’s threatened to cut off aid to the neighboring countries of Jordan and Egypt if they wouldn’t take in Palestinians expelled from Gaza. 

    “We’re going to have Gaza. We don’t have to buy. There’s nothing to buy. We will have Gaza," he told reporters. “We’re going to take it.” When challenged, Trump insists he’s going to go forward with his depraved plan.

    These are ugly cold gangster threats which would result in mass suffering and slaughter. And they are deadly serious.

    Trump Normalizes Netanyahu Threats to Break Ceasefire and Resume Gaza Onslaught 

    Teaser REVOLUTION 110


    Trump’s outrageous threats have changed the terms for the discussion of Israel-Palestine: now, the massive, forced exile of two million people is openly "one of the options on the table." 

    This is having enormous repercussions, including on the current negotiations over whether or not to continue the Gaza ceasefire. 

    Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government have so far refused to deliver much of the desperately needed humanitarian aid, especially tents and mobile homes, promised under Phase 1 of the ceasefire agreement or begin Phase 2 negotiations aimed at ending their assault on Gaza and withdrawing their forces.1

    Instead, Israel may abandon the ceasefire and unleash a new wave of “intense fighting” in Gaza. This would come on top of a nightmare where at least 48,000 (and possibly double that) have already been killed—including nearly 18,000 children. At least 79,000 homes have been demolished and the infrastructure of Gaza has been destroyed.

    Now Trump’s plan serves to make Netanyahu’s outrageous actions look "reasonable." (And in a February 15 social media post, Trump said the U.S. would back any decision Israel made regarding the ceasefire.)

    Meanwhile, in response to Trump’s plan, Israel's defense minister has already ordered its military to prepare a plan to facilitate Palestinians leaving Gaza by land, air or sea. 

    Escalating Atrocities and Ethnic Cleansing on the West Bank

    Jabaliya refugee camp in the West Bank destroyed by the Israeli army's air and ground offensive, February 11, 2025.


    Jabaliya refugee camp in the West Bank destroyed by the Israeli army's air and ground offensive, February 11, 2025.    Photo: AP

    Meanwhile, Israel is savagely intensifying ethnic cleansing in the Palestinian West Bank, the area west of the Jordan River, where three million Palestinian people live.2

    Trump’s return to power and his threats to Gaza have helped fuel this escalation and open calls for illegally annexing the entire West Bank. Annexing basically means stealing all the land and integrating it into your country, no matter who lives there and at what human cost.

    To take one example, on January 21, the day after Trump took power and two days after the Gaza ceasefire went into effect, Israel launched its largest military operation in the West Bank in some 25 years. It targeted four different refugee camps—Jenin, Tulkarem, Nur Shams, and Al-Far’a—and has so far displaced over 40,000 Palestinians.3

    Religious settler fanatics hailed Trump’s return to power and are now praising his threat to expel all Palestinians from Gaza and stepping up their own planning to annex the West Bank.4

    Republi-fascists in the U.S. Congress recently introduced bills banning the term “West Bank” in government documents and replacing it with “Judea and Samaria,” the biblical names for what is today the West Bank. Their explicit aim is supporting Israeli annexation and ending the possibility of any sort of independent sovereignty for Palestinians.

    Trump Threatens New Level of Atrocity – “All Hell Will Break Loose”

    This Must Not Stand!

    This past week, Trump threatened that “all hell will break loose” if Hamas didn’t release its hostages by the scheduled February 15 deadline. Hamas initially said they would not release the hostages because Israel had not been meeting its end of the deal to allow essential humanitarian supplies into Gaza. That deadline has now been met, but Trump’s threat of massive U.S. assault, beyond even the enormous horror that the Biden administration carried out, is an accepted part of diplomatic discourse.

    The fascist Trump regime is openly, loudly, and repeatedly threatening a whole new level of genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank, and now unprecedented violence against any who stand in the way. 

    None of this must stand! These crimes must be vigorously and massively opposed by growing numbers here and around the world. Trump is openly putting it all on the table. 

    There are no excuses for standing on the sidelines!

    Over 350 rabbis and other Jewish people, including Tony Kushner, Ilana Glazer, Naomi Klein and Joaquin Phoenix, took out a full-page ad in the New York Times on February 13 saying, “Trump has called for the removal of all Palestinians from Gaza. Jewish people say no to ethnic cleansing!” See list of signatories at

    New York Times ad. February 13, 2025: Jewish people say NO to ethnic cleansing.


    Ad in New York Times, February 13, 2025.   



    1.  The people of Gaza desperately need an end to Israel’s mass slaughter and brutal oppression, but the current ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was largely brokered by the U.S. and Israel to meet their imperialist objectives in the Middle East and globally. See, The Blood-Drenched U.S.-Israeli “Ceasefire” in Gaza—and the Palestinian People’s Desperate Need for a Whole New Way to Live,, January 20, 2025.  [back]

    2.  By international agreement this is Palestinian land, and part of a promised Palestinian state. Israel seized this land during its 1967 war and has been illegally occupying it and building illegal settlements there ever since.  See also, Israel Targets Jenin, Escalates Violent Ethnic Cleansing Across the West, January 27, 2025.  [back]

    3.  Israeli forces have displaced 40,000 Palestinians from four refugee camps in the largest military operation in the West Bank since the Second Intifada, +972 Magazine, February 12, 2025. Since October 2023, at least 905 Palestinians, including at least 181 children have been killed by Israeli settlers or military forces and more than 7,370 people have been injured.  [back]

    4.  Finance Minister Smotrich, who also oversees the administration of the occupied West Bank and its settlements, began planning for the annexation of the West Bank as soon as Trump was re-elected. Now he says, “President Trump’s plan [for ethnically cleansing Gaza] ... is the true response to October 7, [2023]. ”Far-right Israeli minister orders preparations for West Bank annexation", Al Jazeera, Nov 11, 2024.  [back]


    “Don’t Talk”—A Fundamental Principle for Resisting Repression and Defending the Rights of the People 

    Trump/MAGA fascism is being aggressively imposed on this society in many horrifying ways, instilling fear and a pull towards cooperation with government authorities. One of the ways people are being confronted with this is in situations where people are stopped as they go about their daily business at school, work, or shopping for food and necessities. Right now, that is a living reality for people who are being targeted as “illegal” immigrants, based on how they look or talk. But there are other situations that can be equally frightening: like when someone is arrested at or in connection with a political protest, or when someone is being questioned by police when they don’t have any idea what it is about. In all cases, people need to know what is the best way to respond to prevent these government agencies from doing great harm

    In the popular culture in movies and TV shows, to the ever-present law-and-order shows of one kind or another, and even the news, all trumpet the same theme: if the police want to talk to you, you are already assumed to be guilty—of something. To exercise one's legal rights is viewed as further evidence of guilt; even the most basic right—getting a lawyer to defend oneself from the legal and illegal onslaught of cops, prosecutors and judges—is depicted with a sneer as "lawyering up," as though this shows you must be guilty or have something to hide. 

    Miranda Rights, four points.


    Sometimes you hear the police reading what’s called the Miranda warning (see box) to a person they are intending to interrogate, stating that you have the right to remain silent and the right to a lawyer. But then everything proceeds as though the person being questioned is showing their guilt by refusing to answer questions and getting a lawyer to represent them.

    But in real-life situations, the best advice lawyers give anyone who is being arrested, questioned or contacted in any way by the police is: DON’T TALK. 

    It is important for people to know what rights they DO have when agents of repression come sniffing around. And it is especially important to insist on those rights even as they are increasingly coming under attack. 

    Bob Avakian has spoken to this point in his social media message @BobAvakianOfficial REVOLUTION #106:

    As we revcoms (revolutionary communists) have made clear in the Declaration WE NEED AND WE DEMAND: A WHOLE NEW WAY TO LIVE, A FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT SYSTEM: “So long as we are still living under the rule of this system of capitalism-imperialism, we will defend people against attacks on their lives and on the rights that are supposed to be guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.”

    So, what rights based on the U.S. Constitution are supposed to apply whether during an arrest or in any contact with police or government agencies? How should people defend their rights individually and collectively, and what kind of culture is needed to resist the government forces of repression?

    The Right to Remain Silent—Don't Talk

    When facing agents of government repression (here we are talking about the local police and prosecutors, state or federal law enforcement or various government agencies), the principle of "Don't Talk" is an important legal principle overall, and it is crucial in fighting to protect the various movements of resistance and of revolution from government repression. This principle is stressed very strongly by criminal defense lawyers and civil rights organizations—you have a RIGHT to remain silent.

    Many legal rights organizations, such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and National Lawyers Guild (NLG), have published materials to inform people of their rights. The most important thing they all advise is to assert your right to NOT answer questions. 

    For example, the following is from a brochure published by the ACLU of Southern California


    • You have the right to remain silent. If you wish to exercise that right, say so out loud.
    • You have the right to refuse to consent to a search of yourself, your car or your home.
    • If you are not under arrest, you have the right to calmly leave.
    • You have the right to a lawyer if you are arrested. Ask for one immediately.
    • Regardless of your immigration or citizenship status, you have constitutional rights.

    And the National Lawyers Guild advises what to do if an FBI agent or police officer knocks at the door:

    Do not open the door. State that you are going to remain silent. Do not answer any questions, or even give your name. Anything you say, no matter how seemingly harmless or insignificant, can be used against you or others. Ask the agents to slide their business cards under the door and tell them that your lawyer will contact them. If the agent or officer gives a reason for contacting you, take notes and give the information to your lawyer.1 

    What Harm Can Talking Do?

    There are many myths and lies promoted in the dominant culture and by the police themselves which leave people confused and feeling they have no choice but to cooperate. This is absolutely wrong and dangerous to any movements of resistance from among the people. 

    Myth #1—Cooperating will make the authorities go away.

    In fact, it often does just the opposite. After all, if they size someone up as a "talker" or weak link, they'll milk this person for all the information they can get. They may return with more questions or continue this line of questioning with others.

    Myth #2—Talking will prevent being arrested.

    The authorities promote the illusion that a person should try to "save their own hide" by cooperating and talking. In reality, as the ACLU and NLG underscore, in many circumstances talking may increase the chances of a person being busted, and may be sealing the case against himself/herself as well as others.

    Myth #3—As long as the information provided is harmless, there's nothing wrong with talking.

    When people don't know their rights and talk freely to the authorities, this can do great harm—no matter what information they provide.

    First of all, because the person doesn't know the full agenda of the authorities, he/she has no basis to evaluate whether or not information is "harmless." Even if the authorities claim to be investigating something that has nothing to do with your politics or political activities (or those of others), appearances can be deceiving. The authorities can and will twist any information to their advantage.

    Secondly, the act of talking encourages the authorities to pursue this tactic and go after others.

    Finally, and most importantly, talking fuels the government's efforts to eliminate any movements of opposition and dissent, while standing firm and not talking as a matter of principle contributes to building a culture of resistance and defiance.

    Myth #4—If I don't cooperate, won't it look like I have something to hide?

    According to the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR),

    This is one of the most frequently asked questions. The answer involves the nature of political "intelligence" investigations and the job of the FBI. Agents will try to make you feel that it will "look bad" if you don't cooperate with them. Many people not familiar with how the FBI operates worry about being uncooperative…. (T)hey [the FBI] are intent on learning about the habits, opinions, and affiliations of people not suspected of wrongdoing....

    They will do anything to get a person to talk: from good cop/bad cop approaches (aimed at getting the person to "open up" to the more sympathetic cop) to threats and outright brutality. They also use "mind games" such as saying that others have already informed on a person; or even going so far as falsely telling someone a family member has died in order to get the person to let down his/her guard and reveal information about themselves or others.

    Any information that a person provides—no matter how seemingly insignificant—can be twisted and used against that person themselves, or against people and organizations who expose and oppose the crimes of this system. The government has a long history of lying about the facts and fabricating "evidence" in order to frame movement activists and revolutionaries. They take intelligence gathered from a variety of sources and use it in the most sinister ways, even including murder. Consequently, there is no reason to be in the least defensive about not talking to or cooperating with authorities.

    If a person thinks that he/she can just "bullshit" an agent, this too is a trap. The investigators are trained to be "friendly" and listen to people's stories. To quote a textbook on interrogation techniques, "Letting the subject tell a few lies, and letting him apparently get away with them, is an excellent technique, and works well with many types of subjects. We have seen that lying on the part of the subject works to the advantage of the interrogator...." The NLG has pointed out:

    Keep in mind that although they are allowed to lie to you, lying to a government agent is a crime. Remaining silent is not. The safest things to say are "I am going to remain silent," "I want to speak to my lawyer," and " do not consent to a search." [emphasis added]2


    As spoken to throughout this article, as part of trying to beat down movements of resistance and of revolution, agents of the government (police, FBI, prosecutors, etc.) have developed methods to trick, intimidate and brutalize people into giving up legal rights and protections established by the legal system in this country. This basic dynamic and truth needs to be clearly understood, and if various organizations and movements are serious about the challenges they face, they need to grapple with how—mainly by relying on mass movements of the people—to resist such repression.

    History has shown that when the decent people refuse to concede the moral authority on what is right and what is wrong, they are better able to withstand repression and continue to develop resistance. If they do not take this approach, they find themselves in a situation where: That which you do not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn—or be forced—to accept. Part of building a culture of defiance and resistance among people standing up against fascism and the crimes of this system is refusing to allow the government to either intimidate or bamboozle people into giving up resistance, and refusing in any way to enter into complicity with such intimidation and repression.

    In this context, the legal principles underlying "Don't Talk" take on heightened importance. Those confronted by police agents should not be bamboozled into giving up the legal rights they do have, as this will only lead to strengthening the repressive apparatus of the state, and help to undercut the ability to struggle against the crimes of this system and to build a movement for revolution to overthrow this system and bring about a fundamentally different and much better system. 

    Immigrant Legal Resource Center red cards


    Red Cards

    Red cards are being distributed by the thousands in immigrant communities throughout the country, advising people of their rights. This is the text of the “red cards.” 

    I do not wish to speak with you, answer your questions, or sign or hand you any documents based on my 5th Amendment rights under the United States Constitution. I do not give you permission to enter my home based on my 4th Amendment rights under the United States Constitution unless you have a warrant to enter, signed by a judge or magistrate with my name on it that you slide under the door. I do not give you permission to search any of my belongings based on my 4th Amendment rights. I choose to exercise my constitutional rights. These cards are available to citizens and noncitizens alike.

    • DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR if an immigration agent is knocking on the door.
    • DO NOT ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS from an immigration agent if they try to talk to you. You have the right to remain silent.
    • DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING without first speaking to a lawyer. You have the right to speak with a lawyer.
    • If you are outside of your home, ask the agent if you are free to leave and if they say yes, leave calmly.
    • GIVE THIS CARD TO THE AGENT. If you are inside of your home, show the card through the window or slide it under the door.



    1. Operation Backfire: A Survival Guide for Environmental and Animal Rights Activists, National Lawyers Guild, 2009 [back]

    2. “Know Your Rights! What to Do if Questioned by Police, FBI, Customs Agents or Immigration Officers,” by National Lawyers Guild, S.F. Bay Area Chapter, ACLU of Northern California and the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC-SF), 2004  [back]


    Drop the Charges on Noche Diaz and Leo Pargo!

    As Trump targets Chicago for mass deportations, CPD outrageously arrest Revcoms for leading a crowd to chant “In the name of humanity, we refuse a fascist America!”

    Noche Diaz and Leo Pargo


    Noche Diaz and Leo Pargo.  Watch the video of the arrest.   

    Noche Diaz is a national spokesperson for the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity

    Leo Pargo is a leader of the Revcom Corps in Chicago

    On February 1, Noche Diaz and Leo Pargo were part of an emergency protest called by the Revcom Corps, which converged with another protest of mainly Latino youth against the ICE raids being launched by Trump. Together, hundreds of people marched through downtown Chicago to protest mass deportations and the whole Trump/MAGA fascist program.

    Right in front of Trump Tower, Noche Diaz spoke from atop a bus stop and led the crowd to chant: “NO! In the name of humanity, we refuse a fascist America! Into the streets, day after day. Do not stop. Make this country ungovernable!”

    A swarm of Chicago police, including a Deputy Chief, violently pushed into the crowd, endangering many protesters, and illegitimately arrested Noche and Leo.

    The two have since been released and face Class A misdemeanor charges, the most severe type in Illinois law. Noche is charged with Reckless Conduct and Leo is charged with Obstructing an officer. Both charges carry up to 364 days in jail and a $2,500 fine. As shown in the video, these charges are ridiculous and illegitimate. This is a straight up violation of basic First Amendment rights.

    Since Trump’s inauguration, people have been hit with a fascist whirlwind of government purges, attacks on immigrants and trans people, anti-scientific lunacy, and destruction of rule of law itself. There are beginnings of important resistance, but this is nowhere near enough! Noche and Leo not only had a legal right to do what they did, THEY WERE RIGHT! They are doing what everyone needs to be doing right now.

    Inspired by the message from the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian that “This is not a time for demoralization and despair—it is a time for righteous anger and revolutionary determination,” they told the truth, acted with courage, and inspired others to do the same.

    Everyone who values the right to free speech, and doesn’t want to see people brutally arrested for exercising that right, should demand: DROP THE CHARGES!

    Everyone who is outraged about the terror being inflicted on immigrants, and the fact this supposed “sanctuary city” is prosecuting protesters who stand up for immigrants, should demand: DROP THE CHARGES!

    Everyone who recognizes the grave danger we are facing with Trump/MAGA fascism, and the importance of mobilizing millions to defeat this, should demand: DROP THE CHARGES!

    Everyone who recognizes that there’s something fundamentally rotten about the current system and appreciates the work of these revolutionary leaders fighting for a positive way forward — and doesn’t want to see them targeted and suppressed — should demand: DROP THE CHARGES!

    ** Sign the petition!  →

    ** Stand with Noche and Leo in court: 
    March 12, 9am, 727 East 111th St, Chicago, Branch 35-2

    ** Learn more about THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity and get involved at petition QR Code, for Noche and Leo



    An Urgent Call for Funds for



    As of
    Goal: $8,000
    Raised: $6,979

    A call to all those horrified at the Trump/MAGA fascism spawned by this system of capitalism-imperialism that has now come to power in the world’s top nuclear-armed superpower… outraged at the tremendous harm this fascism is perpetrating on people in this country and the whole world… hate the Dark Ages morality and Christian fascism that they are trying to forcibly impose… who see the very existence of humanity being threatened by the increasing danger of nuclear war and destruction of the environment: Be part of supporting a robust and expanding website that—now more than ever—plays a crucial role in exposing the system ruling over us and in leading people out of this madness to a radically different and far better future. is launching a three-week drive to raise $8,000 towards our yearly website bill and urgently needs your support.

    Five reasons you should donate to this drive, spread the word about, and urge your friends and others to donate and subscribe to this website: 

    1. projects the voice of the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian (BA). BA is the leadership we need and the leadership we have to make revolution and take a great step forward to emancipating all of humanity. Bob Avakian has scientifically analyzed that we are in a rare time when an actual revolution has become more possible in the U.S. And today, through his interviews, writings and social media messages @BobAvakianOfficial, he charts the road forward to both the need and possibility to defeat fascism while working wholeheartedly to make revolution in this country. 

    BA has brought forward a strategy for making that revolution, and laid out a sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for the new and far better society in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America is the place where tens of thousands here and in over 150 other countries around the world can find and study the works of Bob Avakian, in English and in Spanish—not only his writings but his social media messages, video/film and audios.

    2. is the place where week to week, people go for a scientific understanding of what is happening, why it is happening, what is in the interests of humanity—and how to transform the world in the interests of humanity through revolution. In this moment, is reporting day to day on the fascist moves Trump is making, and exposing the roots of these moves in the history of this country and in the capitalist-imperialist system we live in and are ruled by.

    3. is the place where week to week, people go for urgently needed, scientific, internationalist exposure and analysis of world events. From the genocide in Gaza being committed by Israel fully backed by the U.S…. to the intensifying danger of nuclear war between the major imperialist powers… to the existential threat to humanity from climate change… and much more.

    4. is where people can learn about and connect with THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity across the country, and see them in action—and in other ways join the movement for the revolution we need. This is the site where people who long for a whole different and much better world get guidance and direction on how to work in a unified way to meet what confronts us in making the revolution that is so urgently needed.

    5. Revcom is the place where the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America is available to all. In this time, when many are full of despair and disorientation, the whole different future that is possible through revolution must be put before all. People need to know that another world is possible with revolution, and that Bob Avakian, the architect of the new communism, has written the blueprint and constitution for the new society—a vibrant society that would be moving to end all exploitation and oppression. 

    Whether you are new to or a regular reader, now is the time to be part of ensuring that this site continues to play its role and expands its reach, by giving whatever you can to this fund drive. People with limited funds can go out to others and talk to them about donating. Those who have more means should think about how much they can contribute—and then think about the momentous times we are in and stretch to give more. Whatever the amount, by donating to, you and others are doing something that makes a real difference for the future of humanity.

    Sunday, February 16: Generous donors met the $500 challenge match. Thanks to all!

    Donor Issues $500 Match Challenge To Meet Urgent Need for

    From a donor:

    I am making a $500 matching challenge for much-needed financial support for the Revolution/Revolución/ web site and I urge others to donate generously.

    The revcoms are doing all kinds of vital work that merits major financial support from all those who yearn for a Whole New Way to Live and a Fundamentally Different System.

    Here let me pinpoint two (of many) unique and important contributions that makes to this whole revolutionary ensemble: is the BILINGUAL voice for the revolution! Having such in-depth, powerful and scientific analysis of events in the world and in the U.S., in both Spanish and English—it is a real lifeline for the millions of immigrants who are now in the "belly of the beast" facing the brutal Trump MAGA/Fascism's war on immigrants. It is a real companion to Bob Avakian's messages on social media, bringing them to thousands of Spanish speakers.

    Second, in fact, this bilingual website projects Bob Avakian and the whole new communism that he has brought forward to people in at least 150 countries. It is a revolutionary beacon to the world!

    Donate generously!




    Brief Introduction:

    The following article by Bob Avakian was originally published in 1987. We are republishing it now, because it remains highly relevant in terms of understanding the basic nature of this system we live under—the system of capitalism-imperialism—and the role of the U.S. Constitution as the legal and political basis for this system of ruthless exploitation, murderous oppression and massive destruction. In this republished version, Bob Avakian has provided some Added Notes at the end of the article, to further clarify important points.

    * * * * *

    James Madison, who was the main author of the Constitution of the United States, was also an upholder of slavery and the interests of the slaveowners in the United States. Madison, the fourth president of the United States, not only wrote strongly in defense of the Constitution, he also strongly defended the part of the Constitution that declared the slaves to be only three-fifths human beings (that provided for the slaves to be counted this way for the purposes of deciding on representation and taxation of the states—Article I, Section 2, 3 of the Constitution).

    In writing this defense, Madison praised "the compromising expedient of the Constitution" which treats the slaves as "inhabitants, but as debased by servitude below the equal level of free inhabitants; which regards the slave as divested of two-fifths of the man." Madison explained: "The true state of the case is that they partake of both these qualities: being considered by our laws, in some respects, as persons, and in other respects as property.... This is in fact their true character. It is the character bestowed on them by the laws under which they live; and it will not be denied that these are the proper criterion." Madison got to the heart of the matter, the essence of what the U.S. Constitution is all about, when in the course of upholding the decision to treat slaves as three-fifths human beings he agrees with the following principle: "Government is instituted no less for protection of the property than of the persons of individuals."1 Property rights—that is the basis on which outright slavery as well as other forms of exploitation, discrimination, and oppression have been consistently upheld. And over the 200 years that this Constitution has been in force, down to today, despite the formal rights of persons it proclaims, and even though the Constitution has been amended to outlaw slavery where one person actually owns another as property, the U.S. Constitution has always remained a document that upholds and gives legal authority to a system in which the masses of people, or their ability to work, have been used as wealth-creating property for the profit of the few.

    The abolition of slavery through the Civil War meant the elimination of one form of exploitation and the further development and extension of other forms of exploitation. As I wrote in Democracy: Can't We Do Better Than That?, "despite the efforts of abolitionists and the resistance and revolts of the slaves themselves—and their heroic fighting in the Civil War itself—it was not fought by the Union government in the North, and its president, Lincoln, for the purpose of abolishing the atrocity of slavery in some moral sense.... The Civil War arose out of the conflict between two modes of production, the slave system in the South and the capitalist system centered in the North; this erupted into open antagonism, warfare, when it was no longer possible for these two modes of production to co-exist within the same country."2 The victory of the North over the South in the U.S. Civil War represented the victory of the capitalist system over the slave system. It represented the triumph of the capitalist form of using people as a means of creating wealth. Under a system of outright slavery, the slave is literally the property of the slaveowner. Under capitalism, slavery becomes wage-slavery: The exploited class of workers is not owned by the exploiting class of capitalists (the owners of factories, land, etc.), but the workers are in a position where they must sell their ability to work to a capitalist in order to earn a wage. Capitalism needs a mass of workers that is "free," in a two-fold sense: They must be "free" of all means to live (all means of production), except their ability to work; and they must not be bound to a particular owner, a particular site, a particular guild, etc.—they must be "free" to do whatever work is demanded of them, they must be "free" to move from place to place, and "free" to be hired and fired according to the needs of capital! If they cannot enrich a capitalist through working, then the workers cannot work, they cannot earn a wage. But even if they cannot find a capitalist to exploit their labor, even if they are unemployed, they still remain under the domination of the capitalist class and of the process of capitalist accumulation of wealth—the proletarians (the workers) are dependent on the capitalist class and the capitalist system for their very lives, so long as the capitalist system rules. It is this rule, this system of exploitation, that the U.S. Constitution has upheld and enforced, all the more so after outright slavery was abolished through the Civil War.

    But here is another very important fact: In the concrete conditions of the U.S. coming out of the Civil War, and for some time afterward, wage-slavery was not the only major form of exploitation in force in the U.S. Up until very recently (until the 1950s), millions of Black people were exploited like serfs on Southern plantations, working as sharecroppers and tenant farmers to enrich big landowners (and bankers and other capitalists). A whole system of laws—commonly known as Jim Crow laws—were enforced to maintain this relationship of exploitation and oppression: Black people throughout the South—and really throughout the whole country—were subjected to the open discrimination, brutality, and terror that such laws allowed and encouraged. All this, too, was upheld and enforced by the Constitution and its interpretation and application by the highest political and legal authorities in the U.S. And, over the past several decades, when the great majority of Black people have been uprooted from the land in the South and have moved into the cities of the North (and South), they have still been discriminated against, forcibly segregated, and continually subjected to brutality and terror even while some formal civil rights have been extended to them.

    Once again, this is in accordance with the interests of the ruling capitalist class and capitalist system. It is consistent with the principle enunciated by James Madison: Governments must protect the property no less than the persons of individuals. In fact, what Madison obviously meant—and what the reality of the U.S. has clearly been—is that the government must protect the property of white people, especially the wealthy white people, more than the rights of Black people. It must never be forgotten that for most of their history in what is now the United States of America Black people were the property of white people, particularly wealthy plantation owners. Even after this outright slavery was abolished, Black people have never been allowed to achieve equality with whites: they have been held down, maintained as an oppressed nation, and denied the right of self-determination. Capitalism cannot exist without the oppression of nations, and this is all the more so when capitalism develops into its highest stage: monopoly capitalism-imperialism. If the history of the United States has demonstrated anything, it has demonstrated this.

    The Heritage They Won’t Renounce

    The ruling class of the U.S. today—above all the U.S. imperialists, the large-scale capitalists and international exploiters who dominate the U.S. and most of the world—are indeed, as they proclaim, the direct and worthy descendants of their “Founding Fathers.” And this is why the ruling class and its political representatives, while they feel obliged to say that they are opposed to slavery today (at least in the U.S. itself), solemnly praise and celebrate slave owners and upholders of slavery who were so prominent among the “Founding Fathers” and played so central a part in the establishment of the system in the U.S.: men like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison.

    These imperialists will never admit that their “Founding Fathers” established a system of government that, in its very foundation, is based on oppression and exploitation. They will never admit that their Constitution is the legal instrument for enforcing that exploitation and oppression. They cannot admit this, any more than they can admit their much-vaunted wealth and power has been established and built up by stealing land and resources from the native peoples (and Mexico) through extortion and outright murderous means; by trading in human flesh and harnessing human beings in slave labor; by pitilessly exploiting immigrants in their millions as wage-slaves; by robbing and plundering throughout the world, particularly Latin America, Africa, and Asia (what today is generally called the Third World). They cannot acknowledge that, while the forms of slavery have changed, the U.S. has, from the beginning and down to today, remained a society where enslavement, in one form or another, has been at the very heart of the economic system and the very basis of the political structure.

    There are many (including even Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall) who argue that, because of the upholding of slavery in the Constitution—and other injustices, such as excluding women from voting, and the treatment of the Indians—the Constitution was not such a great document when it was written, but it has been made great through the history of the U.S. and the struggles to create a more perfect Union and a more perfect Constitution. In other words, the Constitution may have had defects in some important ways when it was originally conceived, but the miracle of it is that the Constitution has within it provisions for changing and improving it—for extending democracy and rights to those previously excluded. And, some will add, while the Constitution upholds property rights, it also upholds individual and civil rights (even the statement from Madison cited at the beginning of this article stresses that, some might argue). Let’s look more deeply at these questions.

    Extension of the Constitution … Extension of Bourgeois Domination

    The extension of constitutional rights and protections to those previously excluded from them has gone together, in an overall way, with the extension of bourgeois (capitalist) relations and their dominance throughout the U.S. And, at the same time, it has gone hand-in-hand with the continuation of the oppression of Black people, of Native Americans, of Latinos and immigrants from Latin America (and elsewhere), of the oppression of women, and other forms of oppression and exploitation. All this is not in contradiction to but is consistent with the fundamental principles on which the Constitution is based and the way in which it treats the relationship between the rights of property and the rights of individuals.*

    It is noteworthy that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution (echoing the 5th Amendment) has as its pivotal point the provision that no State may “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.” Especially in the period since World War 2, this amendment has been used as a major part of the basis to extend civil rights for Black people, for women, and for others discriminated against. Yet this amendment was passed right after the Civil War, in 1866; and for many decades this amendment was not used to combat racial or sexual discrimination. Instead, “For many years the Supreme Court applied the due-process clause mainly to protect business interests against state regulatory legislation.”3 It was only beginning after World War 1, and more fully after World War 2, that the 14th Amendment was applied in a significant way to the questions of racial and sexual discrimination. Thus, “in a long series of cases” beginning in 1925, the Supreme Court “gradually expanded its definition of due process so as to include most of the guarantees of personal liberties in the Federal Bill of Rights and has protected them from state impairment. A similar development occurred with respect to the equal-protection clause.”4 These changes in Supreme Court decisions were part of larger changes in ruling-class policy. But these resulted not from some brilliant new legal insight, nor from some sudden flash of moral awakening within the ruling class. Rather, they resulted from the changed situation of Black people in U.S. society and, more decisively, from the situation and needs of the ruling imperialists.

    As noted earlier, the masses of Black people have undergone a dramatic change in their particular conditions of existence—and of oppression—in the U.S. This began during and immediately after World War 1 but developed fully during and after World War 2. Demand for labor in war production and other strategic industry, followed after World War 2 by sweeping changes in Southern agriculture—called forth by technological changes and international economic competition—drove millions and millions of Black people from the rural South to the urban ghettos of the North and South, and into the most exploited sections of the proletariat. At the same time, the U.S. imperialists emerged not only victorious but greatly strengthened from world war that devastated those countries which were much more directly and centrally involved. So, after World War 2 U.S. imperialism was everywhere, scooping up the former colonial possessions of the prior colonial powers and establishing U.S. neocolonial domination in the name of freedom and (usually) in the guise of allowing formal independence. In this situation, it was not so necessary—nor was it so helpful—to openly and blatantly treat Black people as “second-class citizens” in the U.S. itself. So, over the period of the next several decades, concessions were made to civil rights demands and struggles at the same time as deception, vicious repression, and the promotion of “loyal and responsible Negro leaders” were carried out to keep things firmly under the control of the ruling class and in the service of its larger interests. Similarly, recent decades have seen political and legal changes that have brought certain extensions of formal rights to women and certain concessions to their battle against oppression. These have corresponded to significant changes in society and the world, including the fact that in only a small percentage of U.S. families is it any longer the case that the family is supported by just the man working. But, again, these concessions have been confined within limits that fundamentally conform to the interests and needs of the ruling class in the face of changing conditions in the U.S. and the world.

    Would anyone dare say that, because of these changes and concessions, inequality and injustice have been eliminated in the U.S.? The fact is, none of this has in any way eliminated, or come close to eliminating, discrimination against Black people, their overall conditions of oppression, their status as an oppressed nation. Nor have the ruling imperialists ceased to oppress the Native Americans—they have never even stopped trying to cheat and rob them of valuable land and resources. Nor have these imperialists ceased to discriminate against and viciously exploit other national minorities and immigrants. Nor, despite the constitutional amendment (the 19th, in 1919) giving them the right to vote and other concessions to “women’s rights,” have women been granted equality—there has been no end to the subjugation and degradation they have been subjected to: The oppression of women remains a foundation stone of U.S. society, as indeed it must so long as a system of class domination and exploitation is in force. Today, 200 years after the U.S. Constitution first took effect, and after all the changes and amendments, no one can seriously and reasonably argue that the various kinds of oppression that I have spoken to here do not exist or are only a minor aspect of the situation. No one can seriously and reasonably argue that they are not a basic and deeply rooted feature of American society.

    The reason for this is rooted in the very reality and nature of the economic system in the U.S. and the political system that upholds and enforces this economic system, including the Constitution as the legal “cement” of the political structure. The fundamental reason why the “extension” of constitutional rights to those previously excluded from them has not put an end to exploitation, inequality, and oppression is this: The essence of the capitalist economic system is not the competition of commodity owners, all vying equally in the marketplace (equal opportunity for all). The essence is the exploitation of labor as wage-labor, the command by capital over labor power (the ability to do work) as a commodity—a unique commodity—that creates wealth through its use.** (As a dockworker told me years ago: No one gets rich working; the only way to get rich is by making other people work for you.) And the essence of the political structure that goes along with and protects this capitalist economic system is not freedom and democracy for all, regardless of wealth and social position. The essence is the dictatorship of the bourgeois class—its monopoly of political power and armed force—over those it dominates in the economic system, especially the proletariat. Thus, the right to vote and other formal rights for the proletariat and other oppressed masses are in no way in fundamental opposition to the economic and political system of capitalism and bourgeois dictatorship.

    Bourgeois Democracy—Bourgeois Dictatorship

    Bourgeois democracy presents itself as classless democracy: It proclaims equality for all. Thus, the U.S. Constitution does not say that different classes of people shall have unequal wealth and power; rather, it sets forth a charter that appears to treat everyone the same, regardless of wealth and social status. Yet there never has been, and never could be, a capitalist society without tremendous differences in wealth and power, without fundamental class divisions and antagonisms. In fact, a capitalist society without these things is not even conceivable. And in reality, democracy in capitalist society can only be bourgeois democracy. This means there is democracy—equal political rights and the power to make fundamental decisions—only among the capitalist class, the ruling class. For the rest, and for the proletariat especially, bourgeois democracy means dictatorship: It means being ruled over by the capitalists, even while being allowed to vote and even while being governed by a Constitution that sets forth laws that are said to be applied, equally, to all. How can this be?

    First, as for voting, as I pointed out in Democracy: Can’t We Do Better Than That?:

    On the most obvious level, to be a serious candidate for any major office in a country like the U.S. requires millions of dollars—a personal fortune or, more often, the backing of people with that kind of money. Beyond that, to become known and be taken seriously depends on favorable exposure in the mass media (favorable at least in the sense that you are presented as within the framework of responsible—that is, acceptable politics)…. By the time “the people express their will through voting,” both the candidates they have to choose among and the “issues” that deserve “serious consideration” have been selected out by someone else: the ruling class….

    Further, and even more fundamentally, to “get anywhere” once elected—both to advance one’s own career and to “get anything done”—it is necessary to fit into the established mold and work within the established structures.5

    But that is not all:

    If, however, the electoral process in bourgeois society does not represent the exercise of sovereignty by the people, it generally does play an important role in maintaining the sovereignty—the dictatorship—of the bourgeoisie and the continuation of capitalist society. This very electoral process itself tends to cover over the basic class relations—and class antagonisms—in society, and serves to give formal, institutionalized expression to the political participation of atomized individuals in the perpetuation of the status quo. This process not only reduces people to isolated individuals but at the same time reduces them to a passive position politically and defines the essence of politics as such atomized passivity—as each person, individually, in isolation from everyone else, giving his/her approval to this or to that option, all of which options have been formulated and presented by an active power standing above these atomized masses of “citizens.”… [T]he very acceptance of the electoral process as the quintessential political act reinforces acceptance of the established order and works against any radical rupture with, to say nothing of the actual overturning of, that order.6

    And let us remember that one of the main reasons for which the U.S. Constitution was “ordained and established,” as proclaimed in its “Preamble,” was to prevent social upheaval and the overturning of the order upheld by that Constitution—to “insure domestic tranquility.”

    The same can be said of the other aspects of bourgeois democracy and the kind of rights set forth in the U.S. Constitution (including its “Bill of Rights”): They have the purpose and function of reinforcing the rule of the bourgeoisie and keeping political activity within limits acceptable to the bourgeoisie. Thus, “the much-vaunted freedom of expression in the ‘democratic countries’ is not in opposition to but is encompassed by and confined within the actual exercise of dictatorship by the bourgeoisie. This is for two basic reasons—because the ruling class has a monopoly on the means of molding public opinion and because its monopoly of armed force puts it in a position to suppress, as violently as necessary, any expression of ideas, as well as any action, that poses a serious challenge to the established order.”7 The history of the U.S., like the history of all other “democratic” bourgeois dictatorships, is full of graphic illustrations of just how true the above-quoted statement is!

    Formal equality—the treatment of all persons as equal, and specifically as “equal before the law,” without regard to wealth or social position—in bourgeois society actually covers over the relationship of complete subordination, exploitation, and oppression to which the proletariat and masses of people are subjected. If a small group—the capitalist class—controls the important means of creating wealth, then in reality they have the power of life and death over those who control little or none of these. To have such power over other people is, in essence, to hold them in an enslaved condition, whether or not the chains are literal and visible. In such a situation—which is the fundamental condition of capitalist society—how can there be anything but profound inequality economically, socially, and politically? And with such a fundamental division, with such fundamental inequality, there can never be anything but exploitation, oppression, domination, and dictatorship.

    With regard to the law, this will manifest itself in two main ways. First, those who dominate society economically will dominate in deciding, through the political structure, what the laws will be. They will insure that the laws serve their interests. And second, the actual application and enforcement of the law will discriminate in favor of those with wealth and power and against those without them—and even more so against oppressed nationalities, women, and others who are “the last of the last” in society. Everyday life in any capitalist society proves this over and over. Thus, once again, as with the right to vote and other constitutional rights in a bourgeois-democratic republic, formal equality before the law expresses itself, in reality, as profound inequality—and more—as something confined within and conforming to bourgeois domination and dictatorship.

    The basic difference between the bourgeoisie’s view of freedom and democracy on the one hand, and the striving of oppressed masses for an end to oppressive conditions on the other hand, is sharply drawn in recent events in Haiti, the Philippines, and South Korea. The oppressed masses (and students and other revolutionary intellectuals) want some kind of fundamental change in the social system and a breaking of the chains of imperialist domination in their countries. But the bourgeois opposition leaders and parties want only the recognition of bourgeois-democratic provisions and procedures—with elections the highest expression of political activity. Most of all, they want the sharing of power more broadly and “equally” among the upper classes—really, they want their chance to hold the reins of power—while leaving the social system and imperialist domination intact. As for the imperialists, where they become convinced of the need for change in such situations, they make every effort to keep it confined within the framework of imperialist domination and bourgeois rule. Indeed, they try to use such situations to strengthen and perhaps “refine” the apparatus of bourgeois politics—and, above all, of repression—in the countries involved.

    This brings us to a most fundamental point that is so often ignored or glossed over in discussions and debates about democracy in countries like the U.S.: The fact is that even the extent to which rights are allowed to the nonruling classes in imperialist countries depends on a situation where, in large parts of the world under imperialist domination, the masses of people are subjected to much more open and murderous repression. In short,

    The platform of democracy in the imperialist countries (worm-eaten as it is) rests on fascist terror in the oppressed nations: the real guarantors of bourgeois democracy in the U.S. are not the constitutional scholar and the Supreme Court justice, but the Brazilian torturer, the South African cop, and the Israeli pilot; the true defenders of the democratic tradition are not on the portraits in the halls of the Western capitols, but are Marcos, Mobutu, and the dozens of generals from Turkey to Taiwan, from South Korea to South America, all put and maintained in power and backed up by the military force of the U.S. and its imperialist partners.8,***

    But, at the same time, the imperialist rulers and ardent worshippers of bourgeois democracy go to great lengths to try to cover over, or explain away, the brutal repression “at home” that is so essential to the functioning of the system and the maintenance of the established order:

    For there is vicious repression and state terror carried out continually—and not only in times of serious crisis or social upheaval—in the imperialist countries; it is carried out specifically against those who do not support but oppose the established order, or who simply cannot be counted on to be pacified by the normal workings of the imperialist system—those whose conditions are desperate and whose life situation is explosive anyway.

    In the U.S. the hundreds of police shootings of oppressed people, particularly Blacks and other minority nationalities, every year; the fact that jails are overwhelmingly filled with poor people, the greatest number again being Black and other minority nationalities—it is an amazing but true statistic that one out of every thirteen Black people in the U.S. will be arrested each year (and Blacks are incarcerated eight and one-half times as frequently as whites)!—and the widespread use of drugs, surgical techniques, and other means to repress and terrorize prisoners (as well as an astounding number of people not in jail, including allegedly recalcitrant children); the use of welfare and other so-called social service agencies to harass and control poor people down to the most intimate details of their personal lives; this, and much more, is part of the daily life experience of millions of people in the major imperialist countries. Along with all this, of course, is the use of the state apparatus for direct political repression….

    In times of severe crisis and social strain, of course, all this is carried out more intensively and extensively…. Already, right now in the U.S., to cite one important aspect of this, hundreds of thousands of immigrants, “illegal” and “legal,” are being subjected to a campaign of terror—including raids at their places of work and homes, the sudden and forcible separation of parents from children, and the deportation of large numbers of refugees back to the waiting arms of death squads and other government assassins in countries like El Salvador. The same kind of thing is also being directed against immigrants in France, West Germany, England, and other imperialist democracies.

    Through all this, while overt political repression by the state is in one sense the clearest indication of the class content of democracy—in the imperialist countries as well as elsewhere—in another sense the daily, and often seemingly arbitrary, terror carried out against the lower strata in these imperialist countries concentrates the connection between the normal workings of the system and the political (that is, class) nature of the state.9

    A New and Far Greater Vision of Freedom

    In the course of this article so far, in speaking to some essential questions concerning the U.S. Constitution and the system it upholds, I have answered some of the main arguments made in defense of this Constitution and this system, including the argument that the Constitution, if not perfect, is perfectible—that it can be continually improved and the rights it establishes can be extended to those previously excluded. Before concluding, I want to briefly address some of the other main arguments made on behalf of—or in defense of—this Constitution and the principles and vision it embodies.

    “This Constitution establishes a law of the land that is applicable to all—it establishes a government of laws, not of people.” This is closely linked to the principle of “equality before the law.” What is meant by “a government of laws, not of people” is that no one is “above the law” and that what is allowed and what is forbidden are set forth before all, in one set of regulations binding on everyone, and this can be changed only through the procedures established for making such changes. A “government of people” refers to a notion of a government where it is the will and the word of certain people—a king, a despot, a small group of tyrants, etc.—that determine what is allowed and what is forbidden, and where this can and will change according to the dictates and the whims of such rulers: There is no common and clearly spelled-out standard binding on all, even on the political leaders and the powerful and influential in society.

    Like all principles of bourgeois democracy, this notion of “a government of laws, not of people” misses and obscures the essential question. First of all,

    “the rule of law” can be part of a dictatorship, of one kind or another, and in the most general sense it always is—even where it may appear that power is exercised without or above the law, laws (in the sense of a systematized code that people in society are obliged to conform to, whether written or unwritten) will still exist and play a part in enforcing the rule of the dominant class. Conversely, all states, all dictatorships, include laws in one form or another.10

    Most fundamentally, the question is: What is the character and the class content of the laws, what system do they uphold and enforce, which class interests do they represent—of which class dictatorship, bourgeois or proletarian, are they the expression and instrument—and toward what end are they contributing—the maintenance of class division and domination, exploitation and oppression, or the final elimination of class divisions, of all oppressive social divisions, and of social antagonisms? In short, the essential question is not “a government of laws vs. a government of people,” it is which people—which class—rules, and what laws are in force, in the service of what ends?

    “‘We The People,’ that is the heart of this Constitution and the genius of this Constitution: It establishes a government of, by and for all the people.” As a matter of historical fact, this opening phrase of the Constitution, “We the people of the United States,” was not the product of some lofty desire by the “framers” of the Constitution to set forth some universal principle of popular sovereignty. It was the product of their desire to overcome the problem of States posing their own sovereignty against that of the Federal Government—and the desire to avoid the specific problem of not knowing which States would ratify the Constitution: “The Preamble of the Articles of Confederation had named all the states in order from north to south. How was the [Constitutional] Convention to enumerate the participating states without knowing which would ratify? In a brilliant flash of inspiration, the Convention began with the words, ‘We the People of the United States…do ordain and establish this Constitution….’”11

    More importantly, the larger historical context and the actual content of this proclamation—“We The People”—must be made clear. The founding of the United States of America as an independent country represented not just the breaking away from domination by a foreign power. It also meant breaking away from a form of government that vested great power in the person of the monarchy—even while it ultimately served the interests of the bourgeoisie and the landed “nobility.” In general, the rights and the restrictions of power established in the Constitution of the newly founded United States revolved around preventing arbitrary rule by despots and the concentration of too much power in one person or one part of the government. The “separation of powers” and the “checks and balances” of different branches of government was seen as a way of insuring that the government would serve the interests of the capitalist class and (at that time) the slaveowners as a whole. It is in this light that “We the people of the United States,” in the “Preamble” of the Constitution, must be understood. Obviously, “We the people of the United States” did not include all those who were expressly excluded from the process of selecting the government and endorsing the Constitution. For, “Even on the most obvious level, how could the government of the newly formed United States, for example, be considered to have derived its powers ‘from the consent of the governed’ when, at the time of the formation of the United States of America, a majority of the people ‘governed’—included slaves, Indians, women, men who did not meet various property requirements, and others—did not even have the right to vote…to say nothing of the real power to govern and determine the direction of society?”12

    Bourgeois ruling classes generally speak in the name of the people, all the people. From their standpoint, it may make a certain amount of sense: They do, after all, rule over the masses of people. But from a more basic and more objective standpoint, their claim to represent all the people is a deception. If it was a deception at the time of the founding of the United States and the adoption of its Constitution, it is all the more so now. For now the rule of the capitalists is in fundamental antagonism with the interests of the great majority of people, not just in a particular country, but all over the world. Now the decisive question is not overcoming economic and political obstacles to the development of capitalism and its corresponding political system. The time when that was on the historical agenda is long since passed. What is now on the historical agenda is the overthrow of capitalism and the final elimination of all systems of exploitation, all oppressive social relations, all class distinctions, through the revolution of the exploited class under capitalism, the proletariat.

    To get a very stark sense of just how historically conditioned—how long since outmoded and completely reactionary—are the interests and the paramount concerns of the "Founding Fathers" and their descendants, the ruling imperialists of today, let us consider the fact that, in writing their Constitution, Madison and others "For theoretical inspiration...leaned heavily on Locke and on Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws. Both writers had insisted on the need for separation of powers in order to prevent tyranny; in Montesquieu's view even the representatives of the people in the legislature could not be trusted with unlimited power."13 In reading over Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws I could not help but be struck by how thoroughly his frame of reference is that of a bygone age and his outlook that of exploiting classes whose period of historical ascendancy is long since past. As a glaring illustration, consider the following:

    If I had to justify our right to enslave Negroes, this is what I would say: Since the peoples of Europe have exterminated those of America, they have had to enslave those of Africa in order to use them to clear and cultivate such a vast expanse of land.

    Sugar would be too expensive if it weren't harvested by slaves.

    Those in question are black from the tip of their toes to the top of their heads; and their noses so flattened that it is almost impossible to feel sorry for them.

    It is inconceivable that God, who is a very wise being, could have placed a soul, especially a good soul, in an all-black body....

    One proof of the fact that Negroes don't have any common sense is that they get more excited about a string of glass beads than about gold, which, in civilized countries, is so dearly prized.

    It is impossible that these people are men; because if we thought of them as men, one would begin to think that we ourselves are not Christians.14,****

    Let the "Founding Fathers" and their descendants draw theoretical inspiration from the likes of Montesquieu! Let them defend slavery and modern-day exploitation on the ground of property rights, taking their lead from the likes of James Madison, the main author of the Constitution. As for the proletariat, our goal is "Marx's view of the complete abolition of bourgeois property relations—and all relations in which human beings confront each other as owners (or non-owners) of property rather than through conscious and voluntary association."15

    For the exploiting classes, and in a system under their rule, the "bottom line" is to reduce the masses of people to mere wealth-creating property—and today, under the domination of the imperialists, the greatest of all exploiters, the mass of humanity is treated as merely a means to amass even greater wealth and power in the hands of, and for the profit of, so few. And at what cost! This cost must be measured in massive human suffering, degradation, and destruction. Imagine the even greater cost in human suffering, degradation, and destruction that will have to be paid unless and until the oppressed and exploited victims of this system, who are the great majority of humanity, rise up and overthrow this system and finally put an end to all social relations of exploitation and oppression.

    In conclusion, The Constitution of the United States is an exploiters' vision of freedom. It is a charter for a society based on exploitation, on slavery in one form or another. The rights and freedoms it proclaims are subordinate to and in the service of the system of exploitation it upholds. This Constitution has been and continues to be applied in accordance with this vision and with the interests of the ruling class of this system: In its application it has become more and more fully the instrument of bourgeois domination, dictatorship, oppression, conquest, and plunder.

    Our answer is clear to those who argue: Even if The Constitution of the United States is not perfect, it is the best that has been devised—it sets a standard to be striven for. Our answer is: Why should we aim so low, when we have The Communist Manifesto to set a far higher standard of what humanity can strive for—and is capable of achieving—a far greater vision of freedom.*****



    1. Quotes from James Madison are from the Federalist Paper No. 54 in The Federalist Papers (New York: New American Library, 1961), pp. 336-341, especially pp. 339 and 337. [back]

    2. Bob Avakian, Democracy: Can't We Do Better Than That? (Chicago: Banner Press, 1986), pp. 110-11. [back]

    3. Edward Conrad Smith, editor, The Constitution of the United States with Case Summaries (New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1979), p. 18. All citations in this article are from the essay “The Origins of the Constitution.” [back]

    4. Ibid., pp. 18-19. [back]

    5. Avakian, Democracy, p. 69. [back]

    6. Ibid, p. 70. [back]

    7. Ibid, p. 71. [back]

    8. Lenny Wolff, The Science of Revolution: An Introduction (Chicago: RCP Publications, 1983), p. 184. [back]

    9. Avakian, Democracy, pp. 137-39. [back]

    10. Ibid., pp. 233-34. [back]

    11. Smith, Constitution of the U.S., p. 12. [back]

    12. Avakian, Democracy, p. 100. [back]

    13. Smith, Constitution of the U.S., p. 13. [back]

    14. Charles Montesquieu, De L'Esprit Des Lois, Paris: Garnier, 1927, livre 15, chapitre 5, "De L'Esclavage Des Negres" (The Spirit of the Laws, book 15, chapter 5, "On the Enslavement of Negroes"), my translation. [back]

    15. Avakian, Democracy, p. 212. [back]

    Added Notes by the Author, Spring 2023

    * A major factor underlying this “extension of constitutional rights and protections to those previously excluded from them” has—especially since the second half of the 20th century—been the increasing globalization of the capitalist-imperialist economy, a worldwide system of exploitation ensnaring literally billions of people, and in particular super-exploitation of masses of people, including more than 150 million children, in the Third World of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. The relationship of this worldwide exploitation, and super-exploitation, to the situation in the U.S. itself—particularly with regard to the economic structure and social and class relations within this country—is analyzed in depth in the paper by Raymond Lotta Imperialist Parasitism and Class-Social Recomposition in the U.S. From the 1970s to Today: An Exploration of Trends and Changes, which is available at The political dimensions of this are explored in my article Imperialist Parasitism and “Democracy”: Why So Many Liberals and Progressives Are Shameless Supporters of “Their” Imperialism (also available at, where the following is made clear:

    [T]his imperialist plunder provides the material basis for a certain stability, at least in “normal times” in the imperialist “home country” (with the U.S. a prime example of this). This relative stability, in turn, makes it possible for the ruling class to allow a certain amount of dissent and political protest—so long as this remains within the confines of, or at least does not significantly threaten, the “law and order” that serves and enforces the fundamental interests of this ruling class.

    At the same time, as sharply demonstrated in mass uprisings which do call into question that “law and order” and/or defy allegiance to the imperialist interests of this system—such as the mass outpouring against police terror in 2020, and urban rebellions and mass opposition to the Vietnam war in the 1960s—the rulers of this country will frequently respond to such opposition with severe repression and murderous retribution.  For example, the city of Wilmington, in Biden’s home state of Delaware, was placed under martial law for months during the 1960s upsurge against the oppression of Black people, and a number of members of the Black Panther Party, most prominently Fred Hampton, were murdered by police, along with many Black people taking part in urban uprisings in that period, while militant mass resistance against the Vietnam war and rebellions among middle class youth and students were in some cases subjected to a vicious, and at times murderous, response by police and National Guard troops.

    It should never be forgotten, or overlooked, that the “law and order” that enforces this relative stability has included the regular murder of Black people, as well as Latinos, by police—resulting in the fact that the number of Black people who have been killed by police in the years since 1960 is greater than the thousands of Black people who were lynched during the period of Jim Crow segregation and Ku Klux Klan terror, before the 1960s. It should also not be overlooked that the U.S. has the highest rate of mass incarceration of any country in the world, with Black people and Latinos particularly subjected to this mass incarceration. [back]

    ** The point here, as emphasized in my work Breakthroughs: The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism, A Basic Summary, is that the essence of the capitalist economy, and the source of capitalist “wealth” and “economic growth,” is not a bunch of capitalist entrepreneurs and their “innovation,” or their “entrepreneurial genius.” It is the exploitation by the capitalists (the bourgeoisie) of wage-workers (the proletariat). This is different than the question of what is the driving force compelling the capitalists to continue to intensify the exploitation of the proletariat and to continually find new means of doing so. As also pointed out in Breakthroughs:

    Engels, in Anti-Dühring, discussed the motion of the fundamental contradiction of capitalism between socialized production and private appropriation. He pointed out that the working out of this contradiction assumes two different forms of motion that go into the dynamic process of this fundamental contradiction’s motion. Those two forms of motion are, on the one hand, the contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat that it exploits, and the other form of motion that Engels identified, importantly, is the contradiction between organization and anarchy, the organization of production on the level of, say, an enterprise—which may be highly organized, with lots of calculations going into it, market estimates and all kinds of things, and may be very tightly organized in terms of how the actual process of production is carried out on the level of the particular capitalist corporation, and so on—while, at the same time, this is in contradiction to the anarchy of production and of exchange in the society as a whole (or today in the world as a whole, today more than ever in the world as a whole). So you have these two forms of motion—and I’ll come back later to a crucial distinguishing aspect of the new communism: the importance of identifying the second form of motion of this fundamental contradiction, that is, the anarchy/organization contradiction, or the driving force of anarchy, as overall the principal and most essential form of the motion of the fundamental contradiction of capitalism....

    In this regard, in the article “On the ‘Driving Force of Anarchy’ and the Dynamics of Change,” Raymond Lotta cited this statement of mine:

    anarchic relations between capitalist producers, and not the mere existence of propertyless proletarians or the class contradiction as such, that drives these producers to exploit the working class on an historically more intensive and extensive scale. This motive force of anarchy is an expression of the fact that the capitalist mode of production represents the full development of commodity production and the law of value.

    And then there is this very important passage:

    Were it not the case that these capitalist commodity producers are separated from each other and yet linked by the operation of the law of value they would not face the same compulsion to exploit the proletariat—the class contradiction between bourgeoisie and proletariat could be mitigated. It is the inner compulsion of capital to expand which accounts for the historically unprecedented dynamism of this mode of production, a process which continually transforms value relations and which leads to crisis.

    (Breakthroughs is available at; and the article by Raymond Lotta referred to here, “On the ‘Driving Force of Anarchy’ and the Dynamics of Change,” can be found in the online theoretical journal Demarcations, Issue Number 3.) [back]

    *** As noted in “Imperialist Parasitism and ‘Democracy’: Why So Many Liberals and Progressives Are Shameless Supporters of ‘Their’ Imperialism”:

    Some of the mass murderers in other countries who today play such a crucial role in serving the interests of U.S. imperialism throughout the world, and in making possible the maintenance of bourgeois democracy in this country itself (worm-eaten as it is indeed), are the same as they were 40 years ago, and some are different—but the essential reality remains that the “platform of democracy” in this country rests on fascist terror, along with ruthless exploitation, in the oppressed nations of the Third World (Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia). [back]

    **** In relation to this statement by Montesquieu—and more generally his views on slavery—I am reproducing here the following “A Note from Bob Avakian: On Montesquieu, Slavery and the U.S. Constitution,” which appeared in Revolution #037, March 5, 2006, posted at

    Recently, Revolution ran an excerpt from a pamphlet I wrote, which was originally published in 1987, U.S. Constitution: An Exploiters' Vision of Freedom. In that excerpt, there is a quote from De L'Esprit Des Lois (or, in English, "The Spirit of the Laws") by Charles Montesquieu, an 18th–century French philosopher, who was one of the sources of inspiration for the U.S. Constitution, and in particular the theory of the separation of powers that is incorporated in that Constitution. The quote from this work of Montesquieu's, which was published in 1748, is one in which he recites an extreme and grotesquely racist justification for "the enslavement of the Negroes." In relation to this, it is not infrequently argued that Montesquieu was being ironic here, and deliberately overstating this argument, in order to, in effect, polemicize against the enslavement of African people, and that in general Montesquieu's writings express opposition to slavery. But the reality is not so simple as this, nor does this reflect what Montesquieu was essentially seeking to do in this part of "The Spirit of the Laws." It can be said that in "The Spirit of the Laws" Montesquieu's position is one of general opposition to slavery, and he indicates that slavery is not appropriate in countries like France; but, at the same time, he speaks to various circumstances in which he believes slavery can be justified or reasonable. For example, he argues that in the parts of the world, in particular the southern regions, where the climate is warmer, this climate makes people lazy (indolent), and slavery may be justified in order to get them to work (and he argues that in a despotic country, where people's political rights are already repressed, slavery may not be worse for people in that condition).

    This, and the general discussion of slavery that makes up this part (book 15) of "The Spirit of the Laws," is included in a broader discussion by Montesquieu on the nature of different societies and governments in different countries and parts of the world (this is found not only in book 15 but also books 14 and 16 of "The Spirit of the Laws") in which Montesquieu argues that geography and in particular climate plays a big part in determining the nature of different peoples and the character of their society and governing system. And it is important to understand that, although in this discussion Montesquieu makes logical refutation of certain arguments, including certain defenses of slavery, this is not a polemic for or against slavery, or other forms of government, and its character is not that of moral argumentation, so much as it is an attempt to explain why various practices, and various forms of society and government, have existed (and in some cases continue to exist) in various places.

    Another way to put this is that what Montesquieu is doing, in these parts of "The Spirit of the Laws" (and generally in this work), is attempting to make a kind of materialist analysis of these phenomena, including slavery in many places where it has existed—although it must be emphasized that this is not a thoroughly scientific, dialectical materialism but instead a rather crude and vulgar materialism which is marked, and marred, by a considerable amount of determinism: it is a kind of mechanical materialism that argues for a direct and straight-line (linear) connection between things like geography and climate and the character of society and government. It is a kind of materialism that does not adequately and accurately characterize the real motive forces in the development of human society, and in fact this kind of vulgar materialism has often been used to justify various forms of oppression, including colonial and imperialist domination. While we can, and should, recognize that, in the circumstances and time in which he wrote—about 250 years ago—there are aspects of what Montesquieu was seeking to do that were new and represented a break with the suffocating and obfuscating feudal outlook and conventions, it is very important to understand how Montesquieu's outlook and method were marked, and limited, by the social, and international, relations of which they were ultimately an expression: relations in which one part of society, and of the world, dominates and exploits others. And that is the basic point that was being emphasized in relation to Montesquieu and the U.S. Constitution, in the pamphlet U.S. Constitution: An Exploiters' Vision of Freedom.

    With regard to the specific passage that was cited in U.S. Constitution: An Exploiters' Vision of Freedom, "on the enslavement of the Negroes," there is, in fact, some reason to accept that Montesquieu does not actually agree with the justification for this enslavement that he summarizes, and that he is actually subjecting this kind of justification to some ironic and satirical treatment. A reasonable interpretation of Montesquieu's arguments, as he goes on in this part of "The Spirit of the Laws" (book 15), is that this kind of argument, about the non-human character of the Negroes, is not a valid argument, not one that actually justifies this enslavement. But then he does go on to explore the question of what might actually be reasonable justifications, in certain circumstances, for slavery; and, as spoken to above, he finds such justifications in situations such as those where there is a despotic government, or where—as he concludes, through an application of vulgar and determinist materialism—the warm climate makes people lazy and unwilling, on their own initiative, to work.

    Thus, in looking into and reflecting on this further, I would say that, while it is important to understand the complexity and nuance of what Montesquieu writes here—and it can be said that the way in which I cited Montesquieu in writing this pamphlet on the U.S. Constitution does not really or fully do that—it is not the case that what Montesquieu was doing here was actually making a case against the enslavement of the Negroes, or against slavery in general. Once again, it is important to keep in mind the fact that, although he was opposed to slavery on general principle, and declared that it was a good thing that it had been eliminated in his home country, France, and more generally in Europe, Montesquieu did not think slavery was wrong, or without justification, in all circumstances. And it also seems that Montesquieu did not hesitate to invest in companies involved in the slave trade. In this, there is a parallel with John Locke, the English philosopher and political theorist, who, as I pointed out in this same pamphlet (U.S. Constitution: An Exploiters' Vision of Freedom), was also a major influence in the conception of the U.S. Constitution. As I wrote in Democracy: Can't We Do Better Than That? (p. 29):

    "In sum, the society of which Locke was a theoretical exponent, as well as a practical political partisan, was a society based on wage-slavery and capitalist exploitation. And it is not surprising that, while he was opposed to slavery in England itself, he not only defended the institution of slavery, under certain circumstances, in the Second Treatise, but turned a not insignificant profit himself in the slave trade and helped to draw up the charter for a government headed by a slave-owning aristocracy in one of the American colonies. For as Marx sarcastically summarized: ‘The discovery of gold and silver in America, the extirpation, enslavement and entombment in mines of the aboriginal population, the beginning of the conquest and looting of the East Indies, the turning of Africa into a warren for the commercial hunting of black-skins, signalized the rosy dawn of the era of capitalist production.’" [back]

    ***** In the years since the writing of this article, I have devoted considerable work to the development of what is meant by this “far greater vision of freedom”—what it would mean “in real life.” One very important result of this is the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, which provides both a sweeping vision and a concrete blueprint for a radically different and emancipating society and world. This Constitution is available at [back]


    Voices of Resistance


    We gather here the voices of individuals and organizations courageously speaking against the brutal inhumanity of the Trump/MAGA fascist regime in the spirit of "In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America." 

    Tweet URL

    Kendrick Lamar started in on "tv off", the last number in his Superbowl halftime show. At the same time Zül-Qarnain Nantambu, a New Orleans-based artist and one of 400 dancers on the stage, unfurled a joint Palestinian and Sudanese flag, raised it high and ran among the dancers. He had questioned himself, he told The Intercept, “Are you going to be brave? Are you going to be a coward? Are you going to take a stand?” And then decided, “What’s going on in these places are inhumane. The civil war in Sudan, the oppression and the war and the tyranny that’s going on in Gaza, is inhumane. And these people are connected with us all as humans, and especially with me in faith.” “I can’t live in America — live in a lap of luxury — while those are suffering, without trying to help or bring attention to it.”

    Acceptance speech of Tilda Swinton, recipient of the Honorary Golden Bear for her lifetime achievement at the festive Opening of the 75th Berlin International Film Festival on February 13th, 2025.

    George Conway: “J.D. Vance nos está diciendo algo de lo que nosotros ya deberíamos haber estado enterado...”
    George Conway: "J.D. Vance is telling us something we should've already known..."

    On February 10 the American Bar Association, the largest voluntary association of lawyers and legal professionals in the world, issued a statement signed by its president, William R. Bay.

    The ABA supports the rule of law

    It has been three weeks since Inauguration Day. Most Americans recognize that newly elected leaders bring change. That is expected. But most Americans also expect that changes will take place in accordance with the rule of law and in an orderly manner that respects the lives of affected individuals and the work they have been asked to perform.  

    Instead, we see wide-scale affronts to the rule of law itself, such as attacks on constitutionally protected birthright citizenship, the dismantling of USAID and the attempts to criminalize those who support lawful programs to eliminate bias and enhance diversity.

    . . .

    We call upon our elected representatives to stand with us and to insist upon adherence to the rule of law and the legal processes and procedures that ensure orderly change. The administration cannot choose which law it will follow or ignore. These are not partisan or political issues. These are rule of law and process issues. We cannot afford to remain silent. We must stand up for the values we hold dear. The ABA will do its part and act to protect the rule of law.

    We urge every attorney to join us and insist that our government, a government of the people, follow the law. It is part of the oath we took when we became lawyers. Whatever your political party or your views, change must be made in the right way. Americans expect no less. Read the complete statement.

    Rev. Raushenbush: Trump is “waging war” on religious communities

    In a February 10 opinion piece on the Religion News Service website titled “Trump isn’t defending religious communities—he’s waging war on them,” Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, head of the Interfaith Alliance and a Baptist minister, exposes the reality behind Trump’s creation of a new task force to “eradicate anti-Christian bias.” Citing actions and statements from Trump, as well Vice President Vance and Elon Musk, Raushenbush writes that “it’s the political right and its Christian nationalist allies who are proving to be a grave threat to faith communities — including most Christians. In just its first few weeks since taking office, the Trump administration has quickly become the most harmful to religious freedom in modern American history.” 

    Raushenbush ends by writing, “Throughout history, authoritarians have attempted to force faith communities to bend the knee. We must stand strong and speak out knowing that faith-based activism is a powerful counterforce to extremism.”

    Go here to read the whole opinion piece by Raushenbush.

    Burning poster of Trump and swastika at a rally protesting Marco Rubio's visit to Panama City,  February 2, 2025.


    Burning poster of Trump and swastika at a rally protesting Marco Rubio's visit to Panama City,  February 2, 2025.    Photo: AP

    Teachers, students and others in Panama demonstrated against the visit of Marco Rubio (Trump's secretary of state). Diogenes Sanchez, the teachers’ union leader said protesters “categorically rejected the United States’ attempts to turn Panama into a protectorate and a colony again.” “We are going to fight to defend our national sovereignty.” 

    Todos Somos Ilegales - Outernational concert poster


    Outernational: Todos Somos Ilegales

    The revolutionary band Outernational has been holding a Todos Somos Ilegales Concert Series, with different guest artists—broadcasting live and direct from First Live in Brooklyn, NYC, every Wednesday and livestreaming on YouTube and Instagram. Miles Solay of Outernational says: “I have put out an open call for a galvanizing cultural uprising amongst the artists in the USA who hate the ascendant fascist USA.” 

    World Fellowship logo


    World Fellowship Center Board Statement & Call to Action

    “...We know that we are living through a moment in history that future generations will look back at and ask how certain things could possibly have taken place. We know that the founders of the World Fellowship Center hoped to create a space and foster a movement that would stand firm against such horrors as those listed above—and the more unthinkable horrors that will certainly come if we all do not take immediate action. 

    “And so we start with this statement and an open invitation to join us in concerted action to defend our core values and our collective future. We also reaffirm our commitment to sustaining and growing our supportive community spaces where we can come together, connect, reflect, strategize, heal, and find safety whatever the broader context.” Read the complete statement.

    The WFC Board of Trustees

    ICE Raids & African Americans

    ICE vs Teachers? Don't mess with us.
    Paul Street:

    Vichy Times: On “Anticipatory Obedience”

    Some News Not "Fit to Print"

    I’ve been writing and speaking here about Vichy Dem capitulation — advance surrender really — to the insane Republi-fascist Amerikaner takeover of the United States in the wake of Mein Trump’s so-called election mandate... Read more

    from The Paul Street Report
    January 27, 2025
    Paul Street


    Paul Street is an independent progressive policy researcher, award-winning journalist, historian, author and speaker based in Iowa City, Iowa, and Chicago, Illinois. He writes daily at The Paul Street Report on the moves of the fascist Trump/Maga movement.

    Bishop Mariann Budde: “May I ask you to have mercy Mr. President...”
    Trump's face in lightshow on wall with "Trump is a Fascist" written on it.


    Light projection by artist @lightguerrilla, Cal Anderson Park, Seattle, Washington, January 24, 2025.    Photo: @streetphotojournalism

    Abiodun Oyewole reading the poem "Rain of Terror", October 14, 2013.


    Abiodun Oyewole   









    ABIODUN 1-23-25
    ABIODUN OYEWOLE is a poet, author, teacher, and a founding member of the American music and spoken-word group The Last Poets, which laid the groundwork for the emergence of hip-hop. This poem reprinted with permission.
    Trump's face in lightshow on wall with "Trump is a Fascist" written on it.


    Light projection by artist @lightguerrilla, Cal Anderson Park, Seattle, Washington, January 24, 2025.    Photo: @streetphotojournalism

    Bishop Mariann Budde: “May I ask you to have mercy Mr. President...”

    Fascism’s Final Gamble: The Fight for Democracy’s Last Breath

    Henry A. Giroux

    Amid the firestorm of democracy-destroying bombs Trump hurls at the institutions, values, and fragile promises of a wounded America, we must grasp the full anatomy of this assault. This is not simply an attack—it is a violent rupture in the very fabric of our society. It is fascism, thrashing in its death throes—gasping, desperate, clinging to power as the long-concealed rot of its politics collapses under the weight of its own deceit. For decades, it masqueraded beneath the banner of capitalism, but now, gangster capitalism stands naked, unable to mask its insatiable greed, its obscene inequality, and its total abdication of social responsibility. The last vestiges of its decency have fallen away, leaving only the cold, brutal machinery of exploitation. Read more

    Henry A. Giroux currently holds the McMaster University Chair for Scholarship in the Public Interest in the English and Cultural Studies Department and is the Paulo Freire Distinguished Scholar in Critical Pedagogy. Giroux is also a member of Truthout’s board of directors. You can read more of his essays at LA Progressive.

    Bishop Mariann Budde: “May I ask you to have mercy Mr. President...”

    What Is Legal and Constitutional for Fascists Should Be Legal and Constitutional for Everyone Else

    “So long as we are still living under the rule of this system of capitalism-imperialism, we will defend people against attacks on their lives and on the rights that are supposed to be guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. But we need a whole different system, with a whole different Constitution—the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America—which will provide much greater rights for the people, including the basic right to have the fundamentally determining role in a new society and government whose purpose and goal is to eliminate all exploitation and oppression, everywhere.”


    With outright fascists now coming into positions of dominance in all three branches of government, the above point of orientation from We Need and We Demand assumes even greater importance. As does the following, from Bob Avakian’s talk Something Terrible, Or Something Truly Emancipating: Profound Crisis, Deepening Divisions, The Looming Possibility Of Civil War—And The Revolution That Is Urgently Needed:

    This brings up another important dimension of working for revolution—and opposing the fascists as part of doing that: It is necessary to sharply expose and oppose—and fight to politically and practically overcome—the reality that for white supremacists and fascists generally the Second Amendment, the "right to bear arms," has been regularly upheld and given the backing of the law and the courts, and the support of the police and other institutions of the state; while for Black people, other oppressed people, and generally those opposing the oppression and injustice of this system, the "right to bear arms," even in self-defense, has been actively opposed and suppressed.

    This is made graphically clear in the book by Carol Anderson focusing on the Second Amendment—The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America. This book contains (yet more!) searing exposure of the depraved violence visited upon Black people throughout the history of this country, and speaks to how the "right to bear arms" has never applied to Black people, and instead there has been the perverse "right to kill" Black people, on the part of the powers-that-be and racist whites generally. This cannot be allowed to continue!

    And it is not just around what is represented by “the Second Amendment” that a determined fight must be waged, but around the many ways in which the approach to rights that are supposedly guaranteed to people is applied in a highly unequal way, so that oppressed people, and those acting against the oppressive relations of this system, constantly find their rights attacked, “abridged,” or outright denied and suppressed. In waging this fight, it is important to recognize and, to the degree possible, take advantage of this contradiction: In reality, under this system of capitalism-imperialism, rights and liberties are determined, and limited, in accordance with what serves the interests of this system and its ruling class; but, we are constantly told that, under this system, there is “liberty and justice for all,” and the rulers of this system, or at least some of them, feel it is important to maintain this myth. Again, to the degree possible, this contradiction must be seized on, in waging the fight to defeat attempts by the enforcers of this system to violate what are supposed to be basic rights, in their moves to suppress people rising up against this system and its profound injustice.

    But, most fundamentally, this fight must be waged with full awareness, a scientifically grounded understanding, of the essential nature of this system, with the orientation and goal of working toward the overthrow of this system and the dismantling of its relations and institutions of vicious exploitation and blood-soaked oppression and repression.


    From the International Emergency Campaign to Free Iran’s Political Prisoners Now (IEC) 

    “Silence in the face of oppression is betrayal” 

    United and Determined Protests Against the Execution Republic’s Bloodlust editors’ note: We received the following from the International Emergency Campaign to Free Iran’s Political Prisoners Now (IEC). Translations from Farsi to English are by IEC volunteers.

    Tuesday, February 11 was the 46th anniversary of the Islamic theocrats' coming to power in Iran. Annually, it is full of officially staged massive rallies to legitimize its rule. This year, protests large and small surrounded this date:

    • Several nights of protests with fiery street barricades took place in the small city of Dehdasht.
    • Prominent  activists and artists bravely hold a protest outside the infamous Evin Prison against executions.
    • Nightly shouting of “Down with the Dictator” from high-rise buildings in many major cities instead of the regime’s promoted and preferred anniversary chants of “Allahu Akbar” (“God is the Greatest”).
    • As regime’s executions and death sentences persist and grow, weekly “No to Execution Tuesday” protests also persist and spread.
    Protesters in Dehdasht, Iran, February 10, 2025.


    Protesters in Dehdasht, Iran, February 10, 2025.    Photo: Iran International, social media

    Protests broke out in Dehdasht, a city in southwestern Iran with a population of less than 60,000, on the night of February 10. Protesters first rose up in one neighborhood and then set up barricades at the city’s main roads to hinder movement of police and security vehicles, forcing them to withdraw. Internet access was shut down for at least four days as protests continued sporadically. 

    Media reports indicate that the protests initially broke out over economic issues such as electricity shortages and food price hikes, but quickly took an explicitly political turn with chants of “Down with the Dictator!” Protesters held placards and a banner bearing the names of Pedram Azarnoush and Mehrdad Behnam Asl, two young local men killed by the regime in the 2022 Woman, Life, Freedom uprising. Pedram died defending a protesting woman, while Mehrdad was shot directly in the street. According to social media posts, the youth of Dehdasht urged other regions to join them, saying “silence in the face of oppression is betrayal.”

    Tweet URL
    Protest in Iran: "No to Execution Tuesdays" now spread to 35 prisons in Iran.


    Some of the activists and family members outside Evin Prison, February 11, 2025.     Photo: Screen shot from video @nargesfnd

    In response, a protest broke out in Jayezan-e in a neighboring province, which was shared with the hashtag #Dehdasht_not_alone; graffiti in support of Dehdasht appeared in the major city of Mashhad, over 900 miles way in a different region of Iran.

    At least six activists in Dehdasht have been arrested in connection with the protests. According to a video on social media, at least one protester was shot to death on the street by police forces. This situation is still unfolding and the internet remains blocked in the region.

    Inside/Outside the Evin Prison Walls

    February 11 also marked the 55th consecutive week of the “No to Execution Tuesdays” prisoner hunger strike, now spread to 35 prisons across Iran.

    In a bold and unusual action, activists stood in front of hated Evin Prison in Tehran alongside family members of several political prisoners sentenced to be executed. Among those present were renowned filmmaker Jafar Panahi, Arash Sadeghi, Kambiz Nowrouzi Zadeh, Hossein Razagh, Shaqayeq Moradi, Ariya Sheikhi, Hasti Amiri, and 2023 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi (without the mandatory hijab).

    The participation of dissident, courageous artist Jafar Panahi is notable. He is among the world’s most acclaimed independent filmmakers. He had been a political prisoner himself for his many outstanding, award-winning movies (e.g., Taxi, No Bears, etc.) He was jailed in 2022 when he went to the gates of Evin to inquire about the imprisonment of his colleagues. 

    post by Narges Mohammadi, currently on medical leave from Evin, brought alive the importance of protests inside and outside prison walls:

    There were days when, behind the walls of the disgraceful Evin Prison, we shouted against the death penalty. We gathered in the prison yard, chanting: "The women's ward of Evin, united and determined until the death sentence is abolished. We will stand till the end." We held the hands of fellow inmates who are sentenced to execution — Pakhshan Azizi and Varisheh Moradi….

    Nighttime Chanting

    Cellphone videos showed that during the February 11 fireworks for state anniversary celebrations, people in major cities of Tehran, Karaj, Arak, Mashhad and Kermanshah, among other cities, chanted from their windows "Down with [Ayatollah] Khamenei the Murderer," "Down with the Islamic Republic" and "Down with the Dictator," “Death to the Execution Republic.” These nighttime chants then continued on subsequent nights, responding to the call from Dehdasht youth. In Tehran, the cries were heard in diverse neighborhoods ranging from middle class to poor districts.

    Regime Renews Death Penalty for Two Kurdish Women Activists

    This past week, the IRI’s cruel theocratic (in)justice system reissued death sentences for two activist women whose cases have received widespread international attention. Their executions could be ordered at any time.

    Iran: IG post re: death sentences against women activists


    IEC Instagram post with quote from the Osyan/Rebel group of Iranian and Afghan women about the precedent-setting death sentences against women activists, July 2024.    Graphic: IEC

    Sharifeh Mohammadi, a labor rights activist from northern Iran, has once again been sentenced to death. Her initial death sentence had previously been overturned by Iran’s Supreme Court, and the case was referred to a parallel court for retrial, which upheld the verdict and sentence. Her trial in mid-2024 had revolved around charges of propaganda against the regime, actions against national security, and “baghi” (armed rebellion) through her alleged affiliation with the Kurdish party Komala.  A source close to her family said “Sharifeh was a member of the Association of Labor Organizations until 2013, which has no ties to the Komala group. The charge of baghi is based on her alleged membership in this group, which is not true.”

    On February 6, the Supreme Court denied retrial for Pakhshan Azizi, a Kurdish activist, who was also accused of “baghi” based only on her alleged membership in a Kurdish party with an armed wing. Pakhshan Azizi wrote that her crime is being Kurdish and being a woman.

    Pakhshan is a social worker who devoted more than ten years of her life to voluntary work serving refugee camps in Kurdish areas of Iraq and then Syria, where people suffered horrific attacks from both ISIS on one side and the Turkish government on the other. International organizations working in the area, like the Red Crescent, have sent letters verifying that her activity was voluntary social work, not militancy of any kind.

    Besides these two women, the number of political and religious prisoners who are currently sentenced to death has risen to 58. At least 99 prisoners have been executed in the first 40 days of 2025. In this context, the Center for Human Rights in Iran reports an alarming rise in bogus charges against human rights lawyers, with 16 arrested in Mashhad and 20 in Yazd since January 27. 

    Continue to Broaden Grassroots Solidarity 

    These repressive escalations are happening during the IRI’s anniversary month, when every year, it pardons some prisoners to celebrate the regime’s supposed “humanitarian” ideals. This year, although the regime released a small number of political prisoners, it mainly “drew a line in the sand” making explicitly clear that it would exact revenge even on activists like Pakhshan and Sharifeh, whose campaigns had garnered significant support worldwide from major trade unions and official bodies. In the face of the weakening of Iran’s regional position, the regime may find that it cannot afford to appear weak and must double down on enforcing the compulsory hijab as a key pillar of its theocratic rule, and exacting a brutal price on the women who have risen up and those who dared to stand with women.

    What this means for justice-loving people is that we should draw our own line in the sand. In order for us to exact a political price which is capable of deterring the execution of these heroic prisoners, we cannot rely on the international bodies, like various governments and official agencies, that may champion one or the other individual, then just as quickly forget the prisoners, the tortured and the disappeared when it is convenient to their interests. This should not surprise or demoralize. Rather, to see the need to rely on mobilizing ever more broadly and powerfully, supporting those in Iran who continue to stand up and taking this struggle to the people of the world.


    Announcement: Mexico City, February 21-March 2

    Revolutionary Literature in the International Book Fair—Palacio de Minería, 2025

    Editors’ note: This notice appeared on the blog Aurora Roja, voice of the Revolutionary Communist Organization, Mexico (OCR). It was translated from Spanish into English by volunteers. To see a detailed listing of the literature available at the booth, go here.

    Poster for Mexico City Book Fair - Revolutionary Literature in the International Book Fair


    Poster for Mexico City Book Fair - Revolutionary Literature in the International Book Fair    @auroraroja

    in the International Book Fair—Palacio de Minería, 2025

    February 21-March 2—Stand 710
    Ground Floor, next to the stairway
    Calle Tacuba, Colonia Centro, Mexico City


    Conference: Fascism in the United States: This is a time for righteous anger and revolutionary determination. Decisively defeat fascism and put an end to the whole system.

    Sunday, March 2, 4:00-4:45 pm
    Salón de la Academia de Ingeniería
    Palacio de Minería



    Take the Offensive to Defeat the Whole Trump/MAGA Fascist Onslaught


    February 3, 2025

    Trump's first days have unleashed a juggernaut of fascist shock and awe. Immigrants are being terrorized, driven into hiding, rounded up and shackled on brutal deportation flights with no due process. An aggressive purging of the federal government and high-level law enforcement has begun. Lifesaving health programs around the world have been frozen while health agencies at home have been muzzled. Science and rationality and the media are under sustained assault. Important truths are being erased from government websites. The violent insurrectionists of January 6th have all been pardoned—set free to be a violent extra-legal thug force for fascism. Christian fascists who terrorized abortion clinics were also released to terrorize women seeking care. Trans people are being erased, with some trans women prisoners being transferred into men's prisons facing potential assault and put in imminent danger. The brutal history of slavery and genocide is being erased from curriculum. Institutions are being threatened if they take measures to combat discrimination. And environmental and climate devastation is the order of the day bringing closer a reckoning with humanity’s future. 

    The method and the madness of all this is more than the sum of its parts. In a message that sharply defines the situation we face and what we and millions must rise to do, the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian in his Message, 2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And a Profoundly Positive Way Forward in the Face of Very Real Horror, said:

    Trump 2025 is not just another administration coming into office. This is fascism: the undisguised dictatorship of this system of capitalism-imperialism in the world’s most powerful capitalist-imperialist country—openly and aggressively oppressive and repressive—a fascism fueled by anti-scientific and Christian fundamentalist lunacy, moving to forcibly impose its racist, immigrant-persecuting, woman- and LGBT-hating MAGA madness, determined to unleash unbridled capitalist plunder and naked imperialist expansionism, prepared to violently crush any opposition or resistance.

     All this is moving fast by design. Steve Bannon explained the strategy of the fascists as follows: “All we have to do is flood the zone. Every day we hit them with three things. They’ll bite on one, and we’ll get all of our stuff done. Bang, bang, bang. These guys will never—will never be able to recover. But we’ve got to start with muzzle velocity.”

    The fascists are counting on our side being stunned and paralyzed, being so busy responding to each new outrage that we are overwhelmed and unable to keep pace or effectively oppose the whole fascist juggernaut. And if we try to fight in that way, they will be right. As righteous and necessary as it is to resist each particular assault, that alone will not be enough! Attempting to fight fascism in that way will almost certainly devolve into rear-guard actions until it is too late to stop the whole thing. 

    There is a way forward. What is needed is a growing movement of people from every walk of life and many diverse perspectives going on the political offensive in mass sustained resistance against the entire fascist program, declaring: IN THE NAME OF HUMANITY, WE REFUSE TO ACCEPT A FASCIST AMERICA!

    Bob Avakian (BA) powerfully spells out the need and the impact this can have in his social media message Revolution #111 released shortly after Trump's election:

    [T]his is not a time for demoralization and despair. It is not a time for accepting this Trump/MAGA fascism as “legitimate,” and staying within the confines of “how things work” under this system, as Democratic Party heads and other “mainstream” ruling class representatives are urging people to do. It is not a time for turning inward and attempting to “take care of self” as the juggernaut of Trump/MAGA fascism gains momentum and crushes masses of people. This is a time for reaching out to all the others who feel the same outrage at Trump/MAGA fascism—a time for collective action and self-sacrificing struggle for the greater good: the greater good of defeating this fascism.

    So, what does defeating this fascism actually mean—how can this actually happen? It means building and mobilizing a truly broad and determined mass movement—uniting all who can be united, in rapidly and continually growing numbers, all over the country—aiming to become so massive and powerful that it creates a profound political crisis, such that Trump cannot govern the country and implement his fascist program.

    Teaser REVOLUTION #111


    That is right and bears repeating. Our aim must be nothing less than calling forward the millions in this country who hate and fear what this Trump/MAGA fascism represents to rise up in sustained resistance on such a level that we create the kind of profound political crisis that prevents Trump from being able to govern the country and implement his fascist program.

    BA goes on to explain, we have seen the potential for this kind of mass opposition in the tremendous uprising that followed the brutal police killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor in 2020. That rising changed the entire political atmosphere in this country, with reverberations around the world. It showed the potential for people to be rapidly mobilized, on an even greater scale, in the kind of sustained and determined opposition that can defeat Trump/MAGA fascism. And we can see the potential for this resistance to impact and reach into every institution of society and government even now with the depth of shock, outrage and anguish being expressed by many even if they have not yet found the means and the courage to act forcefully against this.

    Our hearts skipped a beat seeing as thousands of youth hit the streets this past week—from the streets of Los Angeles, Houston, and Chicago and on campuses from Berkeley to Arizona. The air was alive with defiance and a big fuck you to Trump fascism’s disgusting deadly inhumanity towards immigrants. This determination and fighting spirit need to be broadened in scope to take on the whole fascist juggernaut with people of all nationalities and social strata willing and determined to do whatever it takes to defeat this fascism now before it gets consolidated. In fact, every goddamn person who cares about justice must join this fight for the future!

    For our part, we revcoms come to this fight fired with scientific understanding that the whole system of capitalism-imperialism that gave rise to this fascism is rotten and illegitimate and that a fundamentally different and far better system is possible. We’re fired up because, like those youth, we care. But more than that, through the work and leadership of Bob Avakian we have a living scientific understanding of the problem humanity faces in capitalism/imperialism and how to go about changing the face of everything through a real revolution for nothing less than the emancipation of humanity. It’s a really big deal that Bob Avakian has radically re-envisioned how to know and change the world for real, how we could really make revolution and establish a radically different system and society so that we could work and struggle together in a new kind of country to emancipate people everywhere. 

    We invite and challenge everyone with a conscience to open your mind and engage honestly and deeply with what BA is saying about all this and about the immediate challenge of defeating Trump/MAGA fascism. We urge you to watch and dig into his message, 2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And a Profoundly Positive Way Forward in the Face of Very Real Horror, and the new interviews BA did with Sunsara for The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show. And we invite you to work with THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity to spread and advance the fight for this revolution even as you are learning more about it.

    But, you don’t have to agree with all of Bob Avakian's and the revcoms’ larger views to join with us in the enormous struggle to defeat this MAGA fascism. Indeed, as BA himself says, it will take millions of us uniting from many different perspectives to make this fight to defeat Trump/MAGA fascism succeed. As such, we urge everyone reading this to reach out to us, work with us and bring others into this as well, to rise to this challenge.

    All of us from all our different perspectives need to come together now and strengthen our backbones for the urgent fight to take the political offensive and not stop until we have defeated the Trump/MAGA fascism that threatens us all.



    2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And a Profoundly Positive Way Forward in the Face of Very Real Horror.


    NEW Bob Avakian Interview!  Amidst Rising Fascism & A Death-Bound System, A Liberating Way Forward




    Everywhere we go, and in everything we do, we revcoms boldly put forward: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS!

    This is not just a slogan—though it is a very good and very important slogan. It is the concentrated statement of a very profound truth, which is also captured in our slogan: This System Cannot Be Reformed—It Must Be Overthrown!

    But what do we mean in saying that this system cannot be reformed, and why is that true? In Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution, I speak to the “5 STOPS”—deep and defining contradictions of this system—and all the terrible suffering to which this system of capitalism-imperialism subjects the masses of humanity, and why all this cannot be ended under this system.1 Here I am going to focus on the systematic and murderous oppression of Black people, and racial oppression overall—which has been sharply exposed with the outpouring of outrage sparked by the murder of George Floyd—and discuss the basic reasons why this oppression cannot be eliminated under this system, but can (only) be ended through revolution.

    The continuing terror and murder carried out by the police particularly against Black people (as well as Latinos and Native Americans) is not fundamentally because the police are racist—although, speaking of the police overall, that is certainly true. The fact that the police are racist is itself an expression and a function of the fact that terror and murder against Black people (and other people of color) is required by this system—is necessary in order to maintain the “order” of this all-around oppressive system—and this would be much more difficult to carry out if the police were not racist.

    The Fundamental Causes of This Oppression

    But, going deeper, why is this terror and murder necessary for this system, in order to ensure its “order” and its ongoing functioning? The answer is that, from the beginning of this country, white supremacy has been poured into the foundation and built into the institutions and the ongoing functioning of this system. Specifically with regard to Black people, the centuries of oppression they have suffered—from slavery days to the days of Jim Crow segregation and Ku Klux Klan terror, to the present time, with the continuing systematic discrimination against Black people, in every part of society (employment, housing, education, health care, and on and on)—all this has resulted in a situation where masses of Black people today, and in particular youth, have been robbed of a means for a decent life, with many maintained in conditions of desperate poverty and deprivation. This, again, is not simply because those who are in the seats of power and deciding government policy are racist (though that is true of most of them). It is fundamentally because of the nature of the system itself and the historically-evolved requirements and dynamics of this system of capitalism-imperialism.

    Now, that is a big mouthful (“the nature of the system itself and the historically-evolved requirements and dynamics of this system of capitalism-imperialism”), so let’s break it down. This country was founded on the enslavement of masses of African people, as well as the genocidal subjugation of Native Americans and theft of their land (and its further development involved the conquest of huge parts of Mexico, reducing people of Mexican origin to second-class status as well). This required the propagation of racism to “justify” all the horrific oppression. Then, when the Civil War broke out over the question of slavery, and even when slavery was abolished as a result of that Civil War, given that white supremacy had been, and remained, such a crucial part of the “glue” holding the country together, the only way to “put it back together,” on the foundation of the capitalist system, was to once again forcefully assert white supremacy. That is why, very soon after the end of the Civil War, Black people were subjected to the system of Jim Crow segregation (backed up by systematic terror, punctuated by repeated lynchings), while the genocidal aggression against and theft of the land of Native Americans was stepped up, and immigrants from Mexico were subjected to ongoing discrimination and violence by the enforcers of this system.

    Generations later, during World War 2, because of the needs of the rulers of this country in waging that war, large numbers of Black people were able to migrate to the North and get jobs in industries that served the war effort. And then, largely as a result of the fact that the U.S. was on the winning side of that war—and the fact that the war was not fought on its territory and it experienced no damage to its industrial facilities and infrastructure—there was an expansion of the economy in this country after the war. In this situation, significant numbers of Black people were able to continue getting employment in large numbers, including some better-paying jobs in factories (making steel, cars, and so on).

    But, at the same time, because of the white supremacy built into the system over centuries—and the fact that really moving to overcome this would tear apart the fabric of the system and crack its very foundation—Black people continued to be subjected to systematic discrimination, including in employment (with “last hired and first fired” an accurate description of the situation of Black people with regard to employment). To cite another ugly example, government policy with regard to housing involved conscious, deliberate discrimination: after World War 2, loans were given to white people to enable them to buy their own homes, and increasingly move to the suburbs, while this was denied to Black veterans (and others) and instead Black people were piled into segregated housing projects in the inner cities. And this was part of the continuing systematic segregation and discrimination to which Black people were subjected.

    As a result of the Civil Rights movement and then the more radical Black liberation movement in the 1960s, some concessions were made, and there has been an increase in the number of “Black faces in high places” and a growth of the Black middle class, although their situation is far more precarious than that of white middle class people (something which was cruelly demonstrated in the 2008 crisis, which resulted in large numbers of Black people losing their homes and much, if not all, of any savings they had). And, in more recent times, huge numbers of factories and other sources of jobs for people in the inner city have closed down, often moving their operations elsewhere—particularly to countries in the Third World (Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia) where the desperate situation of masses of people, including children, has left them vulnerable to being super-exploited, at near-starvation wages.

    All this, together with increased automation and “cybernation” of production, when combined with the ongoing segregation and discrimination built into this system, has led to a situation where huge numbers of Black people, and especially youth, have, for generations now, not only been unemployed but are left with no prospect of meaningful employment in the regular (“formal”) economy.

    The “Toxic Combination” of Capitalism and Racism

    Here we see the “toxic combination” of systematic, historically-evolved segregation and discrimination, enforced with brutal violence by the powers-that-be, together with the basic functioning and requirements of the capitalist economy—which involves the greater and greater concentration not just of wealth, but of the means of production (technology, factories and other physical structures, sources of raw materials, and so on) in the possession and under the control of large-scale capitalist enterprises and financial institutions, which are locked in cut-throat competition with each other, not just within a particular country but increasingly on a global scale, and are therefore driven to ruthlessly exploit people and constantly search for ways to even more viciously super-exploit large numbers of desperate people, including children, in a worldwide network of sweatshops. (For example, cell phones and computers depend on the mineral coltan which is mined under horrific conditions by people, including large numbers of children, in the Congo in Africa; and a large part of the clothes that are bought in the U.S. are produced by huge numbers of women working in horrific conditions in the Asian country of Bangladesh.)

    In this situation, and especially with the growth of the international drug trade, and its deep penetration into the U.S., many of those, in particular youth, who found themselves locked out of the “formal economy,” have turned to drug-dealing, as well as other criminal activity—something which has been encouraged by government policy that has actually resulted in the movement of large amounts of drugs into the inner city, even as the authorities seize on this situation to carry out systematic repression against the youth in particular, with such things as “stop and frisk.” The result of all this has been a huge increase in mass incarceration, as well as the continual murder of large numbers of “minority” youth by police.

    At the same time, the way that the U.S. has continued to dominate Mexico, as well as other parts of Latin America, and to distort the economies, corrupt the governments and bring ruin to the social relations among the people in those countries—all this has resulted in large numbers of people being forced to flee those countries and migrate to the U.S., where they are vulnerable to being viciously exploited in factories and farmlands, and other parts of the economy of this country. And large numbers of the younger generations of these immigrants have also formed (or joined existing) gangs and become involved in the drug trade and related crime.

    More recently, however, in at least many of the inner-city neighborhoods, for a number of reasons—including the fact that the “crack epidemic” had taken a terrible toll on people—there has been a decrease in the trade in cocaine and the high profits this brought for the relatively small number of “higher-ups” in the drug trade hierarchy. For a period, particularly during the 1980s and 1990s, given their desolation and desperation, the drug trade was a “major employer” of youth in the inner cities, female as well as male, and a major source of at least a basic income for many (even if the promise of “getting rich” remained an illusion for most). Now, even this source of employment and income—as perverse and harmful as it is—has dried up or greatly diminished for many. This has further added to the miserable situation of massive numbers of inner-city youth in particular who have no future—under this system—no future but prison, an early death or a life of desperate hustling, in one form or another, in the attempt to survive and care for loved ones.

    All this cannot be changed—cannot be transformed and overcome—within the confines of this system. Despite what any politician (“liberal” or outright fascist like Trump) may say, there is no way that this system could “reverse itself,” bring large parts of industry back to the inner city and provide meaningful employment, with “a living wage” for all those it is now depriving of this. Even if the government had the “political will” to try to do this, doing so (with the employment of millions of formerly unemployed or “underemployed” people at a “living wage”) would seriously undermine the competitive positions of American capitalists in the global economy. And, if they attempted to do this while at the same time trying to seriously overcome the whole historically-evolved relations of white supremacy, this would completely disrupt the social “cohesion” that “holds this country together,” with white supremacy a crucial part of this.

    It is one thing for “good-hearted people”—and in particular many white people—to say (and sincerely mean) that it is wrong for the police to just wantonly, cruelly murder people, and to mobilize in protest against this. But imagine what would happen if, under this system and with the way its economy functions, the government tried to adopt policies that would deal with the long-term unemployment of Black people in the inner cities, who have not only been denied jobs but also the training for the jobs that do exist—imagine what the reaction would be of many white people who would in fact lose their better-off positions as a result of these policies. Imagine what would happen if these kinds of policies were applied not just to employment, but to education, and on down the line. (We have already seen the “backlash” that was fostered in response to even minimal efforts to implement “affirmative action” programs in employment and education.)

    Again, this is not simply a matter that “white people are racist.” Many are racist, although many do not want to be. But the deeper problem is that given the basic way the capitalist economy works, and how everyone is encouraged to be “out for yourself”—and, more fundamentally, the fact that people are actually driven and compelled to compete with each other in every significant part of life, including employment and education—it would actually create destructive chaos and conflict among the people, and tear apart the “cohesion” of the society, to try to really and fully undo and overcome the reality and effects of centuries of racist oppression—under this system.

    This most definitely and emphatically is NOT an argument for holding back from struggling against every form of discrimination, inequality and oppression in every part of society. Fighting back against oppression, and wrenching concessions from the powers-that-be, is very important—in enabling masses of people to feel their own strength in standing up and standing together in opposing oppression, and drawing people from all parts of society to join in this struggle—rather than feeling isolated, beaten down and hopeless. And it is important in contributing to the ability of masses of people to gain the understanding and build up the organization necessary for the final all-out struggle to bring down the whole oppressive system. But that is just the point—as important as these mass struggles are, if they are not built toward, and do not finally get to the point of, taking on the whole system, with the aim of bringing it down, and bringing something much better into being, then, as I have emphasized before, even where concessions are won, “so long as this system remains in power, there will be powerful forces who will move to attack and undermine, and seek to reverse, even these partial gains,” and people will remain oppressed and once more weighed down with a feeling of demoralization, as they are once again divided and pitted against each other.2

    The basic and crucial point is that the fight against racial oppression (and all oppression) must not remain confined within the limits of this system, and instead must be carried out and carried forward as part of the overall struggle toward the goal of abolishing this system. The fact that this oppression cannot be abolished under this system is not a reason for giving up in despair—it is a compelling reason why this system must be and can be abolishedand it is the fundamental basis for why people can be won to wage the revolutionary struggle to finally bring it down!

    All this is why there will not be any real and meaningful move by the powers-that-be (and any of its politicians and political parties) to overcome the centuries-long experience and legacy of brutal racist oppression and the situation it has led to today, where millions and millions of Black youth and other youth of color have no prospect of a decent future—under this system.

    As I have pointed out before: “So what does this system do with youth that have no future and no prospects? It contains them.... contains them violently.”3

    And all this is why there is systemic and systematic police terror directed at Black people and other people of color. It is why this is brought down not only on the youth (and others) in the inner cities, but why it can and does lead to harassment, brutality and murder of any Black person, anywhere, even those with more education and status in society. If the system needs the police to “violently contain” the masses of people in the inner cities—and it does—then this is bound to “spill over” and be applied to Black people, and other people of color, more generally. The police have neither the interests, nor the ability, nor the will to make distinctions between “good” ....... (fill in the blank as to what racist terms they use) and “bad” ones. And, beyond that, the “random” nature of the brutality and murder makes it all the more effective in terrorizing people—making everyone, even the “better off,” feel, correctly, that they could be a target of this.

    There IS a Solution: Revolution and a Radically New and Different World

    It is for all these reasons that racist oppression will continue so long as people are living under the domination of this system of capitalism-imperialism. It is not only right but crucially important to rise up and wage a determined fight against this, but it is also crucial to recognize that this racist oppression will never be, can never be, eliminated under this system—and, to finally put an end to it, we need a radically different system.

    We need a radically different economic system—a socialist economic system (mode of production) that is geared to and proceeds by developing and utilizing the means of production collectively, to meet the needs of the masses of people, materially (for employment, food, housing, health care, and so on) as well as their needs intellectually and culturally, and to provide them with the means not only to live a life worthy of human beings, but also to scientifically understand the basis and need, and to more and more consciously take part in, carrying forward the transformation of society to finally and completely eliminate all relations of oppression and exploitation, and to support that struggle throughout the world. And, as one of its highest priorities and goals, this will involve the determined struggle to overcome and finally eliminate racial oppression in every aspect of society.

    The radically different socialist economy (mode of production) will provide the foundation on which the ongoing process of uprooting racial oppression, and all oppression, can be waged on favorable ground, and can finally succeed in overcoming all this. The following from my work Breakthroughs speaks to this key relation and process:

    Ultimately, the mode of production sets the foundation and the limits of change, in terms of how you address any social problem, such as the oppression of women, or the oppression of Black people or Latinos, or the contradiction between mental work and manual work, or the situation with the environment, or the situation of immigrants, and so on. While all those things have reality and dynamics in their own right, and aren’t reducible to the economic system, they all take place within the framework and within the fundamental dynamics of that economic system; and that economic system, that mode of production, sets the foundation and the ultimate limits of change in regard to all those social questions. So, if you want to get rid of all these different forms of oppression, you have to address them in their own right, but you also have to fundamentally change the economic system to give you the ability to be able to carry through those changes in fundamental terms. To put it another way: You have to have an economic system that doesn’t prevent you from making those changes, and instead not only allows but provides a favorable foundation for making those changes.4

    The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America provides a sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for such a radically different economic system, and for government institutions, laws and a legal system, as well as an approach to education, science, art and culture that go along with this mode of production and contribute to its continual development, opening the way to finally eliminating all oppression and exploitation.5 And in Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution (as well as other works of mine) the basic strategy is spelled out for carrying out the revolution that will make it possible to apply this Constitution in working to bring about a world free of all the unnecessary suffering and madness to which the masses of humanity are subjected under the domination of this system of capitalism-imperialism.

    This is why, and this is how, racial oppression, and all the oppression, which is built into this system of capitalism-imperialism, can be ended—but only through a revolution to abolish this system.

    This is why we continue to emphasize this basic truth: we have two choices: either, live with all this—and condemn future generations to the same, or worse, if they have a future at all—or, make revolution!

    This is why we continue to boldly raise the slogan: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS!


    1. The text and video of this speech by Bob Avakian (Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution) is available at [back]

    2. The statement quoted in this part of this article is from Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution. [back]

    3. Bob Avakian On Police Brutality And Murder: Consent Decrees Won’t Stop This—We Need A Revolution! This excerpt from a Question and Answer Session with Bob Avakian, after his presentation in 2018 in Chicago of the speech Why We Need An Actual Revolution And How We Can Really Make Revolution, is also available at [back]

    4. This statement is contained in Breakthroughs: The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism, A Basic Summary, by Bob Avakian, which is available at It originally appeared in the book by Bob Avakian, The New Communism: The science, the strategy, the leadership for an actual revolution, and a radically new society on the road to real emancipation, Insight Press, 2016. Italics in the original. [back]

    5. The Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, authored by Bob Avakian, is also available at [back]

    Communism and Jeffersonian Democracy cover


    The New Communism



    The science, the strategy, the leadership for an actual revolution, and a radically new society on the road to real emancipation

    by Bob Avakian

    Download PDF of book


    National Leaflet:


    This call to action is initiated by the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity


    Emergency! Trump has unleashed a hailstorm of fascist shock and awe. Executive order after order to restructure society, ethnically cleanse non-white immigrants, erase trans people, seize territories, accelerate environmental destruction and more. All this enforced by measures aimed at silencing and punishing dissent within government and private institutions while also pardoning and backing the hardened January 6 fascist shock troops to intimidate and terrorize those who would resist. This is FASCISM. IT MUST BE STOPPED BEFORE IT IS CONSOLIDATED.

    We call on all decent people to act boldly to say NO! and to call forward others in growing nonviolent resistance that doesn't stop until this fascism is defeated. Silence is COMPLICITY.

    Standing up against individual attacks—against immigrants, trans people, and others—is righteous and necessary, but on its own is NOT ENOUGH! THE WHOLE TRUMP/MAGA FASCIST PROGRAM MUST BE DEFEATED BEFORE IT CONSOLIDATES!

    How can this happen? The revolutionary leader, Bob Avakian, spells this out:

    [Defeating this fascism] means building and mobilizing a truly broad and determined mass movement—uniting all who can be united, in rapidly and continually growing numbers, all over the country—aiming to become so massive and powerful that it creates a profound political crisis, such that Trump cannot govern the country and implement his fascist program.

    from @BobAvakianOfficial, message #111


    The Bob Avakian Interviews 2025, Part 1: 
    On Fascism, Capitalism, & the Way Out of the Madness
    Follow @BobAvakianOfficial
    The Revcom Corps For The Emancipation Of Humanity is uniting with and others to defeat this fascism, and we are recruiting for a real revolution and a whole different, emancipating society based on the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, written by Bob Avakian. We say: THIS WHOLE SYSTEM IS ROTTEN AND ILLEGITIMATE! WE NEED AND WE DEMAND A WHOLE NEW WAY TO LIVE, A FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT SYSTEM!

    VIDEO, The RNL — Revolution, Nothing Less! — Show:

    Fascism, Capitalism, & the Way Out of the Madness: 

    The Bob Avakian Interviews, 2025

    Interviewed by Sunsara Taylor 
    Part 1 of a 2-Part Interview

    Premiered on Episode 235 of The RNL — Revolution, Nothing Less! — Show.