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Articles in this issue (scroll down or click to read article below):

  • Updates from the National Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere  
  • BOB AVAKIAN REVOLUTION #86: This system of perpetual atrocity—killing hundreds of millions of children
  • BOB AVAKIAN REVOLUTION #85: The Trump/Harris debate: A dangerous madman vs. a “rational” mass murderer and mass incarcerator.
  • BOB AVAKIAN REVOLUTION #84: The capitalist system today is a system of international exploitation: capitalism-imperialism.
  • BOB AVAKIAN REVOLUTION #83: Voting by “the people” is not the basic way things are decided under this capitalist system
  • BOB AVAKIAN REVOLUTION #82: The system in this country is not “democracy.”
  • Update #7 from the National Campaign to get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere: A Big Push with Why Bob Avakian Is "Not Running for President" and More on Bob Avakian, and Going "Against the Tide"
  • As Trump and Harris “Debate” Who Is More Rabidly Pro-Israel

    Israel Massacres Still More Palestinians with U.S.-Supplied 2,000-Pound Bombs
  • Iran: Women Political Prisoners Carry Out Defiant Protest inside Evin Prison 

    No More Immigrant-Bashing! Stop the Attacks on Bob Avakian & the Revcoms! Get Organized 4 Revolution

    Episode 213 of The RNL — Revolution, Nothing Less! — Show

  • On the Lies and Attacks Against Bob Avakian and the Revcoms from Black MAGA Fascists
  • In Appreciation, and in Defense of, Bob Avakian: 
  • An excerpt from Bob Avakian (BA)—Official Biography

  • Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution:

    The Two-Year Anniversary of the Historic “Jina Uprising” in Iran
  • U.S.-Russia Proxy War in Ukraine: Dangerous New U.S.-NATO Escalation Reportedly in the Works
  • VIDEO:

    The Trump/Harris Debate: A Contest To Be The Capitalist System's Biggest Exploiter & Oppressor!
  • From a Reader:

    A Shout-Out to the Rhymes of Resistance Concert
  • Driving while Black Going to Work:

    Miami Police Terrorize NFL Football Player

    Who Killed Amber Thurman? Bob Avakian On What Is Capitalism & Why He Is Not Running For President

    Episode 214 of The RNL — Revolution, Nothing Less! — Show


    REVOLUTION #86: 
    This system of perpetual atrocity—killing hundreds of millions of children

    This is Bob Avakian—REVOLUTION—number Eighty-Six.

    With Kamala Harris and Donald Trump bitterly clashing over who will be the head of the system of capitalism-imperialism that rules in this country and dominates in the world as a whole, there is this very real horror that brings to light once more the truly monstrous nature of this system: More than 500 million children have needlessly died, from starvation and preventable disease, just since the end of World War 2 (in 1945), because of the way the world has been dominated by this system of capitalism-imperialism and the effects of this on masses of people throughout the world, especially in the Third World of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. During this time, the U.S. has occupied the most powerful position within this whole monstrous system, and bears the most responsibility for this truly horrific crime against humanity.

    This is the reality of this so-called “greatest country in the world”—as much as they try to keep this reality hidden from people.

    Take a minute to think about this: Over 500 million children—more than half a billion—dying at an early age because of this system and its domination of the world, with the U.S., the most responsible!

    And so many people want to get caught up in voting to decide which group of mass murderers will head up the government of this country and this American empire of mass plunder of people as well as the environment!

    Really? Is this a system, and a world, that any decent person should want to be part of—or put up with in any way?

    No! Even if we put aside all the other horrors caused by this system—which, of course, we cannot in real life—the terrible figure of needless child deaths caused by this system would itself be reason enough to sweep this system off the face of the earth, and replace it with a much better system, through an actual revolution, at the earliest possible time!

    (A final note: on the calculation of the numbers of children killed. Previously, I had used the conservative figure of 350 million children dying from starvation and preventable disease since 1945—which, of course, would be truly horrific itself. But, in looking into this further—and taking the definitely low average of 7 million children dying each year since 1945— this actually comes out to over 500 million. And, even while, according to the World Health Organization, the number has been reduced over the last three decades or so—from more than 12 million children under the age of 5 dying in 1990—it is still the case that about 5 million children are needlessly dying each year now. And, again, the total number, since 1945, is actually more than 500 million.)


    REVOLUTION #85: 
    The Trump/Harris debate: A dangerous madman vs. a “rational” mass murderer and mass incarcerator.

    This is Bob Avakian—REVOLUTION—number Eighty-Five.

    In the debate this past Tuesday (September 10) between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, Trump was once again revealed to be a racist, immigrant-persecuting, woman-hating, climate-destroying, anti-scientific lunatic and pathological serial liar—while, especially in contrast to Trump, Kamala Harris came off as rational.

    But what does “rational” mean in the context of striving to be the President of the United States? As I have shown throughout these messages—and have spoken to specifically in message number 81, in making clear why I am not running for President, and would not want to be President: being the head of this system of capitalism-imperialism means being a vicious exploiter, and murderous oppressor of masses of people. It means being a massive destroyer of the environment (notice how Trump raises the cry “Drill, baby drill!” for oil, while Harris brags that, with Biden as President and her as vice-president, the U.S. is the world’s leading producer of oil).

    And it means dragging humanity to the brink of destruction through the danger of nuclear war.

    All for the purpose of maintaining the USA as the world’s dominant capitalist-imperialist power and the number one plunderer of people as well as the environment.

    That is the actual “job description” of President of this country—head of this American empire of exploitation, degradation, oppression, and massive destruction.

    In messages numbers 71, 72, 74, 75 and 76 through 79, I have shown how this applies to the current President, Joe Biden and to vice-president, Kamala Harris, now seeking to become President. I have shown how the description mass murderer, of Palestinians and others, and mass incarcerator—particularly of Black people and Latinos—accurately captures what Harris has actually been in her “service” to this system and its dominating role in the world.

    In terms of the upcoming election, as it has been revealed yet again what Donald Trump actually represents, it has to be said that supporting Trump means being a truly vile human being. And, as horrific as Trump is, supporting Harris and the Democratic Party means:enlisting as willing accomplices in the crusade of U.S. capitalism-imperialism to remain the world’s number one exploiter, oppressor and plunderer of people and the environment, even at the cost of risking the future, and the very existence, of humanity.

    Neither Harris, nor Trump—nor any candidate for office, especially “high office,” under this system—could even talk about emancipating all of humanity: ending every form of exploitation and oppression, based on class, race, sex and gender, and overcoming all divisions and conflicts based on nationality and country...because all that is built into this system.

    This is why we urgently need a revolution to overthrow and abolish this whole system and replace it with a fundamentally different and much better system, which does not rest on, does not require, and aims to fully do away with ruthless exploitation and monstrous mass murder and destruction.

    So, as I made clear in message number 81, that is why, instead of seeking to be part of—let alone the head of—this monstrous system of capitalism-imperialism, I am working everyday, with everything I have, to provide the leadership that is necessary for this truly emancipating revolution, to bring about this fundamentally different and much better system.


    The basic principles and the practical guidelines for this system are laid out concretely in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, which I have written. It is this fundamentally different system that we must be insisting on, and fighting for—accepting nothing less—if we really want to put an end to all the madness and unnecessary suffering that the masses of humanity are subjected to, in this country and throughout the world, and set out instead on the only possible and realistic road of emancipating all of humanity.


    REVOLUTION #84: 
    The capitalist system today is a system of international exploitation: capitalism-imperialism.

    This is Bob Avakian—REVOLUTION—number Eighty-Four.

    The dominant capitalist system today rests on, and could not exist or function without, the cruel exploitation of literally billions of people throughout the world—and especially the vicious super-exploitation of people in the Third World (Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia), including more than 150 million children—forced to work in slave-like conditions in sweatshop factories, mines and farms.

    The totally unnecessary, but very real, horrors that people experience everyday are grounded in, and built into, this system of capitalism-imperialism. The answer to this is not striving for “more” or “more perfect” democracy under this system—for, as I have shown in the previous messages, such a “democracy” can only serve this very system that is the fundamental cause of all these horrors.

    As I explained in message number Seventy-Six:

    This system forces the people who rise to the top of it, and rule it, to be literally—without any exaggeration—cut-throat exploiters, murderous oppressors on a massive scale, and relentless plunderers of people and the environment, regardless of the suffering this causes for masses of human beings. For individual capitalists, and for the ruling classes of capitalist countries, if they do not beat out and beat down others, by whatever means, no matter how monstrous, they will go under. This cannot be “reformed away,” and it cannot be changed by changing the people who rule in this system—they will all be bound by the very nature, the “logic” and dynamics, and the demands of this system.

    But there is a way out of all this madness—a revolution to overthrow this system. A revolution to abolish and uproot the exploitation on which this system rests and depends, together with all the oppressive relations that go along with this exploitation, as well as the culture that rationalizes and justifies (even glorifies) all this oppression and exploitation. A revolution to replace this system of horrors with a socialist system that actually empowers and inspires the masses of people to move beyond all this madness, aiming for a communist world where these oppressive divisions and conflicts among human beings—based on class, race, sex and gender, and on nationality and country—will have been overcome and surpassed.

    All this is spelled out concretely, and sweepingly, in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, which I have authored.

    What is more, as I have gone into specifically in messages Eight through Eleven, and returned to throughout these messages overall, this is a rare time when the divisions in this country—and especially the divisions among the ruling capitalist class and its political representatives—are deep, acute and continually sharpening, so that the “normal way” they have held society together under their domination, as a “unified” ruling class, is being ripped apart and can no longer hold in the way it has for generations. And there is this crucial, liberating, conclusion:

    This is not a time to be siding with one group of oppressors or another. This is a rare time—a very rare opening—a chance that may come only once in a lifetime—a chance to take advantage of the deep divisions among the ruling oppressors and go after their whole system, with the aim of bringing the whole thing down, and putting something much better in its place.


    REVOLUTION #83: 
    Voting by “the people” is not the basic way things are decided under this capitalist system

    This is Bob Avakian—REVOLUTION—number Eighty-Three.

    It is a fact that the politics of this system—the much-proclaimed capitalist “democracy”—normally allows the people to vote. But here is the crucial thing: Whom people get to vote for, is not decided by the people— it is decided by the ruling capitalist class, through its political representatives (in this country, the Democratic and Republican parties). Yes, these parties have “primary elections,” through which their candidates are chosen to run in the “general elections”—but those primaries, too, are dominated and controlled by the ruling class and the heads of its political parties. When the people vote, they are voting for candidates who will represent the interests of the ruling capitalist class—candidates who have been selected through a process dominated and ultimately controlled by that ruling class.

    (For example, who decided that Joe Biden would be the only serious candidate in the Democratic Party primaries this year—and who then decided that Biden should get out of the race, and be replaced by Kamala Harris?)

    There are times—and what we are living through now is one of those times—when the capitalist ruling class is deeply divided and the contest between different sections of the ruling class, for control of the government, is extremely bitter and “outside the bounds” of their “normal” competition. But that is a bitter contest over which vision and program, of which section of the ruling class, will best serve the continuing rule of the capitalist system, with its basis in vicious exploitation, and murderous oppression.

    It is clearly the case that, under this system, anyone who attempts to be a “serious candidate” for office—and especially “high office,” like President—will have to get the backing of capitalists with a lot of money and influence. Along with that, any such candidate will have to be judged “legitimate” by the dominant media—which are themselves capitalist institutions with billions of dollars of capital, and are essentially propaganda instruments of the ruling class (or sections of the ruling class). Anyone who is not judged “legitimate” will be locked out of these media—given no coverage, except perhaps in the form of attacks on them. And once again there is the basic fact that “legitimate” means: in the interests of the ruling system of capitalism.

    This gets to the most fundamental point: Under this system, any politician, and any program of politicians, has to be in line with the basic interests and essential functioning of the capitalist system—or else chaos would result and society could not function. Here is an example I have used before, which gets to the heart of the matter: Think of what would happen if, under this capitalist system, politicians passed a law which said that people could take whatever they require for their basic necessities, without having to pay for them! The whole system would obviously break down. (This is an expression of the fundamental reality that with any structure or any system, the foundation sets the terms, and the limits, for what the superstructure will bewhich I spoke to in my previous message, number Eighty-Two.)

    Only in the communist system could things be made available to people—basic material necessities, as well as educational and cultural needs, etc.— without people having to pay for them. (How and why that is so is something I have spoken to, in basic terms, elsewhere— including in the articles, at revcom,us, on exploitation, and putting an end to exploitation and oppression, which I referred to in my previous message.)

    Providing a decent life for the masses of people as a whole—free from concern about whether they will have even the basic necessities of life—that is neither a goal, nor a possibility, under the capitalist system. Once again, this is because of the basic nature and functioning of the capitalist economic system, with the politics and ideology that go along with and reinforce that system.

    In summation, the system in this county is capitalism. It is a system based on exploitation and oppression, and the “democracy” under this system is an expression of, and serves to reinforce, the rule of the capitalist class of exploiters. It is a democracy that serves as a “cover” for, and at the same time a means of enforcing, the actual dictatorship of the capitalist class: its monopoly of political power, and especially the monopoly of “legitimate” violence exercised by this capitalist class through its political representatives and institutions of organized violence (the armed forces, police, etc.).

    As history has shown (for example, with fascist rule in Germany and some other countries before and during World War 2), especially in situations of extreme and acute crisis, this system can even do away with this capitalist “democracy,” and replace it with undisguised dictatorial rule by the capitalist class. (This is essentially what is represented by Trump and the Republican Party today.) But, as extreme as this fascism is, it is an extreme and undisguised form of the dictatorship that is actually exercised by the capitalist class at all times under this system.

    In my next message, I will get further into the nature of the capitalist system, and why it cannot be “reformed,” but must be overthrown, and replaced by a far better system.


    REVOLUTION #82: 
    The system in this country is not “democracy.”

    This is Bob Avakian—REVOLUTION—number Eighty-Two.

    If you ask people, “What is the system we have in this country?”—almost everybody will say “democracy,” even if many think this “democracy” has “problems,” even very serious problems.

    The reason almost everybody will answer this way is because that is how they have been conditioned and propagandized to think, since they were very small—by the educational system, the politicians, the media, and all the other dominant institutions of this country.

    Well, “almost everybody” would be wrong.

    The actual answer to the question—what is the system that rules in this country?—is that it is the system of capitalism. The capitalist economy is the foundation for the whole system in this country. And the “democracy” that exists is democracy on the basis of this capitalism.

    In the capitalist system, a relatively small number of people, the capitalist class, owns the major means of production (land, factories, and the technology and machinery, as well as the raw materials, that are used in production). Those who own these means of production profit from the labor of those who do not own them, and are therefore forced to work for those who do. Capitalism is based on exploitation. What is this exploitation? Profiting from the labor of others—working them in conditions that create the greatest profit for the capitalists, regardless of the effect on these workers. The capitalists themselves are compelled to drive the workers this way, because each capitalist is in competition with other capitalists.

    (This is the basic situation—the basic nature and relations of this system. I explain this more fully in two articles on exploitation and putting an end to exploitation and oppression, as well as the article Commodities & Capitalism—And The Terrible Consequences of this System—all of which are available at

    The capitalist economy sets the terms for the system as a whole, including the political institutions, the educational system, the dominant culture and ruling ideas: the “superstructure” of this system. If you have a capitalist economic foundation, then the superstructure of politics and ideology that exists on the basis of this foundation, will be—has to be—in line with that foundation, or the system will not be able to function. This is true of any structure, or any system: the foundation sets the terms, and the limits, for what the superstructure will be. Imagine trying to put a wooden roof, with heavy logs, on top of a hut made of straw: the whole thing would collapse! And the same applies to the superstructure of the capitalist system: the “democracy” that exists in this country is, and can only be, “democracy” that is based on, serves, and is limited by, the capitalist system of exploitation and oppression—or else the system will not hold up, will not be able to function.

    Under this system, any “rights” that people have, as well as the law and the “rule of law,” and the political process as a whole: all of this is shaped—and limited—by what will serve the capitalist system of exploitation and the interests of the capitalist class that rules in this system.

    Anything or anyone that seriously threatens (or is seen as seriously threatening) the rule of the capitalist class, or the basic functioning and “stability” of the capitalist system, will be suppressed by that ruling capitalist class and its institutions of violent repression, especially the armed forces and police, as well as the courts.

    In the capitalist system—with the capitalist economy as the foundation for the system as a whole—it is formally declared that there is “freedom for everybody” (nobody is supposed to be owned as slaves, and supposedly nobody is restricted by law and custom to certain inferior positions). And there is the principle of “formal equality”: everyone is supposedly “equal,” in terms of opportunity, and “equal before the law.” In reality, of course, things don’t work that way, because “money talks” and people with more money have more influence—and, again, those who have acquired a great deal of wealth, through capitalist exploitation, have power that others do not have.

    Most fundamentally, there cannot really be equality between the capitalists who own the major means of production, and those who do not own them and are reduced to working for the capitalists. In a real sense, those who do own the major means of production have the power of life and death over those who own no means of production (and also have no specialized skill, or high level of education), because those in this position can only live if they are being exploited by the capitalists: For masses of people, if they cannot get hired by, and exploited by, those who own the means of production, they will be left with no “legal and legitimate” means to live, or provide for a family.

    All this is an expression of profound inequality—including inequality of opportunity: the capitalists who own means of production have the “opportunity” to get rich, while those who do not own means of production (and, again, are without any specialized skill or high level of education) have the “opportunity” to be exploited—or to starve—or to turn to hustling or crime in one form or another.

    Further, in this basic relation of exploitation, the outward appearance is that there is equality: the capitalists pay a wage to the workers they employ, in exchange for the labor the workers carry out for the capitalist. But the reality is this: the wage the workers receive is equal to only part of the wealth that they create through their labor—and surplus wealth (surplus value) that the workers create, beyond what is equal to their wages, goes to the capitalist. That is the “dirty little secret” of capitalist exploitation. It is the basis for capitalist profit—and, in fact, for the functioning of the capitalist system as a whole.

    Along with that, where certain “races” and other social groups have historically been discriminated against, there is that whole dimension of inequality.

    So, the “formal equality” of the capitalist system covers over a great deal of inequality. And the most essential freedom in capitalist society is “freedom” to be dominated by, and to operate within the confines of, the capitalist system.

    Even though individuals within the exploited and oppressed groups in society may rise to a more privileged and wealthy position (or, in a few cases, even become part of the ruling class) the masses of exploited and oppressed people cannot do so within the confines of this system of capitalism. The idea that “everybody” can do so is one of the main and most important illusions that is constantly propagated by the ruling class, as a means of keeping people loyal to this system—and limiting their vision and aspirations to what is said to be possible within this system.

    Next, I will get further into how this system, and its rule over the people, actually functions—and specifically why the basic decisions about the direction of society are not decided by the people through elections.


    Update #7 from the National Campaign to get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere: 

    A Big Push with Why Bob Avakian Is "Not Running for President" and More on Bob Avakian, and Going "Against the Tide"

    Taking @BobAvakianOfficial out into the streets and raising funds


    We are still in the early stages of the Campaign to Make @BobAvakianOfficial Reach Everywhere.

    This is a campaign aimed at raising tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars... garnering tens and hundreds of thousands of followers... working to reach millions with Bob Avakian's revolutionary leadership.

    Bob Avakian is the only leader in this country even talking about making a real revolution. 

    And this needs to reach millions quickly. One of the most dynamic ways to do that is through online advertising combined with creative, grassroots on-the-ground impact.

    We've already had important reach, going up against what the powers-that-be want people to know—in the funds raised, online advertising and in a big shitstorm of controversy that was kicked off in Chicago and online wielding BA's social media dispatch, Revolution #73: Black people hating on immigrants. Nonsense, and worse, from people who should know better.

    Watch episode 212 of The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show to hear about this directly.

    ** Announcing an $8,000 push for 10 days, for Revolution #81: Why I Am Not Running for President. 

    Bob Avakian: Why I am NOT running for president


    As the danger of nuclear war intensifies, and as the planet burns, think about the choices being put before this society: An outright FASCIST maniac with a movement of millions promising a "bloodbath" if he doesn't win the next election. And on the other side, a mass murderer and mass incarcerator. 

    These are the leaders this system has on offer! And what are they vying for? In Revolution #81, Bob Avakian makes it plain: The "actual 'job description' of President of this country—head of this American empire of exploitation, degradation, oppression, and massive destruction."

    But these are not our only choices.

    In this sharpening situation, Bob Avakian is pointing the way forward to the need and potential for a radically different system. Bob Avakian has developed a strategy for an actual revolution to overthrow this system of capitalism-imperialism and a vision for a whole different, liberating way to organize society. Bob Avakian is sounding the alarm on the extreme danger that too many people are trying to ignore, and even more, the heightened positive potential for revolutionary change if there is a force getting organized for this. He is breaking all this down, and bringing it alive, regularly via his social media messages.

    As he says himself in #81, he is "Working everyday, with everything I have, to provide the leadership that is necessary for this truly emancipating revolution, to bring about this fundamentally different and much better system."


    As of
    Goal: $8,000
    Raised: $1,628

    As the next nodal point within this campaign, we are calling for a concentrated push with Revolution #81: $8,000—raised by September 26—will fund a targeted push on YouTube in combination with a concerted postering campaign. For more on what $8,000 can do, see the side bar.

    The on-the-ground postering and the online advertising combined can contribute to creating a stir. If you can give $20, this could result in Revolution #81 being put in front of about 6,000 people with about 200 people watching it in part or in full—200 people who are looking around on YouTube agonized... looking stuff up about the elections, about climate change, about capitalism... and they encounter Bob Avakian speaking the truth like no one else! Reaching people who hate what this system is doing but never really stepped back to question its actual nature and what that means the job of the President really is... challenging those who are deluding themselves or hyped up around Kamala even though they hate what's happening in Gaza. And reaching the broad numbers of people who are right now going along with things but who need to be shaken awake... to have their sights lifted to the need and possibility of a whole different way the world can be.

    Key in this will mean reaching broadly with this specific dispatch and asking people to donate themselves to getting this in front of others—reach out online or on the street, through phone calling and mass emailing. Ask people very broadly to get this truth in front of millions.

    ** As long as we're fighting for revolution—and not some short-term goal:

    Davíd, REVCOM CORPS, on leaning into the controversy


    VIDEO: Davíd, REVCOM CORPS, on leaning into the controversy   

    As we've said before, this campaign to make @BobAvakianOfficial known everywhere is controversial—and we welcome that controversy because the fight for people to get into what BA is doing on his social media is a fight that concentrates the big questions of the revolution. Who should people be looking to? Who should they be following? How you answer that depends on what you think is needed and what people should be fighting for!

    If you want to see a real revolution, in this time, and not something short of that, then it shouldn't be difficult to find all kinds of creative and dynamic ways to fight for BA. Because BA is about—and he concentrates what is requiredto make that revolution, and have that be a revolution that is not about revenge but about emancipating all humanity.

    This goes against the tide—and that is a very good thing. Because "the tide" is going along with the vicious and daily exploitation and oppression brought down by this system... "the tide" is legitimizing the genocidal slaughter in Gaza, white supremacist terror of this system, the mass deportation of immigrants, the constant sexual assault and degradation of women and the dangerous destruction of our environment. 

    In launching this campaign, some people made a "suggestion" that we should "put forward other people," rather than BA. What this "suggestion" reflects is that there is no getting around, or watering down, what Bob Avakian is actually all about: a real revolution to overthrow this system, and bring into being a whole different world. Whereas if you avoid putting forward BA, with his actual “heft” and historical significance, then you can more easily “slide around” what this is all about and you can fall into tailing “what’s out there,” letting all the reformism, lowered sights and identity politics set the terms. If you avoid really fighting for BA, then you can “tailor” what you put forward to fit into what people are already thinking (thinking that is shaped by the system). But if you really "center" and fight for BA, that means you have to challenge and fiercely struggle against all the bullshit out there, including among better people.

    To put it sharply: If you are seeking, and want to put forward, something different and less than an actual revolution, and a communist world, then BA does get in the way.

    The fact is that there is simply no one else like Bob Avakian in the world—no one even near the same level—no one else even attempting to lead in the way he is, with the same orientation and methods, toward the tremendously emancipating goals his leadership represents. And this needs to be said to people, straight up. On this basis, there are all kinds of people who will be moved and inspired by BA but are working their way through big questions and differences, who may not all agree with the revolution he's fighting for. If that describes you, there's a place for you in this campaign—engaging BA's work, spreading this social media, contributing funds and raising your questions and differences while we go out together to change the terms in society.

    ** Finally, we want to hear from you!

    This campaign is going to lean into the controversy, so let us know what controversy you're encountering, and we can help answer from the revcoms social media or on The RNL—Revolution Nothing Less!—Show. 

    What creative ideas do you have to spread Revolution #81, and @BobAvakianOfficial overall? What sections of people do you think we should be reaching? And what are their cultural interests? (This helps in being able to reach them via advertising.)

    Stay tuned to this page to learn how we're doing across the country, and what we're learning!



    Donald Trump, the Republican fascist candidate for president, may once again have been the target of an assassination, at his golf course in Florida on Sunday afternoon. Someone there was apprehended shortly after the Secret Service fired shots at someone they said was brandishing a rifle. A short time later, a gun was found in the bushes surrounding the golf course and, shortly after that, a man was arrested as a suspect.

    At this point, we don’t know more than that. But there are two things that can be said now. To quote from a message Bob Avakian (BA) posted @BobAvakianOfficial after the attempted assassination of Trump in July, titled “Number Sixty-Four: The Increasing Craziness, The Intensifying Situation and the Possibility of Revolution”:

    But whatever the actual motivation of the shooter, and whatever might be involved with this, it has nothing to do with any positive change, and certainly nothing to do with an emancipating transformation of society, which can only be brought about through a revolution, involving millions of people and aiming to sweep away this whole system and replace its relations and institutions of exploitation and oppression, and its putrid culture, with ones that are liberating and uplifting.

    Writing at the time of this first incident, BA went on to say:

    What is clear is that this attempted assassination of Trump is part of the increasing craziness and chaos going on, in the world overall and particularly within this country.

    Now, less than two months after Bob Avakian said the above, we are again confronted with what might be a similar event. Moreover, even in the time since that message there have been further important and even unprecedented events (including the driving out of Joe Biden and the overnight selection of Kamala Harris as the new Democratic candidate). All this and more bear out the importance of BA’s point.

    This situation will not settle down. And here too, Bob Avakian’s above-cited dispatch provides important insight:

    All this is an expression of the fact the way this country has been ruled for generations, by a basically unified ruling class, can no longer hold. The outcome of all this is very likely to be a radical change, of one kind or another. The crucial question, as I have said before, is whether this will be a radical reactionary change, further intensifying the already terrible oppression and horrific atrocities built into and continually committed by this system of capitalism-imperialism—or will it be a radical revolutionary change, opening the way to abolishing the basis for all this atrocity?

    What is said above is not just a “take” or an “opinion”—it is a profound assessment of the times, based on a deeply scientific study of the underlying dynamics that have given shape to and are driving forward this extraordinary situation.  

    Further: what is said above cannot be evaded—and nobody should want to evade it. In fact, Bob Avakian also sets forth in these messages, and in his larger work, a way to not only act on but to shape these dynamics and to do so in a way that can set humanity on the road to its urgently needed emancipation.

    All this underscores the importance of everyone who wants to see positive change taking up the duty of not just following Bob Avakian’s dispatches and sharing them with others but also struggling sharply with those others to deeply engage with BA’s messages to bring forward the basis and get in position to make a real revolution in this time.

    Time is short… and events are accelerating.



    As Trump and Harris “Debate” Who Is More Rabidly Pro-Israel

    Israel Massacres Still More Palestinians with U.S.-Supplied 2,000-Pound Bombs

    In the presidential candidates' debate on September 10, Trump and Harris clashed over Israel. But the terms were not over WHETHER, but HOW to enable Israel to pursue the genocide in Gaza and increasingly throughout Palestine.

    Trump set the terms by declaring, “She [Harris] hates Israel. If she's president, I believe that Israel will not exist within two years from now. And I've been pretty good at predictions.” In the last debate, Trump had repeated a similar charge against his then-rival Biden, and followed up by saying that he told Israel to “finish the job” and to effectively keep the press out when they did so.

    Harris declared, “That's absolutely not true. I have my entire career and life supported Israel and the Israeli people. He knows that. He's trying to again divide and distract from the reality, which is, it is very well known that Donald Trump is weak and wrong on national security and foreign policy.” 

    Harris’s Double-Talk Cannot Hide the Blood on Her Fangs

    Yes, Harris lamely tacked on claims to be working “around the clock” for a ceasefire to provide those Harris voters who profess to be troubled by, or even opposed to, the war with an excuse to ignore a reality of mass murder and truly horrible suffering, made in the USA and backed to the hilt by Harris’s Democratic Party. 

    In fact, the Biden administration has actually been “working around the clock” to shore up the U.S. position as the dominating power of the Middle East. The main end of that has been providing Israel with virtually unlimited weaponry to murder, maim, torture and destroy. At the same time, they have also advanced certain ceasefire proposals, at least in large part to deceive the vast majority of people around the world who hate what Israel is doing (for more on this, see here and here). And despite the fact Netan-nazi is the main one who has blocked and sabotaged every ceasefire agreement when it nears completion, the Biden-Harris administration has consistently lied that the obstacle to a ceasefire is Hamas, while as a matter of policy “insulating [Israel’s Prime Minister] Netanyahu from [public] criticism.” 

    Of course—and again, as a way to keep those Democratic voters who want to convince themselves that they can vote for a genocider and still be a decent person—after going on and on about how rabidly she supports Israel’s right to “defend itself” (carry out genocide), Harris once again added that “how it does so matters.”

    Really? Here’s how Israel was “defending itself” on September 10, the very same day as Harris was bragging about supporting Israel her entire career (and calling “weak” the bloodthirsty Trump, who in the last debate called for Israel to “finish the job” and keep out the press when they did so):

    Israel dropped at least two 2,000-pound bombs on defenseless Palestinian people in Gaza seeking shelter in the so-called “safe zone” in Al-Mawasi. Biden and Harris, who supposedly stopped enabling Israel to use 2,000-pound bombs against civilians, didn’t say a word in response! (See the sidebar, “The sky was filled with screams: The Challenge of the Al-Mawasi Slaughter.”)

    Israel claimed that this massacre, carried out with these weapons of mass destruction, was a series of “precise strikes” aimed at a few Hamas operatives. That claim is so ridiculous, so outrageous, so intentionally unbelievable as to underline the reality that the real target of Israel’s slaughter in Gaza is not Hamas, but the ability of the Palestinian people to survive as a people.

    Make-shift refugee tent camp in Al Mawasi, Gaza, January 12, 2024.


    Make-shift refugee tent camp in Al Mawasi, for Palestinians displaced by Israeli airstrikes, January 12, 2024.    Photo: AP/Hatem Ali

    Crater at Al Mawasi refugee tent camp from an Israeli strike that killed at least 40 people and wounded 60, September 10, 2024.


    Crater at Al Mawasi refugee tent camp from an Israeli strike that killed at least 40 people and wounded 60, September 10, 2024.    Photo: AP/Abdel Kareem Hana

    What the MAGA Fascist Republicans and War Crimes Democrats Have in Common

    What Trump (and the Republi-fascists) and Harris and the genocidal Democrats have in common is a recognition of the critical role Israel plays in U.S. capitalism-imperialism dominating the planet. In this, we again return to Bob Avakian’s social media dispatch (#7) from last January:

    In the face of all the lies, it is crucial to keep coming back to this basic, essential reality: Here is the entire ruling class of the U.S., and all its major politicians, both Democrat and Republican, fully supporting an apartheid state, Israel, carrying out the genocidal slaughter of Palestinians in front of the whole world.

    Why is Biden, and basically the entire government and ruling class of the U.S., supporting Israel in carrying out genocide against the Palestinian people, before the whole world? Here is the answer to that crucial question:

    This is not because of “the power of the Jewish lobby”—or because of some ignorant, ridiculous and outrageous notion that “Jews are controlling everything.” It is because Israel plays a “special role” as a heavily armed bastion of support for U.S. imperialism in a strategically important part of the world (the “Middle East”). And Israel has been a key force in the commission of atrocities which have helped to maintain the oppressive rule of U.S. imperialism in many other parts of the world.

    What We Need Now

    People in this country—the country that is arming, enabling, and whitewashing Israel’s crimes—have a responsibility to do everything in our power to STOP THE GENOCIDE. 

    Right now, the rulers of this country are trying to shut down protest against Israel with blacklisting, censorship, suspension from school, and police violence. And, in a one-two punch, they are hitting people with BEB—bourgeois electoral bullshit. Literally hundreds of millions of dollars are being poured into portraying genocide-enabling Kamala Harris as a “lesser evil.”

    But you, if you want to call yourself a decent person, need to proceed from the reality that Israel is escalating genocide and that this is being done in your name. You need to proceed from the reality that it has to STOP NOW.

    As I said last week:

    What we need now—particularly as school starts, and into what will be a politically volatile autumn—is renewed resistance against this U.S.-backed genocide. That resistance must reach out as broadly as possible, uniting all who can be united and waging this struggle as boldly as required to actually end the genocide. And very importantly, we need a movement with full and honest debate about the road forward for this struggle and for the future of humanity overall.

    "The sky was filled with screams"

    The Challenge of the Al-Mawasi Slaughter

    What the crater in al-Mawasi means for Israel’s war on Gaza | From Al Jazeera, The Take, reporter Nils Adler

    Al-Mawasi is refuge of last resort for Palestinian people in Gaza. Almost two million people—90 percent of Gaza’s population—have been displaced at least once by Israel’s U.S.-supplied missiles and bombs. UN reports estimate the displaced include over 40,000 pregnant women. In Al-Mawasi, people stand in line for hours to get water from aid agencies whose work is constantly harassed, even attacked by Israel. Multiple families are packed into a single tent. 

    An estimated 60 of those tents were hit with Israeli bombs on September 10.

    Analysts from Al Jazeera, as well as three experts cited by the New York Times, concluded that the massive 50-foot-diameter holes left by bombs dropped by Israel on Al-Mawasi were from 2,000-pound bombs. These bombs are designed to be “bunker busters,” to penetrate steel-reinforced armed sites. And they explode in razor-sharp fragments that can kill people over several hundred feet away from the impact site.

    Tala Herzallah, a 22-year-old woman from north Gaza, told Al Jazeera what it was like to be in the Al-Mawasi “safe zone” when Israeli bombs hit in the middle of the night.

    We were all asleep. Then suddenly, everything was turned upside down—the colour of the sky changed. The scene was like one of my nightmares, but it was real life. The sound,… the huge damage the bombs caused, made us realise that these were meant for the largest buildings and not for tents made of the weakest materials in the world. I saw two colours—red and grey. Everything turned grey [from the dust], and there were red flames everywhere. The sky was filled with screams, crying and the sound of ambulances.… Now, we’re literally surrounded by death. It’s hard to admit, but this is our daily life now.

    I am with my mom and dad, but my siblings aren’t with me. We’re trying to split up so that not all of us are gone in one second. One is abroad, and two are here—one in Deir el-Balah and the other at Nuseirat camp. Families are now being completely erased in one bomb. It’s so scary. We want people to be able to tell our stories. There’s no way they can get rid of all of us. This is our means of survival.

    We want our readers to read that last paragraph again, and think about what it means that these are the calculations that some families are now making. This is a challenge to all of you: think about what Tala Herzallah says, about the calculations that now drive Tala and her family. Think about it… and act.


    Iran: Women Political Prisoners Carry Out Defiant Protest inside Evin Prison 

    Editors’ note: The following is a video and statement from a courageous protest by women political prisoners in the notorious Evin Prison on Saturday, September 14, 2024.

    Evin Prison Video, September 14, 2024 by Narges Mohammadi

    Tonight, September 14th 2024 on the second anniversary of the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement and the night of Mahsa-Zhina Amini’s death, more than 25 female political prisoners in Evin Prison have gathered in the yard of the women’s ward.

    They have written slogans on cardboard and hung them on the prison walls, chanting them in the hallways and yard:

    Woman, Life, Freedom
    Freedom, Freedom, Freedom
    Lives may be lost, heads may fall, but freedom will never perish
    Reformists, conservatives, the story is over
    The women of Evin stand united and determined until the death penalty is abolished. We will stand firm until the end.

    The issuance of death sentences is the rulers’ revenge on women and Kurdistan, extending to every corner of Iran. They shout the names of the killed and executed and collectively sing the “Bella Ciao” song and “In Your Name, Which Is Our Code.”

    In protest of the regime’s policies of repressing women over compulsory hijab, the women prisoners have burned scarves in the prison yard. The protesting women have announced that, in solidarity with the people and the demands of the Iranian protesters, they will go on a hunger strike on Sunday, the September 15.

    September 14, 2024

    Evin Prison — Women’s Ward



    No More Immigrant-Bashing! Stop the Attacks on Bob Avakian & the Revcoms! 
    Get Organized 4 Revolution

    Episode 213 of The RNL — Revolution, Nothing Less! — Show


    On the Lies and Attacks Against Bob Avakian and the Revcoms from Black MAGA Fascists

    The revolutionary leader Bob Avakian (BA) recently challenged the ugly rise of hateful immigrant-bashing among Black people in an uncompromising social media dispatch titled “Black People Hating on Immigrants. Nonsense and worse from people who should know better.” Everybody knows of the racist lying rants, threats and actions from Donald Trump and his fascist MAGA movement viciously targeting migrants and asylum-seeking refugees. What many don’t know is how these fascists are organizing in Black communities and how way too many Black people are taking this poison up.

    On September 8, these Black MAGA fascists and a crew of narrow, reactionary Black nationalists tried to violently break up a public discussion of Bob Avakian's messages at the Revcom Center on the South Side of Chicago. They tried to bum rush the front of the room by punching, shoving and threatening worse, but the revcoms united the audience to usher them out of the Revcom Center. In the days before this assault, these bootlicking Black Trumpers ranted at the local City Council meeting and demanded that official action be taken against the revcoms. And all this took place amidst a shitstorm online. Over the last few weeks and continuing to now, all kinds of lies, slander and character assassination has been spread against Bob Avakian, that he is some kind of "racist," with some posting outright threats. Some of this poison has gone viral in the fascist internet echo chamber, with some things reaching beyond. Some of these anonymous online pigs have tagged federal police agencies. 

    These scurrilous bullshit attacks aimed at Bob Avakian cannot be tolerated. This must be forcefully condemned by everyone who cares about a just future for people here and around the world. We know from the history of ugly attacks on revolutionary leaders where these kind of divisive counter-revolutionary lies and threats can lead.

    The RNL—REVOLUTION, NOTHING LESS!—Show, September 12, 2024, Ep 213

    We call on people from all walks of life to defend Bob Avakian. The stakes:

    What is the argument that Bob Avakian puts forward in his social media message #73 that has struck such a nerve? Everyone should read his full message. Here we will quote just a portion of what he says in that message. He begins: One of the most maddening and heartbreaking things these days is to hear Black people, who have suffered so terribly under this system, hating on immigrants—talking about how immigrants are supposedly taking jobs and resources that should go to Black people and ruining neighborhoods where Black people have lived for generations.” After describing how this echoes the terror that Black people faced from white racists when they tried to settle in the north in the period after World War I, Bob Avakian asks: 

    So, I have a question for any Black people today who are caught up in this hating on immigrants: Do you really want to be like the rabid white racists?

    Or, do you want to put an end to this madness—that you, and the immigrants, are being put through?

    It is this system that has put Black people through hell for centuries and is still putting Black people through hell.

    Later in his message, Bob Avakian lifts people up to be, and to do, what needs to be done:

    Instead of being played to hate on and fight against each other, all the people who are oppressed, exploited, misused, abused, tormented and terrorized under this system—and all people who really care about justice—need to unite to rise up against, and put an end to, this system that is the cause of all this madness, injustice and atrocity.

    We are living in a time when it is possible to carry out a revolution that can put an end to this system, and bring into being a radically different and much better system where the fundamental needs and the highest aspirations of people for an emancipating, uplifting way to live can become a reality. All the outrage that people feel, and all the hope and striving for a better way, needs to be dedicated to and focused on working to bring about that emancipating revolution.

    At any time, racist ugliness that is spewed against immigrants does harm and divides oppressed peoples who should be uniting against this system. Right now, the stakes couldn’t be higher. The country, deeply divided, is moving rapidly towards an election where everything is potentially coming up for grabs with the threat of violent conflicts and even talk of civil war in the air. Bob Avakian alone has recognized that, within this sharpening situation that holds terrible danger, there is also the rare possibility for revolution. Bob Avakian has developed a strategy, a way to prepare the masses of people to seize this opportunity. We live in a moment that requires all who have suffered so much under this system to unite and work for this revolution now. Part of doing so means defending Bob Avakian. 

    While the accusations and slander against BA are ridiculous, they also do serious harm. Those spewing these lies have no idea who Bob Avakian is—a revolutionary leader who has dedicated his life to developing a scientifically based theory, strategy and program for revolution aimed at freeing people everywhere from every form of oppression. And too many others broadly in society are ignorant of this. 

    Recognize and defend what we have in the leadership and the road forward that BA provides: 

    Who else, besides Bob Avakian, has refused to give up on the emancipatory hopes of revolution that burned over America’s cities in the 1960s and instead took the precious lessons of those times and the previous revolutions to forge a whole new and much more liberating vision of revolution?

    Who else, besides Bob Avakian, never gave up on analyzing the deep roots of Black people’s oppression in America and what it would take to really get free? Who, besides Bob Avakian, did all this as part of making revolution, leading revolutionaries to build organization and struggle against lives stolen by police in the1980s and 1990s under cover of the war on drugs? Who else saw before anyone else the rise of Christian fascism, its roots in the system and sounded the alarm? 

    Who else, besides Bob Avakian, kept learning from and grappling with the precious lessons of previous revolutions paid for in blood—to come up with a new synthesis, a new communism? Who else forged a way forward to identify and solve the problems of those revolutions so that now we could not just seize power, but create a truly emancipatory society that people would want to live in?  Who else, besides Bob Avakian, has fought hard that a movement for revolution must not be about the first shall be last and the last first, but for a world without “firsts” and “lasts”? And who else, besides Bob Avakian, has concretized all this and more in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America, a sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for a whole new, and radically different way to organize society?

    Who else, besides Bob Avakian, consistently acts as the real best friend of oppressed humanity—the one who talks truth to you when you’re going off course or fucking up, because he knows you’re falling short of what you’re capable of?

    WE CALL ON EVERYONE who hates the way that so many are oppressed, terrorized, dehumanized, exploited, and denied a decent life under this system to SPEAK OUT AND JOIN IN STANDING UP TO THESE FASCISTS, THEIR ATTACKS ON IMMIGRANTS, AND THEIR MOUNTING LIES ABOUT AND THREATS AGAINST BOB AVAKIAN AND THE REVCOMS.

    We will let this statement from Bob Avakian speak for how he sees the potential of Black people: 

    There is the potential for something of unprecedented beauty to arise out of unspeakable ugliness: Black people playing a crucial role in putting an end, at long last, to this system which has, for so long, not just exploited but dehumanized, terrorized and tormented them in a thousand ways—putting an end to this in the only way it can be done—by fighting to emancipate humanity, to put an end to the long night in which human society has been divided into masters and slaves, and the masses of humanity have been lashed, beaten, raped, slaughtered, shackled and shrouded in ignorance and misery.

    Send your statements of support for Bob Avakian and the revcoms and reach out to get involved by emailing:

    This is the full social media message REVOLUTION #73 from Bob Avakian:

    REVOLUTION #73: 
    Black people hating on immigrants. Nonsense, and worse, from people who should know better.

    One of the most maddening and heartbreaking things these days is to hear Black people, who have suffered so terribly under this system, hating on immigrants—talking about how immigrants are supposedly taking jobs and resources that should go to Black people and ruining neighborhoods where Black people have lived for generations.

    When I hear this, I can’t help thinking about what happened when the mass migration of Black people from the South took place beginning after World War 1, a century ago. Coming into cities in the North, Black people were repeatedly and viciously attacked by racist white mobs, claiming that Black people were taking jobs from white people, that Black people were ruining the cities, and just refusing to “stay in their place.”

    Sound familiar?

    The same thing happened after World War 2, in the 1950s and 1960s, when Black people were moving into segregated “all-white” neighborhoods, or going to previously all-white schools, and they were often viciously, violently attacked by racist white mobs—even as, on the other hand, many white people were actively taking part in the fight against segregation, discrimination and racist oppression overall.

    And today, especially with the Trumpite MAGA fascists, we see open, aggressive racism—against Black people, and against immigrants from what Trump has called “shit-hole” countries (and you know what that means—you know he doesn’t mean Norway)!

    So I have a question for any Black people today who are caught up in this hating on immigrants: Do you really want to be like the rabid white racists?

    Or, do you want to put an end to this madness—that you, and the immigrants, are being put through?

    It is this system that has put Black people through hell for centuries, and is still putting Black people through hell.

    And it is this system of capitalism-imperialism that is putting masses of immigrants through hell—making life unliveable for tens of millions throughout the world—forcing them to leave their homes and homelands in a desperate search for a decent life, and then be exploited and discriminated against if they make it to the country most responsible for their miserable situation: this country, the imperialist USA.

    Instead of being played to hate on and fight against each other, all the people who are oppressed, exploited, misused, abused, tormented and terrorized under this system—and all people who really care about justice—need to unite to rise up against, and put an end to, this system that is the cause of all this madness, injustice and atrocity.

    We are living in a time when it is possible to carry out a revolution that can put an end to this system, and bring into being a radically different and much better system where the fundamental needs and the highest aspirations of people for an emancipating, uplifting way to live can become a reality. All the outrage that people feel, and all the hope and striving for a better way, needs to be dedicated to and focused on working to bring about that emancipating revolution.


    In Appreciation, and in Defense of, Bob Avakian: 


    The revolutionary leader Bob Avakian (BA) recently challenged the ugly rise of hateful immigrant-bashing among Black people in an uncompromising social media dispatch Revolution #73 titled “Black People Hating on Immigrants. Nonsense, and worse, from people who should know better.”

    In response he has been the target of all kinds of lies, slander and character assassination from Black MAGA fascists and others.  Some of this poison has gone viral in the fascist internet echo chamber, with some things reaching beyond. Some of these anonymous online pigs have tagged federal police agencies. 

    These attacks and lies aimed at Bob Avakian cannot be tolerated. This must be forcefully condemned by everyone who cares about a just future for people here and around the world. We know from the history of ugly attacks on revolutionary leaders where these kind of divisive counter-revolutionary threats can lead.

    Below are statements from diverse voices speaking out in defense of Bob Avakian and expressing their appreciation for who he is and the leadership he is providing: 

    From musician William Parker

    William Parker


    William Parker

    My name is William Parker. Since 1972, I have been making "Black Revolutionary Music." (Playing and writing music to inspire human Revolution change through sound art, poetry, and dance. Hoping to sweep away this present reality of the individual.) Eventually, activating the beautiful strength of unity within the Black and Latin communities and acknowledging any legitimate movement devoting one's life to change significant increments or awareness that one of the keys is unity without giving up individuality. Now to Bob Avakian, the theoretician and founder of the Revolutionary Communist Party. I added some music behind his powerfully truthful words in a piece called 'All Played Out.'  His words were on point, powerful, and insightful. Bob Avakian has devoted his life to inspiring people, too. He is the real deal, totally committed to the enlightenment of the working class. The message is to Know who your real enemy is. Ultimately, it is the people who most honestly decide. They have to activate their power; a revolution must come; "things have to change," and it will not come from traditional methods. Brothers and Sisters, Know your enemy. It is not Avakian. Don't participate in your execution.

    Tweet URL

    From Paul Blumberg, Cleveland, Ohio, September 16, 2024

    Recently a group of thugs tried to break up a meeting in Chicago at the Revcom center on the southside. There were Black Trumpers. How sick and sad. Fascism comes in all colors. They tried to stop a public discussion of the work of Bob Avakian.

    I have seen America’s long history of murdering anyone that stands up to the sick system we live under, Martin Luther King, Malcom X and Fred Hampton to name only a few. 

    The decimation of the Black Panther Party comes to mind. The COINTELPRO, a creation of the FBI, was the driving force in the decimation of the Panthers and the murders of 28 of them.

    Today Bob Avakian and the Revcoms are the uncompromising and leading force for revolution. Avakian’s message that the Revcoms were taking out in Chicago was that Black people hating on immigrants was a divisive dead end.

    I add my voice in strongly condemning the attack by fascist bootlickers against our leader and pledge my deepest support for Bob Avakian and the Revcoms. A better world is in the making and will become an unstoppable force.

    Much of that is due to Avakian’s breakthroughs in Marxist theory and the development of the New Constitution for a Socialist North America. He has been a steadfast and courageous leader for most of my life. He needs to be heard, followed and protected.

    From a Health Professional

    This is a short piece by Bob Avakian #73… but it's a BIG question because people haven’t yet spent the time on understanding they are being PLAYED.

    It’s like you are in prison, or in a gang, and as Bob Avakian has pointed out, this system has you fighting each other, but there is a guard in the tower above you ready to shoot you both.  Bob is taking this on, and I give him Kudos for it.  Because this system of capitalism and white supremacy has been doing this shit forever.

    Avakian writes about Blacks attacked by white mobs in cities and neighborhoods when the great migrations happened in the last century.  I myself, when I was growing up in the eastern U.S. had to confront angry whites who attacked us Black people because there was an effort to desegregate the schools. Now it’s some Black folks hating on immigrants who think they are a "higher tier"… it is as BA says, Nonsense!  But it's happening and it's the same game:  divide and conquer, a shell game and the system keeps doing it because it works.

    Read more

    Trump and the MAGA fascists belong in insane asylums, talking about how immigrants eat pets, but there is conscious design to it.  We need largeness of mind - that is what BA is bringing.

    I hear some of this is concentrated in Chicago… its not only Chicago, but in Los Angeles and other cities, big and small around the U.S.  With regard to Chicago, we should never forget what Black Panther Party Chairman Fred Hampton did, and why it is the U.S. government cut him down.  At that time, Hampton had gained a basic understanding of this capitalist system as the problem, and was going to all the people to unite to fight the power structure, the real problem.  Hampton told people not to fight each other but let’s unite and go for revolution to take this entire system down—and that is one reason this system's armed enforcers assassinated Fred Hampton. COINTELPRO was all about pitting people and groups against each other and now we see this happening today.

    Bob Avakian is now saying to Black people caught up in these attacks on immigrants—you are joining with forces that are oppressing you… instead let’s unite to go after the real enemy.  This is especially important now… when we are only weeks away from the 2024 election.  Let’s fight to bring a different and better future for everybody and not act like animals chasing breadcrumbs in a pen the powers got you locked up in.


    From a Black Educator in California

    Bob Avakian a Racist? NONSENSE!

    I found Bob Avakian as a young man, seeking a revolutionary analysis like what I read from George Jackson. I found an old article in the Revolutionary Worker magazine upholding the Panthers and George Jackson, written by BA.

    Soon after I am introduced to BA in a clip speaking at a Black Panther Party rally in the 1960s.

    From Ike to Mao and Beyond cover


    If you need more, read the man's memoirs and his deep appreciation for the history, culture and revolutionary potential of Black people in America.  It's a cornerstone of his analysis.


    From a longtime follower of BA 

    I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of living in this rotten-ass capitalist-imperialist system. The way it forces people to come at things in terms of “me, me, me.” Fighting for crumbs from this foul empire, crumbs derived from children mining coltan in Africa, made possible by bombing precious Palestinian babies. 

    Read more

    I’m very tired since Bob Avakian taught me that we don’t have to live this way, showed me a revolutionary way out.  These attempts to suck Black people into hating on immigrants is one of many obstacles that will be placed in our path on the way to winning a real revolution. We need the historically great scientific leadership of BA to get past those obstacles. You better recognize—the imperialists do!—that’s why they’re attacking BA as he provides leadership against this Blacks-hating-immigrants bullshit.

    More than have his back, we must form a wall between BA and the imperialists with the lofty spirit of “I am Spartacus!”—“I am Bob Avakian, y’all!”  It’s time, folks, if you want to live in a much better society and a much better world, then it’s time to stop talking shit.  Time to step up and start preparing for a real revolution. And a central part of that is to practice, promote, and protect Bob Avakian.  We need to do this as if our lives and our futures depending on it—because they do! 

    From a retired educator

    Response to attacks on RCP and Brother Bob for calling out Africans who blame immigrants for economic problems in our communities.

    I am not on social media so I cannot speak to the written attacks on Bob Avakian because he made the correct analysis that Africans blaming/bashing immigrants is shortsighted. However, I can comment on the UncleTomHouseNegroHandkerchiefHeadOreo scum that physically attacked a RCP meeting in Chicago.

    First, I must be living in a bubble because I don't personally know any Africans who aren't clear that capitalism’s attacks on immigrants is a divide-and-conquer/divide-and-rule tactic. So to have to read about Africans touting Trump and attempting to shut down a RevCom store hurts my heart.

    Second, given our history, Africans should be the most radical leadership. Of any people we should have learned the lessons of oppression and side with the oppressed no matter where and at all times. 

    Read more

    Africans have stood against the long fascism going back to the counterrevolution of 1836 when Texas became a slaveholding republic against the laws of Mexico which had already smashed slavery decades before the US. We stood against the protofascist state of the slavocracy in the Confederate States of America. We stood against the reneging of Reconstruction, lynching and Jim Crow segregation. We stood against HUAC and went to the UN to claim, “We Charge Genocide!” against the US. We stood against apartheid in South Africa. We called for a United Front Against Fascism and started the National Committees to Combat Fascism across the US. We theorized racial capitalism and showed how fascism has never existed without anti-Blackness at its core. We exposed the school-to-prison pipeline and the prison-industrial-complex. Whether it was Ida B. Wells, Paul Robeson, Claudia Jones, WEB Du Bois, the Black Panther Party/the Black Liberation Army, Cedric Robinson, or Ruthie Gilmore, we led the way against fascism because we have been its main victims. So to have to see Africans stand with fascists is beyond disgusting.

    Third, at the millennium California calculated that undocumented workers took out $7 billion in education, healthcare, etc, from state coffers throughout the 1990s. California also counted $12 billion that the same undocumented workers put into California through their labor and taxes. That’s a $5 billion surplus California got in the ‘90s from the very people that mainstream media and rightwing gaslighters have lied and said are “a drain on our economy.” I wish someone would “drain” my bank account like that! 

    Finally, I am proud of RCP for fighting back and rallying the audience to stand up against their attackers. It's time for us to unite against fascism. The Revolutionary Communist Party and Bob Avakian are not afraid to take a stand against fascism in any color. May we all be so bold. 



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    Send your statements of support for Bob Avakian and the revcoms and reach out to get involved by emailing:
    On the Lies and Attacks Against Bob Avakian and the Revcoms from Black MAGA Fascists

    The revolutionary leader Bob Avakian (BA) recently challenged the ugly rise of hateful immigrant-bashing among Black people in an uncompromising social media dispatch titled “Black People Hating on Immigrants. Nonsense, and worse, from people who should know better.” Everybody knows of the racist lying rants, threats and actions from Donald Trump and his fascist MAGA movement viciously targeting migrants and asylum-seeking refugees. What many don’t know is how these fascists are organizing in Black communities and how way too many Black people are taking this poison up.

    On September 8, these Black MAGA fascists and a crew of narrow, reactionary Black nationalists tried to violently break up a public discussion of Bob Avakian's messages at the Revcom Center on the South Side of Chicago. They tried to bum rush the front of the room by punching, shoving and threatening worse, but the revcoms united the audience to usher them out of the Revcom Center. In the days before this assault, these bootlicking Black Trumpers ranted at the local City Council meeting and demanded that official action be taken against the revcoms. And all this took place amidst a shitstorm online. Over the last few weeks and continuing to now, all kinds of lies, slander and character assassination has been spread against Bob Avakian, that he is some kind of "racist," with some posting outright threats. Some of this poison has gone viral in the fascist internet echo chamber, with some things reaching beyond. Some of these anonymous online pigs have tagged federal police agencies. 

    These scurrilous bullshit attacks aimed at Bob Avakian cannot be tolerated. This must be forcefully condemned by everyone who cares about a just future for people here and around the world. We know from the history of ugly attacks on revolutionary leaders where these kind of divisive counter-revolutionary lies and threats can lead.

    We call on people from all walks of life to defend Bob Avakian. Read more >>


    An excerpt from Bob Avakian (BA)—Official Biography


    Below is an excerpt from Bob Avakian (BA)—Official Biography, published here with the permission of The Bob Avakian Institute.

    The entire Biography is available at The Bob Avakian Institute.  

    Bob Avakian - Official Biography book cover



    In January 1979, a demonstration was held in Washington, DC on the occasion of Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping’s visit to the U.S. for a meeting with then U.S. President Jimmy Carter. Deng Xiaoping was the leader of the process of overthrowing socialism and restoring capitalism in China. The RCP organized a demonstration in Washington, DC in opposition to this, denouncing and exposing what was represented by Deng Xiaoping and his meeting with Carter. This demonstration was viciously attacked by the police, seriously injuring some of the 500 demonstrators and arresting dozens, including Avakian. The authorities in DC ended up charging BA and about a dozen others with multiple felonies that carried a maximum sentence of 241 years.



    Bob Avakian on a speaking tour in 1979 .   

    In response, the RCP rallied hundreds of supporters to go to DC itself and organized political support around the country for what came to be known as the Mao Tsetung Defendants. In connection with this, BA went on a speaking tour in a number of major cities across the U.S. that reached thousands of people.

    Owing to the political support that was rallied, and to the work of the legal team representing the Mao Tsetung Defendants, the charges against BA and the other Mao Tsetung Defendants were temporarily dismissed, although it was clear that the government could, and very possibly would, work to reinstate these charges. At the same time, in connection with BA’s appearance in Los Angeles as part of his national speaking tour, an article appeared in the Los Angeles Times which distorted things to make it seem that BA had threatened the president of the United States. Even though the Los Angeles Times was forced to print a partial retraction, agents of the Secret Service came to BA’s residence seeking to “question” him about this alleged threat to President Carter.

    In 1980, the RCP faced many arrests and other repression. Damián García, who was closely associated with the RCP and who was known for having raised a red flag on top of the Alamo a few weeks earlier as part of building for RCP-sponsored demonstrations on May Day 1980, was murdered in Los Angeles. In this same period there were growing reports of death threats against Avakian from various quarters.

    Noting the developing pattern of repression directed against BA—and looking at this in light of the historical experience of how the ruling class of the U.S. and its state has dealt with revolutionaries (such as the political assassinations of revolutionaries like Malcolm X and Black Panther Party leader Fred Hampton) and even dissidents who represent serious opposition—the decision was made that BA should leave the U.S. in order to disrupt what were clearly mounting attempts by the powers that be to move against him. In 1981, BA applied for political refugee status in France. During this period, the charges against the Mao Tsetung Defendants, including BA, were in fact reinstated. BA’s application for political refugee status was denied—this application had been a definite embarrassment not only to the U.S. imperialists and their posture as the world’s greatest democracy and “leader of the free world,” but also to the French and UN authorities, who try to act as if there is not, and could not possibly be, political repression in a country like the U.S.

    Only through a continuing campaign to rally political support, along with fighting this in the legal arena, was a successful resolution achieved in the case of the Mao Tsetung Defendants, with no defendants having to serve jail time and all the charges against BA completely dropped.


    Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution:

    The Two-Year Anniversary of the Historic “Jina Uprising” in Iran

    People of the World Take up Cry of Revolution from Iran as Your Own!


    Tehran, September 29, 2022.    Photo: SalamPix/Abaca/Sipa USA

    Two years ago this week, the people of Iran erupted in a ferocious rebellion that lasted well over four months. It was centered on the question of women’s oppression in a way that had never been seen before. The clarion call from Iran reverberated around the world and came to be known as the “Woman, Life, Freedom” uprising. 

    Women removed their headscarves to protest at the funeral of Mahsa Amini (inset) who died after being arrested by Iran's "morality police"


    Women removed their headscarves to protest at the funeral of Mahsa Amini (inset) who died after being arrested by Iran's "morality police"   

    The unprecedented uprising was sparked by the in-custody death of Mahsa Jina Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman arrested by Iran’s hated “morality police.” It was something that had happened before—and frankly since—too often in too many places. Yet seemingly out of nowhere, her death was one too many and it lit a long burning fuse. Women—thousands, then millions—poured into the streets defiantly tearing off and even burning their regime-mandated headscarf (hijab) in the face of batons, bullets, and prison. They demanded an end to the religious based laws that govern every facet of their lives, including what they must wear. No country in recent history had witnessed such an uprising that exposed and challenged the raw wound of women’s oppression in such a sustained and massive way. 

    Crowd faces off with police in Iran


    Tehran, September 2022.   

    Hundreds of thousands of men came into the streets to join these women. Hundreds of thousands of people from oppressed minority nationalities (e.g., Kurds, Baluchis, Arabs, etc.) came out as well demanding an end to their oppression. Millions from all backgrounds raised the demand for freedom that was inspired by the mighty fury of women fighting against their brutal oppression. This unprecedented outpouring of rage and joy shook the foundations of the Islamic fundamentalist regime. The legitimacy of the regime’s right to rule was called into question and the cry for an end to it rang out from many quarters of that society including many artists and intellectuals.

    Vicious Repression and Ongoing Courage

    Eventually the regime was able to force this outpouring off of the streets, and the struggle subsided. In the months and years since then, the regime has been able to imprison and murder some of those who bravely defied their rule. But Iran’s rulers have not succeeded in killing the hopes and desires of those who stood up! Huge numbers of women in Iran are defying the forced hijab, including by courageous women prisoners in Evin Prison, taking great risks to do so.

    Today in the face of rampant executions, torture and official media slanders, heroic resistance continues, most notably actions taken by prisoners against executions. The resistance to the regime continues in different ways as people persist in defying the clampdown on women and girls aimed at reasserting the Reign of Terror from this regime over them. The struggle of the women and the broad masses of people in Iran is our struggle. Their blood is our blood and their cry for real and lasting liberation is one that we must support and join with, fighting to advance this same fight all over the world. Ending the oppression of women is part and parcel of making a real revolution and bringing about a world where humanity as a whole is finally set free.

    The U.S. Is NOT a “Friend” of Iran's People

    At the same time, it is very important to be vigilant to the threats and machinations of the U.S. imperialists against Iran. Since the overthrow of its brutal puppet Shah of Iran in 1979, the U.S. has regarded Iran as a bone in their throat to dominate that region (and counter China and Russia imperialist influence). Various figures in U.S. officialdom have feigned support for the uprising and also cried crocodile tears about the Islamic regime's brutal repression, including bullshit bills in Congress. Besides economic and diplomatic pressures such as crippling sanctions, the U.S. may use other means, including by working through and with Israel, to attack Iran and restore U.S. domination. These imperialists must not be allowed to subvert the revolutionary aspirations of the people of Iran for their own reactionary ends.

    Iranian women without hijabs dance around a bonfire.


    Iranian women without hijabs, in defiance of Iran's theocratic regime, dance around a bonfire in Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan province, September 22, 2022.      Photo: via twitter @Shayan86 

    What Will the Future Be?

    Two years on, the question is ever more sharply posed in Iran—what next? Within Iran and around the world, there are profoundly different understandings as to what it will take to carry forward the righteous spirit of this struggle and actually achieve lasting liberation for woman and all people. We encourage our readers to go to for the many key articles by the Communist Party of Iran, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist (CPI[MLM]) that point to the revolutionary process and direction needed to answer “what’s next?” The question they posed on September 13 last year still burns:

    The cry for freedom has been on the lips of millions in Iran—but the burning question is, will this be freedom for the oppressed to seize on the turmoil that is tearing apart the old order to make revolution, overthrow the regime along with all relations of oppression and exploitation and replace it with something much better? Or will exploiters and oppressors be free in one form or another, either to continue the old regime or continue the same conditions of oppression and exploitations with new faces at the top?

    You cannot break all the chains, except one. You cannot say you want to be free of exploitation and oppression, except you want to keep the oppression of women by men. You can’t say you want to liberate humanity yet keep one half of the people enslaved to the other half. The oppression of women is completely bound up with the division of society into masters and slaves, exploiters and exploited, and the ending of all such conditions is impossible without the complete liberation of women. All this is why women have a tremendous role to play not only in making revolution but in making sure there is all-the-way revolution. The fury of women can and must be fully unleashed as a mighty force for proletarian revolution.

    —Bob Avakian, BAsics, 3:22


    U.S.-Russia Proxy War in Ukraine: 

    Dangerous New U.S.-NATO Escalation Reportedly in the Works

    ALERT: An extremely dangerous new step in the U.S.-Russia proxy war in Ukraine, a step with potentially catastrophic consequences, is being seriously considered by the U.S. and its NATO allies: allowing Ukraine to use NATO weapons to strike targets deep inside Russia for the first time.

    In the past the U.S. has been wary doing so for fear of sparking a wider war, possibly directly between the U.S. and Russia, which could damage their interests. But the cold-blooded imperialist calculations of the U.S. rulers may be shifting.

    Map of Ukraine, Black Sea, Turkey, East Europs


    In recent weeks, the U.S. and NATO have apparently been giving serious consideration to authorizing Ukraine to use British and French long-range missiles to attack deep inside Russia. This was reported as being a focus of the September 13 meeting between President Biden and Britain’s Prime Minister Starmer. The New York Times reports that this step “could be far more consequential” than previous U.S.-NATO moves to provide Ukraine with more and more deadly weapons. 

    This would constitute the most direct U.S.-NATO intervention in this bloody two and-a-half-year war, and a dramatic escalation—an escalation with unpredictable and potentially deadly consequences for millions, perhaps billions of people. 

    Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin immediately warned that such a step “will mean that NATO countries—the United States and European countries—are at war with Russia…. And if this is the case, then, bearing in mind the change in the essence of the conflict, we will make appropriate decisions in response to the threats that will be posed to us.” 

    This is a very ominous declaration from Putin who has repeatedly threatened that Russia would use nuclear weapons if it felt its strategic interests or existence were fundamentally threatened. 

    Compounding all this, on September 15, the Guardian and other British news outlets reported that “Britain and the US have raised fears that Russia has shared nuclear secrets with Iran in return for Tehran supplying Moscow with ballistic missiles to bomb Ukraine.” If that story is true, it adds to the pressure in the situation; if it is not, it could indicate forces within Britain and/or the U.S. attempting to add to the pressure. 

    Ukraine: NOT a Just War to Defend Ukraine and “Democracy”—a Reactionary Proxy War Between Rival Imperialist Powers

    An Army Tactical Missile System, a long-range ballistic missile that the U.S. secretly provided to Ukraine, which can strike targets up to 190 miles away.


    An Army Tactical Missile System, a long-range ballistic missile that the U.S. secretly provided to Ukraine, which can strike targets up to 190 miles away.    Photo: AP

    Biden and the U.S. imperialists portray the slaughter in Ukraine as a just war in defense of Ukrainian sovereignty and the front lines of a battle between western democracy and Russian “autocracy.” This was a major theme of Kamala Harris in her recent debate with Trump.

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 was indeed an act of brutal imperialist aggression. But the U.S. imperialists didn’t respond by fighting for the interests of the people of Ukraine and the world. They responded the only way they could—in line with defending the imperial interests of their system, interests which dictated that it not allow its Russian rival to advance its domination. Instead, they seized on the invasion to try to deal their Russian imperialist rivals a massive defeat. In fact, the U.S. has been using the people of Ukraine as cannon fodder in this proxy war, a war that has already led to estimates of between 600,000 and 800,000 killed or wounded soldiers on both sides and more than 35,000 civilians either killed or wounded in Ukraine. 1

    The U.S. is determined to deal Russia a military defeat and a serious blow to its global influence and ambitions. Both the U.S. and Russia have made clear that they cannot allow the other to prevail. At the same time, they have both maneuvered to avoid an all-out war. 

    Damage to a residential building outside Moscow following an alleged Ukrainian drone attack, September 10, 2024.


    A residential building outside Moscow following an alleged Ukrainian drone attack, September 10, 2024.    Photo: AP

    Yet developments on the ground have forced each to steadily escalate the war in the face of difficulties. Throughout the war Biden has provided Ukraine with more and more deadly weapons after first hesitating: HIMARS artillery, then M1 Abrams tanks, then F-16 fighters and short- and long-range ATACMS missiles. 

    Now in recent months Russia has seized more territory in eastern Ukraine, which is reportedly running low on troops and munitions. Meanwhile Ukraine launched a surprise attack and seized a small area of Russian territory. Britain’s prime minister called the next weeks and months “crucial” for the U.S.-NATO war in Ukraine. 

    A direct military confrontation between the U.S. and Russia holds the extreme danger of the conflict spiraling out into a nuclear conflict.

    In the past U.S.-NATO provided weapons that had been used inside Russia, but only close to Ukraine’s borders. Now Biden is on the verge of authorizing the use of weapons that can strike deep inside Russia. 

    U.S. officials and military “experts” have been pooh-poohing the danger that Russia would seriously escalate or resort to nuclear weapons. They claim Putin is bluffing. This is irresponsible, criminal speculation by war criminals who are again gambling with the lives of hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of people for their own predatory imperialist aims and objectives. 2

    All this underscores the urgency and immediacy of the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian’s declaration that: 

    We, the people of the world, can no longer afford to allow these imperialists to continue to dominate the world and determine the destiny of humanity. They need to be overthrown as quickly as possible. And it is a scientific fact that we do not have to live this way.



    1. In August 2023, the New York Times reported, “The total number of Ukrainian and Russian troops killed or wounded since the war in Ukraine began 18 months ago is nearing 500,000. Reliable statistics on the casualties in this war are difficult to find, but clearly many more have been killed and wounded on both sides since that NY Times report. Newsweek reported on September 10, 2024, that Ukrainian authorities have put the number of Russian casualties at 627,790. The Washington Post reported in April this year that the number of Ukrainian troops killed are "likely more than double" the figure of 31,000 given by the Ukrainian regime.

    The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) verified a total of 35,160 civilian casualties during Russia's invasion of Ukraine as of July 31, 2024. Of them, 23,640 people were reported to have been injured. However, OHCHR specified that the real numbers could be higher.  [back]

    2. See, Bob Avakian, THE FOG OF WAR, THE CLARITY OF WAR,, April 1, 2022 for how wars can escalate unpredictably, in spite of the participants' efforts to control or contain them. [back]


    From a Reader:

    A Shout-Out to the Rhymes of Resistance Concert

    Editors’ note: We received this correspondence on the Rhymes of Resistance concert that took place in Helsinki, Finland, on August 31.

    Poster for Rhymes of Resistance concert in Helsinki, Finland, August 31, 2024.


    Poster for Rhymes of Resistance event, August 31, 2024, Helsinki, Finland.    Graphic: Rhymes of Resistance

    Joy and anger, grief and shared community, sweet melodies and clashing rock riffs, with musical artists and speakers from Palestine, Finland, Iran, Afghanistan, U.S., Egypt, bringing together their music and passion in Helsinki, Finland. Initiated by Osyan/Revolt,3 this very internationalist event felt like a small piece of a better liberating future, where people from diverse artistic expressions across oceans, borders, languages and culture came together to forge a new unity. 

    Shekib Mosadeq jumped off the stage to join the crowd dancing, as he sang a mix cover of a song, Jako, by Armenian-French duo Ladaniva. Video: Osyan, posted by Shekib Mosadeq

    As an Instagram post (translated from Farsi) by @Maosyangarim and @RhymesofResistance summed up:

    “Rhymes of Resistance” is the name of the live music concert that was held for Woman, Life, Freedom and Free Palestine last Saturday, August 31, at the initiative of Osyan with the cooperation of many other people and groups in Helsinki. In this concert, different singers and groups from all over the world were present in solidarity with Woman, Life, Freedom and Palestine: The Outernational band from America; Shekib Mosadeq from [Afghanistan, living in] Germany; Egyptian singer Ramy EssamMira Shatat, the Palestinian singer; and Finnish rapper Tuuliviiri... 

    This completely volunteer-run and nonprofit program was open to the public and more than 300 people from various backgrounds participated in it. All of them aim to show that they stand by the various struggles of people from Iran to Palestine, from Congo to America, and no one is free unless we are all free.

    With this program, the message to the fighting people of Iran was to stand against the genocide in Palestine and not to let the message of the Woman, Life, Freedom uprising be kidnapped by pro-Israel Iranian fascists! The message to the Palestinian people was to stand by the Woman, Life, Freedom uprising and not allow the Islamic Republic kidnap the cause of Palestine! The Islamic Republic and Israel are both fascist and anti-human governments. Our fight should be against both and against the whole system that creates such regimes. Our struggle is the same all over the world and this voice was shouted in different languages from the mouths of the singers of “Rhymes of Resistance”. Amplify this sound!

    Video by @maosyangarim on YouTube
    Outernational singing at Rhymes of Resistance concert in Helsinki, Finland, August 31, 2024.


    Members of revolutionary U.S. band Outernational on stage.    Photo: Rhymes of Resistance

    Mira Shatat at Rhymes of Resistance concert in Helsinki, Finland, August 31, 2024.


    Palestinian singer Mira Shatat    Photo: Rhymes of Resistance

    Ramy Essam and Samuli Kivelä singing at Rhymes of Resistance, Helsinki, Finland, August 31, 2024.


    Ramy Essam and Samuli Kivelä     Photo: Rhymes of Resistance

    Rhymes of Resistance also posted:

    Beside wonderful artists we had great speakers such as @gashawbibani @arezoariapoor @norasayyad @mozaffari.bahar and @burnthecage. The strong message of this event should spread everywhere! This was just a beginning of a movement we have to build in Finland and everywhere. This was just the beginning of a movement that does not support one part of humanity at the cost of dismissing another part of it. This movement should be consistent in its values, what is happening now shouldn’t happen to the people of Palestine, nor to people of Iran, Afghanistan, Europe or USA. This movement does not side with any oppressive regime because one of their policies seems to benefit us at this moment—without seeing how in general it is against the interest of humanity. We ask you to step forward and bring your ideas for organizing such events together with us. Write to Rhymes of Resistance page and let’s connect and let’s discuss the crucial things for the future of humanity, for solving environmental crisis, for stopping wars and genocide, for freeing all people from all kind of oppression and exploitation around the world. Free Palestine! Woman Life Freedom!

    An audio message in Farsi from exiled Iranian rapper Justina in Sweden was played. She was not granted a visa to travel to Finland for the concert. “I really wanted to be there to perform live for you, for the people who understand my language, but what can I do? It seems I am… to look for a home until the end of life! I wish all of us can go back home one day and make these kinds of events for celebration, not in the memory of the lost ones.”

    Outernational: Welcome to the Revolution!

    Welcome to the Revolution by ¡OUTERNATIONAL!


    Album poster    Graphic: ¡Outernational!

    Wish you were there? The revolutionary rock band Outernational is playing two “Welcome to the Revolution” concerts this month: September 19 in NYC @lprnyc and September 28 in LA @theparamountla. This on the heels of their release of the “Welcome to the Revolution” album. Get tickets and find out how to listen to their music here: Don’t miss it!



    1. Osyan/Revolt is a group of Iranian and Afghan women who are the voice of women’s rebellion to express the determination, and to serve the struggle against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Taliban. [back]


    Driving while Black Going to Work:

    Miami Police Terrorize NFL Football Player

    This body cam image from Miami-Dade Police shows Miami Dolphins receiver Tyreek Hill being arrested during a traffic stop, September 8, 2024.


    This body cam image from Miami-Dade Police shows Miami Dolphins receiver Tyreek Hill being arrested during a traffic stop, September 8, 2024.    Photo: AP

    As Tyreek Hill, the All-Pro wide receiver of the Miami Dolphins, drove to his game last Sunday, he was stopped by the Miami cops for allegedly speeding. The pigs took Hill out of the car, forced him on the ground and handcuffed him. (A video taken by a bystander shows what happened.)

    A couple of his teammates saw this and they got out of their car. When one of them, Calais Campbell, told the cops that he wanted to help out, he was also put in handcuffs. Campbell later said, “I’d seen, I feel like excessive force, so I get out of the car to kind of just try to de-escalate the situation—a bit extreme.”

    After the game, Hill, who is Black, said, “I don’t want to bring race into it, but sometimes it gets kind of iffy if you do. What if I wasn’t Tyreek Hill? Lord knows what that guy or those guys would have done.” 

    Hill was interviewed on CNN on Monday where he got more into how he felt: “I wasn’t moving fast because you know I got injuries, I got things that I go through. I play a physical sport, I’ve been doing this for a moment now man so I’m dealing with some stuff, so I guess the officers they felt like I wasn’t doing it on their timing. I was doing it but I’m still kind of shell shocked from it.” Later in the interview, he thought about how bad it could have ended: “If I wasn’t Tyreek Hill, worst-case scenario, we would’ve had a different article. Tyreek Hill got shot in front of Hard Rock Stadium, that’s worst-case scenario.”

    Hill’s head coach, Mike McDaniel, said that he has never been in the situation that Hill and Campbell were in because while he is biracial, he looks white: “It’s hard not to find myself more upset the more I think about it. The thing that fucks me up, being quite frank, is I don’t know what that feels like.”

    To better understand what happened, you have to picture the situation. The pigs pull over a dark-skinned Black man, wearing a tank top with lots of jewelry and driving an expensive sports car. In their eyes, this person is not “legitimate,” so they’re going to fuck him up and put him in his place. This is the point that Hill is making about a “worst-case scenario”—as he and other Black people know, there is a long history in this country of Black people driving in the “wrong” neighborhood being stopped and fucked with, brutalized, even killed.

    As revolutionary Bob Avakian says about pigs:

    The role of the police is not to serve and protect the people. It is to serve and protect the system that rules over the people. To enforce relations of exploitation and oppression, the conditions of poverty, misery and degradation into which the system has cast people and is determined to keep people in. The law and order the police are about, with all of their brutality and murder, is the law and order that enforces all this oppression and madness. (BAsics 1:24)

    Once again, the pigs send a message to the masses of people that their “job” is to terrorize, brutalize and even murder them. And that they will do this to anybody, especially Black and other oppressed people—including an All-Pro NFL player. This shit will only end when we end this system of capitalism-imperialism that unleashes their pigs upon the people.



    Who Killed Amber Thurman? 

    Bob Avakian On What Is Capitalism & Why He Is Not Running For President

    Episode 214 of The RNL — Revolution, Nothing Less! — Show