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Drop the Charges on Noche Diaz and Leo Pargo!

As Trump targets Chicago for mass deportations, CPD outrageously arrest Revcoms for leading a crowd to chant “In the name of humanity, we refuse a fascist America!”

Noche Diaz and Leo Pargo


Noche Diaz and Leo Pargo.  Watch the video of the arrest.   

Noche Diaz is a national spokesperson for the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity

Leo Pargo is a leader of the Revcom Corps in Chicago

On February 1, Noche Diaz and Leo Pargo were part of an emergency protest called by the Revcom Corps, which converged with another protest of mainly Latino youth against the ICE raids being launched by Trump. Together, hundreds of people marched through downtown Chicago to protest mass deportations and the whole Trump/MAGA fascist program.

Right in front of Trump Tower, Noche Diaz spoke from atop a bus stop and led the crowd to chant: “NO! In the name of humanity, we refuse a fascist America! Into the streets, day after day. Do not stop. Make this country ungovernable!”

A swarm of Chicago police, including a Deputy Chief, violently pushed into the crowd, endangering many protesters, and illegitimately arrested Noche and Leo.

The two have since been released and face Class A misdemeanor charges, the most severe type in Illinois law. Noche is charged with Reckless Conduct and Leo is charged with Obstructing an officer. Both charges carry up to 364 days in jail and a $2,500 fine. As shown in the video, these charges are ridiculous and illegitimate. This is a straight up violation of basic First Amendment rights.

Since Trump’s inauguration, people have been hit with a fascist whirlwind of government purges, attacks on immigrants and trans people, anti-scientific lunacy, and destruction of rule of law itself. There are beginnings of important resistance, but this is nowhere near enough! Noche and Leo not only had a legal right to do what they did, THEY WERE RIGHT! They are doing what everyone needs to be doing right now.

Inspired by the message from the revolutionary leader Bob Avakian that “This is not a time for demoralization and despair—it is a time for righteous anger and revolutionary determination,” they told the truth, acted with courage, and inspired others to do the same.

Everyone who values the right to free speech, and doesn’t want to see people brutally arrested for exercising that right, should demand: DROP THE CHARGES!

Everyone who is outraged about the terror being inflicted on immigrants, and the fact this supposed “sanctuary city” is prosecuting protesters who stand up for immigrants, should demand: DROP THE CHARGES!

Everyone who recognizes the grave danger we are facing with Trump/MAGA fascism, and the importance of mobilizing millions to defeat this, should demand: DROP THE CHARGES!

Everyone who recognizes that there’s something fundamentally rotten about the current system and appreciates the work of these revolutionary leaders fighting for a positive way forward — and doesn’t want to see them targeted and suppressed — should demand: DROP THE CHARGES!

** Sign the petition!  →

** Stand with Noche and Leo in court: 
March 12, 9am, 727 East 111th St, Chicago, Branch 35-2

** Learn more about THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity and get involved at petition QR Code, for Noche and Leo


We are at a turning point in history. The capitalist-imperialist system is a horror for billions of people here and around the world and threatening the very fabric of life on earth. Now the election of fascist Trump poses even more extreme dangers for humanity—and underscores the total illegitimacy of this system, and the urgent need for a radically different system.

The website follows the revolutionary leadership of Bob Avakian (BA), the author of the new communism. Bob Avakian has scientifically analyzed that we are in a rare time when an actual revolution has become more possible in the U.S. He’s charted a strategy for making that revolution, and laid out a sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for “what comes next” in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America. projects BA’s voice, leadership, and vision throughout society. It posts his timely leadership for the revcoms (revolutionary communists) and the whole movement for revolution, including his social media posts, and curates his whole body of work. 

Our website applies the scientific approach BA has developed to analyze major events in society and the world—why they are happening, how they relate to each other, how all this relates to the system we live under, where people's interests lie, how revolution is in fact the solution to all this, and what the goals of that revolution are. acts as a guiding and connecting hub for the revcom movement nationwide: showing what’s being done, digging into what’s right and what’s wrong, and rapidly learning—and recruiting new people into what has to be a rapidly growing force. As part of this, feature and promotes the weekly The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show on 

Put it this way: there will be no revolution unless this website not only “keeps going” but rises to a whole different level!

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