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Israel Goes on a Rampage in the West Bank “Exactly” like Gaza
Harris Recruits “Willing Accomplices”
What Are YOU Going to Do?

Rubble from Israeli airstrike on homes in the West Bank refugee camp of Nur Shams, Tulkarem, August 29, 2024.


Rubble from Israeli airstrike on homes in the West Bank refugee camp of Nur Shams, Tulkarem, August 29, 2024.    Photo: AP

In his social media post REVOLUTION #79, revolutionary leader Bob Avakian (BA) poses this:

[T]he price” for supporting the Democrats is to become complicit in their backing of Israel in its genocidal slaughter of Palestinians, and the other monstrous crimes continually perpetrated by this system—a price” that no decent person should be willing to pay.

Read on to get a picture, and a feel—limited by being words on a screen without the screams of the victims and the sounds of drones, bombs, and bulldozers—for Israels ongoing rampage against Palestinians in the West Bank.

Then read Kamala Harriss response” to an interview question on policy toward Israel.

After you do, we will return to BAs social media post #79.

A Genocidal Rampage in the West Bank

Israeli military continues deadly raid into second day across the West Bank

Beginning as early as 3:00 am on August 28, Israel launched a ferocious, deadly, destructive rampage in three cities in the West Bank region of Palestine: Jenin, Tulkarem, and Tubas. Hundreds of Israeli soldiers in columns of armored vehicles and bulldozers, backed by drones and war planes have killed at least 22 people. Some of those killed are reportedly associated with armed anti-Israel forces,1   but the main target of the raids has been the thousands of residents of these cities.

In Jenin, Israeli forces blocked exit and entry points and access to hospitals. They shut down or ripped up infrastructure including roads, internet and cell service, and water and sewage systems. Israeli forces surrounded the main hospital in Jenin and have reportedly been searching people entering and exiting the facility. Israel is ordering mass evacuations from areas it is shooting up, and then shooting at many of those who attempt to flee, or to reach a hospital for treatment of wounds from bombs and bullets. 

Testimony from the Freedom Theatre

On the Third day of the Israeli invasion in Jenin, the situation continues to worsen.

Jenin is the home of the internationally renowned Freedom Theatre.2 During the current assault, the Theatre has enabled Palestinians to document the Israeli death, destruction, and terror on Instagram. The following is text extracted from video posted by theater producer Rawand Arqawi.

The situation is the most difficult situation, the situation is getting worse and worse.... The hospitals are still besieged, and the patients have a very difficult situation as they have no food, and also there is no electricity, and no internet, and no one can reach them. 

Israeli bulldozers destroyed all the streets in the area, in Jenin City and Jenin Refugee Camp. They also destroyed the cars and houses for civilians. They attacked the houses and arrested more than 60 young boys in Jenin City and Jenin Refugee Camp. They occupied buildings with snipers, lots of drones and war planes in the sky.

Yesterday the Israeli army targeted a mosque in the Ashakia area, and they destroyed the mosque. In the morning an Israeli airstrike targeted a car, and they kidnapped the bodies of the young people who were in the car. But no one knows who was in this car and how many young boys were martyred because they didnt allow anyone to reach there.

So, this is what is happening in Jenin City and Jenin Refugee Camp, and this is the most difficult situation.

A Move to Gaza-Level Genocidal Ethnic Cleansing

The raids in the West Bank represent a move by Israel to Gaza-level genocidal ethnic cleansing. There was not even a murmur of concern from the Biden-Harris administration. 

Israels foreign minister Israel Katz declared Israel will carry out its rampage of the West Bank: We must deal with the threat just as we deal with terrorist infrastructure in Gaza, including the temporary evacuation of Palestinian residents and whatever steps might be required. This is a war for everything and we must win it.”

Lets break down exactly what this has meant in Gaza:

  • “Exactly how we deal with the terror infrastructure” means using any presence of Hamas or associated forces, whether actual or in many cases non-existent, to carry out mass murder of civilians, destruction of hospitals, schools, religious sites (mosques and churches), destruction of civilian infrastructure like water, electricity, and sewage systems—all of which fosters starvation and disease and has made Gaza literally unlivable.
  • “Temporary evacuation” in Gaza means death marches to what amount to concentration camps, intended to crush the Palestinian people, drive them from their homeland, break them, or all of that. 
  • And “a war for everything” in Gaza has meant and means that the dominant forces in the Israeli ruling class are hell-bent on what they see as a “solution” to the “Palestinian problem.” Again, they are using this war to utterly smash the Palestinian people—murdering, crippling and traumatizing many, and, to the extent possible, making life unlivable enough for the rest to drive them out in their homeland.

Kamala Harris: No” Change in Arming and Enabling Israels Genocide

Israeli bulldozer in the streets of the West Bank, August 29, 2024.


Israeli bulldozer in the streets of the West Bank refugee camp of Tulkarem, August 29, 2024.    Photo: AP

On August 30, in the midst of the Israeli attacks on the West Bank (and pause here to think about what you just read is going on), Vice President Kamala Harris did her first actual interview with a media outlet since she was anointed Democratic nominee for president. 

Here’s what she said in the interview with CNN’s Dana Bash:

Harris: Let me be very clear. Im unequivocal and—and unwavering in my commitment to Israels defense and its ability to defend itself. And thats not gonna change. But lets take a step back. October 7, 1,200 people are massacred, many young people who are simply attending a musical festival. Women were horribly raped. As I said then, I say today, Israel had a right—has a right to defend itself. We would. And how it does so matters. Far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. And we have got to get a deal done. We—we were in Doha. We have to get a deal done. This war must end…

Bash: But no change in policy in terms of arms and—and so forth?

Harris: No. I—we have to get a deal done.

Lets dispense with the bullshit:

This is not a war, it is genocidal ethnic cleansing.

Since early in Israels genocidal response to October 7, it is Israel that has stonewalled a ceasefire while the U.S. provides billions after billions of dollars for bombs and missiles, and diplomatic cover” for Israel by blaming Hamas for lack of ceasefire progress.

The situation in Palestine did not begin on October 7, it began with the Nakba, Israel's terrorist ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948, and Israeli violence has continued ever since to defend” an apartheid state built literally on the blood and bones of the Palestinian people (see sidebar, What Is the West Bank,” for background).

And confront the bottom line” for Harris:

Bash: But no change in policy in terms of arms and—and so forth?

Harris: No.

No change in the handoff from Genocide Joe to Kamala Harris. No change in the bombs, missiles, and drones in Gaza and the West Bank; no change in the never-ending diplomatic whitewash, no change in dehumanization of and enabling genocide against the Palestinian people.

There IS a BETTER Way, So What Are YOU Going to Do?

But there is something REAL you can do!

Lets return to BAs social media post:

Enlisting in the cause of the Democratic Party is enlisting as willing accomplices in the crusade of U.S. capitalism-imperialism to remain the worlds number one exploiter, oppressor and plunderer of people and the environment, even at the cost of risking the future, and the very existence, of humanity.

There has to be a better way—and there isrevolution, to overthrow this truly monstrous system of capitalism-imperialism, and bring into being a fundamentally different and much better system and way of life, in the interests of humanity as a whole.

For reasons I have spoken to in depth throughout these messages (beginning with numbers One through Eleven) this revolution is not only profoundly necessary; especially in this rare time we are living in, now, it is possible. It is time, and long past time, to cast away dangerous delusions about the Democrats and the system of capitalism-imperialism that they serve and work to enforce. Everyone who truly hungers for a society and world free of injustice and oppression, and who really is concerned about the future of humanity, needs to become part of the organized ranks working urgently for the revolution to do away with this monstrous system of capitalism-imperialism and bring something much better into being.

Bob Avakian is the revolutionary leader, author of the new communism, and the only person (along with his followers) who is even talking about this actual revolution. In his whole series of social media posts, he gets directly into why this revolution is possible, in this time, and what we need to be doing, right now, so there will be a real possibility for this revolution to succeed

BA is posing a challenge to you to become part of this revolution. If you cannot tolerate the world as it is and if you feel there has to be a better way, start now by following his social media posts.

Settler” Terror and Death Enabled by the Israeli Military

The violent, terrorist ethnic cleansing by the Israeli military takes place in tandem with assaults by heavily armed terrorist militias of Zionist settlers, especially in rural areas of the West Bank. These settlers and their mission of establishing total Israeli control over the West Bank are backed by the highest-level ministers in the Israeli government. 

The Israeli army, along with settlers,” has killed more than 637 Palestinians in the West Bank since the Hamas raid on Israel on October 7, 2023. It should be noted and well-remembered that all these settlements are in violation of numerous United Nations resolutions. 

At the same time that the Israeli army was on a rampage in the West Bank, the UN reported a new wave of "settler” terror against Palestinians. On August 26, dozens of armed Israeli settlers attacked Wadi Rahal village in Bethlehem. They shot 37-year-old Khalil Salem Khlawi in the back, killing him. The UN reported that it was unclear if the murderer was a settler or an Israeli army reservist (or both). Settlers also shot and injured three other Palestinian men and prevented Palestinian ambulances from reaching the injured. And the UN reported that the Israeli military stood by observing until the man was killed, and only later dispersed the settlers, without arresting any of them.”

What Is the West Bank?—A Timeline

Map of Palestine, showing Gaza and West Bank, and surrounding countries


Map: UN

The West Bank region of Palestine lies east of the state of Israel, and west of the Jordan River and the country of Jordan. It is part of historic Palestine, the land lived in overwhelmingly by Palestinian people for hundreds of years, which stretches from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

In 1947: The United Nations—dominated by Western imperialist powers—ordered an unjust division of Palestine into Jewish and Palestinian areas. The division granted greatly disproportional land to the Jewish population which, while it had grown dramatically in the years after World War II, was still less than one third of the Palestinian population. What is now referred to as the West Bank was mandated to be controlled by Palestinians.

In 1948: In the NakbaArabic for catastrophe—heavily armed, highly trained Israeli militia drove 750,000 Palestinians from their homes in Palestine in an orgy of death, rape and terror. In a war with neighboring states that followed, Israel seized most of historic Palestine, while neighboring Jordan occupied the Eastern section of Jerusalem and the West Bank, and Egypt occupied Gaza. Many Palestinians who had been driven from their homes fled to Gaza and the West Bank. Many of them live in UN-administered refugee camps.

In 1967: Israel seized all of Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights region of Syria in a war with neighboring countries. Israel has been occupying the West Bank (and the Golan Heights) ever since.

In 2005: Israel withdrew troops from Gaza but since then has subjected the Palestinian people there to brutal blockades and repeated massacres including in 2008-2009, and 2014; and Israeli massacres of overwhelmingly nonviolent protesters during the Palestinian Great March of Return in 2018-2019. The West Bank, the Golan Heights, and East Jerusalem remain occupied territories” seized in war. Israel is supposedly subject to international rules that require occupying powers to respect the basic rights of the people in occupied territories. Israel has blatantly ignored those rules.

Today, the West Bank is home to about three million Palestinians. It includes cities like Jenin, Tulkarm, and Tubas, and substantial farming communities. Over the past decades, with the funding and support of the Israeli government, several hundred thousand heavily armed Jewish settlers” have set up militarized, walled communities in the West Bank from which they launch terror attacks on the Palestinians.

Before October 7, much of the job” of suppressing anti-Israel protest in the West Bank, especially in the cities, was assigned” to the Palestine Authority (PA) that supposedly, on paper, administers the West Bank. The PA is headquartered in the West Bank city of Ramallah. 

After October 7, 2023: Israel seized on the Hamas raid into Israel—a raid which included war crimes against civilians—to unleash a ferocious genocidal assault on Gaza to kill, crush, and break the Palestinian people there. 

And Israel has increasingly escalated violent terrorist ethnic cleansing in the West Bank in the form of military attacks and settler” violence. While nothing official was said, it is reasonable to conclude that the Israeli government found the PA too weak and unreliable to carry out the necessary level of death and destruction. The dominant section of the Israeli ruling class finds the existence of any entity, including the Palestinian Authority, that is recognized in international bodies as representing the Palestinian people to be intolerable. Since October 7, 2023, Israel has defunded and moved to cripple the PA, and to rely on its own military to kill, terrorize, and drive out Palestinians in the West Bank. 

The so-called two-state solution” that Biden and Harris give lip service to—a Palestinian state” composed of small, disconnected zones surrounded by Israel—would be administered by the PA. To be clear, the so-called two-state solution is not a solution” at all—it is plan for Palestinians to be ruled by a powerless, puppet government answerable to Israel and the U.S. But now, by defunding and pushing aside the PA in the West Bank, Israels government has made it clear that any two state solution” would not only be completely unjust for the Palestinians, but is not going to happen in any event.

For more background and documentation, see the special issue of on Israel.



1. In today’s political environment, absent a genuinely revolutionary force in the field, each new Israeli atrocity, “justified” by the most extreme Jewish-supremacist, racist rhetoric, feeds armed Islamist forces whose program cannot lead to any just or viable liberation of Palestine. There are also reports that Palestinians unaffiliated with any organized political force are waging armed resistance to Israeli terror in Jenin and other places, and are being targeted by Israel in this wave of death and destruction. [back]

2. The Freedom Theatre is a world-renowned institution that produces plays by global and Palestinian playwrights and has trained a thousand Palestinian youth in different dimensions of theater arts. For its artistic and educational work, the Theatre and its administrators have been repeatedly attacked by the Israeli military, with a particular vengeance since the Hamas raid on Israel on October 7, 2023. [back]

We are at a turning point in history. The capitalist-imperialist system is a horror for billions of people here and around the world and threatening the very fabric of life on earth. Now the election of fascist Trump poses even more extreme dangers for humanity—and underscores the total illegitimacy of this system, and the urgent need for a radically different system.

The website follows the revolutionary leadership of Bob Avakian (BA), the author of the new communism. Bob Avakian has scientifically analyzed that we are in a rare time when an actual revolution has become more possible in the U.S. He’s charted a strategy for making that revolution, and laid out a sweeping vision and concrete blueprint for “what comes next” in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America. projects BA’s voice, leadership, and vision throughout society. It posts his timely leadership for the revcoms (revolutionary communists) and the whole movement for revolution, including his social media posts, and curates his whole body of work. 

Our website applies the scientific approach BA has developed to analyze major events in society and the world—why they are happening, how they relate to each other, how all this relates to the system we live under, where people's interests lie, how revolution is in fact the solution to all this, and what the goals of that revolution are. acts as a guiding and connecting hub for the revcom movement nationwide: showing what’s being done, digging into what’s right and what’s wrong, and rapidly learning—and recruiting new people into what has to be a rapidly growing force. As part of this, feature and promotes the weekly The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show on 

Put it this way: there will be no revolution unless this website not only “keeps going” but rises to a whole different level!

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