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National Campaign to Get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere

The Only Leader in This Country Even Talking About Making a Real Revolution 

Bob Avakian at the Interviews on the RNL-Revolution, Nothing Less!-Show


Be part of a mission that can rapidly change the whole world. At a time when society is being ripped apart, with things likely coming to a head and coming up for grabs, Bob Avakian (BA) is giving real-time leadership for real revolution through his social media dispatches. Week in week out, he’s cutting through all the noise and bullshit with truth that the powers-that-be don’t want you to know: why we need revolution, how it’s more possible in these times and how a radically different system can be brought into being. These dispatches are the most powerful, cutting-edge tool to understand and act to change the whole political situation. This national campaign to make @BobAvakianOfficial known everywhere is working to raise big funds to get the social media dispatches in front of millions of people when it can make the decisive difference.

As Bob Avakian has said himself: "With thousands organized into the ranks of the revolution, millions can be won to revolution; and with millions won to revolution, there could be a real possibility for this revolution to win."

Through online advertisements and DMs, disruptive protests and banner blitzes, word of mouth and from streetcorner loudmouths… on YouTube, Instagram, X, TikTok, Telegram, Substack, and even snail mail… we revcoms are spearheading this campaign to put @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere. We’re impacting society, shaking awake millions and raising their sights, disturbing the “woke” posers and fascist trolls, while training those who do want a better world on how to fight for it. We’re just getting started, and we’re recruiting you to DONATE, RAISE FUNDS and VOLUNTEER NOW! Think of the difference it can make for millions of people to know that their choices are not limited to following ruling class politicians—whether it’s MAGA fascist Trump or war-crimes Kamala! 

Bob Avakian has made the case that:

Everything will very likely be coming to a head and coming up for grabs this year, 2024, with the presidential election this year a sharp focus of the fight between the dominating ruling class parties—Democrats and Republicans—a fight that is very likely to break all out of the bounds of the “normal way” they exercise power over the people, and keep their whole murderous system going.


This is a situation the revcoms are racing against the clock to be in position for. Up against everyone else out there working to maintain the system of oppression in some form or another, the revcoms are working urgently to bring forward a force that has a "clear understanding of the need, and be in position, to wage a powerful struggle to determine the whole direction of things in the midst of such an acute crisis, in order to carry things forward toward the only real positive solution: a truly emancipating revolution."

The most dynamic thing we have going for us—to plant an electrifying pole for this revolution, to make it known to millions, and to bring forward and train thousands—is the social media dispatches coming from Bob Avakian, with the revolutionary clarity and sharpness, with the vision and hard-hitting truth that he is bringing. Where increasingly people will be asking who to look to and follow, people need to know that we don't have to choose between oppressors... that a radically different, and far better world, is possible.

Raising funds to do targeted online advertising can quickly get Bob Avakian's voice in front of millions. In combination with a movement coming up from the underground, this has a fighting chance to break through—changing the terms of how masses of people see things and how every institution has to respond. 

BA is completely different than the endless stream of bourgeois (capitalist) “leaders” who are put forward, and others who cannot see, or will not look, beyond the confines of this horrific system. BA is hard-core for revolution, with a largeness of mind, generosity of spirit, and lively sense of humor. He has developed the “new communism,” the scientific method and approach for a total revolution on the road to human emancipation. Find out more about BA in his Official Biography.

Many love him, also many hate him, both for the same reason: for over 50 years he has not given up on revolution to end all oppression. Right now, through his social media dispatches, he’s leading people to recognize—and act on—the rare opening that has emerged to make this revolution. And he has called on people serious about wanting to fight for this to join THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity to make this a reality. 

We can't compete with the bourgeois politicians in terms of funding. We are going up against the algorithm which just reinforces the status quo. And we are not just telling people what they want to hear. But we do have truth and the real interests of the masses of humanity—here and around the world—on our side. With funding in the tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars, this can bust through the bullshit in a way that nothing else can. But that requires you.

Contribute. Raise funds. Be part of fighting for the future. Join the campaign to get @BobAvakianOfficial Everywhere.

@BobAvakianOfficial - The System In This Country Is Not "Democracy"


@BobAvakianOfficial #81


BAofficial social media graphic 1920x1080


The latest dispatches from @BobAvakianOfficial.


As of
Goal: $8,000
Raised: $1,628


As the next nodal point within this campaign, we are calling for a concentrated push with Revolution #81: “Why I Am Not Running for President”: $8,000—raised by September 26—will fund a targeted push on YouTube in combination with a concerted postering campaign. For more on what $8,000 can do, see here.

Make a contribution to getting the most radical revolutionary and visionary voice impacting all of society now — donate to getting @BobAvakianOfficial everywhere.  Bob Avakian is speaking the truth about the need and the possibility for real revolution in this time.  This is the truth that the powers-that-be don't want you to know.  The truth that they actively shut down and suppress. Online advertising is one of the most dynamic ways to spread Bob Avakian's voice at scale and with speed. But this requires funds!  Donate to help go up against the censorship, brainwash and anti-communist slander.

This campaign will combine online advertising with a grassroots movement to spread this — hand to hand and on the walls — with bold, in-your-face actions to wake and shake people up.


William Parker


William Parker

My name is William Parker. Since 1972, I have been making "Black Revolutionary Music." (Playing and writing music to inspire human Revolution change through sound art, poetry, and dance...) >>

From a 92 year old supporter and follower of Bob Avakian: 

“I am having trouble expressing how fortunate I am to be living at the same time as him and how lucky the human race is that he is here at this time of crisis, danger and opportunity.” >>

From a follower of BA in another country who helps translate BA’s work into Spanish.

“Dear compañer@s: 

When I think about how urgent it is to spread the thought and work of Bob Avakian, concentrated in the New Synthesis...” >>

C. Clark Kissinger on why you should follow @BobAvakian if you want revolution & a better world

Revcom in the Midwest talks about spreading Bob Avakian's leadership on Facebook



Are you sick and tired of people being treated as less than human, here and around the world?
Are you done choosing between the “lesser of two evils” and want fundamental change for the better?
Join the campaign to get Bob Avakian's social media everywhere!

Be part of on-the-ground efforts.  Join with THE REVCOM CORPS For The Emancipation Of Humanity in your area or work with Revolution Books in NY and Berkeley

If you’re not near any of those, and want to get involved contact us. You can download materials here, and start spreading online and on-the-ground.

Do you want to volunteer with the National Team? Do you have experience in developing an ad/campaign strategy?  Graphic designers skills?  Experience in editing or developing advertising content?  Want to be part of reaching out to influencers and media?  Fill out this form and we'll get back to you right away!



Bob Avakian (BA) is the most important political thinker and leader in the world today.

Find out more about Bob Avakian

Bob Avakian - Official Biography book cover





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