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Coming Events at Revolution Books

What is Revolution Books?

At a moment when the planet and future of humanity are in peril...when so many are agonizing over where things are headed yet dreaming of something far better...Revolution Books is where you find the way out of the madness. Here the search for the truth meets the poetic spirit—with books, authors, films, and performance. Here you find the most radical revolution in the work and leadership of Bob Avakian who has developed the new communism aimed at the emancipation of humanity. A revolution to overthrow this system, and create a society and world in which human beings can truly flourish and the imagination can soar. Welcome to Revolution Books.

Hook up with the revolution!

Revolution Books, New York City

People inside Revolution Books


New York City, Revolution Books   

HOURS: Tues-Thurs-Fri-Sat-Sun 12-6 pm

LOCATION: 437 Malcolm X Blvd (at 132nd St) (2/3 train to 135th St)
New York, NY 10037

CONTACT: 212-691-3345


Revolution Books, Berkeley

Berkeley Revolution Books


Berkeley Revolution Books   

HOURS: Tues-Fri 12:30-7pm; Sat & Sun 1:00-6pm

LOCATION: 2444 Durant Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704

CONTACT: 510-848-1196



New York Events

437 Malcolm X Blvd (at 132nd St) (2/3 train to 135th St) 
New York, NY 10037

There are currently no scheduled events. Come back later to check.



Berkeley Events

2444 Durant Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704

From Bob Avakian: "2025: A New Year—Profound New Challenges—And a Profoundly Positive Way Forward in the Face of Very Real Horror"

Thursday, January 16th, 2025, 5 p.m.

We are sharing this message from

Over the next few days, go all out to build for the:

Special broadcast of The RNL—Revolution, Nothing Less!—Show:

An important message from Bob Avakian:

2025: A New Year—Profound New ChallengesAnd A Profoundly Positive Way Forward In the Face of Very Real Horror.

Come to Revolution Books to watch.

 Watch it together with friends, family, comrades, everyone you can.


Anti-Inaugural, Anti-Fascist Revolutionary Poetry Evening

Friday, January 17, 2025, 7 p.m.

Trump/MAGA fascism is coming to power in the country that is the world’s most powerful capitalist-imperialist plunderer of people and the environment. Trump is now assembling a fascist machine to “Make America Great Again” with a cruel program targeting immigrants, women, LGBT people, Black people and others. He is in full support of the genocide of the Palestinian people and has threatened that Israel should "finish the job.” He has promised to “drill baby drill”. 

What is profoundly needed is active, determined opposition to this fascism with the goal of defeating it. 

Let us then, begin now, through poetry and song. 
Let us shine a light on our love for humanity, and the planet itself, both of which are in great danger. 
Let us inspire others and bring beauty, bravery and bold anger! 

In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America! 

"This is not a time for demoralization and despair. It is a time for righteous anger and revolutionary determination". -Bob Avakian


LA Fires Lead to Massive Devastation - This Capitalist-Imperialist System Is Setting the World on Fire... Only Revolution Gives Us a Chance to Save the Planet

Saturday, January 18, 2025, 6 p.m.

Discussion at Revolution Books on the LA Fires with the Revcom Environmental Writing Group

  • Climate change is driving intense fires and storms across the planet. How has capitalist-driven climate change “set the stage” for the LA fires? What are other causes of the fires?
  • The fires in LA—and the ever more horrifying climate change itself—are fundamentally a SYSTEM problem, not mainly the fault of government officials or fire departments as Trump bellows. But what does “system problem” actually mean? What kind of system? What will it take to stop it?
  • Is a radically different socialist society which makes human society caretakers of the planet instead of ravagers possible? How?

Read revcom articles on the LA fires here, here, and here.

Don’t be taken in by the profound lie that “there is no alternative.” Bob Avakian (BA) has authored a developed, visionary, and viable plan for a whole new emancipating society in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America that can actually confront and act on the environmental crisis on the scale, and with the urgency, and planetary perspective required.

CARD January 8, 2024 Los Angeles Eaton Fire